An airline employee stalked a passenger

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're going to talk about an airline employee who harassed a woman because he got her number via her bag tag now before we get into the story I have to say I have somewhat of a bias not because anything like this has happened to me before and we're going to knock on wood that it doesn't happen again but I have a gavel and I feel like I should just use it so airline employees if you do that to me it's like trick chair it's never happened to me before but the concept of someone messaging you via a number you didn't give them without your consent it just creeps me out because you never really know who you're dealing with unless you know you do a background check and you find that their number connects to them and I've been doing too many background checks recently I'm just very creeped out by this type of stuff so if I seem a little bit dramatic an airline employee took a woman's number from her bag tag than harassed her via text lawsuit says the text messages were complimentary at first then a little strange and then chilling Ashley bar know was in boarding area at San Diego International Airport awaiting Chicago bound flight one a message from an unfamiliar number flashed across her iPhone screen saying hello and asking how she was doing the person then added I must tell you that you are gorgeous bar no thank the sender for his flattery and asked again for his name how had he gotten her number she asked and why was he texting her okay honestly I think one of the creepiest yet kind of cliche horror movie tropes is when someone can see you and they're commenting on what you're wearing being like I like that blue blouse on you and you're like [ __ ] so I know it's cliche but at the same time if it happened to you in real life I don't think you'd be as nonchalant as when you see it in a movie and you're just rolling your eyes like okay let's move on but if that happened to me I'd be like whom's whoo-hoo and also why you guess he told her adding that he worked for American Airlines which was operating the flight bar no was waiting to board I just saw you at the airport again he wrote telling her in a message you are looking very gorgeous in gray top today I called it this is why it's alarming because they're commenting in real-time essentially and you have no [ __ ] idea especially in an airport it's so crowded it's not like you're in a little coffee shop that has like five people in it and then there's the in the corner be like here it's like okay it could be any one bar no clad in a gray shirt looked around the gate area glancing over her shoulder she was scared to be honest I don't know anyone who wouldn't be scared whatever gender you are I think anyone would be alarmed you know even if you try to think of it as a funny thing it's still creepy because people really can access your address via your number so that's what would also alarm me the disturbing encounter which occurred in April and unfolded over more than 100 text messages that were later shared with the Washington Post spurred a lawsuit against the airline and now former employee over allegations of negligent hiring sexual harassment and stalking the interaction has left Bardo reeling more than eight months later nervous when she travels and sometimes fearful she's being watched her attorney Joseph Sabo said in an interview American Airlines did not answer specific questions about the allegations or the case but company spokesman Joshua free to confirm that the man was employed by American at the time though said he wasn't on duty during the alleged harassment and this is just another reason why I will not go with American Airlines I already have my personal reasons but they're not really that interesting the employee involved in the complaint is no longer employed at American Airlines Freda wrote American Airlines takes the privacy and the safety of our customers seriously we investigated the allegations and took appropriate action Barna says the messages continued even after she got on the plane this is weird she wrote to him then she learned he was on board - this is where I would lose my entire [ __ ] I'm not kidding someone gets your number you have no idea who they are they're creepily complimenting you they're refusing to tell you who they are and then they're on the same flight Bea's on a plane snakes on a plane whatever the [ __ ] on a plane we have a story giving you the run for your money because this [ __ ] absolutely not I'm already paranoid on planes just by definition because of hijacking the idea of having someone creepy who's watching you clearly on the plane who's maybe sitting behind you or in front of you or on the left or right absolutely not the man who eventually identified himself as Ahmed told Barr no he saw her get onto the plane and said he watched silently as she passed his aisle 15 seat he told her he'd be able to get her a better you want to sit next to me he wrote he has twice what's her seat number he told bar no he'd like to chat the whole flight then sent another plea will you join me I have two seats open next to me during their back-and-forth the sender initially claimed that Bardo had given him her phone number but when she pressed him he wrote honestly I got it from your bag tag bar no whose luggage was affixed with a tag listing her name number and address responded not ok not cool I do have to say that the pleading would definitely make me more concerned because it clearly seems like there's I don't to say an obsession but a bit of a fixation of someone's look please come sit next to me please I have seats open please it's like okay what is going on the fact that he took it off her luggage is just so shitty because the reason that people put that there obviously we all know is if your luggage is lost ok fine but it sucks that now she's probably gonna not want to put her even maybe her name cuz like I said you could do a background check and find information so it's just shitty that's something that you're putting there in case you lose your luggage can be used against you frankly I hadn't really thought of that mainly because I tend to think that airline employees probably have some moral code if not a code of conduct with their work but clearly some like this dude just don't give a [ __ ] also I'm sorry but I don't know what went through amman's head to think that anyone would react well to this like even the most naive the most craving of attention type person probably would get freaked out even if initially it's nice to get a compliment it's also like at what cost at what cost do you really want a compliment and I I just don't know what he thought was gonna happen in his head that he says do you want to come sit next to me and she says yeah sure and then they talk and by the time they get off the plane they're in love and they're gonna go get married I just what did you think was gonna happen especially in this day and age where a lot of creepy [ __ ] happens to both men and women and people I feel at least in my perspective are already automatically more paranoid leave me alone as she added the man then sent her a barrage of ten messages writing that friendship with me will be very beneficial for you now that just seems to me like he wants to have a friends with benefits type thing but where he'll like give her free points three flights or something like I don't know that just sounds like a low-key business kind of transaction initially I thought okay he's hitting on her but it's like he's not only just hitting on her being like hey please date me but it's like I can get you things which okay I can give you good seats access to the lounges and free flights called the [ __ ] you can think about it he wrote adding in later messages just looking for one chance to prove myself I will be very respectful to you always I think it's a note then he wrote when she didn't reply attaching an animated picture of a man holding a flower with a script or eating forgive me below three and a half hours later he sent three more messages hey how was your flight Chicago is your final destination well the plane was in the air samo said his client flagged down a flight attendant and told her about the messages she was receiving apparently from a man seated several rows in front of her bar nose and tears and the flight attendant was kind samo said making sure the two were seated in different parts of the plane and checking in frequently honestly though bless this flight attendant for being there and being understanding and being kind because I definitely feel like that probably made a big difference and actually one thing I didn't want to say that I don't say enough is that a lot of people who have jobs that you might not necessarily associate with danger like I think about this with bars I think about this with restaurants now with Airlines as well but there are a lot of times where I've read articles about people you know being on a bad date where the guy is being creepy or the woman's being creepy and they pretend to order a drink at the bar but they actually tell them hey you know like I don't feel comfortable and then the bartender's look out for them or servers look out for them or they'll call the cops for you I really think that's a really underestimated part of having a job that in some ways is customer service or at least deals with people so props to the airline attendant because Yanks when they touchdown at Chicago O'Hare International Airport what looked to be security guards escorted the men off the plane samo said at one point the flight attendant told Barno that this wasn't the first time he's done something like this samo said free to declined to comment on past allegations against the former American Airlines employee citing the impending litigation but the lawsuit alleges that the company knew of its employees propensity to appropriately contact its customers yet continue to retain him as an employee American Airlines did not do a sufficient job in hiring and supervising employees to keep its customers safe from sexual harassment and stalking stays the complaint which was filed last week in a San Diego division of California Superior Court it says the man not stop contacting her for a long period and also sent her sexually suggestive images so listen I wanted to give American Airlines the benefit of the doubt because you know as much as you vet someone there are some people who look squeaky clean and then end up being weirdos on the DL so you know I understand that it's not black and white and not every [ __ ] weirdo is gonna already be on the sex offender registry or whatever the case may be some weirdos just get away with it but I have to say it's particularly disappointing to me that they wouldn't do anything just knowing that an employee tends to be inappropriate that should be enough like what are you waiting for him to do to assault someone to decide oh yeah this guy shouldn't be hired I just don't understand why you'd even give someone like that a second chance because why would they change if you're just gonna let it go you know like if you're gonna keep letting them do things and you're not even gonna scold them or tell them off or tell them they're gonna lose their job if they do it again why would they change you know what I mean so I just don't get the process here Barna said she tried contacting American Airlines four months hiring samo to reach out on her behalf she wanted assurances that the airline had disciplined the man and taken steps to assure the same thing doesn't happen to someone else but the company wasn't responsive samo said and no one told her the man's is no longer employed there that added a lot of insult to injury he said since the incident Barno has had trouble sleeping eating and socializing according to the lawsuit in an interview with NBC 7 in San Diego Bardo said she was terrified when she realized they were on the same flight just knowing that he knew what I looked like and that we were an enclosed plane and there's no way out like really really scared me honestly I don't blame Barr no for being afraid you know because I really do think that once there's one person that puts that kind of seed of doubt and paranoia in your head it's really hard to kind of get past that and granted I've not gone through the exact same thing but I have had interactions with a few people at this point who have really made me extremely paranoid about who I have around me because of things they've done and it's really hard to get past that because yes the reality is yes I realized that not everyone's a piece of [ __ ] I realize not everyone you know has malicious intent so in another article it says so it gives you the same story that we just read but then there's a part where she gets off the plane so after saying that the flight attendant was super helpful it says I got off the plane too Barna recalled I called my sister and was crying profusely because I just felt I mean the best way to describe it was I felt naked in a public place she's also scared and angry when she learned that Ahmed had gotten her name cellphone number and address from the luggage tag on her carry-on bag Varna now assumes he was sitting next to her near her and copy that information or took a photo of her baggage tag which did not the flap that covered her personal information so that kind of circles back to the point that I was making earlier that I mean her Idris was on the tag but he could have gotten her address just by her name and phone number so I think that aspect is what makes it scarier because it's not only this person clearly doesn't understand how to appropriately interact with people but there's also the fear that until he's you know arrested or whatever the case may be the fear that he's in your area if not in right in front of your apartment or your house or whatever that he's just lingering and I think that would also make me scared to leave the house because if there's someone who clearly doesn't understand your need for your own privacy the appropriate way to interact with people the social cues and maybe understanding that no means no you just don't know who you're dealing with you don't know if they're mentally stable this person could have a record for all you know this person could be an abuser this person could have done anything and while that may seem like an extreme jump to some people to me that's not really because if someone shows lack of understanding of consent generally and what's appropriate and inappropriate I think my brain starts to spiral I don't know about other people but I'm just happy she's okay and I really hope that this guy gets some kind of therapy or something to make him realize that this behavior is not appropriate and he's not gonna be able to keep any job if he keeps doing this thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and I'll see you guys next time [Music] [Music]
Views: 233,601
Rating: 4.9650302 out of 5
Keywords: american airlines, american airlines employee, airlines, current events, stalking, news
Id: WHLEYc6rgAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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