Maleficent Pitch Meeting

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so you have a movie for me yes sir I do see I figure we could do Sleeping Beauty right but we flip it oh ok so we play it backwards people probably would pay to see that I'm sure they would but that's not what I meant I meant we tell it from the perspective of the villain oh so like the bad guy is the main character of the movie that's kind of weird yeah but see we're gonna show that she wasn't so bad after all you know people are gonna be like why did I even think she was evil in the first place what was her name again Maleficent it means productive of harm or evil oh but that doesn't necessarily mean she's evil that's a good point my son dum dum Johnny is actually quite clever he breaks out of his cage all the time what so what happens in the movie well we're gonna see Maleficent as a child and she lives in an enchanted forest called the Moors okay and she's gonna develop this bond with this human boy Stefon over their dead parents over their dead parents I saw the logo on the door I love it so they're gonna end up falling in love but then he's gonna go stir Oh very rude and then years later the humans are gonna attack the Moors cuz they hate fairies and stuff why oh well cuz I freaking said so I guess okay gotcha so then the king is dying and he's like you know what whoever kills Maleficent gets to be king next that's how the stuffs decided right oh so Stefan is gonna betray her he is but then at the last second he chickens out oh so he's a good guy any drugs her and when she's passed out he cuts her wings off oh my god yeah so then he tricks his way into becoming King and she's like I'm gonna be evil now I'm gonna get some frickin revenge wow wow wow wow yeah so then she saves a raven and turns him into a human wait she's powerful enough to turn birds into humans yeah yeah pretty cool right so wouldn't she be powerful enough to give herself you know new wings no she's not that powerful are you nuts oh okay yeah no so you can only like control the weather and make people unconscious and make them fly around and control pretty much all of nature but not the wing thing no not the wing thing that's too much she can turn people into dragons though what then why is there even a conflict here well her wings were stolen she wants revenge so why doesn't she turn her raven friend into a dragon and burn down the castle well that's not how she wants to play this thing okay so what does she do well eventually she finds out that the King got married and had a baby named Aurora what was Maleficent doing for like a year and a half just hanging out oh yeah just chilling so what does she do when she finds out oh well she goes to the christening because religion developed in exactly the same way despite magic being real right and she's gonna be like I am cursing the heck out of this baby and then she sees a spinning wheel so she's like okay okay okay so on her sixteenth birthday she's gonna prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and then wait wait wait is she making this curse up on the spot yes seems like she's doing a bit of improv Oh improvised curses are tight yes so she's like when she pricks her finger she's gonna fall asleep and never wake up so she's killing her no no it's just like going to sleep and never being able to wake up ever that's what dying is well actually then she does some more improv and she's like okay okay okay so only true love's kiss can wake her up okay so that's not death but secretly she's like there's no such thing as true love so that is death why is she saying all this weird sleep stuff so the movie can happen oh right okay so then the King is all mad right and he orders his people to anyway what do you mean the King orders what do you mean what do you mean well I mean his whole claim to the throne was that he killed Maleficent and she just strolled into the castle oh right well literally nobody's gonna make that connection Wow lucky king yeah for real so he orders them to destroy all the spinning wheels in the kingdom that's a pretty smart move that way she'll be safe yeah and he also sends her to live with three incompetent Pixies he just met for 16 years what so so she'll be safe from from spinning wheels wouldn't it be a lot safer to keep her under guarded supervision inside the castle and make sure no spinning wheels ever enter probably but he's gonna go with this giving my baby to strangers so they could raise her strategy well okay then so then Maleficent is gonna watch this kid grow up for years and years and years why would she do that I don't know fair enough and eventually she's gonna come to really like this kid so she's gonna try to lift the curse but then she can't oka because I decided she couldn't do that that works so then eventually Aurora's gonna find out about the curse and she's gonna run to the castle and touch a spinning wheel almost immediately Oh No yeah so she falls asleep and stuff Wow so only true love's kiss can wake her up that's right so then this Prince Phillip guy that she met one time on a road kisses her while she's unconscious yikes is that really the kind of thing we want to have a good guy do in a Disney movie in this day and age yeah well he's gonna be pressured into it so it's okay and romantic oh that's not gonna hold up in court anyway it doesn't work so it's like wait that guy she met one time in the woods is not her true love is that supposed to be a surprise yes sir very much so but then Maleficent kisses her and she wakes up so it's like hey right it's like frozen it's like in frozen make money it did so then what happens well there's gonna be a big final fight between Maleficent and the king but he has a bunch of iron okay so well iron is the one thing that hurts fairies oh why is that because humans have a lot of it so it works well for story purposes right gotcha so it was gonna be hard for her to fight back if she's surrounded by iron actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yes the Aurora breaks Maleficent swings out of a glass box so they fly back to her and then she's unstoppable the wings fly back to her and she's unstoppable yeah because they're so strong and powerful then they have a bond and she trusts them but they couldn't break out of a glass box apparently not oh and why didn't they fly back to her before they were in the box and since when did they have a mind of their own listen I'm gonna need you to take some notes from those wings and get all the way off my back okay let me get off of that thing great thanks until I suddenly decide to get back on four seemingly arbitrary reasons ah and so how does the movie end well this takes place in a castle so obviously the bad guy falls off of it obviously right and then aurora becomes queen of all the realms even though her father was an illegitimate king that's right so what do you think well to be honest I'm impressed that you managed to stretch out this villain story into a feature-length film well yeah it wasn't so bad once I committed to filling long stretches of it with nothing well let's hope you can pull that off again what [Music] hey guys it's Ryan here hope you like that pitch meeting there are over a hundred episodes of pitch meeting on the channel that you could check out I also have some other videos on there so click around also let me know in the comments section what other movies you'd like to see these pitches for don't forget to hit the like button the subscribe button the bell button the button button I don't know thanks for watching guys - see you next time
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 1,561,919
Rating: 4.9727068 out of 5
Keywords: Maleficent, disney, angelina jolie, aurora, sleeping beauty, elle fanning, live-action remake, fairy, stefan, diaval, raven, dragon, magic, walt disney, wings, curse, spinning wheel, prince, philip, kiss, true love’s kiss, plot holes, how it all started, honest, everything wrong, Funny, super easy barely an inconvenience, ryan george, screen rant, screenrant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 6sec (366 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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