New Streamer Mistakes - Why No One Watches You On Twitch

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once a note why no one watches your stream on twitch YouTube and mixer we're gonna go over the top 5 a small streamer mistakes and how to fix them let's go [Music] hey it's me it's Wow to come at you from my stream support playlist where I bring you the best tips and tricks and if this is your first time here and you will learn how to grow and improve your stream make sure you hit that big red subscribe button and take that bell so you've become part of the notification squad so you know when my videos go live for you so if you've been streaming on Twitch youtuber mixer for a while and you're not getting any views there's probably a strong reason for this you're probably doing something really wrong or doing something really bad and nobody's really ever addressed it probably because they come in and leave because you haven't fixed any of these issues but not to worry I'm gonna show you the top 5 reasons why nobody's watching you on Twitch and how we're gonna fix them and let's start with one of the most important ones when viewers come to twitch YouTube and mixer they'll forgive a lot of things low stream quality not really much on the profile or channel no alerts but you know what people won't forgive and will check out really quick horrible audio if you have crazy gain a lot of white noise static feedback through the microphone looping sounds gameplay that's way louder than you or your low talker you're doing it way wrong my friend you need to look at your past broadcasts and tweak and retweet record a couple of things do a couple test streams and see where the game needs to be for you and where your volume needs to be versus your gameplay versus your music when there's dead silence in there you need to do a lot of tweaking don't feel like you just need echo on Twitch and start broadcasting and do a little bit of testing it's gonna take you only like 10-15 minutes and then you can really dial it in and you will explode so much faster on Twitch so make sure you look at your past broadcasts if you have horrible audio now a lot of people out there if you have not a great microphone there are a lot of good options out there that are fairly cheap I will put a few in the links in the description below but you can look at like the Yeti snowball from blue and you can look at the at2020 or you can look at the Yeti those are a couple options I'll put a link down in description below and those all have great audio options and they're all at different price points that'll work for a lot of you people out there now if you like to use the boom microphone on your very expensive headset that's perfectly fine do me a favor take it out of your mouth I hate people that put it so close to your mouth that you hear them literally chewing on the mic or you heared hard Peas or any sound that blows hard into the microphone learn to put it adjacent to your mouth or a little bit down and then test again you got to remember a lot of people listen on headphones themselves and if they're hearing a lot of hard peas and they're hearing you are nobody's kind of watch you learn from this these are such simple things and you'd be surprised at how many people do it now it's okay if you're one of these people that chew in your microphone I know there's an actual thing of where people have to constantly chew or they have a breathing sound I just want you to be aware of it because it's an easy fix to make I'm not making fun of anybody out there I want you to grow and improve and if you're doing is just something simple where it's breathing heavily into a micro you're chewing on it it drives people crazy so learn just to move it off to the side and slightly down and boom you're good to go one of the big problems I see on twitch YouTube and mixer is when I come to your channel and trust me I come to a lot of your people's channels that leave comments below you want to know what I see is one of the most common things I don't know if it's you're too lazy or you just feel like hey if I scream I'll grow is none of you out there have really any channel information there's no panels there's nothing about you there's no social information there's no way to donate there's nothing that shows like your message about what you like to stream or what games you've played there's nothing in that channel about you and what you stand for while you stream it's not just the visual window that's there well let's think about this you have one first impression if I come to your channel and I see just the video player and I scroll down and it's a blank box what makes me think that you're gonna stream beyond this one stream it's a good question I'm not gonna follow you nobody's gonna fight I may watch you but until you put a little more time and effort into your profile maybe the picture and add a few panels and tell me a few things about you or I can discover you on different social medias which is also a nice kicker about this is you can grow on those as well I think this is gonna be a one and done and I'm not gonna follow you take 10 to 20 to 30 minutes out of your day and make some fun panels put some descriptions in there put links of where I can find you you need to do that again it's not just about the video player it's that whole page that represents you mistake number three is one that I used to do all the time when I started out as a small streamer it's poor overlay or graphic management you have to realize your video player that you have up there is your USB it is your unique selling point that's what gets people to click into your channel and that's your moment to grab them and if you have poor graphics and overlay or poor management of that real estate that's up there people are not gonna really stay inclined what do I mean by this well there's a lot of things when you play a video game a lot of people like sometimes if your graphics are overlay or covering the subtitles they can't follow along to the story a lot of people really want to know what your score is or what kind of power-ups you're using or what kind of class you build and if all these things are being covered up like you can't see the mini-map and they don't know which way you're going it's really intrusive and they don't like that because they want to kind of play the game along with you not backseat playing but they want to play along with you and if you're blocking on these things it's not really that fun and this goes with your camera too if your camera is blocking a bunch of different spots like if it's in the left corner blocking a map or in the bottom right corner blocking a score nobody really knows what's going on in the game so take into consideration what game you're gonna play figure out where things are displayed in that game and then build your overlay around that or put your camera in certain locations it's very easy to do have these done on different layers and you will see how much more of an improvement your stream is now if you're a fan of overlays that's perfectly fine you know overlays look really cool for certain games like League of Legends and fortnight and all those different ones like that so what I recommend is just slightly shrink down the gameplay a little bit to fit within the graphics that you're creating so that way you don't block a lot of things like scores or your class billet very important things that people would like to learn off of you so consider doing that mistake number four is extremely important so please pay attention treating your subscribers differently than your regular viewers when you first get affiliated or partnered on Twitch and you start making an income it's really awesome and you want a reward or give perks to those or helping support you and your dreams while you stream and that's fine I'm not trying to be hypocritical off of all my old videos I'm literally talking about treating people differently that are in your channel there are some twitch partners and affiliates out there that give off the impression or make you feel that you have to be a subscriber to be noticed or be a part of their community and that's a really bad motive to have I mean look there's really no big difference between a subscriber and regular subscribers and regulars they both give me bits they both give me donations they both give me their time they both help expand my brand on social media and on the streaming community they both have their perks it's just one is able to give a little bit more support than the other but they're virtually the same so stop creating dividers and walls between the two and this is really sad because I can't tell you how many times I've gone to channels and they're only talking to people that are subscribers and they're discord channel or they're only talking to people and chatting back with others that have a sub batch if you can learn to form a community around regulars viewers subscribers and everything in between you're gonna have such a strong community that you will grow exponentially and it will be awesome okay okay time for the granddaddy of them all of why nobody watches you on Twitch youtuber mixer you want to know the big reason no one ever watches you it's cuz your attitude if you have a negative salty rayji non-stop complaining attitude why the heck would I want to watch you I don't want to watch you because you're complaining all day I have a normal life or I have to deal with the ins and outs of normal bull in everyday life and the last thing I want to do is come into a we're a guy salty negative complains all the time I come to twitch for an escape for some good laughs to make some friends to have a good time and if you're not having a good time and I see a sour scowling face and you're just complaining non-stop trust me you shouldn't be streaming this is not for you look I understand it's easy to lose your temper when you're playing a video game it just means you're passionate I lose my temper all the time too but you know what I learned to do that works really well cuz you learn to laugh it off or you make a joke about it or you pull the community in to make it a fun time for them there's a lot of times when I don't succeed or I lose in a game and the community will laugh at me and I laugh at myself too and that makes it better it's okay to rage but learn to laugh it off or just one idiot right after that and continue having a positive and fun time or to say well I'll get them next time it's okay to be passionate about your game but if you're being mean and discourteous and shouting and yelling and generally just being an ass to watch no one's ever gonna watch you in fact you probably shouldn't even stream everyone's gonna have different results out there and they're gonna have different growth so don't compare yourself to others congratulate those that are growing and you know take some time to relish in your own accomplishments that you get we're all gonna grow at different paces but if you use these tips and tricks and you learn to make improvements in your stream you're slowly gonna start building a base and you're gonna form a community that you're proud to be of and if you do form an awesome community go ahead and bring them by my channel I would love to meet and greet them myself if you guys like this video make sure you give it a nice thumbs up and leave a comment if I missed anything that you think will help out any small streamers make sure to leave a comment below and help out the community if you want to keep up with me and all of my social media and when I go live and publish videos and my art make sure to follow me on my Twitter and my Instagram and if you want to help support this channel and support me bring more high-quality content you can follow me over on Twitch and subscribe there as well thank you all for the love that you've given thank you guys so much for watching I will see you all in the next stream support video coming up real soon take care all peace
Channel: Wild4Games
Views: 398,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Why No One Watches You On Twitch, New Streamer Mistakes, small streamer mistakes, mistakes new streamers make, top 5 new streamer mistakes, twitch streamer mistakes, omlet arcade, top 5 small streamer mistakes, mistakes small streamers make, top 5 mistakes new streamers make, best twitch affiliate, how to set up donations on twitch, how to be a better streamer on twitch, how to be a good streamer on youtube, How to be a good streamer on twitch, wild4games, youtube gaming tips
Id: HnAyKZbgVCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 12 2018
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