Tiragarde Sound Full Playthrough - Battle for Azeroth Alpha

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[Music] salia so this is pretty much as far as I understand it the moment you come out of the dungeon this is where you end up in right shodhan you Holy Light animation it's like a cloud culturas must be unified before it can be of any help to the Alliance heal until Asgard house edge vein grows stronger by the day we know that they're crooked but nobody will act without proof the legendary called tearin' fleets is in the care of house north house to the north ha they left on a journey some time ago but the rumor suggests they've been gone too long house crowd more so strong ally in house way crest guardians of the western frontier but they are a few and their lands are lighted oh I don't have Holy Light oh do i I do not so choose your paw from the planning map oh [ __ ] we need to actually plan where we want to go so that's how they send you into the zones the article that US is sick with infighting a corruption gang run rampant while the noble leader squabble for power and influence expose the deadly conspiracy at a storehouse prowl more to its former glory understood let's get to it then a nation divided everything has here changed when Dale and proud war was defeated Jaina must have had a reasons right forgot hammered off raw for you bar right here buddy Radhey Radhey the ash vane Co doesn't know it yet but throwing us into toll the goal what's the biggest mistake they've ever made I swiped this one from one of the guards when I pick me up Flynn takes a pinch of course glittering powder from a small leather pouch and loads it into this pistol go ahead take a shot the bear over there [Music] what was that answer right me it's ash veins dirty secrets that powder adds a little kick doesn't it as rains goons are walking around with a new powder that can blow a galleon clean in half and a militaries no idea we need to find out how much of this powder they've got and where it's going I know Cyrus looks like a crusty barnacles used to be part of POW more old guards seems like everyone over Alice owes him a favor or two maybe you know somebody who can help us track this stuff down pups you saw what a pinch of this powder can do if you have any context close to ash vane now it's the time hmm old buddy of mine works the ferry down by Ashley foundry he might know something but don't go getting yourself caught again Talia I can't always be there to save your sorry butt okay so he goes off we have a quarter to storm it if you need it a bartender bartender do you sell to you Oh banker even zero [ __ ] oh hey there how cool they have a good one those seagulls though okay kind of gonna assume that that's the placeholder statue well Matt Kevin Martin's temporary alliance emissary how may I help catches vendor you're a tall one gnomish net lawn sir all right very well then hello safe travels sir traitor need something huh see you later the way it is laid out right now kind of gives me a private surfer vibe like we'll just dump every MP see what we can find oh snap oh snap it fell through the bridge Oh oh boy oh my god take a ferry from Wilmer Harbor to traitement Harbor or they want us to go to the ash main trading company how are you please don't kick me out of the game for this see you yeah the keeper actually is in the rates we started in the dungeon description reineck you're you're a great help miss you're a great help right there yes please keep doing what you're doing and the house visits it went all right a couple of things that I'm like yeah so yeah so yeah the story with proudmoore and ash vane is a shame spoiler it's up to no good and a couple of fences in the air just saying right then [Music] - vein trading company yeah it's pretty areum um definitely changed from the spooky air from the other one greetings flynn Olive Cagney what do you want normally I wouldn't tell you nothing but I'll spill it for Cyrus as main answer something big hey guys working around the clock in there even brought in some muscle to keep everyone motivated I don't anything about what they're making but I know it ain't passing through here - Bareilles if it were dumb enough to go snooping around in there I'd look at a good themselve see if they got shipping labels but I'm not that dumb so you got to do it the answering companies we're working their people so hard that so hard to even try to strike the company brought in a bunch of goons to break it up and get everyone back to work Hertz they even shot a couple of even shot a couple of guys cool who tried to walk off the job let's see you give them a taste of their own brutality while you're in there and all of what do you want ace Oh what do you say we need to find out how many more of these new weapons Aisling has and where he might be sending them they said they would feed us they said to keep us warm olive runs his sleeve runs the sleeve of her coat across her nose but they were mean and it was really hard work when we tried to wrest the yelled at us I got away when our friends are still in there child labor okay child labor it's a thing send those kits to the western edge of the foundry I'll wait there and make sure nobody tries to snatch them meet me meet me there when you've got some information on those shipments [Music] ciao okay child labor a mama greetings come near as result with Bruno Bruno Bruno to brick what happened to you may can Ania was it you I was taking a message to Perales when my horse took a bit of a spill I think I'll be able to make the rest of the way he wants to pay him I lacked lessons but I'm losing valuable time southport watch has been overtaken in a mutiny and we desperately need backup a man named talus is in charge of the loyal force you should be able to instruct you on how to help okay he got brick Wow yeah I like that it actually has a little bit of kiln a in architecture in there considering its you know original peeps came from gilneas hoc masters all right I've come with a message I already know that there's a mutant need oh yeah look at those animations man that is well good all right hopefully Bareilles forces aren't far behind but time to try make do with what we have most of my men were injured when we were escaping to forts those that weren't were injured holding this position tell us hands you a stack of stained cloth all of you all of our better suppliers are behind those walls so we're forced to make do what we have everything that's not being worn on a soldier's person as we speak has been shredded for use as bandages we don't have the staffing to take care of everyone and out at our place the worst of our injured bandages okay so mutiny take care of the wounded I could do that injured marine they were probably planning this out for months sky heart was out of a routine munition check at the camp when the revolt started right [Music] I took a bullet from a man I considered a friend that I remember him saying something about an upcoming increase in pay I just start to so you're just dumped into it on the money Alfa basically what happens is if you remember the introduction questline the introduction alliance scenario basically you come in out of prison and you come back here as far as I understand it just one of those soldiers scientist all by doing this the Ford is first line of defense for dead sea gates a few days before you take a notice on questionable individuals meeting with a few of the mutineers I should have informed someone yeah you should have maybe you wouldn't have been injured you find mousewheel really handy yeah and our button is wake up ashes pretty much the ashbringer artifact ability I lost a friend I'm a burden immediately once I get back into fighting for the traitor scum will feel my fury I know fern was behind this tell me what you're trying to achieve my gratitude that should help alleviate some of the soldiers pain policy several are things around ever gone from bad to worse the instigator says mutiny is a man named fern he's always shown discontent with how sprout more in his position here but to betray too many works with that seems beyond even my expectations of him they come out and show his mutiny showed this mutiny the mistake of crossing truly loyal Marines the men in the fort were once under my command and so they are now my responsibility each of them should have a badge we use for identifying individuals under certain circumstances I would ask you to bring back a number of these as proof of fit in their ranks these men are no longer soldiers of Bareilles and as such no longer deserve the carried a proud more anchor if Tallis honestly things that offering a few random soldiers is going to force us to give up South what he is in for surprise so often even the reason why we haven't chased out the sorry troops in this camp is simply because we have a more pressing plans bird and his lieutenants facing the watch Cannon Street a Perales as we speak those three are the real driving force of the attack Marine gives you a concerned look as you realize what he sets you are quite an idiot's but I bet you already knew that Skye hard invited me here to see some of these city boys how to train the local Seahawks some my students went inside of a de mutiny for seams these soft Marines have forgotten what the consequence is for betraying a dress for a soldier where's yet they've locked up quite a few of the younger births we were trading I've got my hands full with these Raptors so if you could free a few of the young ones while you're in the port I'd appreciate it sure buddy bye Leonard's I will free your birdies excellent dark hole Jim right let's go into base [Music] come on Leonard to strike dealing 20% of the targets health oh damn all right Leonard take them out go game so let us see what this avenging Roth is all about nice lay on hands there Noble thank you I do try cannae it gives a weird animation on you as a person you'll pay for this young man marine identification badge a badge with an anchor relief the name of the owners cars on the back cool I got a finisher pac-man feels good yeah birdie firmed the turncoat what have you do God what ha ha ha ha what have you done me why are you gotta be your traitorous and stuff it no longer offers the judgment debuff though oh wait yeah us it just oh oh it's actually used up is it interesting now remember you don't have a cloak so you can't do that thing [Applause] [Music] yeah look here take it 25% increase damage and then it's gone huh interesting stablemaster Deana am I supposed to kill you Jana I don't think I'm supposed to kill you quite yet yeah I'm a big fan of retribution parodies nowadays on help them up I quite enjoy them so where's your overlord n oversee your howling you want to see the talons hang on hey we already went through the talents at the start those who do keep that in mind don't want to constantly open up the teller window boy I set two birdies free mate my birds deserve better partners than men who betrayed her own country I ate a Glenn Hrbek yeah okay kind of assumed that Elena was gonna be like a perm above but new targeting a turn code good work that could be enough to help to get the men back into fort and Manning it again uh two hunderd back 200 off hand shield 200 shield so we're gonna go for the back a lesson on trust did you bring me those badges yep they have the names carved in it's a Grimm's house but what needed to be done you're welcome and still wonder where the triple threat is oh well go to the other area okay we finally got some useful information from him and no follow-up question taking care of all of them Roy company enforcer however been liking the new meth graphics you mean the alpha map graphics this is not how it's gonna be in the in the final version oh like this is this is testing map Roy faithful employees oh there she is yo mm model effectively immediately all shifts are doubled we do not ask this of you lightly your heart workers shirts the safety of culturas in these uncertain times regarding increased company presence on sites rest assured they are here for your safety give no rumors of foreign invaders as spies among us we can never be too careful obey their instructions to avoid any unseemly incidents kindly direct inquiries to mr. farting or mr. Williams he'll faithful employees effective melee alright ah that's the old model though it still needs to be implemented you don't belong here ah thank you very much your car yeah you are allegedly marked good inspecting Fran shall do not shake dammit did not assume a text box to pop up oh my god it's a seagull die beasts never again never again oh yeah it's Priscilla hey now although she says the exact same thing as the quest-x so so her first name is Priscilla all right Ezra dusted blade yes he answer is becoming like the currency of the world man a mundane sword with a glimmer of asteroid dust along the blade good for one mighty swing meet thousands of balls of musket shots are bundled carefully inside these crates a preserved foodstuffs can I stack the Ezra buff I cannot oh I'm sorry my bad I did not expect it to be an AoE my dude I'm sorry so around 40% in damage okay but AoE wise though birchen worker ah go back home they said that was gonna feed us but I ain't seen the crust of Bret's insuk up here head down to the water there's a boat waiting to take you to safety I'm going back to school but wait if you were in school why in the world would you if you're rich enough to go to school then why in the world would you start doing slave labor the Cutlass isn't is kraid have a familiar sheen on their blades i guess if your family is hunger then your choices are pretty limited i suppose yeah damn noble you're showing that privilege mate with your five files and gold showing the proof is right there I'm out of here do you have some from eating inspector is it like upstairs [Music] like your weapon there can I have one oh sorry are you shooting with a mini cannon yo what's that gun doe cool no here's the crepe peeling back the wrapping you see the glint of gun meadow within decree howdy everybody hope you're having an good what is it first day yeah its first day right no front yeah damn it all thousand of balls of muskets are bundled inside the crates got a weapon excuse me are you attacking me with a cleaver really now it's Friday from you know yes it just became Friday yes yes child's go home head down to the water I'm out of here hang on let's see what we could do with a bit of a rhythm going me likey yeah me definitely like stir note in here now yeah you want all of them head down to the water thank you you're welcome oh it's inside here is that yeah it is okay cool that will get nerfed to the ground no kin no peloton's do not get nerfed you do not understand paladins only get bucked okay so here's the ruling dude around here doesn't play better now a lot better yeah yeah right got the notes I don't care how you do it I want those forges running day and night the chemists are producing excellent powder you will keep them supplied we were defined as rights or I will find someone who can but keep in mind right like alpha is alpha and class changes go continuously like even when the game is life they'll still add class changes to it all so do keep that in mind when you're valuating one base of course it is a a moment to give B back but what do you have to say suffer no insolence from this suits smeared rebel make examples if you must all that matter is that our clients get their supplies on time suffer right and burned is note after reading it you buffoon nobody likes living under the thumb of a company men like deaths of company men like that they ain't gonna be missed this is what I found out they're up to no good sounds like they're making a ton of stuff and keeping it under wraps that is bad we got some war boots or we got some leg plates I'll take I'll take the leg plate sure then we have small haulers these kits are gonna have a hard enough without being under agitating stuff thank you for getting them out find anything useful I found these two notes most folks working for Ange main trading company don't know how rotten they are or don't have any other choice listen we take time priscilla to better thinkers they wouldn't just put the destination on the crates for us nothing's ever easy is it if these weapons are moving on Krakens ferry they must be passing through British ports the shipping hub just up the road Bridgeport is protected by the garrison of proud War Marines the ash Vinko has a lot of nerve moving illegal weapons right under their noses come on let's go check it out Cacnea get these kits on the ferry back to town Haley I will make sure to get a place in a shelter stranger I'll see you up ahead stranger but we were prison buddies we broke out together remember [Music] how quickly they forget [Music] so here we have a little poor town going on in Z snowy mountains let's get the flight path u-boat and here the sailors say you know having a little bit of a party write what you want Flynn Flynn pretends not to notice you but whispers it's you of course it's her little lifts his collar to hide his face and speaks you under his breath you see that ship I know that ship let's just say her captain and I have a little history it's a smuggling vessel our legal weapons are on there for sure that Mikoto mates and I love these coats we need to find out where it's going how are you in tight with spaces you got any more pieces in town now's the time to do it let me know you're ready to board ship and go wherever the wind takes us oh cool we're gonna be on their boats Mastry is at 43% on this character but of course this is a leveling up character right keep it a matte bridgeport guards don't fly that anchor flag man the hunter of kennings large help-wanted as we turn into the busy season Kenny's large is looking for recreational hunters to assist with fulfilling the ever-growing list of orders from Bareilles these are shorter positions which will be paid relative to performance canons large can be found by following the South Road cause the mining yard for portrait Elana Halton on arrival yay Lachlan lead guide spark whistle an explosive opportunity you there do I have the most amazing opportunity for you a gnome called world peace Breck it is on the eve of a breakthrough it could use an interprets business partner that's one that's on the broad in your side such as a paladin like yourself just follow the road east until we reach a spring resorts the most fantastical wonder of nature will produce the type that stands out from the crowd look at a little sign man look at that little sign and then junior miner Joe sup - Joe it was horrible I was into my nearby just picking away at somebody as ride then it jumped up and bit me in the neck since when can rocks walk around by people I hightailed it out of there but some crazy fools are sticking around trying to take the mind back if you're eager to punch rocks you can find them down a road to the south ready to get to ride on this ship and see what's going oh let's I go I'll follow your leaves remember the key is go on to go anywhere if you don't belong it's just walking like you own the place okay I own this place morning sir are you coming away for now oh you're just fading in and out I'm pretty sure he's gonna come with right I own this place you serve me peasants out of my way completely blending in nobody will notice a palette in here nobody not a shady individual lock my god you might be shady but I'm yours all right we need to hide away in a barrel do we I can do that timetables change boys get your garage to go Oh quick hide oh hi don't hide oh I call the empty barrel you can have the other one oh no okay hide in a barrel fish client's wants the stuff right now we're shoving off oh god my barrel SP in it oh that is just hilarious we must be getting close wait they're here now [Music] Houseman steer us away no you idiots the other way what wait what oh cool what the Frick are you come here siren so you are wind serpent model with a little bit of a watery harpy mixed in nice touch yeah it could very well be the death cinematic is like older sailors are being you know the sirens sing it to damage like broody and only the female captain was able to survive it could be a thing the barrel flame was hiding in lies empty on the beach who prints lead from the Barrow into the muddy tide way to the north it seems we made it ashore pushed on ahead in the distance you hear the faint echoes of the enchanting song yep so enticing so beautiful they've taken a lot of inspiration for bits of freeze sirens that are basically winged merfolk cool Beachcomber Bob hi Beachcomber Bob O'Dare hi there hooter I see the sirens I made another catch you're lucky they have it stripped your bones yet if you need to trade supplies to just warm yourself by the fire there's a camp up that hill behind me everyone air washed up on the ties just like you figure we got some folks from at least four or five shipwrecks now all banded together just trying to survive talk to stabby Jane don't worry about a nickname she's actually reunites right so this is where we left right the Bridgeport's was it here notice the ferry this is where we left so we went here and we somehow ended up here right did you just call Beachcomber Bob Aspen gold boy hello captain I see you've taken you take it two down nice touched over the models like a star completely new but still repurpose something yeah Kirstie slimy wenches they're singing set men's heart afire and their brains of drifts my ships our grounds my cargos lost nothing for it now about the fights slay eight of them come at me Briony hags I'll fly your hides as me new colors oh here we go you received an action enraptured by siren song and he's still fighting me does he actually break out when I release him from her siren yep that's one shanty I want to hear again right on calls three peacekeepers here's hungry Sam hi hungry Sam hi stabby Jane I like your names everybody ah you must be from the latest wreck those them sirens are getting bored about a day ooh I'm Jana was a cell source serving on a merchant vessel before the sirens drag is in these folks fished me out of the Tideway gave me a nickname it'd have been like family ever since they may seem a bit odd but they're good honest people for some of them washing up here was a welcome change from whatever life danger before a chance to start over others are just trying to survive it to the Quebec home this sirens in this tight way of drawing countless ships to their doom wiping them all out would be a boon to all seafaring folk but you can't very well kill all of them only a fool would try to do that the real dangers want are the elders the sisters as they're known bigger smarter and stronger than the younger ones their voices carry far out to sea I'm bringing all the big catches I managed to check the two of them in a den at the northern end at the Tideway but I can't take them down oh sorry can't take them alone even my favorite things it's tough out here pirates deadly monsters hungry Sam seemingly endless battle within digestion nothing says the nerves at ease like an old keepsake something reminds you of home so I'm gonna keep you going ask around the camp find out what folks might have lost out there in the sideways if you could bring any of it back would be a mighty kind gesture me Oh Ida lock it never mind is too small you you'd never find it it's nothing don't worry about it good day to you hi hungry Sam local flavor I'm starving not actually starving like when I first got here but you know emotionally starving I'm gonna any luck with the oysters lately and seaweed soup really upsets my guts Oh eat if I eat any more of that stuff I think the other castaways might actually feed me to the Sharks how about inside lurkers they look pretty juicy bet you could steam those up real nice you get me some how much of a hunter hello sheriff yeah see you around what can I do what is your favorite thing you lost in the wreck Sam is your cook have a good one how that's easy is my lunch books of course never had a bad meal out of that lunch box I miss it dearly friendly Pete's our local innkeeper would you be so kind to make this my home thank you you don't have to punch me why I do you [ __ ] let me alright what is your favorite thing that you lost in the wreck friendly Pete's probably my compass it never let me astray well until we ended up here but it's hardly the compass fault I mean its objects you can't really blame blah blah blah rambling about taking responsibility for own actions for several minutes Roy it's a nice way to get you introduced with the NPC's of the camp though hello handy bill names bill you got anything fixing I'm your man what's your favorite thing is it your hammer I had a toy robot a little wind-up fellow I bought from a gnome back in Perales okay but I mean always like the little guy the robot I mean hang on a second you guys got a flight master wait wait wait a minute you're all telling me that you're stranded in this area right well you have a flight master why don't you ask him if you could take a ride on this Griffon like what the Frick and now this Griffin has been in the game since mop right maybe a different color scheme but right on let's get our questing on shall we flights are expensive though it was surely by now they've been able to get enough money surely they have to sealer curtails shelled and ready to cook a siren that's been charming is he sailor huh you don't even say anything rude Airlines am i right hey I found the compass that was easy CEO for compost despite being crusted in salt and sand it still points true a rare spawn is it anything interesting the foul mouth it's a parrot called foul mouth please tell me his lines are in the game I must know foul mouth come back squawk your mother was a Trog yes he has lines of course he has lines I wish I had two eye patches so I wouldn't have to look at your ugly mug mug Oh foul mouth has heard of my feelings now I don't think he has another line for me sadly all right oh [ __ ] Flynn what do you do ma also just for the records the siren do nots you know as a female you're not immune to them just putting that out there thought it was a nice detail Lin what are you doing man stop praying to the siren oh [ __ ] now she Oh God liusia Thank You Hiro you're welcome you killed the love of my life gave him a broken heart how could you Wow Flynn dude there other fishing to see quite literally you made me go back into a little stopper for Cataclysm hoping to be well good health to you thank you very much dead of dreaming and very happy to hear that your enjoy yourself at a game again oh snap these are just sailors all right wiping away the muck reveals a shining polished surface and well-oiled hinges someone kept this immaculate condition before losing app we need to go into a cave and thing yeah yes we do it's an option to change you eyes a little ways on live servers just curious um I mean this is pretty much the lower setting of what it's alive right and if you're asking like can I add the the thing is to the right yes you can an oppa has been slain by NOPA come here Pappy oak any dark items worse yet I don't believe a lot races are available for making artistic way yeah good work maybe some days these waters will be safe again but keep in mind that basically what happened was we were leveling on life Chet told me like noble there's new stuff in alpha we popped over I asked what so do you wanna see and that's what been doing so far what's this quest about then limiting limiting seaweed a glint of metal catches your eye among to gently bobbing flotsam digging into the tangled seaweed you discover a locket or a simple yet sturdy design opening the lock it reveals a hand-drawn picture of a woman with fiery red bangs her arms around a woman with short cropped albin hair and it's who were proudly displaying warm smiles for the artists ah it's a picture of a girl friends and here's the tin robot winding the small key in the back cause it to dance wildly he looks up at you from a pile of silent corpses I need a drink not bad for a flea-bitten stowaway you're lucky I didn't find you before we run a ground rabbit your guts and scraping off me boots careful about sticking your nose at the edge vain business there's black as they come let's see entrance or just stormy Cove huh Flynn are you okay buddy is your heart hurting uh I was I was like crying let's agree to never speak of this again my head my heart feels like a good hangover and a bad breakup put together on the bright side I think I know where we are and where to ship those edits freeholds it's a free town for free folk the only rule is that there are no rules a lot of guys with PEC Lex and I patches and exotic patches gets a kopetsky my drift oh I need to breathe there's a trail through the hills that will take us there pretty sure I remember the way yeah let's get moving gotta walk off the damn siren which we not yet mate I kind of need to turn on my quest hang on and freehold is the pyro dungeon that we already talked about yeah so this is the entrance into free Hall is there it's a non-active summoning stone is that a new design cool I have not nerve nope I asked Chet what you want to see and which already voted for this area looking for something specific Sam stomach growls audibly shell and ready to cook oh you're a lifesaver hang on just a second I'll cook these up in no time see you later I supply only the finest goods silencing the sisters B by quieting their deadly song you were safe countless lives I can get in some wrists or a ring I'll take a wrists my favorite things we've all lost something in the tights some more than others I didn't think actually find all this stuff we don't have much but there's a little here's a little something for your troubles what's that you got there I gotcha blaming luck it's Debbie Jane is that Jane takes the locket and opens it tenderly tears begin to well upon eyes as she closed it and tucks it away in her jackets thank you you're welcome stabby Jane yeah that's it that's escort Flynn shall we and will I be doing an entire zone well we'll see we'll see where the road takes us yeah the locket sounds like tracer and a girlfriend kind of [Music] flame I'm ready buddy let's go yeah Oh still a bit foggy just need a little drink to clear my head ah that's the spot let's get moving now which way was it wasn't left I don't know no no definitely right [Music] watch yourself some nasty critters out here and a quest up ahead Flynn from Skinner more goof [Music] you're gonna help me fight sore now I guess that's in there what I need a little sip oh just a little sip yeah we're getting close I can feel it you're passing out my dude hey lizards Flynn what are you doing my dude are you seriously gonna walk it to a circle and just pass out is that really what's gonna happen Flynn look I know you got your heart broken but there's no reason to be like this I don't want to die by lizards okay Flynn for the love of God made stop oh [ __ ] lizard oh my god why [Music] whoever invent this glass it's so bad he's gonna go to the quest giver and just drop on the floor isn't he that's what's happening man this was happening and telling you looks familiar we must become Flynn why Flynn I'm gonna let you die I guess I'll just wait oh that's that's actually well done a traveler nobody uses this trail unless they got a death wish the only thing more poisonous than Amero flies are the sour list that eat them all day damn arrow fly toxin is what I'm here for MA I'm a purveyor of speciality Goods and my clients are just dying for more of my powder for more products you bring me two stingers I pay you simple as deaths you can even find them in the solace if you don't mind getting your hands dirty toxic skew stingers I'm sure those are for a totally legitimate purpose I'm sure they are Flynn now you wait buddy you wait over there you've done enough those wondering what's the debuff that he has it is heartbroken or lovesick the science sirens charm still lingers addiction lading is hard over here [ __ ] yeah it's angled Yeah right he's no feet though yeah yes he's a scoundrel yeah yeah I'm coming I'm coming hold your horses come here we went right last time so it must be to the left I think my head's clearing up hang on there oh my god it is an escort that actually waits for you that is amazing all right coming [Music] Carmy Flynn don't you worry about baby it's this Flynn thief I mean we found him in a prism he's apparently been saved a lot of times oh snap oh that is a cool feud oh and that music change with him taking another sip this is a rough town just let me do the talkin this is a rough town for rough people yo that is very nice cool so this is the area how are you today that's all joining how to find it ah there she is free hold you could get anything you want there provider you could pay for its where do you paper gold or steel that is up to you take a look if freehold is a free people sports unlike Perales it has no rules regulations about what vessels are allowed to dock privateers mercenaries even pirates are welcome naturally it's a it's colorful town I've never seen it this busy before something big is going down yeah ash main is providing that with an asteroid may I bet my boots will find more ash main weapons at the Ducks we need to learn who's buying them I've killed gods like that my thing huh ready to head face first into the den of snakes let's split up you investigate the Dark Soul see about getting us into the town papers please all this like work will be for nothing a we can't show Katherine hard proof link in the admin code to the freebooter share in freeholds ash rain might have been careful to encrypt their books but I doubt the duck masters here has any reason to be so secretive check his office and find us something anything they're connected to a vein you see those salty looking guys in Reds those are horde players oh I couldn't resist I couldn't resist you see those salty looking guys in red that's the Ironside crew they're the worst of the worst cutthroat super gans to a man Iren side would be guarding the docks if they didn't stand to gain something lighten their pockets see what kind of hard way they've got once you've proof that the answering company has been selling weapons to these scumbags come fly me up to here with the main gate I've been gone a long time let's hope I still have a few friends inside so yeah they do use the dungeon area outside in the world which I always enjoy because it actually gives you a feeling of yeah I am going through a natural area in the game and this appears to be their introduction quest now what I was actually hoping for was more story line between house-proud more and ash methane but that might just be a thing that's still coming right story so far it's pretty much for dumped in here ash vein is up to no good and we're investigating oh that's your mustache I was like is that your sunglasses that's a mustache right now we're investigating like what are they up to right hello Geraldine ah keep your voice down I'm trying to slack off here to be influencing you ain't seen you before you're mercenary I got some guys and heat roughing up the grits of woman spits through a gap where her front soup should be ever since Harlan started fancying himself in a parole his iron side Guppies been shredding around like they own the place forcing out a cruise to swear loyalty loyalty to Harlan beating on us vodka beating on us but can't defend ourselves okay freehold was never a safe town but at least it was free she runs a Tong along the gap in her teeth bastards hey Rick robbing I'm out here trying to enjoy my break but I ran out of hooch got some grog hidden in the water just off the Ducks stash to the crate side up to some of the rigging do me a favor to fetch it will ya rigging is a bits pretty tangled so you might have to pull in a few lines before you get the right one I'll do it myself but if they see me they're gonna force me back to work unloaded the new weapons and Harley is like the emboss of the dungeon he's like the leader of all these pirates here and he is being enforced by a train it's a watery grave for you that's stuff though that is correct but cheeks we are down to like a hundred and eighty two hundred item level again keg of a dry powder who did even dip me damaged knee hello can we make a big pool boy pool for a little bit oh yes that definitely does damage nice right Ezra Knights cannibal this glittering cannonball stands out from the others you noticed a familiar sheet of ass right across the surface you can't help but notice the nearby cannons conveniently pointed at the ships loaded with stores of entering company weapons use the ends beam cannon to destroy six ang main ko supplies oh so that's why they were broken ships in the dungeon oh I thought that was just you know pirates that couldn't sail oh oh [ __ ] oh boy oh boy oh boy here I go killing again ah there's no map Keira it's still our D alpha my mate so can I pick up multiple at a time I adds Texas to ten oh okay that's better than yeah okay that's definitely better do Katsuki hard at work again of course she is right uh I need one more lighters culturas looks a hostile because the idea is you and that's on both sides as well you pretty much get the zone to become your ally right it's not just handed over to you load it for bear better to destroy these new weapons then to let them fall to the wrong hands right up next talk master Carl morrow take quite a hit buddy you got quite a bit of HP and that's chest hair oh my god Oh - chest hair oh if their belly end up mustache oh my god Mauro Mauro take me here take me now I'm yours forever we got this key unlock the dockmaster strongbox that is in this area and we got the records which say detailed accounts of shipments received from the ash vein company right so we need to bring in these massive Bombers oh there we go that's not thank you very much that you disco welcome everybody another one it's gonna be Deponia right it's got to be pony nope pony was just Pony easy right for everybody just coming in alpha beta sorry battle Fresnel Alpha decided to check out the Alliance side of things I don't know if asthma gold actually checked out the Alpha today this is a brand new sexy built and in the area that we are currently at is Taylor's garde sounds previously we had rusev are now it is tears guard sound for testing and at this area we're dealing with how sprout more guaranteed to swab the poop deck we're dealing with how sprout more and house and Zayn ang brains been supporting the pirate troops because ash vane wants to take over from house-proud war and we're slowly but surely discovering what exactly they've been up to you and trying to stop them geraldine the beatings will continue haha geraldine spits again out of her tooth gap had a coming they did you get my stash I'd its ah there she is good show what do you say to a toast thanks for the help stranger remember to keep the salt out of your britches Flynn what's going on matey good news I think they're gonna let us in bad news we technically have to become pirates to get in right papers please Lady Catherine is as stubborn as a whale shark she won't buy our story without proof detailed accounts of the shipments nice work DC's undeniable proof that Priscilla has been selling weapons to pirates is high treason what have you found I've found cutlasses the end of the blade delivers with a fam me oh you're golden tinge and Horn of has right powder dusky black powder flexible with sparkles just the default Ironside cuts some kind of deal of Angeline bigger birds of a feather and all that I can get a sort oh how cool that's right oh and different colors I kind of just want this weapon because it's so nice and crude but gotta go with it - hi Norma ah we goo nice new weapon freehold used to be open anyone but now it seems the add inside Raiders have declared themselves the owners they're lucky to place down and certainly away anyone who is a part of the crew fortunately they're also hiding but this time don't think about where it came from will pose as new recruits getting gathers information and Rebecca Perales in time for supper ah role models are they alright Cyrus may be salty but he's a day a decent cook disguise yourself was a member of the islands eye traders put that head on you'll be a scurvy sea dog without a hat yeah because this is completely different-looking goods sell the recruiter we've come to volunteer all we need is a pirate hat baby oh he needs a pirate hat Roku oh cool Tortola that actually told fall on his own as well and how he loves Vegas greetings young one I'm a Rocco I traded specialty specialty Goods and exotic wares Iroko poses small wooden cars from a TV shell his bourbon is 100 years old I know because I bought it 100 years ago a man in Freehold is prepared to treat me a rare stroll for this but alas I'm barred from entering it seems this town is not so free anymore if you can catch if you can get in perhaps you could make the trade of my behalf Obie your debts the man you're looking for is named quarantine he shot us upstairs at the south end of town right I suppose so he turned to Perales empty-handed for now meet me there with the scroll and we shall work out your compensation greetings I have come to volunteer alright what he wants we want to join the Ironside Raiders we brother [ __ ] out we brought our own hats you didn't bring your own ass alright get in there reports a parley pit for orientation Oh Blizzard but why hazing he means hazing don't worry we're skipping that part I know a place we can hide out while we get our information oh they're self-aware I hate it when her self-aware how to spend it in feel by the way keep in mind alpha will be alpha so it's very early to say how to spell it in feel before the recent change it felt extremely slow and now it feels alright you know things die you push your buttons feels alright yeah so this is exactly as you go through the dungeon as well so they actually introduce you to what's going on they got hosen in there oh my god do-do-do-do I haven't heard that pirate yet though yeah the first boss of the dungeon I haven't really heard him yell yeah you think he's sleeping in like a crow's nest somewhere freehold barman can I want to fight these guys yo vendor Rick I do mate we've come to hideouts Avast he bloated barnacle we've come for your brie I told you iron type Punk's - uh wait a minute Flynn I fought you we're debts don't tell me actually working for those bootlickers Oh beats pig liquors I suppose it's kind of a long story how about a drink don't worry vadik's a good man I trust him with my life we should check in with Cyrus and say yeah before we go into deep flim pens a note on a scrap of parchment and tucks it into a small career bag this is all of the evidence we've gathered so far lincolni a Swain training company through weapons of piracy and freehold take it to the Rodrigo under rooftop behind it Severn he raises parrots that make great messengers some are even big enough to ride Rico's a few planks short of a poop deck but he's trustworthy pleased to meet you name's van Rycke I've been scraping out of living in Freehold for years Flynn used to be regular back when he's well I should say too much a man's past is his own I'll help the two of you outs but first at the mount that you let me give you a proper freehold welcome a drink goodnight crowds sweet dreams ready race a drink with me a Flynn on the house do you want some ill do you want some milk or do you want a dungeon and our options were with ale with milk but milk in a skull mug and of course we're gonna raise a glass and milk in a skull mug oh my god you actually get it when you want to drink milk and look bad as doing it please tell me - this actually a skull please do so yes it is actually a skull okay neat another like sharing a drink with old friend in a new one that was it yeah oke Oke in-game music was so loud thanks perfect now yeah yeah I was playing the playlist because there was no music in game so therefore interesting symbol ooh which one of you scurvy dogs dug up me precious my treasure was a unit I know it was an adept man still whenever talking about it or maybe it was all Nancy Barney huh yeah you're the one that you want what FET me all Matt them drinks in the first place oh and don't think I forgot about you nup nup I entrust the hosing as far as I could program which I guess is pretty far but several lines are scratched out here someone stole me damn treasurer awesome about the treasure and then find there huh I like these idle animations ma'am [Music] and yes you know everything will be ported to a YouTube what you'll have to speak up I ain't hear so good since the incidents show to post there what do you know about this buried treasure mate ferry ledger no no no no buried treasure scary wetter no buried treasure Oh buried treasure nope don't know nothing about no treasure some guy just Ephraim was bragging about married pleasure the other day doe like anyone wants to hear about out okay sure [Applause] [Music] are you playing hearthstone of course you're playing hearthstone why wouldn't you be I can't attack anyone I want huh well not everybody I suppose the ad inside are true so where's that quest giver aged to perfection right here we have the vault para that everybody desperately wants as their allied race you're nothing up did you did you take the treasure something needs weapons show the poster what do you know about this buried treasure not heard about treasure holes haven't heard about it all cset was buried somewhere sandy who that's helping knob knob get up here and swap these Dukes not helping nothing up that's for sure oh I'll pour nothing up that hose and got to do what I wasn't got to do my friends here you know just a friendly brawl that is the Council of pirates right there as you do the dungeon run oh there's a rare spawn here hang on who's the rare spawn around here freehold bar man you're a rare spawn me let's do it looks like you've had enough you're out of here she says as he showers you with alcohol okay I was expecting more but whatever Nan's barmy what do you know about the treasurer oh yes I remember some bragging about a treasure she'll think about covering it with seaweed just the thought of seaweed makes me sick oh these drunk animations though well done bliss now if you excuse me ah I was gonna take her home ma'am you try and you try when we catch a break uh are you Chris Cooper oh boy Oh made it Rodrigo flew the coop yes yes you can ride the pretties they like it they're good please they like helping do you like helping too maybe you can help me some of the loud men came here fretting me they don't scare me but they make my pretty fly away if you see any of my pretties out there please feed this to them it's my special treats I know it will make them come home and can you send this letter to Bareilles III letter we'll get there false false full speed ahead please yeah fret go deliver my letter you gonna write Fred come here Frette can I ride you oh yes I'm ready fret now Fred go up fret fret there's not flying mate they're slowly falling out of range muttered Ducker go home pretty go home so that's just a dude's keeping their last photo was gonna be the dog but new um got man this town ain't easy finding what you need to find it reminds me a lot of booty Bay there also is like multi-layered [ __ ] everywhere is it up is it down nobody knows nobody knows you dare little pretty go home man greetings Karan's and are you with the errand side I've already I've already paid you people leave me alone oh the Bourbon from the turtle fellow so he's not calling himself and I take it you're not added side loyalist very well hand it over usually this is part where I hand you the scroll and send you on your way sadly friends these are unusual times how's a man expected to run an honest business dealing in highly illegal goods when he I decide Raiders are shaking down good folks like myself I'm prepared to offer you a handsome sum and the scroll for our shared associates if you ripped me off the damnable woman who collects these tributes you should be find her at Harland stable at the bar getting drunk on my gold excuse me miss okay oh you're drunk as well Trixie thorn see oh no nothing special on that one I suppose oh yeah what do you want we are some brine brains scallywag be sullying a good name of the island side Raiders just over there behind a building I'll teach him how to badmouth my crew not how to but just to but I need the killer right so I'm just luring her away it's like a killer in peace all right where's that alien scum who's insulting the at inside Raiders it is I surprised it is I no oh crap I think I need to disable my buff or something do [Music] these outfits look cooler but I wonder where their pirate obsession came from not only did they make like pirates fing ever in hearthstone oh you only get one chance laughs [ __ ] it let's kill her whew all right made it yo yo hold up added in life for me you nearly kill me but haha got lay on hands you'll never bother me I even had a talent once did activate in my bubble automatically yeah yo yo ho you'll never kill pally are you whoo all right now that the bosses update its let's get back to work so the idea that raiders are bringing a various outlaw crews together for a big job using weapons provided by the engineering companies only tells me they're not going fishing we should see if members if the smaller crews are carrying any knows or orders I trust you can handle its I need to lay low and catch up with vendrick if anyone else were to recognize me the odds of them offering a friendly drink are precisely zero that was beautiful the captain of the I detect Raiders Harlan sweet hesitant is tiny head that he's in charge a free whole now he's been forced into smaller crews to pledge his loyalty and littering the whole town with his damn recruiting posters do me a favor and take down any of them posters you find just don't let them catch you doing it or it's a long walk off a short plank if you had justice avenge to be even more unkillable yeah even more powerful imagine the possibilities howdy the obelisk Oh hiding with the elf a good man as luck would have it today I mentioned you know I'm ready for a new I hope for content and what did you know it you alpha content drops oh they didn't like me taking a poster whoops huh best that it lost wait for the big bang they make for land and turned the enemy Kenny Lee cannons arounds didn't work for the Alliance no no no that's what people fought because of sore Fang or well I should say one video made that suggestion and in the course of one stream because I was streaming as that video was released it started off with these people made a video then it started off like an idea then it became a theory and then it became controversy because ooh orcs might join the alliance and like we're really really it was it was amazing to see the seed have a life it was so cool right i affect your birdies you did it so many pretties came back para poop bombing run which is not yet implemented okay so you use your parrots to poop on everybody alright swab this that will teach them yeah a quest where you ride on a parody you poop on everybody classy do you want to make for your home that's right in my home thank you a big job find anything make ready your best swimmer so we need them attach the payload to the targets wait for the big bang to make land and turn enemy kenning surrounds board the enemy patrol vessels and beat dam down they must not fire on the payloads i'll try to make sense of these you've got a help Flynn someone must have recognized Flynn and rented him out a bunch of outside folks dragged him off to the party pit for a special audience with Harlan sweetie to captain Flynn doesn't like to talk about this but he used to captain his own crew with Harlan as his first mates my god the two had a falling out after a messy job and feeling lost all taste booting just disappear one day Harlan took the nasties not the crew informed the idea tied Raiders in other words it's ha that oughta slow them down or at least pissed him off oh my god it's personal for Flynn Flynn hang on buddy I will save you yeah this entire semanas Pirates of the Caribbean might in the dungeon you also try to get a doggie to get the key and get somebody out you actually did its color me impressed what a my friend well done indeed you see that dusty crate in the corner of the room you'll find it contains this ancient straw and a generous purse of gold as we agreed please take your reward you've certainly earned it that crate is gonna eat me as a nap oh my god I am so surprised it's a pity the turtle fellow didn't come here himself his shower to fetch the high price uh uh well I suppose there's nothing left for me or freeholds goodnight you know I thank you for joining her well for as your head clears up you see you go pieces scattered about the room well that's kind of him Carlton escaped or oco-2 Total Immersion who set up this deal in the first place you wanna know what happens when he spoke last Arabic I said it would be heading to borealis Harbor almost to a new level hell yeah Finn are you okay that's it boys work him over good oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no I wanted to check out the area first go back to hitting Finn I want to see the big boss run trying to mate they're not really letting me where did sweetie go are you sure sweetie was here just a second ago I know yes sweetie Hey [Music] look at that man look at him gloating look at that proud for zosh oh my god it's a dream come true all right the party Pat let's try it again shall we come on man all right Flynn what I mean guys beating you up buddy what'd I do a couple of mutinous rats why don't we let's mmm the dice decide but your dice are loaded this folk made oops bad luck for you carve them up the only one little hozen and steal both standing yeah fine not around bring a [ __ ] rolls two treasures and a compass well no no no that's all wrong rerolls to a cannon and two skulls Oh God that's better did I mention I don't play fair ha ha ha ha ha a buddy Flynn is being toasted over there these dices are cursed just get in there he dumps out an entire bag of dice revealing mostly treasures enough you're too late anyway our tackle daylon's gate has already begun the prowl more certain for and when lady Ashe main takes the throne all come on her fleets then pause and gold whoever brings me their heads Flynn we gotta go buddy we gotta go Flynn hold on I'll see if you Flynn hey what about me oh but say well that's not fair that's not fair I'm sorry I came as fast as I could so our message reach them and actually save their butts we can get some new leg plates all still very much placeholder or a girl we're gonna go for a girdle daylan's gate has protected a sovereign channel for decades if it falls the pirate fleet can seal straight into taylors guard sounds the Marines at vigil he'll we'll need whatever help they can get I could take you as far as Southwind ferry station from there travel west along the old trust road tooth marks card from the chests then the lock appears to be not open scraps of birla caught on the hinges suggest that the bag was torn out of the chest the sand around it just discovered a paw prints track down a treasure oh goody it's another proof quest yay dirty diamonds found the diamond must have been among a misty mysterious outlaws cache of dried meats and other treasures you carefully remove it from the dog poo blizzard why Blizzard why right flight to south wind ferry dock yes please so much [Laughter] yeah sure why not oh why not let's roll with it row your birds gently fruitier oh my god there's a gnome as a farrier but it's must this kind of fair all right oh no oh it's you oh god no Tech has begun has a nap now that's a view doh just get that untextured Beach out of there and bam look it out it's beautiful it's beautiful but the town is kind of burning can a brawler strikes the town igniting the tall house in the distance people are evacuating mama it's loud I'm scared just keep walking sweetie don't look back oh really evacuating now the ferry is just around bends there's a shelter and piranhas waiting to take you in daylan's gate has fallen how could this happen scratchy calm down I helped build that gate with my own hands usually the finest steel from the way crest mines it just came apart like paper oh god they have a bucket line going on really look at the Tabard by the way what is that oh you just got a flame on your tab or two yeah look I don't know I don't want to tell you how to do your business but wouldn't it be better to get a couple of mages here instead of throwing buckets yeah okay greetings fire marshal Jill right fire marshal I am I have a suggestion on how to do better I have a suggestion here to help all right well listen up every breath we spend chatting could be a live loss a desperate defense the soldier garrison here are doing the best to hold out but they're struggling pirates have and dare detective skating years and never such a large force if you're handy in the fights Lieutenant Erin Ford would want to meet you he's organized militia just up the paw behind me was the broke through the gate those pirates put the torch to everything they couldn't steal I saw those little [ __ ] look at creatures throwing flasks of liquid that burst into flames well I'm authorizing a controlled burn the invaders landed a ship at the southwest end of town are loading it for plundered goods get one of those flowers can burn the sails before it can get away Meredith what's up my parents sets that we have to go but I won't leave scratchy behind she's so gentle and precious and pure and kind of soft and cuddly she must be so scared up there on the balcony please help her climb the burning house and rescue to puppy oh god no morale I was not even a puppy it's a cat hardcore parkour man there we go now I can't click it on like this I kind of like that doll okay so we go around the corner and yes we can indeed click on it right now okay so that you won't you get on the stomp down the first ring get around it [Music] click on it and release all right Scratchy come along Wow your dick not even worth that mattered if we can't leave scratchy there yeah isn't he just sweetest most perfect cat ever now thank you you're welcome come on Scratchy let's go aye that's great what a catastrophe the crest is broken whoa Oh bad jokes hurt me to my soul but they're also with the lights all right he's just a random Gav mmm have you got a mammoth mount that may or may not help is an idea one of my thoughts and they're being new old guards at the moment it appears that Cahoon is an experiment gone wrong so an old God accidentally created if he is an old God at all it also be just the blood guard and my take on it is even worst case scenario and it was part of the old guards way back when I'd rather Blizzard to be creative rather than feel themselves constricted to the chronicles yeah that's my take on it hmm okay so scratchy is gonna die that's okay we're gonna rain down some hell upon the looters on this cannon that is very well positioned our looters die how many old coats do we know who are alive in debt we do know that sewer debt that we know the old gods that we know of our cocoon Joxer on is off in Yashiro ash the one old cut that we know for certain is death that is hot yeah - and what it took to kill it was dragging it out of the worlds which created such a massive wounds depth Wow they created the well of eternity over its affiliates then little bits and pieces fell back onto the planet and then it took Garrosh to reinvigorate the hearts absorb all of its power and us to beat the [ __ ] out of Garrosh before that old God was completely defeated in the case of yuk sure Annika foon it's still a little bit up in the air I've always been off the impression that we just pushed their physical manifestation back into their prisons and not actually killed them part of that is because we see actual influences at the start of Legion we've seen C'thun and Walker of comics still very much whispering and stuff light up and then Zoff has only really played a role behind the curtains not really showed up in game yet harsh thought was actually the first time that they showed a picture of him and now we have goo hoon which may or may not be an old God so there is that I need to burn their seals probably you could message her all right they're working all right that was burns they destroyed the main gun then it's time to advance on first wow it's a lot of quest nice work on the cannons the enemy is shell-shocked and now we take the fight to them our Marines and the militia are ready to fight get in there and tip the odds in their favor cease fire the enemy has turned our forward cannons around on us scuttle the equipment to stop the bombardments and for cultists listen I'll be frank with you we're not at full strength here many of our soldiers recently left for Perales on new orders it's like they knew just when to hit us but we're going to hit back every able-bodied man and woman in town I stepped up to mount the defendants take this battle standard and remind them what they're fighting for right banner here you go feel empowered [Applause] no don't reload don't reload damn you yeah twitches a little bit bonkers I suppose excuse me could you stop shooting with your floating cannon thank you kindly much appreciate it already empowered you guys right but I can do it in 15 seconds again okay let's inspire some people and then we're done DDD go get em team you've got this like we've been through this area right but we still request here chasing the leader and only first of all eight in the war like this just far right so we've done about half of the zone it appears Christ it's not even going for the side where's the liner oh boy do we know what's our Frank did when he went to meet and win we don't know for certain I would say talk about honor and actions evening the odds damn fine work I'm going to see to it that you receive a commendation of Valor in bad old she's fired up under cannons could strike fear or inspire hope depending on which end you're standing it fills my heart with pride to hear the battle cry ring out across the fields we can get some boots or we can get a shield the shield looks like [ __ ] and boots looked like this right defenders daylon's gate we got four more storylines to go through essence about valiant work soldier you turned out to be worth your salt after all I need to bring a status report back to HQ Dana's Gators lost were evacuating borealis to brace for possible contact with enemy vessels this missed speak battalion in Bareilles I could do now sure buddy I'll be your messenger boy you're checking out Sewell desired kind of depends on how today is gonna go and how much more we have to cover in this area but if we finish up the aligns own I am more than happy to go over into as well as I yeah I've seen some people get really excited about suicide so this is the main city I take it nope nope just the passing through town [Music] having fun hanging abouts ha album comps is hanging with him okay sure I know they're having a seagull party oh she's actually trying to get rid of the seagulls huh cute good sleep I hope sleep was alright I I could have injured more of them but I got a call this morning about a house that I applied for but unfortunately already sold the house sooo they were like well we'll call you if the sale doesn't go through them like go thanks for waking me up though yeah it's definitely looks like a port now I do imagine that to go to change these statues that these are kind of like placeholders because these are the statues that we also see at the tomb of Sargeras all right in this gate it reminds me so much of Warcraft 3 where Janus father shows up a pharaoh more it is pretty cool I kind of feel like I should have just taken the flip off as I think that's what we were doing yesterday and then the server's kicked us out but hey at least we get to see a little bit more - sound this way tight sage doom speaker tell me all about - doom you don't have dialogue yet that's the disappointment [Music] this ground looks weird man right let us dive into it the gate has fallen Oh No that makes the situation here much much worse [Music] okay um prepare for trouble I kind of want to see what that question is all about like I have more quest to do but I kinda expected the quest lines just dude it just send me back where I came from without dialogue alright get into that land maybe we'll meet the B folks that'd be fun is that seriously one's own yes this is one's own but then again we all we also have like three zones total right on each side we were able to solo old content with a stat squish in better for Azeroth I do not know boss the trees have come for their revenge they're attacking us left and right I'm sick of these excuses trees don't come to life get back to work mayor Maynard Elgar scences president of the Elgar salaam how are you my workers are always coming up with excuses to not work I've got the flu my vibes having a baby caught off my finger a bunch of Belly acres this lot let me tell your thing about my employees they're always blowing things out of proportion I gave them a good job and we're steady wage about today do they try to make excuses as to why they can't work they say the trees have come alive trees walking or fighting if you're going to lie at least make it more believable if they want to convince me I'm going to need cold hard proof and damn my employees say they were on the detect they say our workers are falling to beasts and men made of wood I say we're losing precious inventory you know how many company issued X's must be getting dropped out there that's the waste of my hard-earned money going to need to get that good one good so about the money so about the dumb dumb Benjamin aalverson I'm going to assume his son can I do for you yep my father can be quite harsh on his workers he holds himself up in his office not leaving to go home until late at night this business is all he thinks about but he cannot see what's in front of this very nose his workers are truly in danger but he will never believe them I must try to talk some sense into him can you free others that are trapped as I am I will speak to my father on their behalf see you around I'm going to go check on the workers in the woods if we're in danger here I worry about their safety oh yeah we got the fight Wickham and again yay Wickerman I missed you guys so these enemies are also what you see in the spar like pretty much all that you see in the reservoir and he's Wicca men are created with dark magics animated to life and all that insane lumberjack I'm used to chopping wood but the woot a normally fired him back wooden torn skull you cannot quite sail with what ends in bone begins so the question becomes why are these guys invading right now are there even evil witches in this area and I so need to get used to getting getting a hammer of ralph again man it's been a while I'm used to chopping wood but word ain't normally fighting back [Music] this X was made to chop and let's what it do one of these days these X are gonna chop all over you is the new holy light animation I believe so yes I'm used to chopping wood bla bla bla so he got like a dark effigy in the middle of town it might explain why door under attack doesn't explain who do maybe I'm wrong about out that's a good idea actually the trees have come to life every man for himself right and who is here al Gerson is tearing down the forests we cannot let him continue his abusive nature was it you oh my god [Music] I mean I didn't even want to sleep tonight hey there deforestation is wrong animals are losing their habitats to Elgar since greed we must save them give a damn these loggers are destroying the forests in Harbin a wildlife beavers need this wood for the dams but have had to resort to scrounging for scraps it's not safe for them anymore please help me chase them back to the safety of the water oh no oh it's another shoe quest please don't suck I think you found a witch I think you're right Gerson destroys the forest that leaves nothing remaining it is up to us to take care of Azeroth to help her live and grow as she was meant to take these seeds find the soil that calls for them and help our planets recapture her grace are you around we need to shoot him back to the water where the hell is the water anyways there okay doesn't suck doesn't suck okay beavers have been shooed okay that quest wasn't too bad I thought it was gonna be another one of those escort them to the spa like the little owl kittens God that one sucks oh that sucks hello hello hurray now to be which will be safe from the Lumberjacks and the spiders elgar since greed may have hurt his land but it could still be saying you have a good one now spiders are taken in the woods we can't chop trees when we're being killed boss you're scared of spiders just squish them onto your foot good day to you Roy it's maximizing resources I give them an honest job just the thanks that gets we give him the would adorn skulls you cannot quite tell what about ends and a bone begins Elgar's and examines the skull now this this is something why my work is running they should be harvesting we should make a killing with these I spent my own money to get these workers to supplies they need and then just go ahead and lose them how much more generous must I be etched into the wood is a cereal of a series of names each scratched out and replaced by the subsequent one perhaps the cost of the egg should come out of their paychecks from now on my son is far too soft-hearted he needs to harden up he's going to run this business one day we can get a one-handed mace a two-handed mace or a one hand it makes again so yeah we'll do the two Hanna base I kind of like to soar better well you know it's all about the deeps my son when we're chasing our workers into the woods once again that boys too soft-hearted no matter what I do he won't ever be strong enough to take over the family business I demand he come back this instant he's getting he's got better ways to spend his time to going on wild-goose chases for our employee safe travels this guy's really he's CEO Yemen this guy knows what's up right so let's find his mutilated corpse them and then perhaps daddy's heart will melts oh not that hello bang your men you need something father is blind in his pursuit of success if you won't listen to our employees I must no wonder our works are terrified to go into these woods generally to be the Bears and the spiders stay out of the way of humans but these are no ordinary Beast slaughter would be furious if productivity came to a halt please call these beasts and its rich could be safe on the go I'm not surprised some of the workers stayed in the woods even amidst the beasts while he won't admit it some of father's work socially dedicated and now to trap him by the spiders perhaps they have information about what is going on here freedom from the webbings and see what they know pest prevention these woods have never been so densely lead--or aspire to X if these are recent they must also be corrupted we cannot allow them to hatch into more of the Caressa spiders while your Underwood's destroy those X any more spiders could lead to an uncontainable infestation see you later I didn't get a B welcome when i supped Oh Frankie Frankie welcome yeah sometimes especially when we do like the alpha stream sometimes I miss the notifications like normal streams I have notifications on and like a camera on my face you know but these I'm recording for YouTube and I imagine that if we're in like a very exciting part right and it won't for suddenly it's like good news everyone I don't think it makes for the best viewing entertainment become little spiders oh come on buddy come on out how it could be expected to keep working in these conditions get back to work that's my time you're wasting I didn't buy you four dollars all he wants is money but we got pretty good problems here hello I've seen her to which every once in a while she comes down to the cave checking on her pants I've never seen a spider so large they broke but I laid all of these X and they're hatching into more possessed beasts she pets pets or spell cursing all of the animals in these woods to follow her come on in the tech us take her out and perhaps the infestation will safe travels right on looks like you clear the path if you could kill take out that spider you're gonna help a lot of people let's be careful what to believe from data mining stuff yeah yeah as well as you know it is alpha you know giving feedback is fine but losing your freaking minds over stuff not so much it makes no sense to me to of all people bein a sour fang will be for birding I'll tell this he'll kind of depends on a motivation I suppose like sour Fang and even Bane or all for the Horde right and if they believe to tell the seal if there's a reason to burn out tell the seals that secures the future of the Horde I could see them going down but again we don't know the details of the entire burning right for all we know it's it's an accident answer I'd gone wrong for all we know it's Malfurion doing a desperate counter-attack we do not know at this point so it's very hard to actually give you know speculation on it we've despite a make sure I've defeated the flow of curse spider should slow if not stop completely right so we need one more lumberjack and one more bear there's a witch in these woods and she's angry I quit I mean I can't imagine the Night Elves living in under City and I also think under cities gonna be played in such a way that it's no longer inhabitable someone suggested remain at the worgen take Quebec illness and that they could live there like a reverse of what the Night Elves did for the billions I think that's pretty awesome I think that's a really cool idea but hey it's a motel right hey there hello incident reports I have never seen beasts so soulless it is as if they're under some sort of spell a witch this is all because of a witch thanks for that I think you got some spider a group while your cloak Oh H I I would love to help you truly I would but uh I must report to my father why don't you go and stop the witch herself a brave adventurer like you it should be no problem I'm sure my father will reward you greatly the witch who is sending our means to protect the elders and that's gonna be the lady we helped out right I need to get out there I'll tell my father surely that's the lady that we helped out previously Witch of the woods ah so Maynard sends his goons to solve his problems he always does well come on goon I will take care of you as I did the others my husband's exploitation of his workers will never hand out wait what you're his wife okay did not see that one coming my husband's exploitation of his workers will never end right but to last lucky it's to my dearest Petula I will make a life for us soon you shall want for nothing love your manor house oh it wasn't lady I we helped out neat twin hearted constructs lady Morticia and guy is Duffy and their souls are being absorbed by the twin hearted constructs chap what our lady Morticia and guys Duffy reference to what's what have we become I was told we could be together this way she promised s-- uh is a ders family Beetlejuice Morticia and Gomez Addams Gaia's Duffy is Gomez Addams okay how are you my son told me about the witch I've come up here to take care of her if you want something done right you need to do it yourself I ready took care of your wife Mae Maynard studies the luck it's that ungrateful woman see you later I wasn't always the president of a successful Lumber Company you know I came from nothing I started this business to support my wife and her family my work is my life forget Pachulia forget Benjamin this is my legacy for her to turn to witch trials to exact revenge upon me I don't care that she's dead one fewer person to get in my way oh [Music] yeah what's going on Aaron yep this zone also has those witches dark magic what can dark druid ism' I think it is a few days ago a band of allies these searches that oh no oh no oh oh no they're here they're here a few days ago a band of lions researches that call themselves the Explorers League took contingents of cult tieran soldiers to the old rust ruins down the road we haven't really heard from them since and I'm growing a bit concerns I can't leave my post so okay check up on a team for the Alliance and I my you as a member of our community so thank you for all you do Oh Thank You Reaper and we have had a fort inspector formal invitation to a murder whom ever receives this invitation you were currently invited to the 15th annual Norrington Equus trien and hunt fest of all people of all walks of life from a cross-cultural shall gather to delight in life's greatest competitions equal to the museum and hunting while meeting those of like minds have fine taste this hunting event shall start first led by Abby Watkins of [ __ ] in Fox Hollow woods worth a difficult man they should be followed by equestrian events at the Normanton estates we hope to see you there posthaste so they're having a [ __ ] Sun is what I get her right who is all excited for free tournaments I'm mildly excited curious what it's all about right by a breaker expedition here we go hello drew Greene el whisker and junior excavators and where's brand where is brand what have you done with bran know the kuphulu temple is in the other zone okay we might have a wee problem on our hands because of course do the locals and the league have been working together to reclaim relics in this here cave up the hill but it seems that we've angered two previous residents I think the Marines could keep the expedition safe here now but I don't know how long we can keep it up we need to help before things go south find archaeologists fire breaker the leader of our expedition she ran back into the cave for something or another something set off a trap in a cave and then the ruins themselves came to life I expected most of her lands still in that cave most of our lands still in a cave are any fighting form go and save them what do you want we left the man behind in those caves officer Redfin the leader of our detachment distracted a large construct as we escaped the injured guard attempts to sit up only to lay back down in a fit of coughs please hurry insistent paladin he's too good of a man to lose something like this I we took that Stech cold and ever since we've been cursed our good mornings kept fish yeah Medi lots to do that's the CA [Music] so these ancient protectors also the ones that we saw in trust bar which makes sense these are dress for ruins but I wonder what exactly they excavated out air might explain why we see the same druidic magic to fix your mess my mess I believe you would want to set off your insufferable hip yeah wow that was my shin ha ha ha you're lucky I can't kick any higher don't deny it you set off the trap right you guys stop fighting the remains of previous trespassers also rose when we set off the main trap krinkle fuse here has been demanding that I help them and while I can't say I'm too familiar returning the weave turning the undead I believe I've found a solution I've modified my staff to remove their curse take it and see if you can't help them and birch and I are helping out the expedition with fueled studies I'm not much of a fighter but I can't make another mistake they might demote me could you recover some of the relics we packed up at the boxes around the cave sure can you two now play nice yeah save yourself or you'll be cursed like we are and we got a little floating box oh [ __ ] now I'm cursed increases damage take about 15 percents why does everyone automatically assume I know tailoring and cooking oh it can actually do different things as well like reate an electricity field I came here to try and reclaim as many relics as possible sneaker game was easy but I worried about things noticing me while I pack up mind watching my back while I got my relic stored in a safe place in my bag sure it's the avatar so for most valuable firings will I buy into this great watch my back paladin well I secure as much as possible mother a genuine crack effuse prototype what a waste of metal no space for trash though I wonder why the bug is in I think it's because the armor that's the character is wearing there isn't available in-game yeah I was wondering maybe it's because it's the Dark Iron dwarves model above it doesn't appear to be that way this collection of bones must be courtesy of birch give it a teeth marks on them I finally reached the actual relics now that all of the additions are out of the way it should be too long is the necklace more than just a stat stick by now what do you mean left for oh you mean oh you mean the heart of Azeroth two seconds gonna finish up this question we'll check it out almost finished and done thanks for the assistance you're welcome and now everything worth our attention should be stored in my bag many things did we get a bunch of as rice for wrap I can make my own way outs be careful you two art of Azeroth just leveled up to level two still just pure stats no system in place as far as I could tell Roy we still need the officer now I don't think they want us to jump down to waterfall so where could the officer be high here we go dance quick oh it's the mill human dance right gotcha does that's facial expression though awesome mmm isn't bu I'm for a heart gonna be on the gear not the neck itself I don't think it was any plans to give some neck at UI elements all right I have no idea to be honest what that makes definitely make sense it's a bit related to heart of Azeroth gear officer red fan is fighting awakened Guardian hang on Captain almost there one or two or Beaufort just one uh one on each side so we have I think son the lounge open on the horse side and here we have what should we call that t regard sounds which I was really excited about I thought was gonna be like massive intrigue between house-proud Moore and house and Shane but either the questline just died or yeah thank you paladin I'll speak with you some what's somewhere safer you're welcome dude oh [ __ ] I needed some free to curse Raiders didn't I oh come here little buddy that'd be free yeah yeah and by freeing them they mean make an army out of them go no don't hit him he's gotta be free like you as well like no double is mine oh man you cannot join our party no Steeler Lutz go away did you find enough relics yes I did I can't wait to see what sort of power I could squeeze out of these if you try not to stop yet I did another victory for druid magic this stuff is much more effective than any of cranked afew sketch it's an opening I'll race you out birch bet you can't catch me even if you're powered up wait I'm not a dog and I'm surprised you can even run with those stubby legs of yours I was certain you just roll down any general incline hahaha oh and I kept my breath I'm so gonna kick you in the shins for that hello officer your impeccable timing saved my life thank you 208 208 I'll take the gauntlets thank you kindly I've fought our spirits before before but never actual ruins themselves and that's all about all I could drag out by myself I'm just glad she managed to drag yourself out what's Explorer about a little danger didn't even get a scratch or maybe she is a dark item I don't know but it looks cool called tearin' hunters all right we were invited to the party wasn't I weren't we Caleb buff Aaron are you Robert Baratheon a year ago I lost my daughter to the largest boar in the forest I have tracked him since trading blows back and forth but this time let's just say I don't have much time left all I wish for is vengeance please pellet in a venture so that my soul can leave this plane and join my daughter wherever she might be okay oh so that's why you had Spears in your body got you how did you see you checking out the new zones on the alphabet mates oh hello I was gonna say alpha beta me that didn't work out checking out the Alliance zone that they just released it is called t regard sounds so there are no flight monsters there are flight masters even though even on the flight Mouse as you'll find NPCs helping you row but they're also fairies yeah and on something I haven't checked it out yeah right Caleb I did the thing mate Kayla's body is lifeless still warm his wounds claims him while you were gone his face seems content as though he knew you would finish the job right Abby Watkins welcome traveler care to join the Huns its rigor mortis hahaha one of the greatest hunting sports amongst the nobles of paralysis this stout hunt it's a sport of determination patience and skill do you think you can rise to the challenge stoats our agile sneaky a sharp there next to impossible to catch out in the forest so do best way to find one it's to find its burrow and scare doubts but a burrow is I'm bringing back their pals their first softer much-loved amongst the nobles [Music] joys poppy Herald Beckett's Herald Gazoo an odd an element of danger these Nobles really think killing weasels is the mark of a good hunter ha you ain't hunting if there isn't a bit of danger involved there are boars in the woods that's more our speed our mountains why don't you kill some of those then bring me their tusks as proof plot twist he's the head inside up in the mountains we know the value of a good hunting companion we use Boas to shoot down a flying parade and retrievers go and bring us a kill you want to take a shot Nicoll can't accompany you shoot down someone of how consider words my dog will finish the job [Music] Eddie turn with your leg not your hands I am I am what's doing Eddie Papa says that I could participate in the celebrations year there finally let me have a go Malaysia Kenny Eddie Norrington I'm sure that these are like massive references that I should easily pick up on but yeah it's a rare here it is called troll under the bridge oh my god it is a troll under a bridge and it's a human with its raw mask Eamon he'll be crossing a bridge man Peter troll toll man or you be paying in blood man argh I thought my plan was foolproof mom you're an idiot my dude which reference troll and a bridge all right there you go so this appears to be oh wait I'm not supposed to kill those oh crap oh yes I am we're kidding the wee little babies that's no hunting and we need to shoot those down yeah the little puppy gets the pollutes oh that Bert was still alive by the way Nichols tours The Raven in his little pack have you collected enough stowed pelts I have the softest fur you've ever felt not only well these pelts please the nobles they also prove your worth as a hunter I bet they do I'll go to the let carts sure yeah you there an element of danger boars actually prevent some semblance of challenge to the hunter a trophy or forward if you kill that's out already love no deaths what I'm talking about there's nothing like manna beasts working together for a clean hunts all right Eddie keep hotshot calm he's okay he's okay there's no need to aah addy bye Eddie yeah he's dead Melissa you let him die lord Norrington Daman did I take Eddie out riding in the woods but I knew it was too soon I just knew it's we've got to go find him meet me across the river let's get going put out no lord Norrington will have my head if something happens to his son oh I thought it was actually a big cliff from which he fell down okay did you find a clue did he run into enemy territory yeah how could this get any worse the Troggs have captured Eddie and he's in there the place is full of frogs my life is my life is equestrian I'm not a fighter I could maybe take a truck or two but not a whole tribe please go in too miss fault miss Falk left and see if you can find Eddie door normanton should be would be furious if something happened to him and nobody wants to bear witness to that drugs are base creatures they barely have any brain process living mostly on survival instinct alone they are pests through and through Andy be dealt with too few of them there are better [Music] they're called rough stone bullies who I hate bullies the Pittock sand and cool cats face that kid kicks and and cool cats face oh [ __ ] more quests more quests more quests there will never be an end to these quests and they got little chef hats aw now as they're cooking a massive stone hot shot's you find the still warm corpse of Edie's Pony hot shot's crumbs lead up the hill it seems Eddie left a trail ah poor hotshot on the surface of Rock you find carvings of what you make out to be ingredients if you find ingredients perhaps you can make the trunk soup for yourself Stone Soup yum-yum and it traps Sarala whisk sorrow Liske you cautiously approached sorrel is tied to a post it doesn't snap at you but looks at you with defeat in his eyes the truck simply keep it nice our risk against their will they should be freed before the abuse further thank you combat I need it out [Music] what is that oh just bones is that can I go up there connect climb there's no economic all right yes yes bag of horse treats phones oh did actually a dialog attached to it but it all to me he went away it probably said something about the kit is this way I'm back here he has two key please help me boy make yummy treats Hemet overall doesn't be generate wholly powered as well as judgments where as judgment that changes as well that on life the debuff stays on for the duration you need to make sure that judgment is on on the target of the ways right now if you use the holy ability the judgments increased debuff actually disappears all right buddy I've got Ricky come on out now I am indeed here to save you Eddie Norrington are you here to save me yes it's a rock it's a rock you save me those frogs are really scary it it took off stop and drag with you wreck em it's safe to go out frogs are really scary I think we can make it some Alyssa if you clear me a path thank you so much for saving me don't think I actually cleared a path though Eddie how you fade out okay it's gonna say I'm gonna laugh my ass off we actually died but knew no didn't happen soup stone very important you need to have your soup stone in the soup smooth cover Tomas and dirts perfect for soup blood of course I need a stirring bone is that around the kettle yes it is there we go this is a stirring bone the flavor of the soup doesn't seem quite right it must be missing ingredients maybe it's the best you don't know the perfect link to stir the soup adds a bit of crunch smooth and covered with moss the soup is somehow taken on a somewhat floral quality it feels well-balanced on the tongue it goes out very smoothly it is maybe in fact the most delicious cuisine you ever tasted it right troublesome troglodytes fewer Trog means fewer of our people getting attacked trucks training sour lists sour lists to be ridden seems they've learned from watching us after all it's better to freedom I don't particularly want to imagine what would happen if the talk probably successful in a new riding endeavors Lord Norrington will want to say thank you for saving us on himself why don't you come to the States preparing for a festival and everybody's welcome we'll go ahead and tell them a waters happens see there all right Eddie I think riding lessons we could see you on the estate for now I think that's fair what if you miss so far not much reineck I've completed the like I've reported back to where we ended last night right and then the follow-up question I didn't pop up so I figured well maybe it's the cat quests so I lurked around a cat quest for a little bit then I helped out the Explorers League dad has been doing stuff and that's about it there's actually a Harold's telling you that you walk through the gates what the actual Frick [Music] [Music] yo greetings lords and gora Layton this place looks awesome what's oh I was looking at it wrong it's like the dark and fair targets right having a little festival are they meet those ponies though damn [Music] so yes quite right to submit a noble scatter and are having a little party you know and we are invited mm-hmm quite right the nobles maybe a bit uppity for my taste but you can't help but like Normanton okay Norwegian is evil Ari's era roids Lord Norrington I saved your son your debt he rode here to save my son from the Troggs oh you're very welcome I states you must write regale me with your tales of your gallant rescue a girdle to 208 yes sir welcome to the Norwegian a Christian festival we're still setting up but you must participate in the festivities I won't have it any other way okay my dear friends I do hope you enjoy the festival I felt every year to bring riders in from all over call to us together for a grand celebration of the sports in fact you deserves all nine yards please sturdy estate at your leisure and partake in the delicious foods and drinks introduce yourself to the people I insist yeah it's like a dark and fair party up in there [Music] oh snap oh snap a to Cooper oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to steal your [ __ ] I'm sorry Cooper oh boy right this is where we take care of all of our horses both the riders in the stable hands keep them groomed and well cared for Yoma [Music] look at that it's a little total on its my yo-yo ma ma dorable right what my dad talks about horses all the time he wants the right one but I think he's scared of them I know exactly how to help him lucky charm right my daddy would never admit it but he's really superstitious I don't think whoever feels safe on a horse unless he is a lucky charm I heard about a fox somewhere around here that's been eating a lot of chickens and escaping everybody trying to catch him I bet he's really lucky maybe she got his tail and gave it to my dad he'd feel lucky to collect luck he'll steal from luck she'll catch ya how do you have that anchor safe talents baby have you ever heard about eel juice I don't know if it's safe for humans like you but the totals love it it gives us a burst of energy it puts a spring in the step of even tourists or chillin I saw somebody else to the Norfolk T State when we were traveling can you go collect some independent for my dad sure can the connection between horse and rider is fascinating to me and I will never truly understand what Eli experiences but well you know armor how could I possibly even think to mount one of these beauties without a prop protection I saw some waterfalls nearby there must be shells near banks with his pools would you entertain an altar of Tolan by collecting some of his safety some for his safety sure can buddy there's trophies [Music] me [Music] so here to having a little feasts for those that's want to have a little romantic moment amongst each other you can do so here yeah this area I definitely interest me this looks like a lot of fun bartender hello ah Dean's here Oh welcome welcome help yourself to some food and drink if you need anything else let me know and I'll be happy to help you see you around looking for something specific have a good one I was looking for some drinks but it doesn't appear like you're actually willing to sell them right oh my that's a picture right there you Inc yeah it look like a podium yeah yeah cul it's the ornery oh you're just a little turtle but you were gonna be more interesting enough pulsing extract apparently not poisonous to Kryptonians that's the plural then yet for Poland's seems like to provide some protection protection yes can't put yourself in dangerous situation without the protection yo I ask these shells well Biki well safe guards oh snap I didn't found lucky tail for you yet hang on I will find lucky tail for you it's gotta be amazing did you eat all those chickens huh okay and good morning Samuel well pad will be like Puss in Boots with Shrek - oh snap he actually ran away come back here and in for parakarry compeller deans does that mean your mains gonna change it to one I don't know maybe if they have like really cool ratios that might be a thing a little difficult Panna are pretty cute snap I interrupted it again I wanted to see what lucky brain actually did my bad luck eto runs towards the waterfalls who knew and you are come here now show me what your lucky move does then it increases Dolph chances it I see go we have the lucky charm you feel search of confidence as you hold this in your hand lucky charm seals are really lucky I think this won't give my dad heaps of courage I think I could feel the luck - dang my dad will be so excited when he sees his favorite drink oh boy oh boy he's gonna be bombs with all that you've collected for me I guess it's time to mount isn't it oh I haven't felt such nerves for 300 years would you mind assisting me in finding a suitable equine partner I could not trust myself to make the decision alone before begin let me get prepared just the moments alright enough dawdling then it is time to identify the perfect horse yeah that's that's um a protection all right and swollen crit I'm doing really good lady thank you for asking we're about to pick a horse for a turtle my friends would you mind assisting any inspection of these horses only the perfect horse will do we're gonna need an e like for your but Liana what do you have that's got to say about your pony I like this one I think it's the prettiest dad this is not the horse for me my son look at the shine in her eyes when her gaze falls upon me she creates my shell as food pure murder and raged in those eyes murder and rage Scouts this one looks nice no no childs I could not write this one yeah he looks too bouncy look at this guy my whole bones could never handle such motion what about gold Edo with michelle mcqueen what about this one dad no no yo ma this one wanna do it's too uh fidgety yes yes fidgety I suspect it would spook at any abrupt movements all right well this this is the last one we got me oh that was the last one we got oh no we need to expect max well hang on come on little turtle dude come on expect Maxwell is Maxwell too horse for you I mean this one looks more homicidal than the other one but sure let's talk about Maxwell all right daddy enough professor II procrastinating you have to get on this horse all right child I guess it's time my friend can you help me I just throw them on there whoa oh he [ __ ] the horse actually holds out he's on he's on don't worry I'm sure hope you fine thank you for your help we can get a shield or we can get a ring and he's off again and he's on again okay oh my please guide me to the training grounds I think I shall be optimal for learning the reins if you will I think I can handle now can't handle two for us hahaha this beast is out of control [Music] don't let go don't let go ah wait youma yom I'm doing it yo ma this is this is quite freeing you're doing so good bad [Music] now this is what I'm talking about more of this right how are more of these quests Aaron Garak oh you know a lot of them out but you know Bose come round and have a drink with us Lord Norman invited us down from the mountains to bring the party and that's exactly we're gonna do more escort quests yes all the escort whistles all right then governor how are you enjoying the grounds we are still setting up so we'll be even more marvelous soon to tell the truth I have to one-up myself every year it's quite exhausting organizing at all but it's so very rewarding you may know how to ride already but you don't know how to write a call tieran well you know I asked Jana she was interested in she was not you know I'm willing to give it a go you are I will let you borrow a horse for festivities think one of her lesson master scooper he strayed many a beginning his day mount up get in the ring and show us what you've got I'm sure you'd be able to quick learner well Julie Cooper let me write you come back browse the support for calls here and riders display your harpoon skills on the knoll targets may I already went to the yards and tournaments I'm good I know I know I'm good hey yeah hi-yah what does this do throw a bolus at the targets running over enemy target Evolis will draw drag the enemy behind you dope the Roughnecks have already introduced you to their favor to the bolas practice throwing on horseback by shooting down two flying Zeppelin's their bid rare but score a lot of points oku it's another dark and fairest kind of deal oh that's nice I like that yeah there's another any and of course my favorite parts the jumping shows you amount the skills by jumping the fences the more you jump the more impressive the rest of the actions will be [Music] your unnatural friends I know I'm amazing mmm well done I think you're ready to take it to the next level it looks you and Cooper make a wonderful team feel free to ride him around in your state as much you like it looks like you understand the basics now it's time to put everything together head for the ring once you hear to start up a slew you have one minute to score as high as possible nosed over one point when I'm through with harpoon maybe see your paper sapling bag with your bonus for 50 points leaping fences gives you styles they'll get more points when you skewer nose or down zeppelins it's super important so don't forget to keep the jumping fence it's sapling now I already did did I yeah all right oh we can go for you cheap and don't cheapen hi will I be pretty will I be rich here's what she said to me hey I didn't get the achievement oh man water showing I like the cut of your jib friend I'll tell you what the rest of the partygoers should be arriving any time now which to do me the honor of retrieving my favorite horse from the estate on the hill imagine our guest first impression of you to be under most of the regal horse and all the Cheetahs guard wondrous [Music] new world world's record by the way world first I thank you thank you all right there's some requests here right help on say it a nun denta fide illness has cropped up in the angle point Worf those experience with medicine or healing should reports to fair old wave stowed at the earliest convenience citizens are advised against visiting angle points on personal business until further notice thank you for cooperation a new job of duty is a do you seek danger beasts in great quantities perilous adventure do spurred a rocket outdoors to the dainty frilly frou-frou Estate live well you might be cut out to be a roughneck suppliers of all Griffin mounds occulted us coal Terrace acquired the roughneck camp in west wind weird about us exciting opportunities applicants must not be afraid of heights fetters and or death I kind of had to take a double take oh my god sorry god oh welcome to the estate house please help yourself and let us know if there's anything we can eat with their stuff here no okay let's bring into the Gallo oh [ __ ] this were supposed Oh are we under attack are we we are we are I don't believe I'm saying this proud no but drugs are invading the estate's troggs at my party my grandfather pushed him back to that class years ago to build the states to think that they would have taken such force after all these years this is just what we need to make this year's festival the greatest ever she always your heroism first hands Mount Cooper and defeat these frogs drag them behind you chapter with your harpoon whatever it takes he's gonna be most exciting festival years jump on Cooper and show the trogs what for you will find a most useful in combat called sirens won't go down without a fight take this horn we use it in the mountains to ward each other of danger and lead the charge at the battle use it to rally our allies against drugs mass charge stabby stabby bumbum so what is the Ebola for them is that what I can use to drag them behind me oh it's stun you right over the truck to drag it behind your moans oh yes baby come on little truck oh let's write it again come here they just instantly died I wanted to pray them around sound man fine guess that's not in the cards so yeah I guess that they didn't like us killing them all well too bad I grow on showing you happy on the edge of my seat I can get some gloves for 216 or some leg guards for 216 which one looks prettier that is brown that is brown doesn't really matter dessert the norming tainha states done we only have two more to go by the way our people defend the estate with renewed vigor we only gonna go to the wharf because that's also one my friend not only to save my son but also my festival folks will be talking about this one for years please enjoy the party right eat drink you my friends my honored guests [Music] even F fireworks now mount Koopa to begin your show and scored at least 300 points now that the talks been taken care of let's get on with the real show you're more to prove yourself as a capable rider ready to get back in there ready to go big sure oh that was a miss I was reading chat Zeppelin out well that's 300 points Ryder oh and they immediately stop it all right what is showing we can get a basic trinket or basic trinkets I'll take a basic trinkets wasn't Aaron achieve before getting 300 oh oh oh oh and you get 600 points I was like yeah 300 is kind of easy oh sure you use the one during the fireworks and a music station yeah this is gonna be party time huh I honestly thought that dude was gonna be evil need help but nope nope nope that was a fun questing line right we need to go to angle Wharf somewhere angle point Wharf right little bit of a goblin feeling as you come in with the little smoke coming from the pipes coastal scavengers waiting for the next fishies nauseated villager okay buddy it's somebody [Music] yo how buffed are you dough [Music] right well I have a quest to go here it just maybe at the flat mall so they'll start me up ah there we go there we go [Music] hello our children are falling ill what is causing this illness you must help us for roads we need answers we need a cure hi calm down calm down everybody we're doing the best we can we shall find a cure and a cause Roy let's find out what's happening in his village do you have a clock oh not a clock compass on your belt that is awesome now you guys according to today's compass you might say you know it just shows you the way well it's actually showing us where the next old guards go to spawn if you follow the compass movements and triangulate it to Azeroth as you see it's from the vinda car you will find the next location of the old guards Wow yourself in the stars everybody right brother for old Oh are you here because of my posting thank the see I need all the able-bodied help I can get we've read the tides and never before have I seen him in such turmoil they call to the sea priest begging for help a debilitating sickness is running rampant amongst the villagers and it comes from the sea please take the list and gathered a list that reagents from around the pier while I attempt to calm these folks I should be able to create a tonic that will help I hope o parrot old enough dallying we need your bless you to go out for a hunts Rosaline I'm sorry but you must wait we have matters more pressing than hunting on our hands today Lola looks to me like the compass is pointing to a whole different tentacle [Music] Rosaline Madison you're in a bit of trouble aren't ya right so these guys are part of the priests and if I remember correctly the priests are going to be part of the next zone and in the next round basically any ship that wants to be seaworthy needs to be blessed by the water priests or the sea priests send the fishermen to the dock by the markets many fish swim here today I will inform the fisherman's oh [ __ ] there actually see priests in this area and they all wear a compass oh cool [Music] Hera Copeland's where's your compass at oh this is the data might our marina with the the map and the tentacles although it doesn't really shine through right now but ok cool ah so much to do so little time I must bless the fishermen and their equipments read the tide for omens pray for the return of her soldiers we have any seaweed for old needed for antidotes I'm sorry paladin we're completely out of seaweed everybody has felt too ill to go into the waters to harvest good for all my apologies can I go in [Music] Barry Oliver there a very master see you blubber aiding the wharf [Music] no I kinda expected to get it from like a seal but is it going to be like an on land sea or something I could kill the ice crest seal I suppose but no nevermind it's a jar of blubber CEO blubber or slimy and gross to touch maybe you should have taken a whole container it's not a compass it's an eye it's an eye and a compass it's the eye of truth and a compass combined okay bundle a vellum them outriggers are so brave I could never go out of face the monsters I'm good on cargo duty bond or vellum fine paper for writing important documents and spell scrolls Oh Darius because he is called Oki printer a Easter Vigil the outriggers require many supplies they perform to the maximum capacity it is my job to trek up replenish the stores as well as repair broken caches and gizmos d break numerous they break in numerous gadgets and gizmos per day they are not the most gentle people say he sells nothing at this point you have a great day now have I tried fishing no I believe hazelnutty astride fishing my day to day job usually just persists the blessing of ships reading the waters finding the best stop spots the fish I fear that this may be out of my league [Music] no seaweeds this will not do at all you may not believe it but seaweed is one of the most important gifts the sea grants to us without it my tonic she'll be useless I know it's much to ask but can you go into the harbor and collect some for me the water is tumultuous this drying time but I will give you my blessing I grants through the blessing of the sea may your experiences gentle embrace as to accept you as an ally groans water breathing and increases sea floor movement speed by 80% oh my god oh they're doing it again no I'm going back man I don't want to go back to pushy year recently a large gamma sharks has moved into the shallow water in the harbor I have dealt with minor illnesses before that were caused by creatures carrying foreign containments to shore perhaps the Sharks have brought something in from the deeper waters call some of the sharks that have wandered too close to the pier I shall read the ties for any changes can I help you the Outrigger hunters exhibit a pineco of culture and brawn but they would in DubLi be unable to succeed in taking out the most impressive of their prey without my own inventions i present to you two most ordinary harpoons however with just a tad of Noah's ingenuity this average weapon could become so much more oh my god it's another player what up all that I need our bars from the Rays in the harbor use an mi confession of poison occur stun even the most colossal of siege is often the way okay what is the status of our supplies I want to get out into the water soon as we can time's wasting I only require a few more minutes Rosalina now with the help and enhance harpoons you shall triumph over your career here we go I had a drop rate is really low or I'm doing something wrong he says has you just killed two of them but seaweeds it's got a particular fishy smell to it hey did you drop them cool okay so it's just a low drop rate venomous barb attached to outrigger harpoons to stun large prey hello there brother four alts a pure from the sea the sea cannot offer its guidance when it's in such pain I feel as if one of my senses is blind it's it's got a particular fishy smell to its glorious this should be plenty - sixteen - sixteen we're gonna go through back unfortunates decides still speak the same OSI provide relief to the sick and downtrodden of Anchor Point Wharf may we discover the source of this melody that plagues us carefully those stingers they put someone of your frame down easily attached to the harpoon system larger prey well from you hammer call me Nancy Thank You Connie pal this should be plenty I'll get to work BECU we're not waiting for you to give us a blessing any longer patrols we've got masters to kill let's go okay the outriggers are awaiting quick blessing mate they're going to see are upset something's going wrong but I'm not quite sure what now that I have properly developed my tonic it is of the utmost importance that we dispense it among the ill at once please take this tankard and distributed remedy to the sick I will try to try to calm the rest I am at a loss for ideas the tides sure and I could feel their pain as it is my own while I meant out of ideas perhaps the merchants in town may have seen something there's always watching in the gossiping making them quite good sources of information hmm be calm children of the sea we must put our faith into waters to find a cure welcome welcome care for somebody eats have you noticed anything out of the ordinary I haven't received any fresh ingredients in days how am I supposed to make my famous deep brand treasure Don without fresh treasure Don pins be kind york ginger Freeland yeah it's gonna help you notice anything strange you know I haven't seen the storm sunk it in a few days I wish they would put somebody more competent in charge of this place but who am I to say and then a nauseated villager feel better my child oh crap okay my stomach hasn't felt this good in days you want a few better infectious gut worm gum out of him well she got worms I don't feel so good what have you been eating dude yeah I need something have you been receiving your shipments I actually just received a shipment a few minutes ago want to take a look this this grain is infected ah get this thing off me I can't help argh oh [ __ ] I actually killed a guys that are just kicking the thing off his head ah sorry dude Algie shakes in all my days I've never seen such an illness we must find a source in that name of the sea did you see that evacuate the premises the people of angle point meter stands all to not panic in the face of the unknown of love it's not being the best at this even now the fish Packers are handling to take the product and preparing it for shipments they are in great danger and we cannot allow them to stay in harm's way you must get to them safely get them to safety if one shipment was compromised who knows how many of the others are nearby the fish packers prepare shipments to be sent to the rest the cult terrorists we must check the rest of the shipments before this play can spreads see it is a plague toldja I will move to scout further in town pray for people pray that the people there are safe warns angle point fish packers in 10-yard radius causing them to evacuate the safety time for the culling of angle Point Wharf this entire city must be purged purged there's a type with a typo report god damn it one day I'll learn worms that eat faces I'm getting out of here I'm used to monster parts of the shipments but living monsters count me out worms that he faces I'm getting out of here get out of here dude worms it faces how can management let this happen that's it we need to unionize sure buddy you unionize infesting brain worm as well gross lb what's going on where's Lord storm song it would believe me if I told you for old it's a disaster where's Lord storm song this evacuate the premises if there is even a chance the Harmony is charged of harm to innocence we must protect him at all costs I'm aghast how could this happen right under the very noses it is fortunate we have found lb he has filled me in on situation in the production area it's not good the workers walk yes they work as if nothing is out of the ordinary yet they are controlled by parasites mine stealers to force them to do their bidding it is they who can say many shipments you must destroy as many of those mines theatres as you can free minds of the possessed s-- Alby grunts at you when the town fell I got separated from a charge Lord storm song is being held hostage in his own house I should have been there to protect him we go in there succeed where I failed bring him back safely once a respected member of angle port administration seems Conway was fed up with stone songs weak leadership right betrayal to cards my boy have gotten my boys have gotten in too deep they were given into whatever dark forces are at work here do not hesitate to do what you need to do and pull him down they knew what they were signed up for when they picked the wrong side the seagulls they form a line to the boat we're doomed right so this is where the production came from and yeah things are a little bit bloody little bit gross how much HP are looking at all in a 20 I have no idea oh this is the possess duct work area see we can save them why could we save the other guy what happens they took over your minds [Music] manager is you old how's it going buddy dangerous cargo but it's I'm I realize what was happening I was too late people have been acting strange but I thought nothing on it after all they seem to still be doing a job well expecting some of the cargo this grub jumped out in an attempt to lace onto my face I managed to take it out but it was too late all of the shipments are infected take this torch and destroy them enemy within I won't sugarcoat it kits it's a madhouse here the leadership is falling and selling their own Souls as well as two souls the workers to some darker forces but I will not give in obviously your bait surrender the guard in his hunger for power show him if he is a fool and good luck with a glass of champagne hope you have a lovely day and same here at Psalm can't wait for the new Chronicles mom it's gonna be good and before the storm as well he doesn't have that many abilities yet the one that he does have yeah it doesn't really hurt so who are you working for oh my god it is the old gods official Canuck Giggsy which means everything's nizam this off will kill you all well happens you see those things they were on your mind on your head hello Foreman it is too late you cannot stop our progress so something fishy is going on with these sea priests some reason the production of ships stops enough with the charade yo why do you look like a Witter or a white orc a pale work even where's his face no that's the magic trick he is a true faceless one Wow Bravo Bravo the world shall drown you could govern thank you for saving me stranger Conway and his men over to the finish so fast they didn't see you coming please can you help me get back to lb I'm sure he's worried sick dangerous cargo all we could do now is try to contain the frets Bates gave everything he had for greater power shame had to go that way I filled my subjects I left my 40 I like the 40 and they sought direction elsewhere because of it yes this is all your fault it's it's not the mind controlling worms now it's your fault because you lack leadership yes you're correct are you safe what do you know a a cult has taken hold of this town due to my inadequate and adequacy nordstrom song anything you could share my lord when you as much information as you can a town is taken over right it's a little bit bugged this has never been a simple illness there is foul magic at work here Alby clears his throat it's good to see the young Lords safe Thank You 216 sure you did what needed to be done perhaps perhaps I can still help my people I overheard a conversation between the foreman and his men it sounds if the source this corruption comes from the deeper waters where the storm riggers do their master hunting please assist me in investigating this I can still redeem myself and his operation you see escape row boats to travel to Outrigger points okay I'm ready to go we could still fix this Hey Oh the water screams grown out as we go down into the bay I can feel the torment of the tides I'll give you another ill omen the bay is full of the outriggers pray do do you believe that the sea creatures will be affected absolutely we must discover the source of this defilements get ready outriggers these creatures unlike anything we faced before all right Lord bran and storm song from here we can launch our investigation this is all my fault friends the leader of these cult this is not undirected deep board in the man who I once trusted advisor business partner it seems he did not approve of how I ran our operations to a ludicrous degree he gave his humanity for power using his frustration over a village from the inside who knows what he plans next I can no longer stand idly by and take out the board and show that anger point will not fall to his madness to see I understand his screams now it is as if a veil has been lifted too revealing the chaos that has taken hold corrupting such a vast swath to see cannot be done with simple spells the occultist must have erected some sort of structure to channel the dark magic true you must find the destroy them only then can we hope to restore waters balance my own people have fallen to the mat whispers of the voice of the deep deep sea cultist inhabit caves in the ocean spreading hysteria deeper and deeper into tears guard T regards wave their ma mad rituals we must put an end to them before they get even more out of hands right on I get it up please Jimmy Joe still nothing from the foremost to be Souls all of this still very much needs to be textured [Music] and you Rosalyn what you doing corruption has seeped into the see part of her job to keep the monsters of these parts under control a cruel magic has taken over many of the beasts I take the time as the hunt with pride but too many and we are overrun mouse XR scattered across the breeding grounds pushing with a dark energy get your stomping boots on right so the old gods corruption has definitely been infest in these waters and we need to clear it out my my is there reason my Azul designer you meet several war groups who help you out while called for us seems to be devoid of alliance it's good question actually it might be because Jana's mom wasn't too keen on us coming back home purple is the new green yeah baby hello I actually need to hit them alright I bought of us is gonna walk over them and then the beast destroyed yo somebody left like an old cannon here if you could not drop your junk in the ocean it'll be great and of course those tentacle models huh they will change before live pretty certain about a merciless aberration and capir harbingers I wonder what their ultimate model are gonna look like and kefir the prick was kefir again do we have to fear in a dungeon journal hang on and what zone is this king Rajesh asks this is to this to the guards yeah T regards sound I keep confusing up with the tailor's guards but its tail a guards just add a little bit more to the confusing names that we having a game [ __ ] our master comes for you my dude I took care of Sargeras man I took care of freaky Argus what is your master gonna do to me what is your master gonna do I might not have my artifact anymore you know my fiction might be an affection war again oh wait we are severely we currently we went through that one yesterday firstly yesterday there wasn't really a dungeon description what story is so we kinda had to fill the blank scene for ourselves it was okay it wasn't a mind-blowing dungeon but it was it was okay you pretty much go through the prison that you as an alliance player escape from and you kill everybody right final beacon yeah this underwater quest wasn't too bad my scouts report that the corruption hasn't spread beyond the our Harbor yet we're calling any monsters that stray too far it is best to not know what corrupted X will hatch into though I could imagine the fight that we may now never see the tide seems to be changing perhaps our friend has made some progress well I sure hope so because there's something else coming mmm is this truly ends perhaps now the danger may come to an end screams our society if ever slightly and our massive beast is coming to come out of the water come on it has to happen what is that red thing on your head is that a pirate hat oh it's a bandana all right boy no time to waste seems the warden had one more thing up his sleeve and it's the catch of the day this will be a Humphrey Aegis and I won't let you miss out Oh creep we'll fly you out to the wall get ready accompany Oakley to the Sea Gate then kill we go inform you when you're prepared to go time is fleeting and a monster shell not hesitating let's fly and disconnect all righty then dammit no but I can follow your streams you always play better France Rob but I'm not following I'm not playing always Cloney like yesterday I did some leveling Oh before that we did some reading tentacles of Vig guff I will take off yeah this dude all right the terror of the sea swayed deep dwarves Dark Master perhaps too large of a mouse even for the outriggers don't stand down outriggers give it all you've got take down those tentacles force that beastie to emerge [Music] amazing gameplay oh there it is it's a Kraken my god it's shooting right at us can't just die thank you and down she goes a fight for the ages nice and I'm a friend you're welcome to join us for a hump any time for now we'll take a Griffon down and we'll clean up there where are you taking me duh Oh apparent area was a little bit tricky to go through all right all right yeah started it out yeah it's a beautiful wall I know my inadequate rule let's Sudeep wardens near take over not only the fishing operation but a finish as a whole I can no longer allow myself to sit quietiy allow people like him to walk over me to do as they please i've learned that thanks to you - sixteen - sixteen mastery strength mastery there we go so that's angle point war done angle point has been saved but I still fear deep warden as smart a man as he was did not hold that kind of power previously deep warden it was always a smart man but I never knew him - devil with metrics such as this to harness the power that could cause the oceans oceans such panic I must return home my uncle Ernest Haight's ages in storm song valley may have more information about this dark magic we thank you a lie you have saved this val village and inspired courage in me lb and Paroles please make sure that angle points recovers you shall hear from me soon right so this is pretty much like an introduction quest into the next zone right my god there's a quest prepare for trouble hey it was the one I was looking for with the evidence you've gathered we could prove that ash Vanko was behind you Tech I would have preferred to do this in private but I don't think we'll have the luxury look around company man everywhere Priscilla get some got something up her sleeve let's get some backup before we go in there and cause a scene well okay for proudmoore guard rallied you guard the Lord April's in danger come with us if you're lying you hang Wow I want those coats [Music] you there they're in danger if you're lying you hang [Music] the Lord Admirals in danger come with us what you better be right about his mm he's in danger this better be good all right it's time Karen has stressed the Priscilla ashvin as an advice in a close friend for many years even before they both lost their husbands at feta more oh oh my she's heard the rumors about ash vane just like anyone what if I fear or loyalty she's chose to ignore them it's time to finally open her eyes you my that guy's flesh boots yeah [Music] flying scene Talia steps up to accuse lady - Lena being banned in the tech don't you see carefully replace you has been her plan all along ever insurance to Priscilla is true Priscilla cuts to softer sympathetic act goes hard against Katherine weak unfit to rule as rain built this city takes shelter Catherine Weaver pistol guards jump into action Priscilla shoots barrels on a wagon near the crowd igniting a smokescreen they couldn't be envelops the plaza a chaos ensues sick so am I gonna party - Catherine there she is it's Janus mommy oh my god take it away take it away anyways this is Janus mother as you can see she's been through some [ __ ] alright Celia Julia's got her hammer out damn it where did she go [Music] we need to get Karen to safety help us take out some of these traitors looks like Priscilla had a back-up plan her goons set out some kind of smokescreen to cover escape clear out the smoke so the civilians can evacuate and we could secure the area go can y'all stop screaming please it's the lighting it's the unfinished model and the skin being over there close but still funny to see [Music] calm down everything's gonna be fine dude chill okay clearly air he lost the civilians escaped to safety it's a smoke clears the problem a guard come up things up from here proceed let's escape in a horseback grab one of our charges and chase her down mount up route more charge and trace chase Priscilla charger come here Priscilla your little stump means nothing I own the city quicker proud more quicker jump you didn't jump oh I get to jump up and do it right take this I jumped I did it go pony go out of the way jump for brains fresh cabbage yes hahaha oh I should have hit him no I want to go back [ __ ] this I want to go back nope nope we need to see that moments no it needs to happen into the cabbages come on baby give me the voice line fresh cabbages my cabbages it's over there's nowhere left to run Priscilla insolent brat this is far from over oh [ __ ] wait no you free you get a search party down there and find her hero let's return to Catherine and then she'll be like oh I was so wrong about you Alliance please be welcoming cult tourists Celia I don't know how anyone could survive a fall like that still we should be careful not to let our guard down you there a word if I may so we meet again I apologize for how you were treated last time I trust the pasilla like a sister aunt Catherine chokes up for a moment before regaining her composure let us keep this brief for I will make no promises nor any formal Accords in these states return to your leaders tell them I wish to parlay that is all for now but people have suffered a great deal today and I've much to reflect upon rewards to gain remain in Traven markets Lord Admiral perhaps we should get you back to the keep I could have you the evidence against house and shame with you there certainly and your name is Celia ma'am Celia of course a young Ward from across the sea has already been so long you've grown into a valiant young woman Celia your father would be proud so what I imagine is that the moment we show up with Jana those boots though letting out ash vein is definitely gonna play a part in Catherine's decision on kicking us out right okay well this I am eternally grateful still the same voice line so Karen is we need to speak with us at last well done so are we gonna speak to Kathryn maybe I was kind of hoping that we're actually going to speak with Katherine and we have not checked outs on the model yet no no no slack in the ropes holder steady hello Taggarts here's the job here for job are here well buckle up housecat it gets rough from here on out why do you gotta remind me of cats though and the initial quest was not being tracked the Roughnecks new job opportunities do you see danger beasts in great quantities perilous adventure take two eels prefer to rock it outdoors and the to the dainty frilly frou-frou a state life or you might be cut out for the roughneck suppliers of all Griffin mountain called Sierra's Inquirer rough alright so data wants to make the Griffon miles got you got to cut you we found one items Wharf my model that was broken here for the job our yeah but but clubhouse can it gets rough from here on out its hold still if he wants see you and morning BC okay if you want to be a roughneck you're going to have to pass a few trials every one of us Dunham so I don't want to hear any whining take these Clippers and get me some goat fur you have to clip them while they're alive because them's the rules oh and cover your bits when you do it they like to kick the bears it to be say while you're out would you grab some honey for me and boys plenty of highs out in the woods but I'd be carefully we don't want to dirty your delicate housecat hands bears out there tend to get pretty vicious when they smell honey oh there there I'm gonna be your bear cubs now now we need a penguin to nucleus Oh God I member to brawler's gilts and rare spawn called totes is it that because he's totes adorable what the Frick oh my god what are you totes mcgoats totes mcgoats well totes mcgoats is debt now as well as half the bear population wasn't necessary but it was fun I love to see Naruto like the zones they definitely have a distinct feeling to them which is a good thing oh they really do cake and you can't shave the same go twice cut yet oh they actually run away as well lo you're a gentle girl oh god you're not a gentle goats you know gentle at all I saw you in the other zone as well huh hold still got the forgot the fur you actually did it tell me how do they like it any of them give you the horns ha ha ha bears give you trouble I got sticky honey for ya you got more on your shirt they got into bottles I asked you to shower but frankly none of us done that in weeks hey Rolf disk it's showing some promise you got any work the knee doing no bad I do come here I get I got a job for you nest protect sir now that cigar is done with your hazing I mean trials you can start helping us with some of the work around here someone nearby Griffin's nest they've been overrun Bruce our Liske I fear that the Griffis will make new roost elsewhere if we don't clear mouths head up the road towards the waterfall and take out those damn starless a report to Shawn when you're done he is posted as look out there our work isn't only to capture in time Griffin's it's all to preserve them rescue NEX remaining here in abandoned nest set them in one of the new nests we built in this place Griffin's I'm sure one of the Griffin females will adopt them and my play time in this zone eight hours 23 minutes and 36 seconds give or take a couple of bucks here and there so take like halt for now it away from that so I'll go to eight hours and that is with reading everything with exploring stuff now I also ran a dungeon so let's save seven hours yeah we're almost 114 by the way nice ooh I think the level cap has been increased right since they said that a hundred and fourteen couldn't log in yesterday is that the new cap now hang out it's 116 nice right so we have some vultures eating up to Griffin's the lizard's tecnique Ravens right out of my way please we have a quest right here from helpless Henry but they say helpless in quotations are you really helpless though you're an aspiring roughneck are you helpless May what are you doing helpless Henry what are you doing buddy the Roughnecks taught me to clear the rocks in this forest I didn't know they'd mend this you look tough you have to help me I'll get killed if I go anywhere near that thing I'm also super allergic to bees kill brewery Oprah's already under attack by the bees easy Debbie's not the bees he's got a little honey hive on top of his head by the way [Laughter] okay didn't even notice that all right helpless dude I helped out do we change her name now thanks so much I'm after - up next toss and jingling a hundred fourteen your lifesaver I wonder where the Roughnecks will send me next Dora ball music is getting quite epic greeting Sean McLean there are a bloody sorrel escs good riddance you find a safe nests VX fit nicely into the new nests ruff sent word is you're needed for another job a rich house cat is willing to pay top dollar for a meal area alpha and there's only one that fits the bill great better I gotta head back to camp to help train a particular wild female so there's going to be your solo job fine-ground great better and hit in with the Tedder shop from there you'll have to wing it so is that big one over there a great feather coming Luke what does it do Suva Griffin and grab onto the Griffin right sue sue this is ruffled wild sue relax relax your grip is slipping Oh Oh God we're going back to the rollicking air aren't we there we go that's a good little birdie I'm gonna check it they fix those minor spawn rays yet oh god yeah Devils requests you could check that out at some point I suppose mmm hoho look at what the house cat dragged in unbelievable quite a catch my friend let's see how she flies yeah how he flies I'll get to work on training you go see the guard he's got more for you now Hema Depot now right I can't believe you did it I knew you'd be a roughneck material 224 played girdle 224 waist I'll take the waist or wrist straps even with performance like that it's clear you wanted to top dogs here boss tuck will want to see you he's up north checking on one of her camps in waning glacier head up that way and give him a hand oh and I don't recommend looking him straight in the eye or at his feets really anywhere near him best bets close your eyes when you talk to him roughneck boss hi boss spit bloody up in here ain't you the new kit Frank really it doesn't matter I got a problem and you're going to help you with it's Wendy's it's a mystery where these boys were taken but a much of a mystery who did it's Roughnecks believe an eye for an eye and then some let's put down some of those monstrous disease where'd he go my boys are missing you're going to help me find him got it sure buddy [Music] hello in danger penguin tingling [Music] yeah this doesn't look too good his poor soul has been dead for ages let looks East for the supply cart aha hey look helpless Henry's back he actually gets me buff doesn't he oh Henry what did you do hurry praise oh it's you I can still move my lips a little find me something to get me out of here oh Henry this guy don't seem too bright nope nope he does not seems like a draw drag that away up the glacier to the North West's snow mountains does that give me a snowball that actually gives me a snowball wall called it okay let's turn this one in come here okay I'm here Wendy's this one I'll protect my boys down to here well done one of our work sucks looks like we found the right place pity at least I could sell the rest of the boys that went down fighting revenge has never really been my thing well whatever it is in here in there killed my crew and I'm not going to let it stand everybody fights nobody quits it's a Wampus I want us what happened since yesterday yesterday we got the opportunity to test this area and the story in this zone is how Santa Bane is against house-proud more most likely we're gonna get kicked out as we join Jaina as we come in here we discover what Ashman is up to as in banding together with pirates and we gather evidence on that and presented the lady care from Proudmoore who then realizes that her longtime friends is actually a traitor what that escapes to keep there was also part where sea priests deal with the corruption from the ocean old god kraken connection and that's about it what happened here to survive out here we do what we have to do today that meant avenging members of the pack thank you for your help if you ever need anything don't hesitate to call under Roughnecks now that we got our mitts good and bloody I think it's time we head back to camp I'll run ahead so you can finish up whatever business you got just remember to meet our God for your pay random welcome to the Roughnecks yeah hello there greeting you ever oh my god are you just having the good life here hey is this place a dream I couldn't be more relaxed well I could be if he's annoying cloud jerks will leave me alone why don't you go punch some into cloud faces oh and bring back to essences they help my keep my top warm he just created it's up for himself no I know well I know just just you know steam elementals take some of their steam it could be great to melt someone in ice this is Majora's Mask yeah right and we're gonna kill Prince Rafa to get the dumbass out of the water or out of the ice even can we see the new Holy Light animation I have a highlight of the beef jerky I don't know if there's a link to it but there is a highlights so that everybody wants to see you Casilla I need more steam hurry the top is getting chilly a common ingredient is steamy romance novels steamy essence lalalalala oh that's nice real nice hop in if you want to water's great ignore the bubbles oh yes oh this is this is lovely come join me grid on come join me and let's make our own steamy romance novel nobody who you have something I do have a fiery essence for you thank you you saved my hide again I'm going back to camp before I catch a cold here's your pay you seem suited for the roughneck life come back sometime if you need some work we're no ex a spear esque Polar arm and another polar arm intellect the stamina or strength 4 stam announced of course we're gonna go for a strength 4 stam and a 1 which gets a nice little blue upgrade and that is the roughneck storyline done okay now this is a gnome quest right gnome quests are usually pretty funny surely the gnome quest is gonna bring it home come on baby bring it home Bruford face bracket I have been summons an exclusive opportunity what are you saying give me a few months and I'll have this place whips up it with six star resort in nodes I'm a willing assistance well I can't see you down now can I well US Fish brackets may not be goblins we still know business opportunity when we see one the resort Thoth is getting trains the place is getting cleaned up now all we need to do is some quality marketing whoever holds up a familiar-looking box oh oh no no no behold two Wanderers know much engineering feats that it's the selfie camera now finally there was a generous human willing to capture the radiance of this place make sure you look like you're enjoying yourself out there making mysteries they know people love the unexplained problem is everything here is explainable so I have a plan to create our own phenomena phenomenon there are stories to talk about somewhere chicken snake hybrids they could turn you into stone I've already released the chickens now we just need snakes the first probably kept yourself easily just chased down the chickens to stick one of these robotic just stick one of these robotic tails on to them unassuming chicken chicken I'm sorry [Music] what the [ __ ] okay sure [Music] guys are captured wonderful captures robot captured wolf captured right yeah I understand the sentiment buddy you really do wolf captured [Music] you know we need to water for waterfowl and the ruins Robbo hey that's water finer quick now we need the ruins robot their blood elves using a selfie stick Azul desire really and click perfect next at a beauty marketing if your smile isn't at least half of the picture I don't want to see you these are perfect you look dashing now I need to figure out how to get these out to our target customers stupendous now we can start calling our resorts to err a mystery Safari what was that it was that really it what was that really the quartz [Music] Elaina Holton if you got time to spare could use someone whose experiences you around the you came from Bridgeport let's get you working then the traps we set up in the field require routine maintenance checks some of them are fairly old it will string it incorrect times if only we can get more funding for these sort of supplies the hunt misters clans Wars Lord canning we're out hunting could you reset any sprung ones that you find Lord kennings hello good sir grizzly ends this log serves as the large supplier of furs and letter to Perales getting pups out is just the bits and it's a proprietor it is my duty to assure every request is met on time we've reached the delays have decided to take a trip out there out here to see if the Holton's need my assistance we could use any available hands thick this knife and bring back some pelts from the Bears in nearby paws before Elanna a senses our grant hunts there is something more immediate amounting our attention I'm absolutely famished Noga man can hunt an empty stomach there are hawks in the area which means that there are also Hawk X I'm not sure how well they're doing omelettes but I'm always one for a culinary adventure good paladin could you bring back a few before we get started sure can buddy [Music] little flight master a barela's goblin trader go [Music] when our job list filter Affairs Jobs Honda competitions disappears to be a joint request board for the hunters a sweater for Rupert's the nights are called in this area and a word of a poor dog will freeze to death I wish to sue him a sweater but I have no materials to make one with I would pay anyone who brings me a pair of porcupine quills and for raccoon tales by Coulter all frost Clause has once again be spotted nail yet to the pass hunter in the area or device to keep caution this larger than average bear has killed four people debates I had hate for you to make it the fifth and individual who kills the best beast will be rewarded regardless of their occupation by Alanna below hunt mr. signature is a challenge drawing up a bear with the words old frost claw above it it's a group quest and plenty of quest light is nice let's see here we need grizzly Pelt we need those guys everybody gather around please okay oh that skinning sound huh it's been a while nice that you don't have to individually click on the corpses either it's good how do you find Tina's guard so far compared to Nash Muir and Russ bar a lot better than the reservoir a lot better than just bar but I still think Nash Muir was more fun competitive but again when I'm talking about opinions and especially when it comes to alpha beta keep in mind alpha will be alpha of things are subject to change yeah before we get post on Ethernet that say Noble said that his own sucks he had itself he came round his hands and the zone sucked please blizzards I quit Wow I will never play your shitty expansion because Noble said is like now oh I have never read that Crayola sad to say but the whole old god stuff definitely seems to be connected more to the next so and we got a little bit of taste in it of it in the fishermen sport but now it's probably going to be more in the next zone we took the main characters in both order lines do you think we'll see more story developments all of them impossible to say mate there are some that we already know but that list is quite long do you think we will place the bomb foretell the Dussehra hard to say if it even is a bomb it could just be super honest a weapon being a little bit more powerful than she expected it could be asteroids from the tree itself we really know very little about what sets off deburring a fellowship we do know that the player is apparently going to see some part of it if not all of it which I'm happy about it's better than suede and keeping it hidden in a book and the rest will see right hello Cultra with Rupert's oh is that your little doggie it's just something you need for me I have your quill and your fuzzy - thank you my dog and I are eternally grateful of course Rupert this kind pendulum brought us a gift show your appreciation dance dance Rupert dance Rupert Rupert why won't you dance Rupert why won't you dance please Rupert dance with me guess now guess Rupert didn't feel like dancing today [Music] have you found nothing yet you know what a small gobbling say time is money friends fantastic here's over the hot X aren't soo gamy pardon our rust it seems that you still have all your limbs attached and here I was hoping that I could talk kennings into buying us new traps fair work II see the Lord kennings idea of assistance hasn't changed as the last visits these first P appear to be in fine shape your skill should easily make up for any setbacks caused by excellence there's a small came to the West that could use excellent elk hunting is much more civilized than trapping bears and he's gone no piece nuts he's lured cat hangs where he going mate I'll have to double the game wardens pay for this week I'll let the hunters know that they were beaten to the kill by a passerby it shall humble some of them - 24 - 24 I'll take the cloak while I love to involve you in this further I don't have the men to afford an escort for lord kennings if he gets hurt we'll all be out of a job can you make sure at least makes it to the best camp sure thing buddy so he's over there yeah let's see the first oh you finally made it I think we have more pressing matters in our hands than hunting there is the close-up into with that body how exciting what do you think murdered him regardless it is my duty to ensure safety of individuals under my employ with a combination of my wits and bravery and your practical skills we should be able to track it down this will be it say of the ages let's start looking around a camp see if you can find any clues so we have a South watch game warden just you know being dead and all a coffin that's oh no not really maybe a coffin right smash crates a crate of foodstuff has been crushed by blunt force most of its contents have been flattened in the process the trap repairs have been setup to deter wildlife from entering the camp whatever said it off was large enough to break the trigger some fur from the attacker is stuck in the jaws a bloody trail pool dry blood marks the start of a trail of crushed undergrowth something heavy and bleeding was dragged to the west of the camp th you find anything I'm still caught up in examining this pool fellow this poor fellow a trail you say I wanna wear leads look a new face hopefully you're a bit more exciting than these folks from the state of this body I would say a beast with formidable claws or fangs ravaged this camp you say the trail leads westwards this camp usually houses more than one of a line as huntresses I wonder if they our trekker bees down as well hurried up I don't want to spend the day waiting around Trek or dangerous quarry [Music] and he's back nikolassarah are well known for crystal clear ice which forms at the base and even more so for the elements that are responsible for such the hunters in my large use charge from the primal bodies to keep their still stuck frozen for transport more importantly think of how useful it could be for making and serving drinks let's see if we can find some elementals and get us some shards is that a harpooning gun right really neat right follow the trail we got a cold corpse here wha peculiar wounds they almost remind me of a bear did it look like bear wounds - you sure - hunter here buddy Oh many ice handle its pristine ice chunks glass like ice chunks imbued with magic stays frozen for an unnatural amount of time our dead body hunter corpse or maybe not a bear she looks like she ran afoul with an outlaw or something mmm that quill rats investigating more bear wounds and outlaw and its pet bear perhaps is it Rex are is it the necks are Mischa that would elevate this zone so much could it be accommodation soo-man bear or is it a bear man Oh Al Gore what are you doing in my Wow it's cook the lusts Yeti what I was all mostly correct it is a man shaped and hairy like a bear his ladies victims are floating in the air down here you go for your drinks oh whatever I've heard the destroying some of the large ice structures in the area angers them so do what you do best to destroy them perfectly chilled drinks here I come and there's enough for the hunters here to thank you for dealing with the friends I'll see that the man who died out there have a proper send-off - 24 - 24 this really matter does it I had a versatility or mastery I'll take this one sure do we need to help out an overrun mine it was horrible I wasn't to my nearby just picking away at some ass ride and jumped up at me and bit me in the neck right so they were trying to mine as rights and yeah the planer kind of came on that came to life hello why aren't you wearing a miner's cap it's dangerous out here here put this on now I got a job for you real easy neat if we are going to take the mine back we're going to need more help we'll need an engineer an explosives expert I have to remind sisters actually but they are caught behind the river and all the chaos locate the sisters and they'll help you with the next phase of the plan I don't have I don't have time for idle chitchat if you haven't noticed rocks are running around doing who knows what's how about you help out and retrieve my chemistry kits while you're out smash all the creatures and collect their dust prim we'll need both of those for the next type of plan be on your way fancy we haven't seen those yet this is what an ass right elements are looks like I have b25 we have a clip of met you should really buck report rupert not diancie for you well you know what I didn't I thought about about atoms and the reason for that is maybe Rupert just didn't feel like dancing maybe we should not be promoting the unethical Treatment of bears in forcing them to dance you know what they have to do to teach a bear to dance it's not cool man it's not cool it's bad enough dark and Fairmount already dances but if you know the pain is suffering that the Bears have to suffer through in order to learn how to dance you you too will be like well you know what Rupert's you don't want to dance that's okay buddy you don't have to dance it's okay I will not buck report you as a guardian through it I support this message so far away from the wounds because all across Azeroth wounds open up that is the reason why we find as right all over the place there's the reason why we go to different islands or whatnot it is not just central Cilla first steps has asteroid leaking outs all over the world is wounded and hurting that's actually part of the recently data-mine dialogue as well I believe I don't know if it's recent or old but mackney actually tells us like take the heart of answer or heart of answer rights or demands right heart of Azeroth Azeroth right and go collect more power so we can seal off the wounds across the world's okay looks like we got some plants handler prim grab a crates we got this stuff out of here while we still have a chance we want to retake the mine we're taking back the bye boys grab all the dynamite you can carry and let's head out Smita set the storehouse outside the mine we'll talk more their calls you seem a little busy these places in shambles that owners work force an order materials to get this under control take the mine back we're going to need help find my sister and meet me outside the mine in Am I and we need his chemistry kits Walter's chemistry kit which says just quest item are right right on are you holding a lit stick of dynamite oh don't worry it's a special slow fuse I designed it only goes off when I'm aboard before conversation so boom wow that's actually read rude minor operation good girl here pinch of asteroids did you bring the dust here's some dust here some chemistry kit enjoy great job we're gonna put these could do to good use thanks for your help out there but we have to ask another favor from you these elementals must be coming from somewhere into mine and we need you to locate the source you seem more than capable of handling yourself in there but just for extra security I'm going to send you a few some special Dynamite's it has an extra kick from the azurite dust that you get it's get in find the source put a stop to these elementals hey don't hit her with some judgment right so that's how we're gonna go in through mine I was wondering like it doesn't make sense we why did they give us head protection by the way what was the point behind that besides of course your enum okay before you tell me chatroom yes I know we're on a construction site to be also wearing your safety helmet but when it gave us a buff like that in the shipyard zone it was actually for a reason you know it gave you like a speed increase underwater so why did it give us a buff here oh maybe just first that excess pose they gave us the horse a perch yesterday is above our P thing yeah curved shape or crawl it's a mother duck control yo the el-amin's be angry insurance reasons right so why was a troll busy here huh we did it yeah but did we do good though you should report back to tee up he'd be happy to hear that the mind is under control you guys you guys look I don't want to tell you how to do your job okay but literally the world itself is rising up against you and telling you stop mining ass right I feel a little dirty right now that troll was just trying to fix the world he said like the elements are angry that's all that's all was trying to do it's must make a strong voice heard and I helped you guys oh my god we are the bad guys you a shaman well that makes sense now we can clear out the remaining creatures here and get back to digging thank you for your help 70 strength of the choice and it becomes an epoch as well yeah epochs will and with that we are about done in this zone my boss man I got your stingers yeah pleasure doing business with you in the future I'll make sure you get a special discount you all done with your side job can we get a little profession hahaha okay I don't think Flynn was actually supposed to continue the quest line until you did this thing I won but okay
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 123,662
Rating: 4.6459708 out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Tiragarde Sound, Jaina Proudmoore, Katherin Proudmoore, Alliance, Fleet, Lordaeron, Kul Tiras, Warcraft 3, Theramore, Daelin Proudmoore, Ashvane, Priscilla, Azerite, Weapons, Pirates, Flynn, Ward, Boralus, Capital, Sweete, Irontide Raiders, Tol Dagor, Freehold, naga, Azshara
Id: iDgDTp5gViQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 50sec (13910 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 07 2018
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