Undeserved | Award Winning Movie | Full Length | Drama Film | English

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♪ I wanna know if you wanna know everything ♪ ♪ Don't wanna feel like a needle, I'll spin the blame ♪ ♪ I wanna know if you wanna know everything ♪ ♪ Don't wanna feel like a needle, I'll spin the blame ♪ ♪ I can't stand sitting around on my hands and knees ♪ ♪ I don't know the way to see the forest through the trees ♪ ♪ Where did you go to close my eyes again ♪ ♪ I was alone and you were the one to care ♪ ♪ I can't stand sitting around on my hands and knees ♪ ♪ I don't know the way to see the forest through the trees ♪ - [Woman] Oh here. - Later. (phone buzzing) - What's up Dawny? - Hi Mom, we're out of milk. - I get my card filled tomorrow, I'll pick it up then. - Where are you, having fun? - [Woman] Yes ma'am. - Ms. Nubar left her cat out again. - [Woman] Yeah? - I just don't think some people take it seriously you know? Owning a pet. - Oh honey nothing people do surprises me. Sweetie seriously? (gun fires) - Why do we do good? Because Jesus said so? Because Buddha or Muhammad told us to? These are pretty important people in history, we should listen to him right? I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. (shushing) They weren't the first people to say it, nor will they be the last, why do we do good? Because it's the right thing to do. It's in our DNA. It's not spiritual, it's necessary. (sad music) - She never had a life. Of the three of us girls, Lori, Mom was the hardest on her. She had it the hardest. I just don't understand, why God would allow her to be shot to death in a parking lot by some whore. - Jamie. - I don't care. - Well we have to figure out what to do with Dawn. - She's gonna need some place to live. At least till she finishes her senior year. - We hardly know her. - How could we know her? I mean, Renee would never let us see her. - Couldn't she stay with her sister or her father? - I think we all know the answer to that. - Yeah. - Now Lori and I, we've already raised our kids, we flat out cannot afford to take her in. Especially with the tuition we're paying. We just the figured the pastors in the family would want her. - I wanna take her. - Could we talk about this in private? - She's family. - Can we talk about this in private? - Her mother was just murdered, how can we possibly think about ourselves? - Let us not forget Renee, loving mother, sister and friend, loved by many and she loved all in return. - What a joke. - Let us close in prayer. - Who is he talking about, you'd think this is Mother Theresa's funeral. - Lifting up our dear Renee before the Lord. - Why'd they have to cremate her? - [Pastor] And honoring her with our thoughts. - I wanted to see her again. - Dear Lord. - Mother would hate this, there's not a drink in sight. - Please protect. Bestow peace and mercy upon the family. - Why can't I live with you? I don't even know Aunt Jamie. - Dawnie, I... - [Pastor] Protect the family in their time as it mourns. - Well Jack said no. - The loss of Renee. - But Jack likes me. - You're gonna love it at Jamie and Willem's. They've got that house and money. And God. You know I want to, I'm just not in a position. - Don't worry about it. - We'll meet you back at the house. Girls, we loved your mom, I'm so sorry. - We'll see you out there okay? (calming music) - Honey will you get her bag? This is your room. I hope you like it. I was thinking that in a couple of days, we could go shopping for maybe some more pillows, or a new bedspread or something, whatever you want. - This is fine. - Yeah? Maybe some new paint. - Oh I'll do that. - Okay. We'll go shopping. - I'm gonna get a job. - What? - I just want you guys to know that as soon as I graduate, I'm gonna get a job so I can move out and I won't be a burden for long. - Dawn, I want, we want you here. You're not a burden. - I want my mom. - I hate my sister. - Lori? - No Renee. When you grew up the way that we grew up, why would you choose to repeat all that same crap? - Hurting people, hurt people. - At some point in your life you've gotta get over it yourself, especially when you have children. - She wasn't capable. - I was. Why did she did get to have children and I didn't? - Jamie, we've all had a rough, long day. - I'm sorry. - It just wasn't meant to be for us. - I know. I'm just emotional. We've gotta show Dawn what it is like to have a good home. Will you help me do that? - Okay got it. - Ah. The last thing I need is to go down the cookie aisle, so. - No, I'm not going there. - Okay, thank you. What's next on the list? - Tomato paste and then Parmesan Reggiano. - If it really says that I am gonna puke right now. - No it does see, it's his famous lasagna, everything has to be authentic. - Oh did you get my e-mail? - Which one? - The one about the clothing exchange for the women at the church. - Yeah. Yeah I don't know. - Oh! - No. I am so busy with Dawn and I just, I don't know. - What's not to love about it. We bring our unwanted clothes, we go through them, we take what we want, and the rest goes to charity, it's a win-win. - No, I do like the recycling part, I just uhm... Okay just, I don't, no furs! - Oh, who owns a fur anymore, seriously. I'll put it all together for you, you don't have to do a thing. - What would I do without you? - Go insane. - I would. - I know. - Parmesan Reggiano. - Take this. And go ahead and put a little in. - Shouldn't I measure it? - With lasagna sauce you don't measure, you just feel. Go ahead. Now we let it simmer for a few hours, and then taste it. - You sure know a lot about cooking. - No I don't, but I make a great lasagna. You ready for the big day tomorrow? - I'm nervous. - I know. It sucks starting a new school, even under the best circumstances. - [Jamie] We're home. - We got your Parmesan Reggiano. - Are you a lasagna aficionado? Are you an expert at making lasagna? (speaking foreign language) (applauding) (doorbell ringing) - Is that who I think it is? - Connor, come on in. - Oh, thank you. (laughing) (chattering over each other) - Yes. - Do not encourage her. - Wanna know the secret to a great lasagna? - [Group] What's that? - Lots of fat. (laughing) - Oh well he means it. (laughing) - Speech, speech. - Oh all right. To our first family function together. - Yes, there's a blessing in everything if you look, and after everything that we've all been through lately, I think we've become a closer family. - Cheers. - [Group] Cheers. - Let's do, good thing, bad thing. - What's that? - It's something I used to do all the time with my family as a kid, you say one good thing that happened to you today, and one bad thing, so I'll go first, uhm good thing. I hear that Connor is walking Dawn to school tomorrow. - Yep. - You're a good man. - Okay, and my bad thing. I am going to eat way too much of this lasagna tonight. - Goes right from your lips to yours hips. - [Friend] Uh, exactly. - My good thing is that our youth group at church raised enough money for our summer trip to the beach. - Yes which Dawn, you're invited to. - Of course, yeah, I'll introduce you to all the kids this Sunday. - Thanks. - And my bad thing, oh, I have a math test tomorrow that I'm totally not prepared for. (groaning) - Oh I hate math. - You can go next. - Good thing is, I start a new school tomorrow. Bad thing is, I start a new school tomorrow. - Oh you'll be fine, I promise. My good thing is, I worked out four out of five days this week. - Ugh. - Victory indeed. - Boom. And my bad thing is, I cannot find my reading glasses. Well, okay Mark your turn, and your bad thing better not have anything to do with me. - Well now I don't have anything to say, that's not fair. Let's see, the good thing is, I slept in this morning. - Nice. - Bad thing is, no I don't have anything to say because Lori said I can't say anything about her. - Unbelievable. - Oh, in trouble. (laughing) (chattering over each other) - My good thing is that I only have good things to say because each and every one of you is here with me tonight, so thank you. I love you. - Let's eat huh? (chattering over each other) - Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for tonight. - What can I say, it's my lasagna. Why did you give a toast instead of saying a prayer. - Have I committed some terrible pastor faux-pas? - No, I just, I thought it was an interesting choice, I mean we are pastors. Okay nevermind, I'll see you in bed. (calming music) Did you make me a list of the things you want me to get from the store? (doorbell ringing) Oh that must be Connor. Have you had anything to eat? - Yeah I just ate. - Right on time young man, very impressive. - I try. - Hey Dawn I wanna get a picture of you for your first day at school. - Okay. - Oh I know, here we go. Oh, okay Connor you get in there too. - Oh okay. - Both of you guys. One, two, cheese! Oh all right, off you go. You don't wanna be late. - Have a good day. - Oh don't forget your lunch Dawn. - Thank you. - You're welcome. Bye guys. - Good job. - What was that, what is that, oh, what? - You can ask me. - Ask you what? - About my mom, it's okay. - I know she died. - She was shot to death in a bar parking lot. - I'm sorry. - It's the first time I've ever said that out loud, I'd appreciate it if you didn't spread that around school too much. - I got your back. Hey, did I tell you it's National Don't Be Sad Day? - No but I saw it on my calendar this morning. - Good, we're on the same page. So first off, I guess I'll take your homeroom and introduce you to your teacher, Ms. Kurtz. Otherwise known as the Bucktooth Wonder. (laughing) Yeah, of course all the other teachers prefer to say she's alignment-challenged. - They do not! - You're right, they call her Bucktooth Wonder too! - Hey! - Hey. - How was school? - It was good. Kinda scary. - Sit. Look what I found, pictures of me and your mom. - Look at you guys. - I know, look at this one, we were just like rebels without a cause. I remember that day, I could not find your mom and I looked out in the backyard. And she was just laying there on the green grass and just watched the clouds go by for like an hour. I always wondered what she was dreaming about. (chattering) (warm music) - No! Okay. Okay you need to slow down first of all. - What, no church talk today, no shop talk. I'm taking the day off. - There's just always something that needs attending to. - I know I know let it go, okay. Did you happen to notice anybody in particular that I invited over here today? I think he's rather attractive. - We've met. - And don't you wanna go over there and talk to him? Cindy come on, it's time. - No don't push me Jamie. - Don't be so pricky, come on. - I'm fine where I am, really, I'm, I'm, I'm good. - Thanks for coming. - Thanks for inviting me. - I hope you had fun. - Oh I had a great time, really great. Hey, my buddy Charlie he's throwing, well we're going bowling next Friday and, would you'd like to go with me? - Yeah, I'd love to go. - Okay, sweet. I'll pick you up at seven. - Seven it is. - Seven it is. I guess I'll say goodbye now. - Bye. - You know what put that on the top shelf babe. - Oh. - Because I think we're gonna reuse that. - Okay. - For the church picnic. - After much deliberating to find the best family plan you are the proud new owner of a cellphone. - Are you kidding? Thank you Willem, thank you. Thank you! (ominous music) Get out! - Calm down Dawn. - Get out of my room! - You're taking it the wrong way. We're okay-- - No! - Calm down. - Get out! - We're good. - Dawn honey open up please let's talk about this. - Why don't you ask your husband? - I did, he said it was all a misunderstanding. - It was a misunderstanding. I understood I was moving into this great house and then my uncle comes onto me? - Willem wouldn't do that. Dawn... Dawn wait up. Dawn will you talk to me, please don't go, Dawn please! We're a family. ♪ Why are you so sad my dear ♪ - You're gonna make yourself sick, will you come to bed? - Yeah in a minute. ♪ You got your life, your home ♪ ♪ Ain't I, right here ♪ ♪ And I know the road ahead is long ♪ ♪ If we're lucky enough to take it ♪ ♪ But your back is strong ♪ ♪ You don't have to fake it ♪ - Wait, well what if we move women's journey night to the 16th? And you are not listening to a word I'm saying. You have to let this Dawn thing go. You didn't make her leave. - I know. - Being raised the way she was, she doesn't know what else to do but run. - But why would she say what she said, I mean? What could it possibly get her? - You don't believe her do you? Willem isn't even attracted to young girls? - I found porn on his computer. - Really? Well I wouldn't put too much on that. - He's the pastor of a church. - And he's also a man. - That doesn't make it okay. It makes me wonder if maybe he did it. - And maybe she came onto him? And he shut her down, and this is her way of getting back at them, you don't know what she's capable of. - I don't know who to believe. - Willem doesn't need this. He's the pastor of a church with hundreds of people depending on him and this pubescent girl from a bad home comes along, threatening to destroy everything he's built. And you don't know who to believe? - I built that church just as much as Willem. - And where are your priorities? - How do you know he's not attracted to young girls, I mean then who is he attracted to, someone more like you? Oh... - Willem tried to tell you not to take Dawn in and you, as usual didn't listen to him. - You're my best friend. - You never listen to him and support him the way a man in his position needs. - How long? - We were going to tell you and then Renee got killed, it was gonna be clean. - And then you insisted on taking Dawn in and it messed everything up. - How long. - We're in love, what does it matter how long? - I'm so sorry Jamie-- - I have to find her, I have to find Dawn. (dogs barking) - Hey, go on come on, get in here, hey come on, get in here. What can I do for you? - Hi Dad. - Dawn? Holy crap look at you, you're all grown up, come on in, come on in, Shana get in here! Shana this is my daughter Dawn, Dawn this is Shana. - Nice to meet you, thanks. - You too. - You want a beer, get her a beer Shana. - I uh, okay, I'll have a beer. - Wow. - The house looks the same, (mumbling) just different. - Well yeah Shana here, she's always painting something. Aint that right babe? Looked pretty shabby before she moved in. - Have a seat. - Yeah come on in. Make yourself at home. - [Shana] We sure were sorry to hear about your mom. - Oh yeah, that was terrible. Your mom was a good woman. I'm sorry I didn't come to the funeral. - I wish you would've. - I know, then I was gonna send flowers, but I thought, probably best not to. I'm not too popular with your family you know. So I hear you're living with your aunt Jamie. Your aunt Lori told me. - Do you guys have anything I could eat? - Yeah. - Of course we do. - We have pizza is that okay? - Yeah, thanks. Things aren't great Dad. - I know it was a shock losing your mom like that. That's just gonna take time. - It's not just that. Is there anyway that-- - Here you go. Don't be shy, there's more. Oh honey you must be starving? - I'm not loving with Aunt Jamie anymore, it didn't work out. - What do you mean it didn't work out? She wanted you to move in there. - It wasn't Aunt Jamie. - Well where are you staying then? - Honey did you tell Dawn about our news? - Well of course I haven't, I haven't had a chance. - Your dad and I are gonna have a baby, I'm three months pregnant. - That is news. - I've already painted the room, do you wanna see it? - No, thank you. - So are you staying with your sister then, right? - No, Jack said no. - [Dad] Oh... - We just have the one other room and it's gonna be for the baby, so, I'm sorry. - It's okay, I'll be fine. - How about I grab you some more pizza. - Why don't you grab some other stuff while you're in there too huh? Watch this, this is funny. Yeah now watch what he does here. Hey where are you going? You just go here. - I should go, I don't know what I was thinking. - Wait. You take this. Can you believe I'm gonna have another kid. I mean you know. Hopefully I'll be a better father this time around. - Hopefully. - Well uh, give me a hug. All right now. - Where'd she go, she didn't get her food. - Let it be, I'm gonna get another beer. - I told Cindy how upset I was with her, this is not how this should've happened. - All those years that we counseled couples. You never once said anything. - That was wrong of me. - My best friend, you couldn't have picked any other woman. You are a liar. And you are not a godly man. - Jamie, I haven't believed in God for years. - I think the congregation would be very interested in hearing that. - I know where you're going. I'd watch myself if I were you Jamie. You're overwrought. Your sister was just murdered, now your niece runs off, that's enough to push anyone over the edge. Everyone at church is very concerned about you. (calming guitar music) ♪ A girl ♪ ♪ Sat beside the water ♪ ♪ Fathers and sons ♪ ♪ Mothers and daughters ♪ ♪ Can't see his own close away ♪ ♪ Lay down your burdens and play ♪ ♪ And sing, Hallelu ♪ ♪ Hallelujah ♪ - Hi. Have you seen this girl? - No I'm sorry, can't give out any personal information about our guests. - No, keep it. I really need to find her. - You can leave a message for her on the message board if you like. - Do you guys need any help or anything like serving dinner or anything that way, I don't know, I'd be here, in case she came in. - Well you'd need to fill out a volunteer application online first. - Okay, how long will that take, how long does the processing take. - Well you just fill out the application online and somebody will be in touch with you. - Okay, thank you. - Hey. What's your name, I'll look into it myself. - Jamie, Lynder. - David. - It's nice to meet you, thank you, that's Dawn. - I got it. (calming music) - Hey. - Hey! - Have you heard from Dawn? - No. - Is that a drink? - Yeah. - Isn't it a little bit early to be having a drink? It's your house. - Yes it is. You wanna fix dinner with me, Mark's coming home soon. - I can't, I have to fill out an application. - Oh you're looking for a job? - No. I went by the mission today to see if Dawn had stopped in or not and they couldn't say anything about it because of privacy issues, so, I am going to volunteer there that way I'll be there if she stops in. - You need to apply to volunteer? Oh Woody finally called me back today. - What, why didn't you say anything? What did he say? - Okay calm down, he saw her. - Is Dawn there? - No, and she did not tell him where she was going when she left. - What? - Well you know she probably didn't get that warm of a reception, not if Woody got a whiff of any kind of responsibility coming his way. - Why didn't you post these flyers? - Because Dawn's not missing. She chose to leave. - I see. I'm really glad that Mom's not around to see all this. - Are you gonna be responsible for Mom now too. - Someone has got to be the responsible one, life isn't about just doing whatever you want. - You're not the only one who's in pain, Jaime. Renee was my sister too. - Try losing your husband on top of it. - Okay can we just stop this please? - I'm not gonna be told that I'm wrong for caring about my niece, I'll put these up. - You know what I hate about living in the city? Can't see any of the stars at night. I mean they're, they're out there just twinkling away, and no one ever notices 'em you know. I guess I feel sorry for 'em. Basti. - Dawn. I never heard that name before. - Hah, yeah. It's short for Sebastian. My mother's French. - You're French. - Oui, and I find you (speaking foreign language). - Huh? - So how long ago did you run away from home? - How did you know that? - Because I used to be you. And I know that, you don't deserve whatever happened to you. Family sucks. - You have no idea. - Here, take this. - No thank you. - No take it, it's just, a friend who understands, trying to help. Go ahead, get yourself something to eat. - Thanks. - Yeah, you're welcome. So what's your plan Dawn, what's next? - I'm gonna get a job, maybe go back to school. - Well it's a plan, and a good one. You'll see, you're gonna need to get an apartment. And that's gonna cost a lot of money Dawn, now how the heck are you gonna do that? - I'll figure it out, I'm not scared. - Dawn, Dawn if you're not scared you're a damn fool. You don't know these streets. You need someone looking out for you. Do you have a place to stay tonight? - Yeah. - Hah, okay. Good. Tell you what Dawn. I'm gonna keep an eye on you okay. - Have you ever had rhubarb pie? - Hi. - Hey. - Sorry I'm early. - Yeah well if you think I'm gonna be impressed and increase your salary, forget it. That was a joke. Okay are you ready, I thought I'd have you hang out with me today. - Where? - [David] Street missions. - [Jamie] Okay. - Bye you guys, I'll see you later, keep it real. ♪ Boy I came on out to see the stars ♪ ♪ So I played ♪ ♪ Played the part of the song and I didn't let on ♪ ♪ So I could relate ♪ ♪ What I need and I want after all ♪ ♪ This time of my life ♪ ♪ Just to sit down and rest without falling ♪ ♪ Falling behind ♪ (humming) ♪ Boy I came on out to catch a rest ♪ ♪ Show the place ♪ ♪ A rest till my classmates got inside ♪ ♪ I had to wait ♪ ♪ At the gate, at the front, with a teller ♪ ♪ Talking about life ♪ ♪ All the paths I could see, and a purpose ♪ ♪ I'm feeling so good ♪ (humming) ♪ You wake up in my mind ♪ ♪ Wanna wake up in my mind ♪ ♪ Oh yeah ♪ - Thanks. ♪ Boy I came all out to set it right ♪ ♪ Save tonight ♪ ♪ Don't turn my back on the path I knew was right ♪ ♪ And I'm by your side ♪ ♪ What I feel is amazing, and I'm crazy ♪ - I thought you said you had somewhere to stay last night. - I did. - No, no you didn't. - Thanks for your concern but I'm okay. - Do you have enough money left for lunch? Don't answer that. What are you doing today? - I'm gonna go look for a job. - Do you mind if I hang out with you for a little bit? - Sure. - Great. So first thing's first. We've gotta get you cleaned up. Don't look at me like that I'm not gonna bite you. You can shower at my place. I'll introduce you to Rachel, you'll love her. I'll text her right now, let her know we're coming over. - You're awfully quiet. - Oh I'm, I'm just taking it all in. I mean I co-pastor at church, you know. - Yeah well God wakes us up at different times. It was nice to have you out there with me today. It can get kinda lonely out there. - Why do you do it? I mean, have you always ministered on the streets? (sad music) - Where's Jordan? - It's 10 o'clock. - I know that, Blaire. - The party was at seven, your son is in bed. He really like his birthday card. Especially the part where you wrote, you couldn't wait to show him how to use the (mumbling) we got him. But what you should've written is that you're sorry you missed his 10th birthday. But it was more important to get drunk. - Poor Blaire. Poor, poor, Blaire. Do you have any idea what Gerald did today? - I don't care what your boss said. You're an alcoholic. - I'm not an alcoholic, alcoholics go to meetings. I had a few drinks, it doesn't mean I don't love my son. - It means you're a horrible father. I'm sick and tired of hearing your excuses, I don't wanna hear it. Just, go drink some more, I don't care. - I'm gonna go tell him happy birthday. - No you're not, he was upset enough when he went into bed, he doesn't need a drunk waking him up. - Fine. - You can't drive. - Happy birthday Jordan. - I'm leaving you David. I'm not gonna let you do this to us anymore. Don't come back. - Come back to what? I walked out the door and didn't look back for a long time. - Do you still see your son. - No, he won't have anything to do with me. So tell me more about you. So you co-pastor at church with your husband? - Yeah. Unfortunately we're separated right now. - [David] I'm sorry. - We have our issues like most couples, so. - And Dawn is your niece? - Yeah. Her mother Renee is my sister and when she was killed we took her in. - Wow I'm sorry, how was she killed. - She was shot in a bar parking lot by a jealous girlfriend. - So why did Dawn run away? - It's how she was raised. It's all she knows, is, is to run. - [David] Nothing happened at home? - Nah-ah, no. Wait, Dawn, Dawn, that's Dawn, Dawn! Oh... Who in the world was that guy? - Basti. - I thought you weren't coming home till later. - So I guess you didn't get my text. Hey come here don't worry about her, it's fine. Go get yourself something to drink, I'll be right back. Come here. - We don't need her. - I want you to go out there and you're gonna be nice to her. - No. - Okay. Why do you make me like this huh? After everything I've done for you, you can't help me. Don't you know how much I love you, don't you? - Yes. - Yeah? Good okay. Then trust me. I'm always looking out for you, all right? Help me do this. I'm gonna go out there and I'm gonna get Dawn, okay? Rachel. This is Dawn. Dawn, this is Rachel. Rachel's gonna help you find some clothes okay? All right I'm gonna let you two get acquainted. - Whatever your story is, I don't feel sorry for you. I'm not interested in how much your parents didn't love you, or how many times your mom's boyfriend got too friendly, okay? - Okay. - Couple of things, don't steal from me, and earn your own keep. Basti's with me, and we're gonna keep it that way. Now let me see if I can find you something to wear. - I'm gonna go back out there tomorrow. I've gotta keep looking for her that guy is a pimp. - Well be careful, take David with you. - Yeah. - I'm gonna watch TV, hopefully in peace. - Hey. - Hey. - How did the job search go? - Bad, most of them want a high school diploma. - Jerks. You know I bet if they knew you they'd hire you in a heartbeat. - Right. - That's just what I think. - Where's Rachel? - Ah she's working. - Where does she work? - Have you ever used chopsticks before, do you know how to use them. - I tried it once, but I couldn't do it. - Oh come on it's easy, look. You put one, you hold it just like that, press it against your thumb, and the other one moves it, this is the only one that moves. That's what nobody gets. - Let me try. - Can I ask you why you ran away? - My mom was killed. - Oh, damn. - And I went to go stay with my aunt and uncle and my uncle... You know. - Yeah, yeah I know. It's like I said Dawn. You need someone, someone there to look after you. Okay, look. I'm not gonna lie to you, I think you're beautiful. And I really like you and I would like the chance to, to take care of you the way I should be. - I thought you were with Rachel. - No no, what, is that what she said? - Yeah. - No I have never felt about her the way I feel about you. Sorry, that probably sounds so stupid. - No, you can't help how you feel. - Yeah you're a real smart girl. Do you mind if I kiss you? Let me take care of you Dawn. I know what it's like to be let down by a family. We're one and the same you and I. Oh, I got you something today. Don't get too excited, it's not that expensive, it's just... It reminded me of you. Here, I was thinking that maybe when you wear it, you'll think of me. - Dinner smells great I'm starving. 500, not too bad, some guy gave me a huge tip. - Do you want a sandwich? - How you doing David, haven't seen you in a few days buddy. - My good shoes got stolen. - Yeah it's rough out here, come in and see me at the mission, we'll work something out. - Yeah uh, do you have a few bucks you could give me? - You know I can't do that, come in and see me. - Yeah well, oh well. (calming music) ♪ Rainy day, but I exist, cause nurture with my song ♪ ♪ I'ma smile and rock a while, tomorrow ♪ ♪ And to plan things down ♪ ♪ I will bring this little town the ginger that it needs ♪ ♪ But for cold canard and lemongrass ♪ ♪ And rum I'll look to thee ♪ ♪ Do you ♪ ♪ Yes I do ♪ (vocalizing) ♪ Yes I do I do ♪ ♪ Yes I do ♪ (vocalizing) ♪ Yes I do I do ♪ ♪ And I will work that soil until ♪ ♪ The first rains are my tears ♪ ♪ When I taste my own rewards ♪ ♪ I'll sit down for that kneel ♪ ♪ My porch is heaven's gate as its been for many moons ♪ ♪ Seen the solemn angel walking up my bed one afternoon ♪ - So how long were you on the street? - Ah years, on and off. Yeah, I'd happen to manage to get a job every once in a while and a room somewhere, but I'd always end up getting fired and be back on the street again. Wait, okay Dawn is right over there. - What? - Yes she's right, ssshht, come here. Please let me go talk to her alone. If you go there she might run again, please. - Okay, okay. - All right I'll be right back. - Go, go go go go, go. - Where's the furthest you've ever been? - I almost went to Disneyland once. But my mom canceled the trip. She didn't have enough money saved up. - That totally doesn't count. - I haven't really been anywhere I guess. - I'm gonna go to New York. Basti too of course. - When? - Someday. I wanna go around Christmas time, shop at Saks, Fifth Avenue. See The Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall. I am not going to spend the rest of my life in this lousy town. It's why I'm doing what I'm doing, just to make some money and get outta here. You should head back. I'm gonna be a few minutes. Don't worry, I'm fine. - Uh excuse me, Dawn isn't it? - Yeah. - My name is David I work at the Rescue Mission, downtown. You know Jamie's really worried about you. - Tell her not to be. - Actually Dawn was just leaving. - I didn't get your name. - No you didn't. - If you or Dawn ever wanna talk, just give me a call. - Hey. - Hey. Hey can you grab me a beer? - Yeah. - Come here. I needed this thank you. - What's wrong? - Somebody stole my wallet today. - Really? - Yeah. - What? - Had the rent money in it. - Oh my God I'm so sorry. - Hey. We stick together no matter what right? - Right. - Yeah. This isn't good Dawn. If we can't pay the rent we're on the street. - You know if I had the money I'd give it to you. - I know you would baby. But maybe you can help. I mean it's not... It's a lot to ask but... It's just, I don't know what else to do. - I'll do whatever you want me to do. (calming guitar music) Our families abandon us, and abuse us. This is how we fight back. We're survivors. Just look at how beautiful you are. I have so much respect and love for you. You're gonna make me so proud. - The first client's always the hardest. - Hey, you wanna eat lunch, I could fix some for both of us. - Later yeah come sit. Come sit. Wanna open it? - Why the sudden interest in my mail? - Honey your husband filed for a divorce, you don't wanna look at it? I'll look at it later, I've got a lot on my plate, and... - You mean Dawn? - For starters. Why are you so negative about her? - I am the one who has been here from the very beginning of this whole mess. - Is that how you see me, as a mess? - You know what I mean. - For all intents and purposes I became Dawn's mother and that responsibility doesn't just go away because my life is a mess. - Honey you can't save Dawn. Only Dawn can save Dawn. - I'm a trained counselor, so I know that sometimes people just need a little bit of nudging before they get help. - I'm sorry your husband cheated on you. I'm sorry that you didn't get the dream that you worked so hard for, little sister. You can't deal with your present until you deal with your past. - Thanks for seeing me. - You're welcome. - You look great. - I know you're sorry David, I got all your letters when you were in rehab. - How's Jordan? - He's good, you're still working at the mission? - Yeah, associate pastor doesn't pay much. Do you have a picture of Jordan you could give me? - Is the number you texted me from your right number, I could send you a senior picture. - [David] Yeah when's the graduation? - He already graduated David. - Oh, I'm sorry to have missed that. - Well you didn't really expect an invitation did you? - I guess not. - After you left, I used to tell Jordan that his father graduated college top of his class. And that he came along and swept me off my feet and married me. - And on the night he was born, his father stayed awake all night, just staring at him, at this miracle. I told him those things so that he could feel like he came from something. So that he could ignore the fact that we were on food stamps and that his mother had to borrow money from her parents more times than she could remember, and that his father was lying drunk somewhere in the streets. Jordan doesn't want you in his life David, I'm not sure that he ever will. - I'm believing he will. - Well the odds aren't good. - Will you tell Jordan that I'm going to be at this exact coffee shop at this exact table, next Tuesday at 5 p.m. sharp. And if he doesn't come then I will be here the next Tuesday at 5 p.m. sharp and the Tuesday after that, and the Tuesday after that, until he decides to see me. - I'll tell him. I don't think you realize how much damage has been done. (foreboding music) - What is a mistake? It's our teacher, it's our friend. Trust in your innate ability for goodness, ask the universe what your lesson is and move on, there are no mistakes, there are only opportunities for growth, Jamie. - Good morning. It's amazing how fast we all feel like strangers actually, I'm sure that you've heard by now that Pastor Willem and I are getting a divorce. And that's probably come as quite a surprise to you as it did to me. My marriage and a precious friendship that I thought were authentic, were not. But change is seldom welcomed. It imposes itself on us and forces us to wake up. I set myself as the example of what a Christian woman and Christian wife would look like. But I'm not the example. Forgive me. I don't know what's next. But I know that I am gonna continue to wake up. And I am gonna be wishing that for all of you too. Thank you. - Uh... Give me just one minute please. ♪ I had you from the start ♪ ♪ Always loose terms ♪ ♪ Close at bay ♪ ♪ I watched you gain your ground ♪ ♪ With each new passing day ♪ ♪ Oh but I, I didn't see this coming ♪ ♪ No, I, I didn't see this coming ♪ ♪ Because change isn't seen until it is made ♪ ♪ No, I, I don't wanna be the end now ♪ ♪ It's the role that suits the brain ♪ ♪ But I step up as a contender ♪ ♪ When I deliver, I deliver my ♪ ♪ My solemn grace ♪ ♪ Oh I keep my memories ♪ ♪ They stay safe ♪ ♪ In my mind ♪ ♪ Only a loss for heaven's sake ♪ ♪ Oh a light so bright ♪ ♪ It leaves you blind ♪ ♪ Oh but I, I didn't see it coming ♪ (phone buzzing) - Hello? - I thought I'd check in with you, I didn't see Dawn today. - Why are you helping me? - What? - [Jamie] Don't you have better things to do with your time? - What's the matter Jamie? - I lied to you. - You did? - Hmm-mm. Willem and I aren't just having marital issues, he's having an affair with my best friend. And Dawn left because Willem made a pass at her. - I appreciate your honesty. - You sound like a counselor. - I am. - Me too. If confession is good for the soul then why do I feel so lousy? My life is falling apart and I have no idea what to do. - It's okay to be vulnerable, it's when God does his best work. - Please don't get all religious on me. - [David] I don't believe in religion. - I don't know what I'd believe right now. - I am helping you because I want to. Now I need to, somehow I hope it helps me get my son back. I'm sorry about your husband. - Yeah. Sucks. - I'll pray for you. - Thanks. - I don't know what it's called. - I never heard of it. - Really? - Yeah. - Oh man that's so weird. But so good though. - Yeah good for (mumbling) too huh? - Why isn't there cheese in Chinese food? - Because they don't want it to taste good. - Hey. - Hey. - You want a burger, you should get a burger. They're good here, they have real cheese and everything. None of that processed crap, you don't wanna be putting those chemicals into your body. - Yeah and the patties they just come from one cow. - You know that some patties come from over a hundred different cows? - What? Okay you remember how I told you to talk less and listen more? - Yeah. - Well I was wrong, what is that crap, 100 cows? No! Hey, (whistling), Miss Sunshine? Why the long face? - Nothing. - Do you mind ordering me more fries? He took all of mine. - I think I'm gonna go back to school. - And what kinda school would that be? - I don't care, I just wanna finish my senior year. - Well, I guess that means we should go get you some school supplies. I'm sorry does this look like I'm running a daycare? - No. - Why would anyone wanna go back to school? - Hi Mom. - Hey baby, be a doll and make me another drink? Oh and grab a rag or something because clumsy me I spilled something. And how about Chinese for dinner? I won 20 dollars on the Scratch-It and I'm feeling rich. - Is there anyway I could get some money for PE clothes? - Honey you know I can't find a job? How was school? - It was school. - You're still getting good grades, you're not skipping or nothing? - I have all As, except for PE. - You have such beautiful hair. My Mama used to say that your hair was spun of gold. About the nicest thing she ever said. - I miss Grandma. - I'm proud of you Dawnie. You know my mom never said that to me? She said, the only thing I would ever become was a drunk like my father. That's what she said to me. Promise me you'll finish school. I expect more of you. - I only have a few credits left, it would only take a couple of months. - Okay listen, you're not going back to school, so just get that outta your mind, this is school. Life. And it costs money. - I was not really popular in school. - Shut up. (singing in foreign language) - Is Dawn your real name? - Yeah it is. - Really that's surprising. - Why? - I thought girls like you, they're usually incognito. Don't want your mom to find out. Later. (sad music) - Hey I'll catch up with you guys in a sec. - All right. - See ya. - See ya man. - [Connor] Dawn? - Hi. - Where have you been? - What are you doing at my old high school? - A buddy of mine from church goes here. We were just gonna shoot some hoops, where did you go? I've been asking at church about you but nobody knows, and I went to your aunt and uncle's house but your uncle said you went to live with your father, did you? - What did Jamie say? - She wasn't there. You don't know? - Know what? - Your aunt Jamie left Pastor Willem, it's big news at the church. - I didn't know that. - Why didn't you tell me you were gonna leave? - I was in a hurry. - [Connor] Do you go to school here now? - Connor have you ever put your mom to bed because she was too drunk to do it yourself? - No. - Have you ever gone to bed hungry because your dad quit paying child support, or have you ever told your friends that you needed to get home because your mom's worried about you, but the truth is she doesn't care when you come home, you just tell them that so they'll think that you have a parent who cares? - No. - I didn't think so. - Do you think that's gonna make me think less of you? I care about you Dawn. I thought we cared about each other. - You're a really sweet boy, who has no idea what life is like for a person like me. So go home and tell your parents over and over and over again how grateful you are that you don't have to have a childhood like mine. - Just because you have a bad start doesn't mean you have to have a bad ending. You matter Dawn. And if to no one else, you matter to me. - Stop. (slow jazz music) - Basti please just calm down. Don't don't-- - Where did it go then? Huh, huh? - I didn't take them. - Huh? - I didn't take them! Basti I didn't, please you're hurting me. - Where did they go, did they just disappear? Just disappear huh? - Hey? It's okay, it's okay. Why don't you sit down? Hey? - What? - Why don't I get you a beer? - Yeah get me a beer. - [Dawn] You okay? - Never better. - Why is Basti so mad? - He thinks I took his Oxy. But I didn't. I mean he took 'em a while ago, he's just so high he can't remember. - I'm so sorry Rachel. - Me too. I'm sorry you're here. I should've told you what Basti was going to do to you. - You knew? - Dawn, you're not the first girl to be here okay? Basti didn't lose his wallet. He knew you were sucked him, he knew that you'd do anything for him, he doesn't love you. Or me. - He didn't lose his wallet? - He has thousands of dollars hidden away in this apartment. - Do you know where? - Yeah. - Where? - None of your business. - Let's steal it and run away. - No! Do you have any idea what Basti would do to us? - He won't catch us. Let's go to New York, let's steal the money and let's go to New York, it's what you've always wanted let's go! - I'm too scared. - First thing in the morning, while Basti's sleeping it off, I'll get the money and you and I will get out of here. We'll get the money and we'll go okay? - Okay. - So where is it? - It's in the hall closet, it's in a shoebox on the top shelf. (foreboding music) - You go outside, I'll be there in a moment. - Okay. - Looking for something? Come on you don't think I'd be stupid enough to leave thousands of dollars in a box do you? - Ah somebody help me, Rachel! (screaming) Get off of me, get off of me! No, no get away from me! - [Basti] Ah you little tramp! That's right! - Rachel! (phone ringing) - Hello. - If you wanna help Dawn, you'd better get here really quick, she's gonna get hurt bad. - Where is she? - Hi. - Hi Basti. Could I speak to Dawn please? - Uh, no, there's no one here by that name sorry. - I'm here. - Go to your room! Man we're fine, just a misunderstanding. I'm trying to teach her about healthy boundaries. - Dawn would you like to go with me. - Yes. - Where are you gonna take her, uncle pervert? - Let's go Dawn. - She's not going anywhere, she owes me. - We seem to be at an impasse don't we, you know what it's not a problem, now I'm just gonna call the police and I'm gonna get 'em over here, they're gonna settle this for us. You wouldn't have a problem with that, would you Basti? You don't have any nasty warrants out for your arrest do you? - Did you call him? - Hi. - Is she here? - Yeah she's being admitted. - Okay, why didn't you bring her to me, I mean she should be with family. - She didn't wanna come to your house. I'm sorry but we gotta meet her where she is. - All right, well, who do I need to speak to. - Yeah, Hope's Ladder isn't easy to get into, I had to pull a lot of strings to get her here. - We really appreciate all your help, David, hi, I'm Lori, I'm Jamie's sister. - Nice to meet you. - So when can we see her? - Well you can say a quick hello, but her therapy team will decide when she can have family visits once they have talked to her. - Oh great. - Well at least we know she's in a good place. Jamie this is a huge step forward. - Yeah I know, you're right. So I don't understand, how long? - Six weeks to six months. - Six months? - Everybody's different, could be anywhere from six weeks. - Oh Dawn, oh honey. - [David] Your aunt Jamie never stopped looking for you. - [Jamie] Not for a second. - Whoa, what's going on there? Huh? - Dawn needs to get settled in her room now. - Okay. - I'll let you know when she can have visitors. - Well I'll be back okay, just as soon as they say okay? - Bye. - I'm gonna come in tomorrow and check on you. - Hang in there honey. - Did you get settled in all right? - Yeah. - Can you tell me why you didn't go to group this morning? You know one of the requirements for staying here is you attend all group meetings. - I wasn't feeling up to it. - Can you tell me why you weren't feeling up to it? - I was having a bad hairday. - Look I understand that you're angry Dawn, you've been through a lot. But just talking-- - You see the problem is, I don't wanna be here, but I don't wanna leave. I don't wanna be high, but I don't wanna be sober. I don't wanna wake up, but I don't wanna go to sleep. So far things haven't been working out so great for me. And if this is all that life is then, I'd rather just skip out on the whole thing. - [Woman] Have you had thoughts of taking your own life? - Not really. - Often if we have suicidal thoughts, we just want the pain to stop. And what we're going to try to do is give you some tools you can use to help face these struggles in a constructive way. - I'm gonna need a lot of tools. - That's okay, because God never runs out of tools. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world, "that he gave his only son. "That whosoever believes in him will not perish "but have eternal life. "For God sent not his son to condemn the world "but that world through him might be saved." God's love for us never runs out. He is the God of second, third and fourth chances. If you need a new beginning, you've come to the right place. (sad, foreboding music) - Give me your wallet. - There's no money in it. - I said give me your wallet. - Could you, man could you please just give me the picture of my son? - David? You don't look so good, what happened to you buddy? - I think it would be better if I died? - No that's not the way to go. - I walked out on my family. I haven't seen my boy in years. - What did I say at the mission? God knows all, and he still cares about us. There's no sin so deep that God's not deeper still, none of us deserve his forgiveness, but he gives it to us as a free gift. Totally undeserved, you know God says, "Taste and see that I'm good." Will you pray with me? - Yeah. - Pray after me. Jesus, I know I have done wrong in my life. - Jesus, I know, Jesus I know I've done wrong. - I wanna change. - I wanna change. - Please forgive me. - Please forgive me. - [Man] Please take away the burden that I bear. - Please take away, please take away the burden that I bear. - Come into my life and my heart, and be my lord and savior. - Please come into my life and my heart, and be my lord and savior. - Amen. - Amen. (heartwarming music) - Okay well why won't she see me this time? - She didn't say. - Well this is the fourth day in a row that I've been by that she won't see me. - I'm sorry but you can leave her a message if you'd like. - Another message? (door knocking) - Hey, you found me, come in. - What have you been saying to Dawn? - What's the matter? - I've been by there the last four days, and, she won't see me. - I know nothing about it, she didn't say anything to me. - Well somebody has been saying, something! - You know what she's working through a lot, why don't you give her some time? - I'm not the bad guy here! - Hey, wow back up, nobody said you were. - Yeah, I am. My husband has an affair, and I lose my marriage and my church, he makes a pass at my niece and I'm to blame. You know I made the right choices, I didn't drink, or do drugs, I don't deserve this, I went to college, I married a pastor, I co-pastored a church. - Okay Jamie now God sometimes works through adversity in our lives to try to bring us into a closer relationship with him. - (snickering) That's good. I spent my entire life serving God. And I got nothing, now I didn't abandon my family and drink my brains out on the streets, I didn't need to go work at the mission to try to earn my son back, I served God! - But do you know him? - What do you mean? Do I know him? My whole life has been about God. - But do you know him? - I'm not gonna go see Dawn anymore. - [Realtor] Look at this room, I love it it's so much light. - Yeah it really does have a lot of light, it's great I love it. Wow, okay, so first and last rent? - Yes. - I'll take it. - I thought today we'd talk about the importance of forgiveness. - Okay? Tell me why you're responding the way you are. - You're saying we should just forgive? You know what the way my boyfriend treated me, he should be the one begging for my forgiveness. - My stepdad kicked me out of the house when I was 15. He said he'd wish I had never been born. I wish he'd never been born. - You know if they don't ask for forgiveness, there's no reason to give it. - Yeah that's right. - Yeah. - I mean we didn't do anything wrong. - Okay, okay. You're right, we don't have to forgive, nah-ah. So if we hold on to all of the anger, and resentment, who are we really hurting? - So I should say to my boyfriend hey babe it's fine that you beat me for no reason all those times because I forgive you, can I fix you some dinner. - Yeah. - I mean get real. - No one is saying what they did is okay. And they don't deserve forgiveness. But you deserve to be free. - I can't live locked up like this anymore. I want a better life, but that life isn't possible with all this hate that I have inside of me. I'll try, I'll try to forgive if that's what it takes. But I, I can't live with this hate my whole life. - Dawn! Where are you going? - Don't worry I'm just getting some air. Why! Why? Hello God are you there? Please! (weeping) God I'm here. God I want to trust you again. God I'm here. God I'm listening. God I want to know you. ♪ There's a light in my life shining over me ♪ ♪ There's a light in my life shining over me, yeah ♪ ♪ Let your proceeds from above ♪ ♪ Fill me with that precious love, there's a light ♪ ♪ In my life shining over me ♪ ♪ Lord sometimes I sit and I wonder ♪ ♪ Why strange things happen to me ♪ ♪ Then again I feel my (mumbling), yeah ♪ ♪ But if I put my trust in Jesus ♪ ♪ My body's a light on ♪ ♪ Don't you see there's a light in my life ♪ ♪ Shining over me ♪ ♪ Lord walk with me ♪ ♪ Hmm-mm talk with me ♪ ♪ Please stay close by my side ♪ ♪ Be my shelter, be my comfort ♪ ♪ Be my guide yeah ♪ ♪ I was blind and now I see ♪ ♪ Jesus he came and he rescued me ♪ ♪ There's a light in my life shining over me ♪ ♪ I said there's a light in my life shining over me ♪ ♪ There's a light in my life shining over me, yeah ♪ ♪ Let your proceeds from above ♪ ♪ Fill me with that precious love, there's a light ♪ ♪ In my life shining over me ♪ (applauding) (cheering) (cheerful music) ♪ The cars on the my street sound like the ocean ♪ ♪ They keep on flowing while we sleep ♪ ♪ Each night you can hear their engines ♪ ♪ Passing one by one into the deep ♪ ♪ I'm coming home, and I feel it in my bones ♪ ♪ Like a lost but familiar touch ♪ - David! Hi. - Hey. - I've been looking everywhere for you. I thought you could use some company out here it gets kinda lonely. - I'd love it. - Yeah? Good. I wanted to thank you for everything that you did for Dawn and for me. - You don't have to thank me, it was my pleasure, but you're welcome. - I heard you saw your son. - Yes I did how about that. - Yeah? Wow that's great. - Yes thank you. - I'm really happy for you. I'm also really sorry for what I said to you about your drinking and... - Yeah, well I'm not gonna say that didn't stink because it did, but, I also knew you were really hurting at the time. - Still I shouldn't have said that, I'm really sorry. - Forget about it, how's Dawn? - She's really good actually. Yeah there's, there's a light about her that just wasn't there before it's, it's really miraculous. Do you remember what you said to me? - What? - You asked me do you know him? I didn't know what you meant at the time, but, I think I do now. I mean whatever it is that you and Dawn have, I don't. I've spent my entire life in the church, but I don't know him, not like you and Dawn. Tell me how? (calming music) - They look good so good. - Oh oh they're coming! - Good, good, good, good. - They're coming! - Oh my God! (cheering) (calming music) ♪ Softly and tenderly Jesus is coming ♪ ♪ Calling for you and for me ♪ ♪ See, on the portals ♪ ♪ He's waiting and watching ♪ ♪ Watching for you and for me ♪ ♪ Come home, come home ♪ ♪ You who are weary, come home ♪ ♪ Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling ♪ ♪ Calling, O sinner, come home ♪ ♪ Why should we tarry when Jesus is pleading ♪ ♪ Pleading for you and for me ♪ ♪ Why should we linger and heed not His mercies ♪ ♪ Mercies for you and for me ♪ ♪ Oh, for the wonderful love He has promised ♪ ♪ Promised for you and for me ♪ ♪ Though we have sinned, He has mercy and pardon ♪ ♪ Pardon for you and for me ♪ ♪ Come home, come home ♪ ♪ You who are weary, come home ♪ ♪ Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling ♪ ♪ Calling, O sinner, come home ♪ (vocalizing) (calming piano music)
Channel: SHJNE - Faith Movies
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Id: d1G70hG9m6o
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Length: 107min 38sec (6458 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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