Be Still And Know (2019) | Full Movie | Kelsey Steele | Elizabeth Potthast | Kelly Bartram

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[Music] what's in your hands it's wrong I could so see Emory Edwards if you touch over the Frog I will stream no I've never do it one day you will know boys are like you and if he does ask me to be his girlfriend I don't know what I'm but I'll say no that's sure you told me you thought he was cute did not sit - no you did not did not you kiss a girl after we eat yeah maybe he can take us fishing I bet you I can catch a bigger fish highly doubtful oh I almost forgot stare Lord to protect us from the flights give us clear skies watch over us with their eyes and may our hearts be your brother's amen [Music] if you can meet anyone did alive who would it be Ricky Mitchell wait Ricky Mitchell from science class you can meet him like in the cafeteria when school started back up that doesn't count you're really bad at it what you said anyone living or dead I mean like the president or Mozart people like that I don't think you know why would I meet Mozart can't believe you have to move why does my dad need this stupid promotion anyway did you tell them that you didn't want to go course I did so they're like best for everyone in this family my vote counts for basically nothing you know that you can live in with me our guest rooms just full of my mom's old sewing junk anyway and she hasn't sewn anything since like our middle school play yeah but I never go for it my parents are obsessed with this fancy new private high school it's like two blocks from our house I'll be just another prep school Prince before you know it no way Catherine Jean Johnson I know you you will never be a prep school pres you're not snotty enough and you've got your fingernails yeah you're a no matter what you're still my best friend no manicure school uniforms are gonna change that you you don't tell me how to wear a uniform just how much is your dad gonna be once he starts his new promotion hmm doesn't matter anyway nothing's really gonna change [Music] CJ are you okay hey Maggie yeah I'm fine I was just thinking I'm pretty deep thinking you're like a million miles away have you seen Kayla around or days of freedom just let me get my bag thought you'd be gone already haven't even packed yet well what's up you're excited about your trip yeah no I am I just do have that one friend group heart from yeah from high school I guess Sofia was my BFF since like kindergarten I know I just I moved to the city senior year and it's been a while I guess you can carry on a two-hour conversation with the janitor I'm sure you'll still have plenty to talk about no I'm not kidding she's done that before yeah well not exactly me that I'm worried about thank you I'm sure it'll be funnier All Right see you CJ please tell me you found a way out of this all packed yes my finest flannel and boots courtesy of my mother so hot mm-hmm I can't wait if you post a single photo of me this weekend you're dead don't worry there's no service anyway great what katharyne are you sure this cabin thing is a good idea it'll be fine Sophie and I used to spend every summer at this cabin the worst thing that ever happened was sunburns and mosquito bites yeah but you said that was before her grandfather you know well settle I get it I'll break in a cabin sounds beyond lame but Sophie's been begging me to come out feel like I kind of owe it to her anyway let's be real we don't have the money to go anywhere else maybe you don't but the only reason I'm not cruising the Caribbean with Robbie and Jess it's because I have a cross-country meet the day they dock in Nassau so no offense but trip is like second choice or last choice depending on what my options are enough hey Jocelyn's buzzing and gotta go I'll meet you in the quad at noon you can thank me later bye [Music] chicas late Catherine I know she'll be here any minute I'm sure why did she want to meet us here anyway doesn't she live like where we're going I'm sure she just wanted to meet us here to make sure I didn't fail so should we what fail no no she'll be here well could you at least tell us a little bit about Sofia be nice to make small talk speak for yourself because I would prefer not to be rude like amber but everyone wants to be like amber oh don't tell her that okay but seriously I hate to say it but Sofia and I have kind of been out of touch since I moved away last I know she was working in a grocery store in her hometown aren't you glad you asked you'll have so much in common what everybody's gotta have a few odd jobs right I worked fast food all summer before I came to college didn't you guys okay well regardless of her current job status so he's always been really fun she likes nature and Ikey [Music] and she's here you're kidding right CJ hey sorry I'm late this campus is huge I've never seen anything like it ah so good to see you it's been way too long you know it's been crazy and super busy um Sofia these are my friends amber and Justin amber lives in my dorm across the hall she kind of showed me the herbs and you can thank me for that or you would have ended up with those drama club weirdos hey I took drama club wasn't that bad my point exactly okay well we should get Cohen right 3-hour Drive this is gonna be a great weekend you know it these are the tastes that Buchan don't wanna waste a long a night spent alone again we are different stuck in a small town just so I feel so out of the loop did you end up taking those classes from the Community College like you talked about I tried it it wasn't for me I figured my time was better spent working trying to help my family out since my dad's still out of work so flip I really am sorry about your grandfather I wanted to make it to the funeral but school and just started oh it's fine don't worry about it really grandpa will just be watching us from above all weekend [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm surprised I hardly recognize this area well it has been over two years it'll take that next left over the hill [Music] that's it up there this is the joke stop right and then we'll drive like a mile up the road and they'll be streaming channels and a hot tub she's just going I know it doesn't look like much but I love it here [Music] slower than I thought um yeah it looks like a [ __ ] how this big hasn't changed a bit oh I know I've said it like 85 times but seriously thanks for making this work yeah been too long and it's it's we care they feel the same way Sophia did your grandpa died in this cabin yeah no no although he did always say it was haunted kidding gosh you guys cannot be this easy all weekend so when did you say was the last time you during the summer I guess I also just covered everything when it started getting colder who's a um guys maybe it's just burnt out maybe a little squirrel came in and unscrewed every light bulb so I'll check the breaker [Music] what happened tell her your CJ what's a little noise a little noise it sounded like a bowling ball was trying to break through the ceiling guys it's a creaky old cabin I'm sure it's nothing not it we should go check it out are you set trouble with this old door now I believe being so jumpy I remember this place being so creepy the only noise we used to hear up here was your Grandpa's old country albums on repeat I guess that's what moving to the big city will do to you yeah I'm a city girl ma'am come on amber and Austin are probably halfway back to that big city by now fine by me so when you invited me up here I told you at our plan on spending Fall Break with them okay they're basically doing me a favor by coming here well great thanks for humoring me you know what I mean I'm here because I'm your friend mm-hmm you're here because they're my friends so we've all got something in common okay whatever you say [Music] [Music] poor guy CJ and I were with grandpa when we got that guy 10-point buck he was really proud Catherina Amber's vegetarian the deer population gets too high in this area they encourage hunters to kill and use for food I'm sorry yeah all I could hear was kill kill kill kill kill kill it's not like I pulled the trigger yeah Katherine wasn't a good enough shot so do all these animals just run wild on the property yeah deer quail raccoons coyotes Cougars as in mountain lions well you never told me that we never actually saw one but then one day one of grandpas baby goats went missing without a trace and every now and then we would hear these cries guys she's just messing with you suppose you're gonna tell us Bigfoot's running around out there too why don't you see for yourselves we'll show you around our old stomping grounds got a sasquatch inside it's so hard [Music] you should be these people [Music] baby [Music] a little bit of magic you start a cycle [Music] this is what you've been waiting for when it all comes and you can just let go honey this is know that you wanted more when you open your mind and open the front door okay even you have to admit this is pretty cool Wow can you believe we used to swim in there oh it's not that bad so that water is greener than grass if I go back until twelve year old me one thing it would be to stay out of that Lake well lucky we didn't catch gangrene or some sort of flesh-eating bacteria you know Sophia she's right brain-eating amoebas live in still water like that don't be ridiculous I see you guys I saw on an episode of modern hospital some lady was on the second day of her honeymoon in Utah and a little water gets up her nose you think no big deal right wrong two days later her head is pounding her ears are bleeding can't we get the picture I just can't believe Jocelyn thinks that would make something like that up I've seen every episode of modern hospital seriously ask me like any medical question I'm practically an MD really where did you get your degree from Oh what you like to know Jocelyn yes I would like to know amber just because I know something more than you Shh guys hold still a minute I think I see something something's out there okay guys wait it's just all this lions tigers and bears talk just got a streak down come on guys follow me there's more to see watch on time earth is amoebas are crawling up your back oh you guys are the worst like literally I need new friends hey so do you know where we are I know it's been a while but this area doesn't looks familiar well yeah hey what is that I definitely don't remember seeing this before well I have seen this movie and it didn't end well hey nature girl you don't know what could be in there she's right are we even still on your grandpa's land it's hard to say it's over a hundred and fifty acres so even though we've explored this property every summer for like eight years there's no way we should have covered every inch and even if you had this may not be it we could be trespassing I can't have that on my record I already have like 14 speeding tickets we're not breaking and entering amber just doing a little exploring still don't you think we've gone a little too far no yeah you're right I grew up here so I guess I'm just more comfortable sorry guys it's getting dark anyway follow me I think I know which trail will lead us back [Music] so amber what does a vegetarian hotdog taste like anyway only not much different from a real hot dog there's hardly any actually meeting these things so that gourmets oh you know what this veggie dog has 65 calories and is like 0% trans fat and I have a cross-country meet on Monday so hey remind us again what is it you have going on on Monday across the country well my artery clogger is done grab the buns Jocelyn okay before we eat CJ do you really that prayer that we made up sure come on you totally do it was like our camping prayer when we came out here together dear Lord protect us from the Flies give us clear skies watch over us with your eyes well now we know where CJ got that English scholarship from sorry so it's just been a long time I don't remember when you do remember it I'd love to hear how it ends the suspense is killing me you're one to talk I'm just afraid you got on your last term paper again do you - what was that Jocelyn why am I always the butt of your jokes like seriously do you think it's so uncool to say a prayer so there's anyone know any scary stories what is this Girl Scout camp yeah right they definitely have vegetarian hotdog same girl scout camp i men I know when listen up ladies there were four girls on a camping trip oh really what's really original hush I'm serious that's how the story goes okay hmm so four girls are on a camping trip I think it's for like a bachelorette party or something anyway they have all of their tents and gear and they hike like a mile until it woods they're slow definitely I've trained in cross-country and it takes them like forever by the time they get to the area where they're gonna be camping it's already dark and they only have a few flashlights so they try to set up camp without really being able to see where they are they think everything is fine so they decide to settle in for the night but then as they try to go to sleep so scratching on the edge of their tents digging from underneath their sleeping bags and then as the night goes on strange painful cries from deep in the woods unmistakable sounds of terror cries of pain sounds they would never forget sound fine they're on top before graves can we go inside now you guys can go inside I'll put the fire put out thank you be right there I can give you a hand okay I vote for a slumber party in the living room I'm not sleeping alone in this creepy place Oh what as if we weren't cut off from civilization before 3% battery well you were playing music all night what do you expect um I don't know maybe I expected electricity well I guess you're just too needy go inside I'll be right there okay Hey I'm sorry about earlier Emre and joseline I just don't really know them that well yet I don't really want them to hear embarrassing stories about games we used to play when we were like twelve well I didn't think it was an embarrassing story and I sure didn't think it was a game I suppose I shouldn't tell them that we went to church camp together or that I was there when you got baptized in the lake no that's not what I meant I just it's fine don't worry about it I won't say anything to embarrass you in front of your cool new college friends I don't know if I can sleep with these things staring at me they all know they were killed for food well except maybe that one don't worry they don't bite I think I could sleep even if one of those things crawled under my blanket with me yeah don't say that Oh CJ okay yeah yeah I'm fine just tired better get rested up for tomorrow well I hope you're not afraid of the dark amber much more afraid of what's in the dark in the woods in this cabin under my blanket Oh Joplin you said you retired do not mess with me but you make it so easy you're so annoying [Music] [Music] amber amber guys guys wake up what's that Amber's gone I'm sure she's just in the bathroom no she's not here amer amber she's gone and the doors opening didn't you lock it when you came in last night I'm sure it's nothing okay we'll find her amber Emer [Music] [Music] you're not supposed to be here I'm sorry sir we're just staying in a friend's cabin the must have taken the wrong trail this is my land your sand I'll go back right now I know what city folks like you want to do this land but up build your shopping malls and parking lot yes sir we're just taking a trip for the weekend I'm sorry I went the wrong way okay this is my nice I understand you don't want it okay I'm leaving you tell them that you don't want it it's not safe for you you're not safe on this land what happened where were you run I was on the trail with this crazy guy came out of nowhere what guy what it is you if ever on his land good well he's probably just a hire or something I tried you my grandpa used to hunt out here all the time no he just kept saying that we're on his land and I said no we're staying Sophia's grandfather's cabin he thought it wasn't safe here oh I'm so sorry you should go talk to him explain why we're here so we don't have to worry about him coming back come on let's go somebody so don't you think we need to do something about this CJ can write talk to you a second what just can I just talk to you a second alone let's figure you're the one who thinks this guy's just some hunter can't kick us off planet isn't his right su CJ what what's wrong after my grandfather died there was no will they didn't know who was the rightful owner of the property so they're auctioning it off to the highest bidder so like your dad or your uncle are buying it my family can't pay we don't have that kind of money you know that so I guess the the bank kind of owns it now or something unless they've sold it to someone else wait what are you saying you're the one who said we could come here and spend the weekend that it was all taken care of I I knew where the key was and I wanted to come here one last time and I wanted to do it with you because we've spent so much time here together I didn't think that it would matter so we aren't supposed to be here and that man with a gun is saying he has every right to want us off his land Sophia you're always flaunting what a good person what a good Christian you are but you lied to all of us and knowingly put us in danger it's not dangerous here I just wanna do this how could you lie to me like this what were you thinking doesn't matter we aren't supposed to be here we need to leave no CJ please you know what you can tell amber and Josslyn what you've done don't expect me to take your side on this guys get your stuff we're leaving what what happened dude stuff you talked to that guy she can explain in the car we just please we need to leave now what's that noise okay very funny start the car I'm trying wait whose phone is this oh nine amber did you leave your phone plugged in all night well yeah there's no electricity in the house your phone drained the battery what come on the car battery is like this big and my phone battery is like this big how could that matter don't even think I'm gonna explain this to you okay so the battery is dead big deal you have those jumpy things don't you that only works if you have another car to get power from oh so then this is bad what do we do now what do you mean we don't have permission to be here I thought you said your grandfather guys I'm so sorry okay I'm I messed up you got that right we need someone to pick us up does anyone have service no no Jocelyn what about your boyfriend it's does he have a dress here he's at the baseball tournament we just plan to talk we both got back if we ever get back and it's what like 12 miles to the main road and what would you do if you got there stick out your thumb and hitchhike oh yeah that sounds real safe try anything of our options here the plateau has a clearer view of the sky how far is that a few miles maybe it depends on which trails I'll go and I'll hike to the top and see if I can get serviced and when I do I'll call my dad or someone to come and pick us up are you sure that's a good idea with that guy out there I'll be fine well what about wolves and lions and Bigfoot and stuff I've been on this property a hundred times I'll be fine I'm messed up okay I know that I'll fix it I'm really sorry shouldn't one of us go with her not it she's wrong with me how could I be so stupid I'm gonna do this to the only friend that I have or had please let's get out of safely give me for lying and deceiving people who trusted me what does it matter with me [Music] [Music] we're just gonna have to see flee what does that man shows up here while we're waiting for Sofia what are we gonna do doesn't make sense he clearly doesn't live in this cabin yeah but if he owns the property he knows where the cabin is he could be out there right now watching us just waiting to see me leave or he can be out there watching Sofia [Music] [Music] hello hello [Music] just trying to get phone service is anyone out there Oh shouldn't she been back by now yeah it's been like forever something's not right I shouldn't have been so hard on her I got frustrated and upset and now she's out there all alone Catherine she lied to you she went to all of us I don't think you ever reacted please just call me CJ everyone else does oh it's weird being here yeah you're telling me yeah I mean besides all of this being here reminds me of when I was a kid but I'm not a kid anymore so much about me has changed but what I'm here I'm just confused that doesn't make any sense no I get it like insulting grain I have this best friend named Cecilia like we cheered together for seven years and our families were members of the same Country Club but then I got into cross-country and she got this new boyfriend Dean and we just grew apart so I know how it is Sofia was your friend for a certain time in your life but now you've changed maybe I haven't changed as much as I thought guys come over here you see this okay tell me my eyes aren't playing tricks on me I see that way you guys what do we do we need to go after her oh so then there are four of us defenseless against a mountain lion but what if she's hurt what if that's why she's in back well she did say she'd come out here every year for like ever and never seen one yeah but I saw one yesterday Justin's right it doesn't make sense for us to go out there completely defenseless we can't help Sofie if we can't help ourselves let's not get ahead of ourselves we still don't even know if that has anything to do with why she hasn't come back like she could have just decided to walk to the road and blow us all off no Sophie would never do that look you guys can think or say whatever you want but there's literally only one thing I can think of to do at this moment and if it were Sophia I know she would do the same dear lord please look out for Sophia she's out there somewhere trying to find his help forgive me for getting so upset please help her to know how much we care about her Sophie has always been a true friend and she has the biggest heart [Music] protect her keep her safe and bring us the help we need [Music] in guys I know what we need to do okay would you like to fill us in on your big plan Sophie's grandfather was a hunter right and all this stuff is here so there has to be a gun I mean there just has to be CA d even know how to use a gun yeah didn't Sophia say you were a terrible shot we don't have to hit any things you just have to scare it off look I don't have all the answers but the least we can do is search you guys go look downstairs so wait what are we doing just start looking over there getting closer what you find bullets no gun great aren't you gonna ask what I found would you find please tell me it has a trigger well kind of I don't think I even know how to use one of these things but it's worth a try did we call 911 does being stuck in a place where we're not supposed to be with a dead car battery or an emergency uh does the girl that lied to us and brought us out here may have been eaten by a mountain lion weren't an emergency geez amber nice attitude much there's no dial tone what do you mean there's an outlet there has to be a dial tone I mean if I have 4G I can certainly make a phone call same thing right not exactly top the line or something there was this girl trapped in a basement on modern hospital and healer look get that you guys are mad at me but I didn't mean to kill CJ's car I know and you don't just say it you know it's partially my fault that we're stuck here like this I'm not blaming you member neither am i honestly I don't blame Sofia either she had no idea all this would happen I'd never be brave enough to do it Sofia did hiking to the top of the hill alone with that guy out there no way it went pretty fast and probably could have made it to the top a lot quicker than she could but I never be brave enough to try Sophia is brave she's always been that way she always made me believe that I can get through anything if I just said the right prayer and she always had the right one for every situation like this one time we hiked out too far way further than we were supposed to because Sophia have this crazy idea that we could catch a special type of Firefly if we went to the exact right spot at the exact right time and I so we grabbed our jars and Beth fell I caught dozens of those little guys then before you knew it was pitch-black and we were out in the middle of nowhere and some feel it's my started crying I think I was the poster child for hormone changes but Sophia she made up this little prayer something about fireflies and night skies I knew that she had to be just as scared as I was but we just said that prayer as they made her way through the dark that's nothing the wider path but our little jar of fireflies before I knew it cabin was in the distance It was as if it took us an hour to get out there but not even 10 minutes to get back [Music] anyway let me release the fireflies right out there Sophia prayed that they would light the way for anyone who has lost her scared [Music] Sophia's okay out there isn't she if anyone's look out there and Sophia God will keep her safe how'd you pass safety [Music] take those from wise give us clear skies I'll tell them soon there please if you go to the second floor and stick your arm out the window you'll get service really you think so no don't okay so you're just trying to make me look stupid then why is it always about you looking stupid amber nobody is not texting this moment right I didn't fetch I think I hear something it's probably Sofia and maybe she got help Sofia didn't go to the road how'd she get help she called someone duh that was the whole plan so why is it she back I don't know do we let them in no we wait to see who it is I know you're in there oh my gosh what familles no I said we don't belong here we need to leave that's him I have your friend what do we do we could trick you trying to get us out there yeah how would he know that Sofia isn't here you mean there I'm gonna talk to him what are you crazy maybe no no what I'm not crazy if he has my best friend who would do anything for me I have to do the same for her and what if he doesn't have her then at least we'll know CJ seriously look there's nothing you can say to stop me lock the door behind me where's Sophia you need to come with me tell me where she is I can go on my own I'll show you [Music] [Music] can you please just tell me where we're going you friends you listen to me Tata wouldn't save here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] where's Sophia where are we stay here Jocelyn can hear him I know it is missus mean do you see the rest of the article too chilled Blanc injured Jocelyn there's no telling what this man could be capable of and CJ is out there with him alone not to make you Sofia just what if I could have two of our friends okay it's a rich photo amber there's no time listen okay there was this man he had killed eight people and then evaded the police for years I specifically remember that word evaded because I hadn't heard it before that episode I looked it up anyway she just went about his life hunting and fishing living off the grid so nobody knew who he was until one day he just snapped he had to kill again and he took out everyone in his path okay okay I get where you're going with this without knowing with the rest of that article says amber it could be way simpler than that or way worse [Music] [Music] yeah yeah EJ are you okay what happened to you I heard it come what's going on out there Saturday hen this must be his place he told me that he had you and I had to come with him where is he now I don't know stop driving and ran off let's get you back can you walk a little there's no way I can make it all the way back we need to find a knife or a weapon or something [Music] [Music] hey I told you to stay in the truck two killed 1 injured local Madison resident Eli Grossman will return home from Afghanistan after a bomb detonated under his convoy killing the other two members of his team he's not some crazed serial killer but it sounds like he lost two of his friends are you touching my thanks I'm sorry I put your hands down I'm sorry I didn't take anything why are you touching my things we're just trying to get back to Sophie's grandfather's Kevin what did you just say my my grandfather used to live out here he had a farm Daniel Aldridge was your grandfather how do you know that you tell me Donnie was cute did not sit sooo no you did not did not what do you girls arguing about now nothing why don't you make yourselves useful then another one of your grandpa's goats is missing come help me look [Music] Eli do you remember us Sophia and CJ No I saw the Purple Heart is that yours my grandfather was a veteran too did he let you stay here I use my traps to keep the Predators away and lions been coming around ever since he died and lying on the bankers trying to take it off from me we weren't trying to take anything away from you I don't remember many things but maybe I do remember you our friends are probably really worried about us can you just take us back to the cabin if we get the battery jump-started we can leave right away Sofia probably needs to go to the hospital it's a dark road and it's late you should stay at the cabin tonight it's safer I clean and dress the wound she'll be fine this one's here it's them we're so worried are you guys okay yeah we're fine so you just need to like that wait we're staying here yeah practically morning anyway fine you okay yeah just thinking what it would be like to lose two friends we're free how'd you sleep oh my gosh oh it's really overwhelming day just trying to process everything so much for fall break how's your foot flush wim he'll be fine could have been a lot worse CJ for coming after me I messed up and I know that I know it's no excuse but it was really hard on me when you moved when I lost my grandpa it was like not only had I lost him but I lost you and all the memories that we made here oh so the only thing that was lost was me took me coming up here to realize that I've lost touch with myself and with God it's been a weird way all this was kind of worth it yeah it's a shame it'd all be gone before too long so if I almost forgot princess I think it's your grandfather's well I found out last night when I was searching for a gun what does it say CJ what the cabin in the land he left it all to me quick help me up wait what where are you going are you sure about this Eli what are you doing here CJ found my grandfather's will the bank doesn't own the property he left it all to me congratulations we came here because I wanted to give you this portion of the land so you can stay you need all owe me nothing well what if I gave you this land in exchange for you keep it up with the traps yeah that wait see for us when we come back oh yeah I suppose I could do that you are so much baby making me strong [Music] Lord protect us from the flights give us clear skies watch over us with their eyes and may our hearts be your frats amen fights over [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] said action she doing there Jacob do you remember us it's CJ in Sofia no it's me first can you please just tell me where we're going your friends you listen to me I told her wasn't safe here [Applause] [Music] it's not easy can you please just tell me where we're going your friends had listened to me told her it wasn't safe here good breaker 37 oh my gosh [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can you please just tell me where we're going you French ed listen him I told her it wasn't safe here [Music] I can do it one more mean please just tell me where we're going your friends had to listen to me I told her it wasn't safe [Music] [Music] laughter I looked in the totally wrong yeah I don't have any bread to make yourselves useful yet again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] picture that doing on your doing on my land [Music] [Music] [Laughter] it's an old truck well here's this place oh okay what is this place it's everywhere huh Wow is he sleeping oh my gosh oh god that's scary Crashdown to the real world now I told you we belong I told you you are the [Music] take me [Music] week [Music] nobody does [Music] it's morning [Music] nobody does it better [Music] [Applause] [Music] up in the field keep in my heart we run to where we belong [Music] [Applause] take me we can go [Music] nobody doesn't like when you see it [Music] nobody does it better than [Music]
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 819,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: God, Jesus, trailers, EncourageTV, Movie, movies, bridgestone multimedia BMG, christian, Kelsey Steele, Elizabeth Potthast, Kelly Bartram, Olivia Arokiasamy, Brittany Goodwin, Be Still And Know Full Movie, Be Still And Know Movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 0sec (4980 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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