An Uncommon Grace (2017) | Full Movie | Jes Macallan | Sean Faris | Kelly McGillis

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're putting down a point of injury middle of the fire fight means we get in get out i want to take you and get used to this grace long time bob but you're doing good just stay close we got you back huh [Music] oh [Music] abraham [Music] thank god i told them hide hide in the barn i'll be right back i'll be right back okay grandma should we go over this again i take the monday pills on monday the tuesday pills on twitter you know what i mean it's important that you know what each of these do so you don't have another heart attack that i just needed a little jump start that's all i think she'll be telling me you faked the whole thing to get me to come home from afghanistan you're on to me mm-hmm why didn't you go in and help your sister with her homework oh i already tried she doesn't need my help i can hear you well maybe she just missed me not really no she's growing up we need to give her space grandma grace what is it it's levi from next door [Music] levi elizabeth my mother has been shot she's with child please she needs help uh grace call 9-1-1 keep this door unlocked grandma i can help [Music] no no no he's gone please my mom [Music] brett hello it's okay it's okay hi ma'am hi hi there i'm a nurse okay okay i'm gonna take good care of you and the baby i just need you to stay with me it's okay it's all right i'm here it's all right it's all right we're gonna take good care of you the kinder take them to my sister they will be safe here i win and then i'll come to be with you in the bed please did i lose the babe not in my watch mr smelly it's going to be okay it's going to be okay [Music] albert sarah albert is the bad man gone yes yes he's gone come are you hurt are you hurt we're staying in why did they not come for us [Music] your grace elizabeth green toucher thank you this little pile of hay is my brother albert and this is my little sister sarah it's nice to meet you dear friends i told them that you're the one that helped her mother they thank you you're you're welcome levi can i give you a ride to your aunts yes i would be grateful mm-hmm [Music] [Music] wait dear albert levi antaros it's good to see you i you have grown claire is not with you amen came into our home he had the gun he killed abraham and my sister ma'am i'm grace i'm a medic claire's also been shot but she's alive she's been taken by ambulance to the hospital they're focused on saving her in the baby baby henry rose is that levi my sister has been shot she was with child oh my god i would take a test of kindness if you would care for my brother and sister while i go to be with my mother it'll be good to get to know them [Music] your family will be in our prayers [Music] thank you [Music] come you know i don't know that much about your uh community but i know what it's like to lose someone and i'm very sorry i will miss my stepfather elizabeth that told me how your sister came to live with her car accident that took your parents yeah it's good to have family at these times you know i haven't really been back here that much since i i joined the army after high school they put me through college and i was on active duty by 22. do you not like it here no i'm not it's beautiful here i just think i never really felt a connection i think your parents would have been very proud of you thank you uh we're here to see claire miller are you levi i am hi i'm dr alan i operated on your mother her wounds were serious but you got to hear quickly i'm expecting a full recovery and then the baby we had to do an emergency c-section he's under observation in the nicu upstairs my mother had a son levi i'm sorry for your loss thank you sheriff newsome oh grace connor oh elizabeth's granddaughter yeah nice to meet you this is deputy small ma'am you're grace yeah that's right claire asked to see you actually uh but i don't even know her she was very specific the english are named grace go ahead we need to ask leah ask questions anyway this is all just standard procedure levi okay paramedics said you're in afghanistan u.s army dust off flight medic thank you for your service did you grew up around here uh no why i've lived here my whole life i admire the amish for many things but these are shorts and troopers shorts and troopers the most conservative amish that's what the millers are no plumbing no refrigeration they don't even allow phones for emergencies it's never made sense to me i didn't realize if you hadn't been there this story would have a very different ending how are you feeling you are elizabeth's grace she speaks of you often my abraham he is gone i'm so sorry it's gonna be okay mrs miller i'm very sorry for your loss abraham was a good man thank you i know it's hard right now i need to find out who did this he was an englisher he wore a mask and gloves is it tall short i don't remember it happened fast do you know why he would come after you and your husband he spoke about the horse abraham so deduction yesterday my husband gave him all the money but he thought we had more he was very angry he pointed the gun at me i ran away and abraham jumped he tried abraham tried to protect you why would a man do this abraham will give anything to someone in need they don't need a gun i'm gonna get to the bottom of this have you noticed anything unusual happening at the millers anybody hanging around no but i've only been back a few days i'm gonna swing by and talk to your grandmother and becky yeah you know sheriff claire said that that guy knew about the money from the auction i mean he would only know about that if he was from around here right yeah we've had a couple of robberies at the amish community recently well the amish they don't fight back this makes them vulnerable never had anything like this just sheriff i put the word out about owen peterson nobody's seen him owen peterson it's a local boy convicted of drug charges he got released from prison a couple weeks ago is he a suspect right now i just want to talk to him so i'm finished for now levi thank you thanks sheriff thank you so your mother's resting comfortably she just fell asleep that's good i would like to see my brother now come on sorry first time in an elevator of course not our house is two here he is you have five minutes okay then i need to take him back thank you doctor levi this is daniel daniel hello daniel our mother gave you a fine name you got to be a good man no grandma i didn't realize that you were so close to the millers well as close as an english or can be yeah the the doctor mentioned that they were ultra conservative even for swords amish troopers they can't even marry other amish they have to marry within their own sect huh wow that's so strict i remember when levi was a young boy and i used to share books with him he absolutely loved harold and the purple crayon that was allowed well i think that claire knew he had a more inquisitive mind than most boys his age abraham though he didn't want levi to read anything but the bible so he came over here one day and told me to stop i saw some other members of their church already at his house today they take great care of each other and i'm sure they're over there cooking and cleaning feeding the animals watching the children no we uh took the kids over to claire's sister's house rose and claire knew about it it was her idea claire hasn't spoken to her sister in over 10 years i mean he used to be so close and then rose married outside the sect and family shunned her i couldn't imagine never talking to you again [Music] what are you doing oh i just decided to have some dessert outside watch the moon come up okay becky i really wish that you wouldn't go out this late at night and not when there's that crazy guy running around it's a scary situation do you ever get scared yeah every day hey look what happened to the miller family was terrible and i know that you're worried but they're gonna catch this guy and they're gonna put him away so that he can't hurt anyone else but in the meantime will you just promise me that you'll stay close to me and grandma don't have to keep worrying are you going back you know what it's late i think we should talk about it i heard you guys talking i know it's time for you to re-enlist they gave me a little extra time because of grandma's heart attack so what are you gonna do honey they really need me over there and we need you here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] elizabeth you know the millers as well as anyone have they talked to you lately about people making threats or anything like that no not at all but you know they're not much for talking yeah yeah levi's alibi checked out he was at the blacksmith when it happened you couldn't possibly think that leaving no but we have to check everyone and speaking of which is becky home yet we'd like to speak to her as well if you don't mind she's still at school i'll have one of my deputies swing by the next day or so whatever we can do to help sheriff any luck tracking down that owen peterson guy no but i wanted to mention something it rained the night before the murder and we found some muddy footprints which i believe belong to our killer where feel behind your property now we're constantly patrolling that area just keep your doors locked okay did becky say which friend she was studying with after school she's doing a project with lily she said she'd be home for leave a message i'll dinner back to you hey it's me uh just wondering if you're on your way home for dinner give me a call [Music] [Music] ah hey buddy are you lost no i know why becky's been sneaking food out here huh [Music] scared me so so you've met yeah we should call the shelter and uh see if anyone's looking for him i already did he's officially homeless you missed dinner i left a couple of messages yeah i turned off my phone so i get steady look becky this is exactly what i was talking about without staying in close touch i mean we didn't know where you were i'm not a kid anymore grace i can take care of myself just fine when you're not around okay but this is different there's a dangerous man running around and grandma really doesn't need anything else to worry about i'm sorry i didn't mean to make anybody worry [Music] so [Music] uh morning oh you have a dog now uh apparently no one's claimed him ah animals knowing they're wanted this one would be happy to stay here for a while how's your mother see him then you'll come home soon ah wonderful well i'll uh go come by and say hello that's okay when they get settled i'd like that for my my mother yeah i uh noticed that your natural bag is falling apart this should hold your things more securely it has compartments within you made this levi from the lid to the maple tree abraham taught me it's beautiful i i don't know what to say thank you for all that you've done for us this makes us even even i thought it was a gift no no that that wouldn't be proper for me to give you a gift right um okay but we're even [Music] a sad day levi at least abraham is no longer part of this sinful world but a man should live long enough to raise his children abraham would have wished to do so it is your duty to be a father to the little ones now i'm to help your mother a duty i willingly accept it would be a great comfort to your mother levi if you were to select a good frown most amishmen your age already have a wife and children my daughter zilla knows what it takes to run a schwarzenegger household a sad day claire but abraham is with god now thank you levi if there is anything i can do to help bring comfort to your family i hope that you'll call on me we have been blessed by many from the church who have given their help and knowing you since we were children has been a blessing for me i must say to my mother oh please let me godsville go to it hello levi grace hi claire grandma sent this for your family she said she wishes she could be here herself but she wanted me to tell you how sorry we are thank you grace he's not feeding vel really what does the doctor say i have not spoken to the doctor would you come tomorrow to see what is wrong with my daniel absolutely first thing in the morning it is time for us to begin there will be no english spoken here today my mother and i thank you for coming sorry for your loss thank you [Music] so grandma what are you doing you're supposed to be taking it easy well this is my idea of physical therapy honey does my heart good to cook for you girls uh-huh where's becky uh she's out back putting some boxes in her car for a school project she's really buckling down this year i'm impressed yeah she's volunteering more than ever at the church with the uh prison ministry prison ministry they write letters to the inmates to cheer him up oh nice she's just got some criminals as pen pals don't worry i spoke to pastor bruce it's kind of like community service breakfast bacon the most important bacon of the day oh i am going to pretend i didn't see that hey dusty likes bacon too dusty oh yeah like what they call you when you're in afghanistan dust off light medic he'll be like a reminder for us when you have to go back i like it dusty it's perfect [Music] [Music] we tried to tincture a fennel seed for colic but it didn't help yeah i'm not so sure this is colic claire after you feed daniel how do you hold him i'm the same as all my babes i want to try something come here did either of you get any sleep last night not much why don't you go get some rest i'll keep an eye on him i know see this is what i love about babies you little guys only cry for a reason i'm the reason you stop crying wish the rest of the world made that much sense he's sleeping shh i think i know what's going on and if i'm right everybody around here will be sleeping better we need to work on your brother's social skills i stand corrected the women of our church keep us very well-fed i prefer the ones with the little chocolate pieces thank you so it must be nice having your aunt around here after so long yes she's sweet oh it works very well levi i'm gonna be the envy of all the other medics when i go back so you're going back to door yeah i think so you know they really need me over there but hey i'm happy to have made a friend while i was back i we are not friends chris we can't be friends [Music] [Music] [Music] bishop weaver good morning what are you doing here we will care for this child you are not needed i think that's for claire to decide he's sleeping bishop weaver rose fisher you must go our people will tend to claire in this family she is schwarzen trouba you are not i am aware of who and what i am i will see abraham's wife now my mother is sleeping this is the first russian days levi abraham has been gone 10 days now you will tell your aunt and this english woman to leave rose has been a great help in our time of need and grace saved my mother's life tomorrow i will send my daughter to live here until your mother heals she knows what it takes to run a schwarzenegger household i will make lunch well i still can thank you rose i know he's your bishop but i don't like that guy it's hard to be sure but i'd say it doesn't care much for you either do you remember what was there oh gosh it's been so long i don't well is anything else missing do you think this has anything to do with the robberies that the sheriff was telling you about didn't grandpa keep a collection of fishing lures there he always said those lures would fetch a pretty penny that's so strange oh i remember what was there what it was an antique mirror from my dresser it had those sweet little drawers underneath you remember it was in the house forever hmm grace what is going on why would somebody want to take those things hmm no i should call the sheriff um all right thank you sheriff i will bye-bye well uh they said that they'll send someone over a little bit later oh thanks yeah so i have to head into town to get a few things for claire you want to join me do you think i'm afraid to stay alone in my own home graves no of course not i just thought you might like a change of scenery you are not fooling anybody but you just happen to be right too i am getting a bit of cabin fever i must go before i bring more trouble to your family this is not my wish rose nor mine but your kinder miss you they will be happy to come home we'll be very sad to see you go you've been a great help i will walk into town to call my henry he'll come tomorrow i'm sorry we have no phone we have learned lately it can be a blessing in need god's will that's good ah i think i know why claire's baby's struggling is that why we're going to town well that plus your uh cabin fever so how's levi i don't understand you and claire can be friends but levi and i can't you said that we we are not friends grace we cannot be friends well that was no ordinary basket he gave you [Music] so wait turn what is it that's becky's car just wait here i'll handle this hey there hey hey something wrong deputy small no no i'm just talking with becky here oh okay well you mind telling me why you pulled her over uh well the sheriff asked me to talk to her about what happened over at your neighbor's place the other night oh okay so you're just chatting with her out here in the middle of the street embarrassing her in front of half the town oh it's all right i already told him i didn't see anything okay she said she didn't see anything do you have any more questions no no ma'am yeah we're all good folks take care now you too hey you okay i told you i'm fine [Music] what did he ask you i gotta go it's called infant gastroesophageal reflux it's actually common with preemies and what does this long word mean just think of it as a baby heartburn see daniel's little throat muscles aren't developed enough to keep the stomach acid down that's why it's very important that after you feed him you hold him upright for at least 30 minutes okay what about at night when he needs to sleep oh that's what this is for it's called an infant sleeping wedge it'll let daniel lie safely at an angle so that the stomach acids don't come up the wrong way you know all this but you have no children of your own no but four years of nursing school six years in the field the army made sure i was well trained remember 30 minutes we will pay you for the veg do the amish give each other gifts when a baby's born of course this is our way ours too do you think this might have anything to do with whoever attacked the millers have you found that peterson boy yet let's not get ahead of ourselves elizabeth you know try to make me a list of everything that's missing and i'll get right on it sheriff i don't even know what all is out here how am i gonna make a list just do your best as soon as you can all right appreciate it oh by the way deputy small told me what happened in town you're right it was neither the time nor the place to speak to your sister won't happen again thank you hi hi oh i'm so sorry about today like i was just worried i'm sorry too um what did the sheriff say about the stuff that's missing well they're gonna look into it so sorry is something wrong i just need to take care of something you want some help it's just school stuff becky wait look i i don't know what happened with the deputy today or whatever it was you know that you can trust me right no matter how long i'm gone and you you go and do whatever you need to do but whenever you're ready to talk honey i'm here okay okay [Music] so ah french rose levi levi hello uh come sit down your lunch is ready i hope that you're hungry thank you zella how long will your parents be able to do without you at home cilla oh my father told me to stay for as long as i want rose my father told me that there's no reason for you to stay he says that you must go back to your own family and your own church i return to my family tomorrow my father says because you're not sports and troopers we should not be eating with you it was not a decision mate easily zilla uh yes but my father has said perhaps you should not speak so freely on matters you do not understand let us pray [Music] hey there is claire around she's busy with the babe yeah that's why i came by i just wanted to see how the little guy was doing the baby's good i'm sorry i don't think we got to properly meet you were at the funeral right you're the bishop's daughter yes i am zilla weaver i'm grace nice to meet you your basket where did you get it levi made it for me isn't it nice i will care for this family now you are not needed here [Music] levi zilla so this is where you come to hide no is something wrong everyone is asleep i wanted to show you something show me what well when my father told me i'd be living here my mother and i spent all day sewing this beautiful new night dress it's pink look zilla please do you not want to see you should go i have waited so long for you i wish for us to be husband and wife my father says that we can be married right away you should not say such things why not i do not love you zillow but levi i i could have anyone in our church any man would be very happy to be with me then you should choose another is that englisher you have feelings for her don't you there's nothing between us yes you do no please please go what is this such things are not allowed levi they are only books they are of the world yes yes they are and i read them because they feel me with such ideas there are so many different places so many different kinds of people more than you could ever imagine zella it would take your breath away my father will want to know of this do what you think is right now please go go [Music] i thought the barn was on fire i almost called the fire department what are you doing you are an englisher you would not understand you know what you say that a lot like it explains something a long time ago people used to look up at the night sky they would see shapes of strange creatures and great men they thought they lived up there what do you think grace is that possible i think they were met because we know better now in my church we count our blessings should knowledge be a blessing too yeah is that what is that what you believe i started to read with elizabeth after my father died and my mother remarried she opened my eyes to a whole new world but for abraham there could be no other world he's a good man very strict and then elizabeth gave me my first book i ran home to show my mother whenever him saw it hunted that's terrible he was protecting me you love these books levi we have rules chris if i don't accept them i will be banned by the church i will be shunt levi let me keep the books for you cute so [Music] it would be good for your kinder to be home again where they belong and for you to return to yours tells me that the cousins played and worked well together this is good who knows when they will see each other again [Music] zilla what is this i want to go home too already we can drop you on our way i cannot go with you levi will you drive me [Music] [Music] your mother is feeling better much better thank you her sister is gone hmm and the englisher you must seat your family levi and not look to outsiders perhaps he does not have enough time to take care of his family because he's too busy reading his books is this true i have no books except the bible i've seen them father he has him in a secret room in the barn books on all sorts of things levi tell me the truth did my daughter see these things yes but i got rid of them after zilla reminded me how wrong it was to own such books you should know right from wrong without the help of my daughter levi i'm very sorry bishop you have confessed your sin and rid yourself of the evil things we will speak of it no more thank you bishop come along zilla your mother will be glad of your help levi fussy stars a telephone is this yours yes what are you doing with this forbidden instrument on your person in case of an emergency like the day my stepfather was killed until you have so little faith you think god is not able to take care of such emergencies i pray to god that day bishop i prayed for my mother all i know is that without grace connor i would have lost my mother and baby brother too no no this is too much you must repent i will expect your confession before the congregation on sunday and you will destroy this thing immediately [Music] excuse me how did you get over here ugh all right you know what we will feed a straight dog but you gotta go back sorry nothing personal it's a good girl you're doing very good why do you have jacob jacob sarah named her uh-huh well uh miss jacob here was in my front yard i don't know there must be a break in the fence somewhere let's get her into the bar come on take good care of her she was god's creature i hope she was in too much trouble you know until this man is caught you shouldn't be out alone oh a homesick cow in my yard since you don't have a telephone i didn't have much of a choice grace i'm sorry this is the the thunder is this from the war yeah you know mostly i'm fine um sometimes something like that happens or i have a nightmare or something and you still want to go back i know you don't understand yeah i i miss my family but i miss my team over there too they really need me and you what do you need i save lives over there it turns out you saved lives here too [Music] [Music] we probably shouldn't be like this right those are my words to say i guess that was a gunshot was that from the house [Music] oh what happened are you all right we are not hurt but only by the grace of god although there's now a hole in the kitchen floor what tell them albert [Music] i found it today where did you find it albert i was climbing the apple tree by the back fence i looked down and saw on the weeds did you think it was a toy no then why did you bring this thing that kills into our home i wanted it in case the bad man came back it's okay it's okay [Music] okay so you stay with the gun i'm gonna go home and call the sheriff i don't like you walking alone in the storm well i'm not leaving that gun without adult supervision and we can't ask your mom to oversee it so unless you're hiding a phone somewhere in here i gotta go did the boy see anybody else around when he found it he said that it was just lying there it's a 38 same caliber as the gun that was used to kill abraham miller three rounds been fired counting the one that went off in the kitchen tonight that'd be right can you check it for prince we'll run a ballistics check but this gun's been down in the wet field now all these people put their hands on it deputy small will drive this over to lexington to the lab and why our boys check it out thank you and grace how about i give you ride home that'd be great thanks thank you for the ride share oh i wanted to show you something before you go grace look familiar uh no owen peterson that local boy i was telling you about just got out of prison and now he's vanished so you still think he did it i don't know for sure but if he wasn't mixed up in something i think he would have turned up by now well obviously his prints are in the system if you get a match on the gun then exactly meantime you see anybody with this mug you let me know we'll do hey here let me get that for you okay oh thank you there you go that's good thanks wow looks like the sun finally decided to come out yeah something tells me you weren't just here to help me with my groceries and chat about meteorology you got me you actually saved me a trip and sheriff asked me to come down and let you know ballistics matched on the gun found by the amish boy so it's the murder weapon they also pulled the partial print off one of the bullets in the chamber did the sheriff mention anything to you about this fella owen peterson what did you find him no but he's around how do you know uh turns out he's been writing letters with a bunch of folks down at the church some kind of program for uh yeah the prison ministry yeah yeah that's the one i know yeah peterson's been writing these letters talking about how he can't wait to have a fresh start this fellow peterson if he is the killer good chance he's going to stick around here and try to get as much money together before he skips town i mean do you think that he's the one that stole my grandmother's things hard to say yeah hard to say hi it's becky leave a message i'll get back to you thanks becky call me back as soon as you get this hi grandma it's me not yet no i'm on my way back but hey is becky there do you know where she is no no no everything's fine um just can you ever give me a call if she gets back before i do thanks okay bye [Music] [Music] keep her warm albert we'll be home soon there's the connor's driveway see almost there yeah whoa whoa take the rain coverage wait here grace grace chris i thought i heard you moving around how you feeling honey oh okay grandma gracie you gave us quite a scare last night yeah well nothing's broken just a few bumps and bruises i'll be okay it was levi's buggy wasn't it he was taking sarah and albertum he had the children with him it's okay nobody was hurt thanks to you i i couldn't even see him why doesn't he have any reflectors swords and troopers don't use them believe it or not they consider them too decorative deck that is completely ridiculous um you can tell them yourself yeah well i will next time i see him he's here he has been all night hey grace you are well yeah that is good i will get the horses and i will pull your car out of the ditch and then i i will fix the fence that way uh the cows they they won't bother you anymore how are albert and sarah they were frightened sure so sorry it's not your fault leaving i don't understand why don't you have reflectors on that thing you don't want to drive a car or have electricity fine but reflectors you're putting those children in danger and i know how much you love them it is not my place to question this i saw the car coming last night it's coming so fast i knew that you couldn't stop in time all i could think about was daikinda i'm questioning many things what is to become of us grace what do you mean i i care for you so much but it would mean i leave the church no levi i would never let you do that i would never let you choose me over your family but you care for me yes now that we know this no now that we know this you need to go home levi and i need to reenlist and go back to afghanistan good morning bishop good morning bishop zilla i need to speak with you levi you and zilla are to be wet in two weeks time what we make the announcement on sunday no bishop i do not want to marry your daughter you should have thought of that before before what she has already told me what happened the two of you bundled one night she was here bundled that's not true cilla tell him the truth oh levi please don't abandon me now not after all the things that you said that night bishop your daughter is not telling the truth i know for a fact she speaks the truth you told me yourself you said you rid yourself of those books after she came to your room in the barn you cannot deny it she came to my room in the barn yes she wanted to yes but i never i will not allow my daughter to be disgraced i have had my eye on you for some time levi troyer i have seen how restless you are do you think the church will take your word over my daughters i do not know what the church would believe but i know the truth and the truth is i did not do this you must pray levi pray that god will reconcile you to being a faithful husband to the innocent girl against whom you have sinned i will pray bishop i will pray that zilla will come forward and make this right you will confess your sin or you will be put under the maidong you will be shunned i will not confess to a sin i did not commit two weeks levi two weeks and you will confess and you will be married i can't tell you how glad i am to come to town and not have to see a doctor just don't overdo it well i could say the same about you oh i'm fine it's got a lot of my mind are those your grandfather's lures come here for a second crumbles hey there can i help you yeah we were wondering about those fishing lures in the window they look pretty old they're antiques the young woman who brought them in said they belong to a grandfather she seemed quite upset but she said she needed the money so would you like to see them uh actually do you have any antique mirrors about so big ah it's funny you should ask about a mirror that same young woman brought one in just a few days later i i think you're gonna like it something like that becky it's me where are you i know you're getting these messages call me back right away [Music] i did not do these things and still accuses me of please believe me i do believe you but the maidon if you are put under the ban the rest of us have no choice but to observe the bishop's decision i know even you how can i abandon my own but how can i ignore the maidong if i am shunned i will not be allowed to take the children to church my friends will not speak to me they will not buy our crops or the baskets we take to market how can i feed your brothers and sister without the money we make you must have faith that the truth will come out and if it does not and you must obey them my tongue you must shun me [Music] oh yeah hi deputy small this is grace connor i'm i'm looking for the sheriff okay well do you have any idea when he'll be back um can you just can you just tell him that i think he was right about owen peterson and that i i really need him to come out here as soon as possible thank you so much all right what is it that you're not telling me uh do you remember those letters that becky was writing through the ministry well they were going to an inmate named owen peterson pretty soon they were writing back and forth directly to one another and this is actually from him listen to this i just found out that they're releasing me early when i get out we'll finally meet face to face i can't wait to see you sweet becky and apparently peterson was released just before the millers were attacked and the sheriff thinks that he was in the area at the time and then on top of that deputy small told me that they found peterson's fingerprint on one of the bullets in the gun that was used to kill abraham and even if becky was helping him after she heard that he shot abraham and claire you'd think she'd tell us unless he threatened her do you think he got her to sell the lures in the mirror i don't know but i just want her home so we can help her out of this mess this is my fault i should have been here she needed me oh no grace please no i want you to go over to the millers and stay with levi and claire until i get all this settled here no i'm not leaving you here alone hey that's an order [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] becky back here are you home [Music] [Music] becky grace okay becky you need to come here right now quickly grace no i'm helping owen get out of here right now owen is not who you think he is he has done terrible things i swear i didn't do anything don't owen didn't attack the millers honey his fingerprints were on the bullet okay i talked to deputy small the sheriff is on his way here right now you told deputy small of course i did he's dirty grace he's a drug dealer and a blackmailer owen was working for him when he got arrested you dealt drugs for small i did i was an addict but becky's letters helped me change i'm all done with that she helped me on the inside and now she's still helping me but your fingerprints were on the bullet small is lying he was waiting for owen when he got out told him that he had to keep working for him said that owen owed him ten thousand dollars owen didn't have that kind of money so i had to help him is that why you were selling grandma's things i'm sorry grace i had to small said that if he didn't get his money he was going to hurt grandma after what happened in the millers i knew that he would you were right to be honest it's never my intention didn't expect the old amish man to jump me but since you made it so clear that owen here is done selling there's nothing that would make me happier than dependent murder or three on him leave us alone we already paid you i'm afraid money's no longer the issue here kiddo not since your sister decided to get in the middle of it now it's nothing personal just not a big fan of witnesses okay you can't kill all three of us it'd be impossible to explain oh is it how about this i got your call so i drove out to investigate i heard shots and i came in and found that owen had shot you two ladies with this look familiar on no it should it's registered in your name then he pointed his gun at me and i shot him with my service pistol how's that sound sounds like i chose a good time to come for a visit [Music] don't move trust me i know how to use this thing roll over roll over you guys all right it's over okay [Music] you're gonna need a sling for that shoulder that'll be okay i have to take becky downtown to make a statement what are you thinking i'm thinking i'm not a very good schwartzen trooper but i've known this for some time now levi you are a good man ah but i have rebelled against many of our rules when the man who killed abraham was threatening you my heart was not full of forgiveness i understand now why abraham fought to save the life of my mother even though this is not our way i must fight to protect the lives of my family and i've got feelings for an englisher i i do love the people of my church but i can no longer follow the rules so you're leaving the church um i am in your family i don't know i don't know here you go thank you becky and i had a long talk this afternoon good about you oh we want to tell you how we feel when you joined the army your parents didn't try to stop you and neither did i i think we all kind of understood that you were looking for something something that you didn't think you could find here grandma i i know you have to answer that email before you make a decision i'd like you to consider that maybe whatever you're looking for could be right here in front of you what grandma is trying to say is that she wants you to stay and i want you to stay and dusty wants you to stay so it's settled was i don't get a vote nothing sure but it would be three to one so it wouldn't matter [Music] okay [Music] grace oh yeah i thought you might like these back oh thank you oh but there's fine that's a nice sling i got there you know maybe someday i will grow to appreciate your sarcasm i got you a present ready what is this it's a library card i really can't wait to take you there someday soon they have a lot of books thank you so i saw uh bishop weaver and zilla they were leaving oh is that like him to admit that she made up her story she's just jealous and she made a mistake all right so what happens will she be shunned no she's the bishop's daughter she will confess in church and she will be forgiven and life will go on that's ironic isn't it and you levi what about you and your family my family decided to change to a new order they're going to join my aunt rose and my uncle henry and you no but the rules in the new church allow for contact with those of different fates so it's good it's the right decision for all of us i made a decision too about re-enlisting so dr alan offered me a position at the hospital and i think you might be stuck with me that's good really that's very good yes yes it's a blessing to know that you'll be nearby to help me find my way in the english world i do know two things what's up i know that i love you chris counter i love you too really [Music] wait what's what's the second thing i know to find a book on english weddings [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ACI On The Go
Views: 1,869,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: American Cinema International, ACI, Flims, Movies, TV, Entertainment, Full Movies, David Mackay, David Golden, Serena B. Miller, Jes Macallan, Sean Faris, Kelly McGillis, An Uncommon Grace 2017, An Uncommon Grace Movie, An Uncommon Grace Film, An Uncommon Grace Full Movie, An Uncommon Grace Full Film, An Uncommon Grace 2017 Movie, An Uncommon Grace 2017 Film, An Uncommon Grace 2017 Full Movie, An Uncommon Grace 2017 Full Film, An Uncommon Grace
Id: j5V4fJg4vtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 48sec (5328 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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