How To Be The Best Console Streamer On Twitch!

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Do you stream from your ps4 or Xbox are switched to twitch YouTube Facebook and mixer if so I'm gonna show you some awesome tips that are gonna make you become a better console streamer let's go! Hey it's me it's wild coming at you from my stream support playlist where I bring you the best tips and tricks and if this is your first time here and you want to learn how to grow and improve your stream make sure you hit that big red subscribe button and tick that bell so you know when my videos go live for you and hey at any point in this video if you like the products or the services that I'm talking about did you all a favor I put links in the show notes below so make sure you check them out so a while ago I did a video on how to be a good console streamer and addressed all the common mistakes people make streaming from their ps4 Xbox and switch and people have been thirsty for more by asking me tons of questions about how to be a better console streamer so this video is for all of you out there so get your notepad ready because I'm gonna show you how to become better streaming from all of your console out there to platforms like twitch mixer YouTube and Facebook gaming let's go before we begin if you haven't seen my last video on common console streamer mistakes go ahead and pause this video and check that out first before you continue on with this awesome list now if you're streaming directly from your console most streamers don't realize that you have broadcast settings within the application that you're using to broadcast out to whatever streaming platform you decide so our tip here is make sure you go into those settings and adjust them for your internet needs and the quality that you want to produce out to whichever platform you pick if you play multiplayer games out there you will be surprised at who will click on your username and go into your profile and you know what a lot of people are lacking a proper impactful and effective profile that's gonna lead those people to your streaming platform whether it be twitch mixer or anything beyond and you're really not helping yourself out put it in a small description about yourself and who you are and a funnel that goes back to your streaming platform put your links put stuff about you that's gonna entice people that's gonna make you more discoverable you'll be surprised especially if you play multiplayer games out they're of how many people will find you through this method since we're talking about affective profiles you need to have an effective profile on your streaming channel now one thing I see a lot of console streamers lacking is having gamer IDs and gamer tags that are easily accessible for new people that come into the channel that want to play games with you and this is an awesome way to create a community and grab more regulars into your channel if you will let them have a fun time playing games with you trust me you're gonna grow and you're gonna grow fast so I highly recommend adding your gamer IDs and tax now for an extra bro note for me to you make sure you add these into your timers as well or commands so that way people know how to gain access to your channel or its your game very quickly now I get this question asked to me a lot how do I add commands in timers well you need a bot and I will be doing videos on this soon I keep promising it's just hard to find the time to fit these in but once you introduce a bot to your channel you can set up timers that will let people know pertinent parts of information like your game or IDs or schedules or anything like that but the commands are the most important part because if somebody wants to join your game you can have a join command that will let people know the rules or how to join or you can do gamer ID commands that let people know where to find you easily and accessible it's all about creating a stream line process because if you break that streamline process people will kind of give up really quickly and they'll go to another channel that's gonna be more effective for them let me ask you all a question out there and be honest how many of you have been streaming on to twitch and somebody comes into your channel and the first thing out of their mouth is what console are you streaming on and generally you'll say one answer and they were looking for another one and then they leave it's probably happened to you a lot and the way to minimize this is you want to attract the right crowd to attract the right crowd all you really need to do is just add what platform you're on and the very beginning of your title on your streaming platform literally put in parentheses or quotation marks put PS for then your title put Xbox and then your title put switch and then your title and so on and so on and what this does is this refines the market of who maybe looking for you I mean come on it makes sense if people are gonna play multiplayer games and they're on an Xbox most of the games out there they have to look for an Xbox Lobby so that's the first thing that they're gonna look for and this is an awesome way for you to narrow down refine a niche your content to attract the right crowd this is a huge tip that pays off awesome our next tip is all about being prepared and to be honest I'm guilty of this myself sometimes when I stream from my console don't be a scrub and make sure that all of your gaming gear your controllers and your headsets or whatever you use is charged and for an extra tip make sure you have extended cables I can't tell you how many streams that might have been cut short because my controller dies and I don't have any backup batteries or don't have a backup controller and my cable is only three feet long why do they only give you three feet of cable come on so what I highly recommend is go ahead and on go on Amazon and buy yourself an extended cable so that way if something dies or ruins the flow of your channel you can easily just plug it in and keep on going but the point of this tip is make sure you're prepared by having all of your equipment charged right off the bat because there's nothing worse than starting your stream and then 15 minutes in everything kind of dies-out now if you're one of the brave ones to stream off your ps4 or your Xbox and you use the camera one big common mistake that I see a lot of people do is that they have their camera super far away from them and they look super small and nobody's gonna really notice you and to be honest the quality of those cameras aren't really the best unless you have the proper lighting to go along with it so for our tip on this one is I highly recommend getting yourself a basic Amazon USB extended cables so you can move the camera closer to you to fill up more of the frame and you can get yourself like a a gooseneck or a small little baby tripod to help out with this it'll make a huge impact because people are attracted to faces so they're gonna want to see your reactions they're gonna want to make a personal connection with you so get this extended cable route it from your xbox to your ps4 and put it into an optimum spot for the camera to pick you up with proper lighting it'll pay off huge one thing a lot of streamers are missing from their console streams is high quality audio not not just talking about the gameplay but also the chat that comes through their headset or their microphone there are a lot of settings that you can change within the settings of your console that are gonna help improve this between party chat or localized chat or gameplay don't be afraid to go in the settings of the gaming and adjust the ambient sounds the volume sound so it comes across perfectly and don't be afraid to do the same for your party chat or local chat or anything coming from your headset or for your mic and also don't be afraid to ask anybody that's currently watching you is there something that you can make better game volume sound effects down your voice up your voice down it's a little tougher on a console because you can't really hear yourself unless you got you know a laptop or a PC next to you but don't be afraid to make these changes because if people can't hear the gameplay or they can't hear you or they hear your squeaky friends over you people are just gonna leave since we're talking about audio let's address one thing audio is key you need to have good audio which means you pretty much have to stop streaming off one of these earbuds that came with your console it's time to upgrade and get yourself a decent headset and there's a lot out there you don't want to spend hundreds of dollars like the Sennheiser game one you can get yourself a nice headset for under fifty bucks and this is gonna help you have a better voice which is gonna cut through and make people engage more with your channel audio is super important because you want to have that good clarity within your voice and if you think my voice sounds good go ahead and check me on over at and if you like what you see and also what you hear don't be afraid to hit that almighty subscribe button one thing a lot of streamers don't do when they're trimming from their consoles is they don't turn on their subtitles by default if somebody's gonna watch you play a game play and you're using mostly all of your video player for your gaming content you should really turn on subtitles if it's a story-driven game because since people may not hear all the nuances of you or the gameplay it's really gonna help them out to keep up with the story by turning on subtitles and a lot of people will specifically look for a game play that has subtitles so they can keep up with this story so make sure right when you start your game if the default setting for subtitles isn't on turn it on before you start streaming one of the common complaints I always seem to get from console streamers is they always say wild I can't compete with the big boys and the big girls that have pcs that are streaming games because they got all these sweet setups you know that's kind of lame thinking and scrub thinking it's your charisma and it's you that's really gonna push you through the game and hold onto the retention of people that come into your channel and what's gonna be really cool about you being a smaller market out there is you already have this particular niche that you can that you can fill a lot of people love watching smaller streamers and engaging so what you need to do is make sure you're constantly engaging with your channel not just your chat but your channel you should always be talking about the game the way you're playing it and how you can do things bigger and better within the game so there's constant flow and when people come into the chat and start talking you should never miss a comment you should be right on top of it because people are gonna see how professionally you take your stream because there's no reason for you to miss it because you're probably not gonna have a higher view count so you should be right on top of it and continue to keep that conversation flowing for the whole time you are streaming and if you have problems keeping your channel engaged or your chat engage or keeping the talk flowing or breaking the silence you know what do me a favor let me know what you struggle with with the comments below and I will see what I can do to make a video on that subject matter for you so that way you can be bigger and better and grow on platforms like twitch and if you guys like this type of content and you want to see more from me and keep up with me don't be afraid to keep up with me on my socials on Twitter and Instagram and if you like what you see go ahead and mosey on over to slash wild4games if you like what you see again you can hit that almighty subscribe button thank you to those that already have I will see you all in my next streaming support video coming up real quick take care all peace
Channel: Wild4Games
Views: 210,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grow as a console streamer, console streaming tips, better console streamer on Twitch, becoming a better console streamer, best console streaming tips, How To Be A Good Console Streamer On Twitch, console streamers, how to become a good twitch streamer on xbox, console streaming, how to be a good console streamer, how to be a good streamer on ps4, ps4 streaming tips, how to be a good streamer, how to stream on twitch ps4, ps5 streaming tips, xbox series x streaming tips
Id: dcDIAO2-7ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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