What You Need To Know If You're New To Twitch - Advice For New Twitch Streamers!

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All right listen up we're talking about advice for new streamers out there and these are the mistakes that people are making that are holding you back from growing on twitch YouTube mixer and Facebook gaming let's go! Hey it's me it's wild coming at you from my stream support playlist right bringing the best tips and tricks and if this is your first time here anyone learn how to improve and grow your stream make sure you hit that big red subscribe button and tick that bill so you know when my videos go live for you and hey any point if you like the products or the services that I'm talking about in this video I put all the links in the show notes below so make sure you check those out if you're new to streaming or you just started your streaming adventure there are a lot of mistakes out there that new streamers make and nobody's showing you how to fix all these problems so in this video right here I'm gonna show you the best advice I can give you on how to fix common problems on Twitch youtube mixer facebook gaming that's gonna help you on the correct path for your streaming journey so let me show you what you need to do now if you started streaming on any of these streaming platforms you've probably had looping sound and you're not sure where it's coming from this is actually a really common problem with brand new streamers out there this is easy you have your video player open and you haven't set it to a mute setting so every time you talk it's going on a cycle of just putting you back into your own stream and having this echoing sound so make sure you mute any video players that you have open in your own channel how many of you out there have streamed for 30 minutes an hour two hours and nobody's set a word it might be because you're under the wrong game category happens all the time make sure before you launch your stream your titles correct your a-game categories correct and make sure you add all the corresponding tags that you need to add before you launch you know I did a video on this things you need to do before you go live I'll put it in the top of the card but make sure you always check your gaming category and title before you hit that go live button one thing that chases off brand new people to your stream is music and I don't mean your genre of music I mean the way that it's played through your stream you know musics a great thing but if you're having it play in the background of you and your environment and it's feeding through your microphone or through your headset and it's coming through with a lot of gain or static guess what people are not gonna watch her they're gonna leave if you want to have music in your stream you need to make sure you do it properly if you'd like me to do a video on how to stream music into your channel make sure you leave a comment below but if you're playing music in the background cut it off because nobody's ever gonna watch your stream with that kind of static if you're just starting out don't fall into the pit hole of getting all the equipment that you need I'd rather have you invest into your stream rather than your equipment don't be afraid to Commission an artist out there or somebody on Fiverr for some good panels or some good graphics or good alerts you can always work your way up on your equipment but making a visual impact at the beginning of your streaming career is gonna be huge and pay off way more and to be honest if you've got the money to buy really cool equipment out there you've got the money to pay a professional to make really good graphics and panels for you out there so don't stingy out on that if you're brand new to twitch please do me this favor and don't stream big triple-a titles or blockbuster games you're not gonna get discovered that way and you're gonna get discouraged you need to be strategic on what games you're gonna play that you one enjoy and two are gonna help you get discovered or searched or reviewed when people click on a certain game category and I've done many many videos on this I'll put a playlist in the show notes below and also put a card up here for how to get discovered in 2019 so make sure you check that out if you're starting out with streaming make sure that you never call out your lurkers a lot of common problems that I always get asked in my stream coaching is hey I have people watch me but nobody ever talks or nobody ever engages you have to understand people sometimes are there just to listen and/or watch they're not really going to engage and if you try to force them to engage you're gonna lose that viewership let them come out of lurking and one problem that people always seem to do that makes lurkers leave really quick is calling them out by looking in the playlists or the of your lists to see who's in there or if you have a bot that Auto generates a welcome if somebody comes in there and is lurking for a few minutes and your bot recognizes them and says hello trust me they're not gonna stay they're gonna leave one of the best pieces of advice that I can give to brand new streamers out there and listen up is be aware of troll messages and troll donations it's the internet people don't always have your best interest out there and people we're gonna try to pull the wool over your eyes and this happens a lot on Twitch people are gonna send fake messages they're gonna send messages that say delete and they're gonna send messages that shows that they're sending a donation these are all fake you'll know when they're real by how you stream and how you get your experience as you go you'll know if you get a real donation check your PayPal or check the service that you're going through not sure if you're getting deleted messages ask your mods see if they deleted anything or if you did not sure if you're getting real messages from a person check the viewer list there's a bunch of different ways but be aware that people are gonna try to pull the wool over your eyes especially donations this next tip isn't for everybody because you may be a person that really excels at this but I want to make you all aware of it and I'm exceptionally guilty of it try not to sing on stream if you're not doing a music or singing stream cuz you know why your microphone that you have isn't gonna pick up the acoustics that you need the room you're in it's not gonna sound good it's probably not going through an amp or a preamp it's gonna have no reverb in it it's not gonna have anything like that and it's gonna sound atrocious as it's coming through your stream and it's probably not even hooked up correctly to the music that you're playing there's gonna be latency issues and you're gonna be off so it's just a big mishmash of things so be careful as you're singing I do this all the time because I love a song and you probably do too just be aware of it cuz you may chase some people off but if you've got a golden voice out there it actually might be something good that makes you stand out so that's why I say this tips not for everyone but it's up for you to decide one thing that I personally hate and I know a lot of streamers out there hate as well is don't spam messages and I don't mean in the chat that's a good tip as well but don't spam social media messages nothing angers or rages me more when somebody sends me a message on a tweet or an IG message or a discord message or a snap message and it has me and 40 other people attached to the message that I have no idea who they are and it's just a gangbuster of a bulked spammed message out there and before you know it I've got 28 replies from people I have no idea who this is and this doesn't entice anyone to check you out never bulk spam any social media messages it's gonna do you a huge disservice likewise this note is also gonna work well for you never spam or never message or tag any gigantic streamer out there that you don't have a personal relationship with or you have an in with because again they're just gonna not look at it or worse they may block you or they'll never come to your channel or just you know ban you kind of in a sense be very careful and strategic about how you reach out to people on social media and the last big tip that I'm gonna give her advice for brand new streamers on twitch YouTube mixer and Facebook gaming don't stream every day please there's a huge difference between consistency in frequency and I'll do a video on this when I get a moment to catch up with everything here because there's a huge difference in difference between the two I want you to be consistent but I want you to be strategic and that requires you to stream only a finite amount of days yes I know you probably have a full seven-day open schedule that you can stream you know 5 to 10 hours for those days but trust me there's no point in doing that if you're streaming to zero people you need to be strategic refine down the days be strategic about what games and what times that you're gonna play and if you do have extra time you know what go and other people streams start to network start to form a community with all those people you'll be surprised you'll probably grow quicker off streaming then you will when you're live streaming trust me this happens a lot and there you go those are some of the biggest common mistakes that brand new streamers make and that's the best advice I can give you to get a leg up on the competition if you guys have any good advice that you'd like to share with the community or even me out there you know what to do leave me a message in the comments below if you guys like this type of content and you want to see more content around advice or how to help out new streamers or anything like that again leave a comment below and don't be afraid to follow me on my Twitter and my Instagram to know when my videos go live for all of you out there and if you'd like to see me stream or you need any help with stream coaching don't be afraid to mosey on over to twitch.tv/wild4games and if you like what you see hit that almighty subscribe button and help me out thank you to those that already have I will see you all in the next stream support video coming up real quick take care all peace
Channel: Wild4Games
Views: 167,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: everything you need to know about twitch, everything you need to know about streaming on twitch, things to know before streaming on twitch, advice for new twitch streamers, twitch advice, new twitch streamer advice, new twitch streamer tips, new to twitch streaming, how to start streaming on twitch as a new streamer, twitch explained, twitch tips for new streamers, new streamer tips, tips for new streamers, best advice for twitch streamers, Wild4Games, mistakes new streamers make
Id: ehL6nL2Hhsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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