first bedwars games back on my main account

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what's up everybody it's Game Boy to here I'm playing on my main account I'm currently 1420 quarterly that's how many stars I have and hey we might get a star today which that'll be the first time in a very long time that that happened but I can actually Nick again which is real exciting so I'm gonna go ahead and do that let's get right into the first game alright first game background dragon star I don't know if you've seen but my final kill count actually went up to one hundred thousand and six final kills I had it sitting at a hundred thousand for like months I think since January it's been sitting out a hundred thousand I played a couple games just like two of the tournament the tournament was terrible I'd I didn't intend on playing very much I played two games or three or four and I got six final kills and it counted towards my stats so thank you hi Vic Sol for ruining the hundred thousand the statue on the leaderboard I guess it's fine cuz I'm planning on playing my on my main account anyway so what does it really matter but also it's kind of said I like looking at exactly a hundred thousand and there we go the first final kill back before anyone asks no I'm not planning on going for number one final killer or any higher spot on the leaderboard I don't intend on grinding at all I'll probably be moving the opposite way on the final kill leaderboard pretty soon just cuz the number three final killer is catching up and obviously again I don't plan on playing very much at all I've done my bed Wars grind okay but here we go I'm planning on playing until I get the next star I'm at fourteen twenty I'm hoping to get to 14 21 however long that takes I don't know man it might I might be able to get that bed quest before in which case I probably won't have to play that many games what are you doing that'll do it what a hacker he says yeah baby just the power of a youtube rank account that's all but I don't know what's gonna come first either bed quest you're just getting enough XP to get the next level either way we got blue who already bridged mid does he have obsidian possibly maybe no he only has one layer of bed defense I'm gonna go break his bed oh he's coming back okay I'm gonna stand here then I'm gonna keep an eye on him I just don't know he's just gonna go that way dang it I was hoping he'd come back cuz I could just drop him right there cuz I've better gear looks like his leather armor and the no diamond upgrades but either way we shall go in I still don't know he's abusing the punch Bo it's too good the bow is far too good oh oh get out here with your bow huh God I figured it if I died there that probably would have became a really annoying game just because he'd have his bow he'd be able to go back mid spam it around to collect a ton more Em's get stacked and once someone's stacked and they have a punch bow oh that's just GG I lose punch bows are really really good okay grace last player alive accidentally bought a TNT instead of the the gap that I want oh that's not what I wanted at all Oh what okay we good oh my god well I meant to buy a gap but I bought a TNT instead so I couldn't have those absorption hearts and I also I watched myself way up in the air but as I said I'm just gonna play until I get it another bed Wars star 1421 however many games that takes me that's many games I'm gonna record alright what's what's this guy doing Dyan that's what he's doing I'll get his bed but I'm also gonna die to this guy but that's fine never mind okay green they're gonna build up to me which I guess that's fine let's see are they gonna drop down I'm gonna smack them never mind I'm gonna take a lot of fall damage it's okay cuz they also took a lot of fall damage I was able to kill him can I buy a gap cuz if so I win I just wanted to spend everything that way if I do die which I'm not going to he wouldn't he wouldn't get any resources okay it looks like gray is gonna break acqua bed no maybe not or his great gray might die at Aqua no never mind gray got it oh never mind okay it looks like gray ran over there couldn't break the bed killed Ocwen then ran away which that's fine at least they're all like stalling each other a whole bunch okay so great of trapped on the bridge right now they're also really low I can probably kill him here yep I can but now I'm on the bridge okay well now aquitine is right there I'm just gonna head up and I smacked them hit him down perfect so he'll be dead and then we can head over to their base now at least start putting a little bit of pressure on them hopefully I can get some diamond upgrades cuz I think I've proud right yeah I just don't have anything else which is really really bad it looks like they're gonna start heading mid don't know why oh they fell oh that sucks for them I don't know what their plan was going mid probably I mean obviously to get Em's but why when I when it's clear I'm heading towards your base also is that server leg or you legging no that's them I'm sorry dude bad Wi-Fi not my problem okay I'm here to win bed Wars games and then they are no longer frozen and I should be able to win there we go there we go alright we're here with Game Boy oh nine and Gamboa 9 in this game bad news I hit a hit level 1421 because of the bed quest I did that last game on the lighthouse and it was a really good game but I didn't record it because I stopped the recording to double-check on my like audio and video which is what I do every once in a while now after far too many lost recordings because I do the whole recording and I realized something's wrong and then I get all angry so I double-checked and uh and I realized that I didn't start the recording again so I missed a game which sucks at least I figured out that I wasn't recording quick enough to only lose that one game but anyway I'm level 1441 I got the star that I needed but I'm gonna do a few more games just cuz that was too quick of a recording anyway by me saying the star that I needed I didn't need a star but the star that I said I was going for in this video so whatever I just said didn't make any sense it looks like every single person finished their first rush can I we don't have an axe whoops I messed up I did not just steal that much knock back to him what what where did he go I just gave him a little tap on the booty and he just went sailing in that direction goodness goodness me gamer Lorenz I'm he's very aerodynamic that's all I can say us gamers we're aerodynamic what can I say okay I think I'm gonna put everything away and void I see Green Team heading over to me which that's fair I am pretty close to them so smart for them to rush me I might I might lose my bed here I don't think I have enough time I don't have a minor fatigue trap and I don't have any bed defense at all if he played yeah he's gonna get my bed for sure hello sir hello sir up there I mean I'm gonna lose my bet either way but yeah I figured I was liked by some possibility if I could obtain blocks that would be amazing but no all right well I have loads of gaps I have tea and tea a bunch of blocks hey it's monster tea why monster all right well I wonder if this guy's enough five looking at me hmm that's just funny that's just funny all right well I'm gonna leave again I just wanted some diamonds see yeah well this guy's just playing around with me here I mean I'm guessing white team's gonna be a Nobby and massive protection so I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing here I could go for a TNT jump over to him but I don't really want to do that I guess I'll just run up here this is probably my best call at the moment and then as long as I can get high ground on him we should be good if he builds up to me then I can just drop down kill him and then run to his base all right so what we're gonna do is jump down and smack him that's so much fall damage oh my god he's off the map which is good all right I will gap I have so much gear I don't think I can die I mean I can if I get hit off but I really don't think that's gonna happen let me drop a fat TNT actually I can just break his bed here wait hello why didn't I break his bed okay we good damn boy Oh 9 good fight I would play it a little bit riskier if I had a bed but unfortunately I did not let me go ahead and grab that's okay now we have prot 2 and I'm now scared I'm like very scared I don't know okay I see Diamond armor I don't see any pride but also I'm still scared because I don't know what this guy is packing we see the diamond armor but I don't see any Prada don't see any sharp which is good because we have that but I'm guessing do that do they have a B they might have aa B they have a sharp diamond sword that sucks so they might have aa B they might have pots as well pots and a diamond sword together is really bad news he is chasing me I'm gonna do some of that to give myself a little bit of time oh he pearl oh he's like right behind me okay he doesn't have Bobby which is good news also he has a KB stick oh he misplace his bed defense yeah he didn't hit me a single time oh my god yeah I guess good gear can only get you so far if you can't hit people we have a very talkative game here someone says I think the sprinting made him think I was flying common misconception here in bed Wars someone saying or legs one says my ping is really bad so I'm gonna drop down onto the diamond Jen but this guy is building way up which is kind of rough I guess I'll build it straight up I'm gonna TNT jump I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it got him is he gonna come back or is he just gonna go to my base he's oh he TNT jump did he make it he did what a legend that is an insane TNT jump oh my god I'm not even mad that I lost my bed to this guy that's that's amazing I'm gonna there we go I was trying to beat it out so he could uh drop down on me God he's so laggy well no bed game I guess I'm not even mad that the teens he drove from right there - right there so I have four blocks to my name I'm hoping to find somebody around here that has a base that I can get to with that amount of blocks and yes it looks like Red Team here is a base that I can go to with only four blocks what about yellow and green greens not in the game yellow I could probably get to yellow in four blocks as well what yellow is not in the game either wait where all the players okay hang on I'm gonna go over here and I'm gonna see with only four blocks can I get up to that base cuz this would be really good cuz I have a lot of gear one two three yeah okay kind of a far jump but not too bad yeah I think you're just disconnected I think that's his materials I just picked up his dead body how dare I okay well what can we do with this amount of things I'll do that and that and that I guess I'll do some haste I I never really do haste diamond armor iron sword gap pickaxe some blocks speed jump okay I would just went on my shopping spree we're all stacked out and I guess I'll head over to pink pink is the guy that was saying someone thought he was flying because he was sprinting or something along those lines and then gray is next to them and gray still has a bed so let's head back here oh go pink oh oh is he flying or just sprinting okay well looks like pink killed gray so I'll just I'm gonna grab some prot - um let's see I'll sit here and watch for now because if pink decided to run back to me I can kill him but I don't think no okay pink dyed to gray but gray doesn't have a bed anymore so heading over here should probably be a free little kill he doesn't have diamond upgrades I don't think he has very good gear either he certainly doesn't have diamond armor iron sword good gear okay cool okay well it's a 1v1 me and blue team I don't know shy invisus base or should I get to his base break his bed and then in biz I'm unsure at the moment I think I'll just go to his base and then in biz I'll see if he voids if he doesn't void it's a free bed if he does void I think that just means he lost the game because I'll be able to kill him yeah he pointed I think that just means he lost the game cuz I'll break his bed now I'll hide back here in gap and then he just doesn't have the gear to kill me so GG's to that alright we're here with another game around hallo I'm gonna do the quickest rush possible even though lately people have been sweating the bed war and it's probably better to go with more blocks and build up so I'm playing a little risky but I guess we'll find out here if I get absolutely railed by my first opponents but hopefully I'm quick enough and you just just chillin in his base kinda okay I made it I ran out of blocks I've misplaced too many yeah okay and that's a bed and can I get his stuff and deposit it let's go that was just in case I die and I'm absolutely going to cool I grabbed his stuff so let's go ahead and grab all this okay I just got tools and a stone sword this way the stone sword is to make me deal the highest amount of damage possible but if I still end up dying I won't lose my tools so buying these is pretty much not a waste of iron if I die the only problem is I didn't get any blocks so if he chooses to bridge all the way over to me I'm in some mad trouble okay nevermind we good I don't know what he's doing okay let's toss a piece of grey bed around wait did I just say grey bed I'm gonna toss a piece of grey wool around my bed that way I'll hopefully confuse some enemy players they'll be like why are you gray team I thought you were pink aqua just made it middle let's kill him and make him go back to their base come here yeah yeah it's not working okay we're fine okay I'm gapping up I'm gonna drink up some speed and jump as well let's get over to Aqua team how dare they still be in the game and also how did they rail me last time how upsetting yeah oh man oh I think they're giving up aren't they yeah I'm gonna get their bed and then boy because it's pretty easy to get to my base and I don't think I have any bed defense so I'm gonna void just in case they are planning on coming to my base and they definitely are yeah again my base has zero protection like you can just run to my base as well as God what do I do um hey stop I'll just tell him to stop stop pulse we fell well that's bad news for this guy oh he's so could've got in my bed if you didn't fall he called me a loser dude you call me a loser but you couldn't break my bed when I had zero prot maybe he's just calling me a loser for being decent at the game which to be fair anyone that's good at bed wars is a loser it's it's statistics I'm sorry I I don't make the rules well it's Kor boy blue he doesn't have a bed so you just end of the game right here he does have sharp and prons but that is totally fine okay I think I'll do one more game to get me to 1420 to the big 14 22 everyone's favorite number okay we're here on rooftop to end things off all right yellow rushing never mind he's rushing the void we're heading over to him I should be able to get this bed real quick actually maybe not he's responding right now did he leave I think he left the game I mean that works that's a pretty quick first rush couldn't ask for anything more other than a final kill I do like those every once in a while but I'll head over to green cuz why not there the next base in a row maybe I can break every single bed this game I mean just kidding definitely not because once you say you're gonna break every bed in the game then you don't people start losing their beds okay so I'll drop the TNT here let's go ahead and oh god that's gonna blast me up too much damaged goodbye bed I'm low hey stop man got him okay well now what's going on with this bridge green built straight up and then straight over well here we go wait what's he doing oh he's gonna fight I don't know what his plan was he was like doing a little bit of running a little bit a little bit of fighting a little bit of running do I have time to rate this bed okay I might be losing my bed here just because aquas that's blue blue is heading over to my base and I also want to take out blue so I think we're trading beds which I mean I think that's fine if we trade beds it's not the end of the world I mean I don't really wanna oh wait he fell in the void that sucks for him otherwise he would have totally traded beds either way and we both have sharp but I went goodbye I'm gonna head mid possibly find white team here if they've been collecting m's that's generally how people do if they don't have a bed but it looks like that is not what they're doing I have no clue where they are oh they're at their base gray bridged out to blue team meaning that they're over at blue right now I'm gonna break Grey bed and void just in case someone decides to come to my days so there's a bed let's go ahead and grab some prot to toss this away and jump in the void I have a trap so if someone's at my base I'd be able to see I won't just randomly lose my bed which is real good then again that is my defense zero who cares I'm not even gonna build any defense I started the game with no defense I guess I'll finish with no defense it's a good finale you know okay now it's just a matter of K owing to players I think I saw white team over here and I pretty sure I saw gray over at green wait' yeah yeah there's white in mid cool let's go let's go um I'm gonna fireball jump to my way over but I'm also gonna take a lot of damage but that's okay cuz fall damage is opie good bye okay and there's great team cool I just like having an eye on all the players that way I know that nobody is sneaking up to my base or sneaking up to me for that matter cuz I don't want to die I have too many thing too many singular thing goodbye emerald and on our way to gray he has he did collect a lot of diamonds here though just a little concerning I just he doesn't have prod so I guess we're good we have prot - oh wait I got stupid of me okay I probably should have been hit off the map there cuz I ran into a block here but but we didn't but either way that's gonna do it for this episode of bed Wars if you enjoyed make sure you smash like and sub thanks for watching goodbye
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 426,352
Rating: 4.9746189 out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, gamerboy80, minecraft, mc, bw, gb, gb80, challenge, leaderboard, 100k, final kill
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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