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I love these "pitch meetings" videos. Super snarky!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Thubanstar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Never seen the movie but with it's takings and what I know of the plot I can only assume that it's standard mainstream tripe. Funny video though, might watch more.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mr_Teaofthetime πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
so you have the movie for me yes sir I do it's Pocahontas but in space with some big blue kitty cats oh all right just give me a minute okay what what you doing oh I'm just calling an ambulance for you yes hello the person I'm talking to was having a stroke oh no I didn't have a stroke the movies like a sci-fi Fern Gully with aliens called the Navi yeah he's definitely having a stroke he's just saying gibberish words once again sir I'm not having a stroke if you say so hey maybe send an ambulance anyway I like when the sirens go way yo that is a fun noise sir so what's the movie about well it takes place in the future and some humans go to a planet called Pandora because they want to mine this mineral Oh what's the mineral called well since the humans are having a hard time obtaining it I thought we could call it unobtainium oh okay so so that's like a placeholder name and you're gonna come up with something less ridiculous Oh yep yep for sure I will great so anyway this guy Jake Sully ends up on Pandora to take the place of his brother that died okay and since he has the same DNA as his brother he's able to control this multi-million dollar avatar they made for him which is like a hybrid between a human and the Navi species and it sounds like you're gonna need a lot of exposition to explain all this stuff oh yeah but I actually found a really clever and subtle way to do it oh you did yeah once in a while I have Jake do these video log things and they're just straight-up expository dialogue spoken directly at the camera well that's some pretty heavy-handed exposition well I'm just following the classic rule of writing here you know tell don't show oh I think you might have got that backwards whoops whoopsie so anyway Jake goes out on this nature expedition with a couple of scientists and he's there as kind of a bodyguard oh so he has like an extensive knowledge about the planet and the stuff that lives there no he immediately runs into two different types of violent animals and has no idea what to do oh my god yeah he doesn't even know that his gun is basically useless against them so why would they have this guy be the bodyguard if he's so obviously useless because he's the main character right makes sense so yeah he gets separated from the scientists and gets lost in the sprawling jungle of Pandora but I imagine the humans could just track him and pick him up no they have no way of doing that avatars don't have any tracking capability so he's totally off the grid but if their technology lets them remotely connect to the avatars that means they do somehow know where they are oh yeah no I guess you're right so so let's ignore that and move on that works for me thank God so what happens now that he's lost in the jungle well he's about to get killed by these dog things in this Navi woman Neytiri saves him okay and Jake seems to be special or something so he gets to be trained by her to join the clan Oh what kind of stuff does he get trained to do well she shows him how to plug his ponytail into some animals what yeah if you plug your ponytail into animals you get to control them that sounds pretty gross oh yeah it's pretty weird and at a certain point if you want to join the clan you have to plug it into this banshee dragon thing oh yeah what's that like well you have to wrestle it down and shove your thing into its thing and it's gonna fight back but you really need to pin it down and shove your tail in there that sounds like something you should go to jail for what well you're saying you need to basically force yourself onto this creature yeah but it's not a sensual thing they just connect the ponytails through the Navi have a way of getting sensual yeah actually have a really nice love scene in here where what they do is connect the ponytails so the tale is a sensual thing yeah maybe okay so we're definitely cutting that part out of the love scene tell you what let's shoot it and see how we feel in editing I can tell you right now that I feel gross about it so maybe it'll be in the extended cut let's just shoot it and see okay awesome so is there a bad guy in the movie or oh yeah there's this mean hardcore military guy Colonel Quaritch what's his deal well the movies only as good as its villain so I made sure to give them a really compelling backstory and multi-layered character development oh you did now I'm just kidding he's just a really mean military guy that's as far as that goes well I guess that is all we need to know Plus that'll keep the runtime down right although it's gonna be about three hours long oh my god so anyway Jake's gonna become kind of the leader of the tribe by taking control of this big dragon thing called the Torah okay and only five people in history have been able to take control of this thing Wow so it's gonna be a real struggle for him to take control of it actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah he realizes that hey maybe nobody's attacked this thing from above and so that strategy works immediately hard to believe no one's ever thought of that so anyway at the end of the movie the bad humans are gonna try to drop some bombs on the Navi so they could take the unobtanium how are the Navi supposed to defend themselves from bombs falling from the sky well the humans are gonna fly low enough to be within range of the arrows very cool of them and so the Navi are gonna take the choppers and it's gonna look super awesome one of the bombs explode when the ships crash oh yeah they're gonna blow up like a couple of feet away from their intended targets and for some reason that's gonna be okay and so the na'vi are gonna win yeah and the bad humans are gonna get shipped back to their dying planet what's to prevent them from just coming back with more bombs the movies over okay good so basically what we have is this awesome looking movie that spreads a really important message what's the message that nature is important and if you let money drive your motivations you're a bad person and what kind of budget are you aiming for about a quarter of a billion dollars if that's really the message you want to send maybe we could donate that money to a charity no I want to make a movie give me money fair enough spending money on preachy messages is tight t there's more where that came from if you want to give me some more money I like your style [Music] hey guys Ryan here hope you enjoy that pitch meeting there are over 50 pitch meetings on the channel that you can check out kind of a long binge but if you like this video you'll probably like those we also have a new series on screen rant called Theory battle in that we go head-to-head with two different film theories and you guys decide which one's the most plausible it's pretty fun you should definitely check it out and let me know in the comments section what other movies I should make pitches for feel free to share this video on Twitter and Facebook that helps us out a lot and check back soon for a new one buh bye [Music]
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 2,987,417
Rating: 4.9694676 out of 5
Keywords: Avatar, james cameron, pandora, tails, navi, na’vi, jake sully, neytiri, love scene, sequels, blue cats, zoe saldana, sam worthington, budget, plot holes, honest, everything wrong, overrated, mistakes, Fun, Funny, Family, Kids, Friends, Video, Movies, Popular, Entertaining, Entertainment
Id: PFc6Xh31za8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 05 2018
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