A Perfect Abandoned Mine

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we just bushwhacked over from those hills off in distance there and uh it's been a good little hike pretty rough terrain in some spots but we're almost there that's a good feeling no roads no trails just a long bushwhack inn but we made it standing on the waste rock pile now you can see where the track ties or the reins of them are right there so the rails would run out here i was just standing over there a moment ago i came over here because uh of this little foundation here i think this may have been a primitive blacksmithing operation because uh it's hard to tell in this light but there's some looks like there's some slag down there at the bottom mostly covered up as almost impossible seeing this light but take my word for it a few bits and scraps of wood and the attic is around there i'll show you in just a second but first i want to show you the cool stone building right over there all right i was coming over to show you the stone building but i got side tracked because you see the ties running out here they used to use trees from around here as track ties didn't have milled wood and you can see they're the spikes right there they've rot out of this tie that's pretty cool and those ran back around there here's that stone building so they built up a wall right there looks like that may have been a hearth right there it's kind of difficult to tell because a bunch of materials come down there this rock here obviously served as a side wall the earth there would have been the back wall and there may have been something here in front i just can't tell at this point a few little bits and pieces over here uh let's see i'm gonna not block the sun you can see uh can something there remains a ball right there mr miller right there and that's about it there's the wall of that stone building right there and here's the first look at the at the glorious at it punched right in the side of the rock here let's go check it out this site really demonstrates the desirability of getting out to the really hard to locate and hard to access mines we had a long hike into this one and it's just saturated in artifacts that's the portal right there right in front here there's an old single jacking drill bit a very well used one as you can see [Music] so the portal as i said right here just inside the portal we've got an ore car sitting there there's this old i'm not sure if this was a sign or what looks like it may have been a sign at one time but it could have been something else on the back of it you can see says dupont and i can't recall ever seen more than once or twice a dupont box like this that's really really rare just to see that alone and probably helps date the mine i don't know my dynamite boxes well enough to know uh what this dates to you but hopefully somebody in the audience does there's a spike driven in the rib of the attic right there this ore car is quite old it's got a wooden frame underneath as you can see it still has the wheels on most people steal the wheels uh so the fact that wheels are still here gives you an idea of how remote this mine is i looked around and we could not locate a manufacturer's plate or anything like that you can see uh where the ore car pivots right there you're lighting it up better it's the ore car with pivot there and look at that wooden frame all the wheels there is the extent of it looking ahead in the mine punches back decent distance as you can see of course your car is empty there's looking at the back of the front down your perspective you can see these wheels are different size the wheels on this end are much smaller than those right there this lever here is completely rusted in place i can only imagine how long this has been sitting here but you would pull that down and dump it look at the wooden frame underneath some more this is an amazing find and what's interesting is that obviously they had rail because it worked hard but the rail has been removed which we were kind of surprised by because this is uh it would have been quite a job getting the rail in and out of here pretty awesome of course there's absolutely no modern trash or anything like that at all i don't think anybody has been here in ages there's looking ahead down at it let's go check it out rock in here another uh it looks like at the top of a bottle maybe with ceramic oh yeah i'll take a look at it when i come back outside [Music] see the ties are still in place along here they might have actually had a wooden rail uh with the strips or straps on top given what i'm seeing here these are really primitive track ties they just cut down trees outside you can still see the spikes and the crude ties here obviously they would not have wanted to haul in milled wood because uh this is quite a hike and there's no road or anything coming to this one this one you have to hike into even back in the day it's not like the roads washed out or anything simply doesn't exist never did that's cool is to have all the track ties normally those are gone or kicked out of the way too it's amazing that somebody used a single jacking drill bit to carve all this out there's some of the first milled wood that we've seen it looks like the remains of a ladder right there see the notches in it okay looks like there's a face in front of us here that goes off to the left unfortunately in the back here you see the remains of the dynamite box giant powder company gels and dynamite looks like are kind of hard to read and that it keeps running back this way not sure what that would have been used for she's got that wooden handle on it would have made it easier to bring in hell something's too fated to read there's an old one looks like they oh as a winds with a windlass here is absolutely covered and saturated in uh rodent urine and feces that's pretty disgusting really strong disincentive to want to go down there you can see the notches where the windlass was obviously i cranked my hand trying to even think how to get over there without getting in all that the drift keeps running ahead bends around that way and it looks like there's a little raise right here all right so looking up there that's just a little stoke that didn't go anywhere i thought it might have been like an overpass or a raise or something but that's the end right there so let's go look down that winds so at the winds now and here is the view looking down if i can get the light situated properly so yeah there's looking down it's quite deep we're gonna do the rock test now you ready yep standby sounds like it is catching something i don't know if it's a platform or if it's uh that's the bottom or not but it doesn't go too far there's this really sketchy ladder here dropping down but i mean that is really sketchy it's vertical and this is covered in rodent urine on top of that so we're gonna take a pass i'm going down there but we are curious the winds are right there the uh urine and feces covered winds and we're curious what is in front of us still so we're gonna go find out since we got a fair amount of material here it's pretty wide here really wide here oh cool dynamite box right there hercules powder see when you go to a mine like this at the middle of nowhere you see all kinds of artifacts like this they're normally gone just a little uh side drift right there that doesn't go anywhere but this keeps going wow it keeps going got small again i'm uh having to bend over a bit and walk through here there must have been some ore or something back there i'm going to make it that wide i can't believe it's a fly back here wow we're still going took a chunk out of the rib that they had it there okay wow we're getting really narrow now a bunch of uh new look i mean this is the first time i've seen this mineral in this mine i wasn't saying new mineral give me that freaking flies back here we're pretty far in i don't know if this got picked down or if this is uh sloughed off the ribs they added here interesting yellowish material really skinny through here obviously softer ground i think this this yeah this did fluff off my voice isn't really echoing anymore either so a little patch of not really bad ground but somewhat dubious ground and now we're back on the hard stuff again got the echo and the ground fall disappeared you know that ore car was pretty wide so it would have been tough pushing that through here keeps going straight and there's something going off to the right looks like it terminates here yeah i'd say it looks like somebody wrote something carbide or i could just be mineralization it's hard to tell so let's continue down the main drift so it looks like there's some bits of wood tossed right here getting down really low now more dynamite boxes tossed over here what brand is that i can't read it upside down uh that looks like i heard you loose you found these ones before was that oh oh cool and i found you a couple food containers with labels on them oh nice i'll check those out definitely check those out on the way out that's a blasting cap container oh nice that drill bit looks like it's in better shape than the last one still amazing that somebody lost my hand okay it's getting a bit messier now a little pocket here doesn't go anywhere there was something right there but i was too far deteriorated know what it was carbide right in echo disappeared lots of ground fall again stabilizer started screwing up on me so i'm starting over at this point again there's that miner's graffiti or marking right there the attic keeps going that way it looks like it might be caved right there it's actually muddy right here i'm walking through mud right now which i did not expect that just ends right there i'll go up a little way here i cannot believe this is all muddy given where we are now look at the crystals right there that's kind of cool oh man i'm just sinking down in mud here i think that is it looks like there might be something off to the left so i'll push up and check but this is really sketchy ground here okay little side pocket going off to the left that's the end of it there and this looks like it's caved to the top yeah ah yeah that is done i'm afraid really uh intense yellow back here it's almost like a sulfurous yellow that's pretty wild cannot believe the mud in the water never thought i'd need waders for this one fortunately i don't that's exceptionally muddy and all this ground here just caved off the back right there sketchy sketchy let's go check out those food labels he was talking about all right we're back where those labels were on the containers and i sort of brushed past this on the way in because i was curious about the drift but we've got some good stuff here what do you see well there's a few of these in the knife this is the only one at the label that's very very best cooked beef compressed cooked all right hold on focus they're really cool before opening oh cool so compressed cooked quite a few of these crudely torn open this one took a minute but this looks like blasting caps california cap company from oakland yeah i've heard of that brand use a crimper which cannot choke off the fire in the fuse the california crimper quote unquote is recommended good advice pointers about blasting tell us how to get best results book is free ask for it california cap company bacon building oakland california not even an address just a building i love it that tells you that's an old one i want the booklet so we need to contact these people yeah exactly i'm curious about that booklet 40 strength of dynamite is a little more rare standard is about 30 it says right there it's extra strength so yeah i've only had seen that in one other mine so far for the forty percent given the effort that would be required to get that here i'm not surprised they went for the more bang for the buck that bottle is pretty old too looks like a little whiskey ball or something maybe although i'm not one of those bottle guys that knows all about the bottles nice little treasure trove right here this is that point and that's where we did that sharp left i kept going that way down below the mine now and we've found the can dump for the miners a lot of purple and turquoise glass here which helps date the site for those knowledgeable about glass see what i mean no sign of a structure at all and so we're thinking that they had a tent set up here a pretty sturdy canvas tent might have been set up in that flat area right there this is that flat area i was talking about it might be hard to see in two dimensions on your screen but it's fairly leveled off here in comparison to the surrounding uh terrain the cans i was just showing you are right there so they could you know come out of the tent just tossed them into the wash right there kind of makes sense there's some more glass up here as well you
Channel: TVR Exploring
Views: 81,866
Rating: 4.9356356 out of 5
Keywords: A Perfect Abandoned Mine, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Mine Exploring, Lost Nevada Mine, Prospecting, Desert Prospecting, Untouched Mine, Abandoned Mine, Underground Mine Exploring, Mining History, Ghost Town, Mining Camp, Old Mine, Adit, Stope, Winze, Minecraft, Mine Shaft, Mining Equipment, Mining Antiques, Mining Artifacts, TVR
Id: rha5v4RNZ2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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