Bastion - Full Playthrough by Nobbel [Lore]

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[Music] in three two one let's go oh bastion why you so pretty though by the r gun the way is open hi cleo i know right allow me to show you the way hello our purpose is to serve lead on claire whatever the challenge it is my pleasure to welcome you to bastian though you are like no soul i have ever seen before no matter i'm not blue am i you are to become one of the kirian yes this is our secret charge to bring mortal souls before the arbiter for judgment join our cults join our cults it has been an age since we last welcomed a new arrival the greeter will tell you more as soon as we awaken it uh the reasoning uh rey cage jade is uh the beings sylvanas used to abductor leaders they look like the kirian except uh the kirian are holy intermission and they don't use chains but since that's our only clue um the voice sends us off into bastion to ask if they know more about it to speak with the archon um [Music] because we also find out in the maw that there are kirian ally to the jailer the mossborne and then there's the enemy drought that we could use a hand with i serve not only bastian but all of the shadow lands can we spare any anima for the greeter it's a bit busy yes take my barrel centurions will share just a wee bit busy i love it um so yeah they have an animatronic right now no anima must fall so every little bit that they use they must reuse and use again um we're trying to tell them that we're on a mission here we're trying to tell them like look we got some information from the maw uh bad things are afoot but clea is so overly excited about this new soul arriving after such a long time that they don't really listen greetings she's like you know what just help us activate the greeter we'll get you on the path of the kirian for bastion have enough we wake greeter now and uh we'll just set you on your way it doesn't really matter what you have to say even the greeter doesn't really reserves now nominal initializing how may i assist you learn more about the curiosity to answer all your questions but uh i think there might have been a mistake i'm not dead actually i come from azeroth denizen of azeroth we have prepared a number of activities to help you acclimate to your new existence yeah but listen there's there's more than curious visit each station to learn more for the love of thrall please listen to me you're my station i will meet you there man fine i'll learn more about your curious all right i will sit in front of the class tell me everything welcome new aspirants to the first step in your journey through bastion while you venture among us we will teach you the virtues of purity courage humility wisdom and loyalty i'm a paladin i'm already there you will cleanse yourself of your mortal flaws i happen to ascend to a higher state of being capable of performing our most sacred and difficult tasks they're excited to have a new friend you have much to teach you but have no fear your journey is your own and you may walk the path at your own pace i wonder if they have an arts and crafts station fun fact uh they do so i don't recall if that was in this area i think it was give me just a second but they actually have an arts and crafts station i want to do you like step into the pool friend no i want to do your last yeah it is this area so welcome to sebastian ladies and gentlemen um they will give you the information as you go throughout the zone they will give you some information uh if you're here um but the way bastion works is that it's led by the archon this beauty right here and that's the person we need to talk to that's the person we need to let them know like look there are moss borne kirions there's an anima drought she is assisted by the paragons which you can find over there loyalty humility courage stuff like that the virtues and the paragons will assist the aspirants in their journey of bastion they want us to write our name in the list so let's do that real quick all deeds from your previous life will be collected and stored the archives compile the histories of countless mortal worlds as seen through the eyes of aspirants like yourself good morning ozzy worgen hello hello so as a kirian you can perform three different roles you could become a watcher those are the ones that stand at the edge of the veil and they judge souls if they're worthy or not to actually go into the shadow lands if they're ready i think this is like the spirit healer but then we also have the spirit healers that come from helya and her valkyr oh yeah this is also the origin of the valkyr there are the people in bastion that idea was then stolen by odin who then made his valkyr and then odyn's valkyr was stolen by arthas who then made his lich king valkyr and then there are the bearers those are the ones that like pick up your soul and travel it from the mortal plane to the shadowlands those are the ones you're probably most familiar with and then for the arts and crafts station you could also become a collector in bastion in essence you will just work on your craft for all eternity you will work towards the glory that is bastion you uh you know you'll make macaroni pictures the vesper is a bastion an image just amuse me the instruments their voices bolster the spirit and draw forth the lingering burdens of one's former life hey these vespers they ring true they help you through your rituals and then the final one the reason why i want to do that one last is because i think story-wise it's supposed to happen last so clea is like jumping to the pool cleanse yourself of your sins step into the pool friend and go through the ritual of cleansing but as we do passing through the veil can be traumatic allow us to cleanse the pain of that ordeal oh my god is that it looks like a kirian but it is twisted that's the one that tried to stop us from leaving them all just a moment ago how strange carry on with your learning i will meet you near the greeter so this kinda opens our eyes like hang on a minute i already thought there was something up with this new arrival like they got flash they're not dead and now he must warn kirian what is this nonsense the future of bastian is in our hands so i ask you why are you here truly hans wisdom prevails claire you gotta help me we will fix this drought we must curion in service of the ma i know that cannot be i know what is the meaning of this i must have sensed that i enabled the greeter i will handle this mortal hi kalestine why is this nemesis unit active we can ill afford this anima expenditure goodbye ascended one this newcomer brings troubling news of kirian in the maw we must inform the archon a grim fate but if the arbiter judged them deserving of it then the matter is not our concern these were not prisoners but willing servants surely this merits an audience there is but one way to earn an audience with the archon to walk the path and prove worthy of ascension so even though we have like a super duper important message they're like nah you want to talk to the archon path better than most aspirant arkhan's eyes upon you you better walk our path baby because you're not getting any shortcuts now clean cleo was real close to ascending as if we have we should be on our way she was real close to actually ascending and then the whole anima drought kicked in and she couldn't progress further on her path that must be frustrating to be so close to unlocking fly past my final trial when the drought began none have ascended since imagine like one reputation off from unlocking your flying and you're just not gonna get your wings you know kinda sucks but that's okay at least we get to learn more about bastion and all its glory our realm must appear pristine to you words cannot express what was lost but maybe you could show me wait yeah let me show you and she shows us that because they are lacking that much enema their whole domain is just we are in the midst of an unspeakable tragedy and all right it's it's not going well there's a whole bunch of spirits that need to scout my soul bind pelagos at aspirin's rest they need to pass on they need to go through their trials they need to walk the path and they can't because you know something hits our arbiter and now souls are no longer judged still frustrating because i was kind of hoping that that video was going to explain it all and be like yeah this is clearly what happened i love it like the mysteries i love them and it's going to be really cool once it does finally come to the surface but we didn't learn anything new from it it's like yes something broke the arbiter but what is it pelagos will be eager to meet you i bet they will be you clear that's about that the archon pelagos began the ritual without you what that fool we have little time you are a sign of the winds of change so pelego's is our soul by the horror ghost may soon succumb to doubt and fear make haste which means that they are closer than you can possibly get with somebody help me oh they actually all talk now cool um they've shared their life's experiences they've shared their power um yeah they're super duper close you're gonna find out a whole lot more about soul binding once you actually get your covenants and whatnot um i was never good enough what i found rather funny from the quest dialogue is she says like we're not allowed to intervene into these rituals you know an aspirant is supposed to succeed or fail sorry on their own merit but you know you're not bound to any such loss so if you could if you'd be so kind could you just go and save pelegos for me i'm like yeah sure clear well we'll break your ancient laws don't worry about it many trials and being a kirian is not easy like the arbiter might judge you worthy of bastion you might have lived a life in service in order to actually be allowed to go into this domain but it doesn't mean that you are worthy to stand with the kirians every day is a new chance to test your medal to see if you're actually worthy of this domain which is rather cool in my humble opinion i mean it's a lot of work but you know not me it's it's those that like to do things for others anyway so you know here is yours your pelagos i need to slay your memory palagos not that one another one other people in my mmorpg i am going to choose ravendraft with my main character share your words of wisdom uh oh you are weak ascension will never be yours there we go why do so many choose raven draft because it is awesome because they have a fun zone ability or covenant ability your failure is a stain on your soul a vampires come on out no no i must not give in you got this palagos come on now oh that was too close for comfort thank you i feel much better now you're welcome don't even worry about it which covenant should you choose as a frost death knight the cool part about the covenants is they're not so much class specific but more so about how you envision your character to be i've got a video up on youtube where i go over how to pick your covenant based on story in essence bastion if you live a life in service are they weird if you can actually connect it to nature maldraxis if you're all about that power and growth and uh ravendrive if you are [Music] willing to help others overcome their burdens or perhaps you are a very very naughty soul and then there's also mounts and gears to consider yeah there's that that was reckless pelagos you would have fallen if not for that mortal i know right i thought i could succeed on my own but i was wrong you got it next time palagos don't worry about it do you need a training partner all right those pens are not gonna be an upgrade it is on your mind and uh go on ahead pelagos and i will make our way over on foot ah must we walk i am fairly fatigued after my trial consider it part of your training my friend it's what you get when you act like a dumb dumb um so we're heading over to uh wow department uh clear hopes go in service that if we uh go through the trials and we do a really good job because you know most of these things that we just instantly go through um for the people in bastion for the kirians they usually take a long while to actually get it done um but we're like nah this is easy mode we'll just go through your trials we'll impress them uh in that attempt to get that audience with the arkhan that is our main goal here right now we're also in a bit of a side quest they need new materials in order to clothe their arrivals in proper carry and attire other people in my mmorpg thankfully the um the respawn raid is not that bad come here speed running the trials damn right because we are awesome and we're also kind of mortal and we have vanquished literal gods but you know have i impressed the archon not not quite yet no no i don't think she even knows i exist but don't worry my wife who will know that i am out there and the cool part about this little pick-me-up quest is that you would think oh you know it's just gather gather a couple of reagents and that's the end of it but no no no they actually added a cute little storyline which we'll get to in just a moment uh cloud strider pelts you're a golden paw lurker i need some cloud striders these trials really are easiest yes they are especially when you come to the dueling grounds where they're like oh yeah some of these spirits have like honed their craft for eons i just in my mind i compare it to the dragon ball tournament where they've just been training in the afterlife goku is kicking everybody's ass and then all of a sudden we show up and we're like oh yeah this is this is just easy sorry any idea who i attacked the arkhan or what happened my if i had to make a guess right now i'm thinking the death of argus but at the same time they did say that titans and there's a difference between magical souls and mortal souls so i do not know interesting though maybe it was like a proper attack it did have the whole red ball to it so if we consider it a little bit more uh the anima of raven draft is red um so it might have been an attack from syre to nephews hmm maybe we'll find out in castle nothing the nephews is like that could have been a thing hmm [Music] the soul cage is that linked to the jailer the soul cage yeah oh vaccine there you go right okay so the old ways we got her some materials and she's like oh cool thanks i can actually make something out of this but i've got a little bit of extra stuff would you be so kind to deliver my gift to my dearest friend over at the temple of courage [ __ ] death of hell yeah maybe like it all we all we've got to work with is a red ball that's all we've got to work with at this point um you want to say that red balls helya you want to say it's sylvanas ringing all over the place or argus or a missile from uh ravendraft your guest is as good as mine i assist in your meditations here you go mltina i will reflect on this conversation so emeltina is like oh my god you got me a little gift my friend got me a little gift that is so nice of them um if you would could you go out and like pick up a flower that me and my friend have planted because we spend a whole bunch of time there it's like really good memories could you go and bring it back but once we do [Music] we find out that we've actually been helping with a bit of romance because the original gift that we granted was actually a question one of the most important questions to be fair would you like to join me in eternal soul bonding share each other's memories and experiences and power become closer than any other connection in existence that's pretty much what we asked them to do but just bring a little gift and she's like oh my god yes i do and then we bring a flower and it's great i don't want to know what's in your head ah trust me you don't ooh is that a wanted quest keeper my name is in activia's repose all right that's uh the courage question right right friend right right right okay pick up the little flower and there was a quest on the side as well a fine journey oh that's right here oh cool what happens when two kirians smash they become what knowledge do you super kirian how may i assist you so welcome to repose actvia was once upon a time a paragon of courage in a time where bastion went through some trials and tribulations none other than the powers of the void made their way into the shadow lands because we got to keep in mind that the shadow lands is not inside of this impenetrable bubble um our people have gone here other forces have gone here and the void was like [Music] we want bastion we want bastion and if the powers of the void would have won this battle not only would bastion fall but the entirety of the shadowlands the balance between the cosmic forces in the warcraft universe would have been shattered and balance is important but there was one paragon actvia paragon of courage that showed them all what it really means to be a paragon she confronted the void and since bastian still stands actually defeated it hey our fates converge you're learning about the void invasion what magic is this i know right there we go and the cool part is like we we meditate on the scrolls and we find out about it but then we get the ring the vesper of history and they're like come on back in time why don't you um why don't you actually help them out now say if you're curious about that cosmic war that's been going on behind the scenes i do a video called the cosmic war of warcraft because there are some juicy details that have been going on your weapon though need clothes in the dark how cool is that yes mortal also don't mind my voice shuffle uh it's not like i'm an ally to the void or anything no no no no just just ignore that i will help you out by closing the portals and um sharing my enema with the fallen so they can fight once more it's gonna be great [Music] sure vuxney you're not wrong it's nice though that my proper cured proper cured i was gonna say kirian and geared and it did not work out it's nice i'm a proper geared little paladin uh is just absolutely melting anything that dares to stand in front of her i do need to slay void forces so i might as well take him out come along now now don't mind the little activia over there we're not gonna pay attention to that quite yet because we're not there oh no you're actually a bird an elite bird that i do not want to take on do you know where may just get the portal to orbos yeah okay uh i do not i wish i could tell you do majors get a portal to orbos i imagine so right go away bird and uh my mind uh i am having an absolute ball it's so good to finally have the story live to have all the things that we saw on the beta come together in this expansion so now also have all the little cutscenes and the cinematics and it's all out right now it's it's great i kind of wonder what it's like for the blizzard developers because they know the story ahead of time right they need to be really good at keeping the mouth shut and be like ooh i'm so excited but i can't talk about it but now it's all here hell yeah 52 for the teleport 58 for the portal at the orgrimmar portal trainer nice uh no no payment i am still level uh 51 i still have the whole leveling journey to do before i can pick my covenant i was a good boy last night i went to bed at a normal time i woke up at 7 00 in the morning you seek me i did the adulting that i had to do for today and now i can just sit here and veg out and play world of warcraft all day long my god life is hard devs get paid like kings for their silence probably oh way okay side quest done let's go stand with aqia [Music] i do really hope we're gonna get those wings though be upon you like that they're going to be actively usable to fly across the zone go in service that would be pretty great because flying this time around they said it was going to be easier to unlock right didn't i read an article about it was not going to be locked behind behind reputation or something maybe i'm wrong um i quit battle for azeroth for lore reasons how's the shadowland so far i'm enjoying it but will you enjoy it i cannot say cough bird i don't want to play and why did odin sacrifice his eye odyn wanted to peer into the shadow lands he needed to find a way to convey the souls of the fallen vrykul to his halls of valor and he went through a little ritual and then this this spirit showed up and it was like i will sacrifice one of my eyes so i can see and oh didn't soft and that's how he got the idea of uh let's go valkyr now we of course gotta wonder if odin was able to peer into the shadowlands what was able to peer out of her oh ow bastard i heard the flying wasn't going to be in this expansion um i give all that i am so bastion prevails so this paragon of courage actvia excuse me uh made a big old blast of anima that blew up the void attacking here not only in this area but across all of bastion preventing their massive invasion and considering that all the the centurions and whatnot are brought out to fight against the void and the centurions are only released in the most dire of times yeah it was uh how may i assist you it was a diary it's my pleasure will a great command over the powers of anima what knowledge do you seek music is gonna be me a little bit soft but that's okay destroyed not only their commander but all the void forces roar existence maintains order thanks to her noble sacrifice yay leveling is going fine zukov i'm having an absolute blast just reliving these storylines um i'm happy that typing them all out actually just burned them into my memory it's like oh yeah this is what's happening now this was happening now it's it's a treat to go through it and uh we're almost 52 so we're getting there like i'm in no rush to getting to level 60 as far as i'm aware everything is locked anyways till tomorrow till the first reset so we'll have time i need to get three other characters to 60 anyways to go through all the covenant campaigns and start earning renown and stuff like that so there's no rush it's just a matter of getting things recording really i also still have in my mind that i need to log in to get the bag but the bag time is over right now tell me your troubles here you go get yourself a flower enjoy the symphony's grace when given by someone you cherish it is a symbolic gift she's asking me to become her soulbind i will take my reply to her directly you're welcome are we doing any lore speculation what would you like to speculate about about how gorgeous this zone is because i'm down oh yeah they're all super excited by the way because remember not a whole lot of souls have showed up lately so they're all like yay the drought is over [Applause] meanwhile the drought isn't over it's just one little soul but you know give them hope rumors were true come let me look at you like what you see baby hey i dressed up especially for going into the shadows of my hands okay when you are ready approach the flame and follow the watcher's instructions okey dokey um this should prove exciting so we're kind of going to introduce ourselves to all of them by just showing past memories of our lives they can do that around here open your mind oh they just changed the transition screen yeah okay i was like oh is there gonna be maybe an in-game cutscene but no i did indeed repel the burning legion i did i did [Music] the legion stood no chance what else did i do i uh i stood beside the draenei of draenor against the iron horde again they stood little chance against me can you can you just thank you and then finally what else did i do don't do the battle for azeroth one don't do the battle i wanna i want a cool one do like classic or something like that travel to another world to aid those who face the burning legion [Music] i mean it is a different one i suppose like i stood against the burning legion on outland and on azeroth and i did travel to argus as well i mean i guess it's a different one bye bye demons alright so that's kind of what i did team what what have you been up to huh fascinating i know right in so little time did i not tell you this one bears promise oh yeah deemed awesome speak except i hear you sophone is not entirely convinced quite yet may her forge burn brightly clay i might put her faith into us you know do you think they will truly be able to help us that is up to them first let them see you'd slaughter tons of animals to help some derpy turtles but yes the phone is like claire might trust you clay i might put a faith in you i'm not convinced what i need from you in order to trust you which temple do you train translation actually means i just need somebody to clean up my [ __ ] but uh we're gonna help her out at the forge we're gonna find out what it means to be a crafter amongst the kirians um get us a man of mine clean up the forge cross some armor and then she'll be like wow you really cleaned up my forge real good i trust you now this rare will always give you a weapon by the way so if you're looking for some new weapons like the level 98 i'm pretty sure the nathanos one is a 115. so might not be overly interesting for you but yeah that rare over there will always give you a weapon or like a shield or whatnot hello hmm i can feel you whoo hello again the finals is 115. there you go yes yeah there are more animals to fight and more weapons and of course they also explain more about the creatures of bastion but we've got a schedule to keep okay need some anima flower power how may i aid you and the condensed joy in your work and pride in your craft and then the asperno there is going to let us know about like there are three roles amongst the kirians there is the bearer the watcher and the crafter or i think they call it like the collector at which temple do you train and there are three books connected to that and they want us to learn more about the ways of the kirian i can't guide you so they're like hey trust me what is on your mind uh do you have worlds beyond counting enduring resolve thank you the books talk about what role you could fulfill apparently being the watcher is the shittiest job amongst the kirian because as you judge the souls if the weather or not they're worthy to go into the shadowlands quite yet you get to experience what their life was like which is a great part shall we learn from each other in order may you succeed in your trials the infinite treatises is about crafting uh it pretty much goes on for all eternity and then the other book it drops from a creature in the wild which we need to kill anyways to collect some delicious anima i think if i would have to pick a role amongst the kirians i would become a better i think i will be the one that travels the different world sees new sights and then just carries that soul from the living world to the afterlife they might not all make it over they might not all end up in front of the uh in front of the uh not the archon the arbiter but that's okay you know accidents happen i'm only human and all that good morning methuselah howdy everybody i want to be a tourist yeah i want to see new worlds i want to see different kinds of spirits yeah why not excuse me thank you for this i'm kind of hoping since i activated the thing that killing this will just give me the canister oh yeah we're speed leveling now baby oh that shaved like 10 seconds of my time right there easy easy you said story was good this expansion but as far as i played so far it is dog marcus marcus marcus marcus might i introduce you to a really cool concept it is called opinions now i know that the internet might have drilled this out of you but hear me out right you know how you have like opinions on things a mind of your own and you different morals and values and ways that you grew up like what i'm trying to get at is what i enjoy might not be something you enjoy and vice versa so did i lie no i did not lie to you i simply expressed to you my opinion as you requested it's not my fault that you take my opinion as gospel truth i know i know i i i hope we can both learn from this experience uh i also need some flowers where are y'all keep your flowers at a special word of the day oh today we're talking about opinions opinions are like [ __ ] we all got him um where are the flowers at though wait am i oh i don't need to go for the flowers i need to go for the beasties i'm being a dum-dum come here oh oh i should also flask up because i'm not gonna use that anyways it's not like the mobs are giving me any kind of trouble but still you know if opinions are like [ __ ] i am an opinion wow we're learning all kinds of things right now nah but on a more serious note like yeah i really enjoy the lore that shadowlands has to offer i really love the possibilities that are opening themselves up i love the secrets and the mysteries that are there and i'm sorry to hear that it doesn't line up for you but maybe you'll find other enjoyment somewhere i also need to eat lunch in a moment i can feel my stomach going like feed me seymour i need to eat the hummus the hummus needs to go inside my belly with my hands my hammer is yours should you need it there you go some adama for you and some animal for you places to be that's a man i'm not for you time is precious speak let's get crafting showing you thanks forge thanks forge stewards exist exclusively to be of aid to us they become rather depressed when they cannot perform their duties i might say oh those poor poor stewards but i'm pretty sure now don't quote me on this but i'm pretty sure that the stewards like pop out of existence anyways it's not like they're crafted by the kirians they just pop into existence if you could tidy up a bit i will have this forge lit in short order yo that's a lit fam so yeah safone doesn't trust us and she's like if you could just fix up my forge even though it's her mess we're asked to just fix it for it excuse you i'm a mall walker okay this right here is beneath my station i just realized there we are is there no poop quest in the shadowlands [Music] speak will show you how to operate the forge do ghosts don't poop what can i do ah what can i do get it because i'm an owl all right aim of the game keep the thingy in the middle but we also need to open up events and now the game can begin oh dear need more fire fire it's cold quick hold a fire in there made it whoo exhilarating was there a poop quest in battle for azeroth yeah wasn't there like the quillboard poop quest in storm song valley surely that was right i have need of your hands uh-huh also tain water channel or the invader chop the invader child there we go thank you very much for subscribing baby work like this be welcome i cannot work like this what what do you mean this is the most delicate part of the process precision is key oh yeah the hyena poop quest maybe the quest developer that was really obsessed with the poop quest is no longer with them ah it is finished sick give me give me gear you have need of my hands thank you level 90. don't need take claire may be right to place our faith in you go in service see i am come back soon sure little all thing oh he got fired for doing a shitty job oh ding level 52 we have learned concentration aura yay oh yay all right so here they uh i kind of love the box name i see you have earned the forge lights favor good time to put your new armor to the test sweet how may i serve you so here they hone their fighting skills deep breaths good to see you meditation they call it um and even though some of these spirits here have been honed across for eons um yeah but you know we're just gonna kick the [ __ ] out of it challenge accepted i will use level one training protocol they also got some robots to help training them but you know we're we're mortals we are champions we are mall walkers we are high lords and death lords and pretty much anything that stands in between us is completed this combat sequence ends it's just going to absolutely melt it is rather cool to see these spirits though to have them contemplate on their life and whatnot um without telling me when chad for those that already went through bastion um the uffer afterlife short does it play out during the questing they're dead so obviously they're not there protocol is completed this combat it's uh it's flawless logic to be honest knowledge it does not play out in game [Music] but it has been available on the youtube so what i'm wondering is like i've used it for the story of bastion challenge accepted i will use level 2 training protocol so i wonder if they decided to not put it in there because of the spoilers because for example the draka one is in the game but that's like an inter dude it's completed this comeback will not forget us uh the ufo one explains a whole lot about what's going on in the zone so i kind of used it in the story bastion to just paint a clearer picture for people maybe maybe i'll take it out i'll have a look-see at it guide you don't worry guys be with you in a moment we must all walk the path will you spar with me and uh i'll take all of you on can't i just make like a yell walk the path and everybody just sparks with me that would be kind of great and thank you very much cryptophile so far i'm having an absolute blast with it [Music] aspiring souls i do not care about i need asp what knowledge do you bear will you spar with me don't diss the shovel okay uh okay you take your mobs thank you i welcome you what is on you all of you at the same time i'll take you all on come along now [Music] there we go can actually aoe a little bit sick but don't get too overconfident now you might be a powerful mortal and all that but in the middle there is the overtuned sparring assistant the drought holds humility sequence i really want to try something it is not yet time it goes through bubble that never gets easier to watch it goes necessary in humility the future of bastion is in our hands deep breaths so um even though we're really awful really awesome and powerful aspirant be ready for a challenge there is always more to learn be humble and they are adorable aren't they methuselah i knew woohoo like the little hoop puns don't don't tell the others though but i kind of like the way that they talk so since we're so super awesome and we have proven ourselves at the training grounds we have cleaned up the workshop we've helped them out we got to go into the chamber of reflection and prove ourselves even further impress them all with our awesome progress hello i serve not only bastion but all i have readied some items in the next chamber they will help you prepare how kind of you we're gonna get a sick outfit look at this look at this look at this oh oh my god i am a basic [ __ ] wait they didn't do my bracelets oh man all right cleanse yourself in the pool cause we're a dirty paladin let's let's bathe together shall we i do you you do me yeah no fine it's just being friendly is kha'zix still is it is the realm still you are a sign of the winds of change in the chamber below you will confront and subdue your deepest memories you aspirants advance to this trial so quickly if you succeed you will have proven yourself to the ascended sweet let's do it i i am very excited to go through this ritual you must delve deeper try again my immersion by the way look at how many super duper special aspirants that are walking around huh hello fellow mall walkers there is still more you must pull from yourself open yourself to it [Music] must behave must remember it goes up on the youtube all right final one let's go pull it all out of you click there this is the moment you must overcome oh my no don't kill it don't kill it don't kill it it is finished we all thought the same thing it's not just you noble everybody [Music] see another 10 seconds shaved off the leveling process it's that easy folks it's that easy so claire are we finally gonna get our audience now the drought holds strong we must find a solution well we're gonna get divine souls fix this drought that's gonna be nice let us g you're supposed to say something before i run away we had best not keep calistheni waiting uh-huh it's easy when you know when what's to come uh i am enjoying the launch a lot alvin and i had a proper sleep i didn't i didn't do the whole midnight release thing i went to bed at midnight i woke up at seven o'clock in the morning um i'm all good yeah i had a proper night's sleep and i'm feeling really really happy with that decision i would have you speak i wish to speak to the archon dammit arkhan's eyes upon you you arrived in bastian with dire news which i have shared with the archon she thanks you for your service as a token of gratitude she wishes to offer you a gift do you accept yeah why not grant it to me i would like some wings as well i wouldn't say no that uh i do not want care yes cool so we got our first service aspirants our khan's eyes upon you all uh we got our first covenant ability in this case it's the claw specific one there's also uh just the general one that everybody goes oh may i serve you in the case of the paladin you get divine soul which perhaps she does not believe it we have but the word of a single aspirant though one would think that would be enough apparently not um and and the carrying ability for the red paladin is basically uh you aoe judge i think and it also gives you holy power so it's really really nice um and yeah since we don't have evidence we only have the word of an aspirant they're like eh clearing in the ma i'll pass it on to the arkhan i'm not too worried so even though we've proven ourselves even though we we are super duper awesome all we really get for our efforts so far is the carrying ability which is nice but it's not exactly what we're looking for we need to talk to the archon now clay at this point doesn't really know what to do next she's like yeah you know i kinda tried all the things that i had in mind [Music] you know who knows where the path is supposed to take us next but luckily fate has other plans in mind for us as the next step of our journey it just kind of pops up captain america by throwing five shields and mobs around you hell yeah when captain america throws his mighty shields what troubles you so we will go and help him out guard yourselves against your doubts all is not well alrighty uh could not have worsened since i was last there at the temple of purity they meditate and shed the burdens of their mortal lives and they just chill and hang out even those that have done it before they might find themselves back there reflecting on things that have happened and we need to help them because there is in their words a rash of doubt spreading things are not going entirely the way that they're supposed to go i'm just quickly waiting for a respawn on this little side quest here here we go hello all who follow the archon must be destroyed this little robot is not supposed to be purple it's not supposed to be hostile towards us and i'm thinking it's not supposed to be taken down just by yourself i'm pretty sure this is a group quest but again we're uh we're kind of beefy geared at the moment so that was a little side quest and it's the first sign although we just had a side quest that also brought us really close to them um it's one of the first signs that things are turning purple and that things are not the way that they're supposed to be my wares for you he did not just say that right he did not just say that until we meet again my wares for you who so as we can see here uh those that fall they turn into the purple smurfs as i like to call them they are actually called the force warn this is what happens when a kirian falls off the path lunch at 11 aurgus you do tea at like nine o'clock at night don't you be bringing in your standard eating times to me now orgus hello iridium lay your burdens at my feet you need some help over here assist the paragon pelegos you and our new aspirant will aid the disciples go in service yes ascended one so the hands are the ones that work closest with the actual paragons uh the paragon is there across the temple and so many awaiting their rights as you can see there are a whole bunch of aspects those who fall will find respite in the temple of loyalty until they can return to the path there are a whole bunch of aspirins that neither ate also katie thank you very much for the two months what is your purpose you're also worried the ride of encouragement may be what these aspirants need okay maybe they do is there no hope are we all lost yeah please don't go that's what they always say they always tell me that things will be all right then your deeds help out i wanted to actually count since i didn't talk to her [Music] the path is flawed the path is flawed is it though mastody is it truly or is it just mortals who are flawed if we could all just shut up and do what we're told maybe the path would work out nicely so this disciple was dealing with a memory in which there were a stormwind guards their female friends got joined by the fires well certainly better than my last cleansing and they had to overcome that burden we walk this path i feel doubt and we help them out are you okay i feel something rising oh you keep you keep that under control it's the temple of purity okay yeah you damn right you no longer belong here dirty dirty souls all of you then here there's probably the coolest one at least there should be the coolest one oh they just did it didn't they yeah it needs to respawn in okay oh she's back let's go help her out this is the moment fight it so dare burden has a big old demon that's like you're powerless to stop me and then she's like oh yeah you're right i am powerless so her doubt overcomes her meditations and um yeah they fall they turn towards the four sworn purple smurfs and they're like wow to have an aspirant or an acolyte fall that far into their journey it is unheard of but yet it happens things are not what they're supposed to be everybody's destined to fall go loyalty awaits you i must inform the paragon to lose an acolyte at the end of the trials no less um so all of those that fall are sent over to the temple of loyalty now i'm a little bit confused bear your soul to me as to why they decided to put the ufo afterlives up on youtube you know what to do but then not put it in game like what's the deal without please help me please help me i'll help you don't worry about it like i get that they needed those episodes to be online so everybody could enjoy it at the same time but still a wee bit of a spoiler in arena the dungeon content do you understand yeah at max level there's gonna be the spires of ascension and um you will find out what is going on there but the ufo shorts somewhat have fallen recently spoiled goes on themselves trying their best to bring them back your deeds precede you no not everybody that meditates here and it tries to get rid of their burdens do so on negative emotions some of them actually reflect on the happier things in life we also learn that even though they look like a kirian they were actually guitar in life and they were part of the horde they they fought in the war against the alliance they had loved ones and family but even the good memories the kirians want you to get rid of that's what i'm saying who would want to join the carrier man get rid of all that you were all that you loved prove yourself day in day out who would willingly join the carrion i asked you ah there we go i mean even if it is from the kirian covenant campaign that still means max level right um hello can i have you read in your meditation lately tell me your trust was that because somebody else was doing it already huh bear your soul to me yes yes all right we're not we're not quite there yet we still need to do a so far so good we're gonna go click click real quick get through here click click click click greeting next is it just me or is anyone actually turning into a character you mean actually a being and doing things yeah how may i anduin is uh going through oh there we go oh it worked let's get the [ __ ] out of here it's still broken though but that actually worked nice nice nice nice um don't i read the quest i've read the quest multiple times and as i go through the questing i actually explain like this is what's going on right now i don't need to read them word for words because i know what they say um you have mine it seems our new aspirant has done much to bolster you pelagos all burdens ease with time so we need to find disciple nikolan please seek out nicholon and ensure his well-being it is unlike him to terry you got it eridia and at this point in time i'm going to imagine that everybody that kept themselves pure from the shadowland spoilers had a potential orgasm as this happened um because up ahead we're gonna find a familiar face from the world of azeroth one that was deemed worthy to go to bastion who lived in his life in service to others and died at the hands of darkness the choice is yours you know how to find us hi uther you're looking kind of blue baby or purple to be honest nikolani okay i was just thinking what did that bad man say to you i must keep faith i must shall we i would have words with arya so that right there is uh uther the lightbringer who died of warcraft you just saw i am not alone in my malcontent and my pleasure uh 53. like the thing uh if you look at the state of this temple all these aspirants their anguish so let's stick with died at the hands of arthas who was wielding frostmourne at the time um i cannot bear the sight of this suffering i ah if you want to see that moment they've done a badass episode on youtube it's called afterlife's uther or afterlife's bastion um it does contain spoilers apparently for what we see in the game when my own doubts grow i i must deport to the temple of loyalty but it's so good though it is so worth to check out i'm not gonna spoil it i want to talk about i'm like nah just uh pick where you want to go i am still needed here i must endure damn sailor level 60 already yeah okay i see how it is she can help me she will not let me fall so our friend nikolon as more of these aspirants are feeling he is feeling the rash of doubt um uther is part of the forceborn and we're going to find out how he joined them why he joined them um and now nikolan is feeling it as well and nikolon is a disciple so he got like the acolytes and the disciples then you got the hands and then you got the paragons themselves feeling no so it's not like he is an aspirant right it's not like it's his first day in passing or something but even he is feeling that doubt rise up within him and we're trying we're gonna try we're gonna try to help him look look that's that's not a good face she can save me she can save me well maybe she can uther is a bad guy well just because he's a bad guy doesn't mean he's a bad guy you know disciple what is wrong what troubles you i saw uther speak it to the disciples face must look familiar because you know from azeroth huh there we go all burdens ease mine the stewards aspirant come with me we will put this disciples pain to rest thank you thank you these models oh bastard is so pretty though we're in bastian do you forget your past life yes being part of the kirians means that you give up your past lives and they basically store your memories that is part of the storyline that i'm kind of confused about we will begin when you are ready apparently it's a problem to forget who you used to be but then they also got like this archive where you can just look up who you used to be so i don't really get the problem my ear and the excluding pelagos cospella goes is the temple can bring you people you know the ritual disciple open your mind let the vesper cleanse it but i will i why does it hurt now red velvet not since arthas merged with the lich king somewhere around legion by the time that the arbiter got hit with this red bullet and started screeching trust in the process that's when all the souls grinds are aspirated to dust how can i trust it right may i help you keep forgetting i have my uh there is only one comment for you disciple that is forward through this pain you can do it nikolon you can do nobody do this how can you watch them suffer unmoved pelagos is a bit vulnerable um the first time we meet pelagos it's when he's failing his trials and they're like yeah pelicos we we need to keep them safe you know we don't want them to fall to doubt as well it's part of the character's growth cause right now they start off as like they're not really strong enough finds us all this is the path we were chosen to walk we will all fall all of us that is where the path leads don't believe the lies nikolan we could get through it stay with me don't you go to the purple side where i can't follow oh he actually got the cast off whoops i cannot save them i cannot even save myself [Music] then i will find another i cannot help you now perhaps the temple of loyalty can it is already too late they are coming and i will stand among them yeah maybe snoozy maybe it's more like that they know what they got rather than you can actually look up who you used to be because then you would have to cleanse yourself again right what troubles you what is it what is wrong going nothing i aridia the wards what the heck oh my god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don't worry me and my shovel we got this for sworn the temple is ours [Music] i know that voice no no this cannot be it is so much better without a cross in it so uh when it comes to uther um uther was slain by frostmourne which um wounded his spirit in his final moments he called out to the light and he was like light saved my soul and what seemed to be happening is that part of his soul was saved send off to the shadow lands and part of his soul was sucked up into frostmourne so the soul that went to the shadowlands it ended up in bastion it started following the path for kyrian but he just couldn't let go of what happened to him like his student wounded him literally his spirit was wounded by the powers of frostmourne by the powers of the maw as we found out that the jailer is the true master of the helmand domination therefore the powers of the maw are connected to frostmourne and they find out about this they bring this to the archon and they're like look our path is flawed mrs arkhan if we had eradicated uther's memories we would have never found out that there was an agent of the mall walk in the mortal realm hello it's not right and the archon is like this is our path this is how we do things shut the [ __ ] up um and they didn't so uther was ascended before his time and he got his wings he got flying unlocked it in in the shadow lands before he did the things that he was supposed to do and they they waited for arthas to die and when arthas died he saw only darkness before him and he was right as these winged kirian were waiting for him they bared his soul they carried his soul into the shadowlands but instead of presenting him before the arbiter to be judged they claimed vengeance or justice as uther called it and they just joined our spirit into the maw and that's kind of the beginning of this whole four sworn deal the rest of the details as to you know the jailer and the ma and the purpleness that will still be revealed lay your burdens but uh that's that's the history behind it as we can see here there's this rash of doubt going on uh all the purple smurfs would send off to the temple of loyalty and now the purple smurfs are on the attack all burdens ease with time and we just casually need to kick their asses and remind them that the temple of purity is off limits for these infidels yielded him into the maw technically [Laughter] tell me your troubles why yes that is the technical term uther is a bit of a [ __ ] now wow very rude for the lightbringer is amazing so as you can see uh and we saw it in the cutscene as well um all those still loyal to the path they're either converted or slain ah they're not having the best time right now at the temple of loyalty fellow kirian hear me now too long have we struggled under the tyranny of erasure lysonia is leading the attack jingling um do we already know that i think so lysonia is the um hand if loyalty and i believe that she is the sole bind of the hand of purity i think but i'm not entirely sure all right over and over again we are told that we must give all we are oh this is actually a rare whoops hang on i got this um you will find out actually we know um but that is max level stuff so we don't know but we know i got an epic belt from that rare uh why huh it's a leather belt the for sworn would have you keep your memories your attachments yeah arthas was never judged so the question is does he belong in the maw and the same question can be asked about sylvanas does she belong in the maw now what's interesting we are here to liberate you to offer another path what's interesting is if we go to the icc rares that all of them are apparently brought over by the moss warren so did all those icc mobs just go to the maw poor things poor patchwork join us and be embraced resist and you will be swept aside yay swept aside la la arthas can be redeemed maybe i mean i wouldn't mind them bringing arthas before the arbiter again and then the arbit to be like yeah no he was he was mom material i got nothing else to say a new order has come we must all decide where we stand any major changes to the story uh none that i've come across uh we do have cutscenes now uh and one major one that plays out in uh borobus right at the start orbos it explains more as to why the machine of death got broken but even then it explains more but it doesn't fill in all the blanks which is kind of neat i need to kill more come here i need to cleanse the temple i also need to get the vesper on the other side uther seems unconscious when arriving in bastion yeah [Music] touch of the maw i think undead are all ma bound maybe but then i don't know no um no because we have evidence that goes against that not all undead are ma bound we know that for 100 percent um and we can see that in bastion as soon as basty we can see that forsake can actually end up in bastion as well um so just because you're undead does not mean you automatically go to the mall and there are more high profile examples that i didn't want to spoil but there you go vazogo gotcha more of a nostalgic purpose another clear lore point yeah oh you're right you're an elite hang on let me let me spear you to death there you go enjoy i'll even pop my wings for you [Music] thank you kindly ring the bell ring a ling [Music] and they were five percent away can i actually open up the treasure or is it out of the way uh i mean treasure boxes give experience as well right do i bother bastian gives so much experience if you do all the quests yeah yeah there's plenty of experience to be had i believe you could hit like 54 just from bastion if you do all the side quests and whatnot so that's cool it's more so i think it was more to do where there were experience problems where they tried to rush it and not go into the side quest just stick to the main campaign you would end up with not enough experience at the end of the road and that of course opens up the question like should you be doing side quests are they required are they not side quests by definition and it's also a matter of how do they incorporate them because for example in raven draft the side quests are very nicely done as most of them are just part of the main questline but in bastion there are definitely a couple of them can i assist in your meditations to the side by the sephony's grace so we push them back out of the temple and uh we now need to confront them you have my ear as long as they are ringing that vesper high in the sky and corrupting it and all that giving you peace if you let it all a bastion might fall and that's no good burdens ease with time let's confront lysonia stand aside i would have words with your leader we will allow you to pass unharmed for now claire take the others to safety go bye it's nice of them for us to just you know walk in you're about to hit 58 oh yeah i thought that leveling was really nicely done on the beta i thought it was a joyous experience hello i would know you anywhere hand of loyalty we have taken your temple your paragon will soon meet her end join me and we may fly together once more never so be it the forsworn will prevail mortal to me so wilder distracted we'd join the cosmos in ringing the vespers apparently this one can bug out but if i remount it excellent excellente howdy deserves hello lolo we are outnumbered the vespers corrupted voices empower them i cannot fight them all but perhaps we can restore the vespers while they are preoccupied it's nice to see that we're no longer lifted up by the face to kill you my soul bind but i will if i must yeah why are you doing this you know why you need only accept the truth that lies before i will keep the force sworn at bay use my hammer to purify the bells let their mighty voices ring true once more so it's the hand of doubt and a hand of purity that our soul bounds to each other hurl my mighty carrion hammer dang elaine what truth could possibly justify this slaughter we all suffered a thousand little deaths at the hands of your temple iridia the process of purification is not meant to be easy but we are better for it you were better for it no no he's holding me by my backpack it's actually great only one left stay focused and yet i cannot remember my past life my family we must forget in order to ferry souls without judgment you know this the path is broken yet you follow it blindly i will force your eyes open oh she's actually casting on her now you can yet be saved listonia honors this end we are not finished ah that's sick i never really saw this uh on the beta this little interaction where they just teleport each other across and whatnot very cool like a little kitty try to save her all you like she has seen the truth must die you will not interfere our realm lies in ruins the first sworn will set us free oh there should be no take all of you now to finish this matter power it cannot be you were foolish to test a paragon's might i will know your truth your day will come this is just the beginning bye lysonia it's been fun which female is in the cinematic what do you mean what is that it is an echo of her deepest held memories it will reveal the truth behind her treachery noise what troubles you um i don't think you offer me much that i could actually use so i'll just take whatever oh that was devils go but leave your troubles i fly my hand you must stay here until you have recovered i will return for you yes my paragon let's fly so yeah his essence has been twisted by the mall we must learn how this came to pass yes carry me i'm so tiny i'm being muffled in her hand though oh no bring this fragment to the mnemonic locus where we collect the memories of all kiryan if fate is gonna die listonia's memories will lead us to the answers we seek uh-huh sorry i'll pay attention yeah i will inform the archon of what transpired here and seek restitution for those we lost my fetish welp oh yeah up next there's also something i'm really interested in how it plays out ah archon be praised our friend is whole i am okay that was it how can i serve you accompany this one to the archives i must fly to elysian hold my disciples are needed here and i must inform the archon at once go in service and swiftly at that so before it will be done paragon we tried to get our um audience with the archon and it was just our word right and they were like we don't really believe you but now we have a fragment of lysonia we have a fragment of our memories and with this in hand we should be able keep a calm forsworn may attack again we need to warn heroes rest to figure out what's going on warn them while you finish your mission but kleia please come back to me always and convince them and can you feel our soul bind tonight dmc i'm sorry not allowed to do copyrighted music anymore there's a rare on the left vesper repair sophia's arya [Music] is okay i will go meet up with mechanicos nicos i like nico still better than mechanicos but whatever how is my day loki my day is fantastic access to the locus is currently restricted it is new expansion day i made you i am the forge-like prime i am a busy steward we may be too late the second fortlight prime fyi oh you have value but i have more in existence and uh yeah i simply demand perfection do not want to talk about it but yes so we need this place in order to i need help dissect the memories and figure out what is going on but as we can see conduct is unacceptable the place has already been overrun by the forest foreign so we need to clean up the place get some anima cores so we can reuse them get the plants because as i mentioned mechanicos is actually the second force like prime in existence this place was not built by him but the one that came before him so he doesn't actually know how to fix it but we can find the schematics and as it turns out all we need is a bit of anima with the enema we could just fix it and it will be all good uh masterio thank you very much for the six months baby great channel one day to share this little anniversary yeah gosh darn shadow lands release john i can't wait to see it like the whole cutscenes and whatnot i am completely unspoiled as of yet uh i cannot wait to see it all an intruder does curse of flesh have to do with anything besides the case of cavaldo you mean where you get judged uh no but an interesting thing to consider is the uh question what exactly makes a soul i advise you to return those scrolls to their proper places only for sworn are authorized please browse or you will be removed it's a bookkeeper manaminus what there is a bookkeeper my name is oh yeah also turian toriyon even thank you very much for the twitch prime baby experiencing an error oh sh that's war mode okay that's why whoops no i don't want to fight call your spells and abilities have a chance to remind you of lessons learned from reading books grant you 88 mastery oh that's kind of cool this will end quickly that's kind of cool um but yeah it's it's the matter of what makes a soul recover considering that we see things like gnomes and humans they've made their way to the shadowlands but the origin of the gnomes and the humans lies in being created as titanforged um so one wonders when exactly did they get those souls did the curse of flesh give them those souls were those souls put in there by the titans do souls just my service ends grow over time like exactly on does that work don't you find shall lands a bit disconnect from the rest of the wardrobe setting no not too disconnected may i inspect some say i am going to look at your manual thorough return with new supply them with the anima i gave you uh you mean the animated i collect it but sure cuckoo yeah it's like a nice little breath of fresh air too go somewhere near you just extract memories from this as well and that is a fragment of essence from one of the four sworn it may hold the secret of their origin intriguing [Music] ah the locus is functional once more marvels exist on your world oh uh why am i wearing [Music] that ring exactly i do not know all right jingling level 50 through here after yourself level 53 you leave me to my work we got plague fall as a dungeon oh good locust did not explode the sonia's memories of the force sworn are scattered among the rest simple enough to collect for sworn memories others can go into the archives should not explode probably yeah so the idea is amongst all the things that she remembers there are the ones you can actually attack in the past you had to walk through them i believe and then pick them up and it's the memories of the four sworn that we're after to uncover what the heck's happening here man she remembers a bunch of goat horses yeah she remembers life in bastion the wildlife here the people here the little foxy creatures be thankful that it's just the animals that she remembers imagine what else you could draw from such a thing i do need to keep in mind once we hit a rested spot i want to turn war mode off again because i don't want to be ending up in pvp during like an important lore oh no this is the live playthrough i suppose so that is fine yeah her soul can explode now the machine can explode um like extracting it like this is kind of a unprecedented procedure and he was like well we could try but i don't know exactly what will happen and it's like oh it didn't explode well that's nice fragment is ready you take it to soul mirrors to view memories for you my friend you have faced listonia before this is the part that i was uh interested about because on the beta it also goes like this and then it just instantly pops you over to the next quest so i wonder if there's actually something to it or is it just like no it is actually just picking up the thing okay interesting bob good morning buddy watch because of spoilers the drought holds strong well thank you very much for the 44 hours okay whatever the time to eject you we shall rise if you insist on meddling i'm going to reprogram her if it is the last thing i do go on ahead all right i need to protect the forge light prime yeah fun um so i was kind of hoping that it was maybe like they said like you are familiar with confronting lysonia but i guess they just talked about the memories which is okay it saves me a bit of editing in the video i suppose remember me remember she won't protect me trust in the process aspirant all will become clear in time i feel more of myself slip away with every moment how long ago did you endure this long enough that i remember that there was pain but not so recently that i feel it this too shall pass so um the idea is that we're browsing like sonya's memories right so this is when she came sebastian for the first time and she had to give up on who she used to be and she's like wow this is really painful help and that shrouded figure was like oh i'll help you all right i know what it felt like i tried to warn them such reckless insistence on the path at all costs it will destroy us in the end what would you have me do follow me together we will set the kirian on a new path together we will make right what the archon has made so wrong so here they're like hmm the path of the archon is not the right way to go so the one that uh guided and helped out lysonia is like yeah we got a new path in front of us uh you're invited to come along is he accepted for swan protect me all right come along then let me clear out this place for swan protect me remember me hear me for sworn too long have we given up the things that make us who we are the things that gave us strength we will claim the temple of purity in our name and we will destroy all who stand in our way i think i know where to find another soul mirror head to the cavern to the north we will meet you there okey-dokey um so yeah that that's kind of how the forest horn came to be that's how the plans came around uh i should repel the invasion here i suppose on the beta i just skipped this part of the quest because you know experience who cares but now remember me i failed i know i do wonder like i don't think we're gonna be lacking any kind of experience considering that we're gonna go through the zone anyway all i'm saying is if they want people to join the force warn all they need to do is make sure that their covenant ability is the most powerful one and everybody will join them anyways it's not that hard right if it was up to me i would join the jailer in a heartbeat because joining the jailer covenant gives you like a one-shot ability who doesn't want a one-shot ability you get mad boom one shot for sworn protect me you were arrogant to come here an intruder although oh crap no i'm doing it i'm not doing it the right way because this is the part where yeah we need to go to the cave we need to go to the cave everybody all right one more mirror to reveal the truth behind all of this what is going on uther deliver unto bastion the reckoning that are the force sworn lisonia there is more i must share glad you could make it i do not prefer authorized to view this memory so important detail they send uther away while the shrouded figure and lysonia still have a little conversation a centurion you must meet them please remove yourself from the locus at once or you will be removed how about no a mechanicos is just smacking the top hat i i love it oh wait sorry i interrupted your lord nato ah man i want an ability called lord nado there we go lornato i want to be able to do that i seem to be experiencing an error excuse me while i exit consciousness one day i'll be able to do a lornado ah forge light prime it is good to see you all right i assist you uh there we go right well are you going to tell us where to find the offerings i am forbidden from providing the locations of the required offerings only approximate direction you are the lord nato beautiful head due south right so lok's keeper is going to be a little bit of a tom tom for us give us some general directions as to where to go next um and we need to get to the uh two archon vault to witness the final most important memory um what's the running theory on what broke it uh so far it seems to be either argus's death or just an attack from ravendraft wow what the hell are you doing oh oh cool you stand before the ascendant you are seen i have not actually seen that one in action before that's kind of cool huh not hell yeah i mean at this point anything goes we don't have confirmation but the question was like what's the uh what's the running theory on it and there you go where did i learn the english language creepy kids for sale asks um it started by watching the bold and the beautiful and as the world turns with my grandmother as a wee lad and i desperately wanted to know what they were talking about so i started matching the subtitles to the words so that was the foundation then of course in school along this path you'll learn your alphabets and your words and whatnot uh and then a big portion of it is through the internet to be honest that's why always oh now they actually got an image that shows up as well cool um what do i want to say oh yeah my accent will change depending on who i listen to uh between british and australian and whatnot now what we're looking for is a circle on the ground it's a blue circle and in the blue circle mechanicos will be like ooh let me fix that up for ya oh there it is haha stop i sense a ward nearby i know before sworn abound be on your guard why are you watching this film if i was like grandma watches it ah reach level 53 to continue oh right after we reached the arcs uh i guess so yeah i guess you'll be uh doing some side quests but you should now proceed to the south once more don't you want to experience it all he's being so pleasant about this i know this is how nemesis is intended to behave yeah that's what i'm saying like rushing it enough goes to your destination going through all the quests like that's all right here we go here's the second project yes i will protect you mikko nico's mechanicos i got your buddy protect me is that improved compared to the beta um it is very similar uh but then the leveling on the beta was just really solid to begin with uh now at least we have the in-game cutscenes without the red cross for them as well as more cutscenes added to it which is brilliant oh the quality is so good i will await you at the entrance to the vault of the archon it is a south of your current location you got it that is the bonus zone done that's how we like to see it just before the next quest objective is going to take us out of this area we finished up the bonus zone what knowledge do you seek i've got your offerings i will place them simply place the welcomes before the guardians and the way will open shall we i admit i mostly wanted to get in here to prove that i could this is neat stay focused we have a purpose here oh mechanicos i love you so much what another barrier ah you meant to access the inner vault i am afraid that is another protocol entirely you did not think to mention that earlier no never mind i will fix this yeah do you need do you need my help are you good game i follow my interesting crap i can use your help out here coming can't leave you alone for a second can i yeah when you enter the stream you just get your automatic pre-rolls yeah yeah now get down there and do what you came to do like subscribing will prevent those pre-roll ads um there's not much i could do about oats yeah only join ads yeah yeah okay cool that's just when you're watching something you can add in between it's annoying please state your purpose for our records i want to know how many of these did you build i want to know it all i want i need the final memory archived memories to the corresponding eye to view them okay so we got the eye of purity which reveals to us vesphone no burden is forever paragon of purity eye of humility gyrus we are stronger together paragon of humility eye of loyalty my charge is sacred it is eye of wisdom learn from the past but do not linger in it and the eye of courage so the virtues as we go through best serve with courage and in my humble opinion the courage is the best one and above all there is the eye of the archon why did you send the vengeful one away his gaze is too narrow yet for what i now offer you there is another power at play we do not fight for bastion alone once you have taken purity we will make our move together we will achieve great things if we take another i understand it will be done the four sworn are in league with the maw yeah no i don't lie how may i assist you right this way but now we got proof oh yes gain an audience with the archon easy to say not easy to do [Music] so now they'll have to listen to us um yeah i was going to say oh yeah that team up is there except for the details as to how that came to be are still a bit shrouded we know of course from the ul for short that they dropped arthur's soul into the maw but what else came beyond that i don't know i have not seen any of the new cinematics new is it a smooth launch yeah i'm actually hello locus impressed with how well the server is holding up vault keeper like i expected everybody to be in the same zone at the same time to be oh to be awful but it's working out really nicely very very impressed without i'm guessing that sharding is just that's what it's called right is hello allow me to show you i will prepare centurions for an attack cool um yeah oh a friendly rivalry is actually further up ahead so we're actually going to continue the main storyline nexu i think anyways kinda depends on what they're gonna ask me here hello there do you have a moment to help my friends oh you're so pretty though not you that one not you i will must be so our friend zozima down here is chilling at the garden of respite now there's a bit of an animatronics do you bear going along lift each other may you succeed in your trials there's a bit of anima drought going on which is affecting the wildlife of bastion as well they are becoming anima starved anima crazed and they're like there is very little peace and tranquility to be found in the gardens of respite a place where you normally meditate um and and you know you consider your trials and whatnot so nature finds a way but sometimes nature needs a bit of help and we need to call them down we need to make sure that the animus starved beings don't wreck this place forever next to that there was also the lionel standing next to her and her poor lionel was forced to leave behind their toys in the area and were asked to help them out now i kind of regret that i have to do that thing because the lionel is a bit of a dick well that's not fair i mean it's a puppy after all you can't expect the puppy to be overly you know trained and well behaved but still um so we're trying to help we need to find mr mechanicos and a comfy pillow and a slobber ball e you feel the uffer devil storyline was messed handled i wonder like i thought about this before like why did they show the uther short like don't get me wrong the ufo short was brilliant it was my favorite one out of the afterlife episodes it's just if it's not available in the zone did they perhaps spoil something in that regard i don't know and besides that it's definitely going to play its part like when it comes to the storylines that you experience in the zones there's a bit of a taste as to what you will find further into your covenant campaigns um arden wields is not necessarily an exception but just a bit of a bad duck a bad duck no an odd duck in the mix as it also has um a bit of things in between hardy fury good morning good morning together although it's the afternoon good morning good morning to you go in service by the icons will ring the vesper so her plan to actually solve the situation here long term rather than you know call the wildlife and call it a day is to get the is to get the stick the uh korrina's ally and crook karina was one of the first ascended that helped out making this place all tranquil she she tamed the wildlife and with their stick we should be able to do the same so all our friend zozima needs to do is blast the stick with some anima we keep them safe the day is saved have i made any reactions what would you [Music] what would you like me to uh make a reaction to the same guy has purposely bugged out a rare what don't they have anything better to do does this look better than legion right now what's your opinion um that it's hard to say at the start like an expansion isn't made with the beginning of it as we learned during warlords um it's the full experience but so far so good i really like the start of shadowlands cinematic reactions will come i mean i've reacted to the one that plays out on orobos um and i'll be reacting to them as we go through it i could make like a mega compilation if you would like me to uh get them all together in one video is there a reset happening today is it good to do tour gus before reset there is a reset happening but i'm kind of sure that they locked you out of any kind of progress to um discourage people from speed leveling i think i think that's it um so yeah what happened just right there is that the lionel was like ooh that's a stick oh that is my stick now so they stole our stick the bastards i wish you enduring resolve don't worry though a bit of tough love will solve this situation we got their slobber ball to stun them for a moment and then we can beat the absolute [ __ ] out of them get our stick back and and save the day you can't do progress until reset there you go so you don't have to worry about doing the tower before reset uh you can't do progress now anyways there you go [Music] [Laughter] beautiful insidious my absolute pleasure [Music] full to the brainwave people did you do it with war mode on or off rise gun because i can just imagine that that maldrex's starting area spicy with war mode on very spicy at least that's what i saw on the beta when we tested it go get the ball go get the ball uh-oh don't bite me no no no no i'm trying to remember does the kirian ability also count as a judgment uh oh yeah yeah yeah it's instantly judging them ah thanks for the stick get out of here learn to behave yourself so this was a quick little side quest uh i'm thinking although i'm not entirely sure because i stayed as far away from world quest as i could during the beta times but i'm kind of thinking that this is also part of world quest that you will go back to later because now that we've got the la in crook they tell her like okay cool for the next few years you can actually help with uh solving this situation and have fun with that there's another side quest which i think comes back later on we'll see and a fresh manzo thank you very much for the two months baby uh new expansion i am hippity hopping hype on your mind i'm absolutely loving that so finally it's live finally we get to do all the things we've been tested for so long and finally everybody else can jump in to the exciting new lore it's it's always the most fun time um 53 i know right um riffs on bastion were level 60s around it interesting interesting i haven't checked it out no can't say that i have yeah i know right fury it's it's it's all new shiny stuff it is the best of times we'll have plenty of time to be like oh i'm so bored right now or i don't like this part i just really really hope that shadowland's going to deliver because i would love to tell you like shadowlands is an amazing experience or it's uh it's a bad expansion uh but stuff like that is just impossible to tell at the start of an expansion it's going to come down to like what what kind of content do they have later down in the pipeline and even the story could be amazing i'm really hoping that it's going to be welcome mortal this gateway will take you above it doesn't mean that the game necessarily has to be amazing and vice versa but just fingers crossed that they uh that they're going to deliver i understand claire we must call the polar mark he can present you to the archon now even kalistin agrees that we must talk to the archons state your purpose the future of bastion is in our hands yay here you will find all that you may need for your journey ahead your presence has inspired hope in many may it just have you speak and as well um so here they give us our second covenant ability and we get to choose a servant now i'm gonna go with pico over here welcome friend yeah goodbye my friend you get to come along with me pico you will not disappoint i know you won't i know you won't howdy jenny thank you very much for the 32 lovely you finally made it back online where did the internet go huh yes mortal did it die so a new zone ability unlocked kirian uh we are gonna drop that on the cloak spot i will be watching you mortal hello i have other duties to attend to your steward can repair the beacon at your request pico can play me a song bruh pico can play me a song on request that is amazing so we need to get the paul mark down here and the paul mark is the one who's like the right-hand man of the archon and they're the ones that are going to get us that audience only problem is that the beacon to get the poll mark down here is broken but nothing our steward configs which they just done and we're like a pole mark come on there we go for what purpose do you like the beacon aspirants we need to talk palamark we have urgent news for the archives the polymark not the polemark polymark you are the ones from the temple of purity very well then emergency thank you very much for subscribing be welcome uh there were a few words in yesterday's story you read on the stream and a highlord's failure i loved it i loved that they filled in the gap between the bolvar sylvanas duel and being carried by acuras i loved it i thought it was a brilliantly done storyline you are i am the archon's will let's go proceed with courage i am ready finally an audience with the arkhan we shall meet you there my friend there is going to be a reset as far as i'm aware yeah and what was the red thing that hit the arbiter unknown um or uncertain i should say remain humble time will tell as far as i know ah emergency you are too kind let's go polar paragons have already assembled and await the archon's arrival it would be wise for you to listen until asked to speak i think a really cool cutscene is coming up as well people say it was alex's sword it could be a thing such an illustrious audience is a rare honor mortal do not squander it it could be argus so it could be an attack from ravendraft it could be xavius it could be helya my first thought when i looked at it was arxazal but the thing that goes against it is that in an interview they've said that there's a difference between magical souls and mortal souls mortal souls go to the shadow lands whereas magical souls for example titans go elsewhere um so i kind of wonder if you know if they've made that distinction then how come it is the soul of argus that actually went her memories are unequivocal devos your hand has sworn herself to the mall you could argue that's uh sonia i never knew darkness lurked within her liar you liar you show me the cutscene i need to know what happens here i am super curious show me find your purity i am ready to finally speak to the archon but the archon has turned a deaf ear to such tidings in the past wow the circumstances have changed tell me of these for sworn most have merely lost faith and may yet be redeemed but some have fallen so far as to wield the power of the maw itself it is true this mortal has fought against ascended who are in service of the jailer the sonia is not the only one we do not know when or where the forsworn will strike next but strike they will what you speak of is unthinkable but we must remain vigilant nonetheless paragons return to your temples address these monitor the wars [Music] it appears you have a part to play in all of this mortal let us see what comes of it go in service her hair is amazing by the way okay that was well cool not not majorly you know something changes in the storyline but we can see that devil's paragon of loyalty is still at the arkhan side there's nothing changed there you have questions which is kind of cool um so yeah we're we're to our wondering charge one of the temples has gone under attack and we need to figure out like what what might their next poop move be and they got these wards at elysian hold this would be your covenant hold by the way this will be your location for hanging out so if you're into pretty places the kirians should definitely call to you and we need to check out the wards like are the ward still holding is everything up to snuff are we still defendable or not all right ward of purity peculiar the ward of purity is disabled this is surely what allowed the foresworn to invade in such force no right what about the word of loyalty then good the temple of loyalty's ward is active the kirian meditating on their duty to bastion and the archon are safe okay so far so good nothing to worry about what about a word of humility humility's ward stands strong however perhaps it would do the force warrant service to relearn the lessons taught there oh pelagos you so sassy the past memories of all kirian are stored at the temple of wisdom i am quite relieved to see its ward holding is there any difference between horde and allies and story of covenants uh arden wield has a difference as far as i could tell the ward of courage holds huh that is quite the relief the foresworn will triumph over the archon oofer oh no oh for no swiping quickly we must alert the poll mark bye uther so uther shows up and uh just one shots the ward and he's like yeah that's that's what we're gonna attack next the temple of courage baby blue for no blue thing he just popped out of nowhere he just he just flies up to the whole zap sit and then he flies away what troubles you we never saw it coming we're hope it's the same as the how the leaders got kidnapped right it's like cassius will provide you with a larian go quickly it's the sky man it's the sky it's undefendable watch over us all was he there just waiting this is clear may wisdom guide you by peeking around are they here yet no are they here oh there they are there they are okay the second awards the chicken okay this is my moment the four sworn who destroyed the ward he was the one from lassonia's memories it seemed that they're packed with the maw was kept secret from him i wonder are the other foresworn also unaware of it see that's the key critical component here are the four sworn aware that they're in league with the powers of the maw or are they just the ones who become disenfranchised with the path offered by the kirian like if i was sorted into bastion by the arbiter cutscene oh choppy cutscene oh sh what the ward has been sabotaged as we agreed hell yeah lord our allies are eager to strike whoa the kirian temples will fall and the archon's reigns shall be ended whoa [Music] cool i am glad to see i am not yet alone the maldraxi attacked without warning okay so hell yeah i was able to make the gateway for the necropolis from mel drexes to come in and strike out and bastion cool you have my attention my life for the paragon i am with you baby spear you betray your ancient oath to maldraxa's litch justice will be done yeah so uh maldrexis is supposed to actually defend the shadowlands that doesn't mean that the different realms don't have their own defenders like we see with the paragon of courage uh they are more than capable to hold their own um but mel draxes is i betrayed nothing supposed to defend my masterpiece that bastion be destroyed and the kirian corpse is harvested for our armies and uh yeah they're they're kinda on the attack here in good old bastion that's a big no-no you and your kin shall be the first but not the last sacrilege mortal push forward and secure the temple but to have to see helya there as well is a very nice touch that they hit away the detail in the cutscene that is super clear friends i bring aid mechanicals to the rescue mechanicos brought with him a colossus you have my attention the colossi only get brought out keep your wits about you our question enemies the sooner you find those parts the sooner this colossus can help clear their flyers um they only get brought out in the most dire of times so yeah avalon speak to the hand my blade is okay so the idea is one side is taken over by the house of constructs which is this side uh the other side is by the house of rituals all things in bastion even the mighty colossi i have shoot off a portion of their enema it will heal your wounds if you approach it quite a lot of rp ah they are two of the five houses of maldrexus um and our job here is to gather some parts for mechanicals his colossi colossus um save the kirians from being taken into melbourne you arrived in time because now thor is truly powerful if his magic penetrated this plating he will not go down easily a maldrexus is uh the birthplace of necroman necromancy and they will take body parts and make construction like you do not want to be captured and taken to maldraxis is all i'm saying um so we save as many of them as we can but not all will be saved we slay their forces we gathered some enema and we kicked their booties uh he's been ordered to destroy bastion by who um that will be the next part of the storyline as we go into mel drax's that will be what we're going to uncover like if mel draxus is supposed to defend bastion then why the heck are they on here finest creations it channels enema directly into blasts of energy i can fill it in for you already but it's literally the first quest line that you do in maldrexas that will explain to you like oh something's up um so we'll get there we will get there [Music] okay just slay their forces now yeah i could do that oh yeah the voice acting is great it's just it's a bit much sometimes attack the music as well like do yourself a favor if you haven't heard it yet just turn on your music go to audibos and just chill just chill on autobots for a moment and just listen to that gorgeous music it is so good so very good uh you don't have to grind rep with your covenants um i mean you can there are definitely rep rep rewards but i don't believe that they are power upgrades there is something called renown that you need you speak to the hand we shall all meet at the shattered span will below move the colossus somehow done on weekly basis you can't do it before reset either so you can't do it right now don't forget to use the resonator lest they rise against us once more and the renown is gathered by one part is given to you by doing the next chapter of the covenant campaign one part is given to you by just doing the things that you would do regularly anyways which is like gather anima go do dungeons go to quests and whatnot and then one renown is given to you with a quest in the maw my legend begins now i am really really really really really hoping that they have upgraded the quest since beta times because it was absolute dog in beta times i'm really hoping that it's been upgraded but i'll find out why draft um i've given up on the idea of i want the best covenant for my class uh because i'm not interrating and i just couldn't be bothered with going like oh this this is what my class needs to do this week so i decided to go with like okay which covenant do i really enjoy so kirian for me was instantly out of the picture because kirian it just doesn't call to me um mel drexes doesn't really call me either joy destroying you so then the choice became between art and wheeled and ravandrath and while i really enjoy arden wheeled and i really enjoyed the transmog and the mount and the zone and the theme and whatnot um i do the same for ravendraft but when it comes to the zone ability i do not like the one that arthur wield gives to my paladin so i decided to go with raven rape and that's not to say i'm not going to experience all of them anyways but yeah that's kind of been the process of elimination when it comes to my character and which covenant to go for it was it was a hard choice to make and i think that's uh that's a good position to find yourself in when you die in the shadowlands you become one with the land your final enema just becomes part of the zone no um i do wonder how much the covenants are still going to be an impact on your gameplay because i think there's been quite a few buffs and nerves along the way now that more people have access to it and we're gonna find more numbers i wonder how much of an influence the covenant choice is going to have on gameplay for the margrave ninth phase bis for arcade mage which is awesome being a knight face not bad like again just because something calls to me forces have gathered at the shattered span i shall meet you there doesn't mean that they're bad or anything it just you know this didn't particularly call to me your forces are already pushed back you have lost yeah you have my attention all right mechanicals i got to depart for your uh colossus needs to finish charging buy me time you gotta speak to the hand uh call down your beasts they will perish just like the rest oh yeah fool my army is all around you commanders bro i stand with the hand of courage rp is fantastic voice lines are great i love it is that all you have i expected more we are unending by piece you will fall oh yeah oh yeah none of my shovel has anything to say about that [Music] it is nearly at full power just a bit longer that is enough bone fang's spawn could use a treat some dude for power other root for the lore um i i still am of the mindset that it would have been better blizzard just separated the two and allow people to pick their covenants regardless of power increase because power increase just has a massive effect on gameplay for people and i get it when people are like yeah i you know i do want that freedom but again i don't know how much you've been nerfed in between i don't know how much of an impact that actually still has tyrion if you are so bold fulfill your destiny the colossus is ready come come right let's blow him into smithereens loki thank you very much for the four months by the way die fire uh emergency yes uh each ending of the zone will send you off into the new one you'll take care of business he has gone towards the paragon oh no quickly we must go and help for now to the hand my life for the paragon byzantius badass cutscene coming up by the way the paragon of courage was at the heart of the temple when the attack came oh no if she yet draws breath we must lend her our aid [Music] you cannot win this battle necromancer our courage never falters it will take more than courage to save you now my paragon you do not stand alone get him then goes just the vessel i require the autumn oh are you doing to me no no no no rip i have perfected you now serve me by destroying our enemies yes so freaking cool ah this moment is so badass let's go [Applause] uh sandria thank you i was about to ask you wanna are you okay zandria i know it's a bit of a traumatic monster you know what has driven you to this madness does it say bone storm i mean we can check so far it does bone armor spinal tap i mean that much rp we can forgive that certain lines don't line up huh rip the chinese version have you seen those versions though with like a little bit of skin on it they actually look better than just the bones in my humble opinion my paragon i failed you you will suffer for this necromancer bye come then if you dare no i have not gone through the world yet death upon them ensure they do not interfere uh-oh outsider we need to get out of here ye take me away uh bones i believe bones are not allowed to be shown on her own until you gather reinforcements artemidi will report to the archon we must return to orobos and inform them of maltrexas treachery ye there we go that's the main story of bastian now we got a couple more side quests just a few more do you have need of my blade senegos is gone isn't he yes he is and we need to inform the back in order as war is brewing we must travel to oroboss at once my people will surely prepare our armies for retaliation once artemidi delivers word there we go the exodus i will meet you there stay safe the extra skull is actually john q that's the cool part they do the ritual with like a couple of dead bodies around them already and the blade is always ready put that all together hold faith take heart it's really nicely done um i don't really do dungeoneering in between uh i already go through every single questline that you got to offer so i don't need the dungeoneering experience nordic gear the quest lines i'll finish up at the end of the road and like in a heroic or normal setting uh i'll go through it then and yeah that's that's bastion so our message to the archon has been delivered they now also know about the force warn they know about the maw allegiance that's been going on there and they do not know about devils quite yet so that's going to be something revealed in the future i imagine the ufo short as well oh my god you are so cute anyways that's a pep battle right there um yeah take me away and now that mel drexes actually struck out a bastion bastion of course is not just gonna sit back and be like oh mal draxus thank you for murdering everybody and stealing their bodies and stuff uh no war is brewing they might want to retaliate and in order to prevent that in order to prevent suffering all across the shadow lands we must travel to maldrexis and be like yo maldrexis what the [ __ ] what are you doing and figure out why they're on the attack which is a whole advanced adventure on there on its own i'm not playing on a death server i think so i turn on war mode and now i don't see anybody anymore it's quite enjoyable other people in my mmorpg you [Music] fly to orobo so i don't need to do that i do need gorge beak oh that's turning is it yeah that works what corrupted the arbiter i think it's not a corruption but more so uh breaking and i kind of like the idea of it being args's spirit because at which temple do you train like the arbiter when she judges a soul heart she experiences the soul's memories and experiences and joys and and and failures and all that so imagine if something like argus would go through that processing system flying like her circuits after millennia of torment at the hands of sargeras and the legion um that could be interesting like the only thing that's putting me off from the idea of it is argus or the death of argus is that there was the interview with and evertell in which their lead story designer was like yeah there's a difference between mortal souls and magical souls and i want you to think about what would happen to a titan soul similar to how like a demon soul goes to the twisting nether i'm paraphrasing but they did make that distinction um so yeah i kind of wonder speak mortal uh so here we have a friendly rivalry allow me to help our country the fillings is a robotic kind of kitty that is programmed to obey you truly superior to the larian who might uh you know steal your stick for example and uh he is going to introduce us to the mighty world of valencias to which the friend in this friendly rivalry is going to show us to the magical world of larian's and then we'll have to make a choice you know which one do we like more i really wonder how this gonna play out if it's just gonna be daily quest or it will actually be in the direction of this is going to be your mount now uh no no major random i don't think i'm quite there yet uh here we go go stand there chill the spirit was red though so maybe something's not enema if not argus maybe i mean argus the model of argus has been right as well but if we're if we're going with the idea of uh it might have just been anima then red anima indicates an attack from ravendrath which also makes a whole lot of sense uh considering the storyline that goes on in ravendraft you know what did i do oh i still need to do the cycle okay why would argus fry the arbiter because of um the life that argus has left chained up by sargeras in the um thousand-year war audio drama alleria and turalyon also experience the memories and the life of argus and it's not an enjoyable kind of thing so that might be a thing [Music] the titan sends sargeras to the arbiter they're like we'll imprison him and then once we left they were like oh yeah wait we forgot we do the death sentence as well huh well by sargeras being a titan soul it became a mortal soul maybe maybe sargeras messed around with it that could be a thing just blame again for destroying the soul cage i mean the soul cage can't be it because the sword cage came before the emmerdale nightmare raid could have been kil'jaeden um [Music] that's interesting actually [Music] uh hello little robot come with me please so yeah we need to repair his little robot kitty because this will teach us what it means to have a little robot companion at our side come along now it's too heavy please i have servants for this kind of work scientist is being involved in the blast um i think that would be my preference to be honest but then like i said the interview goes towards one thing but inside the nephew is why make such a distinction that it happened during the legion time frame that something in legion happened that caused the machine of death to be broken if it's just oh yeah that was the time that the nephews did it you know don't know uh why kil'jaedah would go to the shadowlands and not the nether that would be because we killed him in a uh fel infused area like the demons we slayed on argus um they are permadead so that would be why you yes that would be why kil'jaeden would go to the shadowlands because he actually died daddy the nephews could have done something to someone like argus maybe could be xavius assaults this is kinda tied with the emerald dream maybe we're gonna find out okay so set up some armor plating [Music] the proper past tense of sleigh is slew that is a weird word he's slew me ya's queen slew uh oh i need you little blast of anima zap them to life did they remove the find the crystal quest or come maybe it comes after no more wow again after battle for azeroth but this here kind of slaps never say never my recommendation would be like if you if you think you would enjoy yourself pick it up and if you don't enjoy it anymore stop playing yes it's only a game it's not american heart it's not going to define your life just have fun with it right come along little tiger oh yeah this is when we do uh the crystal bit right so we fixed up the robot and now he is like go out and experience how awesome it is to have a robot kitty at your side now you might already tell from the side of my voice that i'm not overly excited about the robot kitties i find them kind of boring what are you doing why are you pulling everything oh cause you're actually doing the training jumping all right go find me some more then nope i am still in the first zone and it's taken us about three to three and a half hours to actually get through the first zone oh yeah we are in for the long haul [Music] everybody i need one more of those worms is tross part of the nightmare or the shadowlands it is part of the nightmare trolls the blighted lands is basically the emerald nightmare um but they called it trust the blighted lands because those early vrykul did not know uh what an emerald nightmare was so they called it tros but it is actually part of the emerald nightmare 20 all over again with you playing wild so much i love it like this is the best of times oh there's treasure larian's tamer harness do i want that is it an easy treasure oh yeah it is all right excuse me excuse me haha repair target item to full durability and some larian treats okay chat honest question right who amongst you there has to be a player out there that cannot pay for their repair costs who amongst you out there does not have a mount that allows them to repair on the fly who who can't pay for it and who is like i want to repair one item at a time i i know you're in there i know you're out there somewhere why would they make such a weird item i have to wonder the pair target item to full durability one second cooldown huh me because i'm new to wow look guys i could repair my item clink you seek me i seek you in service to be done you are seen it seems better than just a random grey that is fair that is definitely fair okay so next up we need to do some combat training uh they will tell us what kind of formation our kitty needs to be in and we'll put them in there what is up next a v formation is it oh then the kitty goes here i can across formation how do the other ones cross and then it goes here yeah sweet go back to your position uh kitty cat then we'll go have a looksie at what i'm really interested in i welcome you we shine in her glory i mean yeah there's mounting up during the raid um there's also uh jeeves that you could use there are repairables you could use all that stuff all that stuff to your speak more disposal so nemia is the friend go in service and nemia's like go meet five of my kitty cats and the kitty cats will react differently to how you approach them some will swipe some will pound on you some will do a little twirl and be like oh my god i'm so happy to see you right now [Music] and clearly the larians are the superior creature why because they can fly and those metal kitties cannot i mean it's an easy choice it's not that hard and ravi you have been noticing those might shine upon you so to bond with orlarians we charge is sacred we need to get them some food and we need to get some toys but there's one larian out there andira who is having a really hard time being friendly to others now of course we are super duper special and we will tame the beast figure out real quick that she is wounded andera let me help you trust me me and my shovel we will fix you up real good come here come here there you go get that foreign out of your paw ah now they're friendly okey dokey um didn't i get yeah i need to get you i need your antlers come here uh greyborne thank you ever so much for dropping that twitch brian welcome welcome we're mega super champion special i mean that's what mama always said i was super duper special i'm trying to uh i'm thinking about what to do next um the reason why i jumped into the side quest of bastion is that i wanted to avoid running into any roadblocks that would prevent me from continuing forward but considering that we are dropping into level 55 and this is just the very first zone kind of feeling like it would be okay to skip the side quests in the other zones or maybe just go for the really interesting ones in mel drax's there's one with a broker that's interesting arthur wheeled has i mean one area i suppose that's kind of cool and raven draft just mingles them in nicely yeah i think that's that's the plan i think that's the good idea i think you just level by going doing the main quest i don't know i've heard people make reports like we're forced to do side quests now and as well i don't mind doing it i mean i love hanging out with you all geeking out about the lore being like this what's going on now checking out all those cutscenes i don't know where the poop quest is i will go to the book quest in a heartbeat but i don't know where it is you know i don't i don't know if you actually have a poop quest in the shadowlands five h's to complete yeah yeah exactly um correct mstx you are seen i sometimes have like a little bit of blackness going through the screen does anybody else have that like a glitchy graphics and caletar thank you very much for the two months in a row we shine in her glory so yeah we got some toys we uh we fixed their paw time to get some food for the pack yeah sometimes okay how do we get those wings where you jump i'm thinking that you see my dragon wings the dragon wings come from the wrathion's trinkets from nailofa it occasionally has his wings pop up they wouldn't deny us a poop quest would they surely surely not and sweet dreams works me sounds sounds about right you should get some sleep now all right pretty sure that this is once again a group quest but whatever i'll get it done hot chocolate powder 3 bananas a spoon of almond butter and some soy milk it is pretty great that sounds rather delicious that's also cool tour um okay i didn't i didn't know that you would actually throw me into the air it's uh it's a bit of shenanigans but sure why not do i think there will be a garrosh redemption arc storyline um i kind of feel like they tossed it out the window when they did the whole war crimes book but what's rather interesting is that i expected garrosh to tell the people of raven draft like go [ __ ] yourself i am garrosh hellscream i'm not gonna repent meaning that he would end up in the maw but apparently he didn't apparently he was like yeah i'll pay for my sins why the heck not so there's definitely potential there will they we're gonna find out i welcome you hello ding-a-ling i'm 55 already and i am now friendly with the ascendant courage steal your oh hell yeah come along let us fly are you sure he was even given the option i imagine that all of them are given that option right aren't they i mean maybe he wasn't yeah that's fair maybe he wasn't my dream is to fly in bastion so high my dream is to fly one more no i don't think garrosh was asked ah a habit so that whenever you have a day that's different than normal you will feel more hungry okay i might just be that i'm more active you seat me then rather just chilling actually likes us and now we need to make our choice do we go with the links or do we go with the larians now chad i hope you all made the right decision when you did this questline because really there's only one answer i choose the larian follow the path thank you shield you bye by loaders get your stupid robot kitty out of here i don't wanna meanwhile our heroklor is just holding the line like an absolute boss good on you little robot friend good on you upon do you think toronto has become a more more like illidan i've heard a lot of people make that comparison um a wee bit i mean vengeance and all that which temple do you train there you go here's your plume enjoy thank you for the cloak let's get dangerous what is that a darkwing duck cloak no it's not trust the process you got me all excited i'm not gonna fly to orobos i'm gonna harp stone i've not reacted to any of the new cutscenes except for the one in orobose as you can see i'm just in bastion and i've not seen anything else then lot of electric link hand doom dark let's get dangerous i've been watching uh the new ducktales remake that show has no business being as good as it is the ducktales remake is actually fantastic hello distracted nerd thank you very much for your prime welcome trust in the purpose yo listen tolinara i was right i was in bastian just a moment ago right and mel drax's freaking attacked body parts everywhere constructs and and all kinds of craziness help one day she we must not let war ravage this plane and unravel all that we have done ah bolt no hair no hair the necro lords are masters of warfare it is true but they have always used their power to defend the shadow lands not attack it mortal you must learn their motives for striking at the kirian do whatever it takes to stop this conflict before it escalates further without the might of maldraxis on our side i fear we have little hope of stopping the banished one okey-dokey uh this kirin has explained much we will all suffer go to maldraxis the way to maldraxis must be opened gather kardalen and see it done why yes i was talking to myself at once honored voice and you are too kind distracted nerd mike got a hair implant so when are you gonna get yours that's right oh man to be fair it is really cool to see that he now actually has hair on his head again the um the effort for it was apparently well a most solemn task has been placed upon us where did the attack spreads quickly i will join you jose let's open up a gateway shall we now that song is stuck in my head i do love the little cut scene where they bring the gate down i hope this endeavor is successful there is still little anima available oh you are such a liar you got a stuck pile of it overseer cashier i know you do uh activate the gateway zoom and let's go collect [Music] huh
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 49,036
Rating: 4.8123455 out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Bastion, Playthrough, World of Warcraft, Shadowlands, Twitch, Archon, Kyrian, Forsworn, Devos, Loyalty, Uther, Arthas, Warcraft 3, Frostmourne, MAw, Jailer, Lich King, Sylvanas
Id: 6BKus2wS-FI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 10sec (10030 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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