SHE'S OLD NOW Omg ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ - The Walking Dead / Season 4 / Last Season / PART 1

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slow your roll at the end, pewds. wanted to read the outcomes w/o having to pause. other than that i liked the playthrough.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/childofgod666 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 16 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Your mom

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Shams_Nasir ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 21 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
here we go Walking Dead the final season five years ago I played this game and it was huge for me and this channel it was such a journey and yeah it wasn't that exciting all the way through here we are at the end at the Walking Dead the final season of course of course I'm gonna play this I have to see it through man some stuff you just have to see through literally what I just said good job Felix what do you guys think are you excited so it came out today I'm ok so we got four episodes oh this is making me anxious what is gonna happen to climate clothes start episode let's do this let's freakin do this guy's my 9 year olds smash like if you're excited for this plate there let's do dad started walking I was small and alone oh yeah so small small is a man named Lee became my protector [Music] my man [Music] they always go for the ankles men protect your ankle he's protected other people too but not their ankles but he couldn't save everyone because of the okay so I remember this it was so long ago but I saved Carly which didn't matter cuz she just died anyway everyone living were just as dangerous as the dead a woman in our group named oh that's bad word and then she just couldn't cope yeah yeah she betrayed me took the life that li saved okay that made me super angry we left her behind I remember is that you shot her you shot Carly which I deliberately same on the side of the road you best not come back taught me how to survive he protected me as long as he could but he got bit we don't need to hear this again don't not even in the end he was still teaching [Music] keep your hair short o pioneers if I still remembered just not worth the risk I'm not gonna cry I'm a man now not some manchild at the end he made one final request a shovel he asked me to shoot him and I did so we're going through all the choice group after that broken people running from their past there was a woman who gave birth to a boy named Alvin jr. AJ he made it but the mom didn't I remember this season she was good I did like I started to take care of him I don't care about AJ that much I'm sorry I know Jane left AJ in the snow we thought he was gone forever that was the last straw for Kenny and without Lee around I had to make the call technically if you got the ending here's the thing I played it - I played it twice I wanted to see all the ending so I think I what I did first time was that I shot Kenny and then the second time I hit Jane died and I really liked both endings I kind of want to keep Kenny alive no I have to don't make me make the same choice twice Ola doula Dolph king kelana cough cough alone a binky born all a doula Dolph okay Kenny AJ was alive Jane hit him to make a point knowing what they'd done it was a nice ending anyway I stayed we can until decided we were better together for AJ sake I like everything else I like that ending don't just you guys need to stop tonight each one carries new frontier I thought we'd found something that worked but I was wrong again they took Jeff from me said I was too young to take care of him you're only nine you can't take care of no child well I fought for AJ I remember oh I fought back oh she's spitting I wasn't strong enough I searched for a long time it's all coming back now just when I gave up hope I found him we're searching together now or a place we can call home is that her now only Jay has she's still growing up and I'll protect you life just like me did for me radda radda right how you cast ready let me hear it yeah it's cool I'm glad that's a cool way to give a flashback of like what happened it's interesting how much more I remember season one cuz season one was just so good Nessie's do is I it's still good and these three is like I don't know about this seems a far better make up for right that's all I'm saying I'm glad they're ending it and I really hope this will be good like I I know I keep saying it for like it means so much to me man they look like they improved the graphics a lot or do you think hey she can drive now use s to adjust the rear rear there he is my man Ephraim boy oh he can talk now doing their goofball petunia we got bullets well don't it's getting on my nerves I don't like Goose ball you don't like the name I'm too big for it now by shitbird someone's all grown I guess you're all grown up now yep let me drive I'm not letting you drive the ice kind of look like ice from doles you know it's almost like they're popping out and they're so glassy it's wrong it's making me uncomfortable holy all right whatever he we got some broccoli and you want to empirically that's not a totally Liza broccoli get out of here all right here Alvin jr. it's me disco broccoli word on the street is an image about me is that true do you want to eat me come on Clem I can't eat a toy Oh God man my feelings are hurt my stomach hurt hmm sassy okay all right this is epic how about this practice your reading but I don't wanna it'll take your mind off your stomach the heat oven place cream Nilla beans into a saucepan and bring to a boy on second thought never mind that's only gonna make you hungrier yeah that really made me starving there way he described the words I just felt my whole mouth what about you go for it we'll find something else soon I believe you just eat the potatoes I like the background I don't know if I like the characters you need to tip me speaking EPT okay all right okay I'm sorry I'm so sorry I didn't know here we go a super high contrast it's crazy how different it looks a radda radda ray we gonna do it think so looks clear let me guess it's not we're doing it all right so remember shankam friendly ring valve no trespassing what is this there's a bowel what's with all the toys grab the bar we need water - I guess we'll bring the toy mr. radish ratas zap alright alright array find ring let's find some food I wonder how old the actress of Clementine was when she started did they use the same one or did she grow up with the character it's been 5 years after all right all right yeah there's food everywhere here as everyone knows there's I can run as well AJ stay back yes stay back AJ like Clementine deal with this oh yeah oh yeah what you got oh oh yeah cute Zingo bazinga is what Sheldon sassy and I'm bringing it back everybody it's such a good catchphrase I need help let's just keep going all right AJ don't mess it up AJ monster trap it's not a trap what a sweet on it don't like you AJ fun you get in the tire and someone pushes you so that we go really high I wanna try yeah exactly thank you all right you get one point for that common AJ 1/2 a point don't like you aging good thing I have a prior she's not even using it right the wrong end what do we do inside a new place we listen for monsters after that come on you remember back foot Danny that's besito inside a new place check Germanwings that's right it's clearly gonna be people in there AJ he's always listening has he heard what I said about him oh hey guys welcome come on in take a seat all tied up they can't get us family feud is about to get on come home sit down relax have a snack no he can't we're waiting for Jeff Spacely to fire this was security door who can't pry that open I know you're hungry I am to find something I promise all right enter the ticket boo I'm gonna kill him oh it's trying to touch my nipples get out of here disgusting hey hey don't touch me what happening just stab on them in the back of the head really should not be that hard Oh they wrote her no this alone this is what we wanted name to just sit losers how they drank wausau poison did they give up now they just drank poison this world together holding hands in their own home well we have a home we'll see all right you guys just stab them in I would 100% stab them in the head just let that be known name it's risky if there's a choice way through that door I will always stab in the head let's be smart you don't need to tell me that you schmuck stab them in the head problem solved don't like someone just kidding all right it's not an easy Oh s80 oh okay I like it a lie that's very nice this family had taste I mean who doesn't have a double-sided sofa in their home huh and don't use it as protection during a zombie apocalypse who doesn't do that blings homemade now we just need cars - and we got the best party of all time Yas AJ find cars to look at the booth window too small to crawl through this is a cinema it's happening some guy ate beans at the cinema those are our options it's dark in there we should kill the monsters Thank You AJ LM certain to yourself yes well they used to be people and as people they asked to be left alone disagreeing so what's best all right let's kill them I'll get the key I'm sorry by are you mad don't care surely stabbing someone in the throat doesn't like if you're a zombie I mean you don't get hit the brain good job sorry it had to go this way I mean you can't die twice that's just how it is maybe he didn't leave the keys on yourself like a bunch of bengis oh okay clearly we could have just gone around and broke the window but hey yeah maybe that was the other option he bought thing going here can we stay here we'll see no one's here no one's ever anywhere it's always just monsters can't for one to you wishes a lot of bad people AJ be careful what you wish for there must be good ones too we're good that's what everyone thinks he takes a great shine remember what we said you know this see the last bullet for yourself always aim for the head that's right come on let's keep looking there's got to be something we can eat hope some I like them the mood of this one it's got good atmosphere I'll look how much food we got you're spoiled sorry buddy these are long gone [ __ ] hey [ __ ] language hey watch the swears I mean shoot yeah look it's a magnetized bottle oh I gotta go closer here it wouldn't be a telltale game without all the wonkiness florid or yeah thanks to Mordor hide something alright alright alright alright alright eat thank you guys we found it I mean that's pretty good lot of stuff and damage it is we could eat for weeks with this much what oh no that's right oh are you kidding me what a bunch of Nimrods eh I could they ah death says the No that's too okay shoot we need to get back to the car do you think the food is cooked now that it exploded to the sides and be my eyes Wally clear a path all right it's clinical ooh action thanks for waiting thanks for a nutrition what is this one day over here whoa are you kidding me what happened I know I'm dead but okay you know what to do Alexa it'd be my eyes well a clear path that was not a fake they go back up again I like how they just wait you know why I messed up because it says queue and all the other time said you to stab make sail away let's go [Music] thanks for helping me that's not the ignition don't you need the keys are you done it now climbing say how he still has the keys what else thank you are they pushing the car what is happening what's the make out now we can get the keys okay just hurry up youngsters there it is thank you all right let's get out of here Thank You Seto really really okay actually you know what it means shoo AJ AJ is a great shot AJ is a great shot they said well where was that AJ Oh someone's helping us don't take it [Music] Oh what happened aging okay a rat okay all right hey hey hey okay all right here we are with a music event but hopefully doesn't get claimed [Music] [Music] oh I got a sneeze that doesn't want to come sometimes I don't know I hate that taking me sometimes I don't know that was a thing I remember the ending theme to your Walking Dead Season one was so good they always had really good music I like the art style it's very cool the final season begins smash like everybody do you guys think it's me Shawn it was that her name really didn't like Michonne [Music] tear off tape wow she's good at they damn I wish I was that good at taint you know I'm saying what is this place why are you talking to yourself it's pretty it looks like we're in some sort of hospital I keep hitting G instead of X I mean if I wonder one last time I took a shower disgusting but some weirdos get off on that why am i bringing it up I don't know okay don't worry about it alright I'm walking away now walking away now from your dirty thoughts literally okay okay all right here I go here I go here I am what's up [ __ ] Clemmy that [ __ ] language please alright your demonetised in my video no good reason [ __ ] okay now that's to strike oh I clicked it twice and it's my fault we found some weed boys okay there oh what a thigh it's gotta be really annoying being short Ike I'm super tall everyone online says I'm short you got it wrong all right if you google my high it says 175 I am at least three meters okay I don't know why Google is spreading these lives like if this was me I wouldn't need a chair the chair would need me oh yeah find a weed box grabs out a tool okay game damn she's good at that if it's if it's Kenny I this will be my face if it's me Shawn this will be my face okay if it's someone else I'll be like alright that's cool what you suck shut up door dumb door yeah you suck door alright well I like said this is not epic oh my god nothing over here shut up Oh everything is so mean to me what did I do I'll kill him kill me hide in the grass yeah yeah yeah that's good that's good Clemmy she's always 20 steps ahead stab him anyone wearing those dishonor now we're not gonna hurt you we've got you boy he's safe if you want to see him again you'll drop that knife now I mean I just wanted to show that I'm alpha I was learning all I was doing there on a little kid that's good see well good here look we wanted to hurt you we would have by now considering the circumstances I'll let this little standoffs lie but you only get one strike now well what's wrong with your face in case your boy what happened to your fades died what's wrong with your face do you want to fight a little truth no please just take me to see him all right since you asked so nicely so look out lock on the door and Italian you to the bed and all you were in a pretty rough shape when we found you yeah take precautions you know just in case a year to live rent Harlan really bad that's Tennessee column 10 for short he's won been taking carrier yeah it doesn't talk much Clementine come on what's happened here sir your boy no no no no no no no I don't ship it okay I don't ship it no I don't ship it be quiet [Music] anyone with that haircut I don't it's not good enough for Clementine that's is that simple you've been surviving out there a while huh yeah we've been on the road a long time II know how to handle yourself I usually see people our age alone out in the wild sure I do what I can to get by no matter what don't worry about it we all do what we have to how kind of kamma was that in Maine they're all very accepting of a new person it's good we found you when we did wasn't easy getting you two out of that wreck on the way the car was a totaled yeah [ __ ] had to work fast I don't know what would have happened if we hadn't seen the smoke I appreciate it all alone with the kid that's you guys I've seen some rough scenes hi there what's his problem you just knew we haven't seen anything like you and ever what is this place you can probably tell it used to be a school now it's whatever we want it to be and who's in charge well I am you probably sounds strange kids run by kid but we do all right for ourselves okay got good walls good defenses a good location too no one really comes out this way anymore it carved ourselves the perfect camp kids are safe here make sure of it no adults at all how did this Cyrus like this though people leave they die there's less of us all around I got us a system in place that works well enough fine allow me to make it formal welcome to Erickson's boarding school for troubled youth boy feels like you both fit that description it's hard to survive too long these days without being a bit hey Jay and I are angels I was pretty good as a kid before everything changed made a lot of trouble since then we all had to grow up fast I'd say that goes double for your boy it's been a little terror since he arrived excuse me let's just say he hasn't been happy without you around I need to take care of this knowing Willie it's probably too grandma Walker's and an angry squirrel you got bigger fish the kids inside Vicky's with Lewis Lewis oh right just listen for the music you'll find him get a move on Willie where's your damn weapon Angie nine-year-old yeah you guys would fit in here wouldn't you troubled kids and knew it f Ericsson follow the music check we are Ericsson [Music] okay let's go that's probably the teacher I'm not wearing pants oh damn neither am i nope music sounds like it's coming from this floor don't care okay so in there the game was really insinuating that we would go upstairs language you Smurf your little boy just bit me yeah he's infected boot to his head nearly took a chunk out of me hurts a fierce he's a good kid you must have provoked him tapping him on the shoulder ain't provoking this is what I get for trying to be nice to the kid screw you both easy really infected [Music] clem you're okay I was afraid you were [Music] don't worry about me I'm not going anywhere not anytime soon but AJ listen to me that girl out there says you bit her yeah what the hell answer me AJ did you bite her I didn't mean to she snuck up on me still no more bites no more bite you're not dead that's good and look it's Jaden Smith kid for you oh my god excuse me I watched AJ for you hope he didn't cause you any trouble he was a bit of a handful but I got off flight compared to what Ruby winters stupid Jaden Smith sneaking into everything don't ever do it oh ho ho loud and clear little man thankfully I was here to calm him down with my alluring music I'm Lois Clementine oh this ship has happened oh yeah totally forgot Marlin left your bag in here somewhere don't worry I've got it don't worry the Sasse Clemmy yeah just stick that up your butt oh oh is that what I think this is so sweet um double um does he know what that is it's dirty clean it maybe later back you go Ferris belongs dude that can't be a good idea that thing's bigger than him is it actually loaded yes oh good I'll guarantee he's a better shot than you hey you guys do your thing I guess you don't know any others well there is one but you're armed that's my seat Thank You Apple create new plan what do you think AJ not always compress this key come on now give it a try ahead AJ press it the whole place blows up oh my god now press this one someone's gonna be in this one yeah you're a natural hey you seen Rosie nope we've got a bit of a situation out there um to ask you're just coming to it all but could really use a hand yup for taking out a few dead heads you too Louis get your ass in gear huh fine [Music] so what makes these guys special like how do they get food how do they protect themselves why is being kids somehow better right because anywhere we've seen Isis falling apart good we're gonna need you to put it to use we've got a hunting party out there trying to get back inside you don't help to clear the way it seems to be a few more than usually the last couple days it's almost like something drew their attention something like I don't have an explosion or a car crash bye okay bye the SAS just saying I don't think we've met I'm Clementine yeah I know your kid won't stop talking about you oh hello Clementine I'm violet nice to meet you what he said all right boys and girls you're starting to fill in come on be careful I don't mind violet she grows on you I promise oh this it's chair leg I call it Jarrell's all right he's not good enough for a Clementine on face show officially off the list forever I need you to watch my back call up from inside you see anything cool okay see you on the other side [Music] [Applause] Thanks [ __ ] all right say suppose do you alright pretty cool yeah you know it [Music] how did they get that they're all marks so keep a lookout why would I waste them and we don't do it but like I can't imagine how much effort he must have taken I like I can choose how to kill them let's cut this one that cut through the rope and your he's got some fat logs dude look at that that's a peg what the Frick dude I click thing all right you can actually die in this game I just realized okay all right not my fault it's not my phone all right maybe you should really need to feel it should be quiet well I just wanted to see that again okay don't worry about [Music] why does this happen to me [Music] one thing that always bothered me about Walking Dead is the fact that they merely get blood everywhere no kidding okay but you can never get infected from getting like blood in your eye like other diseases would spread I know that would be a lame way for someone to be infected but it just ruins the immersion - Lal bag let's finish these guys off we don't need them attractive imagine a zombie movie alright listen to level Billy all right imagine a zombie movie where they just do everything exactly how you want to do it like built a pup their arms perfectly with like duct tape or whatever they'll use all the smart things that no one [ __ ] thought about you know - stupid zombies behind them all the time where would the fun be in that it would be awesome instead of seeing all these people struggle for memories holy bowls oh my god oh that's a scary dog hey sorry sorry damn yeah see you and Rosie are making friends excuse me but a bad experience with the dog whines well Rosie here can help you get over Jesus cuddly as they come oh except when she's mulling walkers that is you would have to do that right that Walker came out of nowhere all right all right funs over let's get inside you're not the only one [ __ ] language is it how hard is it go out there how do you think it went be nice a sim save stones nearly dry I could barely find enough for tonight we're gonna have to scout out further if we want food for the winter talk about it later oh [ __ ] we should talk about this right now I said later damn it still standing I see I'd call that a b-plus performance thereby you've done better [ __ ] off b-minus then now Clem here that was a solid a a-plus even surely agriculture Milan you were great you kicked ass violet a plus yeah wham and power of funny what here both delusional surely agriculture would be the most important skill during a zombie apocalypse cuz then you could just harvest food and those things that you do now you don't have to always scavenge for cans or whatever you you lock off an area and you never have to leave they're pretty good-looking monsters come on y'all maybe an island or something like that hey J don't know sorry thing about that painful thing to punch at the same table hey Jake apologize I'll talk to him hey good job AJ hi what what are you looking at what's that bird doing that's gross he should stop that Birds a crow in school they told us they're called scavengers can you say that yeah vet scavengers dangers what's it mean it means they don't hunt like us they just eat stuff that's already dead scavengers are gross oh yeah I didn't mean to hit him I didn't know that it was Marvin Marlin right AJ I'm sure they'll forgive you but we should go talk to them but but I don't think they like me trust me no one does you can just tell hmm if they don't let's go show them how wrong they are I think I'll stay here with the bird AJ listen we haven't eaten for days the car is gone all that's outside these walls are walkers do you really want to go back out there no so we should apologize to Marlon right now oh you can work up to it let's talk to the other kids first how do you guys feel about this setting on all these new characters it's pretty interesting but you know if it was my game I would have make it so everyone had like perfected everything at this point it's the last season surely these people would understand how to survive more than putting nails in a chair like and call it Charles all right let's apologize to Jason Smit hey guys Gleb hey this is Omar excuse me chef Omar hello and no it's not ready yet Omar's a perfectionist the slightest flavor out of place and he's grumpy for a week you can eat her you can eat right well it'll cost you as a little patience I'll let you guys know when we're done here's another thing right so he's supposed to be cooking but where are all the ingredients like where all the foods if he actually cared about making the food good you did see that he do have some stuff here I think this game misses a lot of small stuff attention to detail I don't know why I'm being so critical I'm just saying all right no I want to I want to talk to Marvin or whatever his name was or whatever I guess we can chat Hey hey you know I am carving a weapon yeah I can see that you're good at that you like that huh little dude want to see something cool I want to see stabs him in the face whoa whoa pretty rad huh that's I can [ __ ] up some monsters swear I'm sorry I would make a spear right that would make more sense you have to get up close and stuff just poke everyone yeah I make a spear see if I was in the epochal some BPAC illegals I'd be fine yeah girl I apologize I want to talk to her you mean say I'm sorry yes she's scary and always seemed so mad yeah well you bit her you can do it you just gotta he just got a start with a joke once she's laughing apologize okay never heard that but okay let's give it a go yes not not lose their edge and choo bless you I'm sorry I beat you oh you're forgiven you little weirdo I did it you sure did oh my god now don't worry buddy hope you see the mini any look we're fine at you jokes everybody ah what is happening because I have my right no it's because I'm still touching alright I'm professional youtuber okay I think I know what I'm doing alright I don't need to hear about you and you that dog is so scary I'm not ready not yet okay let's talk to someone else alright who do you want to talk to then you schmuck Alexa can you cast obsidian hello hello don't copy me coming oh my god AJ - its you - Clementine right yep a sim right what are you writing history I mean today my Chronicle everything that's cool hmm like diary I try to think of it more like a history book those who do not learn from the past you seemed really mad at Marlon back there he keeps pulling back to safe zone we have fewer and fewer places to hunt which means we're gonna have fewer and fewer things to eat he's trying to and help the hunting party come back she hey zippy very pretty give it back it was just sitting there so so it was just sitting there all right give it back AJ give it back to him okay thank you this thing is the only place I get any real privacy around here you gotta preserve what I can no I gotta finish this before dinner not to be like food but you know bye hahaha I like this guy Rock'em toph Eric I Rock'em borrow much all right you ready now are you ready no they're not sure anyone would have pledged to that pretty sky I do think the game is way prettier than it's ever been even though maybe the contrast is a bit overdone all right what are you guys talking about let's just pretend like we're talking so that she goes away okay that sounds good I like that idea yeah me too I like that idea I like that idea a lot more yes I like it too is it working has he left yet please Debbie she's gone she's not gone she killed a okay what are we when age ago so I forgot my objective I got a side trip' Raj no well well well oh there's more people over here okay hey guys all right losers the emo kids knock it off ten heard you guys didn't have the best introduction it wasn't my fault ten I really am sorry really I'm sorry too what is this our graveyard you guys still do that kinda sorta so who is buried here nobody really this is where we buried ten sister's belongings Minnie and Sophie twins Boston about a year ago paying respects should we do that too maybe no let them have some space okay I'm glad you're not in a graveyard oh thanks go commit graveyard yeah go commit funeral hey I got an achievement everyone yeah I'm ready oh good good talk tomorrow okay don't care virgin backflips five times what just realize Clemmy is a virgin why am I thinking about this kind of time just saying how old they say me he's a sweet little fella figured they're in a lot of room for sweetness still out there pretty careful he bites don't worry about Ruby from what I hear it was self-defense oh he was talking about aging not even realize really sorry I hate you can we please stay here and eat dinner and not go out into the forest and get killed by monsters don't sweat it buddy you can make it up to me by teaching me your technique you regular Abbi wait hey Clem AJ Stu's done 16 18 19 she supposed to be grown-up right how do you think they do dishes without water or do you think they get water from ladies and gentlemen dinner is served Thanks what can't remember the last time we had a hot meal hmm this is really good this boy's gonna become the next one I wrote oh come on hello ill hey slow it up AJ you're gonna choke what a slob dude just because everything else died doesn't mean manners did I'll say goodnight goodnight she ain't faster than Haley I'm sorry buddy I'm sure they shared as much as they could AJ heads up I'm full kiddo you can have the rest are you sure you bet how fast is he eat mm-hmm me too oh my god know what I'll tell you what time for something very important I hope God good night violet it's time what's the game tonight Lu war the oldest game around the game played by man and beast alike the only game there is I don't know the game the only car game I've played had less people don't worry you'll pick it up as we go it's easy everyone gets a stack of cards everyone flips one over highest card wins that's it winner gets to ask clam a question Oh what I want to get to know you we all do and what if I win then you get to ask us one it's only fair mmm wait what about AJ what about it looks like he's made a friend sure come on you can take your eyes off it one card game but you both could use a break from each other yeah maybe this is his first time around anyone his own age sometimes he acts more like an adult than my kid it's nice to see him act like a little boy again Louis if you would I mean clearly the odds are against us way to go me so about AJ where AJ's parents you don't really look related so what happened there they're dead they were nice people for the most part it makes sense he's a nice kid for the most part oh my god oh my gosh that was that big guys Hey all right that's a high card Hey I win Hey you do so what do you want to know and met anyone famous course injury witness Marlon's hurricane yeah what's up with your haircut Marlon oh boy what do you mean she mean she looks like a dead cat probably smells like one too I look cool hmm whatever you say I say I look cool hooyah come on spit it out so are you single never have a boyfriend oh my what it happens perfectly valid question you can ask me if I've ever had a girlfriend I haven't by the way never not even once never why I win so you can't have been alone this entire time who used to take care of you mom [ __ ] anyone the first person who taught me about survival was Lee what he teach you lots of stuff most important thing how to shoot a gun useful stuff yeah I taught AJ the same way too I went again you do indeed ask away really I don't care worst injury you ever saw more boring than actual McCartney so hard both his eyeballs flew out pretty cool I saw someone have their intestines pulled all the way out like all the way it goes on for a while we got a lot of goods victory violence here's something I love to ask when I'm in groups out of the four of us who do you think is gonna die first that is [ __ ] up hmm well I know any one of you let's certainly not me so sure made it this far so have we I am the greatest card player of all time just ask your damn question she says ever actually never mind what ask it it's not a fun question ask ever had to kill someone you loved oh come on Lois hey she wanted me to ask me his name was Lee yeah well you're already talking to the same day I found out my parents were dead sounds like a rough day worst day of my life I think I'm done playing for tonight yeah it's probably for the best you wanted me to ask let's go AJ good night night AJ oh he made a friend this is so sweet long day huh yep real long I hope you know Luis didn't meet anyone there it's just the world's biggest dumbass hey he's my best friend so I can legally call him back let's relax get some sleep human for a night good morning come find me and talk about making this long-term we can stay we can talk about it Wow it's always like as soon as it's super nice those zombies oncoming it out of nowhere you know it oh the game crash I got no we're fine okay I think I could do a pretty good zombie job whatever that means boys are the zombies rising that looks like a really safe window it does good oh he learned I see that's cool what if something goes so many colors well must have been an artist living in here what's an artist it's like a person who colors a lot draws does pictures you mean Mike Tim yeah like ten huh I like to do pictures too oh [ __ ] I didn't know Marlon set you up in this room I just wanted to grab something from the closet her box what the hell is it she blind uh what that's what I was looking for it belonged to Sophie uh ten sister he was asking for my art supplies and stuff so I was going to uh sorry we didn't no no no it's it's fine till don't worry about it honestly it's just been sitting here for the past year and no one's touched it if AJ wants to play with it it's it's fine you should probably give the box back it doesn't belong to us thanks buddy it's just that 10-1 of it since it was his sister's milk you can just keep one thing and one paper and that's it all right sherry you finish your drawing though I don't mind you Jonathan didn't know I you see your him settling in yeah is that okay sure I guess I always liked this room Sophie had like paintings and [ __ ] on the walls lots of color and Minerva she was really musical not like Lewis though she had actual talent she had the most amazing voice real bluesy marlon always joked that he would scavenge a guitar and the two of them would tour the country that was a long time ago after they afterwards Brody and ten took down all the paintings and that was the end of it I shouldn't have even brought it up it's not a good memory guess I just lost my train of thought holy sound like they were great friends yeah sophie was a good friend and maybe doing something outside making the wars noise you were close me and her but what exactly happened to them Sophie and Minerva they went scavenging with Marlon and Brody out past the safe zone didn't make it back it happens honestly I just miss having someone around to talk to there's just so many dudes this place can get a little too bro town for my liking sometimes and I'm not exactly like a people person you know I know I sometimes have a habit have a habit of being a little bit too harsh yeah me too first impressions aren't exactly my strong suit either oh right take loom I'm an artist now oh my god let's see a let's see it come on let's see it shall we - not bad kiddo oh my god I should be getting back thanks again for the box you're pretty cool AJ it's a shame they didn't show it see ya mr. rebound it you know okay Alvin jr. time for bed okay here for me for the wall to make our home look nice that's a good idea if you tried really hard sure I'll just add it with all the tape by hand how about here's what collectible can be fun to decorate your room okay AJ hey there what are you doing this is where I'm gonna sleep what no it's not it's safe under here no one can get me come on AJ the bed is way better what an idiot man this bed is so comfy what about the door what if someone comes in what if they try to hurt us what if they still are stuff that door is really sturdy trust me yeah you saw another person that try to get in she didn't even come in I don't know if I stay here no one can find me and I can keep guard and watch over you I can protect us Hey what's gotten into you please Clem AJ listen to me it's gonna be okay please just give the better chance it's soft and warm I think you'll really like it ts bet is really soft you won't remember that it's okay really soft good night AJ how long do you think he'll remember that the bed is soft mmm this place is nice I'm glad we found it me too yeah pretty good deal actually could be worse I mean considering they're they literally were on the foot no food or nothing [Music] he's gonna let us stay right I guess we're gonna find out let's find his office I know where it is I'll show you how do you know all right do you think you can say yes come on come this way hey AJ wait up what if it candy is the principle that would be epic I would be sincere I want like a moment you know hey Clem what up Dawg for the pencils I missed having colors yeah sure thing who are these guys they are firefighters Godwin was a policeman she's gonna save the day but what are they they these were the people who protected us where are they yeah where were they you know what happened you already know what happened to them they weren't strong enough no that's not true they were super strong yeah the kids totally yeah no he's mine hey AJ you got an attitude error you don't even know what they are okay okay that's enough you two it's not yours anymore it's mine no it's not why did you learn nothing from yesterday thanks [Music] or do you know where Marlin is sure I don't know he should be around I can go find him that'd be nice thanks 10 look hey what'd you find it's a picture of Marlon and Luis there's so little Wow yeah they've known each other a long time huh Marlon Marlon changed oh my god what happened to you he said dogs brought back bad memories sorry scared well it was I swear barking and I'm striving as she seems yeah I'm white barrier oh my girl I could care our dog see she's harmless she just needs to get to know you is all how to comb part at night John yeah I'll show you do you trust me yes okay I guess get down on her level get yourself it's okay go whistle tell her to lie down look at this guy's lie down Rosie that's so cool see yeah I know it's hard that was pretty cool now Rosie will recognize you she's really well trained just like Edgar she was the Headmaster's dog back when this place was still functional but when the world went to [ __ ] he bailed all the other adults did left us behind to fend for ourselves really Wow what a dick yeah understatement of the century now it's just us kids left and I'd like it if you and AJ were part of that both of you were plenty capable and we need that here this is the current state of our plan for gathering food master of ass yesterday we are starting to run short it's getting harder and harder to feed everyone in this school yeah so you're welcome to say thank you that makes sense [Music] I don't know that's the train station there was a whole stash of food under the floorboards don't worry crash your car pretty sure that place of lost cause I handle a lot of smoke coming from when we found you two walkers flooded in there after all the noise you made it well we can't check in what's out here oh that's where we fish I got fat for storage right here right along the river it's secure mostly we get the occasional walker to come by vine Brody should be heading up there in a bit [Music] that's the only road that leads in and out of Ericsson you go off it you'll eventually end up in the valley you just have sides that let people to the school but I took them down wanted this place to be hard to find it that's pretty good what's the trap area right next to your legs Lewis builds some traps out there to catch game he and a Sam are set to go check them today [Music] I didn't realize how much forest surrounds this place it's how we've kept ourselves from unwanted attention for so long Oh for the most part anyway greenly have a greased house oh yeah well don't get too excited about that one we used to maintain it real well plenty of vegetables growing but it became overgrown keep was possible y-yeah yeah we keep away from that now you could sort it out dude one more thing see these red lights yeah everything inside isn't safe so it's me getting smaller over the years and the foods become more scarce so why not go outside it whenever someone goes outside the safe zone bad [ __ ] happens people die or disappear I just mmm I can really use the help Clement I'm taking care of these kids it's not easy I'm worried that if I don't figure something out if I don't fix our food situation I can't lose anyone else we've already lost so much friends siblings I I get it I know how it feels to lose a friend yeah well multiply that by 30 you know how I feel what ha sorry everyone's counting on me to step up be the leader they need me to be I really want to be that for them you and AJ are two more mouths to feed maybe he can help me feed the rest so what do you need from us Luis and a sim are heading to the hunting grounds looking for rabbits well a sim will anyway Louis just don't be shows up if I'm really being honest violet and Brody going upriver to do some spearfishing hopefully I was to get along long enough to get some work done both teams could use some extra hands let's go do some hunting yeah take this I don't want you getting lost Thanks you need all hands on deck if we're gonna find like such a complicated area just remember to stay in the safe zone we need you to come back home in one of these so that means we'll get to stay what do you think I was gonna throw you out maybe well as long as we got enough to eat both welcome here go get him AJ oh all right let's get going it'd be funny if AJ didn't know what a hi-fi was see you around yeah this episode hasn't been going on for a while I'm just gonna go hunting as well I wonder what the differences if you choose hunting or fishing hunting grounds are usually clear of walkers sometimes they get caught in the snares and [ __ ] though you see a ribbon on a tree traps or nearby so watch where you step okay please I think I can handle myself I'm basically a ninja he's skilled in the craft of martial arts all right thanks for the head for the warning careful around those okay okay yeah I know fun we got work to do not all of us have the privilege of being Marlins lapdog oh ouch someone's a little jealous and my defense I totally get things done I just prefer to think of survival is more of a day-to-day task so you know don't sweat the technique what about everyone else we need to work together as a team I mean sure yeah sometimes you act like you're the only one with a strategy I play the long game you gotta have plans B C and D and what if you don't make it that far shut up a second what is that whoa what is that what is that that was huge damn it I thought thought something interesting would happen yeah I thought it would be like a giant zombie or something like that would be so cool he's like a walker pinata to fix the smear and let's go oh well I will eventually if you want food for the kid I could use a hand or you can mess around with this idiot and start man killing zombies must be so fun oh you can see I've somatic all right let's come on wanna take a swing it won't bite well that guy would but the bat won't you know what I mean no maybe in a bit all right suit yourself I don't want to make a bad impression I just got here come to hunt I hear something rustle around in here yeah let me help you out for a second arrow is worried you're gonna encourage him I'll never understand that idiot a seem well remembered you good shot yeah good I'll chase him out of the bush you shoot last time I was out here looked like one of the rabbits have some babies I'm not sure how many are still around so careful where you shoot aim for the parents aims for the [ __ ] kill it yeah I don't worry about it better to save our arrows anyway I saw some others run this way I really thought I had it dude you Sam still got them you definitely nailed the thing did you just put in his pocket look it gauntlet Oh it's a baby well all meat is good meat it's not a knife a baby so why to get bigger oh okay so am i but we'll be even hungrier tomorrow if we don't let him go tomorrow doesn't exist dingus there's just today and today I'm hungry we're hungry are you gonna do it I can't watch is that a bad idea I can't tell by bunny really what are we supposed to eat tonight then uh I get it I wouldn't want to kill a baby bunny either you'll thank me in a few months if we live that long all right well the snares have all been reset and are ready to trap things we good to go now or what and what does he want to do some bad things I'll take this back you two should meet up with Brody and violet and see if they've managed to snag any fish this isn't gonna be enough for the whole school I like fish that's great see ya follow me the girls are probably near this hey hey that's great I once ate a whole shark no you didn't oh man that was hilarious this guy where's vine birdie they should be here by now Oh No Clem look monster told you spare spรญritus grain see what cysteine wait isn't that one of our Spears take it clรฉmence locks busted we might not be alone get the spear all right I want to see some gangsta shooting from AJ like tilted hood shot it's clear holy [ __ ] this place is wrecked all of our supplies are gone I'll take a look around outside hold tight what happened are we in danger maybe cigarette hand-rolled is a Bible page Clementine what's happening here what the hell happened in here do any of the kids smoke nope nothing to smoke no sign of our thief thief oh [ __ ] we just walked a mile of river and the traps were all empty no fish none someone robbed us oh great and now we're gonna start [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] it's just it's okay it's breathe bro come on come on come on come on you're gonna be fine take a second breathe in deep and hold it just shut the [ __ ] up okay excuse me hey I have to tell Marlon about this we still need food you know to live we definitely don't have enough here you guys figure it out so what do we do eat rocks you can't eat rocks I'm aware so Marlon kick us out if we don't find food well let's not find out where else could we look let me think outside the red zone I think don't go here yeah it's not too far from here I don't know that's pretty far outside our perimeter there was food in there when AJ and I passed through it's worth a look sure there was food positive yeah some of it was destroyed the explosion but there has to be something left there was so much there all right fine lead the way I'm sure the food is cooked as well you know multiband very good the cook I cook with on grenade well this is probably not gonna go well walkers than last time now oh dude leafy it's either die here or dive in longer take your pick come on maybe you should scope things out you know the place better let me get a closer look can't be too careful I climb up there I don't know how that would get us inside need to get in there somehow maybe there's another way in you barely got out of here it was close it sounds scary there's a reason it's like a really bad idea to get the Walker's attention they do like to follow sound you look like you've got an idea the noise from that Bell could draw a lot of walkers if one of us climbs up there and starts ringing it Louis Ivo Louis this is way too dangerous I'd like to make an alternate suggestion you loud dramatic a little annoying I think out all right I see how it is I'll go with you give you some cover okay this convene just don't do it but I died I'm making sure Walker Lewis eats both of you first I'll distract them until I see you guys reach safer cover then I'll try to redirect the smelly Patrol to give you guys a chance to sprint inside the building when we get into position I'll signal you then you can do your thing good luck also if you have a place like this and they're attracted to noise couldn't you set up like traps that are sound based like if you get in oh oh yeah I have to kill these guys these didn't really work he's really good at that the place does meseta everyone can what is he waiting for ruing is over just give him a second me not have a separate arrows everybody okay let's make it Scot they really improve the camerawork it's really cool how it flows this is dead that's no way because I saw like I should have given the option to kill it hey guys hey guys you're back you're back all right yes these will be perfect once look what is it try it out see if it works not now not now we're here for food gonna need your help on this one kiddo everyone knows everyone knows a wooden floor protects just any grenade blast do they got some mushroom soup the soup sub soup good job EJ is there more keep it coming what is this time he's got banana names okay this is epic all right bad thing will happen in three two one stand don't try anything thank God hey it's a thief I had the power of God an enemy on my side what do you want I just want food same reason you're here you and your friends made a lot of noise out there it wasn't hard to follow you live close by you knew about this place already and organized some effort to get inside I've seen those cigarettes before you messed up our traps didn't you guilty as charged when it was an honest mistake I could be a real Butterfinger sometimes you look a little young to be out on your own you got a group no that was kind of me you know plus the two outside I'm thinking maybe more we're a big group strong people well-armed right and this big strong group sends the kids out to do the risky work interesting I'll fill this pack real slow we worked hard to get this stuff why hey there squirt playing hide-and-seek are we oh that's impolite don't steal from us I'm not stealing this isn't yours at mckeil I'm kid I'm faster than you listen up squirt you're gonna quit pointing that gun at me and let me go bye Mary you understand I'm just gonna take a little bit then I'm leaving like it never happened AJ lowered the gun Klim he's stealing our phone Alvin jr. now don't trust this kid with a gun I really don't why is Wilma Clem we're running out of time we need to get out don't panic I was just leaving thanks for dinner who when the [ __ ] was that just take it back and fill it up [Music] [Music] okay ever feeling we're gonna run into that guy later Marlon listen to me I am Telling You the place was ransacked it's fine we'll deal with it why can't everyone help our patients assume that chickpeas check it out food that's like a lot of fluid observant as ever Mitch I can't believe this look at it you are Savior Clem but seriously it's a lot Lewis and violet helped to either of them ever brought back this much before neither where did you find all this the old train station clam new where was train station that's outside the safe zone Wow thank you so much but we ran into the creep that [ __ ] up our fish traps creep what creep Clem sir I'm smoking those nasty-ass Bible cigarettes he knows hands your different colored eyes yeah she knows him did he follow you no I let him have some food and then we lost track of him in a swarm of walkers you just let him take our food what the [ __ ] now he knows we're out here and he'll come back for more what the hell were you thinking this is [ __ ] if I hadn't done what I did he would have shot us I made the right call [ __ ] what if there are others you don't know what people are capable of out there think again I just can't I won't just not again she fired it she took him outside the safe zone they saw someone you know what that means nothing just means there's a hungry guy out there looking for food it's happened before you are overreacting you can't be serious come on let's go somewhere and talk about this dude if anything happens I'm holding you responsible what's her deal Clem thank you for for help did you did but uh-huh [ __ ] yeah I think cz no one died you don't have to worry we're you tonight I always do though I can't help it haha well look we got the beans eating tonight for the next few I'd wager um I'll go talk to Brody thanks for the haul Clem you guys should go enjoy you've earned it well he cooks fast this time I thought that way ever since we lost Sophie and Minnie already has been freaked out by anything that happens pass the safe zone she'll be all right eventually still we should make sure this is a one-time thing we can take Rosie out in the morning see if she catches a scent you know just in case yeah why don't they hunt with the dog I'm gonna go clean up I think I'll go too see you later don't worry about them and they're just sad sad why my sister's died around this time last year I think it's starting to get to people doesn't it get to you not really dying's not scary I mean it's sad but not scared you've been in here too long when you see more death you'll be a lot more afraid of it or maybe a lot less that's a good point I try not to focus on them being gone I like picturing where they'd be now instead oh so awesome it means tough she'd build a place big enough for all of us to live and paint it - and many be playing whatever new song she wrote that's mean I guess that doesn't scare me because I know I have something waiting on the other side did you say group you see night all of us together looks like a nice place to wind up yeah I think so too a lot better than some smelly old school you're the one that's mine you know that right the walkers who killed them you want them all they weren't always walkers wherever this place is everyone gets to be a person again oh they drive the walkers the way they probably looked sometimes I draw Minnie and Sophie the way they probably left them but sometimes I draw this - can can I be there sure you want to be there to know nah-nah-nah date I promise I'll tell you well sure why not sure oh my god can something happens please that's cute here you go it's yours oh the point is that we put in our room okay I got it tenants got some real talent wow it's getting late like an art degree wasn't useless ready to sleep aren't you coming not yet I want to finish this first good night see you tomorrow sorry but how long is this episode they always ended on a cliffhanger but I don't know how they can end this I'm getting a little hungry okay it's clear what about the lamb time for bed little guy can I stay up nope two more minutes okay - mommy what you lay down and then we'll see you full from dinner yeah it was good yeah it was I wonder what the wife would we gotta go honey and there was so many rabbits - shoo it's nice not driving everywhere or running away but the ranch was nice too before the blood this isn't the ranch it's not bad that do you like it I like it know that I'm used to it it's good for now but place has changed so do people it might not stay good been here two days all right it's over thinking Clem yeah you let that mean man go at the station let him take food from us it wasn't right what he did was it didn't like it don't be mad at me for saying that though him getting away with a little food kept things from getting violent you have to know when to fight AJ and this wasn't the time it's still not right to let someone take from us makes us soft that's true actually I like your philosophy aging who's mr. softie now that's what I thought there you got a stay up two minutes more time for sleep I'll lay down when you blow out the light all right give me a minute you need a minutes of blood and light what's happening you can now place collectibles for your room all right we got this paintings why there that's a good drawing he's a good artist your picture is good too all I know no I don't care I'm not sleepy liar that's gotta sting good night sleep tight don't let a walker bite and if they try I never let him bite come on play it right one try hey let him buy it work bang bang bang well look at his hair it looks crazy I think I okay what is happening that creepy sir I think I understand what the problem is with these Walking Dead and is that they constantly just introduce new characters all the time like all the time and we have to start from zero all the time the only character we care about is Clementine so really we know nothing's gonna happen about there there's no suspense there's no feeling of oh my god what's gonna happen Shh they need to keep the characters going you know make you invested longer like one character two characters we only really have Clementine oh I didn't need like yeah this is an interesting setting I know we will get better as episodes go but it's annoying having to start from zero all the time I think someone's in trouble is it us no no not right now but we should help them if it's a monster we should kill it I don't think it is but we might still have like your gun aha I'll be right back stay safe all right let's check it out all right what do you guys think is up there follow the noise just a little farther here it's come from basement [Music] this locks from both sides I'm sure there's gonna be something to find another way to the basement a cellar door out the yard I would not have walked this way to get over there took our dare that's try it I'm from the country sand countryside everybody honey according to the map should be another entrance to the basement around here maybe I'll be here wrong way alright sorry [Music] there it is a lot of games always do this you pick up the item before you know what you need to use it for [Music] I don't think you can break that just with a break they don't hear that yeah that wasn't that loud [Music] show yourself hi guys what are you doing down here in the dark Rudy and I were just talking go get some sleep deserves some shut-eye you had a busy day you're not getting rid of me that easily tell the others what please this is a private conversation okay it doesn't concern you the man you met at the station we got history roadie tell us into a clam she's acting crazy it's better if we have this way sometimes you just got to knit out let her speak [ __ ] excuse me I want to hear what she has to say how do you know that guy Marlon let him take the twins him in his peeps sisters I thought they were killed by walkers that's the story we told everyone stop cuz Marlon was so ashamed whoa she dead oh no I mean oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah these get interesting all right all right all right I get away from away from her they mean it Marlon step back okay okay just just stay with her there's a first-aid kit out to someone right first aid kit it's me Clint just just stay still I can't see Clementine remember your danger you and a table full what danger nor a little kill me if I tell he's scared when he's scared he gets angry well good you may I promise you that yeah yeah you will you're strong and he's not if those readers coming back Milan said he'd let him take you take us till they come go away like he did like he did ten sisters Rudy oh [ __ ] she died [ __ ] No how am I gonna do she's good really thin I could force it in there and lift up the latch my painter find it in this dark man climb things were really smart and don't rush don't rush take your time I could run before I can't run now think she turned already yeah there's a jump-scare coming does work three-two-one [Applause] hold [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you can't [Music] [Music] II [Music] [Applause] and she did not deserve it the worse when you have a bad day thank you for that game thank you for that I appreciate that oh that's cool the flashlight shows blood all right you can go in two hours straight where is she she's in the basement she murder of God I done justice on your face why broody did you see it happen is she a walker now you killed Brody you hit her so hard her head split open that's a lie I saw you killer look at her heads she's covered in Brody's blood Jesus Christ laughs did you do we save their lives but anyone else would have kept walking but then we kept them warm and this is how they thank us guns be folded morally Christ shoot me what do you offer up to your Raider friends when they come knocking what the hell is she talking about because he needs us a lot Bodie told me Marlon was gonna give me an aging up to braiders in exchange for safety Sophie and Minnie oh my gosh let her talk come the [ __ ] on they only met up with these Raiders because Clem insisted they go out there quite the coincidence isn't it shame leaving those first thing she did was attack you 10 about how scared we all were when the adults left I pulled us out of that beer I gave us some courage again who are you all gonna believe huh johnny-come-lately in her little [ __ ] lunatic for me she did help us get food what good is food if a group of outsiders just gonna come along and take it I'm just saying have to believe me you don't you met her like two days ago damn it she got me there I'm sorry this isn't like I know you're not weak don't let her get in your head Hey she was my friend too so spread clem I Wow straighter it will all feel safer once I pull this trigger you were there that day those Raiders came he would have abandoned you too that was it that's all I needed all right cool all right there you go Oh violet being difficult why am I not surprised put down the gun now we're gonna do this the right stand down one be reasonable oh okay okay you don't understand at all do you whoa did you see the protect anyone Brody's dead I made the right call I saved the lives of everyone in this bucket school they came back I do it excuse me I didn't realize it was so [ __ ] expended Jim told me they died Oh oh they had to save the rest of you okay gave my sister's away why would you do something like that I trust in you Arlen they trusted you he did the wrong thing but he thought it was for the right reason I wanted to get them States some kind of rescue honest analysis could I was it's too great you killed Brody because she knew it didn't mean to you don't accidentally kill someone I wanted to save all of you from yourself I mean don't do that but I mean that would be the we can make this right we're all family here too way the only one any of us has left do way painful things no I can't rate you let me leave I never have to see me again just let me become a bad memory another one just give me back please fine all right I'm an aging what was that net supposed to do damn I ain't with a head now alright Iran Iran Iran Iran our rat done running episode 1 episode 1 you and 58% of other period players kill the Walker couple in the train station 42% of players are a bunch of pie alright alright alright what else do we got you and 48% of players went hunting 52% of plays went fishing coz 52% are a bunch of birds 6 is 6 percent of players can means 80 to sleep in the bed 34% said sleep under the bed because they're a bunch of bad parent not me son holy heck he's that's a big forehand okay so probably here everyone's gonna be mad at me this is how you know because I you know 20 presenter producer any food okay 78 percent attacked okay six six little players turn to violet for help against Marlins alright that's cool and there we go she's feeling guilty [Music] heartbroken helpless what is this why are they adding new stuff now [Music] these are all the things they remember [Music] take care interesting concept they're really changing things all around oh okay all right I don't know what my feelings are about this one I'm not amazed I'm not like I don't think it's Lamy there there's some cool new addition sums that I think needs to build upon to become cooler like the whole concept of the school and how it changes seems like a good idea strange choice for the last season but we'll see where it takes us hope you guys enjoyed watching this playthrough episode one I'll be sure to play the other ones and I think you guys so much for watching coming soon it says when is that usually they have a date or something oh well that's it for me for now I see you guys goodbye
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 11,260,628
Rating: 4.9220223 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE, episode 1, gameplay, wlaking, walking dead, final, season, last
Id: f_XW6qZR4lM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 29sec (8069 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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