Exploring An Abandoned Secret Mining Camp - Nevada

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so we've come out exploring again with some friends of ours and it's true that old adage you never know what you're gonna come across check this out just a bunch of empty bottles kind of like elmer's bottle tree ranch on a much smaller scale of course but what a good idea to take care of the litter create a piece of art it just makes you wonder what is yet to come so you can see this little track over here that's where we're heading so we'll pick up later on see what else we can see all right so down there is where we've just come from can't quite make it out but that's where the the bottle tree structure is so we've only come up a little ways it's not even a quarter mile away probably [Music] and come across this cabin so let's go take a look [Music] is that door open hello anybody home look at the outside all pressed tin i've got a makeshift windmill all right let's step inside real quick [Music] okay there's some critters making it home now the door coffee cans and an old bunk here caught here that's a two phone books hanging up wall they've left some clothes behind and what are you up to i'm just signing our names in the register book oh nice it's a cool little find here before we leave i saw in this newspaper friday december 5th 1986. look at a cardigan was only 14.99 this is march 5th 1986. [Music] wow this one oh i know this is a 95 now okay yeah so because this calendar right here is 1990 so there's some older stuff in here [Music] all right what have we come across now so a little sign that says this is the supersonic gold mine claim and it was erected in 1992 uh to dedicate it to the duke and opal and the cleland brothers so it's pretty neat pretty neat and i see the tailing piles right there so we've got to be just around the corner all right we've come across something pretty remarkable a mining camp and look at everything that's here and then there's ore tracks that go up over to mines over there so we're just gonna we're just gonna start exploring from one end to the how other this is look at the uh look at the shoe horns on top of those poles horseshoes yeah what did i say shoehorn yeah horseshoes another porch that looks pretty pretty solid made with railroad ties well right here the railroad ties on the bottom yeah okay that's not so good over there wow those bottles of alcohol still got liquid in them i wonder people are coming up and replenishing them in the miners hard hats up there he had a huge porch they had a huge porch sorry hearing some noises just making sure no critter's not coming out after me i just wanted to show you quickly to outside the front door all these tags nail onto the side wow this is uh central sensory overload yeah okay let's do let's start from the left and go around to the right mind the floorboards all right so here's the other side the living room they've got um says duke 1962. nice look how thick the walls are heavily insulated from summer and winter temperatures and look at that bottle that's stuck in the wall there's several kind of like the bottle house [Music] old pencil sharpener here you can see where some critters have made their home up here so we'll stab way clear that back here as well as the restroom i'd be real careful [Music] i don't think it was a restroom it was a storage there's a fridge in there oh there is a toilet as well oh well you can sit on the toilet and eat your lunch [Music] oh look at this [Music] princess diana [Music] and here a bedroom lots of nice poop yeah so we need to be careful and then last there's the kitchen we can go out the other side [Music] and walk around towards the back of the property here washing machine and here's the back of the house whoever did this was a quite genius looks like there's a mine right over there here's another road it looks and continues up around the corner here and then up top there's an outhouse all right continuing on this looks like it could be another outhouse yes it was here's another old magazine i did happen to find a little newspaper clipping from 1962 so that gives you some of the age how long it's been out here but just look at all the all the remnants out here all the things collected made i mean look at 55 gallon barrel here they welded on the pipe what that was for here is it mine oh looks like they uh got a little office out here newspaper of the day when completed you can see daylight through this tunnel at a distance 2200 feet the gold is long and cold but few there are who mind it come look for the treasure while you make for gold is where you find it through these portals past the greatest hard rock gold miners on the face of this earth cleveland brothers all right here we go we're going to explore in here a little bit i don't have a flashlight with me so this is kind of silly but [Music] wait i can already see the end look at this so here's where it stops [Music] let me turn around there's the entrance there's a neat little thing i know you guys won't be able to see this on the screen but there is a line of green bottles winding its way up the side of this hill you see by that uh that joshua tree right here in front that's kind of pointing towards the line and it works its way straight up there it's just took somebody a long time to do that wonder why what if there's something up there check out the collection of bottle caps there's quite a few of some old bubble up i've never even heard of that one mission orange soda oh there's a squirt there's just oh and an old shoe he's been out here for ages and the bottle caps continue i thought that other pile was huge this is just they like their sodas and then up over here i've got a mine i'm gonna poke my head in all right so let's check this out step down in here a little ways [Music] look at that nice and cool in here i don't think it goes back too far i don't feel any wind and then the tailings pile that we walked across was very minimal so i think it might just come up here and stop [Music] all right let's come back a little ways in here i can't really see anything all right so here's the work our tracks we're going to follow these see where they lead you know between these finding more paths so just leave this running put some music to this maybe and see where we end up [Music] across the little bridge oh you made it okay yeah this looks like a little workshop got a couple sets of tracks here look at all the glass bottles up at the top there all around the outside of the building another box full of newspapers here's a calendar 71. andrea has found another portal here thank for air [Music] now got some stuff up there [Music] electricity cable i guess yeah and then you've got the pipe is that the water the water pipe at the bottom running along with the uh ore that's small it could be uh if they used air for air guns for drilling or it could be water [Music] are those what i think they are don't know no i need to get light [Music] there we go now there's some light and check out thousand island dressing and that's where that stops i thought at first these were and you've got a pack rat nest just there yeah so you don't want to disturb any of this and there's a light behind the wire there's some more boxes here and then there's just a bunch of boxes up the front here it looks like [Music] wow now the mine it goes down there and this is just a storage area you can see a bat flying around there's your air compressor yeah air tank air tank and what are all the plastic jars i don't know syrup toppings well they're a thousand island dressing i don't know what they would put in them i don't want to disturb the bat [Music] okay don't want to go venture anywhere down there because we don't have any um yeah we don't have any safety gear on [Music] and we don't have an air meter so we will make our way back out [Music] you
Channel: Pin In The Atlas
Views: 377,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iGs6SCw-oQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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