Ardenweald - Full Playthrough by Nobbel [Lore]

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[Music] did varian go to the shadowlands or was his soul destroyed uh blizzard's choice the purpose reviews all we can really say about that is that we have the uh cut scene between anduin and varian at the train station uh or at stormwind sorry i i always compared to the train station scene from harry potter uh but it could have also been in the boy king's mind what she asked about anduin did we save on our first visit no no no anduin saved us um anduin created a light bubble which allowed us to escape but we are the mall walkers the stone only responds to us it did not save them so darien toronto anduin bane thrall and jaina they were all left behind in the maw as we went on our merry adventures this will be a prank to remember just oh hello there well that's quite a drastic change from mood we go from oh you know massive torture in the tower to hello arthur wheels so nice to see you so welcome ladies and gentlemen to arden wield the domain the message is magically sealed oh that's no fun where you go to when your spirit is connected to nature that could be a caretaker it could be your druid could be your demigod you know affinity to nature um that will take you here um no ursoc is rip he can he cannot be fixed he can no longer be fixed he is he is that dead he is sacrificed he is gone um featherlight you place the lily this stupid seal just won't open and we're here to deliver a message to the winter queen always so much to do the eternal ones must stand together once more as you were say wake up my slumber recedes a beard a hat gifts of time and mirth of hay [Music] the forest size and laughter you bring joy lady moonberry i try old friend and i know you'll help the forest grow again soon because this is literally nature talking to you so it's like the wind be happy that they can even form worms to be honest like the other trees just talking musical notes oh this should be interesting this way come along okey-dokey sadly the winter queen cannot grant you an audience boom spirit is spread thin across arden wield why is it so hard to talk to all these keepers man these eternal ones threatens the entire forest your voice is but one bird singing in the night no bolvar's daughter was added in battle forest rooms magic protects every branch every leaf if not for her vigilance all might be lost for now we knight they must act in her stead help help me someone wants a stabbing i warned you not to come back what kind of an opening is that sorry i had to make a quick stop on the way someone wants a stabbing i'm sorry did you need something i love arthur wheeled so much never a dull moment better light will guide you from here help the forest as you head for tier naval okie dokie so arden wield it is connected to the emerald dream uh in the past when like a demigod would die they would go to the emerald dream and then it would come back again now they've added a bit where they go to arden wield first and then they go to the eminent dream and then they could become potentially go back again arnold wield is a cycle of rebirth the ottoman winter to the summer and spring of the emerald dream however it kinda needs animal to function and as we learned in meldrexus as we learn in bastion anima is not flooding in all right you have my attention refresh uh twitch and again that will fix your uh music carry on corinth is always getting into trouble let's see what it is this time so because of the whole anima drought they need to make some hard decisions they need to decide which groves get to continue their whole cycle of rebirth and which groves need to be sacrificed forever same with the little seedlings same with the spirits like which spirits actually get to regrow the light over here and which ones are gone forever and it has the winter queen quite busy so she doesn't exactly have time for an audience she doesn't have time to listen to us so the plan is to help them out lighten the load and hopefully still have some time to actually speak to us a friend of featherlite is a friend of mine night and well if you insist lady moonberry is the finest fairy is this really necessary will that be all try to coax the bird away from the nest yay i will do though i will do this so first up is one of the little seedlings the wild seed was kind of taken by the bird over here and we kind of need to distract the bird while our caretaker daringly softly tries to take it away keep it up i'll just sneak past oh you know we'll do our best and yes mela you can actually talk to the runesmith in mel drexes they will explain why alexandros has that weapon fun fact the skull of alexandros new faebringer they don't know where it came from in my mind he went back to azeroth and just claimed the skull of his son renault um i would be i would be super happy if that's actually the case uh oh um hello i know right i shake my tail feather but despite wooing this bird into oblivion um distraction wasn't enough so we'll still have to put it down womb [Music] i am quite busy you know there we go uh i am on what is it you require follow me hardwood grove isn't far so the wild caesar we're going to save our elders wild seed holds a spirit of nature who will one day awaken and return to their world [Music] uh queen must decide which ones survive and which wither away the spirit within lost forever so the spirits that are a grim task but until the drought ends it has to be done look for refuge elsewhere friend this grove will soon be gone are you done alright so the spirits that are still going to be up for saving our elder dumera ashmane which you might remember from the legion artifacts and naigatella welcome to arden wield all right there we go you also get to choose the spirit form so this person really wanted to be a wolf the spirits are walking this way we were attacked by starving wildlife there are souls in danger okey-dokey let's go help him out and of course the anima starvation it turns the wildlife into going cuckoo for cocoa puffs to care for those wild seeds we can't just abandon them what happened to the other wild gods well we got to keep in mind that not only our wild gods end up in shadowlands it's it's from across all dimensions you found help some will be allowed to still be reborn please lend me your aid some will perish away forever those poor souls on all levels except physical i am a wolf help oh wait wait wait wait i need that one chufa hello friend hi safe safe here on your head uh-huh this zone made you really sad good that means that they did a good job of the cutscenes yeah as far as i know you need to be max level as well as go through the main storylines that are in the zone so you get introduced to your covenant campaigns and whatnot um you can find out which ones are the main ones by the the quest marker have you come to help which is quite nice you're a true i embrace you we're in your debt okey-dokey always so much to do i know right stay on the road to reach tier naval i'll see you there upgrades okay so despite being told stay on the road a couple of times help won't anyone please help me i am a hero i would be glad to assist you and i need to help this person dream watch is over oh thank you stranger it's so hard to find someone you can trust trust me nelwin you can trust me just lead me back to your little lair off the road where nothing could go wrong where nobody's around to save me [Music] hello is this your granny my what big teeth you got granny oh [ __ ] granny ain't granny at all now win what is this i thought you and i were going to uh your your special place she is not wearing pants what shall i craft next nope she is not wearing any pants the queen now we play for real oh my step to the road my god who could have foreseen this one all righty so let's just return to the road and uh avoid being little red riding hood hurry now everything must be perfect for the queen hello again i have good news sick good news everyone should probably use a little help huh thank you moonberry what can i do for you so the queen is coming but we just kind of need to make sure that the grove is just perfect for her arrival evil lizzy rest and dream of starlight it needs to be we have a lot to do before the queen arrives no time to wait okay it needs to be absolutely perfect so that's what we're gonna do evil lizzy thank you so much for the 18 months in a row uh and over here tufa the little squirrel that we saved earlier their friends have been taken by the spriggans now spriggans in general they love to pull their pranks uh you need a stabbing just ask friggins and they will stab pretty much anything for you but you know they're taking it a little bit too far we must save them hurry they need they need to calm down a little bit so we need to we need to save some friends and uh need to murder anybody that dares to stand on our way how dare you judge me when you look like a fat cat stabbing is exactly what i would call a prank but nasty okay they change forms to scare us and let's not forget to actually drain them of their anima voila i always forget that oh you're okay oh i can fly again oh thank you chufa you're welcome um i don't think i've ever done this area before when there were actually other people killing as well it's kind of great now you don't get overwhelmed by all these little guys zones mountains have been amazing oh yeah the art team is a full-on character you i think very few out there are like ew what have they done especially uh the covenant armor sets the quests are voice acted yes you'll find in the shadowlands or at least i found in the shadowlands uh a lot of the story is now told through rp uh whenever i was trying to give like background information or add to it usually the game already covers it quite nicely which is great which fantastic now what sort of spirit are you i'm not a spirit they're not the spirits no not a spirit don't be dumb but even though spriggans you know in general in general spriggans are already quite fond of pulling pranks and whatnot but as it turns out they're actually following orders in this case orders from ancient one i'm gonna say somewhere in that regard in that direction um there is apparently a competition going about for trained for being the true god of death now this is a hint of a storyline coming later but it is a hint nonetheless i'll take all of your anima no you won't it's mine but the ancient one promised so from his body it's done meet you outside the clan we also loot um orders from the ancient one so havoc reaped chaos he will take his place as the one true god of death [Music] so that's uh pretty cool what is that little thing coming up but that storyline plays out in the dungeon other side it will play out on the other side and a bit in the order hall campaign if you decide to go with arden wield so it's a hint of things that you could explore next youtube video will be part two of we ride fourth and then it's gonna be the ma intro and uh urbose and then we'll be covering the story of the shadowlands you're welcome welcome cosmic welcome to the stream all this somehow ties to the old gods it has to i really hope not i really really don't oh my god gluck i saw that what are you doing gluck no this won't please the queen at all i saw you fishing those are beautiful things you don't need to hide it gluck you could be so here on the other end in order to these pools are anything but tranquil lately to prep for the winter queen uh we need to help them out with taking care of the seeds and finding their caretakers wild seeds need caretakers to give them enema without it the spirits inside can't be reborn am i really zazzo am i really really really since the drought started there hasn't been enough anima to go around we've had to make some hard choices oh see that's what i'm loving like this rp that they're just explaining what's going on in art and wheeled um you don't even have to read the quest text anymore it's very nicely done it might be a bit too much for some like parts where your holdback by rp do gets or do have a tendency to eventually get annoying but i'm loving the [ __ ] out of it good you finish up here i'll look for the missing caretakers you'd do that buddy i'll take care of your seeds second or third characters yup yup yep and then the same in raiding uh the lich king rp for example like how many times have people not heard that rp while farming for invincible uh up to the point where you can dream it right people love not having to read your boob if reading is not your strength arden wield is for you all of them well the plants ate them not not again see you later [Music] so the tenders have been eaten by the plants enjoy the journey use my dagger to open the plants and free the others we'll meet you in tier naval um they've been eating thank you again whatever world you're from they're lucky to have you i know right so um don't worry too much though because it happens quite often that they get eaten um and they can survive for quite a while inside of the plants they just you know need to be cut out of it berries gordon seeds and a banana instant green smoothie it's interesting one like my um my diet is also recommended or i asked them actually about movies but i haven't taken the effort yet to actually go into it are we gonna be fighting each other over the big plans cause i just want big plans come here oh thank you manic you've been here since start eh yeah we have been going on for eight hours now okay let me just real quick cut this bad boy open and we'll cut this bad boy open invalid target what do you mean did somebody steal my plants no they did not it's about say it's my plan we've all been eaten by plants before it happens you know just a day on the job it happens for the spirits take care of anima dream on all right come we'll show you how to care for a wild seed and watch its spirit dream we are at the start let's start with that one it arrived just before the drought and needs a little extra attention oh the chester cat that one i can understand like the creepy ass smile yeah that part i uh lifts your wings once more dreamweaver oh all thanks to our helpful new friend yay i'm helpful so you got this little seed here one of the last ones to arrive this little spirit and we get the tent for it it's a young wild seed and we get to experience what it's like to take care of one of these seeds to watch over them empower them brings you here infuse them with their enema a nightmare is afflicting the spirit inside this wild seed poor thing must have met a violent a touch of anima should soothe it once its dreams have calmed we can wait the spirit is bonding with you oh this hasn't happened since well since i can remember oh bond with me we should tell the dromen a wild seed bonding with its caretaker is a rare and joyous occasion hmm this isn't good the spirit's nightmare still lingers whatever could have happened to it gee willikers i wonder who or what could have happened to that spirit yeah did you do back day it's better than leg day i suppose uh right queen nourish you so the queen is here yeah well wow what do we have here oh right uh we have more than upheld our end of the bargain and are gonna give us the arnold wheeled claw specific ability we'll meet again i'm ready a fairy must always repay a favor you've done much for the forest but i couldn't deliver your message in return not so high not so high what the [ __ ] please accept this gift instead a small part of arden wheels magic yours to use as you wish there now that we're even wait what's that oh no [Music] look all those fey running from heartwood grove something's wrong uh-oh don't do it don't you do it like we need your help again catch [Laughter] help hardwood grove is under attack oh no so um all right i still need to turn it in don't i and there we go okay so hardwood grove ride the stag hastened to hardwood grove dark clowns gathered is under attack so not only is arnold wheel dealing with an anima drought which is making them choose like which seeds get to live which seeds get to go perma it's also under attack because because of the droughts their borders of reality are crumbling and there's a certain force invader naya we ran across earlier that was like i am not willing to give up my growth i'm not gonna do it you can't make me naya is still fighting strong whereas all of these are just evacuated still back there don't ride a bike in arden wheeled how dare you ride a bicycle in arden wield come on now um are you gonna do the campaign at all for your character go for the alternative method of leveling what is the alternative method is it fast what happens done the mask and serve the masters never your masters will answer for what they've done they're polluting [Laughter] who are hello you're the one who helped daryl went into zane that is me these masked face suddenly attacked the grove please we have to drive them back um those of you that played legion you might see some familiarity in the masks and the enemies were about to face why would they attack us grove has fallen so many gone kyle look for survivors maybe further into the grove so hardwood grove was one of those selected to be given up um but now it's under attack by these mast fey creatures and they're they're not entirely sure what the heck is going on but things ain't good we need to get some some seeds out of here uh we need to avoid that one that one looks kind of evil he took the heart what koram speak to me masked shrouded yeah okay so these mouse creatures are busy uh draining anima storing it just messing things up really they're just they're just not very nice is what i'm trying to say thank the queen you're here yeah are you happy about it where are you oh sorry corinth is courtney there's no time to lose um they just they just died it wasn't my blade i didn't do anything they just kind of it passed away really this can't be happening we'll take back the heart of the grove i swear it uh legion did use enema but the anima from the mogu and the ones in the shadowlands have been in interviews confirmed that um they're not the same welcome back skype the masks what are they my grove my friends okay so you know it's overall it's a bad situation but maybe we um do not interfere maybe we could get some anima cones maybe save some friends along the way i did my best like warden cassandra magic a come on warden gratitude moves against the storm our paths in the converge oh the cutscenes are great catfish so far the one that has blown me away the most is where we get bolvar to peek into the mob what's going on there it's so good thank the queen you're here uh so to fill you in right now rather than let it be revealed later uh the mask pattern might remind you a lot of creatures that you fought in for example waycrest manor uh the foe that is trying to claw its way into arden wields and abuse its cycle of rebirth is none other none other than the drust oh no i know i know so to trust are arrays that are introduced in battle for azeroth they used to be vrykul ended up in the emerald nightmare but they called it tros the blighted lands and they're like stuck in this cycle of not being able to die i think they're like stuck in tross and um yeah they they kind of want to get out of there so they're trying to invade are the wheel now and uh yeah just cause a whole bunch of trouble so does it tell us what broke the machine of death nope uh it narrows it down but even then it could still be anything really which is kinda cool i'm actually dying right now wow they hurt okay we give what we can thanks i'll run ahead i'm guessing you could use some help yes we must save who we can we got some anima cones there you go let's go find the wagon master shall we i am sure that they are perfectly fine no gear upgrades for so many levels no i mean i don't hate it it feels a lot better than just instantly replacing dark what i've worked so hard for to obtain like i find it personally i find it a lot more enjoyable it's too late for me no darawin there's no time to lose don't go we got anima just live damn you so many gone no the anima is for the wild seeds corinth is gone i can't lose you too the cycle goes on and so must you daryl no those monsters will pay for this i love multiple models like that hello what we doing okay so the droman like the leader of the grove why would they attack us also has a masks and is currently draining their uh heart of the forest is that what are called heart of tyr nor rowan yeah it's draining their massive seed hearts shy and we need to stop them would you give some enema to destroy the barrier turn free you want my animal yep why can't the ancient tiernan do it because they're already busy darkness encroaches starlight shines in our defense any margin shall return in time well okay but i better get some back later yeah yeah yeah oh malfurion let's finish this now furion didn't come with because tirana murdered malfurion in a fit of rage he was he was looking for outside and went like tyrande my love where are you and toronto couldn't take it anymore we'll belong to the masters so you will take nothing more she murdered malfurion to which he went no and then he died all shall bow all shall wither can't kill malfurion draundican i am sorry the heart of the grove no oh not the heart's anima so many wild seeds will starve grows from seeds of ash the cycle continues always our paths diverge in the twilight woods i'm sorry we did our best you know it just our best wasn't good enough i'm sorry that your grove died and your friends and everything you ever knew and loved but it will be okay don't worry about it we'll be fine there's no time to lose okay the masks what are they i'll catch up with you and tear naval i i just need time to say goodbye this is a really sweet moment i'm sure it's safe there are still a lot of masked failure i'll be fine tazon you go on ahead well i better stay with you for protection thank you i've heard that darwin and corinth were great at pranks is that true well one time with dreamweaver isn't that adorable good job you're okay in my books buddy you you get to stay uh right hurts right here in a meow meow yeah he's a good pup he gets to stay sure uh also who did i see where did he go howdy paul jacques klein hello lolo things are going good i'm enjoying the shadowlands launch you know just devouring all the content in one single day because let's do it num num num and all of them are gathered here cause the special moment has arrived the queen is about to arrive that's what i'm saying the grove seconds i'm ready for the queen let's go i got a message for her it's really important leaves always a pleasure [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] excuse me ma'am [Music] what how rude don't they know that i am the mall walker i'm sorry what did you need something sexual wild hunt protects arden wheeled in the queen's name helping them might ease her burden i was promised an audience with the winter queen if i would help you out right there's no place she was right there in front of me and she was like noble i've never heard of noble before i am just going to ignore this person and maybe they'll go away no no no no this is not on this is not on for one bit what do you need but okay apparently the winter queen is still stretched too thin and maybe if we help a little bit more then we uh you know we'll have a shot at actually talking to her who knows maybe maybe we'll never talk to her it's okay we're heroes we need to pass on this message so next up we get to help out the wild hunt like the elite fighters i think i moved away from the light let me actually sit up a little bit so you don't have that light ball in the back of your there we go they're like the elite fighters of the winter queen and uh they they keep the land safe with some of the groves no longer needing their tenders some of the tenders actually move over to the wild hunt what is the winter queen like what kind of being she is one of the eternal ones she is similar to the scythe and atheist the archon the primus and the arbiter what are they in turn that is still to be explained yeah it's already been eight and a half it goes so quick hello hell mortal lady moonberry speaks highly of you i know right i am awesome the forest is watching my huntsmen and huntresses are seldom late to report find them you guys always hit your mark yes so next i'm actually in the back of my mind i'm like wondering uh what else i need to record what else i need to do vaders aren't the only danger in the woods i serve the queen keep your guard up hmm we will meet again and part of what i need to do is record the cut scenes without my camera in front of it like this is gonna be for the full playthroughs because people have asked to actually have a camera and like a facial recognition with it which um i'm quite happy that we did because otherwise some of the reactions to the cinematics would not have been recorded on camera so i'm quite happy about that so the second time around i'll be doing it without my camera on um and also a lot less listening to all the dialogue because i got the dialogue on recording from the beta times i just need those clean cutscene recordings um and then for the second and third character it doesn't necessarily matter how they reach max level because by that time the zones will be on recording um and then we got the covenant campaigns to go through now i'm really happy that blizzard decided to not offer any renown before reset so even if you hit max level somewhere next week you will still be on the same pace when it comes to renown as everybody else i'm so happy about that um so all i need to do is get the other characters to max in the in the next week time span and then we will be golden and then it's just getting things ready for the raid for the 8th of december which is one two weeks ago yeah two weeks ah should be doable so here are another huntsman all of them are falling to this weird ass new enemy that they're fighting it's it's the most fae it's the trust powers they're having a really hard time holding the ground against it then our eu just crashed i've been told that draenor eu is like a really shitty server like really unstable when it comes to launches is this like their legacy like if you want to experience a launch of an expansion don't go to draenor it makes sense to be honest who would like to go to draenor pretty much yeah okay i'm telling you terror car is the place to be we're nice and chill nobody's ever here auction house prices are through the roof but um there's nice people on it and it's nice and chill at least you'll be able to play the game and whatnot i've not seen all the new cutscenes nope i have kept myself pure i avoided the twitter this morning and the youtubes and the instagrams and snapchat and all that i'm like nope nope not gonna get spoiled nope nope nope hello everyone are you in need of the wild hunt are you doing buddy the falls are overrun i think we are being hunted we will return to the grove as soon as we are able thank you friend everlon for those of you that have checked it out on youtube um is actually part of the arden wheeled afterlife's short and later down in the zone he will actually talk about the afterlife short um in it we find out that airlon was a caretaker of grove the winter queen showed up and she was like what up we're running out of anima we're shutting down this shop and airline was like but queen yes but you told me to take care of do you see its queen i did it for you why would you make me make this choice to which the winter queen was like well look into my eyes and let me show you and she showed him that if they didn't make these hard choices all of the forest was going to die so she was like well you you seem to be such a nice guy you make the choice then i'll follow your lead what would you do erellan huh either you sacrifice one of these groves or the entire forest dies what would you do twitter alarm was like ah fine i'll sacrifice my buddy spirit in the grove for you i stand ready and then he joined a wild hunt because he's also a badass all right so we got reports back for our prey and corraine is like what this new enemy is really causing this much trouble you know what these vile creatures will know the fury of the wild hunt i'll go out into the field myself i'll murder them ah good evening ginger gamer girl hello lolo and thronein um maybe it feels more like their allegiance is just to their realm similar to like wrathion ever the cunning huntress i know that voice but he fell in battle oh no how is this even possible know your prey the first lesson you taught me one you have forgotten lorcron what has become of you do you not recognize your quarry the blades they wield the faces behind the masks the masked faye this is the fate that awaits them oh my god i am shook um what is my favorite zone so far what do i think of the lore so far well keep in mind that i have been playing this on the beta so besides the cut scenes in the in-game cutscenes there isn't a whole lot of new stuff for me but from the beta i can tell you like i really really like what they're cooking i feel like the leveling experience is really solid i feel that the zones have a beautiful identity to them um the art team has done a fantastic amazing job the only quest or you know the only side quest that i really do not enjoy can be found are the wheeled i don't know if you all have done them yet but it's like escort a little worm and [ __ ] like that it's just but that's been like day one i did not enjoy the side quests the rest of them i really i really enjoy going through them and just leveling and playing the game most of all i enjoy that there's actually new stuff to do in the game as well uh battle for azeroth has been over for a couple of months now for me anyways so you know new stuff to do gearing up getting renowned going through uh going through the things unlocking new story lines doing all the work work i'm really looking forward to it and the lore in general i'm excited i'm really excited about it you sent us on a doomed hunt now you are the prey and i know you well lorcron if you truly know me then you should be afraid um what do i think about lightford's death knights i mean the whole light staying away from undead has been long gone back in classic we had one of the horsemen that wielded the light we have forsaken light wielders now so a light forged wheeled in the light of being a death knight there would definitely be some conflict definitely some pain but it's an impossibility nah not anymore um and will i be covering all the zone lords individually yep i will be covering the zone lords the side quests uh full playthroughs short versions covenant campaigns will be summarized and then fully playthroughed and then once the entire campaign is available there will be the story up which will be quite the chunky ones per usual all the shadowland stuff will be covered what is the renowned what do you mean what do you mean renown for your covenant renown for your covenant is a resource that you need in order to unlock upgrades be it the next chapter of your covenant campaign uh ally soulbind stuff like that a renown can be obtained on a weekly basis in like an hour or two you'll be done with it and then you can do and go off and do whatever you feel like doing which i really like no more island expeditions no more azerite no more none of that nonsense excuse me i need to heal real quick give me one second yeah okay so our huntsman our hunt captain found out that the wonderful fighting is actually one of our own name the quarry and this will not stand hone your senses let's go take care of them we need to find lordran the hunter [Music] i should actually flask up again shouldn't i it's not like i'm going to use this flask anyways although maybe dungeon or something trying to think wasn't there like craving the hunter like a spiderman villain oh please let me help i serve a new master one who will watch arden wheeled wither you are a huntsman no longer get out of here no i will not fall to my prey again beware the shadows to rain bye [Music] so that is our prey right there one of their own captain crane will uh continue their house dear friend twisted into a dire foe he must be slain return to glitterfall basin my hunt has only just begun you got it [Music] well we go back where everyone is gonna gift us a little [Music] basket thingy that would allow us to take care of seeds as he doesn't need it anymore because he's no longer a tenderer and then we go back to where the winter queen just full blown ignored us ding-a-ling oh we got our hammer of wrath back again i once used this to carry wild seeds in my former grove may it serve you well i can use emerald roth again when i'm winging is this what you [Music] thank you for visiting a spirit's turmoil [Music] that is what we're here for i'm just happy you're enjoying yourself hello so our little c the queen you're here is a little bit distressed hello there um it's it's not doing too well nothing seems to end the nightmares i know could you try a more direct approach i can definitely try so our little seed is bonding with us it's one of the last that arrived here so it arrived here sometime before the whole soul drought so sometime in the legion period and it is spewing out nightmares [Applause] i wonder what the spirit inside the seed could be although to be fair the first time that we went through this questline i did not immediately guess it i still i still held other possibilities open is it a tusker those tusks funnel cakes get your funnel cakes here you knew once they mentioned the nightmares yeah i can't wait to see the end cut scene of this zone oh i can't wait i know taran and the team are gonna make it insane considering uh how the farewell went oh oh i can't wait more percentages come along little plant there we go all right nightmare has been subdued in a more direct approach it's malfurion yup i'm really enjoying angels yes i really am okay little seed calm now calm down taking care of the bad nightmares for you oh looks like the spirit is calm again thank you friend you're welcome how can i help float on the wind right so the seed is going to need some special care and the wild seed will fare better in hibernal hollow we need to get it out of here would like to come with you why do i transmog the backpack because i need snacks while i'm in the shuttle lens hello farewell i would be glad to join you i'll prepare for the journey sweet so naija had to give up a grove and you know tragedy struck so we're gonna we're gonna take her along she's gonna help us out or we're gonna help her out it's gonna be a whole thing and uh since we got the cradle we can transport the spirits safely we just need niger to actually play the harp to soothe the spirit what do you ask come along now i'll do my best need anything let's go i would not say that the model of teron gore looks anywhere close to the model of a curion dream on naya take my harp its music can help soothe the wild seed i'll meet you in high bernal hollow safe journey is that gina there's a lot i have to learn what thank you for bringing me along i'm sorry you couldn't speak to the queen i'll do whatever i can to help you meet with her just like you helped me wow that's cool [Music] i didn't know it was laura bailey wow nightmares returned i need to play the harp spriggans look out oh no darn spriggans get out of here song must be attracting them it's lara harp music bailey that's insane i would have never guessed that more nightmares guard me while i soothe the wild seat not in a million years i do wonder how leveling is going to be on my druid though the one where i have the buttons all over the place i have no idea what i'm doing precious we've lost so many i wish the winter queen could save them all hold the road is not safe hi everyone hi doing buddy oh god this [ __ ] you're the one who helped us at glitterfall heights perhaps you can do so again let's hope that it doesn't bug out that would be great fight for so airline and the wild hunts they're trying to make sure that the road doesn't get overrun come many are in need of aid and we get to help them out and uh you know more masked enemies on the european many of us fell to its claws you knew then it will fall to ours airline is quite a badass by the way for arden wheeled our ally and i strike first the rest of you attack when i sound the horn okie dokie all the tusker has been killed to fill the jailer's army and now we can never play tusker did you not hear that tuskers don't go to the shadowlands cause they don't have any souls do the fourth faction of shadowlands represent some of the classic aspects in wow light nature on death and whatever vampires fit into where do they predate them because the jailer seems to be an outside of the equation um i mean if you want to draw those parallels i think you can but was it intentional i don't know there is more going on with the cosmic force of warcraft that is for sure but is it represented by the covenants maybe i mean if yeah probably if we sit down we can make some comparisons i do wonder if each covenant will also find themselves going into each own raid and each their own patch or whatnot that could be rather hey blighty beast welcome buddy queen and grove [Music] you did not see tusker in the maw and the bastion you wish i saw it tweeted by talias and avatar themselves they do not have souls so they do not go to the shadowlands [Music] no the horn so where did you drop the horn oh there it is oh they made it like a whole circle and everything okay now that's different than how it was that was the part that could have bugged out sometimes the horn fell through the floor well struck return and regroup or i don't know maybe somebody picked it up and logged out um but you could just make him immune and just stand there for the rest of all eternity paragon if you plan to raise but in one battle i fear many more await us uh-huh are you in need of the wild hunt always uh i will take your uh one-hander please yeah why not cause i'm probably running around with like a low level sword yep that will do me just fine thank you dude take our stag and ride with us friend oh i will telly ho the blighted stand in our path run them down wild hunt will call you from arden wheeled like i said airlines quite the badass no no no shovel is too high the wild seed was growing restless ah poor little seed he's okay i'm back now what do you fight for the forest will endure i serve the queen let's go come we ride for hibernal hollow sounds solid we get a personal escort from the wild hunt by the way hell yeah for escorting us airline it puts me at ease to know we are protected by a fierce huntsman i was not always so i joined the wild hunt only recently after my grove had to be sacrificed to save the others my grove was lost as well but not to the drought we were overrun by masked fae my friends i am sorry naya if only the wild hunt could have been there but our numbers are stretched perilously thin and so is the winter queen she bears the greatest burden of us all we must do what we can to share it oh aerolon you're so wise oh wait is this oh oh wow we're already further into the zone than i actually anticipated are we yeah we are oh [ __ ] okay help us end this spirit's nightmare though our resources are stretched thin i will do what i can so alioth was like this massive god upon uh once upon a time and they actually decided to just stay in arnold wield and protect the crows and whatnot because their world was taken over by the legion and they have agreed to help out welcome [Music] use it to alter your shape into one that the soul below will find more welcoming okay we'll prepare the ritual we need a bit of uh anime and we need to get it from a froggo down below but froggo he uh he died a bit of a a tragic death so we need to uh have a more kinder form like the the fox whatever it is called what is it called what am i looking like a soul shape it is a form so this is your second uh knight fay ability if you decide to join the covenant everybody will get this um now we need to talk to dreamweaver to perform the ritual vulpin there we go that's the one i was looking for hello there let's hope this is enough did it work no no the nightmares still linger we need more anima but aerolol knows where to get some i may know where we can acquire more yeah erellan are you in need of the wild where we going buddy do what you must huh for arden i will meet you outside of my former grove a place of memories and of loss so i will join you perhaps i can help find what we need take what you can for how can i help until next time okey dokey um so we're just gonna grab some mementos you know it might help them out they've given up everything we might as well nothing find something to remember by um so this is where they just permanently killed ursoc now what's supposed to be [Music] the grove is supposed to be completely empty and just you know not doing anything but these must fey are gathering around here just doing what they want acting like it's their grove my mind do you have to do all the quests in all the zones to get the max level uh no no no not by a long shot i have done the side quest in bastion um and i'm currently level 58 i still have a full zone and a half of this one to go uh it is not required to do every single one of them the anima is somewhere nearby we must continue our search how can i be the fate of my grove as well the big wings do you mean the dragon wings that's from uh the wrathion trinkets that's that's not for me the i can't pop my wings right now otherwise i want to show you but i think you're you're talking about the dragon wings they're badass aren't they [Applause] oh frost barrier you're all far far far too kind thank you everybody hey i just like being here i just like having people in the chat to hang out with to talk with and just play my game and have a grand old good time i just i just like to be included man mega cheetah you need to catch up but you need it to sleep i'm sorry i'm i'm almost done now um what is your favorite theory for broken machine of death you like the aonr1 [Music] you're getting closer where could the trust be hiding so much anima he must be gathering it for some dark purpose i kind of want it to be something new something unexpected what that might be i don't know the wild hunt but it just it just seems like she overloads on the information that she is uh she's given yep the drust are trying to escape their emerald nightmare into ardenwild the trust must be storing the enema and the heart of the grove but it withered so long ago perhaps the decaying groves are what drew them to arden wheeled indeed maybe it did oh yeah we need like a whole bunch of those mementos as well um what do you fight for or a gary grommash that could be kind of cool we're level 58 right now where shall we go next here's some stolen mementos the queen and then they're like all that gathered anima it has to be somewhere right i've had lunch i've had dinner i've had snacks yeah i've been i've been eating on stream today john q come on mobs you gotta leave me alone [Applause] let's go [Music] see i told you it was gonna be worth it one of the drust the dress will rule all around you were all like oh you gotta level your northrend engineering but it is super worth it captain [Music] hello what do you fight for so yeah we fought away here we need to destroy the barrier but as we do we'll hold off the trust [Music] yeah i gave up engineering thinking that i could easily pick it up again but it was dumb so much anima could we not use it to restore your growth and mine as well our groves are gone naya we must accept it and let them go there must be some way to bring back what we've lost some way to ease the pain they were sacrificed to save arden wield the greatest thing we can do now is fight to protect it yeah the cycle must continue here we go tada we got the heart let's get the [ __ ] out here are you in need of the wild hunt for there are too many of them protect the heart at all costs [Applause] [Music] i can't leave you alone for a moment can i well come along we have work to do yay lady moonberry to the rescue well what do you speak to me when you're ready to reign some fairy magic on the drust i'll get these two to safety shadowline thank you lady moonberry we are ah let's sparkle them up yo sparkle reigns from above what can i do for you let's go [Music] uh shadowlight thanks so much for the six months in a row hope you're doing good hope you're enjoying that delicious shell lens launch i just love that this quest line is actually called sparkles rain from above you can tell that they've been playing a whole bunch of overwatch that should do the trick i'll keep an eye on the dress you head back to alios okie dokie two other covenants if once first for edge is insated [Music] okay let's head back home so we got more anima for the seed but more anima also means that the entire zone is gonna be like we all got some more of that delicious anima don't mind if we do so we have to move fast before they all start creeping up on our culture all are one don't need your new cloak must wane night embrace you they're already on our borders you know we uh we gotta be careful it's our anime we worked hard for it we called that other steal it now the restless dreamer so yeah we need to for the ritual what do we need to do with the anime um surely attack us soon please hurry you got it we need to attune this little heart thingy but we can also use it offensively and just blow the [ __ ] out of them and right right okay you're often called anime as well it's just so much better anime and tithe lords or titty lords it is the greatest of lore all right so here is one i don't need a nightmare i just need to uh don't mind me little troll i'll be out of your hair in just a moment i've seen spirits have nightmares before but nothing like this the trauma this one must have been through so for those who are still wondering like what is this spirit they're giving us some final clues before the revelation is upon us so if you still want to put your guesses in and you still don't know that would be the time how may i aid you i don't need that defiler uh i don't need you don't do it welcome to the wheels is it arthas you think so [Music] honestly i wouldn't be opposed to it being arthas your animal will be mine no it's my anime get out of here stop it you would love to guess where you saw spoilers online yeah the internet is dark and full of spoilers [Music] you uh you want to ask her number yeah you uh you're thinking all that hair i could do something with that you no i was halfway casting blinded invader with your sparkly hair what is that on your head though well it's pretty clear that this spirit won't dream peacefully until we confront what haunts it okay um so hook up the seat to the other seat or sorry hook up the heart to the seat get a nice little straight line into the dreams good all that's left is to begin the ritual they got dream catchers uh right so that's done float on the wind that's done we're getting closer and closer to that awesome cinematic by the way oh i can't wait carden wheeled needs your strengths spoilers right let's get the show on the road baby how can i help the nightmares may not be real but they can still hurt you be careful you go take care the spirit dreams of her past the events that shaped all others to come so this spirit it dreams of a betrayal from deathwing the world breaker we're going to narrow it down who the spirit in the seed is in the time of the cataclysm where the world rose up against it a dear friend's betrayal a pain that never fades and then over here there is the consort iranicus i miss you my love then over here there is this world ending threat which on beta times had the model of a genosaur but now it still has the model of the first boss of the emerald nightmare [Applause] for the love of me the name does not come to mind now it could be just something symbolic or it could be that they just didn't want to model gala grant and give him a special new model so they were like oh we'll just give it a dragon somebody somebody will get it that could be your thing naifendra that was the one so the spirit is very much connected to dragons we also see her very early life as the dragons before they became the dragons were actually proto-dragons very primitive but you know hearts of gold were still able to stand up for the defense of the world against threats like gala grant for more details i would recommend uh dawn of the aspects we've got a video up on that machinima um to which keeper tyr realized you know what we could use we could use a bit more defenders for the world so let's make them dragons so they and the others were transformed they see malfurion as their students and tyrande as a dear friend cenarius is their adopted son and the daughter that you can actually find in the chamber of hearts having a conversation with alexstrasza so this spirit in the seed is none other than yesera the green dragon aspect that we were forced to put down in legion yes sarah why you know so much left unfinished so much remorse and regret and all right did cenarius live in shadowlands before it was resurrected yes um when he died he went to arden wield recovered went to the emerald dream and then came back uh i have not seen all the cutscenes yet nope this is my first time going through this i speak for the spirits okay can i embrace you and now we're going even deeper inception style what it's time enter the spirit's nightmare and bring her peace [Music] see yeah exactly jp and that is how ysera became corrupted in legion for those that missed out on the questline back then we were going after the pillars of creation and one of them was the tears of elune um and in this scene we can see that xavius the nightmare lord actually corrupts the tyr of elune shoots it at ysera and corrupts her into a dragon of nightmare but let me not forget that the only reason that she was flying there lured into a trap was because of malfurion [ __ ] stormrage losing his temper it begins again the pain and agony the madness beyond measure never forgetty it was malfurion who did it and now we are her in her final moments my actions they are not my own we're not torturing the dragon abandoned quest just get her out of there just abandon quest and then it will be over smack now xavius has me by the throat i must abandon my beloved not while i still draw breath illidan never got anyone important killed oof are you truly lost jesera after all we have built all we have done do what you must dear friend it is the only way oh my god i'm dying we will end this madness oh this is really loud hang on i'm gonna fix it for you there we go this should be better [Music] um [Music] me i'm not crying i'm a big boy [Music] hello [Music] no rip yes sarah ah well oh i kind of bugged it out and i made her spin oops why am i spinning in my nightmare did that ruin the moment for anyone else no okay good hello dreams are beautiful things i got a helmet inventory is full holy [ __ ] we have arrived at that point and let me let me quickly empty that out all right may your feet find good trails oh i'm just gonna i'm i'm seeing people like give uh spoiler warnings i'm not ignoring you i still love you but i'm just not gonna reach it for a little bit need anything because we're getting closer to the finale of it and i've been told everyone listen we're not the only ones who witnessed that nightmare the drust are approaching as we speak oh okay this should be interesting so our little adventure with the enema has like the entirety of arthur wheeled be like welcome anima grove don't mind if i do take the horn sound the call and summon the hunt i can now finally start to feel that this is actually you know we're getting closer to everybody's home and playing the game now um i'm actually experiencing a bit of lag but then again it's about time isn't it the hunt did not heed the call oh that does not bode well oh no i believe that was the west one the hunt in the west does not answer the call and your demise is at hand uh the drugs got the arthur wheeled because the borders of arden wheel due to the drought are cracking and the drugs are stuck in a tross which is another name for the emerald nightmare so arden wield is connected to the emerald nightmare and the drust are pushing themselves through the boundaries they're pushing themselves through the boundaries and they're trying to get in and they're actually are getting in what happened so it's due to the anima drought that they are pushing forward and actually uh getting into the zone yesterday on the radio i was like cooking my prep meal and somebody was being interviewed and all respected them for speaking a different language but every word they went like uh uh up to the point where i started to notice and count i think i went into triple digits for the amounts of us that they used it was kind of crazy so if you can and you want to work on a way that you actually speak make it a habit to notice if you use any us to fill up uh any empty moments in talking the silence i should say there's nothing wrong with a bit of silence play with the silence dare the silence to be part of your vocabulary you don't need to fill up every bit of silence with an uh the groves will fall the moritas thank you very much for twitch prime welcome welcome welcome see even if i tell myself don't read the chat i'm occasionally still glancing i'm like what are they talking about [Music] you're all far too interesting everybody i'm also seeing letters being like red and it's targeted at me that makes practicing confidence hard for a lot of people this be true this be true but the first step in improving is acknowledging right it doesn't have to be perfect but you know stutter and forget a lot of [ __ ] yeah especially a stutter is hard to overcome i notice it when i get tired or i get over excited i start stuttering and i start repeating words and whatnot i'm like deep breath but it's not it's not a heavy stutter by any stretch of the imagination go up here hello all are one the roman's call there we go so the one green and grove that didn't answer a call was actually the one that was hunting for oh the dude earlier i do not recall his name the one that was like oh you lost one of your own it's it's her that's the one that's not calling uh not answering the call now not to worry the only reason that they didn't answer the call was because they were too busy slaughtering the enemy and in essence this quest is just to get you out of the hibernal hollow for a bit i see your hunt goes well mortal i know right clear and true there we go the winter queen let's go wild hunt with me four arden wheels so they get you out of the hybrid hollow and it actually uh changes faces as the enemy is full on on the attack we need to stand for its defense protect yesera arden wield needs your strength kick their booties knight embrace you i thought it was like a little uh cut scene okay i guess we first need to strike down our prey slay heal your wounds keep fighting i could do that so those little uh little platforms actually give you uh a wee bit of a buff which is kind of nice not gonna lay a great danger looms come to me and together we will face it i am here troman let's go welcome to my grove let's kick some booty their anima will feed our victory leave their hearts to rot get him [Music] oh hell yeah so the target that they were hunting earlier uh the lorecrown well the lorocron is kinda back so we we we uh we need we need to save the growth right now the wild seed it's being hurt quickly before we lose her yes sarah stay with me cause if you leave me now [Music] the wild seed i no longer sense its dreams oh no unless we save her soon she will be lost forever not again i can't lose my ysera again we just reunited don't you dare take her away from me in nature all are one [Music] oh you sarah be gentle she's almost gone oh yes you could probably use a little help huh what fun you're about to have i once said that your voice is but one bird singing in the night well i think it's time we all sang with you and so the entirety of arden wield all those that saw the dreams of the dreamer all those that have been aided by us have seen how hard we have worked to conserve arden wields they added her music oh that is so good though it's like multiple voices are singing the song that we heard when we said goodbye to you sarah [Music] [ __ ] that is good [Music] [Music] [Music] so sorry i'm just enjoying this moment right here like i've seen this like 10 times on the beta but never with this music before and it's just such a cool moment to bring it all together like this phenomenal [Music] [Music] all right moonberry here to play more tricks or are serious matters at hand matters most serious i'm afraid lord hearn we request an audience with the winter queen okey dokey i'm not gonna remove my face cam by the way i'll be doing a second recording mark tour this is more for a reaction for the people who want to see it um so yeah there's apparently a cutscene moment coming in and i'm super super curious and excited to see what this actually is knowing what kind of farewell we gave you sarah i've got high hopes about the upcoming cutscene hail mortal [Music] i like how we still have this like this miniature army just floating in like who i wanna see i wanna see are we going in here are we going one further no we're actually going in here okay all right well i'm just gonna walk ahead now yeah [Music] no no no no no it will not bug out on me we will do it again i want a goddamn cut scene don't worry by the way i've seen the ending of this before this is exactly how it worked on the beta as well you went up to that grove and poof you instantly saw what the end result was so don't worry about oh god he's spoiled now um i just want my cutscene damn it i don't wanna look it up by the youtubes i mean i'm not gonna rp walk in there okay there there are certain limits that i'm willing to go through come on work work work angelica okay no npcs can't talk to the guards [Music] all right all right hold on to your butts everybody the moment has come i am curious my queen please help us this is of my sister why have you brought it to me oh is slipping away this is off my sister oh actually elune did bring her into the zone oh that's cool our duty is grim many have been lost why would i save her pet those who have dreamed by its side awakened with a joy and peace that whispers of wonder if she dies then all that is emerald dies with her some must be sacrificed but some must be saved if we forget that all that will remain will be empty shells and sorrow save her queenie she gives some of her own anima to do it [Music] wow oh god it's good [Music] uh [Music] oh that is super cute okay i like that okay that was that was worth looking it up bit bummed not gonna lie bit bummed in a bugged out in game but that was super cute okay so she mentioned this is one of my sisters now that doesn't necessarily because my first reaction was like oh my god elune actually brought her into the shadowlands but it seemed to be as you went through the cutscene it seemed to be hinting more at whereas the winter queen has the domain of arden wield the cycle of rebirth and whatnot it is a loon that has the dream the emerald dream therefore ysera is the dreamer so therefore ysera is one of hers not necessarily that elune actually brought her to the shadowlands but definitely a connection we already knew that the winter queen had a sister from the shadowlands beta as we could click on our voice lines and she's like do you have a sister mortal you are certainly as vexing as mine from which we were like wondering oh what could be a cool sister for the winter queen which would then flow into elune um being the opposite of it uh elune or eonar but eonar gave yasera her powers um indirectly like first of all was the keepers that called upon them and while aeon are dipped lesser it seems to be more logical to make connections to elune considering the cutscene where elune reaches down and grabs her considering that she's brought out of the seed in the same pose that elune put her in there is a r a possibility sure but i'm gonna put my money on a loon a hundred percent well you might say that aeon r has a connection to ysera because they empowered her into the emerald dream but let's not forget that the emerald dream was potentially already there before aeronaut did anything with it in essence what aeronaut did was build a connection between the emerald dream and and then empowered the dragon aspect there but the domain that yasera guarded was the emerald dream itself in my humble opinion it's a lot more interesting and makes a lot more sense if elune itself is the counterpart to the winter queen if arden wield is the winter and autumn towards the summer and spring of the emerald dream if that connection is there it makes more sense that elune would be the counterpart for the emerald dream so whereas the winter queen is the ruler of arden wield a loon would be the one on the aspect of life on the emerald dream itself not to mention the whole connection of ysera elune malorne and cenarius uh there's that part as well um so i think there's a lot more to be said about elune than about eonar look at the parchment drawing what do you mean that's cool though huh that's really cool so there's the confirmation they've done melinda thank you very much for subscribing be welcome i love that cutscene though cutscene was well cute yeah and uh yasera the dreamer i am bound to both the dream is back empowered by the winter queen herself who gave so much of her power that like a little leaf falled off um so yeah oh on the quest x all right you had a little winter queen in there [Music] hello from australia hello there hello hello from the netherlands she is deeply connected with elune yee okay that was cool that was awakened once again but in a world not my own you are reborn an arden-wheeled child of trees to this realm are you bound and you will share its fate [Music] yay we are no stranger and finally we can deliver the message that we actually showed up here for um right now our sacred charge remains unchanged my old friend after countless ages our worst fears have come to pass if the banished one then we face a danger even more grave than this crippling draft come mortal join me at my court and stand before the heart of the forest there we shall speak further you talk really slow yeah i had the same problem uh leon i had to look up the cutscene on wowhead unfortunately um what happened was on the beta they made it certain that you wouldn't trigger the cutscene so you would instantly go from seedling to hey there's yosera and it appears that that is crossed over into life um yeah super disappointing uh really really disappointing it's such a deep value to the whole art of wheel storyline it's the crescendo of the moment it's built up perfectly and then it's just [ __ ] up with like oh there's you sarah by the way it's like what it's it's a [ __ ] book but what can you do hello i think something cool happens here as well by the way speak and the forest shall listen the heart of the forest is vital to arden wield and to the protection of the realms beyond long ago we drew upon its magic to ensure the more would be inescapable that the banished one would remain forever bound the drought has caused the heart to wither its strength must be bolstered though we have precious little anima to save our waning groves an impossible choice yet one that must be made for the good of the cycle aha so fun facts they actually drew upon the magic of the heart of the forest to make sure that the banished one would remain forever bound now we also know that it was the winter queen that created all that we see before us she was the one who created arthur wield which is rather interesting and now with the enema droughts uh with those souls no longer going in there um yeah it's looking a bit dicey they're gonna need some anima i grant you an audience mortal and if one needs anima they only have to visit one single realm which would be ravenrev your path heeds onward mortal know that you have gained an ally in me and in arden wield interesting hello you sarah tell me what do you see all you actually gotta do is stay awhile and listen to you cool courage young one i feel a profound connection to this realm and yet in my dreams i still soar above azeroth you are bound to the queen and to arden wield just as i am yet i envy your dreams of home the longing in your voice speaks of loss my world was shattered beneath the hammer of the burning legion there is nothing left but ashes now this forest is my home as it is meant to be we serve the cycle and the queen guides us but arden wheel too is under threat i see many shadows tearing at its fringes clawing their way in i though with your help we will drive them back of this i am certain thank you alioth i welcome your counsel and your friendship i think at this point in time ysera is indeed bound to arden wield um but keep in mind like so nice to see you i have seen your dream if they ever want to bring her back uh they definitely can right it is warcraft after all so yeah that is the major storyline in arden wield what started with look we got a message for you ended up in saving a whole bunch of art and wield eventually finding a seed with ysera in it and convincing the winter queen to bring ysera back now our journey must go into ravenwrath and ask the masters of anima extraction if they you know can drop a little for the cause we need a bit more anima to keep the jailer contained so knowing that it's the anima drought that's actually weakening the bonds on the jailer it puts a bit more merit on the idea that the attack on the arbiter came from ravendraft right interesting i can't wait to find out by the way cannot wait hello come forth and be judged yay awaken the dreamer journey to reverend i will consider your words
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 8,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Ardenweald, full playthrough, shadowlands, world of warcraft, Winterqueen, drought, anima, jailer, maw, emerald dream, ysera, seed, gorm, drust
Id: 0MnJTnYzSPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 33sec (6513 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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