Bringing An Abandoned Gold Mine Back To Life: Part 6 of ?

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well it took us all day ferrying the vent pipe up and that truck we call the mule but all of the vent pipe is up here now and we're sick of loading pipe it actually looks kind of cool doesn't it i don't know if that's coming across in the video but it looks kind of cool that i'm standing the way i'm just when i'm standing here so that was today's project that's literally all we did today load vent pipe and hauled up the hill the advantage of this though is that unlike with event bagging with this you don't you can uh blow air in but you can also suck air out with a vent bag you can just blow air in that's the advantage of the the metal more rigid pipes here vent bagging of course is cheaper this is more expensive but like i said you can suck air in or suck air out or blow air in glad you've been underground today and nature's air conditioning says it's blazing hot outside and nice and cool in here doing utility work today which is nobody's favorite but i got all these air and water lines running back to the uh where the drill stations are going to be and the refuge chamber and all that good stuff so stringing up all these pipes reinforcing some of them you can see getting all the nine wire twisted on there to hold them up sometimes it's a challenge threading them through and finding stuff to hang the wire off of especially with these timbers see what i mean but we're getting through it perfect doggy arm up is that it for this section yeah i'm just gonna finish reinforcing this pipe just needs one more rerouted okay then we're good to pull out the top starting out the day working down by the timber cathedral which rises up from above where that fire extinguisher is the timber cathedral is where that big collapse was that we ran the timbers way up into um it's just a force of timbers up there with the multiple timber sets and caribbean and lagging so we called the timber cathedral just because it swallowed up so much timber the reason i turned the camera on though is something interesting here these timber sets are approximately a month and a half old and look at the mold that's already starting to grow on them see all that fuzziness a month and a half it's amazing how quickly mother nature starts breaking down these timbers look in these wet environments what we're doing right now is replacing a tire right here so he's been digging out space beneath the track for us to jam that tie in there some of these ties date back to 1800s so they definitely need replacing the one that we pulled out here which is where'd that go right yeah that one was severely gone worn out so we gotta replace that one putting a new one to pre-drill the holes into the new track tie because the wood is so dry i just split so simply start driving the spikes in but so that's what the drill is for and then you see some of the spikes down the bottom we'll get that driven in and move on to the next track project all right the portal's out that way back at the 1600 station where that workshop was i think the last time i focused on video back here is when we were working on this switch here which as you can see has been completed the way this works is there's a pivot built in right there so this actually can look down like that and see so that pivot point is right there and if you want to move the track you just shift it over as so and that will direct the or car either this way and yes we have laid a lot of track in there or it'll keep you going down that original path right there so the ore car and this switch here we've got some more timber sets in here to help reinforce this stuff back here and then this new track actually runs all the way back to the face here adrian is wrapping heavy wire around one of the rock bolts that was just installed in order to help support that heavy tank when it's upright you're probably curious what the heavy tank is for and it's for compressed air this is where we're going to be doing most of our drilling and blasting to start out so we need the compressed air back there and that tank was not easy to lift so that was the look at the track and new work down that drift which we call the cherokee drift behind me the workshop has changed quite a bit as well you can see we've got a bunch of equipment boards things like that stage back here we're running a compressed airline back here to continue pushing this drift out possibly to go around that big mess right there remember that big collapse right there i might just go around that but the reason we're doing this now is to set up a drilling station back there for core drilling taking samples mapping out the ore deposit that kind of thing big project yesterday afternoon was getting this massive tank in here you see the rake right there and how high that is and look how high this tank is that tank was incredibly heavy i don't know how many pounds that weighs but it took four of us with all our strength to get that upright and we had to set a pulley off that hook right there do all kinds of tricky maneuvers to get that upright it was not easy this tank is gonna be for compressed air the reason being is that if we tried to push the compressed air from 1600 feet out on the surface by the time i got back here it wouldn't be enough pressure to give us the power we need on the pneumatic drills and such so we've set up this tank here there's nothing's hooked up yet which got it upright yesterday but the purpose of this tank here is to supply high pressured compress oh compressed air that's redundant but to get the appropriate pressure and the compressed air we're using back here we've got a nine wire bolted in holding this up right now we'll do more to anchor it in a minute or not in a minute but today we just want to make sure this is in the right place for all the connections before we really anchor it in but that was a big project of yesterday afternoon i'm glad it's over with it so hopefully that explanation made sense it's early in the morning i'm tired so not articulating myself very well or i should say just articulating very well a little bit we're gonna have to lower that forward [Music] um okay one of the friendly mine squirrels hanging out so it just doesn't care i didn't like that very much the other day in the mine what we're working on today is getting this ventilation pipe in as you can see this is hard pipe not like the vent bagging and this allows us to not only blow air in but also to suck air out so that's a step up however it's not much fun especially when you're drilling the screws in this because this is really flimsy metal and what happens is when you're drilling in quite often the drill doesn't punch through to layer below it just bends the one you're trying to connect to so you have to back it out keep trying it so you can get it to grab on to it and get through both pipes you're trying to connect and get it to fuse together so not much fun but i guess we're getting it's getting more smooth i have to say i want to get more used to it but i wouldn't say i enjoy it so cool what's in that's in [Music] [Applause] have you tried pushing it yet what have you pushed it yet we've been hauling in and installing this vent pipe for the past few days which we're all tired of i think however we're back in the 1600 workshop so we are getting there the flat car there got the uh the switch mostly finished you can hear the guys down there just doing some finishing touches on the vent pipe we're doing some finishing touches on this monster tank right here sealing it up as full of all these different uh holes for different hoses things like that so we're just closing those up setting those up it's already connected to the compressed airline [Music] you
Channel: TVR Exploring
Views: 34,463
Rating: 4.9701076 out of 5
Id: 316Bb3LUUpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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