Stormsong Valley Full Playthrough - Battle for Azeroth Alpha

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[Music] hello everyone in this video you're going to hear a fair bit of bitching about the storm song Valley experience now in all fairness the zone definitely picks up about halfway through it definitely has some awesome moments but the questing itself is very very basic now yesterday I did a second run through of to dress for questing experience and I noticed there was definitely an improvement in the questing I still don't think about some amazing or perfect but you can definitely see it it's a work in process so keep that in mind when you're listening to this video first its alpha so it's definitely still on the developments and second of all the questing experience it is very personal like what I like you might not like and vice versa as well as I've heard other people say that they actually really enjoy strong Sun Valley my final verdict on this zone is that is probably the best align zone so far but then again the other line zones we're not really that impressive and I definitely hope that the questing experience itself is going to be improved over time I think that's quite enough introduction for this full playthrough if you wondering about the storyline basically we need to call terrorist fleets the cult leaders fleet is under control of the storm songs and they're not letting them see louts we need to figure out what's happening with the storm songs that listen to the sea we discover their plots we discovered the bees are being hostile will discover the Nagas at the beach and we take care of quail boar so so many quill boar right everybody hope you'll enjoy and until next time guys see ya right storm song Valley the culture and fleet has been lost at sea the storm some tide sages with a mystical oceanic magic may be our only way to locate a fleet of Legends delve into the secrets of the ocean sages hello the tide sage order has a sizable monastery right here in Bareilles I say we start out search for the feet there someone there has to know something rights you don't just lose the entire legendary culture and freedom accidents we need to take a ferry over the moms theory you can borrow my pass for now while Syrus gets you your own we're going on a boat be careful out there I don't trust those hooded sages one bids I'll be fine Cyrus I could protect myself besides I've realized emissary on my side we'll be a ok normally I'd offer you a ride on gill hearts but a tight sages only allow visitors by boats most people here look to the sea for guidance the same way that others look to the lights but I'd say just have a much deeper connection with the water are they a lot guys the GU there are little mysterious but important occult theorists they help bring the fish to the nets here and rain to the fields in a valley they also bless every cult hero ship that's what really sets them apart from the visiting vessels to see importance anyway time to put it fairy pause the confuse oh oh oh I I found a shortcut nice very nice hello hi we need a ferry to the storm some monastery please row row I wish you could see the fleets I think even someone as well-traveled as you would be impressed our largest ships always carry a tight Sates to navigate who storms withstand heavy seas and put wind in their sails now nobody seems to know why the fleet still has a return home people say the tide sages have lost the magic but I think they just was relying for power like H vane applying for power one way or another we need their help now more than ever not just to bring the fleet home but a baked Altiris whole again or cure the infection this service like to say hmm okay and if you're looking for the ores of the goblins that would be chroniclesvolume to mating that was already released look at that mani man rolling a boat right there my god your bulgy no discomforting gays you are not welcome here wow it's even cooler close up yeah very cool they are seeing the scientists always set when I was a kid oh there's a saying the best face is a friendly one is really helped me to get to know two visitors from all over the world to come to Perales let's all some of the people are in charge around here and see if they know anything about the fleets maybe just a matter of asking nicely sister Adriana brought an arrow and sister Cecilia Cecilia someone around here has to know something you can't just lose a whole fleets look I know I know that I'm this season adventure here adventurer here but let me tell you asking nicely never works you there who's in charge here I too would hum if I look that out we can assure a safe passage of your vessel for a price captain Cunningham of the Eastern Kingdoms trading company that's a new one a tenth sister Adriana since when can you mistook pink hair has there always been a thing hmm it is root interrupts can you tell me anything about the missing fleets you are nearly as insufferable as brother Alan so we'll take that as a no then ma'am rude hello little sage what should bare your souls to the tides there whispers provide truth why is there a naked demon hunter here Oh apparently I was not allowed to look all right is anything new on that glow brighter I'm always terrible checking out globes it seems oh look it up ooh my god is that on our side of a sawed-off confirms oh my lord up there is completely emptiness over there so yeah apparently on the other side of Azeroth there's nothing but a UH a water dragon meet your no students you best have a good reason for interrupting my lesson can you tell me anything about the missing fleets why don't you pester elem if you're here to waste your time be that way who we just might [Music] so we're not actually in storm song Valley right now we're still in thither guard huh what to do [Music] double your efforts fool before we lose control brother Darryl Darryl does not seem to acknowledge your presence can tell me anything about missing fleets be gone to the archives with that fool Alan lest I use you to stabilize the rifts I don't like the looks of this let's get out of here no luck just yet but I think we're making progress it seems like this brother Ellen we keep hearing about might have some answers at least I sure hope so everyone here seems a bit evasive I think I saw some archivist heading into the southern cloister if we follow them I bet we'll find Ellen to the tide sage of some of the most complete libraries in the world I bet we'll find our archives there I wonder if we actually get like a portal to go through there might just be visual you know Alan could she tell me more mate do not delay Lord storm song needs these charts at the shrines of the storm at once can tell me anything about the missive fleets follow me eyes down boy will you take me buddy you see everyone mad it's super Cape didn't make it into the Alliance armor I saw ghosty tweet about it outsiders are forbidden in the archives back to you work dare with me oh boy we're gonna be ambushed darn way I'm pretty sure we're gonna be ambushed borrow visitors I have guests yes brother this way talk to me brother oh we need to kill lieutenant Wayne low you have no idea you danger the danger you are in here what do you mean danger oh [ __ ] is lieutenant wage you will not interfere little bit lame that the questline already told us that wave was coming in but whatever if an accent is that all rights please allow me to explain the fleet is not lost is being held prisoner in an unnatural storm by the level of forces our people follow a dark power but there are those among us who assume the seeds of resistance fine brother pike in brennidon give him these pendants our work is just beginning and he will need your help now leave while you still can the others have surely caught on to your efforts it radiates a calming energy hey don't stick around to see these rights I experienced no problems I knew it I knew the fleet wasn't just lost we may be a little bit in over our heads here let's leave before things get out of hand Gerhardt can take us to storm Sun Valley from here no point of following tradition at this point right thank you for your help we won't forget it I'll call Gale hard over there's a perch on the eastern dock she can meet us at by brother Allen so is everybody now hostile Oh everybody is gone okay oh no dear never mind right let's bail these tight sages they're up to no good Gale hearts that downed a golden lux shall we miss off Yemen how do COO hi everybody help your mom I'm afraid cult heroes won't be much help to the Alliance until the fleet is home again I need to bring house storm song back into the fold first they control the site tight sages and the tide sages control the fleet's large storm song rules the house and basically the entire valley it sounds like he is the key to all of this but he hasn't been to Perales in months we'll start a search in brennidon if nothing else hopefully we could find this brother Pike there what's going on down there kill her take us in what's going on down there in that might have been a little bit too soon right what's going on down there what's going on here did you experience any book ideas oz bilge rat I did um let's see here request Oh they've closed off the entire Feli no wonder so many people have complained I've been complaining about trading with the brennidon markets well has to do something about this these people need to make a living they're going to have an honorary cadets for me here tell these ruffians to clear the road I'll try to figure out why the road is closed see if you can convince the soldiers to clear out all right I can try so we have the whole zone bonus thing going on hello sends at all back of the line if you don't want troll bills rets open this pass and one cool Cyrus's fish food without us sure but all I really did was ask you if you could open it up well so why do you all have new hair color and why do you sound like an orc I went easy on you aha and then you run away that Kundalini make up the line we don't want any trouble open this pass in storm song's name you did it they're clearing DePaul nothing a little violence called fix so you had a whole speculation about them making a new well of eternity that that's another thing look I wasn't the one talking to you know go fight the Shama maid here this is the one to pissed you off go fight them there you go good work and now these fine people can go out about our lives any problems now was pouring let's get through Brit and Adam right away we need to find brought up I can get to the bottom of all of this before things get any worse this road should take us right into town but Anna dams the Basie's market this side of Varela so there should be plenty of people there who can help us find pike anyway you are shall we shall we this valley is ours Oh apparently she doesn't want to come along alright okie dokie dude how strong are you made what the hell all right right let me get some music in then shall I it's not the same music but it will do so welcome and storm song valley the much prettier zone amongst the free and as you can see they they went out of the way to make me feel at home we of course explore this a little bit with Farsight already and I think the texture still need a little bit of work it could be that I need glasses though that could also be a thing we have the new shredder models here due to the pool and yeah just want to check out the window real quick I'll probably relog as well seems the bird song in the background is kind of doing my head in yeah there's definitely some texturing that still needs to happen but we're home baby you look at this under right the militia hasn't patrolled in these too busy taking out harvests for the soldiers we demand answers pike yeah pike looks like more trouble yeah salia mounted up but just that they're things are words that we fought these people are about to tear Brianna dam apart so we need to talk to tight so you to figure out what's going on we'll never get anywhere in this mess I have an idea but if it doesn't work well I hope you have your running boots on trust me I trust you once you get the detention I'll get them out of here crowd dispersed everybody loser oh yes you will surely save us wait no I just want my family to be safe again what's going on here tights ages I I wish I knew brother Pike says you don't know brother Pike with your little kompis belts I love these belts man as you can see they're far from the only one seeking answers any problems no no really I've little information to offer I'm afraid I've scarcely left branded em as of late when they what they said is true our militia now enters town only to collect Russians slaughtered and gar traders to keep the quell with a bay they say they are under orders but it was orders would only come from abroad us at the shrine we take oaths to serve our people it simply does not add up Rada anundson is nearby and buttered eNOS wait perhaps he knows more than I mean nurse strand is a short ride from here come and what will we find our exactly one of my brothers and answers I hope times were better not so long ago who'd have any maid to land fertile and is she protected and nourished us with the guidance of my order what happens call Tara shattered my master Lord storm song now focused inwards I often wonder whether he is right it's a cute ponytail Addington by the depths oh [ __ ] what the hell okay heretics will die to sign says Wheldon all right what has become of our people [Music] the valley is home to many we must protect them Lord stone song has never taken kindly to dissent but this is madness these laborers are being worked to death and it was a good man we cannot stand for such cruelty take this vial and apply it to the labor or sacred things let's see what would ever rejuvenate the strength void engaging with troops again they are merely following orders more deaf for only worsen matters hello my lord seldom leaves are holding us along the northern coast the visitors are expressly forbidden for most high sages like myself are the only connection to the house proper northome song usually delivers orders through proclamations posted throughout the valley none of reached Breanna dam but if there are any posted here we may be able to find some answers do which can I must tend to my brother see the golems down there farmers used to shirk see the golems farmers used to sharp claws to reap the harvest but these are cutting timber why would they need them here when they have so many laborers on hand I think the militia is using them to intimidate their own people see if we could get a hold on insect mainspring from one have helped repair a few Pekka Bareilles I should be able to figure out who is messing with two in Earth's err have some mu tidewater I knew to see had not forsaken us storm a song Proclamation children at the sea today is the dawn of a new age age for us all how storm song must take control to shed a kingdom that he stored to it's a store to glory let's see if so hearthstone made his way here would you like some water oh excuse me buddy no more we work our fields and build our ships for the hardy Morales elite to give nothing at a turn we must work as one and muster strength cult heroes were forever belong to its people I thought I was going to pass out I knew to see enough forsaken us are mighty tight sieges show guide us all to victory with the very power of the sea itself together we showed he turned to the tides together we shall be powerful again so basically the idea is the land shattered and they were like this is our chance all right whatever you say buddy and there we go drenched spring quest item all right and congratulations court on getting that College you were too good for this world brother I will make sure you receive a proper burial Oh II took him down from the hook duty any luck the main springs are usually brittle and easily damaged Perfect's here let me take a closer look bit of a low drop rate there is much work to be done but not at the cost of her own people's lives 232 for strength or 12 strength independence this is too far a shared cultures will never stand okay I know not what madness is overtaking my people we must stop it together take this Bell it cost the souls of the recently deceased to it for later release we storm songs in a barrier death that hide claims all if they will not answer the reason then we must give them eternal peace fallen or not they are storm song in our haste journey here I did not think to bring my ritual implements we tied sages used to augment our power to be honest that never expected unnecessary or on what should have been a peaceful so your anything does not have his either I'm sure the militia took him from his home before he had a chance react that means his implement should still be in the yard somewhere we must find it before more powder so much we will use all right let us see this done are you gonna follow me oh [ __ ] you're gonna follow me alright this mainspring was was an ultimate engineer these rules and the serfs can only have come from a tight stage there kwatak magic is unmistakable I bet whoever did this is responsible for anything is death whoever they are they're likely still nearby keep an eye out there won't be hard to find sister I'll scout ahead see if you can find out anything else and meet you at the shoreline alright keep up oh wow you're quick don't know what you're feeding your guys over here but bail to help a tight cease magic we must help them Samuel Willem Williams the laborer struggles to speak through dramatic binding him help us he a clean lifts a finger jesting towards the nearby anchor please nearby anchor anchor of binding thank the Thais not everyone has lost their minds half the houses has gone mad at least not all of the tights ages have turned on us we had our orders ships and lots of them I let my boys as best as I could everything changed when the tide Sager showed up we figured what the hell is that we figured they was just checking on her progress but the hood wearing boss is turned on us these anchors bind us here forcing us to work to deaf no one deserves to faint like that you got a free my boys make your way to the shoreline on the other side of the yard find a young crowd more cadets how ya goo toe it had to tell me twice be free boys and girls fly you fools why how storm some will ruin this land our most the beneath the tides will guide us all to victory house therm song will rule the land you will kneel before your Queen peasant take you to I know not what darkness took your mind sister but have a torment our people no longer is it a shara please let it be your aura please give me a known interesting character come on to my veins return to the depths what is this abyssal beacon the ocean Mist hide much but this beacon shall let us reach them what does deaths mean every day good this blade is still sharp a sharp blade is a safe one oh look at those candleholders a bit what are logs but they still legible these incantations will serve as well those initiatives were nowhere near ready to build our sacred implements they are far better serves in our hands note no problems look at whose candle holders man-meat Oh calls the souls of nearby deceased storm song soldiers oh whoops I kind of forgot to do that ding-a-ling-a-ling this soul has been called from its mortal shell oh if somebody else already did it okay right at make sense glad innocents are saved but much remains to be done oh boy ding-a-ling-a-ling don't forget to hit the bail button subscribing is no longer enough you must hit the bell Oh drats did you seriously say drets law we must not let these souls wander any long that I would have words with you it is done we would at least them somewhere a mite bit more peaceful can steal the souls from other people their kills Oh dreads I will go prepare to ritual to release these souls to meet me by the shoreline just north of here honey water magic next test your mettle re masa I have not made you have nothing alive yet I've been busy with the Chronicles and now a new alpha step got a do the work work double the eyes you you're alright ah did you bring your merlok me hi guys this hops here hops you got a modeling game eh I I hope you notice I owe you one stranger named Sam Sam billions glad they solved weapon on our side for the change these does not bode well 11 strength 12 string it kind of looks like this brother pipe there river flows through the shrine of the storm out into the sea we would at least the souls of the Fallen here legends say that as the spears pass through the shrine they aid in a great blessing rituals and all container ships on the go in that way we store song never stop serving our people we already unleash the souls within the Bell ding a ling a ling [Music] here our call fallen your wicked deeds are forgiven is they they turn to the storm and no peace flow through the shrines that might we might share your strength it is done thank you for a to me in my son-in-law's free strength okey-dokey and people of this value but true hearts they're eager to take back control their home you have to help them divine works it's just up the road from here and supplies most of how storm some weapons so there should be plenty to go around who could collect collect enough to go around I'll go over some basic training for friends here there was something off in ship we were building a new yard I never oh I would Sally I was doing the recruitment thing right she says get around everybody and nobody shows up low it was something all over the ship we were building a new yard I never saw the blueprints but I've build enough ships in my day they note it wasn't business as usual they kept little pages on the tight guards into Brian workshop throat lately full of militia you could get your hands on enough of the pages we ought to be able to figure out what storm song and his boys are scheming and a mission board you've no doubt enjoy tomorrow free of the world-famous Mildenhall Meade in our local tavern today today to become a part of facial media storm Sun Valley Valley ideal applicants of a hunger for trough Mead honey about us innovation military experience recommended but not required must not be allergic to bees and then mr. Hobbs here hi guys is hops here hello there would you mind checking with someone for me sergeant Calvin was supposed to meet me here we were going to go out looking for new alchemist l Kimiko Reed so hello we're all our daily agents buddy hasn't shown up yet I know the militia has been really busy lately so guess he's been busy but he should still be in Brennaman square which my checking in on him don't burn portions of the note in the engineers hands remained legible they are everywhere disguised in crypto blueprints cipher Fonz's growing suspicious the cipher must be needed to read to ship's blueprints it seen Francis is the likely holder so what do we have we have Spears well right yeah we're going to arm the militia second most interesting then please right we please you'll get a lot more but I already covered it at the beginning of the stream 80 highlights if all goes according to plan should be up on youtubes and I kind of Ben's how long the zone takes wow what the hell whoa it's not a big Daddy cool all right I don't want to die but thank you kindly hmm now where did the squid guy go which you to zoom the chroniclesvolume free and only free words what all right Oh his model looks awesome their weights in the depths it's encased in sulfur that can only be described as horrific right any luck recovering those blueprints I knew they'd still have them if you ever want something gone less you best destroyed yourself we need to get to the bottom of all of this before storm song goes on the offensive it's in case something can only be described as horrific as cypher of course but by the great sea what's covered in what is it covered in there are still many who don't follow lord storm song we need to stamp item this money belongs to the people we must fight to make it whole again when I opened my mind to the currents during the ritual I felt his presence Lord storm song himself is near I will not stand by by my brother's move against their own people Oh speed Anne's we must move against him confronts Lord store song a few sources power calling out like ad our beacon quickly wait what aren't you supposed to take me with you know what why don't you take me with you doe Laysan and Sons ringing oh right here we go Laura storm song for your crimes oh right you were always too weak to serve by my side languishing in his village like an idiot we swore to protect that village to protect the people have you forgotten our oath [Music] I've been detected Chuck - no I'm here B Valley Valley choir now [ __ ] get rekts Oh chef what to do what okay it Rebeca seeds of order my now boys only this one is different isn't this black goo on its face thank you I'm afraid matters are far worse than we thought I showed he turned to the others we must stop this while we still can wait do you mean to say that we're not taking care of the guy right at the start and we have to face him again later on oh my god I am shocked and surprised I fought for sure that we're gonna take care of him right at the start tight mother what have we become no doubt remains we must press on towards the main holds 99 string 75 no oh my god knew the others force the heads to [ __ ] tight assembly I've no doubt they will receive a warm welcome we are to meet them there however there's something I must do first despite my Lords retreat the snow filled terrible darkness nearby I wish to listen to the tides for answers I would appreciate your joining me in case more dangerous trees and our pause there's a bridge nearby it is clear sites at the shrine of the storm the omen comes from there long is my order listen to the sea to our ships and people gentle whispers impersonal to most imperceptible to most over time the whispers change the times that were demanding even violence we attempted to guard ourselves against them through system but I fear we may have failed yeah okay I can feel it strongly here something is coming now or is it a ship enters the dungeon Pike expresses grave concern as to why a ship bury villagers would Empress order sanctum they're being sacrificed in the South made quickly to the assembly the sea rolls in torments how deep does this darkness run the factors from my order good perhaps not all as lusts there are taylean the others and hence we must move swiftly before we are overrun we will need to see guidance this day we must board the abyssal melody and save the myriad souls in the decks before day to disappear into the shrine we will not be able to enter so large the barrier surrounding it stands the tight sages are using forbidden magic to summon extensors of the wheel as these crafts maintain a barrier tape but we can eliminate each crossbow reinventions down upon it from here semi all those bosses will pay for what they've done for Addington for storm song Sam no Italia sis pike the fool he's a dead man hang on let me let me grab my fly pot yeah there's a quest here from Julian Eckhart I joined the tide sages because I wanted to show my brother I wasn't a weakling I loved the magic and power but it started to do unspeakable things I even tried to hurt my own family please get word to my brother and I are heroes luck tell him I've come to my senses I am myself again so some of the tide sages were like you know what these whisper from the sea I don't think it's a good thing maybe we shouldn't sacrifice villagers sailors gotten cursed s-- Captain Jack Sparrow and all we arrived just in time they're ready take it throw off the dock roll that's left to keep from a bay I need you to call their numbers before overwhelmed we don't exactly have an army here the riving shadow my sole abs he drops a roughing viola a bloody mess this vial is filled with a vicious bubbling substance it bears a striking resemblance to the animated Horrors around you it struggles against the containers have tried to escape would surely be interested in more samples oh yeah all right [Music] I drink in the infinite void blah blah blah old cars and soft which are blah blah blah Oh turn it into a statue meet wait there are toilets but we're not making a quest we've done oh this is madness right and under ping the abyssal melody lies unprotected now is our chance not gonna use out of one of them she looks like no longer what is it that you have there I have some tide luck type lot of sets rate of dark magic in thank you for bringing it to me when it void ah the Thai blood was corrupted only recently I should be able to purify it [Music] we're holding out all right thanks to you but Sam is still missing Sam is still out here somewhere we can't just leave him to die if he wasn't in the assembly yard he must be on that ship you have to find him forbidden writes these I've been hiding amongst this sewer deceives the dark most of us and wiser with the barrier around the abyss of melody lowered I can hear within its bowels soil with my own people giving ourselves to the shadows take my title Chris is blade is now coated of purified blood put an end to these fiends and their foul rituals this the property goes against every oath we take as tight seizures to protect our people the guy to sustain them to make a ship strong this is nothing but darkness must all be destroyed its board the abyssal melody and place these folks in brawls any critical points you find I repair the ritual [ __ ] you may go and me and them up thank you very much for a birthday two months in a row buff soon run out I'll keep an eye out on it yeah it is too soon he's not yet drowned the Masters glory huh I like to use size of the boat doh right and ATSA focusing raw meat there we go Oh Oh Samuels actually transformed into it's a baby Jones right and now he's talking old couple wait maybe we can save him there you go I thought it was a goner I'll find my way out of here be careful he says his he nearly died ooh lobster okay I have whispers okay that's kind of cool you leave me alone I not interested okay now it's been crazy mad man following me right Samuel no more dumbass stuff yeah there was a tight spot you got me out back there oh in my life any problems with the quest kind of forbidden Roy it's good each step brings the valley one step closer to redemption now to finish the deed I know what horrors await us ahead buddy a bit so melody must never follow its sister into the shrine of the storm we will deny these monsters all that they have Ruff's here by burning it with the very magic they seek to corrupts who Rachel's ready but requires a conduit to stabilize if you're willing your ass right infused armor will suffice but I don't have as rider fused armor except the necklace Oh I was quite literally a lightning rod okay a people step but a work is far from finished not all of house tour saw followed my Lords down is dark path and no knots I knew not true versus depravity Saint hold looms above us it is where all tides say just study to be able to seize power we will build upon the storms wake and make my shattered home who wants more you will save all who are willing the rest will perish we need to join brought a pike outside of sage hold as a map all of his brothers and sisters are aware of what exactly is going on [Music] with any luck we will end this matter here nope I must watch over Samuel for now a feel for the darkness assaulting his mind to follow men and women around us were defectors from the house there were there will be more like them within sage hold final men seldom the storm awakens knowledge of her calls to spread we need when he bring all we can to our side sails in a fog a lights below into darkness water rising given form de pain ah the pain make the pain stop this burner must be yours to bear I will take Samuel and meet you by the shrine as soon as we're able right on and Bob I talked about it at the start of the Shri Mary you missed it sexy Lord storm song is that a statue of Lord storm song cool no Flynn knew no Flynn okay my friends here left me for debts lend a hand sure what happened to you then Oh actually bleeding Aria I took oaths dammit we all did when Lord storm song sent the first order as well you saw what happened what matters is the oaths are to our people not lords sell his people for power you won't find him here he's sleeping a shrine by now I know outside we'll make it across the channel alive not without a tight car to open way through all the tithe just keep to the front door and it's kept here retrieve it and I can get to the storm song finds me north of this hellhole 1/2 of the road looked for a pile of these there bastards and the beacon gives you a buff stealth detection increase only works in storm song Valley I really really do hope that we're gonna see Jana doe I'm gonna be pretty disappointed that this is just it again what should you main a battle for answer Oh main whatever you think is gonna be most fun go ahead that book had a title let me sit underwater basket-weaving a treatise all right would you like to join us the storm awakens run through the hills I mean the story is not necessarily bad you know Cultus allied themselves with you old girls in aurora the questing is just dark [ __ ] though so far anyways go kill this girl Udet go click on that here's a random person he's being a dumbass go save him here's another random person he's also a dumbass go save him [ __ ] hell course as always I'm keeping judgment until we seen holder zone but I had high hopes for this one man [ __ ] hell mainly because it's like the last shot just to get something but look at what I've done so far fight let's be whatever done so far it's it's purely killing click where are my [ __ ] Lola that come assist me where are the massive dinosaurs that I can go and make love with well they'll make love of each other but I accidentally you know shrunk one of them kill some guys and then I kill some guys that turn into tentacles yeah yeah I saw some of the defectors leaving I'm glad we got the dam before storm song bits no problemo their rituals are growing borders sooner or later to go into someone something they can't control okay nothing special there it's I'd say just have a leading counsel believe large storm song they eats oversee different aspect of the orders work wave speaker raid trains initiatives here and the owners format I'd say magic communing with the sea these deaths are on his hands it's up to us to take him down hey return to the shrine at once wave collar do not make me wait oh there's the image of the Lord all right that one's my lord I need only to get rid of a few pests first lay down your arms this doesn't have to end in more depth do you mean these pests and this now with pleasure they shall suffer in your name the people of storm song spoke of yours monster you seemed a bit hungry he needs some milk they're still standing and it's I was merely toying with them my lord it shall be done inconceivable fat sick let's get out of here before my corner we're two cornered ones come on inconceivable well storm songs definitely aware of us now pretty strength over nine you do have the rod right idea yeah I see you deemed you worthy good I would deem you worthy all the day it was chewed out some blobs but that's that's nice to know if storm song wasn't aware of you Yeti is now your best shot us to reach him at the Shrine of the storm before more of his followers fall back to his defense I can get you in but you have to protect me I'm in no shape to take down any more of these fiends and try to keep a low profile the closer we get to the shrine and more power storm sunk has at its disposal escort quests escort quests yay tight sages walk this ceremonial path under way to the blessed to be blessed the shrine is that good its directs it will be good if storm song doesn't notice us taking it we got company gaze upon the shadows of your demise yeah I mean just chill we got this I sleep only to wake so much for not being noticed as Lord Storm song always is cruel not at all he was so kind before the whispers took him it was his father that guided us to this Valley many years ago I'll be figured out what splooge was so water laments all and it is I who will deliver us to her glorious future beneath the tides you think you stand in my way but cultivate the sea long ago it's the blobs from the creature from my siege of Orgrimmar that's for shooting at us right now we just need to reach the altar ahead come on we're almost there you think you stand in my way buckle Tara's fate was sealed long ago they've opened up portals through the void textin showed him a taste of our new allies Allah but that's a girl wait are you telling me there are no girl khufu loose okay [Music] I don't think I can go on it's only a few more steps we aren't leaving you behind died on the way died on the way died on the way whoa whoa [ __ ] out do something the cult Aaron fleet blow boughs to my wheel as now will you run run oh now you can run this will take you to the bridge below [Music] I'll hold them off what as long as I can we aren't leaving you to die oh [ __ ] oh that's cool not up for debate go oh that's cool man yeah ah you can't touch me well you can come with us now [Music] okay Victoria she didn't make it endless shadow a thousand arms four eyes the end she rises a sharp be praised this is the only way into the shrine of storms any problems yes Paul from storms is the only land route to the shrine that a pear storm song is close enough to buy himself more time we've been attempted to reopen it to no avail however the rod applies to recover may prove our solace vetted inside guards use it is to keep the source new shorter strands are always open to all we begin the ritual once more if you will the rod we must ensure our victory as sacrifice was not in vain Hurst off is the key to opening domain to the shrine here we kind of left it upstairs we never really took her stuff from her why are you puking FOID me are you alright these guys just casing upon it like nothing's going on yeah right I open up the water temple doo doo doo doo doo de doo doo doo de doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo [Music] new ways open at last lost the forgotten we have seen firsthand that a private heat is taken older my form of bread ruined the time has come to put an end to its the path ahead is no doubt Peck for storm some cultists and their Solrock elementals I will absorb their souls as they fall with the dead ringer as you once did however there will be no release for these fiends and not this time we will need them to pry open a final door to the shrine towards a head threatened to block her entry to the shrine we caught him too tight but as Ralph and pride let to say the word for gifts from the sea itself they once protected our flagships against even the fiercest storms ever since we settled here they have instead kept the shrine of the storm safe it seems Lord storm songs turned up out against us I could feel the energy radiating out even from here protecting these forces from our magic we must destroy them you want me to check the water [Music] rising tide no escape tread carefully this span name is well-earned Oh riving twisting the whispers I want to attack here I can't even attack here wonder what happens if I get close to it hang on well you attack me oh [ __ ] you know run oh my god run [ __ ] let's do it again oh look at that deer can't stop puking army please observe is the world second induces its mating ritual the female has taken a suitable home for the children while the male approaches for his dance nature is beautiful doot-doot I'm gonna touch the buck it's gonna be great no no nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope oh these are so much better than a previous cracker model though oh man is unreal do not test my patience vermin yoo-hoo knock knock we've come to stop your evil plans you saw people and stuff foul tidewater instant 40 our trains doesn't tell me what it does it deals a [ __ ] on a damaged type motors brawl do not test my patience vermin are you quite finished me chance on hit to the additional frost damage only works you have no idea two forces that are play here due to an awesome warp off Omega you have no idea of the force at play here child sealed fates I can feel the more powers waning even now this is our chance to strike money more so more not for the fallen we do what we must to save our people any bugs or problems little bit beyond this gate lies Lord storm song and our retribution it seems he sealed it tight likely to buy himself time to finish whatever this ritual awaits us release the souls within the debt ringer when you're ready I would wreck them into the binding home the gates shut from there we find storm song and in this once and for all will the rest of the storms wake even get here enzyme patient area they will come patients around there they will come think of me from overall game experience in do you still enjoy nursery um it takes the surprise away but not my overall enjoyment now everybody team we're gonna go in ding-a-ling-a-ling come brothers and sisters we stand together tides of blood rise rise hanging her Sam we're almost there keep moving the darkness crawls at his minds I'm not mounted oh damn out hang on team I'm coming okay we have reached the shrine of the storm with Lord storm song I [ __ ] this moment would never come I've no doubt he could feel our presence but so long as storm song maintains to spell the first move as ours we haven't surrounded cornered like the RET that he is must end this together awesome in-game events awesome and we end up with ash to the drones brother Pike and Talia everybody else's deaths and our good buddy is gone and now we need to slay the drowned guy well maybe maybe the Drowned guy is our friends the sunken realm welcomes your yawning Souls all this pain and suffering is your fault monster stay with Natalia we will not fall does he f does he have underwear on yes he does I know I know how you guys it goes like me for that uh-huh no lights no escape The Forgotten King returns forgotten king let your death be a message to your dark mass as well fiends the storms wait for our fall whenever waiver my fall is but a beats in the hearts of the infinite abyss samuel was a good man with the true hearts a fool but our fool no problems now ouch therm song and maybe lust but this valley still holds so much hope Sam knew that from the beginning we have to continue to help the storms wake in any way we can that are still remnants of the house everywhere and whoever turned them into this darkness is still out there the proud more and morality Admiralty will no doubt wonder here would happen here we should tell them to get her meat brought a pike in Branagh diem and that leads us to the dungeon right so the path leading up to this moment was dark [ __ ] ending was alright bordering pretty cool I just wish that the road leading here was more fun oh yeah that ending was kind of cool I'm curious to see what that awesome in game even is actually gonna be like and am I gonna go into the dungeon right here I'm going to assume that it won't let me in yeah a new okay brought a pike I did the ping me it is good to at last see you under peaceful circumstances you will always be a friends of the storms wake wait what okay that doesn't seem to be finished right supercool client scene happens here oh this can't be happening by the Seas foamy beard what a blast they brought goblins Wow and if there's one thing in over goblins is that they like to blow things up I saw a few of them carrying large bombs and I presume that we're going to blow up the town I would like to keep the town so how about you head out there and steal as many of those are close as you can find the Horde is an army make no mistake an Army's need an order someone must be in charge here they know to plan and I want to know the plan to look for people who seem to be in charge and see you can have cover any intelligence so we know what to do next kill the goblins you have a tight sage outfits oh oh my god I want a tight sage outfit you have to comp this belt oh my god that's cool right death to the hordes murderous scum get outs you wouldn't even be here was enough for the Alliance have you forgotten how we saved her ass during mists of pandaria how soon you forgets and you dare to stand against the might of the blue you are nothing compared to the blue you follow a meaningly hot zombie lady shame hordes where is your honor attacking frightened villagers where's your honor maid sour Fang was right about you all that's why he joined Team Blue he is wiser than all of your combines aren't just the tacit of town for giggles what we're gonna discover their plans so far just seems to be for shits and giggles well blame me for luck Joe no survivors she will rule forever war chief orders signed by the dark lady herself commander take the family burn the towers no survivors all shall serve me Indians for I am Sylvanas and I'm the lich queen and you'll serve me in life or in death if i don't like you Oh threatened to resin you'll become my zombie selfless leadership [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] oh it is beautiful I mean people probably do under your line side will probably go into like snake land as well do the exact same share no stop being deaf or Texas you might be in or behind a building well the town is pretty crowded right now so it could very well be that he's simply being killed yeah the fish is in a building either sequest here as well from farmer max what does max 1 been Raiders of the Lost crop god dammit I could use a hand here so here abouts mind my own business I collected harvesters when these big galoot showed up on the rules to start torching to town luckily I was delivering a second reign or they've caught me and run me down I won't stand for having these orcs or their dogs chewing up a field or my crop what do you say friend help a farmer run some looters of his lands we got the sound we can this valley is the breadbasket of call terrorists we feed the citizens the militia the army you name it perhaps you've heard of her famous called heron sourdough bread goes great with sausages more portly knows blasted horde are getting in a way of a harvest lucky for us the golems worked around the clock to package the grain I just need you to go out into the fields grab as many bags you can carry I'll pay you for they were trouble of course here's the grain there we go south bank affirm defectives data mines dialog suggests that evil doesn't want anything to do with Savannah so hoards shouldn't treat it as Laura correct lurk why yes that's why I mention it is data mine dialogue otherwise it would have said Wow in-game we've seen him step away from the whole work well we kind of have as we rescue princess tool um geez like are you gonna bring me back to the Horde as well and like well we weren't ordered to do so and he's like alright cool stay here done but correct that's why I mention it is data my dialogue and all sexual Lord I kinda assumed that that went without saying though leaders are the last crop hot about teach them to come here with their pooches and steal our grain we need a green hot I will teach them to come here with the pooches and steal our grain okay you find those order side its Silvana's herself the Benji queen is not like the previous war Chiefs well I have I got a story for you that was bones this guy garage right I mean he didn't exactly go around resting people into on death but besides that's pretty damn close me don't forget to check inside the buildings to I did bees look particularly nasty I'm glad they aren't blowing up in our faces bad news friends they're bringing some serious firepower now we spotted a tank on the northern air but I meant we all they could reach the other side of the town from here we can't let them set up what do you say to giving them a taste of their own medicine if you can take out to come on there you'd have a fancy new tank all to yourself imagine to mayhem you could unleash on their invasion commander a wormwood she must be tough if she's been selected to pilot expand weapon be careful hello Ward's taken to sound not gonna stick around and watch you can help me out oh go see leo she eats oh she olds in debt wash tell him the item side is still coming and we're taking two golds experimental war machine Oh oh my god that looks cool what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] that is cool I mean okay maybe they had a point garage they don't have cool machines like that is this the answer right weapon really you'll never stop her Oh baby oh that's nice of you it's all line up oh [ __ ] they're shooting at me mate whoo that's right Ken and fight off ah doesn't even one shot the man down down down to horde goos go can we take it home Oh baby look it out self-destructs but why do just drive it home why would we self-destruct Oh okay I guess we did not loan the weapon I doubt now this this kind of quest thing I would like to see more this is fun relatable difference little bit machine combat little bit of you know in the wrecked combat little bit of pick up here and there I want to see more of this year and it's [ __ ] relatable makes it ten times more interesting those were some explosions I'm just glad they were directed at the Horde and not us free strength nothing yeah quest marker for turn in was at wrong location beep I get a many sounds focus it could have barricaded him here hope everyone else's say there's gold in their fields we still got some folks missing and I could use your help finding them while brennidon is now security for someone for farms close to the quillber crawl we rallied on the money shot in the past to keep the quillber back but now do they retreat it to the east that we're that outlying farms are in danger Gold Fields Farm is almost directly south with us up to the hill to the Falls well it's not surprising that he hasn't left of a few better if you checked in if you got a minute there's a farmer out there who hasn't made it back yet name's Burton and he's out by a farm right next to the bride back crawl he have to quilt over to strike out as far as one of the first in their way I haven't heard anything for Berta Nemo's reveal and as for chemical farmers to help you so we don't have a situation out there at the rest keep an eye out frame would you okay those are just breadcrumbs though it's all good it's all fine this was fun this area this this little questing experience fun yes a farmer's you were right hello Patrick this is myself again ain't no I believe that was the brother who was like I was controlled but yeah correct okay what can I do for you hello Patrick Darren I be coming up into these hills are whole eyes we could survive here longer than any horse myself again it's just like Julian to realize the mistakes long after he's done harm to others I hope he find his way but right now I have people here to worry about the horde spilled a lot of blood in brennidon now it's time to spill some more to send a blood makes predators on these hills go crazy we used to lower animals when hunting the whole focus forces are occupying caves up in the hills the toastie send vials into the caves where the forge commands organize he attacked smells to bring the should bring the all the hills down upon them dangerous game most of these [ __ ] don't scare us but we lost two people today know a group of forsaken assassins we had trouble tracking them now we could really use your help they're stealthy and dangerous fighters show no mercy is indeed the elf is yes what's your problem how may I help you spring quit it you're getting on my nerves I'm kind of busy quit it what's your problem you're getting on my nerves never now guns these are new home now and we will fight keep it they may be outnumbered here but we aren't going to be outgunned find us every X sword spear crossbow and gun for our rebellion safe travels all right what's your story I got a bad feeling ain't you a chipper looking one miss Gilneas ain't you a chipper looking one right so the Horde is also attacking here and we got to take care of business right get suet you lazy goblins I want their base in a box set up now you ink ooh you're dead now okay I like that the NPC's don't just aims to kill him you're still gonna you still got to work for it a little bit unfortunately he doesn't really say anything but that's okay are we gonna take their town outpost in a box with us no no I - we'll just leave the behind in a cave for just any person to pick up that's what I should would do as well it's just it's a smart thing to do really so the order just indiscriminately attacking civilians a storm song looks like me nobody no light if coming near doe but you know it's wartime and I'm sure that the Alliance is also going to indiscriminately attack horde outposts get him grizzly make it hurt how do you mean I can't be the only one bored of the [ __ ] being represent us the bad guys all the time you should mention it to the forum's made and see the reply hope the Horde is not the bad guy we would never award is just a misunderstood bad guy we have no other choice me the Canon here is still good condition it's a lot of firepower to slow down the Horde take additionally I'm up to now our heroes lots could really help the defenses oh I was like am I gonna put this in my pocket but no you actually you actually transport it ok that that's good surely if I step into here I'll get an assassin right Oh [Music] I know sir vans done awful things but I can't help but feel empathy I too wanna stay alive but at what cost oh you know would you condemn others to the same fate just to stay alive and out of hell is that price worth it well I got a cannon anybody want a cannon you want a cannon that's the kind of firepower we need it is an unexpected surprise see you around you're welcome you know I just found a random-ass cannon in the middle of nowhere greetings painted Reds with you around today won't try this again upgrade for the Alliance I don't think there's a good or bad sign when it comes to faction Wars both sides done bad yeah the problem is however that the bad things are always exponentially different like you have a Kemp Tasha right where the civilians were told like I do you can go leave peacefully or you can stay in fight and then in discussions that is compared to [ __ ] dropping a new confetti more and it's just it doesn't compare emphasize don't shitty things for sure but it's just the poor thing that the Horde sides has the bigger bad things right don't compare us to Garrosh and then that old discussion comes out what exactly is the hordes because it wasn't all of the hordes it was just that one guy but then you say WOW if war crimes is clearly stated of not war crimes in in tides of war and a big majority of the Horde votes cheering on to work see 4 sections yeah but that was an order Jorge's no but a big part of them know they end up with discussions like that enslave the orcs is fine you mean putting them in internment camps after an alien force tried to invade your planets the Alliance believe that was too merciful thing to do water then killed him on the spot Turner's believed that because he was in charge and all the other leaves were five villagers didn't have any better ideas well the major difficulty that the other leaders had we're putting them in internment camps post the gold price attached to it which is why they would rather kill them but Airness was like we are more you maimed than that's so let's place them in internment camps now of course the internment camps themselves were absolute [ __ ] but then again you could also say if you don't want to be end up in internment camps maybe you should not invade a completely different planets that has never done anything to you just because you were dumb enough to [ __ ] up your own plan out that could also be said but I know you got comments again like oh my god you aboard haters like now port is actually my more favorite part in the story for a while now it's just you know I love having arguments light up if you could bring back any that cat from the game it would be the Vols in normally I'm against bringing back death characters because it nullifies dying even though they have a bad tendency of not letting characters just be depth befores in you know get some redemption for not giving in the storyline was she even born then well that is the question things like do we know that no but could it be possibility yeah you need something your skills are impressed if I don't think any of us could have taken out those assesses so easily do I've had additional comments never out gun swill any more than Earth find us some weapons could kill a horse this is a good start farewell follow-up quests yeah anybody want to give me a follow-up question yes that was it I thought we're gonna like use the Canon or some [ __ ] but nope just supplied em well that was [ __ ] and the whole golden Al's for blood elves I think it's a clever way of Blizzard's to avoid the problem of the blood elves eventually returning and looking exactly like the High Elves like the reason why blood elves have the green eyes because they were sucking on the Bell but with the restoration of the Sunwell over time with the pure energies those effects would wear off but now they've come up with the idea like we knew for the longest of time that the sunwell has been infused with both arcane and holy spirits for a very long time and they've decided to give them holy eyes and I think part of the reason is this just to make a clear distinction between high elves and blood elves still I stay behind to see if I can help everyone else made it back okay right assure me you've given up on us but we haven't given up on me I'm a bit of a tinkerer and I find my harvest columns were better than any hired help I've ever had you just need regular maintenance to keep running of course the Briar Becker now taking over my fields and my farmhands have gone into disrepair if you head out into the fields can you grab the inner mechanisms from any of them that you finds that will stop them from exploding as well as help me plan my revenge stop vining you may have noticed that the fields are a little unstable right now arriving I've been busy growing those large brembo vines and boring tunnels underneath the farm Divine's have always been an important part of the borders and they're expanding go down into the lower area and see if you could find who or what is making those vines drover there's no way that they're growing like that naturally if we can stop the vines we could retake this area wasn't in hysteria new laws would have be old damn old enough to bin and Asterion was the child of wasn't the grandchild of duff Ramar right Fisher was the grandchild so there's like second generation okay not kill forces that now you have dug from our Sunstrider he was the highborn at COTC and then now he left his kingdom to Anna sterian Sunstrider that skill fusses death but by the time of that moment I think the Rory considered High Elves I pink are currently any high elves left yes most of them are part of the current or there's also like a renegade group that is chilling into Plaguelands still I think unless when the Cataclysm they've updated and killed them Felisa Windrunner still high elf hilarious well I suppose although she might be like something else now you could consider a void elf I suppose are there any other elf races aware that they are to the Centers of trolls its rumors in Legion we had the whole elfs teasing each other and blood elves were actually sending the night elves like voodoo stuff and you look like a troll so it's definitely been rumors my Bloods feeds them our roots are strong and the whole part of our force of being a Aloha by the way do keep in mind that zalazane says your power you must be Aloha it does not specifically state that he is from you know it's just so damn powerful it zalazane just believes that he's Aloha this is cool to see that volt in just get a store her part in the story now a high voice right do you think we'll get new capitals replace the lost ones maybe what it just could go to like storm in an organ or make it nice and lazy right um shitty quest do you have the part yet I did here you go perfect with these parts it could rebuild my entire we're forced to make one of them really powerful and if it's a note new mystics using magic to shape the vines I don't know much about magic but I'm glad you stopped them the plans are gone amok since you defeated the Masters no word I've got a plan or the plants have gone amok I've been busy fixing up out of the far hands that didn't go completely haywire it should have enough juice for one more trip through the fields we got some serious technology in these houses the tools should be more than enough to take care of some small plans and even a couple of quail borer what do you say you know whatever but do I get harvest crops hammer smash hammer smash oh that's alright [Music] oh my god yeah the landscape is absolutely beautiful like don't get it don't get me wrong on that's visually speaking the zones have their own unique flavor very impressed with how the transition works in the zones because their size is around two to three leads and zones so you know you go from the grassy area to the sea area to the snowy area the transition is beautifully done I'm sure the music is gonna be amazing there is nothing that I would change about out it's just basic pitching that will show them those will war will think twice before me evading my farm again that's it like what does this have to do with anything I don't know maybe I'm just too bitching about these zones I don't know [ __ ] off will bore a [ __ ] fighting quillber again man [ __ ] quilt bores who gives a [ __ ] about quill bars why follow your nose you dare could use your help the crowd isn't safe the quill boar have us noticed in the ground isn't safe the crowbar establish the network of tunnels below us allowing it to spring up to ambush people who aren't walking carefully like refer us Humphrey here's a nose for the briar back again sniff em out even on their underground route a few of them are let's make the farms little safer in a walk through there's a particularly large clump of them in an RV stand feels good hunting Sikkim Humphreys a good tracker to be sure easel so the orneriest angriest most dogs dog if he sets his eyes on the quill borders will certainly be useful but lower very noses the formal organisers in directs the tunnel Arista calls the most may I'm in destruction if you could put an end to them it should make things a lot easier for us to move around a farmland some free looks a bit hungry wouldn't say why don't you bring him with you to take our business take care of their business no you have a quill board problem I really want to help you out with your quill board problem you anybody home also the harvests are still following me for some reason Rose always worried about me I keep telling her I'm fine up here that's but she never listens you see the problem no he don't problem is the nobodies dan quayle boar grill beretta shoot all day shooting them all my life can you [ __ ] help out your neighbor and son problem is the picks are tough suffered then I've been they've been before can't kill him like a used to see my new modified bullets just get stuck in them and they refuse to die go out there and kill some the queer bores out he's our upgraded quill horse right sorry my bad my bad okay I'll get you your ammunition mate I was I was unaware that these were the upgraded quill boar infused with the might of azurite itself my bad you find a puckered box on the ground it is dirty but still works it was taken care of well perhaps there are other objects that Oldfield wasn't able to grab before I had to hold up in his house he might appreciate it if you brought them to him our forms will cover the lands the chain is broken snapped into a handful of loose quails from the local bribe a quail more used by their alchemists to brew potions with strange effects I don't know Chema am I just too negative like you probably watch more streamers play through this just don't take my opinion a set in stone okay I'm probably just a grumpy old noble doesn't know what fun is anymore I've been playing Wow too long - [ __ ] you I now go get him so hang on a minute right hang on a minute I've done this before so in the past I could just right over them right oh they don't count if you do them like this or do they no I don't think they count okay okay so there is a reason why it used to pop we just saw that it called terraces to meet your expectations and I'm not even dad I guess I mean it's hard to say I just it's very basic that's what I'm and of course you're making a comparison to the Horde experience and when I its it comes down to a feeling and when I play through a war zone it takes me 812 hours and it feels like a stream full bottle and then I compared it to playing through in a lion zone that just feels a lot longer then there has to be something there right and it's not all bad like don't get me wrong it's not all bad we have definitely had some cool moments but I mean the questing itself might be similar but the end result is moths like take for example go out and click some weaponry right okay cool I'll take out I'll go collect some weaponry and then nothing happens after that compared to go and collect some meats and and go train your dinosaur and then this dinosaur is grown attached to you pump with full with steroids now it's big go race that that offers meaning to what you do rather than just do it for the sake of questing does not matter we are everywhere below your feet yeah exactly see see more j9c more Greymane like that village where we take the battle to against the Horde you hear the name Silvana's it has an impact on the overall experience that's fun is that a [ __ ] oh that's right we're fighting or down we will Borg I was throwing things over there start shooting my dinner where I don't only have three sets hurry up will you good I can keep shooting and they can't get to me it is really a perfect setup for the last time I'm not leaving I was here first they can leave you found them I uh I found his items at night yeah Danielle I'm not leaving I'm never leaving thee squirrel but I killed them I gave her the watch told her to hurry grab a boy and get to the house well I got the gun Goldfield is choking back to tears I won't leave her family as her roots here they would want me to say you know to understand this is our farm a boy you wanted to join militia I made him a swords he takes a deep breath now you know help me retake my farm grab a gun and let's kill every last one of them hell yeah for your son and wife that I've never met they're coming into the house dude oh my god they're coming right at us Oh kill them all this is what I'm talking about about a nice conclusion to a quest line like even if the path to it is boring as [ __ ] if you get a little bit something like this it makes it more fun right are we gonna get more no fubar okay kilter invaders oh [ __ ] oh crap there's more oh oh my god look at a guy oh he's ginormous he took all three shots to go down ha ha ha it's done my family's avenged I could take care of the rest Anton would have given me trouble if I lost by myself so you have my things I would ask you for one more favor there should be a nice spot by the river under the tree we love to go down when the Sun sets after our days in the fields our boy would run around catching bucks making reed whistles if you don't mind those things you brought me earlier could you leave them on the graves they would like debts yeah are we having fields for this all right oh the fields I remember yesterday when I hadn't met this man before but apparently his his wife and kid died and this is sad oh here's your locker and here's your little swords set the spirits nope that will do they always love this spot you can go back and tell Ross that I'm okay but I'm never leaving my farm I'll never leave them Thank You Bella didn't they were resting out here take my spare bombs you should be able to put them to better use than me there's one more farm left far to the west stay real close to the crawl deal work do you work the land by yourself if anyone got hit bad it'd be her it's just past the worst part of the collapse to keep an eye out all right follow your nose I bet old Humphrey gave them a good spook jolly get with him out of the way the quail ball around here should be less organized to take longer to mobilize and it's an example of how to do a party as in there's no follow-up all right you're received but not for long if you don't do something about these quail boar somebody's quail boar clearly look out those horns make it obvious almost like I could see their tusks floating above their heads I was able to kill one but not before blue that horde of hiss and summon back up I suggest you keep them silent before to do the same with you ever gonna get anywhere in here you'll need to do with quietly here hops gave me a few for sleeping darts and that should keep them quiet a boring company I don't see her body anywhere that means she could still be alive the bride back of it take a prisoner than anyone who has ever been taken by them or was never seen again we have a single Charles here we need to take it to come with me into the crawl and free as many of the survivors as you can maybe we can find forever deal we'll see if she's still alive did you feel for men Creek no man Creek was a shitty me man has anybody seen Bank Rick's wife at your mom's house in zou GroupMe I'll go on ahead a search for the farmers whatever you do don't get captured what's going on here then intruder do I even feel no not really not since the great pixelated murder of 1997 all my little pixels on my screen died man angling about Adubato the queer bore was carrying contains a foul-smelling orange liquid you're not sure if it's safe to drink but it can't hurt to gather some samples to bring back to the city this is rendered am maybe the alchemists can come up with an antidote to counter its effects right what they cook in it cooking Milad oranges they're cookie something these totem lines against the ground unfinished look around these appear to be several just like it's usually near large clumps of forints they look rather fragile Elvia shame if something happened to them mmm hello want to be rescued free loss are gonna show these filthy swine what happens when you mess with my farm I don't want to be quill boar food Hey Hey You you I am NOT your dinner no no I think you can do better look out a mammy sty made it here in a places so have any guard it's boring company I was sure they were done for you have my thanks [Music] anger in a bottle they have something for me these stuff smells awful maybe horse will know what to do with it once we get out of here I'll make sure these simples get to him totems totems totems good idea smashing those will attract their mystics and set back their expansion will bore expansion confirms they look cute enough but that's a new herd of battle boars in training farmers don't like to wastes don't like waste and it would be a shame they got rid of such useful creatures either way we could use those picks and I'd rather have them with us rot on their face the bloodthirsty one in a few years if you find them topically to have a look at the center of the crowd go round up as many piglets as you can take with you and we'll make good use of them run for the hills the quail we're up to something something big you need to stop it they'd be busy bring supplies up the caves above their sanctum preserve forms cauldrons of venom giant totems of powerful war get up there and destroy those stockpiles before the crew used against citizens of the valleys is empty crater supplies is clearly Murphree culture and signature these must be the spoils of their race and the farms of the belly say this will probably like their supplies back if there are any left probably would this is the main quest or a side quest I think I mean it kind of depends like what do we consider the main quests oh my god look at the cute little piggy it's a battle piglets know you're coming with me okay but I mean we've done the main quest language took us into the dungeon stealing shell them again oh just to make sure that they don't become our enemies oh it's flammable we're pigs I will take these and make sure to get to the farm for proper training those supplies you destroy to set them back there must have been saving them for a while [Music] super cool client scene happens here I doubted my keep an eye out for anything useful this place is very dangerous it's not stealing and for stealing the back are those my lucky anchors buy all the girls of the sea what a monster I can barely believe what I'm seeing this Etten has undergone the same ritual that the brutes do and it seems even angrier if he gets out of here we won't stand a chance I know I asked the impossible but I must kill this monstrosity to save the whole valley from its raw here take the samples you brought me maybe they will help you in the fight maybe maybe not I just went to wish you good luck for all counselling on you you're not even gonna help me are you you guys are not even gonna help me nope right so what have they done with the dudes they've given him wrenches oh really Turin throw a flask at the nearby dudes how did it turn him against him ha who needs allies where you could just turn the enemy against there we'd be pissed at me now my bad fellas mother Kelvin it is done I was afraid you were done for but you saved us all I can't believe you managed to kill the thing you're quite impressive you know that anyway we should be getting back to Russell for our report we're stuck gonna be able to crawl surrounded by angry quail boar but I have a plan some of the boar seems reasonable enough I gave them bit of my rations and even following me around I bet we can use them to hitch a ride out of this place you in are we still the leaders of our orders maybe I don't think there are actually orders left Oh keep through the Wrights pick us all the way out coming through we're out I'll make my way back to Ross with the report you saved its own hero request here though if it tells me to go quill boar-hunting I'm gonna shut down the stream just so you know you can yeah click on the question mark I can but it doesn't track anything you could see it's not a quill bore its clothes it's not a quill bore where did all my markers go and where are all the quests why is there a broken ship just chilling to the west why are there some pirates here stealing oh my gold the workers are not happy here there hello Lika occluder liqueur we really are in the Netherlands mom oh [ __ ] I saw a quest marker do you see - OH oh my god you actually don't have a bad singing voice oh hello the Loyalists are taking everyone prisoner we could use your help hello hi Iren side warning sirens highs they think they're going to scare us off this treasure help us out and we can find it before them no problem just taking everyone prisoner to work in the yard stop them or we'll cut you in for a share a share there's a kingdom's fortune and gold out there that in the lake bottom a sunken treasure ship from the second war everyone that helps find it gets a share of the take time is short though we need to find it soon how soon there's hordes Naga loyalists coming at us from all sides it won't be long before a private enterprise here is overrun now that's what I'm talking about hell yeah trouble comes in freeze the loyalists usually leave us alone today though does the Krueger showed up a start tossing people into the wagons they're taking them to work in the shipyards we could take out the free and charge the rest would flee eliminate Lika Miriam and Lars and those actually Dutch names like what the [ __ ] blizzard um you know just so you know if there was ever a time to drop in a noble MPC I am Dutch you know just saying you could put me in a windmill great these loyalists are going to take most of the town they've brought enough change for everyone break those chains and set the workers free see you around large you jest and against how storm some please call it Holland's because name for make a collared noble two grumpy nice work many thanks there's an archaeology a device right there by the way cool new things they added to the alpha couldn't watch for a month oh that is a long time but the recent update has this zone they have renamed MPC in the earlier age to herald often is off they've updated the elemental model to make it look more like Davy Jones that's about it you need something yeah you've got skills we can use you could join us and help us find a treasure have a good way what can I do for you uh break a mouths wave everyone free we give back to fine into treasure it works I think a day a night out there to find the lost treasure we cut you in for a share if you want to help outs talk to Netley about joining us if travels all right Kimberly Hari boo Oh yellow for like Haribo my cat is missing not again man not again hey there safe travels if I find it to treasure in me or gone right careto Haribo story in the new zone so far please see priests have been listening to the whispers of the ocean nosov / aurora or to take a town you repel the attack queel borer are bad this one acts like they've never seen a known before good day to you Leo Sentra you wanted on our action there's a lot of treasure outer and a month to you I'm actually gonna work together to find it the loyalists are bad but I got a deal on the side to tell them things like old ship parts while your outs look for the treasure see what sort of sort of useful parts you could salvage from the mud anchors cannons whatever we'll send it to the loyalists to cut you in for share of the profits these slaves employees are complaining these slaves employees are complaining about elementals coming into the area while they're trying to dig some workers are getting bumped nudged or crushed enough that's where you come in take out the elementals for a simulator and Moxie I'm apparently her comic relief in certain cold tears kind of associate me with certain robberies that I really don't know anything about my last time it's all Brad I had to leave in a big hurry but I grabbed the few gets it on the way out this defies one of my favorites so don't break it it will suck the treasures right out of the mud it may take make you tingle some but his nut radiation bomb beats rock no problems we can solve it use of an excessive amount of explosives which I always keep handy there's these big boulders mucking a couple of caves out there I want to see what's in those caves you're gonna blow them open you have a great day now my moxie she's not gonna follow me is she oh yeah she is Wow I am impressed ship parts muddy and warm but still good I get your share if you die oh my god it's a funny gnome they do exist you sure you don't want me to take some selfie cam so selfies me 10 is the max amount you can have alright maybe she's the treasure old wooden box is gonna rust anchor out it up it's weird mom and Nome has gotta watch your back around these cult sirens yeah yes the quest both and basically what it does right is it looks fancy possibly stolen and it allows you to search for treasure right but so far it doesn't really find any lost coins or anything and just the buff keep stacking which kind of weird we'll just keep on going I suppose [ __ ] off will Bors I'm gonna buy a boat bigger than any in the fleet all right we blew it up nice to meet you bomb B's Rock boom a problem show vents who I see tej ah hello treasure do all the mud-covered this is still gold lots of it it's not enough to be medleys legendary lost treasure but it's still several thousands and gold coins it is significant fine it should be returned to Nedley to be split amongst Auto Workers but wide oh why do I have to split it why can't I keep it for myself apparently this is the area where we get lost gold coins and ere we gooo I found some money a lot of filler quests they're all filler there can be no filler quest is there all filler quest made I got you your part see this you could find it out see what you can find out in am up well we'll make some good money of these better than sending a worker student eight strength sure double shares I want to find a treasure not on our payroll I almost rushed to you man share the wealth some people would have just run off with this but you didn't so we'll split this up into 214 shares here's your cuts 21 gold out of a thousand of thousands of Gold's may be good out goofing off amok see April Poland has been trying to steal our treasure he's out there digging around than a month's dare nosy and could find something tall to muck she come up with a plan to get rid of em a good way Moxie do you have a plan to get rid of the turtle on oh you're not much here are you hello oh yeah I'm looking for you grapple hari Bol this town is a horrible place full of bad people or to care about his money no one cares about the turtles the turtles out there first he dying up and getting stepped on by monsters you have to save the turtles collect six wet shell Turtles Oh yeah moxie Moxie what we're gonna do Hey you deal with it therefore nyet no I was supposed to talk to you oh I just do a [ __ ] find your own box you grabby human excuse me my Walker moxie I was supposed to talk to you and we were supposed to come up with a plan very good okay well Moxie is not in a talking mood Moxie is booked and is going to do nothing yeah all right okay then I guess cool let us go save the turtles garlic like they're still moving Emma's going to be so happy there are still fresh are full quests I'm just I'm just gonna leave feedback like that it's [ __ ] awful man fresh Turtles Emma you gotta pay me my share now that was it the little girls just off the money as well is that the punchline but overall the horrid experience is very enjoyable alliance it has moments the fuck-me there's still a lot of work to me bitten it needs to be done but this zone it's it's infuriating like it's it's god [ __ ] awful to play through this it is so [ __ ] dull I was first like maybe I'm just grumpy but no it's just god [ __ ] awful fill a quest off the fella quest after fill a quest that was one part of his own so far in the five and a half hours that I've been streaming four and a half in this zone one part so far that I actually enjoyed going through there is a lot of work to nice be done on this one a question of quill power Kelvin has breached me but I'm eager to hear your reports I'll spare you to flowey worst friends I was never good much good at them anyway throwing back the queer ball from the down across the farms lead to the cloud self-rescue in the cities as a farmer's you've done more for us than the militia ever cut or wood no offense Calvin and Hobbes none take a ma'am I don't like speech as much so I'll keep it short thank you you always have allies who store some Valley and it's not even so much the comparison between the Alliance to the Horde I want both sides to have an enjoyable experience and right now somebody would ask me like nobody you've done the questing experience which would recommend battle for elf if I play Alliance only I wouldn't simple as that I would know again it's not it's not the aesthetic of the zone right the zones look incredible they raided Oh the size is is proportionate they're like two to three times the size of a legion zone they flow very nicely into different parts just the questioning is not enjoyable how are you square augustus not a bird the military forces at four Dalen have been holding off in coaching naga for some time now but the most recent attacks went beyond our expectations we managed to hold affords buts I've been sent here to help before lieutenant Bauer who's currently assisted at Hamlet's on the western coast ever did weather Onaga are you trying to invade my my culturas Oh [Music] Mary's package the Rancic card has obviously seen better days a single package remains obscured by the spilled drained it's addressed to Mary Davenport of a millstone Hamlet's pom-pom like good day people what's up y'all it's me it's your boy noble and today we're gonna be talking about the story of Prophet zu oh goodness you found my lost tee thank you dear you're welcome why hello there dear might you be able to help me with an errand or two only as long it's no bother no what could you be a dear fetch a few things for me from around a hamlet to become possibly hope to defeat each I endure so let's we properly prepare you some water a sick of flour and bundle of love should be everything we need we're going to take care of those nasty Giants you and me my grandson bless his heart is a bit of a pacifist he's a sweet boy but he's never had to fight for anything in his life first we need to do with some gunpowder a reckon there might be some more down in the old storage shed Charles tells me those darn threats have gotten into our stores though and I've been gobbling up everything inside so you should check with him first hello Charles you need something the granny send you yeah gunpowder granny is everyone out running errands trying to put out peaceful hamlet beckon order I don't know what to do the rats have gone into our stores they're eating everything inside I tried prodding one of them to get to move along and started foaming at the mouth and it exploded thinking overall the Gunpowder went Oh rats I'm not cut out for this I just want to get back to the simple things like grinding wheat and drinking meats I don't have a stomach for killing here I picked this up for so crazy no and stopped in to port recently he said I was a powerful bug zapper maybe I'll help you round up the rest ran second to Shep just point issue basement dwellers ever since the untimely passing of dear sweet Lizzie rest her soul to pester multiply it like crazy in recent days giant spiders become crawling out the cellar underneath to suffer mail and I wouldn't be able to go down there for fear being wrapped in a weapon eaten alive would you mind squashing a few techniques in collecting any silk you find these travels and that would have been of course arachnids adventure learning it's the wolves have been attacking my flock I don't have been means to fight them I've seen one much larger than the rest leading somebody attacks please if anyone can take care of it offer whatever you more like a muster click on some water nobody needs click on some [ __ ] wood all right come on the rats gotta be funny the rents gotta be funny they gotta like exploding [ __ ] gone dead that's gotta be funny right I wasn't supposed to kill it oh right hang on I got this infinite targets am I missing something here I mean that dude is killing the rats I am all kinds of confused let's go back in tomorrow's decide of a class to play better France or between feral arms unholy or neurons which should I pick a your opinion I don't know you have an opinion on class square yeah not only is that really my area of expertise I always feel like it's a very personal choice as well is there going to be massive changes before the game goes live I would aim at picking a class closer to beta slash release rather than alpha we're still pretty much everything is still up in the air I [ __ ] this I'm gonna go to the Nagas area I am NOT gonna leave it on this quest line I want to see the Nagas area trouble is for daelin it's named after Dale in it has Nagas this is gotta be the good [ __ ] right all right so they are dealing with the Naga greetings hello lieutenant our these fishermen are no push hours themselves you should be able to hold her own with a little help all right once we get the place secured we can provide backup for the seawall freedom for the sea the Nagas along this coast appear to be trying to push the shoreline up to the hill here we've been able to keep them back in the back feet so far but I've been able to buy any more elemental then we can keep up with we've got a tight sage we have no way to free the elementals from the bindings but we cannot allow to push forward any more their spear of the sea shinobi could say in anything slay them and let them return to the ocean a bit of a bind the Naga source that is leading this excursion seems to be the process of binding a large element so she succeeds we will no doubt lose a foothold here strike out at her perhaps she could catch her off guard and interrupt the ritual remove the head from these snakes later binder cotton and now when the Nagas force first arrives it was a handful of local fishermen out on boats one of her Scouts reports that most Adobe captured it are currently being kept Akkad's around a beach free any of them they have a divine appointed back here we'll get them arms out of mind and a guy that you don't mess with sailors on your phone its moments you need the picture or app you see yeah you go down probably maybe a key for doubt you have a key for me thank you it's a fishbone key opens a lock the hell guess you're [ __ ] out of luck serve it an Epsilon oh [ __ ] all right go an epsilon go drown these insects my children show yourself worthy of my prides Queen Azshara says and we saw as the regular night out model I'm going to assume that that's going to be the updated model and the song stone shines and sings so I tried to save your people right I didn't want to be saved these should slow down to progress quite a bit you have my gratitude a bit of a point is to see which death yes I've no idea where this might be but I don't like the looks of it 10 to 48 be careful okay so I do need to save the villager who's it gonna abandon it and try it again need help yes three so far basically the idea is we need the culture and fleets the culture and fleet doesn't do anything unless the tide sages say that they are allowed to do so but the tide sages led by Lord storm song they'd been listening to the ocean for those unaware in the ocean you got like Naga you got like this off you got like all kinds of dark whispers sooo naturally yeah they kind of fell to the corruption well not so we confronted Lord storm song with a very cool in-game moments that had not played out quite yet which then leads into the dungeon experience and the dungeon isn't ready for testing what yep that was all fine and dandy it wasn't anything majorly expressive or majorly cool except for like a water wall but the ending seemed promising so there was nothing wrong doubt then we encountered a village that was full on the assault by the wards and I loved it area man oh my god I love that area you got like orders from Silvana's like leave nothing standing you got frightened children looking at the parents if they're peeled against the wall apparently there was like a mage that was turning people at the fish and letting them drown it was great that was really a fun moments but then it just you know we dealt with quill boar we went we went on some treasure hunting [Music] became rather boring to be honest but hey maybe the Nagas area is gonna be great need help we have these numbers we should be able to hold out our own here oars are and fishing nets make surprisingly effective weapons I'm no tights age but even I could tell that I'm after you have there's probably not a good sign for Bastion take it to Commander Kelly I'm on the levy and he should be able to point you towards someone in the fort with bit more knowledge about what it might be careful well done Jeff come on - Callum how's it go mate for as long as I stand I will not let this best team fall I got the song stone this don't possibly powder for Shara herself taken to the forces at the fort proper they will know what to do okay I hope my Striders to the levy but the levy ain't dry so this hairs for daelin good afternoon people afford Eiland how y'all doing how we're dealing with the pollens are we it is concerning very concerning sooner or later the tides will change they always do evening in a big one if you're up to it I have an idea to give the mag and amusing surprise a little slowly pulls out a straw and waves it in your face I need some tea from marine predators to cast a spell though luckily the Nagas brought some disgusting eels with them go get in there fangs or bring them back to me the Nagas off-off-off to take what they want with little care for what's there taking it from perhaps you should do the same for them the sorceress is use a powerful beakers to assist with the spell casting I could use these relics to strengthen my own ritual what can I do for you Wembley it's our job to hold this fort wanna come on that is preoccupied with the wall de Naga be slowly pushing us back and we loose this fort will loose the wall as well we'll get out there and kill as many of them as you can we were holding off the Nagas up until the latest attack a few of our forces throughout they're too tight mater seems to be slowly torturing them to death you could save as many as you can we find we'll be one step closer to again maybe up here around again yo ho yo ho de pirate life for me where is storm Sun Valley from Sun Valley is to the north of culture it is in the upper portion okay take the beacon beacon just the quest item right save the prisoners that have been tortured alright it's a little bit basic right now oh [ __ ] look it up it's avatar all over again man [Music] oh and those are the new Zelda snake-like creatures Shriver right Christine within a waterproof containers in this illegible straw of undetermined agent origin perhaps appellants along the coast will be able to decipher what is written upon a parchment take the scroll to the total Pullen's along the windswept coast facing the invaders that should slow down their progress climates you have my gratitude that should slow down to progress quite a bit you have my gratitude so just you know basic quest right any mo will do I have some men move some cannons down through the seawall preparation whatever the rituals going on down at the Delta we should we could use some extra ammo before we spread ourselves too thin dough luckily those nag harpoons work well enough Weaver mortars take down those lenses and bring back any our opponents I've been talking with Rico and a total total says that our problem is the Delta could probably be solved by turning the Nagas magic back on them a few thesaurus on the south coast if a channeling wants that we may be able to use to break the head of priests this ritual channeling find one a ring a back problem self with gunpowder fort walls only goes so far when it comes to defenses we've got cannons in position to fire at an AG gets too close but we need some fortifications further out it should be a few good areas to set up some traps further down the beach those now go never know what he'll want water friend Ealing in a big one I can't wait to see how this goes that's exactly what I'm looking for give me a bit of time to prepare to spell make sure you don't drop any of the beacons I cannot say I know what will happen how powerful these will be great help have you ever been bitten by a shark I have numerous times it stings merlocks don't usually survive shark attacks the ritual I had in mind is ready to call us let me know when you're prepared I have everything I need speak to me when you're ready to begin ritual start costing baby oh come on make me a shark yes okay we pump pump pump pump pump pump a bomb a bomb hey could resonate if how did you feel about Murdock's greatest fear still on the development I imagine all right well that was kind of fun it's bulging gonna become a lower um zalazane is like you oh my god your power you must be Aloha so it could be could also be Gisela same think alike ooh my god Becky look at that troll his tusks they're just so big and round and out there we can use the nagas weapons against them here you go great work let's hope these harpoons kant's fire can fire from our cannons ooh [Music] piercing a shield we cannot allow this fort to fall even I can feel how much power this thing contains if you run across any other opportunity to set up more mines a snake with three heads now that's all of our preparations being done it's time to tackle the main threats you can use the channeling rods you just found in conjunction with this troll I got from recall two big shields around an AG leader in the Delta hurry something before they finish their summoning the greatest of the geofence sits within the Delta as we speak waiting for someone every suit will be finished if we can clear out a number of them we'll finally have the upper hand get down there and caused as much chaos as you can Wyatts [Music] what what you summoning in a row of Ashura another one so the bubble of such stage all right a delta good work you should to tear tanaga no any additional seems to be gone but I don't like the looks at that whirlpool bubble is still there Oh Modi we must prepare for an attack man the Conan cannons defend the levy at all costs beautiful dragon me likey okay this is [ __ ] badass man this [ __ ] I'm talking about hell yeah man the cannons fired can I just attack it myself no okay because of course you can ooh look at that we got the tight stone everybody oh oh never mind well we've done it the NAG are defeated in the levee at remains intact now that was pretty cool the Nagas are mostly cleared out thanks to your help they'll think twice before attacking it again Katy turned to brannad am and tells square augustus thebirds squire augustus of birds you square to return to his normal station okay all and all that questing experience even though the route leading up to it wasn't amazing percentage quests are usually not that fun at least it lets somewhere and the conclusion was definitely worth it sure yeah this one gets a thumbs up I want to see more of that he's washing a little birdie your arrival here today it was foretold in the scrolls rights an eligible scroll what if you found traveler a scroll written a mysterious language quite an interesting finds I've never seen characters like these before but perhaps cool grow hands cleaning veils this venture differential company contaminates our pristine waters with toxic oil my people are strong a villain journalists till the time is right to strike back the smaller creatures with soft skin cannot wait I must act now is safe from danger proud no grab a scrub clean any oily creatures that you see quickly before it's too late for millennia we have roamed as Rob's depths yet never has a land Walker journey with us in order to help us you must learn the trifle of waters as we do the three Scrolls the seas have drawn to the energies to travel and survive on water as we do previous crawls are harmonious fins endless tides and graceful beans these venture coax set flames to the very oily harvest they hope to drive us from this lands their plan is a flaw if a great wave extinguished every tortes the oil could not be lit you can be your great wave extinguish all the flames here and we shall victorious this day I shall tell tales of your great victory here today be sure to win hello venture company a venture Cody Porter is interviewing an ogre wha I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt cuz I'm the firestarter freakin firestarter overs could use an update to the model though what the hell all right here little duckling come here no don't run away oh no little duckling duckling get half of the oil may know what have I done oh my god it's saved never it would be amazing if the duckling actually turned into like one of those roasted chickens that would be that would just be glorious no leave me I'm a little duckling alone I really really will like that they actually with the fire attacks they actually set the oil on fire that is a really really nice touch oh you're so good laughs you're choking me oh thank you the scroll of harmonious Finn's it feels magical oh it actually slows you down does it me nice touches some type less you think you can be cleaning Mills the smallest of victories and a foundation for a venture companies defeats I get a cloak with 12 string for 8 string I'll take the cloak was any problem no no really you must collect the scrolls I did these will do nicely just as we are you should now be one with the sea with these three Scrolls you shall be aided your travels Sookie's resources strategy there's historically sound or we get a buff by the way while in the windswept coast you were swim speed and water breathing however to defeat venture company oh I have to wake an 8 2014 cool water seek out Laura and a cave a twin and we shall begin the process the wars just begun but it was a great first victory I'm Prabang and how does that little buff look okay yeah I guess that's useful look at this stuff isn't it neat way did the venture company hire people ins oh sure okay I never realized the gibbelins were smart enough to make allegiances ah don't worry now and Ostrow I'm doing excellent hey how you doing are you excited about the new peloton about a phrase Roth we're out of worried and they are functional oh [ __ ] it's another turtle lower what your presence here can only mean one thing a twins help is needed a twin has been resting gathering his strength for when he is needed again a twin saved many total fallens during a great purge of the inky chrono who doesn't know about the great purge of inky chrono he rest here in a tranquil bubble as a reward for his service to entice him back to our world we need a flavorful offering the seaweed that grows outside of a twins favour me oh it's salty flavor will surely coax a 20 to leave the bubble for our world gathered from the creatures outside this cave and where it grows wild under reef the time is short and more creatures will die without your help the venture company prepares a huge sticky machine to tear the Reaper parts and destroy this cave they've assigned a special operative to be sure the job is done right you must take now take out the operative in charge of the camp this should buy some time eliminates Allah fire travels the lower media better present the same revulsion was talking to some of them are despite a lower cave in visions when somebody has talked to him yeah if you're asking about are these the same low Ida told him to make so far as Warchief that is unknown at this point it could be it could not be it could be that like the bet low out I was already in league with Cahoon told him to do it but we do not know for certain he but foster bomb and this craters fallen into the water it contains palms built to take out large mechanical devices if we add more of them we could destroy the venture companies reef breaker hello the fire travels oh it's a blood elf I cannot afford your destruction well then we'll just make a quick won't we yeah the swimming is really really good the buff is very nice that echo will fighting though I should have spent more on security [Music] alright [Music] so that's the breaker they're using to tear up this voice acting Wow so I kind of wonder what they're doing here but I'm going to imagine that it's going to fall to this standards motivation which is making money that usually is what they're doing and I came here for the grumpiness all right all right I got this I got this this goddamn zone this goddamn questing experience the blizzard learn abso-fucking-lutely nothing from Fujian don't they realize that people do not want to quest underwater look at this [ __ ] look at this speed buff it's nice it's quick you move around like it's nothing what is this idiotic see with the questing man I want interesting quests I don't want to see galvans and known characters I want interesting quest let me fight wheel bores time and time again that's the [ __ ] I like what is your Onaga another rough boo give me unknown characters that's what I'm here for right explosive situation you'll need more of these bombs with one of destroido reef break ah you've got the bombs it's time to act this is more than enough pop buster bomb so the shorter venture companies a reef breaker it's time to act heal somebody tagged it though oh [ __ ] hello did they forget forgot to give you shoes what a puss steel fist not exactly sure what's you're doing here buddy but repent of your bad guy hello I got a me snack many battles are won by commanders who take the initiative and exploit an opportunity excellent work search the seaweeds outside and get the salty rich flavors and actually offering let us watch now and see if this will suffice your heroics will be discussed for ages to come you're an excellent student of excellent students of of what Blizzard's I need to know excellent work present the offering to a8 when he will accept it and come to our aid LaRussa The Watcher offering placed here have some seaweed you have done it's a 20s yay an excellent offering let us watch now and see if this will suffice 10 strength sure s mighty as a 20s this venture companies still have frets ahem I need to watch over each one and Sookie as you can see you're greater than surely my need to venture company see engineers that lurk under water should travel to during a visit to Pandaria I witnessed the citizens of Hoff he'll defeat attacking hosen by fleeing the hole since excrements back at them the hosen were unprepared to face the raf their own weaponry used against them a similar strategy can be applied here and we will get a French Intervention Cosima ins and use them against the invaders you hook ropes to each mine and a twin and I will hold them up for tollens in Pandaria hmm each one and I shall await you at the venture company mine fields it it only get exactly faster in the water do they hmm so do we see like the massive turtle floating about oh we do oh wow there are many sea mines to choose from I mean this is just a tiny turtle though but sure you see you sit up there yeah I'll do the hard work don't worry about it are not build to the tech turtles we can gather them safely have you found food quest yet of course of course we have a twin strong back my brewing strategy and your dauntless determination are a better winning combination okay I like where this is going hello deep sea venture are you struck a mighty blow against these venture company folks and kept AIDS when save nope excellent work our plan is coming together nicely we have everything necessary to strike a blow against this venture company in your planet sounds we do well prepare to be the element of surprise we should ride atop a twin and reign chaos upon them with their very own weapons ah that's right please see mines house a return home oh we're taking out the big boys now our brand strategy of flawless execution has be followed the enemy this is dough oh this is really dog I mean the music doesn't fit the moment but this is very nice ochres dancing on the mines huh I didn't even count okay superboy sexting is gonna be implemented soon enough keep in mind all rise voice acting isn't really a thing right now in very rare occasions you'll hear it and there we go let's go home baby oh [ __ ] you got some speed on him no we're not going back to the K if we're going to the camp alright well thanks a lot turtle guard kind of you that was fun there's victory we will discuss from millennium to come the ventricle is at a zero info I'm sure we will meet them again fifteen strength fifteen strength eighteen armor [Music] yeah I like that oh you can actually use it to fly anywhere can yeah ooh yeah let's do it oh okay whew be a dear thank you so much I wish Charles was harvest ooh this is you time to get to that mystery job good luck skip fish I see what they wanted me here to help out her son it was a bit of a chicken and he was like oh my god that are spiders now please take care of the spiders oh yeah the rats they ate the Gunpowder and could you get like a couple of the rats for me see you around excuse me oh you're the Alpha oh I thought you were gonna be much larger all right why did it travel into the twisting nether saying Destiny southern elsewhere or something I don't know it's some fee one all scare blizzard all I can tell you what the Chronicles tells us how are der ass right elementals the world's rising up isn't a so just because the wolfy's ate some sheep we had to kill them they were just trying to feed their family man extermination I think Rokon is the leader of the Darkspear jie have you seen the new cloaks over the shoulders no I think I saw ghosty tweet about not being happy to globes do you give a quest by any chance but Eve now is an immortal soul then why would a chronicle say today's spirit left a physical realm right it might be that by leaving a physical realm they mean to twist in error and it did describe how he was able to tap into the minds of the demon Lords maybe that's why you turn to the person in ER and because the Legion will slide except into the twisting nether with their axes a carousel and is that in turn allowed Medivh to come back maybe sticking a blade of justice up horde butts pretty much anything to be honest I'm not judgmental I'll stick it up anybody's butt hello I protected your floor are you Wow I didn't think anyone really also my posting thank you know hey here's the meatery hello I've come to help with making the mead I want to party with the bees hello there it is man it's the bee mounts oh I need to see my life look at it it has a little honey jar oh right hello and so is nearly hysterical Enzo Enzo calm down eh calm down ah miss please I need some help my dad has to come back from the meatery and swell when I went to look there were a giant globs of honey everywhere but somehow they were moving on her own I even saw one eat a bunny okay I'm scared to go back there myself but I think dad's in trouble again you can't you go with me I can alright let's go [Applause] now he comes with his own little pony does he cute look - honey it's moving all on its own where did all these things come from the farm is a real mess let's think if you were my dad he accidentally set loose a bunch of honey monsters all over the place what would you do well okay you probably beep all of them up but he probably ran away if you left in a hurry maybe left something for us the fines why is all the honey alive what happened everybody you don't think Coto please tell me they haven't been eaten ah that would be terrible please don't let me be eaten - come along little one if they don't have a character here voiced by Laura Walker Cho I am going to be very disappointed how is the honey moving around I do not know we find a honey soaked boots why would he leave his boot here unless he was eaten or they try to eat him and he got out of his boots and then he ran away the honey man sir and brewmaster treatise volume 1 dad's been carrying a book with him everywhere lately it's just a quest item cannot be read nope alright did somebody play a prank on good ol dad we're depend Oren here by any chance what's the next coffee monsters I mean you already have beer elementals sky's the limit baby a rough map that's what you call a rough map that's the most detailed map of ever seen ingame cool it's that a map hmm there's a red mark near the flower fields mm-hmm okay crystallized honey fragments this looks like a small piece of those things outside look at him go he has a little pony for honey gathering Oh adorable you want to be a parent when you grow up everybody does man except uncle glazier doesn't like it when other people become paladins ooh yeah don't get your hopes up and I'll make you a deal you could become a paladin if I can is on the line a paladin you can have this one if you want that's fine just keeping my son baladi paladin okay wonder if he says that about death noise probably does probably the players clause that he says I want to be a tough night when I grow up cleaning dirty things for getting rid of those things you're welcome right and the final one is a misplaced floss yes you know that's definitely not honey did you find anything else we checked everywhere we checked everywhere well everywhere except the basement but uh dad never told me never to go down there he said it's dark scary and dangerous to go alone I could be eaten by a brie I don't even know what it is but I don't want to be eaten you think you're down there I don't want to be eaten by a brood adder yo is your dad a forsaken cuz this seems to be forsaken laboratory if I've ever seen one what the hell hey what do you think all this stuff is for I wonder what that was working on down here he was developing a plague clearly he was developing a plague look at this [ __ ] it's the bridge right debris has been slain you're welcome the bridge I saw it he didn't make it up I can get a cloak or a ring which is an upgrade yeah the map we found earlier has some rep markings near the flower field do you think go up there look for Dad I'm going to stay here and check out the rest of his stuff I go if you bother I'm sort of allergic to bees excuse me you're allergic to bees okay and I got a sticky boots just in case we find good old video oh we find the other sticky boot all right still you and we got this card a page also slow Journal Oh has not pink affirms and three Wanda honey has come to life but it's replicating at a rate beyond my wildest dreams I must run more tests extra entry to the animated Mead has begun to exhibit signs of aggression perhaps have made a slight miscalculation I've nearly done it the bees are growing and productivity productivity is increasing exponentially I must keep a closer eye on the Queen however what you doing did the bees enslave you that's what's going on there it's about time someone came looking for me aha I'm so sensitive find me huh hey you found my boots too marvelous we got work to do I know I know okay the farm is overrun by living honey and the beaze have grown to massive proportions I'll admit things didn't quite go according to plan but extraordinary advancements and science do not come without some risks I've been up here attempted to reduce aggression in the hive an unfortunate side effect of my miscalculations but I need another favor you're gonna have to kill the hive mother and retrieve her stinger this scientific breakthroughs have made marvelous absolutely marvelous I'm so close to perfecting formula the way the honey grows and crystallizes simply beautiful well as you can see there's also part of my current predicaments maybe you can lend me your hands just fetch some royal jelly from the heightened side oh don't worry about the bees they're sweet gentle things they don't sting much sir dude's been experimental honey experiments gone wrong and now we got to piss off the bees do we okay [Music] uh-oh oh my god to combat animations oh no it it's disgusting oh no that's really disgusting man I don't like bees under sound effects [Applause] okay the hive mother is simply much bigger than the rest of them flight of the bumblebees I've got you your stuff mate do you have it it's incredibly sharp I'm glad you still have both your eyes ha ha ha ha you've got all the jelly yep I got all the jelly made hope you didn't have any problems with to be used no of course not like would you they're totally harmless totally I think I heard someone shouting down yonder there might be trouble let's go and Eureka I'm free did you did you put the Stinger on top of your sword oh I [Music] please let the play part your Sam you want to get out of the crystal I thought I was gone for sure thanks for rescuing me the others are still trapped oh we were running around trying to get the farm in a control to be use oh my goodness the bees the giant monstrosity came out of nowhere started dousing everyone oh honey I came before you to find real mother before I knew what it was covered - and the strange things happened the honey started growing around me please the other farmhands are steel trouble you've got to help them when all the commotion started ensel's pup ran off the poor thing was terrified a couple of farm hands went to look for him but with all these monsters terrorized in a farm afraid of worst cake keep an eye out for the wrecks while you're up in the hills you might have gotten trapped in the honey to the b-team we need to put things in order and the next item on the list is these blasts of when ago is terrorized in a farm we can call the numbers that you to be enough to drive them all five sin 2pi is a superb solution that might be just what we need to solve at the sticky situation toss these bottles Defoe's and our friendly little eye podía should come to help whatever you do please don't spill any on yourself when they go away if the UH nervy house coming from the highlands at night are any indication to windigos most some sort of leader or alpha I tell you it's some sort of sound that could only come from some sort of massive hulking flesh-eating abomination definitely somebody could tear us limb from limb and much on our frail bones mantra frail bones or why about breaking a sweat how exhilarating he will not take my farm they're all drunk of your honey MAME you're welcome it should have been a fisherman uh I was supposed to send angry swarms of bees through these honey crazed mothers let's see how that works then chef's the druid debuff is up our Debbie's not the bees all right come here buddy Frieda farmhands encased in honey just waiting to be eaten that must have been absolutely terrifying and it's the last area for a [ __ ] to open not as far as I'm aware howdy Shammi whoa hey whatever deal here puppy puppy nope it's not a puppy oh the final horns Oh No did you see the look of sheer terror in the faces when they saw to be swarm some marvelous use hamon of rolfe I am using a hamon of wolf I am there dying our day ting-a-ling 118 marvelous slain Aleta how to put some fear into them back to the lab our work here is done well at least until another one of my humble experiments goes horribly awry rapidly spiraling out of control into a chain of reaction of catastrophic failures but let's worry about it another time I'll meet you back at my lab I still need to find a puppy dog oh whatever [Applause] well we had quite the adventure let's try not to do that and it gets at any time soon well Ansel I hope you'll let this serve as a report lesson I said for what it is up to us to push forward the art of honey production no matter the costs what are you talking about you nearly got yourself killed or ruin the entire farm to process ha ha don't worry my dear Enzo it's merely a setback we'll be back up were running a note Sam yeah ok well happened to my puppy questo are you gonna tell me I'm not able to turn it in because I did the other ones earlier there doesn't seem to be what it's supposed to be I came to check out if they fixed any of the bugs at Quest and as you can see you we can clearly talk to muck see now we've got a problem the Tolan found a box and we want its Portola the shell with arms and legs right over there don't let it fool you he's smart and very nosey oh it's poking around collecting old relics trolls and junk we don't want him finding the treasure first okay what's the plan I was thinking electric shocks or fire maybe just blow them up but it's bad luck to kill a little pullin and I don't need any more bad luck so you show me how you would handle this total Tolan I will speak to him very good very good indeed hello mohawk ow I was standing here for a long time then I found this interesting box in the mud the box the box is mine you nosey human I need mutt worms to make my mutt worms soup but the worms is hiding and patience I could wait here a few days maybe we find more boxes you'll find me some mutt worm eats and I'll trade to this box turtle soup turtle soup is not a harvest tasty as human soup just get the mutt worm eats and leave the small turtles alone come visit me someday and we can explore other soup options I'll get the meats all right pleased to meet you don't turtle worm eats four bucks full of treasures you sure you're not a goblin you could say g'day is to get that much meat and I don't want to wait around so we use pop as baits you sent early towards any disturbances you seen a mutt he'll make enough noise to scare any worms out and kill the worms get two meats I'll watch from here often away and early is the stone and robot that we saw in the backgrounds all right come on early I need you to wake up the worms mate right there cute right go eight times up alright so yeah I'm recording this is like the final hall before editing this all into a full playthrough you probably heard me [ __ ] a lot at the start of the video so if you made it this far props to you all in all I do feel like the questing experience in storm song valley is very basic it's a lot of go here click on that killed out with very little variety in between but all of that feedback slash bitching comes with a massive Asterix as yesterday I did my second playthrough address bar and you can definitely tell that they improved to zone a lot it still needs a bit of work in my opinion but they have at least made some efforts to fixing his owns which is a clear indication that obviously on the Alpha right now it is not finished yet right now of course the purpose of alpha is giving feedback I mean this is what we have to work with this is what they gave us the test and we can only give feedback on what they give us so saying that the zone still need work and saying what we do and do not like about the zones it still has value of course it has value but it definitely comes with a Asterix of it's not finished yet it's alpha and sometimes people kind of forget that as well as it's all very subjective what I might like or dislike about requesting experience you personally might find it a lot of fun like this quest line I find boring a ship because I do the same thing eight times in a row I click on the robot he goes intruder alert I get the meat and it's not bad to have fill a question like that every once in a while but when it's all like this it comes a bit of a problem do you have the meats I do look savory this will make nice mud worm soup I wasn't like in this box anyways and I get the mud covered bucks for muck see hmm you're left early behind then a giant worm ate him he's got sentimental monetary value we don't leave anyone behind kill that worm and get ready well then all right Oh early could you come out of the massive were mate we got work to do I also need to find a gustas at some place but I've no idea where it is all right just be guy right here he's got my robot and he's gonna die hello early come here buddy you're okay now we've got monetary sentiment attached to you we will leave no man behind so this area what was it like it's like a town full of bad people only interested in making money even a kid was like oh yeah I want to make money this is pretty much it good you saved early I'm forever grateful you Mun get a net worms stirred up a commotion in the cover caves below the other tight seems pretty excited we better check it out sand nedley's on the way meet us near the cave you have a great day now I'll go first in case there's gold I do like this character though MOX use fun hello Netley hello is the ID inside they found treasure in the caves below us a few years ago I tried to join the ad inside today said it wasn't an inside material that's cruel or harmless heartless enough so I hooked up with moxie and we ended up here at debt wash looking for treasure on our own let's show those on inside they're not the dead flesh material net League Leonard doesn't like being taken advantage of nobodies find that treasure before me let's go I'm gonna keep a close eye on you these other type Raiders think they could just come in and take the first row we've been hunted for months by rights the treasures ours get in there and get our share of it before it's gone by share I mean all of it have a good one hey I did some time it's all to go over to captain of this crew Calico agree he likes to hang back and direct his men from afar I just happened to spot with him across the flats you and I should go through Magicians let us go and do it out we have a bit of a sir is coming out of the floor here oh is that the commotion they were talking about oh and the captain has his own paramount does he oh that's not even a captain I need to kill Olo maybe kill different captain oh is this a PvP area okay you know could you not kill our workers think you could sneak me into the bank of Bareilles maybe we could try oh this is a PvP area some sorts interesting ah there's the captain I think yeah all right Oh friendly Nettie you have Netley have more errand boys all right well trust me mate I'm not like the others with your little cat called Maurice by Maurice he spared my cat oh poor guy all right I need more former cutthroats and two more treasures good day to you I never like this we're cat murderers now all right quest markers are still not really up to snuff but thankfully I remembered very good do you hide inside can't say I'll miss them that's a fewer share less to split now I want every piece of treasure in there you sure that's all of its it wasn't the treasure but it's a nice bonus this is right it's going to settle a lot of Depp's around here shells could sell it as false as you'll see a cut of the profits meet up with shells to get your cut see you later all right after taxes and fees we've got like a very very minor reward will be understandable hey there I saved the special cut of the profits for you off the Texas GU rounds okay so again very basic question go ko go pick up stuff very very basic yeah all right so this was the area where we had to get the Gunpowder out of the rats and I kind of imagined that they were going to explode upon them that's not what they did then I imagine well maybe they'll just drop it that's not what happens so I'm just going to quickly see if we can fix this it doesn't drop it so the last thing I want to try is get it to low health and see if it does anything and it's abandoned this one how are you safe travels maybe I'm supposed to poke him with her stick or something I have no idea you fire damage but I don't really have fire damage so do i I mean that person over there is doing them okay so he's as low he's low health right that person just killed them doesn't really appear today or dropping any gunpowder it gave a little shock though when it died did you see that or was this is random-ass because somebody threw a rock at me hang on beside it again go home no that was just random okay yeah and then this quest line is still either bugged out or you know
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 85,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Stormsong Valley, Battle for Azeroth, World of Warcraft, Alpha, Jaina, Kul Tiras, Alliance, Horde, Quiilboar, Naga, Azshara, Tidesages, Stormsong, Boats, Treasure, Pirates
Id: o-7mpweQzbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 21sec (11841 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 05 2018
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