Battlemage Knight the Hasted Warrior Multi Class Baldur's Gate 3 Build Step by Step Guide [BG3]

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hello and welcome to my channel could almost here today I present you the battle mage Knight a warrior that can Empower his fighting ability through Arcane Magic this will be an Eldritch Knight 6 multi-classed into divination wizard 6. while our spell progression is a bit delayed we get a second attack at level 5 and 2 fits by level 6. so our combat will be well covered from early on at level 7 we gain access to level 2 spells so we can start concentrating on a spell while we fight we can use a large person for extra damage or blur to cause disadvantage on our attackers further increasing our resilience at level 9 we get access to haste one of the strongest spells in the game this will transform us into a killing machine without the need of getting buffed by our allies which can be advantageous depending on the play style and party composition that you want to have finally the wizard subclass divination will grant us portent dice these will allow us to change the result of a dice twice per long rest and will be explained and shown in detail later we will of course wear heavy armor and fight with a two-handed weapon after the step-by-step guide you can see some combat footage plus the items and spells that I use if you're new to the channel kindly read the description of this video since I explained my thought process and some consideration while making these guides without more delay let's begin our journey will start as a fighter up until Level 6. at our first level we get second win which is a very useful healing ability our weapon style is going to be great weapon fighting since we're going to specialize in 200 weapons for our ability points we're going to focus on strength and Constitution with a little bit of intelligence at fighter level 2 we will get action search which will let us have an extra action once per short rest on our next level we will choose our subclass and for this build it's going to be Eldridge Knight we select the countries that we want and for spells I usually recommend shield and magic Missile and for our expanded list we can go for long Strider since movement speed is always useful and you will not consume a spell slot to cast once we reach level 4 we will get access to our first feed in this case since it's the early game and we want to hit often and strong we are going to go for Ability Improvement strength at character level 5 we will get our extra attack this is the power spy because now we can hit twice per turn at level 6 we will get access to our second fit and it's going to be workaster this will greatly improve our concentration granting us advantage and it is going to be very useful since we're going to be melee focused and we will be concentrating on a spell from Level 7 onwards at character level 7 we will multi-class into wizard the spells that we choose here are not really that useful since we already got pretty much everything we need but feel free to choose whatever you like the most also keep in mind from this point you can learn any spell from scroll so now you can get access to blur and large person or other spells of your choice at level 8 we will choose our wizard subclass we will go for divination this will grant us important basically the game will roll two dice and keep them in a reserve and then we can use these to hit a missed attack or to make an enemy Miss either an attack or a saving throw very very useful indeed at character level 9 we will unlock level 3 spells so keep in mind at this point you need to learn some new spells from a scroll besides the choices that you get here at level 10 besides the learning of new spells we get access to our last feed here you can go for Ability Improvement strength or if you like to feed great weapon Master is a great choice as well if you want to have that heavy melee damage at character level 11 we will be able to learn level 4 spells from Scrolls so you get access to Great choices like for example Stone skin at our last level our important dice will get improved which is a very welcome addition and we get to choose some other spells to add to our repertoire now before the combat you can see my spell selection plus the items that are used for the combat showcase so here we have the classical choices for our level 1 spell slots we'll mostly use Shield or magic Missile to finish off foes for level 2 spells early on we will mostly use these on enlarged person or blur and later on in Misty step for Mobility for the level 3 spell slots you will have haste most of the time and perhaps counter spell if you have chosen it as for the inventory choices nothing really crazy just a minimum to show how the build Works nothing extremely overpowered so it doesn't get overshadowed for the first combat I already had haste from the previous fight so I just decided to continue recording and you can see it's a total slaughterhouse another day another fight for the second combat I did not start with haste so I just proceed to kill the Mage first because otherwise I will not be able to do anything and then later on cast something but mostly we are Malay so we just focus on hitting things pretty much all the time so I believe our Dwarven friend has a magical ax because he completely ignores the stone scheme but it should work against the regular weapons like these other two guys that are coming thank you foreign into a critical hit so this is like extremely powerful of course thank you foreign as usual thank you very much for watching I really hope you enjoyed this video and see you in the next one adios
Channel: Khuromus
Views: 3,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #gaming, #gamereviews, #bg3, #baldur'sgate 3, #guide, #beginners, #stepbystep, #build, #wizard, #fighter, #gish
Id: gZxnyge-P38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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