Listen To This EVERYDAY | Pray First Before You Start Your Day

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for your prayer to be effective it needs passionate faith behind it have you ever noticed how the fire and intensity you pray with when everything is good and comfortable in your life is very different to how you pray when you're in a testing season imagine being in the room and listening to hannah praying desperately for a son imagine listening to paul and silas in prison as they were chained but still praying and praising god can you just imagine a passion in their voices when hezekiah became deathly ill and the prophet isaiah came to him with a message from god that he would die the bible says in second kings chapter 20 verses two and three then hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the lord saying now o lord please remember how i have walked before you in faithfulness and with a whole heart and have done what is good in your sight and hezekiah wept bitterly can you begin to imagine the passion behind that prayer now before jesus was betrayed and arrested he was praying on the mount of olives the bible says in luke chapter 22 verses 41-44 and he withdrew from them about a stone's throw and knelt down and prayed saying father if you are willing remove this cup from me nevertheless not my will but yours be done and there appeared to him an angel from heaven strengthening him and being in agony he prayed more earnestly and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground let me draw your attention to verse 44 and being in agony he prayed more earnestly and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground people of god we may not enjoy trying times we may not enjoy tough times or challenges however there is no denying that when you are in the midst of great difficulty you pray with a fire you pray with a passion so at times we need to have the presence of mind to realize that the lord allows he allows certain things to happen to us he allows certain events to take place all so that we can tap into the next level of prayer our next level of faith so what you're going through may not be designed to destroy you but instead to build you what you're going through isn't intended to ruin you but instead it's all to strengthen you now let us pray dear lord forgive me if i have become too comfortable in my life forgive me if this has led me to pray casually with no real intensity i pray that my heart and soul would be set ablaze by the holy spirit let me pray with intensity with real sincerity take me to a new level in my prayer life i understand that for my prayer life to be effective it needs to be offered through a clean heart it needs to be mixed with faith and the word of god give me boldness lord and have mercy on me if i have ever doubted that you were listening to my prayers and lord i know that if i want to know you more intimately if i want to not only develop but strengthen my relationship with you then prayer must become something that i am passionate about prayer must become something i practice often may the holy spirit fill me up so that a passion for prayer may be birthed within my heart may i be so engulfed by the holy spirit that my heart would yearn to spend time in prayer with you fill me with a holy passion so that i can focus all my energy and attention on you lord jesus the bible has a promise in jeremiah chapter 29 verses 12 to 14 it's a promise that i will hold on to your word says then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and i will hear you you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart i will be found by you declares the lord and i will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where i have driven you declares the lord and i will bring you back to the place from which i sent you into exile when i seek you with all my heart lord jesus you have promised me that i will find you so may my prayers be like a sweet aroma to you may my prayers always be sincere and earnest to you may they be pleasing to you lord help me not just to pray and express my concerns my burdens and my needs but may the holy spirit help me to pray and search for your will help me to pray and simply offer praise and thanksgiving to you i give you all of my love affection and attention colossians 4 verse 2 says continue steadfastly in prayer being watchful in it with thanksgiving let me not be so consumed by my daily tasks and duties that i should neglect my prayer life may i be someone who lives in obedience to your word that tells me to continue steadfastly in prayer give me the resolve and discipline i need king jesus the discipline to know that i need to devote myself to pray on a daily basis father i understand that prayer is spiritual warfare scripture says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places so prayer is warfare and i understand it's not always going to be easy [Music] and in those times when i am under spiritual attack should i ever be weak or tired lord please renew the fire and fervency of prayer within me in those times when i'm under spiritual attack help me to be strong in prayer help me so that i won't be defeated by the enemy continue to help me live according to first thessalonians chapter 5 verses 16 to 18 which say rejoice always pray without ceasing give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of god in christ jesus for you i trust and believe that you have heard my prayer lord unto you i give praise and honor in the mighty and precious name of jesus christ i pray amen personally i've found that reading the word of god helps me to pray more effectively there are two reasons why i choose not to rely on simply praying from the top of my head and this is because firstly i can find myself drifting in thought after a few minutes we're all human and if you're anything like me you'll find that if you decide to start praying spontaneously sometimes our own mind becomes our worst enemy because after a few minutes you'll find that you suddenly remember that you need to do this today or you forgot to do something yesterday and so your mind is prone to wander now secondly i prefer not to pray from the top of my head because i want to avoid vain repetition if i begin praying with no real direction from scripture i can easily begin to repeat the same prayer request over and over again before you do it 10 minutes has passed 15 minutes have passed and there is no real depth to my prayer because i'm just begging god for the same thing over and over again so rather than relying on my own mind to come up with prayer items if i make the time to open the word of god and read a passage of scripture this makes an incredible difference to my prayer let's look at 2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 3 which says but the lord is faithful and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one lord i thank you for being faithful you have been faithful to protect me all throughout the night and you've been merciful enough to wake me up so i can see a new day i praise you for being a god who is always true to keep his word you are not a man that you should lie and that's what makes you so dependable i praise you for being so good and kind because it's your grace that i am strong this morning in your word you have promised to strengthen me and protect me from the evil one and so today lord i pray that you would give all the strength i need for whatever may come my way strengthen me to overcome any attacks from the devil today strengthen me to stand strong in faith i thank you in advance for keeping me and protecting me today as i chase your presence lord may i experience complete restoration may i find joy and triumph victory and gladness in you although the trials i face may leave me with a lot of unanswered questions or feelings of uncertainty you lord remain a certain god in the midst of an uncertain world you remain certain in the midst of the unknown jeremiah 33 verse 3 says call to me and i will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know i lift my faith today and i'm calling on you i call on the name of jesus christ the name above all names and even as i call you lord i call in faith and i call with the expectation that you will answer me i call on the name of jesus christ knowing that you are my deliverer at a time that i am desperate to be saved i call on you lord knowing that you are a healer and you can still perform miracles in my life today you are the one who restores when i am lacking you lord are my refuge every time that i need safety and protection and so i honor you and i thank you your word says in exodus 15 verse 2 the lord is my strength and my defense he has become my salvation he is my god and i will praise him my father's god and i will exalt him you are my strength even in the middle of the storm so i ask that you continue to be my shelter lord jesus be my safety net when i fall lord be my source of hope when i am down or discouraged when your presence is with me then i can let go of all of my worries i can let go of everything that can make me anxious i am no longer fearful in your presence goodness and mercy follow me when i am in your presence lord jesus just your presence alone will solve every issue in my life because in your presence there is strength there is peace there is love and everlasting life that's why i desire to draw near to you i desire to live a life that is close to you because when i am close to you i am hidden from the enemy with your grace and favor i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i thank you and i praise you for being an almighty keeper and provider i pray that the reality in my life will be your goodness your grace your love and unmerited favor i trade my burdens and weakness for strength and joy in you lord take away the voids that are in my life the feelings of emptiness and make me whole instead may i be satisfied by the treasures that's in your word thank you lord because you are there for me whether i need deliverance from sin affliction or sickness you alone have the power to set me free and father for everything that i go through though it may be inconvenient and unpleasant i pray that you would somehow someway produce in me a character that is more pleasing to you produce in me stronger faith a deeper desire to know you and walk with you lord i ask that you will continue to bless everything that i seek to do i claim victory over my challenges and successes in all of my endeavors today i claim renewed strength as i wait on you lord jesus i rejoice because you are a savior who holds all power in his hand you lord can save me you lord are the one who listens to all of my petitions to all of my prayers and i pray that you grant me my heart's desire according to your will [Music] you are the most high king i pray that my reality will be your goodness your favor your love and grace father i come before you today with all humility like your word says search me thoroughly oh god and know my heart test me and know my anxious thoughts and see if there is any wicked or hurtful way in me and lead me in the everlasting way lord jesus would you reveal to me the hidden things in my life that i should do away with reveal to me any and all idols all impure things and anything that is not of you may you shine a holy searchlight within me so that i can see clearly what attitudes to cast away what relationships to end what activities to forsake what choices to make show me lord jesus how i should walk how i should behave and conduct myself all for your glory i praise you for you are worthy you are perfect in all your ways thank you for listening to my prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen saints of god we need to guard our spirits we need to guard our minds and our hearts we are bombarded with all kinds of influences all kinds of temptations there are all kinds of evil forces vying for our attention vying for an opportunity to enter our lives and wreak havoc we need to guard our hearts our minds eyes and ears because these are all gateways their gateways into our lives i believe we need the holy spirit now more so than ever with the help of the holy spirit we can have discernment we can identify that this is something deceptive with the help of the holy spirit we can discern if something appears to be of god but it really is glorifying other things other things that aren't of god like this world pride and pleasure we need guidance from the holy spirit on how to navigate this life while protecting our faith our joy our mind stayed even i say this because we have to be honest and we have to be real everything on television isn't good for your soul everything you listen to isn't edifying you everyone you come across is not good for you the deception of the devil is that he wants to lure us into a false sense of security he wants you to see something that is evil but believe that it is harmless entertainment the devil wants you to see something that will plant seeds of lust but he'll want you to compromise and say that's just a movie that's not real well it may be just a movie but it certainly plants seeds in your mind satan wants you to open the door so that the spirit of fear can enter your life but he'll never come out in the open about it he'll never call it fear instead he'll call it a haunted house experience at an amusement park for example it seems small it seems insignificant but it is certainly a gateway so we need the holy spirit to help us to help us discern and remain guarded saints we need to pray for discernment spiritual discernment is a gift provided by the lord to lead and guide you discernment is a gift a process that allows us to filter the deception of the devil from the truth of god and so i believe we really need to make it a prayer point that the lord would give us discernment may he remove the scales from our eyes may he reveal the spirit that lies behind the things we watch the music we hear and the places we visit may the lord give us the spirit of discernment even when it comes to the people we allow to enter into our lives our prayer should be that god would reveal who is really for us and who has been planted by the enemy now let us pray lord jesus christ we need you in our lives we need the holy spirit in our lives we need direction we need counsel and we certainly we certainly need discernment the bible says in first john 4 verse 1 beloved do not believe every spirit but test the spirits whether they are of god because many false prophets have gone out into the world [Music] lord teach me not to believe every spirit but through the guidance of the holy ghost help me to test each spirit may i be sensitive to the voice of the holy ghost when it comes to what i want what i listen to where i go and who i spend time with i pray that the holy spirit would reveal to me the spirit behind the things that i watch the spirit behind the music i listen to and especially the spirit behind the person and the people that i interact with may he help me discern whether it's a spirit that's from god or if it is the devil plotting and scheming to destroy me lord i need discernment i need it concerning the people around me i understand that the devil can use people and plant people with the objective of discouraging me or leading me into sin i pray that you would reveal these people in my life reveal everyone who is sent by the enemy i pray that you would reveal those individuals who have been sent by the devil to rob me of my peace of mind and sow discord and confusion within me lord jesus i need your guidance i need discernment i pray that you would expose everyone sent by the enemy to drain me of my strength to distract me from my calling your word says in ephesians 5 verses 6 through 10 let no one deceive you with empty words for because of these things the wrath of god comes upon the sons of disobedience therefore do not become partners with them for at one time you were darkness but now you are light in the lord walk as children of light for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true and try to discern what is pleasing to the lord lord thank you for bringing me into the light i pray that i would have no fellowship no friendship with those in darkness lord right now i pray for the guidance of the holy spirit when it comes to the people i should allow in my life i need your guidance holy spirit when it comes to who i should allow close to me help me to identify those who genuinely love god and desire to please him [Music] father help me to identify them from the false prophets and from those who work in sin god give me true discernment from the holy spirit so that i may be able to pick out a false prophet from a true man or woman of god in this world full of wolves and sheep's clothing holy spirit i ask that you help me to see who is really speaking from god's word and who is speaking from a place of doctrine mixed with deception help me to see who's speaking with a spirit of pride and selfish gain versus someone who is speaking to glorify god lord i am aware that we wrestle not against flesh and blood i am aware that there are forces of darkness that are out there seeking to influence my heart right now i rebuke those evil forces in my life in jesus name i welcome only your truth king jesus i welcome your light and i welcome your spirit it is in jesus name that i pray this prayer [Music] amen here are five prayer points to start your day point number one be thankful be grateful always always wake up with a spirit of gratitude so long as you have breath in your body you have a reason to thank the lord first thessalonians 5 verses 16 to 18 say rejoice always pray without ceasing give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of god in christ jesus for you notice how the bible doesn't say give thanks for all circumstances it doesn't say that it says give thanks in all circumstances in all circumstances whether they be good or bad painful or joyful give thanks you see life will present us with all kinds of situations and regardless of what the situation is there will always be something we can thank god for this is the type of attitude that would see the blessing in the storm point number two we need divine protection when you wake up each morning you never know what the day has in store this world presents us with many different threats and the bible tells us in 1st peter 5 verse 8 be sober-minded be watchful your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour read that carefully the devil is actively looking for someone to devour don't let it be you you need divine protection the protection offered by the blood of jesus christ angelic protection heavenly protection the type of protection that comes only from the good shepherd point number three praise god never let a day go by without praising the lord we only praise what we value and so if you value the lord and if you are grateful for what he has done you will praise him many battles are won simply by praise the israelites brought down the walls of jericho with a shout of praise paul and silas were set free from prison as they praised the lord at midnight so you see praise is powerful praise is us appreciating the lord it's a saying we value you lord jesus we adore you point number four invite the holy spirit into your life and into your day romans 15 verse 13 says now may the god of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope by the power of the holy spirit the holy spirit empowers us he is the helper he helps us to abound in hope and faith we need him to teach us the ways of god and we certainly need his counsel and the final point the final point is all to do with submission submit to the lord and ask him to order your steps submit to the lord by seeking to do his will each and every day submit to the lord and have a willingness to serve him that day humble yourself and seek to do something for the lord each day whether it's telling someone about jesus or finding someone less fortunate to bless submit yourself to serve the lord now let us pray lord jesus you are great lord you are worthy of my adoration and all of my worship lord you are a mighty and powerful god and there is none like you there is none who can even come close to you i praise you o god because you are all knowing you are omnipotent and omniscient there is none that we can compare to you there is none who is your equal isaiah 40 verse 26 says lift up your eyes on high and see who created these he who brings out their host by number calling them all by name by the greatness of his might and because he is strong in power not one is missing father i'm grateful i'm truly grateful for all that you do for all that you have done and i am even thankful for all that you will do in the future lord i pray that the holy spirit would teach me how to be thankful in all circumstances whether they be good or bad painful or joyful help me to see the hand of god the goodness of god in all circumstances give me an attitude that sees the blessing in the storm allow my eyes to see your hand even as i go through the fire lord jesus i submit to you i submit and say let your will be done have your way in my life as you order my steps holy spirit teach me how to search and seek the lord on a daily basis teach me how to carry out god's will for my life and how to serve him teach me how to humble myself before the lord holy spirit teach me to be still and acknowledge him as the everlasting god acts 4 verse 31 says and when they had prayed the place in which they were gathered together was shaken and they were all filled with the holy spirit and continued to speak the word of god with boldness even as i pray in this moment holy spirit i invite you to shake my life fill me and empower me with courage and boldness so that i can stand and declare the goodness of the lord i welcome you holy spirit teach me to rejoice always teach me to rely on the joy of the lord as my source of strength holy spirit teach me how to pray without ceasing teach me how to pray in the spirit the bible says in john 4 verse 24 god is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth holy spirit teach me how to worship the lord teach me how to worship him in spirit and in truth teach me how to have a closer and more intimate relationship with jesus holy spirit show me how to live how to talk and conduct myself in a way that honors god in a way that pleases him help me to always have praises on my lips let it become a habit let it become my routine to praise and worship the lord with every fiber of being in my body at every chance i get lord you're great and you are worthy to be praised i thank you for listening to this prayer it's in jesus name i pray [Music] amen god is omnipresent meaning he is in all places at all times he is ever present he neither comes nor goes jehovah shama means the lord is there the lord is present now let me tell you that god is never on his way because he is always there he's there in your past he's where you are right now and he's there in your future he was there yesterday he is there today and he will be there forevermore listen god's not limited to a physical location like us he's not restricted by time nor is he tied down to a place people might say they are on their way but god is always there whatever it is you are trying to get to god is already there david said in psalm 139 verses 7 through 10 where shall i go from your spirit or where shall i flee from your presence if i ascend to heaven you are there if i make my bed and she old you are there if i take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea even there your hands shall lead me and your right hand shall hold me saints the word powerful doesn't even begin to describe our god don't you ever underestimate him just because your situation looks bad don't think that the lord is absent in the midst of your discomfort god was there in the lion's den a place where many had thought daniel had come face to face with his end but god said otherwise one day god decided to demonstrate that he is there and he is powerful when he sent fire raining down from heaven to answer elijah's prayer he was there when the red sea was turned into a highway he was there god is omnipresent he was there at the beginning of time he was there before you and i were ever formed in our mother's wombs he is jehovah shama he is present in all locations at all times in all ways and today let me tell you that god is with you he's there to lead you to clear a path for you to heal you even he's there when you need a miracle and it might not be in your own time but in his perfect timing when you need peace he is there when you need comfort or strength he is there to give you just that the truth of the matter is most of the time god is waiting on us he's waiting on us to believe and lift up our faith he's waiting on us to trust him fully completely and totally now let us pray dear god i thank you for being there i thank you for being present you are jehovah shama and you have been there lovingly and patiently waiting for me to answer to the knock of christ lord i thank you for being there for me always you have been there during the darkest moments of my life when i thought i was down and out and although i couldn't see it at the time in hindsight i give you praise and i thank you lord jesus because you held me together you gave me strength second corinthians 4 verses 8 through 9 say we are afflicted in every way but not crushed perplexed but not driven to despair persecuted but not forsaken struck down but not destroyed this is my testimony lord you've been there you've held me close so that i would not be crushed by life you've held me close so that my mind would not be driven to despair you lord have been there during my most difficult moments and lord for that i am grateful i'm grateful because you have never forsaken me lord i thank you for always being present for always being there and for loving me even before i loved you father you loved me even while i was still lost in sin and for that i'm forever grateful god i thank you and i praise you for being my shield and my defense whenever the enemy tried to attack me thank you for being present king jesus and for being my refuge and my protection your word says in jeremiah 29 verse 13 you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart lord this is my heart's desire to find you to have an encounter with you to feel and be changed by your presence lord god almighty you inhabit the praises of your people and so we praise you we praise you and we invite your presence into our lives fill our home with your glory fill our hearts with your love as our hearts cry and long for your presence may this prayer be like a sweet aroma a sweet fragrance that reaches your heavenly throne and invites you to move in our lives father god our trust is in your promise the one you made in isaiah 65 24 where you say before they call i will answer while they are yet speaking i will hear lord we believe and hold on to this promise because we know that you are a god who hears and you are a god who answers father help me to understand that your ways are not like my ways your timing is divine your timing is perfect and so lord in the fullness of your time i really do believe that you will answer my heart's cry i believe that you will show up and i believe you'll make a way in your perfect time i believe you already have a solution ready made for me you are already in my future with an answer for every single concern that i have and so i praise and honor you in psalm 28 verse 7 it says the lord is my strength and my shield in him my heart trusts and i am helped my heart exalts and with my song i give thanks to him lord you are indeed my source of strength and an impenetrable shield against the enemy my heart trusts in you king jesus with unwavering confidence in him it's in you that i find help refuge and rest it's in you that i find peace and comfort and so father i pray that you would hear our prayer may your presence be with us may it dwell among us lord i bless your holy name and i thank you for hearing this prayer in jesus name amen what troubles you what troubles your heart what weighs heavy on your shoulders is there anything that causes anxiety in your heart unrest in your mind maybe friend jesus christ is the cure for your troubled heart he is the perfect remedy to restore you philippians 4 verse 6 says do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to god the lord doesn't want us to be worried over the troubles of life this is not to say nothing will ever affect you or that you should ignore it all no you can have a reasonable and responsible concern about something but do not let it trouble you the bible clearly states do not be anxious about anything that's an absolute statement and there are no exceptions one way to look at it is if you are anxious about anything you are going against the word of god because it definitely says do not be anxious about anything so friend don't be upset over your troubles do not be anxious over your troubles don't be swallowed by your troubles don't drown in them don't exalt them and do not be consumed by them whatever it is that troubles you it's not bigger than jesus christ psalms 50 verse 15 says call upon me in the day of trouble i will deliver you and you shall glorify me god wants you and i to call on him he says trust me in your times of trouble trust me in your time of affliction the lord wants you to trust him enough to call on his name as your first last and only resources so let your hope be found in god he is the perfect solution each and every time i encourage you to call on him whether it's day or night because your way out of that situation is already there your future is in his hands us pray heavenly father we are so grateful for the opportunity to enter your presence thank you for extending your grace toward us thank you for forgiving us thank you for allowing us to have sweet communion with you [Music] lord we say what a friend we have in jesus all our sins and griefs to bear what a privilege to carry everything to god in prayer oh lord the troubles of life can be many but we pray that you will save us and deliver us from every form of trouble and distress be it in our minds our bodies our souls or in our hearts save us and deliver us lord let our hearts not be troubled by the evil in this world father let our hearts not be troubled by earthly matters such as our jobs or our finances instead let us not be anxious for anything but in everything through prayer through supplication with thanksgiving help us to come to you and lay down everything that concerns us lord jesus help us and strengthen each person who is listening in agreement let us not be overwhelmed by any challenges mishaps adversities afflictions or difficulties give us divine peace deep within our souls help us not to be restless holy ghost help us not to fear even when things around us appear to be spiraling out of control even though life may bring its challenges we declare that jesus christ will see us through in john 14 verse 1 your word says do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in god believe also in me you said these words to your disciples when they were worried and when they were confused you reassured them and today we take a hold of your words by faith and declare that our hearts will not be troubled in jesus name you lord have told us through your word not to give in to fear and worry and not to allow current events to trouble our spirits you have given us hope because you promise to prepare a place for us in heaven and you will return to take us with you and rejoice in eternity you are an almighty god and your power is unmatched you can calm even the seas and the winds and we give you thanks for your unending love lord we submit to you we surrender all we surrender knowing that you care for us so we pray that you would calm every troubled heart listening i pray that you will direct my paths as i learn to depend wholly on you we are seeking your peace in our lives i pray that nothing would take away the peace of mind you've blessed us with let nothing whether it's financial work related or linked to friends or family let nothing in this world steal our joy and peace we need the peace that you have promised in philippians 4 verse 6 to 7 which says do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to god and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in christ jesus father we know and trust that you are working out all things for our good so we give you thanks in every situation remove those things that cause us to worry and help us to accept the things that we cannot change grant us serenity amid any trouble we encounter i pray that you will guard our hearts and minds and protect us from the destructive power of worry remove all fear and doubts and fill us with joy and thanksgiving increase our faith as we stand on psalms 55 22 which says cast your cares on the lord and he will sustain you he will never let the righteous be shaken you are a wonderful god who will sustain us in the middle of every challenge it's only your everlasting peace that has the power to keep us from succumbing to the cares and anxieties of this world only your peace can calm our spirits and comfort us when everything around frustrates only your peace has the power to protect our hearts and minds while you keep us calm and settled during storms we praise you in advance for answering our prayers we praise you for the peace that you have blessed us with peace that we can find nowhere else but in you we claim this peace over our life circumstances all our cares and anxieties are surrendered to you lord and we open our lives to be filled with your goodness love and joy i will forever trust in your love wisdom and power thank you for your comfort assurance and peace it's in the mighty name of jesus christ our lord that we pray amen for your prayer to be effective it needs passionate faith behind it have you ever noticed how the fire and intensity you pray with when everything is good and comfortable in your life is very different to how you pray when you're in a testing season imagine being in the room and listening to hannah praying desperately for a son imagine listening to paul and silas in prison as they were chained but still praying and praising god can you just imagine a passion in their voices when hezekiah became deathly ill and the prophet isaiah came to him with a message from god that he would die the bible says in second kings chapter 20 verses 2 and 3. then hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the lord saying now o lord please remember how i have walked before you in faithfulness and with a whole heart and have done what is good in your sight and hezekiah wept bitterly can you begin to imagine the passion behind that prayer now before jesus was betrayed and arrested he was praying on the mount of olives the bible says in luke chapter 22 verses 41-44 and he withdrew from them about a stone's throw and knelt down and prayed saying father if you are willing remove this cup from me [Music] nevertheless not my will but yours be done and there appeared to him an angel from heaven strengthening him and being in agony he prayed more earnestly and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground let me draw your attention to verse 44 and being in agony he prayed more earnestly and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground people of god we may not enjoy trying times we may not enjoy tough times or challenges however there is no denying that when you are in the midst of great difficulty you pray with a fire you pray with a passion so at times we need to have the presence of mind to realize that the lord allows he allows certain things to happen to us he allows certain events to take place all so that we can tap into the next level of prayer our next level of faith so what you're going through may not be designed to destroy you but instead to build you what you're going through isn't intended to ruin you but instead it's all to strengthen you now let us pray dear lord forgive me if i have become too comfortable in my life forgive me if this has led me to pray casually with no real intensity i pray that my heart and soul would be set ablaze by the holy spirit let me pray with intensity with real sincerity take me to a new level in my prayer life i understand that for my prayer life to be effective it needs to be offered through a clean heart it needs to be mixed with faith and the word of god give me boldness lord and have mercy on me if i have ever doubted that you were listening to my prayers and lord i know that if i want to know you more intimately if i want to not only develop but strengthen my relationship with you then prayer must become something that i am passionate about prayer must become something i practice often may the holy spirit fill me up so that a passion for prayer may be birthed within my heart may i be so engulfed by the holy spirit that my heart would yearn to spend time in prayer with you fill me with a holy passion so that i can focus all my energy and attention on you lord jesus the bible has a promise in jeremiah chapter 29 verses 12 to 14 it's a promise that i will hold on to your word says then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and i will hear you you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart i will be found by you declares the lord and i will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where i have driven you declares the lord and i will bring you back to the place from which i sent you into exile when i seek you with all my heart lord jesus you have promised me that i will find you so may my prayers be like a sweet aroma to you may my prayers always be sincere and earnest to you may they be pleasing to you lord help me not just to pray and express my concerns my burdens and my needs but may the holy spirit help me to pray and search for your will help me to pray and simply offer praise and thanksgiving to you i give you all of my love affection and attention colossians 4 verse 2 says continue steadfastly in prayer being watchful in it with thanksgiving let me not be so consumed by my daily tasks and duties that i should neglect my prayer life may i be someone who lives in obedience to your word that tells me to continue steadfastly in prayer give me the resolve and discipline i need king jesus the discipline to know that i need to devote myself to pray on a daily basis father i understand that prayer is spiritual warfare scripture says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places so prayer is warfare and i understand it's not always going to be easy [Music] and in those times when i am under spiritual attack should i ever be weak or tired lord please renew the fire and fervency of prayer within me in those times when i'm under spiritual attack help me to be strong in prayer help me so that i won't be defeated by the enemy continue to help me live according to first thessalonians chapter 5 verses 16 to 18 which say rejoice always pray without ceasing give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of god in christ jesus for you i trust and believe that you have heard my prayer lord unto you i give praise and honor in the mighty and precious name of jesus christ i pray amen personally i've found that reading the word of god helps me to pray more effectively there are two reasons why i choose not to rely on simply praying from the top of my head and this is because firstly i can find myself drifting in thought after a few minutes we're all human and if you're anything like me you'll find that if you decide to start praying spontaneously sometimes our own mind becomes our worst enemy because after a few minutes you'll find that you suddenly remember that you need to do this today or you forgot to do something yesterday and so your mind is prone to wander now secondly i prefer not to pray from the top of my head because i want to avoid vain repetition if i begin praying with no real direction from scripture i can easily begin to repeat the same prayer request over and over again before you do it 10 minutes has passed 15 minutes have passed and there is no real depth to my prayer because i'm just begging god for the same thing over and over again so rather than relying on my own mind to come up with prayer items if i make the time to open the word of god and read a passage of scripture this makes an incredible difference to my prayer let's look at 2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 3 which says but the lord is faithful and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one lord i thank you for being faithful you have been faithful to protect me all throughout the night and you've been merciful enough to wake me up so i can see a new day i praise you for being a god who is always true to keep his word you are not a man that you should lie and that's what makes you so dependable i praise you for being so good and kind because it's your grace that i am strong this morning in your word you have promised to strengthen me and protect me from the evil one and so today lord i pray that you would give all the strength i need for whatever may come my way strengthen me to overcome any attacks from the devil today strengthen me to stand strong in faith i thank you in advance for keeping me and protecting me today as i chase your presence lord may i experience complete restoration may i find joy and triumph victory and gladness in you although the trials i face may leave me with a lot of unanswered questions or feelings of uncertainty you lord remain a certain god in the midst of an uncertain world you remain certain in the midst of the unknown jeremiah 33 verse 3 says call to me and i will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know i lift my faith today and i'm calling on you i call on the name of jesus christ the name above all names and even as i call you lord i call in faith and i call with the expectation that you will answer me i call on the name of jesus christ knowing that you are my deliverer at a time that i am desperate to be saved i call on you lord knowing that you are a healer and you can still perform miracles in my life today you are the one who restores when i am lacking you lord are my refuge every time that i need safety and protection and so i honor you and i thank you your word says in exodus 15 verse 2 the lord is my strength and my defense he has become my salvation he is my god and i will praise him my father's god and i will exalt him you are my strength even in the middle of a storm [Music] so i ask that you continue to be my shelter lord jesus be my safety net when i fall lord be my source of hope when i am down or discouraged when your presence is with me then i can let go of all of my worries i can let go of everything that can make me anxious i am no longer fearful in your presence goodness and mercy follow me when i am in your presence lord jesus just your presence alone will solve every issue in my life because in your presence there is strength there is peace there is love and everlasting life that's why i desire to draw near to you i desire to live a life that is close to you because when i am close to you i am hidden from the enemy with your grace and favor i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i thank you and i praise you for being an almighty keeper and provider i pray that the reality in my life will be your goodness your grace your love and unmerited favor i trade my burdens and weakness for strength and joy in you lord take away the voids that are in my life the feelings of emptiness and make me whole instead may i be satisfied by the treasures that's in your word thank you lord because you are there for me whether i need deliverance from sin affliction or sickness you alone have the power to set me free and father for everything that i go through though it may be inconvenient and unpleasant i pray that you would somehow someway produce in me a character that is more pleasing to you produce in me stronger faith a deeper desire to know you and walk with you lord i ask that you will continue to bless everything that i seek to do i claim victory over my challenges and successes in all of my endeavors today i claim renewed strength as i wait on you lord jesus i rejoice because you are a savior who holds all power in his hand you lord can save me you lord are the one who listens to all of my petitions to all of my prayers and i pray that you grant me my heart's desire according to your will [Music] you are the most high king i pray that my reality will be your goodness your favor your love and grace father i come before you today with all humility like your word says search me thoroughly oh god and know my heart test me and know my anxious thoughts and see if there is any wicked or hurtful way in me and lead me in the everlasting way lord jesus would you reveal to me the hidden things in my life that i should do away with reveal to me any and all idols all impure things and anything that is not of you may you shine a holy searchlight within me so that i can see clearly what attitudes to cast away what relationships to end what activities to forsake what choices to make show me lord jesus how i should walk how i should behave and conduct myself all for your glory i praise you for you are worthy you are perfect in all your ways thank you for listening to my prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen saints of god we need to guard our spirits we need to guard our minds and our hearts we are bombarded with all kinds of influences all kinds of temptations there are all kinds of evil forces vying for our attention vying for an opportunity to enter our lives and wreak havoc we need to guard our hearts our minds eyes and ears because these are all gateways they're gateways into our lives i believe we need the holy spirit now more so than ever with the help of the holy spirit we can have discernment we can identify that this is something deceptive with the help of the holy spirit we can discern if something appears to be of god but it really is glorifying other things other things that aren't of god like this world pride and pleasure we need guidance from the holy spirit on how to navigate this life while protecting our faith our joy our mind state even i say this because we have to be honest and we have to be real everything on television isn't good for your soul everything you listen to isn't edifying you everyone you come across is not good for you the deception of the devil is that he wants to lure us into a false sense of security he wants you to see something that is evil but believe that it is harmless entertainment the devil wants you to see something that will plant seeds of lust but he'll want you to compromise and say that's just a movie that's not real well it may be just a movie but it certainly plants seeds in your mind satan wants you to open the door so that the spirit of fear can enter your life but he'll never come out in the open about it he'll never call it fear instead he'll call it a haunted house experience at an amusement park for example it seems small it seems insignificant but it is certainly a gateway so we need the holy spirit to help us to help us discern and remain guarded saints we need to pray for discernment spiritual discernment is a gift provided by the lord to lead and guide you discernment is a gift a process that allows us to filter the deception of the devil from the truth of god and so i believe we really need to make it a prayer point that the lord would give us discernment may he remove the scales from our eyes may he reveal the spirit that lies behind the things we watch the music we hear and the places we visit may the lord give us the spirit of discernment even when it comes to the people we allow to enter into our lives our prayer should be that god would reveal who is really for us and who has been planted by the enemy now let us pray lord jesus christ we need you in our lives we need the holy spirit in our lives we need direction we need counsel and we certainly we certainly need discernment the bible says in first john 4 verse 1 beloved do not believe every spirit but test the spirits whether they are of god because many false prophets have gone out into the world [Music] lord teach me not to believe every spirit but through the guidance of the holy ghost help me to test each spirit may i be sensitive to the voice of the holy ghost when it comes to what i want what i listen to where i go and who i spend time with i pray that the holy spirit would reveal to me the spirit behind the things that i watch the spirit behind the music i listen to and especially the spirit behind the person and the people that i interact with may he help me discern whether it's a spirit that's from god or if it is the devil plotting and scheming to destroy me lord i need discernment i need it concerning the people around me i understand that the devil can use people and plant people with the objective of discouraging me or leading me into sin i pray that you would reveal these people in my life reveal everyone who is sent by the enemy i pray that you would reveal those individuals who have been sent by the devil to rob me of my peace of mind and sow discord and confusion within me lord jesus i need your guidance i need discernment i pray that you would expose everyone sent by the enemy to drain me of my strength to distract me from my calling your word says in ephesians 5 verses 6 through 10 let no one deceive you with empty words for because of these things the wrath of god comes upon the sons of disobedience therefore do not become partners with them for at one time you were darkness but now you are light in the lord walk as children of light for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true and try to discern what is pleasing to the lord lord thank you for bringing me into the light i pray that i would have no fellowship no friendship with those in darkness lord right now i pray for the guidance of the holy spirit when it comes to the people i should allow in my life i need your guidance holy spirit when it comes to who i should allow close to me help me to identify those who genuinely love god and desire to please him [Music] father help me to identify them from the false prophets and from those who work in sin god give me true discernment from the holy spirit so that i may be able to pick out a false prophet from a true man or woman of god in this world full of wolves and sheep's clothing holy spirit i ask that you help me to see who is really speaking from god's word and who is speaking from a place of doctrine mixed with deception help me to see who's speaking with a spirit of pride and selfish gain versus someone who is speaking to glorify god lord i am aware that we wrestle not against flesh and blood i am aware that there are forces of darkness that are out there seeking to influence my heart right now i rebuke those evil forces in my life in jesus name i welcome only your truth king jesus i welcome your light and i welcome your spirit it is in jesus name that i pray this prayer amen here are five prayer points to start your day point number one be thankful be grateful always always wake up with a spirit of gratitude so long as you have breath in your body you have a reason to thank the lord first thessalonians 5 verses 16 to 18 say rejoice always pray without ceasing give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of god in christ jesus for you notice how the bible doesn't say give thanks for all circumstances it doesn't say that it says give thanks in all circumstances in all circumstances whether they be good or bad painful or joyful give thanks you see life will present us with all kinds of situations and regardless of what the situation is there will always be something we can thank god for this is the type of attitude that would see the blessing in the storm point number two we need divine protection when you wake up each morning you never know what the day has in store this world presents us with many different threats and the bible tells us in 1st peter 5 verse 8 be sober-minded be watchful your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour read that carefully the devil is actively looking for someone to devour don't let it be you you need divine protection the protection offered by the blood of jesus christ angelic protection heavenly protection the type of protection that comes only from the good shepherd point number three praise god never let a day go by without praising the lord we only praise what we value and so if you value the lord and if you are grateful for what he has done you will praise him many battles are won simply by praise the israelites brought down the walls of jericho with a shout of praise paul and silas were set free from prison as they praised the lord at midnight so you see praise is powerful praise is us appreciating the lord it's a saying we value you lord jesus we adore you point number four invite the holy spirit into your life and into your day romans 15 verse 13 says now may the god of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope by the power of the holy spirit the holy spirit empowers us he is the helper he helps us to abound in hope and faith we need him to teach us the ways of god and we certainly need his counsel and the final point the final point is all to do with submission submit to the lord and ask him to order your steps submit to the lord by seeking to do his will each and every day submit to the lord and have a willingness to serve him that day humble yourself and seek to do something for the lord each day whether it's telling someone about jesus or finding someone less fortunate to bless submit yourself to serve the lord now let us pray [Music] lord jesus you are great lord you are worthy of my adoration and all of my worship lord you are a mighty and powerful god and there is none like you there is none who can even come close to you i praise you o god because you are all knowing you are omnipotent and omniscient there is none that we can compare to you there is none who is your equal isaiah 40 verse 26 says lift up your eyes on high and see who created these he who brings out their host by number calling them all by name by the greatness of his might and because he is strong in power not one is missing father i'm grateful i'm truly grateful for all that you do for all that you have done and i am even thankful for all that you will do in the future lord i pray that the holy spirit would teach me how to be thankful in all circumstances whether they be good or bad painful or joyful help me to see the hand of god the goodness of god in all circumstances give me an attitude that sees the blessing in the storm allow my eyes to see your hand even as i go through the fire lord jesus i submit to you i submit and say let your will be done have your way in my life as you order my steps holy spirit teach me how to search and seek the lord on a daily basis teach me how to carry out god's will for my life and how to serve him teach me how to humble myself before the lord holy spirit teach me to be still and acknowledge him as the everlasting god acts 4 verse 31 says and when they had prayed the place in which they were gathered together was shaken and they were all filled with the holy spirit and continued to speak the word of god with boldness even as i pray in this moment holy spirit i invite you to shake my life fill me and empower me with courage and boldness so that i can stand and declare the goodness of the lord i welcome you holy spirit teach me to rejoice always teach me to rely on the joy of the lord as my source of strength holy spirit teach me how to pray without ceasing teach me how to pray in the spirit the bible says in john 4 verse 24 god is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth holy spirit teach me how to worship the lord teach me how to worship him in spirit and in truth teach me how to have a closer and more intimate relationship with jesus holy spirit show me how to live how to talk and conduct myself in a way that honors god in a way that pleases him help me to always have praises on my lips let it become a habit let it become my routine to praise and worship the lord with every fiber of being in my body at every chance i get lord you're great and you are worthy to be praised i thank you for listening to this prayer it's in jesus name i pray [Music] amen god is omnipresent meaning he is in all places at all times he is ever present he neither comes nor goes jehovah shama means the lord is there the lord is present now let me tell you that god is never on his way because he is always there he's there in your past he's where you are right now and he's there in your future he was there yesterday he is there today and he will be there forevermore listen god's not limited to a physical location like us he's not restricted by time nor is he tied down to a place people might say they are on their way but god is always there whatever it is you are trying to get to god is already there david said in psalm 139 verses 7 through 10 where shall i go from your spirit or where shall i flee from your presence if i ascend to heaven you are there if i make my bed and she old you are there if i take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea even there your hands shall lead me and your right hand shall hold me saints the word powerful doesn't even begin to describe our god don't you ever underestimate him just because your situation looks bad don't think that the lord is absent in the midst of your discomfort god was there in the lion's den a place where many had thought daniel had come face to face with his end but god said otherwise one day god decided to demonstrate that he is there and he is powerful when he sent fire raining down from heaven to answer elijah's prayer he was there when the red sea was turned into a highway he was there god is omnipresent he was there at the beginning of time he was there before you and i were ever formed in our mother's wombs he is jehovah shama he is present in all locations at all times in all ways and today let me tell you that god is with you he's there to lead you to clear a path for you to heal you even he's there when you need a miracle and it might not be in your own time but in his perfect timing when you need peace he is there when you need comfort or strength he is there to give you just that the truth of the matter is most of the time god is waiting on us he's waiting on us to believe and lift up our faith he's waiting on us to trust him fully completely and totally now let us pray dear god i thank you for being there i thank you for being present you are jehovah shama and you have been there lovingly and patiently waiting for me to answer to the knock of christ lord i thank you for being there for me always you have been there during the darkest moments of my life when i thought i was down and out and although i couldn't see it at the time in hindsight i give you praise and i thank you lord jesus because you held me together you gave me strength second corinthians 4 verses 8 through 9 say we are afflicted in every way but not crushed perplexed but not driven to despair persecuted but not forsaken struck down but not destroyed this is my testimony lord you've been there you've held me close so that i would not be crushed by light you've held me close so that my mind would not be driven to despair you lord have been there during my most difficult moments and lord for that i am grateful i'm grateful because you have never forsaken me lord i thank you for always being present for always being there and for loving me even before i loved you father you loved me even while i was still lost in sin and for that i'm forever grateful god i thank you and i praise you for being my shield and my defense whenever the enemy tried to attack me thank you for being present king jesus and for being my refuge and my protection your word says in jeremiah 29 13 you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart lord this is my heart's desire to find you to have an encounter with you to feel and be changed by your presence lord god almighty you inhabit the praises of your people and so we praise you we praise you and we invite your presence into our lives fill our home with your glory fill our hearts with your love as our hearts cry and long for your presence may this prayer be like a sweet aroma a sweet fragrance that reaches your heavenly throne and invites you to move in our lives father god our trust is in your promise the one you made in isaiah 65 24 where you say before they call i will answer while they are yet speaking i will hear lord we believe and hold on to this promise because we know that you are a god who hears and you are a god who answers father help me to understand that your ways are not like my ways your timing is divine your timing is perfect and so lord in the fullness of your time i really do believe that you will answer my heart's cry i believe that you will show up and i believe you'll make a way in your perfect time i believe you already have a solution ready made for me you are already in my future with an answer for every single concern that i have and so i praise and honor you in psalm 28 verse 7 it says the lord is my strength and my shield in him my heart trusts and i am helped my heart exalts and with my song i give thanks to him lord you are indeed my source of strength and an impenetrable shield against the enemy my heart trusts in you king jesus with unwavering confidence in him it's in you that i find help refuge and rest it's in you that i find peace and comfort and so father i pray that you would hear our prayer may your presence be with us may it dwell among us lord i bless your holy name and i thank you for hearing this prayer in jesus name amen what troubles you what troubles your heart what weighs heavy on your shoulders is there anything that causes anxiety in your heart unrest in your mind maybe friend jesus christ is the cure for your troubled heart he is the perfect remedy to restore you philippians 4 verse 6 says do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to god the lord doesn't want us to be worried over the troubles of life this is not to say nothing will ever affect you or that you should ignore it all no you can have a reasonable and responsible concern about something but do not let it trouble you the bible clearly states do not be anxious about anything that's an absolute statement and there are no exceptions one way to look at it is if you are anxious about anything you are going against the word of god because it definitely says do not be anxious about anything so friend don't be upset over your troubles do not be anxious over your troubles don't be swallowed by your troubles don't drown in them don't exalt them and do not be consumed by them whatever it is that troubles you it's not bigger than jesus christ psalms 50 verse 15 says call upon me in the day of trouble i will deliver you and you shall glorify me god wants you and i to call on him he says trust me in your times of trouble trust me in your time of affliction the lord wants you to trust him enough to call on his name as your first last and only resources so let your hope be found in god he's the perfect solution each and every time i encourage you to call on him whether it's day or night because your way out of that situation is already there your future is in his hands let us pray heavenly father we are so grateful for the opportunity to enter your presence thank you for extending your grace toward us thank you for forgiving us thank you for allowing us to have sweet communion with you [Music] lord we say what a friend we have in jesus all our sins and griefs to bear what a privilege to carry everything to god in prayer oh lord the troubles of life can be many but we pray that you will save us and deliver us from every form of trouble and distress be it in our minds our bodies our souls or in our hearts save us and deliver us lord let our hearts not be troubled by the evil in this world father let our hearts not be troubled by earthly matters such as our jobs or our finances instead let us not be anxious for anything but in everything through prayer through supplication with thanksgiving help us to come to you and lay down everything that concerns us lord jesus help us and strengthen each person who is listening in agreement let us not be overwhelmed by any challenges mishaps adversities afflictions or difficulties give us divine peace deep within our souls help us not to be restless holy ghost help us not to fear even when things around us appear to be spiraling out of control even though life may bring its challenges we declare that jesus christ will see us through in john 14 verse 1 your word says do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in god believe also in me you said these words to your disciples when they were worried and when they were confused you reassured them and today we take a hold of your words by faith and declare that our hearts will not be troubled in jesus name you lord have told us through your word not to give in to fear and worry and not to allow current events to trouble our spirits you have given us hope because you promise to prepare a place for us in heaven and you will return to take us with you and rejoice in eternity you are an almighty god and your power is unmatched you can calm even the seas and the winds and we give you thanks for your unending love lord we submit to you we surrender all we surrender knowing that you care for us so we pray that you would calm every troubled heart listening i pray that you will direct my paths as i learn to depend wholly on you we are seeking your peace in our lives i pray that nothing would take away the peace of mind you've blessed us with let nothing whether it's financial work related or linked to friends or family let nothing in this world steal our joy and peace we need the peace that you have promised in philippians 4 verse 6 to 7 which says do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to god and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in christ jesus father we know and trust that you are working out all things for our good so we give you thanks in every situation remove those things that cause us to worry and help us to accept the things that we cannot change grant us serenity amid any trouble we encounter i pray that you will guard our hearts and minds and protect us from the destructive power of worry remove all fear and doubts and fill us with joy and thanksgiving increase our faith as we stand on psalms 55 22 which says cast your cares on the lord and he will sustain you he will never let the righteous be shaken you are a wonderful god who will sustain us in the middle of every challenge it's only your everlasting peace that has the power to keep us from succumbing to the cares and anxieties of this world only your peace can calm our spirits and comfort us when everything around frustrates only your peace has the power to protect our hearts and minds while you keep us calm and settled during storms we praise you in advance for answering our prayers we praise you for the peace that you have blessed us with peace that we can find nowhere else but in you we claim this peace over our life circumstances all our cares and anxieties are surrendered to you lord and we open our lives to be filled with your goodness love and joy i will forever trust in your love wisdom and power thank you for your comfort assurance and peace it's in the mighty name of jesus christ our lord that we pray amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Grace For Purpose Prayers
Views: 420,410
Rating: 4.8643503 out of 5
Keywords: Meditation, Christian, Sleep, Relaxation, Godly, Meditate, Abide, Peaceful, Scriptures
Id: dYkx8pSjaGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 50sec (6650 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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