Before Going Live, Do This! - Streamer Checklist

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Do you stream on Twitch, Youtuber, or Mixer? I got a checklist that you need to do every single time before you hit that go live button let's go! Hey it's me it's wild coming at you from my stream support playlist where I bring you the best tips and tricks and if this is your first time here you want to learn how to grow and improve your stream make sure you hit that big red subscribe button and tick that bell so you become part of the notification squad so you know when my videos go live for you let me guess you want to have successful streams every single time well it takes preparation and lucky for you I've compiled a checklist of things you need to do before you hit that go live button and with this checklist your streams will be much more successful so let's go number one make sure that you eat and drink before you start any of your streams I can't tell you how many of my streams have been cut short because I've been thirsty or hungry and I just give up streaming because I give in to the hunger monster just like tip number one tip number two is make sure you bring a snack and water with you you'd be surprised at how quickly you'll tap out because you're gonna be streaming for a couple of hours so if you have those things within reach of your stream you can keep your stream going and keep that momentum growing tip number three is to make sure you do your one and two that's right make sure you go the bathroom the whole point of this is to minimize how many breaks you take on streaming platforms like Twitch YouTube and Mixer you'd be surprised when you take a break at how much of your growth you're gonna lose because people don't stick around a lot of lurkers just kind of you know leave and bone out and may never come back so try to minimize your breaks as much as possible tip number four is coming from the nude selfie category learn to clean your room before you start streaming you're trying to create a professional-looking stream so make sure you do so by cleaning up all of your trash and all of your crap that's gonna be within the visuals of your stream I mean come on we're trying to kick it up a notch here since we're talking about cleaning up your room tip number five is clean up your appearance make sure you do your hair make sure you put on some nice clothes or appropriate clothes for the stream that you're doing you got girls fix your girls I mean come on use all your assets make everything look good professional and clean the better your stream looks the better your aesthetics look the better you look people are gonna be more inclined to click in on your stream so make sure you do your best to fix up your appearance I mean you don't got to be GQ you just got to be looking at least average and clean tip number six is if you are a console streamer or a steam streamer on your PC make sure the game you're about to play is one downloaded to up-to-date and three all the DLCs are downloaded and the patches as well I can't tell you how many times I'm about to go live I start my stream and the game needs an update which takes 30 to 45 minutes depending on the size of it and it is annoying so don't be a scrub like me make sure you download update and patch your games before you hit that go live button okay tip number seven is make sure that your game your title your category are all up-to-date a lot of the times we're in a rush when we're trying to stream so we kind of just hit the go live button and we forget a lot of the times that we're streaming under the wrong game the wrong category and we don't realize it for maybe a long time into it so before you hit that go live button make sure you check your title your game your channel your category all those things like that before you hit that button since you're about to stream let's build some hype around that and the best way to do so is by posting on your Twitter Instagram snapchat discord anything that you have a reach heck if you only have one follower on any social media platform you still need to do this because you never know who will discover you who will retweet you who will share you you always need to make sure you tweet out share and reach out to other people when you're going live the last thing that we're gonna mark off on our checklist before you go live is make sure you have a start up screen you know there's nothing better than when you go right off the bat from your stream of having 5 10, 15, 25, 50 plus people in your stream that welcome you right when you launch onto your game or whatever category you're on it builds a lot of confidence it builds a lot of hype and it gives you a ton of energy so make sure when you go live you have a startup screen that runs for like 10 - like 15 minutes or so so people can come in and that way when you start your stream you have so much energy that you can carry all the way through and there you go that is my personal list that I use before I go live on any stream that I do and it works for all platforms Twitch, YouTube, Mixer works for everyone out there you know what the cool thing about this is I actually made a list that you can download in the description of the show notes below make sure you print that out put it next to your stream computer or your console so that way you can go down the list and make sure you completed everything come on we're trying to make your streams as best as we can and one of the best ways to do is make them streamline so we can make them effective because I want you to go out there on Twitch, YouTube, and Mixer I love hearing all the successful stories hey if you guys like this video and I miss something that you think should be added to the checklist do me a favor leave a comment below of what you think should be added on to it and let's help out the communities on all streaming platforms out there so that way we can help each other grow and become better streamers and if you guys want to keep up with me and everything that I do on Twitter and Instagram hey make sure you follow those platforms I make sure I post discounts on there when my sales are going on when I launch new videos and you can see all of my artwork and speaking of artwork if you want to see any of my creations being done you can check me out on and if you guys want to be a true bro or a BAE you can help support me on my patreon page thank you to those who already have warms my heart hey my name is wild I will check you guys all in the next stream support video coming up real soon take care all peace
Channel: Wild4Games
Views: 163,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: before going live do this, stream checklist, before going live, streamer checklist, how to stream on twitch checklist, twitch checklist, streaming checklist, before streaming checklist, what to do before going live, live stream checklist, mixer checklist, steps to have a successful stream, how to be a better streamer, how to have a professional stream, how to be successful on twitch, how to be a good streamer, advice for new twitch streamers, twitch go live, going live
Id: ha2p_ow1L-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 7sec (367 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 15 2018
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