Drustvar Full Playthrough - Battle for Azeroth Alpha

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[Music] right so as we get into the game this is pretty much where we're dumped at and the first quest that they give us not that one yeah it is that one right so there's the area were dropped in fall Haven for testing and fall Haven is having a bit of a curse problem they're a bit uh they're a bit frozen in place you know people making indecent propositions to young ladies and out of frozen in place they're not having a grand old good time as we are told to go and meet with Cyril White's who is standing right here he's hanging up a poster this man matches the description of Cyril white the mayor for Haven unfortunately he's in no state to help you right now I should also mention the storyline in coltd us is pretty much figuring out what's going on with three houses and United them getting Adam to her side the mayor along with the rest of the residents of fall Haven appear to be under the effects of some unfamiliar magic while still breathing he's unable to move responds you need to find a way to break his curse if you want to help in contacting house way crests look for the source of the spell the effigy looming in the town centre pulse of the dark energy similar to that which has entrapped the villagers it may be acting into focus to hold a spell in place if it could be destroyed the spell might be broken here with the FG but alas the effort T is still too powerful and cannot be broken the effigies protected by powerful magic it seems it will take more than brute force to break this curse yeah a lot of Witcher influences apparently the bulletin that mayor white was posting at the time he was struck by the spell indicates that have been some strange happenings in the town lately it's likely these events are connected to whatever caused this spell on the village perhaps there might be a record from other villagers that could shed some light on the source of this magic and that's about as far as I got last time due to several recent disappearances a new curfew will be strictly enforced in fall Haven for your protection all villagers are expected to retire to their homes no later than sundown in addition we've received reports of dangerous creatures in the foothills anyone with business outside of town limits is urged to use caution please report any suspicious persons or activity it's a mayor white at once here we have a book no we're not supposed to interact with quite yet inside here we have a little family having a lovely dinner rats crawling all over the food poor Felix frozen in place right Ava's notes dearest husband I don't know who you think you're fooling but I've seen you sneaking out into the foothills where you think I'm asleep whatever it is you're up to it better not evolve that crazy woman in the woods she's a dangerous one but not half as dangerous as all be if I find out you're up to no good so he was dealing with some witch in the woods is that a new paintings by the way nope alright moving on focus Noble you can do it focus me and I am happy to see that the bonus events on make a return they were a nice way to get some extra experience here and there as she went through the quests kind of like him Lawrence levy Crowes are literally picking at him I don't know where these blasted flies came from but they've returned each morning for a fortnight now and this rains will run out of feed for the pics in a month's time what curse has befallen this place I'd bet my last torch there's something to do with that old crone and a blight fly swarm is messing up the food for the piggies do you think you'll get some keys of some later points I have no idea maybe last time we had some beta keys to give away so maybe do you feel like the zones are big enough to counter provided in them in the Alpha how do you like the atmosphere a good question and I think it's a little bit too soon to give like a verdict on that already we don't have the entirety yet to test out as far as I know first impressions is that the zones are massive like we've spent a good two hours on the Horde side going through the troll area and I finished like one or two quests so there's still plenty to do there so it definitely feels thick and vast and solid with the storytelling I do wonder what is going to be more fun multiple zones with each their own individual story lines or free big zones surrounding one single storyline but time will tell I suppose it's a little bit too soon to tell grief of shelfie and Lena Shelby Griffith what you doing buddy dear formance tauten I apologize for the delay in the latest butchery Shipman's I was given some plants crepes by the kindly old woman downed away from a pig feed but I'm afraid it may have been tainted my swine have become afflicted with a melody that makes them unusually aggressive it's been difficult to Coral them for transports I will attempt another shipments by weeks and yeah so the Crone is messing about with the town Ward won't come to this area my understanding is that you are separated from each other at the starts the Horde will go through some malaria lines will go to call tourists and at max level both sites open up as fretts that require both factions so you will see both zones but the extent of that I am not entirely sure about I don't know if it will simply be like world quest go help out decent dad or will we get another storyline but then at max level I have no idea how that's gonna play out the writings you were able to find all have one common friend an old woman who recently arrived in town this letter may contain some information to her whereabouts the letter indicates that an old woman named helena gentle recently took up residence in a house down the road from the town the villages writings point to her being if i'll somehow with a variety of melodies destructive villages recently it's possible that she may know what's behind his spell if it hasn't affected her as well afflicted her as well hello anybody home yeah that's not the way you're supposed to look though Helena I have seen your real model you're not fooling anyone hello hello young woman we don't get many visitors to fall Haven what brings you to my home a curse on the villagers oh my how dreadful Otto to be honest there have been some strange happenings around fall Haven of late I wonder if these could be the culprits if these could be culprits take a seat and have a spot of tea I'll tell you all that I know yeah this is gonna end bad see you around I really don't want to sit down though okay whatever hey surprise inception this village is mine the mother has willed it you should turn away now lets you share their faiths mm-hmm surprise what the Frick is that those fish heads in her haste it looks like Helena left her spell book behind the pages of this book that detailed a ritual that she used to entrap the villagers fall Haven its it seems the effigy but that's just lucky that she leaves that behind isn't it gosh darn it whatever we do she didn't leave that behind it seems the effigy holding a spell in the village is protected by small amounts surrounding the town and if these are destroyed she may be able to affect the one holding the spell on the town's folk she has she lures us into a trap and still kind enough to leave the one thing that tells us how to break the curse yeah that's just that's just luck right there the wild live in the foothills appear to be under Helena's spell and his villager appears to be one of the victims they must be the cause of recent experience for fall Haven perhaps if their numbers were cut down the a would pose less of a threat to the townspeople who a pre-order battle for Azeroth is a chance to receive a beta invite there has been no promotion with the pre-order black suit not in direction of beta access now foolish shaman you dare challenge me here my domain I mean I could try I will show you the coven's power oh my god that is adorable what did you do what did you make oh that's cute oh crap okay let's cute less cute oh boy oh boy definitely less cute you cannot stop my curse oh yeah I can I don't know if I could stop your minions oh boy oh boy ha ha ha ha ha ha yeah they didn't work out there we go witcha hums the crowed is defeated and will no longer pose a threat to the people of fall Haven however the curse on the village still lingers then tomorrow hopefully we can finish up like one of the factions so I can do like the faction stream highlights and then the other faction stream highlights furious familiars with the curious wildlife called with the cursed wildlife calls the villagers on fall Haven should no longer have to fear the foothills meet all right effigies destroyed there's a quest line up ahead Oh yoohoo what's lying the magical energies surround the effigy have dissipated the effigies protections been broken all that remains is to break the effigy item-level to hundreds dear yo mess up how's it going buddy yeah you doing Oh anybody want some sausages all right let's kill him and the town is back to life what what's going on what can I do for you what's going on how long have you been standing there a curse you're saying the whole village was just stuck I knew it was something terribly wrong with that old crone it seems that fall Haven owes you a great debt stranger oh god I don't know my head on telling me which one I should go for and whatever you seek the house way crest Oh your timing could not be worse I just received a raven regarding Lord wake res not and Lucille shortly before this curse came upon us they apprehended her in Fletcher's Hollow and are taking her to trial they say she's a witch herself if she's found guilty she will surely hang you must make haste the hangman's points what you've seen here maybe you can convince them of her innocence safe travels me wait what does your elemental give me speed increase weird you need something anybody wants some sausages from Elijah Eggleton we really appreciate saving our skin shaman all that curse that meddling must have left you vanished Oh care for some care for some sausages thanks heaps for getting us out of that pickle mainlander I'd hate to ask would you be Outlander which would be willing to help with another matter even before this curse struck the village our sausage shipments from Carver's Harbor started slowing down if we don't get them sausages I won't be able to feed my family can you help an honest sausage merchant outs Carver's harvest is down the road from here see you later looking for something specific Rowlands famous frankfurter Timmy Jean surprise pork Roscoe's fryers mostly meets Bret's grouse imported from elven forests gold shia farm smoked sausages the music though Tereus Gramps riffs hold is not having a grand old good time right now music chill please for the love of God chill there are like two tracks running at the same time right now hey there my grandson is always getting into trouble but it's something else the adventurer society thank the light I was take care my grandson and his friends I told him to play quietly while I took a nap when I woke up they left a note saying they were going on an expedition they think they'll find tights and Velux into tralk caverns they're too young to fight rock and I'm too old my bad knee almost gave out getting here you look strapping find my grandson and the rest of the adventurer society send them home these Troggs are a menace to the whole area at a rate camps and caravans and eat the livestock when it come down from the caves the kids being up there might set them off slay some of the Troggs before they decide to cause trouble see you later frogs why it's gotta be Troggs Blizzard is doing the whip trial stroke with actual witches that removes the entire points issue which though okay so we found a backpack this is a child-size backpack a junior Explorer pain is attached to the backpack in sir inspect the backpack there's a pair staff empty butter troughs continue looking for the children da I look it out so this was the camp where the kids were staying at yeah pretty sure sore fangs plotting something it doesn't appear like he was particularly happy of the Horde coming for him he was like are you gonna make me make me come with you and orokin was like that was not our order and he's like okay I'm gonna do my own thing then I really wonder what goes down within the Horde man a beginner's guide to archeology by brands Bronzebeard third edition of course Brann Bronzebeard caused his mess yeah so he said mother is it rock how to identify relics by Harrison Jones forward by sir Finley half-eaten Journal the cover has been not on and several pages have been taken out of them markers howling day of the adventure society Hey look at that that's a new kit model isn't it that looks so much better than the previous model did so much better hey you found our stuff Nigel's grandpa is nice and all but he have slowed us down Adventure fortune and fame await it's maybe should brought a weapon or something though is that tracer Junior ha ha ha ha mistakes were made my friends and I want to be Explorer so we made the society there are trucks here right so that means there's probably ancient stuff nearby the books say trunks like shiny things so we pulled some of our loewen's and gave them gold so we could dig it didn't work out like we expect it's I escaped but they've got my friends I've been trying to think about how to get them outs could you do it's will include your exploration report as an honorary member sure can buddy I think I'm gonna stand back over there already yeah the lights better for reading good luck excavation inference or a discarded paper contains a list of the items the events that our society has found during the course of the excavation here in the northern caverns it is unlikely they actually found relics but there's no harm in recovery items that the kids found at least they're souvenirs of the adventure genuine tighten disk it's a rock Euphemia excuse me could you give me a hand please Wow [Music] y'all hang on hang on I need to show you something look at the difference in detail between the two L'Oreal huh lore'l Marie I'll go find Marcus oh my god no don't go find Marcus now don't do it young one I mean I'm a big fan huh I'm a big fan of the steamy romance novels but not not not like this not like this and a relic of the makers not height and forge but it isn't called sir an eider how did you get out there stay away from you smelly frogs I'll hit you with a rock see if I don't sigh can you come down thank you I was gonna run out of rocks up here I'm going to hide with Marcus yeah it looks good if you don't like the emotionless expression Wow hey over here hey Jonathan Johnny Presta by ancient pot sherds can we have a sleepover you could discuss lore all night if you want us to probably broke a pot from a ransacked called sir and Kemp side all right and then we just need to kill a couple more trogs around his area I'm gonna be an explorer menace to society you look like you've been in a fight did you introduce those frogs to the business end of your weapon that's what I would have done give him a good right hook and then I left an empowering and a BAM I bet they're sorry for messing with you mistakes were made you saved my friends I mean they probably could have escaped on their own but it was nice you could distract the trucks for EM why you found a relics aren't they neat and none of them are really interesting isn't our stuff neat we found real relics I bet Brian Bronzebeard will impressed we're gonna write to him once we get back home there's everyone but Nigel he's in a big cave I bet he went in there to look for relics but now she's tied up would you save him - sure buddy I'll save your Nigel and Nigel's having a little bit of you know Nigel is not having the best of times right now Nigel was being a little bit cooked but that's okay Nigel I got you buddy come on let's get out of here and I also need to slay unknown ume snack now - yeah nobody sorry Buckskin a oh I could purge that con hi yeah I can there we go I'm broken and okay it's about say I can't loot him but that was alright just called tear and chilled and other models what other children oh the alpha or now we're gonna find it out Nigel there you are tell grandpa that you're all very sorry what can I do for you thank you for saving my grandson and his friends I'm sure it will make fine explores when they're adults which will be about the time they are no longer ground it's huh so 200 over 200 so we're gonna take the meal for the Alliance you're a kid you kids know you're not supposed to sneak grounds yes Gramps yes Gramps yes sir you're all grounded for two months ah come on Gramps ah but we're explorers keep that up and I'll make it three months you're lucky debts I could see the future happen along was able to see save you they're telling me to meet Samus at Carver's Harbor even before the curse struck the village our sausage shipments from Carver's Harbor started slowing down if we don't get them sausages I won't able to feed my family Kia help an honest sausage merchants outs Carver's Harbert is just down the road from here I got you oh there we go hello Thomas Totten you need something thank delight someone came I can't handle this myself see you later can I help you we're just humble sausage makers why would anyone want to hurt us save the bacon this is going to sound strange shaman but some of the workers were turned into pigs luckily I was out on errands or I have been called to now people are tied up awaiting processing Thomas suppresses the Earth's the wretch I can't get paws those monsters but you look like the sort who could not sure if this helps but I could have sworn I heard someone wild cackling I heard some wild cackling coming from the warehouse please save my people Rose I'm not sure what those strange wooden abominations are but they need to be stopped please shaman destroy them before more to fry my friends are killed kill some wicker creatures Roland hacksaw was the best butcher I've ever worked with but he's gone insane he still processing pics into sausage you have to stop him slay Roland the butcher and careful Oh yummy okay the glassy eyes of the pic fetish seems to follow you as you approach the dark power emanating from the witch fetish must be what is keeping a worker strange forms perhaps Tom something might have some idea what to do with it here we have Roland and Roland is still you'll be making for some fine bacon Roland is not entirely himself heats you as quite a bit of darkness going on as you can see it's model windows also not entirely corrects enthralled possessed by an unknown force shipments have already gone out this area looks disgusting man I will help you hunter come here in order to question around occulted us I need an alliance character my understanding is that at max level both zones will become available as in Yoko - sunda la - or an alliance you're going to call to us as your horde but the details as to will it just be world quest is actually going to be more storyline that I'm unaware of look at Kyle's hat man Kyle's having a grand old good time I don't think we should be saving him run Kyle run buddy was that a boot next to the grinder did I miss a boot oh my god there is a boot next to the grinder yeah and Travis Travis has a lovely drink pouch going on be free Travis be free [Music] and Trevor hello thumbnail please don't mind if I do what do I think of the Horde enough reading Sour Fang I mean it was his own choice right and it was not their main mission to go there I don't wonder if our friend is going to be the one to bridge the madness that's going on between the Alliance and the Horde if there's someone at me that should know more it would be sour fam we've seen him during a burning of teller to see on a picture like just before the burning he stands next to Silvana's way from the finals presumably and the second picture he's gone with a boat so yeah he definitely seems to be a key figure and apparently during the siege of Lord around he's gonna be captured by the Alliance but the code to spare his life and he wants to talk with the boy King so yeah I really hope he's going to be like a bridge between affections he'll you know save their bacon thank you for sending my workers to a safe spot hopefully my men won't have to remain pigs for long with those monsters gone no more my people are going to get killed poor Roland's he was very good at his work one of the finest butchers in Drew's VAR it's a true shame his talents were put to such horrible use [Music] yeah removing it didn't break the curse we'll have to try something else that foul thing has to be what's keeping my men transformed to pigs well there isn't too much they can withstand a good cleansing fire I say we burn it have a good one toss it into the campfire what that brought them back I'll come back crew can I help readings hey there what can I do for you you did it the spells broken my men are back to normal well mostly they're alive at least now we can get back to normal around here if you see Elijah fall Haven tell him he'll get his sausages soon see you round never make him a traitor I mean the option of stepping away from the Warchief is not something new it's a similar thing that happened over mists of pandaria people like sour fang and for all he'll even eat trick they realized that what what garage did with the hoards was not what the hoard was about and they decided like look we need to take action against it we need to do something about this so it's not entirely impossible for someone likes our frame to be like look but so far this is now doing with the Horde that too is not or about or you know speaking out to be like look what you think happens oh [ __ ] what what you feel the ground rumbling beneath your feet watch out okay what can I do for you he'll travel early look at just the swords who might be able to help me out with the predicament it's my son Edwin you see we were traveling through Druce var to ply our wares when the damned fool ran off to joy some cult in autumn Vil since then we haven't seen a trace of him and the brown rogue looms won't speak a word of his whereabouts could you see if you could persuade them to talk his poor mother is worried sick safe travels don't you just hate that you know you take your family on a nice family vacation before you know it's one of them joins the cults story of my life man and now he put on a mask and part of a cult writings what brings you to our Valley shaman so in its rate ascent you as I told them I only discuss the happenings of her family with those who understand our cause if we sin knows whereabouts you must prove that you do behind us are several items gathered for offering to the recommend bring us the items for you we will most appease it so that might give us its blessing choose to correct offerings everyone know your intent for the Alliance mmm okay now what would make the Whitcomb unhappy we have herbs we have entrails we have grain scrolls fruits bones and bundle of wicker now go to the thing that bundle of wicker entrails are gonna be the thing so let's start off with some nice fruits there you go like some fruits are you serious she's serious isn't she okay how about entrails then would that make you happy yes Dean trills I'm sure we can do something without let's put up on the little wicker we're next it out I see you brought the wicker an obvious choice but no less corrects and then oh there's bones hidden in there what well not really hated no but it was right on the floor and bones it is done heed our offerings Wickerman and grant us your boon I think he moved no way was that the winds he seems more presents for sure Oh Hilda Wickham on long shaman you've earned my trust and I will help you in your talk so your offerings please the Wickerman very well ask a question shaman the one called Edwin came to us not long ago seek return a blessing of the Wickerman you wanted off into the hills looking for his own offering unfortunately he managed to desert one of the nearby beehives cause any insects to become rather frenzies that was the last time I saw him be careful Debbie's the bees not the bees oh no you're just stupid karate bees I thought maybe just maybe we're gonna see the B mounds but new no sorry mister wolves I wish I was right there with ya right there with ya but nope hello Edwin you okay buddy shaman is good to see your friendly wait wha what is that not the bees no oh just a wee damage as well Oh in my eyes my eyes shut up Nicolas Cage Thank You stranger I [ __ ] those bees will be the end of me it looks like you fend them out of it I think commit my way back from here initiates peony how are you you were the one looking for every words you you must help him you must hurry Lord autumn Vale brought a twin off to that cave right when he returned saying something about an offering of blood I think that meant to sacrifice into the to appease the Wickerman just what kind of crazy cult is this good this is all a bit too much for me I'm out here save a twin again you calm do this this is murder these people are crazy help me shaman will you quiet down your death will serve the greater good you did not interfere with our works lets you become the sacrifice die interloper weighted glove what's what did he just do he did it again dirt in your eyes do it again do it again but why thank you again shaman you arrived in the nick of time you're welcome how are you those called us right to kill me I don't know about you but I've had about enough of the Wickerman business I appreciate you saving me again but we should do something to prevent this from happening to anyone else as long as it may come and stands it will attract more or like auto bail we should destroy it oh you're with me around come on let's put an end to this cults now shaman Wickerman burns burn Wickerman Lord autumn villas deaths he's first for power led to his demise do not follow his empty lies or you will doom yourself go there's nothing more for you here well done that way there hello well certainly not my listen thank your friends have returned apparatus my parents now here take this for your troubles they certainly might learn my lesson about not joining any cults safe travels what's that in the distance by the way I see like a town there is that where we were teleported out the last time do you think sivanna's cares about a horde and honor right now she does not know right now Sylvanas cares about staying alive staying out of hell by the way have you noticed that they're called fairy monsters and not actual flight monsters does that mean if I take your fairy oh I can't take your fairy we're not connected I think she's gonna like transport us by boats but right now Savannah's only cares about staying alive that's the one motivation and my hope is that through story development she's going to learn more about what it means to be part of the Horde that there's more in her undead life than just staying alive right and that is also so for the kind of plan for in Legion but that never came to fruition like if you check out the Legion websites you can actually see that Sivan if they have to make a choice besides between eternal damnation or her people and from that I was like well maybe her people are no longer just the forsake and now it would also be all the hordes but that never played out seemingly being cut out of the storyline lost sailors Memorial in search of the next horizon I follow a constant star to see as vast and empty the journey takes me far darkness falls to win now how's the sky no longer cleared straining I searched the skies but the stars disappeared through squall and storm wind and rain white lady guide my path shine through and bless me protection from the Seas mighty robbed the winds arise my ship is tossed a course I fight to keep struggling against the tides we are poured into the deep blue child comfort the one I love the one I left alone this sea is a cruel mistress I'll not be returning home the woman is weeping you reach out your hand to curse over why are you crying such such loss I had no idea I could hurt this much why what happens you feel the ground rumbling beneath your feet watch out when they came to the door I should have realized they never show up when I when it's something good I knew right then the dream was over is there anything I can do to help well there is one thing that could help what is it let me eat your hearts surprise the coven's rejection soar out my soul now I will take yours improper week me I am will be bound by no coven they will drive and scream as I rip them open and devour Emma you didn't see that coming huh you ruined everything now the idea of her being a rare spawn you didn't see coming okay I'd ask the spirits what is more round up but I don't have any of the necessary selves I normally used to commune with the debts my family's been making it for ages the herbs and tools I used to make it are in the cemetery I can't get over there some of those spares are beyond reason and Technion sites why don't you go collect those herbs make the sell my tools and also one of the calmer spears what's going on Aeryn Kressley is a good spirits look for see you later what are you barking at Daisy what's out there girl Wendy doesn't care is generally good advice to let sleeping dogs lie spooky witches ghosts in graveyards I love this zone yeah good the music is on point of a miner corrupting circle this is indeed the actual zone soundtrack yes now keep in mind of course when whatever you're watching right now alpha will be alpha right so keep that in mind but right now it is the music in the zone yeah are they going to squish stats again or the low stats just an alpha thing it appears to be a feature yeah if you look at the item level we're running right now on a 197 we've gear dropping at two hundredths but right now in game we're like at a nine hundred I think and do I like what I see so far yes I do like what I see so far the zones I was a little bit worried about the zones when they announced Muskaan I was like oh wow we're only getting like three zones to level in but the zones are massive and they have a distinct feeling to them there's some individual store lines running through them they definitely feel good yeah well sittin ounce ages ago Artemus cool is it more fun than the legion questing but there's never more never more I really enjoy leaves in questing so it's a bit hard to say it kind of feels the same that we got the zone buffs we got the storylines going on it kind of feels the same deadly regard how pvp oriented does it feel not at all least not from my experience but I also got to keep in mind that are making a massive alterations to the pvp and PVE realms she will be able to opt in to PvP realms and when you do you will get bonus rewards and you know be a active player amongst the PvP yours which i think is a really really good idea considering you know nobody likes to be ganked but sometimes you just really feel like okay I'll take the risk as I'm doing my quest and I'll PvP with whoever I see but I haven't seen that really everybody yeah I did briefly oh you're the one yeah no but Connor has to happen I don't know so he said to mrs. we'll have you in memoriam in memory of those lost s-- okay oh snap we are now in the spirit realm and now we're not yo what you see dead people oh that was weird hmm Aaron crystally you need something stranger let me raid I'm ensnared in a witch's foul magic and I do not know how much longer I could resist destroying the circle binding me which is infested is good place with a foul power you have proved yourself a friends perhaps you will be our salvation in life like a Patriots and I were valiant champions as you are in death we are potent souls to make two witches occurs me is even more powerful your help I've resisted thus far about this foul [ __ ] poor brave Brigid from her justly one rest she's now trapped in one of those macabre constructs this which intends to use Brits to bring Jeff upon the land she was sworn to protect free Brigid fair water saw from the construct switch entrap sir for the Alliance okey-dokey oh now we actually see what's going on with the spirit away hey good day to you dearly departed oh there's even ghosts children oh poor goes kids okay so do spirits will be getting disturbed by this witch and we need to make it stop Hey hello oh but I think that we killed earlier rare right gotcha [ __ ] got you hello Bridget fair water free at last thank you for freeing me from that foul constructs the witch was too much for me and I was trapped and scruffs is a loyal companion how are you howdy cheats why dead postulant boil on a totes rum use me as a pawn be chat help out a Dutch boy what does he mean I will see her sent screaming to the fowl pits she scroll she crawled from my thanks the witch will pay for her heinous actions just her making a noise I don't recognize it okay our lo some foes sister westward yet continue to work alter subjugating myself she set a malicious sites on my companion fare mercy of us pretty mercy was most kind possessing of uncommon inner strength yet I fear for her corrupting such a soul would make for a fearsome creature indeed stop the virus well before Mercy's taken allowed it that there rests laceless the westward and free us from a cross see you later you can apply for debate Oh Patrick go to your battlenet account go to beta settings and make sure it's all turned on and if you turn on you have a chance I'm getting to beta mysterious whisper whispers their victory is closer than you know my my what a mysterious mystery whisper these souls are mine nope no draining essence please my creations cannot be beaten [Music] okay so we got the defenders back I kept the woodland safe in life I won't be a two of these [ __ ] in life a protector this land and deaf I vow to do the same room our thanks to you brave champion you freed us from the witch's vow influence to stop the corruption from spreading our very souls and is saved by directions now we may rest say that one see you around we are gladden to seed are still champions such as you if you happen across more fall witches give them a good righteous punch in the face from each champion that's it go forth protect the people of Dras far she seeks that which must be earned by sacrifice and not a mysterious whisper comes out who are you mysterious whispered order ah bonus objective no hahaha Lucile a Crist you stand accused of practicing witchcraft and afflicting curse upon the village of Fletcher Hollow you were here by tried for constable a stranger approaches oh how I love interruptions what is your business here mainlander how are you well apparently better than you executioner please Blizzard make my dream come true and let me play one of these guys man day to you what is it shaman beutel's can't you see that were busy our shaman I assume that you have a reason for interrupted this trial so you wish to speak with the accused I see no reason why not be quick about it oh I will not have her trial delayed this woman will answer for the fate of her village wait what they're in the middle of hanging someone and then this weird ass outside it comes up and it's like oh you want to talk to them sure have a good way look rides approach you from the woods more interruptions what is it this time constable framer i order you to release the lady wake rested to my custody miss wake rest stands accused of witchcraft we will not turn her over unless she is absolved of this crime there's no time to argue if you refuse to stand aside we will take her by force you will do no such being marshal i order you to stand down [Music] marshal with the guards huh how are you you've arrived at a strange time mainlander what is your business here I am here to rescue you rescue and do you plan a cutting down these villages to free me as well no if you wish to help you need to help the marshal while there are queues ations are misplaced they are still my people and I will not have them harm to save me some discomforts I will let I will let them have the trial and prove to their my innocence some discomfort they're about to hang you okay however I feared that the marshal may take matters into his own hands and I'm a bit side up here see if you can convince him to let this trial run its course see you later mm-hmm hello Marshall light be with you so the lady Wes quake rest is asked as you convinced me to let her stand trial I think she underestimates how dangerous things are here this lands dangerous we'd not delay here longer than necessary or Delhi even the sooner I could return to lady Wei crest the highroad gate the better but I will honor her wishes if we could show her safety there are dark things happening in these lands so you don't put understands if you must lead then there are measures that needs to be taken first about life here can serve as eyes the dark powers kill them there is more to worry about in these books than simple beasts our enemy employs constructs of wicker and bone a crippled man departs fortunately for us these constructs are not very perceptive think these traps to set them up throughout the woods behind us if our enemies do seek to amateurs here at least these will slow their minions down I bless you the accuser of witchcraft in a world where there's like magic common about good day to you well you see there's magic and then there's placing curses on villages and make it a crops wither and stuff like that [Music] and apparently even though out life is dangerous for the enemy can use it has their eyes did I call that wargs yeah our enemy of orcs oh I need to kill the Ravens oh do watchful Ravens even yeah birdie birdie birdie I have not tried monk know what I do know though is yesterday I saw a tweet from sloop back in which he was like testing out every single class so if you're interested in that I would go to his twitch and see if we can find like a photo that the boots have eyes not a beast inside good the foes of this lands must not find us here in the open I can get a ring or a shield I'll take your ring good those straps should alert us in case anything tries to sneak up on us through the woods your bar bought us a modicum of safety Shannon for the Alliance now she wants something again good day to you witchcraft has long lifts in the superstitions of the people here it is only recently to some of these superstitions have become reality according to tradition one who is tried for witchcraft is allowed to choose the means by which they are tested from among the request of her peers the village is here no doubt of some strange beliefs on what witches can and cannot do speak with them and see what we can do to prove my innocence have a good one okay how do you think we can test the wig oh yeah something must be done to stop the curse from a village surely Canada witch who cast the spell should break its how can you prove someone is not a witch I'm not sure there's a rumor that a witch could never sick up since the belly is constantly emptied by the dark spirits living in her I'm not sure how you could prove that though there's a rumor that a witch could never sick up what the hell is a sick up is that like getting sick is that what they mean how are you around yet woman brought evil to her town she must be made to pay I've heard that a witch's flesh is impervious to flame that's why we hang them when they're found guilty if you want to convince me put a torch to her Oh puke see you around so just make her what can I do for you how can you prove someone's not a [ __ ] I heard a story a while back there was a witch who lived in the swamp in a way to fill his founder out was because the blood flies there I wouldn't go near her they bit everyone else but would I bite her they say it was because the witches blood is so foul and not even a blood fly will touch it's safe travels ma'am how are you how people wait what did you what that which is evil cursed at my son there will be justice on Thursday back in the old days we would weighed him down and throw them in a river if they resurfaced s-- we'd know today it made an unholy pact and they get the noose that's the only way to resolve a witch in my eyes my mom always taught me that a witch could never cry no matter how hurt or sad they gots miss wake rest didn't cry one bit even after being told to be put on a trial she must be a witch see you later killer if she survives that means she's a witch well those are certainly some interesting beliefs I think it's safe to rule out the fire and droughts any note you think looks that like that leaves us with three tests I'm sorry but you seem to be put in the middle of this these really are good people but sighs been trying of lates the first that should be simple enough while I may not do so often I'm certainly capable of crying oh to be honest I've never had to cry on cue maybe you could help me with that Oh nearby eiders an onion field to belong to one of those local farmers it's abandoned and most of its dried up by now but you might be able to find one onion ripe enough in there to cause some tears I am all too familiar with the blood flies bite we had them all over the field surrounding a cross manner no I'm loathe subject myself to them on purpose it will help convince these people I'm willing to deal with that nuisance fine a jar collect as many blood flies as you can they are common in these parts and should it be hard to find these last tests I'm not looking forward to but it's certainly better than being set on fire they say the rich can't get sick we will prove them that I can a venom it is being sick not just puking but being sick right a venom comes from the sorrel is nearby it is used by our healers when a child swallows something they shouldn't nevermind when ingested it will make you immediately ill emptying the contents of the stomach you'll need several of their venom glands to get enough venom for you're dosed removing them intact may prove difficult have a good one auntie Amanda hill I'm so worried about my niece so we got a buck catching Jarrah and yellow crystals they're fun enough hello oh hello there sorry we don't get many mainlanders in these parts this plot was my husband's Sam's farming used to tend to the onion fields every day before a curse befell Glenbrook and took win with 'it's when my husband gone his farm is all I have left and these quill rats are making sure I don't get even debts I'd hate to bother a perfect stranger but could you help quell this infestation see you around sure can while we do that we're also gonna steal an onion because why not yeah indeed it does see it needed us the numbers are I wouldn't say classic difficulty like it's not one-on-one in your empty mana bar but it's definitely a little bit spicier there's a juicy onion Thank You Shama maybe I'm reviving these feet maybe in reviving these fields like a bring in bed of Sam's goodness back to this accursed land safe travels oh she lost her husband she luster her husband's now they're very profitable onion business will be no more where were the people get the onions from we had to pick up like 20 of them before we got a juicy onion all of them are dried up oh boy it's just a crock cliff skin yeah but it's nude oh it looks different oh we're ready good on the venom glands am i all right all right I'm sorry put in the middle of this have you had any luck at the onion field this one should be pungent enough to make her cry Ivo para Aaron a I'm down for them great you found one I was worried it wouldn't be much left growing in at farm the people of dress far could learn a thing or two from that hearty onion the people of Dressler are like onions layers well done with this many blood flies at least one is bound to bite is the D done it would be best before tasting yep good this hot chick should have the desired effects I can't believe I'm going to go through with this I think we're have everything we need to conduct three of the villagers tests let us hope this is enough to convince them I'm sure constable flamer is chomping at the bit to proceed with this trial and I prefer it if you would want to administer the test I may not know you well but I trust you further trust you farther than the constable speak when you're ready to begin and do me a favor make this quick have a good one I trust you more gotcha are you quite finished I'm becoming impatience good day to you this darling want to help you we will find out the truth behind me it's wake rest soon enough we're ready to begin the trial see you later finally the trial could commence as is customary to lady wait Chris has chosen to test you wanna go to prove her innocence of the accused crime of witchcraft she has selected a mainlander to administer the test an unusual choice but is a show of good faith I will allow it the first test will be the shedding of Tears let it be known of his way crush yet not one tear during this entire process is the accused even capable of weeping show us they may pause our judgments go ahead mainlander show them good day to you we're cutting up some onions and she cries she's crying which is called dudettes can a calm down calm down it may still be trickery afoot we will continue with the trial the second test will be the stinging of insects it is well known that even a ferocious blood fly will not taste of witches well blood but release the Flies then watches they scatter from every rich flesh don't worry about me I can handle a few bug bites how are you oh oh that's things the Bucks don't seem to be avoiding her if anything they're biting more than usual interesting but hardly conclusive let us move on to the final test the purging of the vichy era it is well known that witches power is fueled by food but Mike assume it is souls of our victims or in size or an empty husk I'll prepare to prove otherwise miss wake rests you need something administering venom puke all over the gnome oh I don't feel so gross quiets I will be the one passing judgment here I remain unconvinced this still doesn't explain two happenings of Fletcher Hollow what after all I just went through tests or no you will only be absorbed once we uncovered it true would happen to a village I'm sorry mainlander but I may have another asked another favor hello hey there det turning out didn't turn out as expected it appears to my absolution may truly be in your hands it's obvious the constable won't be swayed until we discover happen at Fletcher's Hollow I know very little myself only that a village has been overrun by strange creatures made of wicker and bone I must let you travel Dara my stead and try to uncover what befell the village I'm sure marshal our raid will prevent the constable from will prevent the constable from harming me while you're away do this for me and I will help you as I can see you around so even after going through the entirety of the trial need something he still does not remain completely around it's how to make a murderer all over to get man it's all over again so are you G what's you doing buddy hey there hi there friend the name's art ug the most call me angling arts do you like fish I love fishing do I only keep the best parts you know deliver systemics oh and especially the hearts which like the fish with me I used to fish up all around ashore I'd bring in buckets of the good stuff from the mud fish there but for some reason those angry girls that are moving in and pecking at me all the time now the only place I've left the fish is here on the pier say do you think you could do something about those pesky birds take the bait the mud fish here are really fond of fresh crab meat ever since those birds moves in and started the TECA to snap claws it's been tough getting fresh baits or on the shore do you think you could crack a couple of snap claws open and bring me some of the meat safe travels howdy flock Mac - that also opened up a couple of more quests so yeah dad is leaving behind fish guts everywhere and it's drawn the attention of the seagulls it looks like someone to finish the girls a bit stealing from our tour still intact he probably having to get a nurse from these as well and over here we have a fishing rod these fishing rods must have been left behind when art moved from the beach most of them seemed to have bites maybe we should reel them up and see what is hooks will be a collection of fishing baits angling arts mud fish bait oh god there's more fishing it will be a bonus buff item oh boy oh boy okay and howdy by the way Bob can I use your ferry out oh I can Oh doesn't actually bring a ferry yes you're actually in a boats oh that is adorable quick boat as well Oh oh I made oh no I didn't make a mistake oh no oh no oh boy well that was a little boat adventure well now at least we know oh look there's even a quest there hello our little village is that's the people stiff for flat there's no more noise just me yeah my toys just like the birdie set hello Abby there's nobody play with here anymore buddy you play with me right lady it's time for tea help me find the other guest please gather mr. Munchkins trunks trunk see and mayor streaks for the Tea Party yeah hey this is going to be the best tea party ever let's find the other guests oh my god I will assist you all right so one is a little elec plushy trunk see you know Miss Mary doesn't allow you now she trick mud everywhere dogs away from his animals but now the doggies can finally have supper you're you're a weird kid mr. Munn chickens you were hungry weren't you come along now it's time for tea so the wolves have eaten all the chickens in the pigs and then in the village and this music does not help either like let's be real and more of those watchful Ravens I really wonder like I think there's like a coven of witches behind all of this mayor streaks naughty may your strikes always running away from your responsibilities to the town's folk well you can't run anymore are you a B are you a witch as well hooray only one more guest left to find you have to find a last guest before it's time for T's solutions really like the woods I bet we'll find him there smooch combs loves the woods I'm gonna go make sure the doggies didn't get him I mean the Ravens are feasting though didn't the Journal say something about Ravens feasting oh snap model morale you find smooches but a bee is nowhere to be seen [Music] nice move chumps the book is a register of the in evidence of Glenbrook over a few of the names across those discover the fate of Glenbrook villagers yeah I love this oh man it's spooky as hell I love it there is a large open wound in the center of the man's chest peering in you notice that as hard as been ripped out searching his pockets you find a letter my dearest Marie please come back home Russell continues to ask where you are what shall I say that mutter ran into the woods to do who knows what we miss you my dear our home is not the same please come back to us love Jonathan so Marie went into the woods everyone said mr. Hayes Hart was true it must have been the biggest for sacrificing - telling a man a bee is a spooky which do you think battle France was going to be better than a legion way too early to tell me we weren't able to tell what Lisa was gonna be like until later into the game and and a big reason why Draenor was such a massive failures because it got so much hope up at the start so ever scenes I'd be very careful about answer questions like that doesn't have the potential to be so sure will it be so tamil till a semi horn car stood of what reads s Hawthorne all I wanted in the woods were some hurtful sheep but it's that farmer Sam everlasting sleep here we are Mary's book it seems to be the journal Mary Hayes Miss Mary was on her search for power she brought death to the village and made the forest our most baits are faded stained and unintelligible but one frayed phrase reads clear we are done with Glenbrook my sisters and I a our sights higher Annie Warren Annie was drawn by the other women but from the rituals she refrained I think it's no surprise that she ended up in chains and he looks at you her eyes hollow and empty her clothes are stained with blood though she seems to be mostly unscathed she stutters but her words are unintelligible I'm I'm sorry I can't hear footsteps behind you Abbey what find Abbey Lois I knew it I knew it let's go let's go it's time for the Tea Party up here this is going to be the best tea party ever I'm sure it is gonna be amazing oh great sit down so we can start the party we're huge help I can call the last guest actual [ __ ] yeah you know it's just a satanic ritual tea party what little girl hasn't had one of these yeah well let's pour the tea doggy play nice for her guests we would have wanted to leave hungry for it all oh and the other one comes back okay Annie is okay what was the beast was that really a B we fought her debt not long ago what could we have done to bring such such horror upon a village Jill and haste we got him mr. Munchie Egan's Jing I can't thank you enough mainlander I'm going to get as far away from this place as possible if I were you I do the same good luck the spirit of the mighty wolf long Fang continues to fight even in death she should ever locked in combat with hunter Henry breakwater to stab Long Feng and an end to steal mates the spirit of hunter Henry breakwaters to focus on this eternal struggle to acknowledge you he is luck to cover the spirit of the wolf Long Feng Nana said we'll give away to the other luck to steal made even in depth Jeff which one strictly help out who should we help out help the wolf yeah all right be careful it aired a skeleton's school longfang house in triumph then lies down to finally rests locked in eternal combat spooky creepy skeletons lalalala hang on Rebecca spiders wanna fight me nope never mind they made a change them are hello I've been hunting in the ruins my whole life I've never seen anything like this before or a ruined hunts be wary strange things are going on in the ruins I I would never seem to I I never seen the ruins glow I had never seen the ruins glowing but I thought they loved it then the rocks around we began to animate with strange magic they attacked I've been hunting in here my entire life and it has never happened before Duke and I got out with only minor injuries but I haven't heard from the others I'm word for their lives take these extra bandages if you find my fellow Rangers in the pets please heal them more of an old English vibe I do believe this what they're trying to go for oh the little monsters were bad but the big one is what worries me I saw it kill one of my friends it could do some damage if it decided to head into town please kill it stop it before quran page into fall Haven or Glenbrook defeat the ancient center see you later the stone Karin pulse the dark energy similar to the animated spirits note over the area it seems to be some sort of conduit the stone is wet with age appears to be more fragile than when it was originally built one a good push would easily knock it over if the monsters here are being or woke of a power come from these stones wrecking bees Cairns would slow the revival who just gave me arcane intellect was that the stone was that you that was you thank you very much loony it's very kind of you Daphne get up please thank you for saving me you're welcome [Music] [Music] our tacit our new transmog these weapons that I'm using yeah these are very much the call to remodel that they give you while if used to make a character on the horse I'd actually give you like assemble our design and it looks so cool Kassandra pine wakey-wakey one's fun pets to leave in this curved space there's still no animation for healing them I suppose oh oh and my cursor is gone by the way hey that happens some ash animated stone a oh it's something new from the regular elemental designer we see cool on the video you made about us under life scenario you see gentleness cream how come alpha not properly phased out it's not Lorelei's dead no stream is back there and that's creamy still very much a definite just phased out some points even on live if you go in during a specific quest like you can still see Garrosh in in the hold standing there's the Warchief it's just the phasing out thing mmm [ __ ] spear so kill me thank you you're welcome right so we saved the hunters does anything actually happen now I'm thinking and this has happened before I remember during puh warlords testing in Shadowmoon Valley that was constantly a broadcast message connected to a single quest I'm guessing that that's what's going on there's a quest line we are supposed to Rumble beneath your feets and actually something happens but because of a bug it is announced to everybody I think that's what's going on and I don't think you can actually do something as right as right right now where you out there you are see you have a little animation when you heal why couldn't they make me animation okay hello hello thank you for saving my friends you're welcome the monsters gone and you lived thank you for stopping a thing before it could hurt more people anything to stop more of these things from activating would be good but you seem to have stemmed the tide significantly thank you see you later right so this is the area where we're supposed to go help out the Fisher dude which would then lead us to back to helping out the lady on trial for being a witch but not actually being a witch roids maybe you shouldn't have pulled them while still being very low health yeah maybe I mean some players might play like that but not me I like to live dangerously more as I need one more of those fishies and I need to pull in another line the real deal oops you snagged an angry crab oops I snagged an angry crab that looks like the loss of the arts Ralts you managed to salvage some arts baits with your catch waste not one I know you will be getting fishing buffs right good day to you hello arts I've done the ping-mei Mean Girls much appreciated those birds took a couple of my fingers has a stop me from fishing though take the baits I can't run out of bait cuz then I'd have to stop fishing better to stop breathing if you ask me a mud fish favorite treats this is great friends this much bait will keep me a much fish for days what the hell are you doing why are you shooting out a cue okay what do you have there friends you thought they smelled bad on the outside I like fish guts and I cannot lie those girls were taking a whole fish to de nerve I appreciate you bringing a good bass back to me though those buzzards can keep the rest for all I care you ever been fishing on a boat friends I used to do it all the time till that big old gull moved in on the other pier whatever I do like haunts seems to shoot a thing away and he gets pretty mad if I try to go near him you look pretty tough though think you could take him on dread superstition chance to hit reduced by 25% huh me oh that was easy enough and under the leader Roofing for you you're the greatest friends now I can fish on my Beach EMA boat again the sisters will be thrilled at the bounty of inerts once there gets the next time they visit only the best thanks again the other sisters yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah of course the only people I could save in this area are those work worker together with the with the witches it's so bad I start stuttering man right so we helped dude getting some fishes for witches and now we have one witch on trial who we were trying to help out and proving it she's no witch welcome to flexure hollow shaman sorry for the mess but we've got a bit of a wicker problem on our hands unless you plan on lending a hand I suggest you move along greetings mm-hmm Evelyn pear made of Fletcher's Hollow you're looking to help solve this curse well that's good to hear we could surely use the help he can get I'm happy to help you get to the bottom of this first things first though we need to save some of our villagers carrots Elena hands save who we can these Wicca things seem intent on capturing our people but we're not quite sure about for the ones in town might be too tough to reach right now but might be able to save some that fled to the woods at the lumber fields just east of here and see if there's anyone still alive out there we could shelter them here until we can rate safe passage out of here clear-cutting we've managed to hold this hill but the wicked creatures have moved into the surround us we're going to be able we're not going to be able to move into the town if we don't get them off our flanks this is where you come in shaman see if we could clear out some of their numbers in the lumber fields that way we move in we only need to worry about one front light bless you okay so these weaker creatures are terrorizing the village and they need us to clear them out frightened villagers rallying Korea and it they just shown up okay hey they're like Xiaomi because this one gives you far sites so we can explore nooks and crannies that were normally off-limits for us rumbling seems to be about ever since these wicked creatures started pouring out of the mines our village has gone to shambles I hope you're better luck finding the source of this mess than we did could it be in the mine good work shaman even if we don't manage to take the town back it's good to know we were able to save summer people now we just have to get them out of here excellent I was starting to feel a bit class to phobic on this hill we've got a small boat dock right across the way here if we can get these villagers safely on board they should be able to make it to fall Haven by River your capable fighter no doubts can I count on you to fend off any attackers while we get them to safety an escort mission safe travels all right boys let's secure it is row so we could get these bystanders out of harm's way shaman take position with them at hold of any attacks from town looks like two on to us protects deep civilians oh yeah more Tech's from the town hold your position oh we're loading the boat up are we okay so another escort mission is just king of the hey oh okay oh look at now looks like the sending out the big guns brace yourselves boys all right was that it that's the last of the villagers with any luck they'll make it to fall Haven unscathed I'm gonna laugh that boat is like instantly blowing up I'm not here to go can I follow them uh they actually phase out never mind by boat all right you need something Thank You shaman those villagers owe you their lives now that they're safe we can focus on taking back to town 2:08 - OH if you're looking to absolve miss wake rest of this mess you need to head into town recently I've seen some oddly dressed women among the Wickerman who seem to be calling the shots it's likely they dare to keep - this whole nightmare but we can't get in to question them these wicked creatures don't seem to slow you down though if you could get to them you might be able to find some answers for both of us be careful though they likely aren't very friendly confront the sisters about I'm a word a warning a shaman avoid the mind at all cost I don't know what they're up to but a magic coming out of their place seems to set your very life away oh yes we're going to the mine alright I've already lost two good men in there don't make yourself deferred so the entire town has been overrun by Wickerman and it all started in the mind now there's a curse in the mind that does not let us go in there gotcha gotcha we make a video on every sound a battle for Ezra ya think so no promises no I'm not making those promises again I did it during Legion and I'm not gonna do it again sister early this town belongs to the coven interloper I don't know if these smell animations are finished or not I've never seen it like this before so I don't know if this is intended or no you will fall before the matron yeah no unfinished Wickerman sick this charm looks similar to the ones these strange women are using the control to recommend if you can figure out how it works you might be able to use one of their constructs against them test the weaker charm of five curse form falls in flexure Hollow and use it to control the dormant Ravager crap they got deaf wings hearts oh no we're doomed oh [ __ ] my heart of answer off level up to level two does that mean anything just the higher item level alright so where do these people keep their mind then sister moon is mooring you should not have interfered what's just reading what can I do for my sisters will avenge me you need something sister ash well BOSU the coven will swallow all if she sell masks the coven will claim you pom pom nope it is not your healing spell I do you think I should stop playing Wow again I played a lot in the past 300 plus days mainly I'm a row from vanilla to Roth elating I tried all the expansion for a while except for Lisa but it'll like too much but better fries look very good only one person who gets out if you wanna should be playing wow again made and there's you I could say that they were currently allied races you could check out and of course the reputation required for them but at the end of the day there's only one person to tell you if you should or shouldn't be playing Wow and it is you do you enjoyed oh yeah go play wow if you don't then she told us sisters of the convent take heed a revealing missive the miners at Fletcher's hollow have stumbled upon a previously unstirred undisturbed ruined hidden deep within the elders though mine the tomb inside may hold powerful relics they could prove useful for our covens rituals do what you must do to secure the town I would arrive shortly to investigate the ruins personally the strange woman possessed a letter from someone called herself matron lhave which appears to have orders to take the town of Fletcher's Hollow this could be the evidence needed to absolve Lucy of a crest mayor parer should be interested in seeing as the charm doesn't seem to be working tested also cursed formed halls first the Shambala has turned on its masters out is no better yet you can't do that yeah can I be control better we could charm got you okay let go hello what you gotta do buddy so does he just walk back to base or something now apparently so okay need health the three sisters they weren't willing to talk that's unfortunate at least we dem gone we may stand a chance to take it back to town charming a lifeless you were able to control their creations that's amazing this could really turn the tide for us it would seem that we were mistaken miss way kress was just in the wrong place at the wrong time however this also means that Fletcher's Hollow may be in even more danger we haven't able to get into the mind sister energy started pouring out of it a we commend you've got control you've got control of might be our only hope I know that you've got what you came for but I need to ask you one more favor this town won't be safe until this matron lavae is taken care of according to the letter she must be holed up in decay from number four people have been able to enter it but I know I've seen their constructs go in its charm you found might be the key because if you can take control of one of these weaker men and send it after her we might have a shot culling the coven if the mine really was the objective I can only imagine they'd have even more forces in there me my men may be able to take care of the remnants out here but if an even bigger force comes out of the mind we're not going to stand a chance while you're hunting down a matron with this weaker color contraption do you think you could you know suffer them up a bit farewell you got it awesome lazy girl hope you have a grand old good time so we can rusty claw swipe twice with your clasp the only physical damage to enemies in fronts ripping blade slash madly with your claws dealing physical damage to nearby enemies and bloody leap leap to the target to use physical damage to the enemies affront upon landing so we do this we they did didn't do anything oh and it's it's a cause gotcha so note to self next time don't even bother with clearing out of town you've got much easier clear it when you're doing this quest line got you know so some meddlesome Claude managed to turn one of our creations against us you must think you're so clever it matters nuts see what becomes of the enemies of the coven echo lights destroy our wayward horn hello matron la vie hang on I'm almost ready for you I will not have my work disrupt its destroy this insects impressive what'll take more than more than that the best a matron of the harsh bane coven face my Rob there we go oh yeah this is really engaging gameplay right here huh oh man I'm so entertained right now I mean I have like three buttons you cannot win the couple will not stop until all are made to serve I have like three buttons right the only thing you can do in here is move and she doesn't even have an ability to place on the ground where you need to move out of I feel like that is definitely something they should add to her either that or an interruption / ton ability because all I can do right now is leap but there's no reason to leap so all you're doing right now is doing one and waiting on the tool to button comes off cool down my sisters are many cultists will fall okay well met Oh what's murderers matron are whatever my bad it works well I'll be Krakens uncle you really did save our hides I'm not sure how we can repay you but this should be a good starts we can get a trinket from 208 or another trinkets away intellect a mouse for utility mastering calling the coven so to be send our monsters were even more numerous in the mines I appreciate you pinning the ranks for us all this would be for nothing all this would be for nothing they were to simply overrun us again it will take us a while to clean with the wicked creatures that are left over but I'm confident we'll be able to take my flexures hollow thanks to you of course here take this ladder to the constable it should be enough to clear miss waitress name I'm sorry I had to witness all of this mainlander we are good people but these are terrible times like egg man's points here we are again how y'all doing today wait oh you hear that they have the human outrage screaming going on okay constable what is this a letter from mayor pair reads Evelyn's letter well it appears we were mistaken safe travel attention it has been determined that another which was in fact responsible for the curse in Fletcher's Hollow miss wake rest you were free to go with my apologies Thank You constable shall we saw shaman well she takes this rod it easy you need something thank you for helping me to be meeting the eyes of my people shaman I mean your depths and I will be sure to let my father know in the meantime I think we should find out what these hearts paint coven is and what they are doing in our lands I hope the marsh will be able to enlighten us first we first though care to undo these ropes there started - chief have a good one that's better now let's look out enemies from the woods it's an ambush defender villagers [Music] all right more the traps aren't slowing them down anymore more incoming and what zone of our founder prettiest yet for what I've seen so far the troll dungeon was the prettiest that one definitely took my breath away but we also did some exploration yesterday where we ended up in the whole windmill area that's actually too much they do indeed do witch hunts but I'm going to assume there's like a difference between mages and witches here what our creation is that that's sister Widdowson the mutter we'll have you Lucia way crest Robotech the lady mainlander take out their leader oh good luck without you are fools to resist the harsh bangle claim culturas the mother will take you Marshall what do you know of this coven tell me what is happening to our lands it is worse than you know my lady discover news spreads like wildfire throughout dress far the over on much of the land past the mountains we've only a handful left holding high pass and I father what is he doing to combat this incursion they have in my lady we were working on a way to extract him when we heard word of this trial well then it looks like we're going to have to take the fight to the coven I fink I think know how to do just that this situation is much worse than I had thought the coven has taken a house way crest this will not stand wait you mentioned that they were drawn to power from ancient through wind I think I might have an idea if this coffin is drawing is power from these ancient ruins then I may just know something that could help us hi back meet me at the first fork along the highroad pause there's something there I want you to see see you around Marshall you and your men will travel to hydro pass I will meet you there after a brief detour but milady would be safer if I will not hear it Marshall yes Shaam will accompany me and sure I could come to no harm I hope you're right milady form up men we ride come mica see the future we ride to High Pass Road Oh what the hell this is random as moose what the hell I am a tail I am the heart of the forest up there Frick hello mango trader Lucy away cress says good you are here unfortunately it looks like we're going to we're not going to have an easy path to our destination ah there yetis along the path okay these Yeti are frightening the traders to travel along the highroad Paul's they need to be dealt with it would seem that the guard had been elected patrolling the high road past the mountain yetis have taken advantage of the absence and now lie directly in our path I'm no soldier Shannon so I'm gonna need to ask that you take care of them when I tried to sneak past if we can drive them off the road at least it will make the pair safe again for travelers salvage rights this poor trader was set upon by the Aries there's nothing we can do for him now but we would be able to miss the let supplies be laid to waste by these brutes see if we can find any supplies worth salvaging you can use bella as a packhorse don't worry she's a brave mare she won't speak Travels Bella only to the follow this want to carry - supplies - fine okay uh oh yeah we need to pick up his package cask of salted fish there we go yeah that's one thing that has definitely been popping out all over battle for Azeroth is the updates to the models and you'll notice it so well because you're so familiar with the old models it just pops like oh is that new yeah it's new it's really nice everything in the game looks better than I do same-same I mean look at this bird that's just that's just not fair look at that [ __ ] can you still track rep on the new battle for Ezra of UI reputation Kieran sore shows experience bar yeah oh goodness oh my god look at that look at it look at that look at the lower bottom with the screen right now you can see currently is the experience bar and it splits I like this new UI I really really do and a hardier lockbox that is all we need super yetis right so yet it's Rumble thank you shaman keep it up as clear will ensure a steady stream of supplies to the highroad gates we will need them in the battles to come I'm impressed I didn't think there would be this much left from his shipment this will be very useful very helpful to our men at gates Bella knows the way so she should be able to get these to them this place is too dangerous to keep her hitched up anyway a 208 cloak or two a eight feet oh and actually got upgrade as well so the whole upgrade system is still there our destination is that cottage up ahead I know it doesn't look like much but it's a great deal of history same inside first though we'll need to deal with that massive Yeti camp just outside that hate to ask it of you but I'll need you to draw attention so I could slip inside once you've taken care of him I'll meet you with him see you around you could just ask me Kay you killed a Yeti for me [Music] and his frost breath comes out of his ballet mmm is the indication how much the Night Elves know about their mutation from the trolls oh I don't think they actually are aware of that hey there that was close I'm glad to have such a capable shaman as my guardian I would hate to be your enemy I'm sure you're wondering why I brought you here located somewhere inside this cottage is a hidden door we could find a way to access it the answer to your questions and possibly our survival against the coven should lie beyond help me search for it see you later I can't believe we're here my father used to tell me stories about this place oh and actually lets you click on different things it contains an ancient secret of our house from back when the way kress first settled this lands ah what about them boots it's a pair of old boots what he expects what about it it's kind of older upon clothes expected a tour spears connected to some sort of mechanism built into the wall surprisingly enough the protruding book is not a secret lever for hidden entrance you find out hater enters beneath the rock it really does tie the room to get it home the anchor secured Faust in the wall the Crone is defeated will no longer pose a threat to the people of Fall Haven over - okay me right so we hit the wall thingy pull on the torch that's it's the way is opening how are you I'm all right don't leave me into a trap please into your untextured hallway you found it I knew that there were that they were more than stories come let us see what's inside what lie beyond our what lie beyond our more ruins what lie beyond our more ruins much like those two common thoughts however these are ones serve the different purpose one that established the legacy of how wake rest thousands of years ago and has had inside and I will explain safe travels long ago when coal Terrace was first settled our people encountered a savage group of warmongering barbarians they called themselves two trusts thus far was their ancestral home it was from here that they launched endless raids into our fledgling Hamlet's this carried on for countless years until the ancestors of howwe Chris decided that something had to be done wait what's that look out I'm sorry shaman the covers magic must be disturbed the spirits of the ancient dress will have to be careful my ancestors fought against the stone constructs much like bees in the war against Just's the way crest have always been a hardy folk but the dress magic was strong we were losing the war in the end it was our scholars that's earned its hide Thank You Shannon I thought that one happy for a moment as I was saying the tide of war shifted when her scholars began to uncover weaknesses in the dresses magic they compiled what they learned into a treatise on weapons and tactics that could be used to defeat the barbarians they kept the knowledge hidden here safe from unwanted hands hmm looks like some rubble blocks the way can you clear the way can i yes I can't wait something's not right shaman behind you Oh yeah a truc elements look cool man I've never seen a construct that big big before are you alright yes I am what I'm saying of course you're right I can see it will take more than a few stones to bring you down come on the book should be in here here it is the last resting place of the order of embers are you ready to revive ancient history huh cool what about this place is gonna look like man or a to you who would have thought that from this stuffy little chamber would rise some of the greatest warriors of how is waist crest history are you prepared to follow in the footsteps the order of embers was the name given to those who took apart these arms against the dress the use of the tools and methods uncovered by the scholars they were able to account addresses magic and ensure our victory in the war if the cover wants to use the dress magic against this then we'll use the orders weapons against them the knowledge of the orderest here but without a hand to be Odets it will do us no good will you beat at hand shaman will you revive the order of embers have a good one if you're prepared to follow the poverty order take up the book the knowledge within will grant you as well as our forces the edge needed to destroy the foul coven dip Lakes or lands all right thus is reborn the order members now then I believe we have some which is the kill an ancient trees and how to combat the magic of the dress hello let's see you I say I'm good to go you do great honor to my family shaman the most noble of wake rest with one Inquisitor the most noble of wake rest were one inquisitors of the order it is only fitting that it's you who takes up its mental now it's only fitted as you take supplemental no 208 208 but this one is blue but it's a two-hander right oh this one also became blue well there you go let us conceive the high pass it will take some time to parse the knowledge of the tome and train more inquisitors for our calls if the orders weapons are as effective against the covenants they are against addressed we may stand a chance of less humour family and restoring this land to its former glory I'll make my way there on foot until we meet again shaman see you around when did he start doing to be welcome years ago our work here is done I'll meet you at Aron stands already have you seen any treasure chests like the Renault or Legion you mean rare treasure chest yeah so what do we have here we got a bunch of refugees chillin up here we got a flight path how are you these coats look pretty cool I won one their helmets look stupid I'll just putting it out there hmm that music though lovely captain UN cleared on what can I do for your show those fish at the door they had everywhere as well like we saw that during the last exploration mmm okay I guess we're just gonna go into the building then hello I know you're trying to help but you must stop these adventures of yours it's dangerous out there you don't understand marshal the knowledge we from nerves could be the key to save my father from the coven I wish I had your faith Lucy but I think it will take more than ancient legends to eliminate these threats you need something I'm glad you made it we'll need to get started right away if we want to use the knowledge in this tome to fight the coven while I appreciate that occasion I went into compiling this tome this thing reads like engineering instructions for a siege engine I'll need some time to comb through this information for anything it might be useful to us I wouldn't mind some assistance if you have moments for starters I could use some more light in here have a good one a sister as she studies now it says here that the order used special weapons against a dress to counter the dark magic if my theory is correct then whatever they use could also disrupt the coven's magic let me see if there's something here we can try this is my role I will assist you much better could you do me a favor and jot this down my notebook is there somewhere okay Roman would know it doesn't grow around here I will commit go fire oh if only master Ashton were here he would ever feel de I'm not sure what wargs Bane is but wait what's this so you could just safely click on the item I'll see just the talking all right notes taken shaman I need you to find my swing kit it should be somewhere in my bag over there the toe mentions that the inquisitors of old would use weapons of silver to disrupt the magic of the trusts if the coven wields similar magic they may be vulnerable to silver as well so the werewolves that what's happening what's that here yeah we're done hey where did you find it I sure did ah you found it excellent Lucio produces a long swing needle from the kit you look confused let me explain I have reason to believe that the governor has already infiltrated High Pass there are many unfamiliar faces here with the refugees from corlane and we know they could use their magic to appear like one of us this needle is fashioned of solid silver if the witches are indeed vulnerable to silver then a break from this may be enough to break their spell refugees may not be too keen on being products but they must understand that is for the good of the town and possibly all of trust far see you later marshal we may have found a map to use against the coven we need able-bodied soldiers to wield them we have many capable troops stationed here milady they will make fire recruits for or for your order of members well met yeah it's like a global buff to the shadow phasing I was wondering like sure the reported or not but it's like a global buff that's happening a global bug that's happening right now I've no doubt that you're quite capable shaman mainlander I have no doubt you're quite capable Shama mainlander oh we will need some help eh we want to make it's two-way Chris Manor in one piece a small group would be ideal strong enough to face the cousins frets but small enough to remain largely unnoticed radar produces a bundle of letters I've written new orders to some of my finest soldiers to join your order members-- they would report to you and the lady wake rest please deliver these to them so they can prepare to move out deliver the crouppen orders to captain cleared on your ik mace stent ID and Falconer white bless you okey-dokey can I read those orders I cannot it looks like some careless which made a poor attempt to hide his grimoire from cites no good could come out of leaving his possessions of the coven for a hapless villager defines probably be a good idea to destroy any trappings of the cover that you find in high-pass okay hello are you a witch now the blood flies are really biting these days aren't they how are you are you which hey watch where your points in that thing you're a witch aren't ya Wow what are the blaze was that forward need something hey we found a witch what can I do for you hidden dealings among her possessions the which carried a cruelly drawn map of High Pass a symbol marks a what looks like the entrance to a cellar a symbol marks a what looks like the entrance to a cellar beneath one of the buildings in this location reported to the coven it might be were scouting outs captain Joanne you are ordered to join my Fire Emblem squad be careful so Marshall raided believes you were to keep the driving back to coven I have my doubts but I will carry out my orders I will join the others and await your commands kukuku young man you're being draft it's Falconer Christ it looks cool alright what can I do for you a fine specimen isn't he need a house wait Chris has long been known as experts in the arts of falconry unfortunately most of our best birds will fall under the curse of the coven Winson here is one of my only a handful of Akers Falcons not under their spell it is truly a sad state of affairs have a good one new orders then come Winston looks like we have witches the fights mmm you there well met late master what is the main lender in case you can't tell I'm a little bit busy here safe travels so you're the one behind this or the members I've been hearing about while I don't buy into all this hocus-pocus anything is better than sitting here waiting for the coven to kill us all you have my blade I'm dope click the thing in the bar now what thing is that mate this thing [Music] cool hey there hello what can I do for you Nazis had slightly announcement of your approach hand over the orders Alliance it's about time are you enjoying the view can I help you something wicked stirs into its mainlander at night the ancient rust monuments added heart glows with unholy power if I were you I would give that place a wide berth in your troubles see you around so the rumors are true or the order of members history forms then here I fought their tails for merely some historians overactive imagination thank you for delivering these order shaman ivo reports to miss wake rest at once ah darkness a doughy I pass refugees um excuse me I don't know what you think you're doing but that's not appropriate behavior for refugee may stop animating things you need something Oh what are you doing airmail ender is there something I can help you with uh what's going on down there see you around so you found us out you must think yourself so clever it's no matter soon your discovery will die with your you attack my pets you're strong but you will fall to the cover like everyone else but I was promised greatness you knew all right I don't know all the things you wanted me to do I recruited all these people for ya are we good to go yeah yep that that's magic all right I've seen many spell books in my days but those are magic are thinking it works I knew we were on the right track it's too bad we don't have a stockpile silver weapons lying around but I think I know how we can deal without that was good finger to dispose of the witch's trappings I don't want to know what would happen in a instant villagers toyed around with such things you found a leader excellent work shaman the people hi paws will be safe from now it's you so fairly this mental D covers machine Mason's here see you later it's reluctance that I hand command of these men over to you but it must be done I hope you lead the well or the Alliance Hey hmm before we leave I want more toys to ask of you we were busy recruiting our inquisitors and driving the coven away from high paws I took the liberty of placing and order using some of the sketches within the tome I hadn't put together some uniforms reminiscent of those worn by the ancient order since you will be leading our inquisitors I think it's it's only fitting that you present them with the new regalia have a good one the there were words of induction somewhere at its home ah here we are brothers and sisters today you become this searing fire that burns away the darkness the day you'll become the shining blade that cuts through two wickets today you become the beacon of hope against the endless foe by the authority of house way crest I name you inquisitors of the order of embers yeah hey well done everybody hey there um put this on yeah we're all witchers now hey there you put this on well met what [ __ ] happened in those clothes oh that was beautiful mm-wha do it again do it again is he gonna turn into a no please turn him into a no no now before we depart I'll need someone to undertake a special task for the order any recommendations Marshall kept the clear dawn excuse me Inquisitor clear Don is it reliable as they come I'm sure she can handle anything you need of her thank you sir what do you require me milady if we wish the defeat to cover for good we will need more weapons of the order home contains a recipe for elk make a fire we have no one heir skilled enough to craft its I know of an expert Alchemist the falconers to the south the woods are treacherous so you'll need to travel there along the old human mountain roads bring this recipe to him editor with his creations yes ma'am the rest of us will need to prepare for the rights to corlane marshal I understand you have a plan of Teck yes we write out the mainlanders command go to a man to do this all going to be voice-acted right start recording again whoops I found out no one has heard from the falconer some time this guy's about the forest are impassable so we must travel the old roads for the dress ruins in the mountains a small capable party's a better chance to bypass the growing force of the witches and to help secure most Alchemist Ashton to that end I asked you to assist me farewell we don't have a moment to waste it's not been heard from in days I and for my next trick yeah I got a feeling that these models are not entirely ready yeah but it's a nice trick though I wish I could do it right through the old roads all righty hello Kings honor friend something has disturbed the spirits here despairs of the departed still fight with constructs in the shambling debts our goal is Falconhurst but a quick investigation of this area might help us fight our foes better pieces of history there's an opportunity here learn more about the dress can not only help us understand the text that lady Lucille found we might be able to discover great details about how they and the constructs were finally defeated aha filling in the gaps of history could be key to the victory now this was one of the settlements before became the place of the final defeats let's look for clues in the ruins some of the spares in the battlefield are to where to go on the these were brave cult sirens they have more than earned arrests but their sense of duty holds them here or the most very Spears off the field of battle hopefully they will be convinced to rests Lillian Utley the closely kept a Casillas the fighters who speaks once more locked into a heated battle unaware the war has been over for centuries what are you doin stayin around we've ground them to down to their final warriors and those damnable runic constructs but the war isn't over yet : Elway Chris needs us to hold this line and kill as many of those runic warriors as she can it might see the end of this war today get back out there she thinks we're part of her militia if I follow orders none of these constructs will ever make it down no bad marine we might make a proper soldier out of you yet they'll make : Elway crests a lord of for this I am sure your bravery will be remembered have a good one you did you did yeah I did she's right the bit make Erin wake rest a lord for his victory here okay this is just warrior was felled by a silver blade long ago this blade is still good despite the ages perhaps these weapons could be brought in to serve as a fighter to just once more collect 6 tarnished blades from the Fallen defenders ready : l is Colonel oh sorry yeah we say : l now help you yeah it's my Dutch showing isn't that what can I do for you you could take a little break there's a go with the lights I returned to rest cool but where do you go to what is your afterlife like all right first car stone it seems difficult sirens in distilling are civilian sailors and some farmers wait isn't showing one of the early culture and settlements one of the loss settlements they are being when we landed here we try peace but two just went to war immediately only a few tolerate the new neighbors but this they've glorified the slaughter that called Terrans don't even have weapons so these are the trust a Frick ah let me do it again okay well hopefully they'll show us more later it's a victory over another culture and settlements the large figure in the center is they're letting their leader I think are you human what are you interested we don't see any of the constructs taking the fields it just appears early human versus early human doesn't know what are you yeah those hands are either fry cool or human for sure here we are fighting back even their leader is withdrawing from the fields huh yeah here we are taking the land from them hmm this is clearly Gorakh to the greatest leader eyes leading a ritual to create the stone constructs and here is where the constructs began to take the field he'd run out of living warriors so he created a new army interesting I didn't realize the constructs came later as part of his desperation to win this isn't rust it's a culture and carving over a dressed monolith that is Lord Arryn wake rest when he was just a colonel leading the final assault and there that is gorrik to being stabbed by wake rests histories of this event always set lord Arum killed cool rock - and his army failed or after but here you can see his constructs shattering as he stabbed and his power is broken there was some connection but - isn't shown deaths wounded and broken but not deaths I would have expected to see his body carved in stone with you go rocks tools deaf shattered his army the carvings here will show that but now I wonder did Kota - actually die it is good their Spears returned to the final rest once more or may never be disturbed again while I am now is uncertain about the ultimate fate of gorrik tool other things are very clear a rituals used to some of the constructs become his army and its defeat destroyed that army we've learned much here but one place we haven't yet investigators the cavern with the ruins in front I say we take a look there before move onwards farewell okey for my next trick bumper bomb I will stab people from my horse Oh alpha you so funny ritual snow and room keeper construct all right I come from I do you need something this ritual space a bit disturbed recently whatever it is caused to these constructs to rise up isn't here but now we know where these things come from and we could stop them I can get a finger for 208 or leggings I'll take leggings our time here is well spent the guards and iPads can handle what few dress constructs remain and I suspect to dress leaders and this magic might have some great a part to play here however II must continue on a mission to Falconhurst the paw for the far side of those ruins will take us there I would ride ahead of meet you outside of town safe travels okey-dokey I will do some scouting I meet you further down the path you got it and she's out over here Kings honor the town is under siege no wonder we have not heard from them we must help them let's get to work the town is overrun the guard hold the barricade seems to be barely holding out against these monsters it's a number of invaders was finned and the defenders will be able to get the footing see what you can do to cut down the numbers of monsters in town some of the villagers have been so far twisted by the to a witch's magic they cannot see reason they are a little more than wretched beasts lightly following orders regretfully we must enter torments so ladies hex for all villagers so that we might save their neighbors farewell or any of the dungeon achievement names in Yap I'll help reinforce the defensive line villagers have made I will meet you there Phoebe sneekybeeky around are you doing all right buddy it's one messed-up game of tic-tac-toe a day to you the villagers held captive by a binding circle destroying the circle should free the villager see you later be free I couldn't move okay so yet another village taken over by the curse by the head the witches I see good day to you hello let me save you feel atures wait I clearly say three of them and it only counted for one Oh because it doesn't matter how many you save it counts how many circles you break joy hello well done you finding numbers regretful situation but necessary we will take a revenge on the witch who did this should it be attested if you don't know the game works I sure didn't think what they would have used these people for those people for their rallying for the heavy assault we need to defend these barricades from attacks are you with me safe travels I'm with you well myth stand firm we hold the line oh goody it's once again hold the line quest and the lesson here no bow never try I had a comment from someone on YouTube on my pre-poo my god what hello you're welcome to help out NPCs ok well good luck to us all Oh bunny need somebody not just anybody I know I need someone Golden's rob doesn't actually seem to be doing something huh ok oh no light be with you there must be someone guiding this attack we've given the defender some breathing room but these creatures will return they must be directed by a leader of some sort but where dimension on the hill which could see everything from their going to dimension is later which note the cell nobody might know alpha testing more interlopers you will die as well I like this model though it's Kanaka isn't it the Shadowlands not the land of the dead is it now is it though are you sure no we cannot be beaten mmm planning on putting the battle Fresnel videos in the separate playlist that you chew probably yeah one side can be ours to put them in a playlist come we should speak with Mayor Royce tall [Music] hello mayor we have come to assist you my friends keep it up people or holding these bastards off yeah because we helped you here we wouldn't have been able to hold out much longer you saved us all see you around hello we'll be able to push those monsters back now but my defenders won't stand a chance unless we build a forward barricade for protection there should be plenty of lemon to build a barricade near the entrance to town collect lumber to build forward bearable business okey dokey we cannot thank you enough for showing up with it lieutenants Inquisitor now mayor lady Lucille's reformed the order members to combat these witches she has I thought there were just the legends they were real they are real lady lucy was determined to take back our lands and people she does that and she'll have my full support cleaning up the blood gross oh there's the alchemist we were looking for right you need something good heavens they set the buildings on fire it seemed the bucket brigade could use a hand the bucket what do you remember of the bucket brigade sir let's see yes here it was an experiment in breath mints they proved to be a bit too chilly for most people here in town but you seem like a stout swords just be sure your face in the fires where you buy down on them and a certain those fires will be out of no time see you later must suck to be dead villager you're right mate I still very much like the seat facing technology it does bring some effect to the questing buy down on wall type bolts come on now he's giving me breath mints so everything put out the fire yeah that happens oh my god there are more children ere run determined to take down as many waters as you could he held his ground okay ah this is the perfect spot to take a little break [Music] Stags Benetech better trust and killed many but was injured brownie brownie but he decided not to strike okay and you want to go find out so many trusted someone I wish to have my forest he fought so Lord arm healed two stacks injuries stag pounded into the woods and error made camp in the night the dressed attacked again because that's what they do note armed stood against ten warriors he fought valiantly with cunning but he was outnumbered and surrounded that Surma to take down as many words as he could he held his ground a mighty bellow came from the forest hmm White Stag returned and trampled summited rusts to get our Airmen White Stag fought the Warriors in defeat of them new thank you my friends Adam said to the stag you are welcome I was repaying the kindness you showed me by the light you can speak adam explains by the lights I am attire the hair heart of the forest as long as I existence to protect you in your should to come to me a found shelter with the White Stag of the forest I am valent Andrew I'm felling and true everybody oh I'm so proud Lynn sweets I was playing with Lord a lady Sharptooth when a Papa made me come with him I dropped poor Lord Sharptooth and one of those big mean monsters grabs him Papa said that he tried to get him back but he's gone a long time I think he got busy mama and all the adults are busy doing stuff for me a Royston lady sharp doof and i are really sad okay you beat that that monster and saved my dinosaur you're really making me fight that monster for a stuffed animal you really murdered your daddy for a stuffed animal they're roasting marshmallows my god sent out it's an best expansion ever hmm yeah okay so that's that's just that oh hello big guy I'm - thistles away easy to level pet tank mouse race you I mean I imagine a plate where we also have a bit of a easier time and of course let's not forget it's all not fine soon quite yet a brave little dinosaurs all he may never squeak again but he might oh my you already got people working here one of the enemies is just hitting the errors not even fighting anything thank you we're better able to pick the town have a good one hey there how are you and curiously strong I wonder for the fires are out and your breath smells minty fresh I've been studying the parchment lately Lucille said with you and I've translated some of the old language they called a liquid fire and I was used to burn away to trust using this as a basis I believe I conducted to our needs his complex recipe but as just so happens I have everything we need to make this potent alchemy weapon and we need your assistance creating this which we should kind to help around I'll meet you at my place oh there's going to be such fun what country never visited England Spain Belgium Germany Netherlands us that's about where it ends did you find Lord sharp - I think one of the really big monsters has him yay oh you saw someone wasn't my papa lean Hawks or toys sniffs I haven't seen my mom in a while I hope she's okay [Music] thank you for bringing my toy if you see my mama what you ask her to come home please I haven't seen it in a while oh oh she's gonna be an orphan mmm I was like easy in this basement nope here we are come on over here we've got some work to do I don't really want to do the work today I don't really wanna do it I'll work the day I don't really wanna do don't worry I don't yeah I'm ready to begin have a good way excellent I'll tell you what add to the cauldron be sure to follow my instructions or the results could be explosive added some sulphur watch the fumes he doesn't even matter what I click on his own with the right one it's accepted okay now carefully add in some hard bloom nope it doesn't even matter to him what I add to it we need to add some salt pepper to give it some kick okay now let's see what else we need to add some salt pepper to give it some kick the mixture is ignited we must start again no it hasn't ok Philo I wanted it to blow up see what happened nothing happens all right good night turbo the volatile SAP be careful not to jostle the jar too much that's the volatile SAP now let's see what else that is some sulfur [Music] carefully add some harf bloom jump into cauldron the squished a mixture of rounds now add some heart bloom there's a new scenario map for Gorger on the new build neat that would be the allied race one yeah no you need a volatile SAP that is that one [Music] we should be able to use this against those monster wooden creatures but do watching doesn't see bill smells bit strong but I think about Bureau knows what a creatures well now it's time to test it out excellent not a ladies lovely liquid fire floss prepared we have one last thing to do test them out there are some of those abominations lurking about in the woods above my home I think they're women excellent test subjects for a little alcohol experiment wouldn't you say see you later I think it's a good idea just give it a try yep that's not where you were standing now was it no you moved how dare you oh it doesn't even instantly kill them it does like 70% health all right so two of them kills them okay where's the main city for better Ezra for the alliance I believe that's gonna be coal trucks right the main city no maybe right now you're the only thing keeping me sane what's happening young bird oh that was because it was a big bottom the small ones instantly die ya know also seventy percent [Music] Bareilles is called there you go I do miss like I don't know what I'm asking for but the quest feel a little bit repetitive as in there were two areas here and in both of them you go into town you clear out the witching problem you hold the line and then you move on it's so we bit repetitive so far the main thing is throughout for me was the kid quest line that was quite creepy and cool and the stone slab one where they told more about the history of this place yeah yeah he looks like one of those extra Finn models that we saw in a gluttony fight oh I tried to stop them but I couldn't they've taken master ash into the woods to 16 to 16 intellect and agility there we go safe travels thank you well man most Ashton has been taken into the forest he isn't the only one mayor Royston headcount came up shorts it seems the next steps are clear we must go into the woods and save master Ashton Martin I was taken to the forest to meet you near some ruins further in safe travels yeah not so much killing of stuff and figures the story doesn't have any other branches yeah I think that's also the reason why the girls storyline stood out so much because it had such a nice vibe and creepiness too well if you don't know what I'm talking about by the way of when I talked about the extra Finn models what was it again uh a house way kress was a nap we have this awesome boss called gluttony which is like the in mother model except it's a [ __ ] pig and it's badass and it's oh my god and he will eat the extra skinny models the wasting servants and that's what the system was looking like as well more witches animating weaker moons a lost mage what I should have taken a left at unki rash and he gives me time warp before popping out huh somebody give the secret discord a call we we have a new mystery to solve you feel the ground rumbling beneath your feet watch out so this is the area where you're supposed to hear that trigger right you need something before it could take anyone else the woods are crawling with witches we'll have a fight on our hands over to save master Ashton I believe I see master Ashton in a cage he must be freed those witches with the log moss disappear to be in charge I bet they're whatever means to open his cage I would remain here to protect apprentice WEP and keep the area secure bulks hello I was able to study some of these some of those wooden hounds in town and if they come able to make something useful if I have more bits to study if you could read me some organic matter samples from the hounds or some of the reagents to witches use it would be of immense help and if some hounds and we're just shoot me divine an end to the process well I know I won't be shedding any tears safe travels now the only she would have kept the area secured while I was away we were to be in this mess now what we know we would know hey let me out here cement the sweet cysts have I seen you before Samantha sweets I don't know bollocks express contempt the noise of the fires is that what it should be yeah hello hey Andy get out of here and get back to Falconhurst my husband and I were looking for my daughter oh oh oh your de mama okay Andy get out of here I need to know my family is safe they took my gear it's all around Kim get me out of here to bring my back my gear please safe travels I need almonds I've been trying to break this cage for hours oh she won't be an orphan that's nice how are you you okay doc the things I've seen be careful not the agroni bad guy there will be a problem Stockholm Syndrome clearly things that see man I want to go back it's amazing here oh okay okay okay I got this I got this don't hunter have skills similar too far side eagle eye yes but eagle I will not let you chain cast it as in cast it from the point where you are in the ego sights some of them want to use you some of them want to be a huge bag of reagents nice nation ace every name Oh God oh my God why why do I always blow the entire zone when I move [ __ ] anywhere it's not like I mean to just happens they all think I smell delicious and their rights I do please for the love of God stop killing me what language do I speak Dutch and English yes are you ready to go I found your gear see you around okay Samantha sweet is geared up and ready to go bye yeah no no no need to help me out or anything now sure bye can you step out of the cage a to you safe travel do I not have the key to open your cage or something like what the hell there's a big guy coming up though so we got to make this quick please die please die Thank You H key hey alright dude I got the cage key sweet the things I've seen the hotter horror die and no aggro wow I'm impressed and we're all reunited are you ok Ashton dark times have come to the reservoir but we shall will we shall we don't land back I'll cut a path back to Falconhurst they will pay for what happened to my family have a good one Kings on earth we had a I'm sorry to go to your husband's but your daughter savings I'll be careful heading back thank you I'm sorry I can't stay don't worry don't want get me twice I hope no [Music] we had a few visitors while you were gone but I took care of them Aston's Becca's safe though it appears he has seen some of the horrors here light bless you what can I do for you did you have any luck oh what a smell you've discovered it's probably still good very interesting and pung-chun's perhaps my first order of business will be something to remove to smell Moss the extant is in no state to speak with us but a no poster will snap him out of it right away to do this I will need some additional components I've noticed some bears nearby I can see does you already know where this is going I'll need a few of those hearts to make this recipe hopefully these bears aren't much more dangerous than obese Mouse Texas potion requires another easy required component from the forest despite the foul witch magic here heart bloom plans continue to grow in defiance of the magical corruption I'll need their petals to complete my work while you're doing that I'll mix up the base we'll get matched to ash them back on his feet in no time travels need health while we've been here I've hurt one of the witches nearby dispatch her I expect she will be but the first matron we will face it is forest I will stand guard over mouse to Ashton and Martin see you again farewell take care of the witches killed a big witch it's the fir time now yeah the glasses are but he's like a mad scientist yo I'm going to a sooner this is intended now maybe I kind of kind of followed up do you feel like areas are like the Lord has tried about coal to us a little bit but we don't really know much about coal for us we know it's like a marine states we know as Virginia came from we know there are ships and that's and it has like gill naen roots and that's pretty much what we know about it I will say from the aesthetic that we've seen as we were gazing around the areas where we're not able to go quite yep that debt is definitely present there and it definitely looks gorgeous oh look it's the lost mage again hey there you okay buddy thank you I'll be teleporting home now but firsts weird there's a rare inside deaf cap it's like a nibbler but we've a massive mushroom on his head no it's not so it's a deaf cap don't be crazy we don't go through war pipes to save princesses we don't kill toad he is calm his combat animation is weird dude go yeah that's clearly a part Ling animation ha ah poor guy nah okay she's not as big as the other ones I've seen power beyond your comprehension you cannot stand against this you wanna bet gorac tool comes you will not be able to save okay so yet the former ruler of the whatever they were called is still very much alive as we now know that there's a model of a wall of mmo-champion that is going to be the final one of this storyline gotcha but I'm potions did you find things I need it I did they're a bit more shriveled than I would have expected but they will do the trick did you find the things I need it good work these will heat the mixture just the right amount to give it a bit of kick now it makes this up Martin begins to combine the components in a muck I'm using some rather strong grog as a base a drop a chibi extract and a sodium chloride tablets dare Martin hands you amok it will taste worse than it smells but it will bring miles to Ashton to his senses please give this muck to have a good one hello Ashton drink see you later lost Ashton have you back with us I believe so Thank You Martin champion we should get you back to file can her smile sir Ashton at a more pressing matters Inquisitor no witches are planning a grande right to bring them all into this world's a monster a malevolent being who groans in their power I have heard his voice in the dark he hates cold sirens with every fiber of his being they used to kept us as fuel even these witches are but pawns in his bit of 42 urn I do not know which entity they have communed with but they have mentioned to trust not just a dress their leader I would wager the being Aaron way Chris fought against a millennia old spirit been a vengeance who wants to kill us all lovely we must stop this grande right you need something oh I say he asked in shudders and costs a bit less heart bloom next time Martin but that did just do the trick well done both of you the witches in charge the matrons Ashton shutters for a moment oppose himself Dave a powerful charge that used to control this macabre army of wood flesh and bone I've been observing them I believe I can cross an even more powerful charm what we can use I will need the very strongest charms to create these objects it is doubtful the table part with them easily take this potion away order we get a matron so you might have a better chance of success have a good one light be with you but first of all a grim but necessary necessary task - sixteen - sixteen nice upgrade the witches of the crimson the crimson wood are planning a grand Rite a powerful ritual they intend to rip open reality and bring the dark master flu I suspect it may be in communion with the dress king we cannot allow the ritual to succeed I need to be the tip of the spear while I protect master Ashton and Martin caused havoc and disrupted rituals we'll reconvene nearly large tree and the lake there are other Falconer citizens to be freed before they become sacrifices you free anyone you come across and I shall do the same to get a baker free everyone from a dark fate the key use the free master Ashton should still work mr. Ashton will you see this to the end I will indeed Martin I shall stay fantastic there seems to be a great deal of activity by a lakeside ruins and we shall meet a friend there good luck champion thank you I'm gonna need it all right mysterious brew drinking all stats increased by five nice laureen's allo purse you will die as well oh okay we're actually fighting elites to get these charms neat don't weep my soul please use the potion aiya look I was ready to go hardcore okay I was ready to do this hardcore mode but no shirt well here's a potion seems the hoarding starting zone is better yeah yeah I still need to see that one man this one is taking a while to get through that's for sure I mean don't get me wrong it had his moments that's for sure the starting point was pretty damn epic alright yeah sure yeah the aggro range seems to be a little bit uh cuckoo let me just do the hard work yeah damn we're slow we've slowed them down but they're still working to fully stop all the need little more well done I'll only ever save innocent Sweden I do it's just fuel for the ground right safe travels how are you were you able to collect enough charms excellent I should be able to do some interesting things with these see you later you need something I've been watching a lot of activity going on at the ruins at the base so this is a placeholder yeah okay almost accident report is accurate something important is going on down here we've disrupted the rituals but I where you might been too late when you go over there if there's anything remaining we must destroy it confronted rust king go with honour friend oh now you help me out wait what there a door in the tree is no:1 going to mention that massive wicker golem because I feel it should be mentioned one crisis at a time a boy oh look it's the door in the tree salmon above all stats increased with 10% nice okay so this is very untextured this still needs to be worked upon but it appears to be one of those you know those caves and lead to where you have to go down a keel like a whole bunch of demons as you go down oh I kind of lost my party but okay hello shadow of gerak tool oh boy he's not he's doable enough interloper knows you metal no fast Bureau your kin you cannot stop me for reclaiming what is mine okay stunned by the might of him and the cave starts crashing down upon us escape the chamber escape the chamber I could do that escape the chamber done diddly do it out greetings we have wounded him or he wouldn't have retreated as he did our victory won't last long unless we do something about his army we've been able to stop the ground right but a witches will try again unless we act we have to destroy them utterly clear down smiles how kind of them that give us the means you've helped us get this far you control the demolisher destroy everything you see once you finish we can signal for help out light bless you I've constructed a greater control charm using the once we acquires we could do more than that will destroy them come on everyone climb aboard requires crimson demolisher isn't that the crimson demolish it oh there we go hell yeah telling me got stuck it to an unfinished pool we can signal for an extraction at the high ground to the northwest but before we go should take advantage in lay waste to the our enemy to their army raha I am the construct now are we actually on his shoulders oh my god we're actually on its shoulders and on its back oh there's a certain satisfaction use it a covers own weapon that there is I like it best when it does the earth shaking stump thanks Ashton that's good to know come here me smash nice we should have be heading for the rich in the northwest arrow stand we'll have a clear line of sight for a signal is it almost over please tell me so much Dover all right signal point reach now Griff for Ryder signals well met signal please go with honor friend flying over force is safe now I just hope they get here quick [Music] okay why not you need something the plans for the grand Rite or ruins in the ritual sites are in shambles master Ashton will be safe here an Arab stand and we could finally send reinforcements the Falconhurst back Griffin in all in all but okay oh no a job well done thank you for your vital help - sixteen - sixteen yeah be careful thank you for assisting me I could report total Misha success the lady Lucille I show that I think we might have become of me had you and the acquisitive here not intervenes I appreciate not being deaths the other members have stood against Goethe to once again with allies we should continue to stand strong fair winds thank you kindly are the new maps will just really stretch minimaps these are alpha maps like these are not the maps these are going to be this is like a very rough sketch on what they want it to be okay so from town we are to going out and this is where the main patrol ends Mars read are those your men yes the government took them now they are no more the mindless pawns we will have no choice but to cut through them I'm sorry greetings get you've arrived this how watches over corlane and the surrounding lands apparently it's of little value to the coven but to us it would serve as a valuable footholds as you can see the governors conscripted my own Guardsmen into their servers though I'm low of the bet on my own these men are too corrupted but it comes magic to be saved for them def is the only mercy we can give your requests there's a way to c'mon shaman are you ready to take the tower go with honor alright ma'am let us take this tower and drive the coven from corlane blody 2004 the coven my life for NER Zhul [Music] we can handle these soldier shaman find a leader right I would love more soldiers forgive me sister Adela another witchy yeah but the survivability again also comes down to a lot of the elfin numbers a alpha numbers aggro range damage that they're doing the as you as you can tell as they attack me my help are somebody pups to like 20% right it's it's going on but there we go excellent work this tower vidas advantage over core Lane and all of its whole illness well fought shaman it's out is ours and now we should set our sights 1/4 lane proper it would be wise to get a lay of the land before put together plan of action Inquisitor motley is an expert Falconer and a reliable Scouts he utilized an ancient relic to see through the eyes of his Falcon allowing him to serve a great distances unfortunately not Lee was injured during the fighting nothing serious but it's left him unable to concentrate enough to control his Falcon perhaps you can Mayans will you hold still I need to make this tights I'm trying be easy if you were to attempt to rip my arm off ah did you get a little boo-boo how are you don't worry about it it's just a minor wounds what can I do for you I need your help scout in the surrounding area I'm afraid I'm a little indisposed at the moment though I suppose I could let you borrow Winston for a spell here take this whistle it will our directly control him be careful though if Winston gets too stressed it will break the connection try to steer clear of any posts possessed Falcons or crossbow men good luck oh and please try not to kill my bird have a good one so what is the plan we need to go dere ok so let's maybe I'm taking the wrong route or something let's try [Laughter] what okay sure what else she put up a barrier I can say I'm surprised but ever prove problematic why don't we use a flyover it sound proper be sure to come in low enough that we can get a good look oh I don't think they want me to fly over the ah there we go okay hang on yeah there's the marker there we go I was too up I was too high they got our people a prisons they're rounding up the townspeople that must mean they're not completely under the coven's spell there's one last place to check there's an army right over the hill let's see if anyone's home [Music] [Music] hey the blacksmith is alive we're in luck that we better go get him quickly hurry back we need to let Marshall rate know what we saw I'm sure who I have a strategy in mind ko ko ko' thank you for returning Winston to me in one piece I'm sure Reed will be interested in what you saw there I'm sure he will be quite a bit of trouble to get out what news do you bring allows user to see fruity eyes it's good to know that there are still some left to savor corlane we should focus our attention on them until we could devise a plan to bypass that barrier I'll make sure to get this whistle back to Notley Thank You shaman the armory presents us a ripe opportunity you want to suggest we take if this bet over to draw out we have little means to repair our arms and armor a blacksmith is invaluable to any war effort and balusters is one of her best the army is but a short ride from here suggest you get to balusters before it's too late go with honor friend okay do-do you day to you shaman I have another objective he should consider the bleak hill mine is not too far from our location dota miners they're principally extract item they do on occasionally find silver among the veins we do not know it occur and stayed on the mind of the mine but it's unlikely that the coven has passed it over however it would be worth braving whatever dangers lied I did it go for some silver to use against them see you later the spiders they're everywhere hey there hello how did you get here did you kill the spiders some terrible old hag at least a swarm of these horrible spiders in the mine I was barely able to make it out alive but they've got me surrounded you can't leave me here please kill those things while I was able to get out of the mind some wonder my friends weren't so lucky I saw those spiders ripped them up in her web spur buddy just saves it for snake later it was terrible but all I could was run will you help them yeah I guess all the spiders already ate him oh my god I have found a miner hooray we found a miner hurry okay here's the deal right I'm gonna check with that quest giver I'm gonna check if they'll let me get the next quest story wise without doing a minor quest if they do that I'm going to save this for when they fix it think that's a good idea okay let's see here for money here's your eight-legged curse you killed them oh thank you so much you've been a living nightmare safe travels like seriously where did I pull you from my dude hello I have brought you my silver is that okay you need something did you have any luck with the mine you know I didn't know you found some silver excellent though it isn't much any quantity of silver should help our efforts against the coven see you around we got a hundred answer right for that well Matt's shaman I hope you don't mind that I took the liberty to scout ahead in essence assess the situation of the armory the good news is that there still seems to be some self abalzer bull arms left in the armory the bad news of course is that the coven is after them as well additional weapons could be a great boon to a cause that recommend we take all we carry okey-dokey little shoulder bad little helmets get back we're gonna be meeting my hammer it's okay mate we're the good guys yeah can I help you wait you're not one of them nope it's a blessing to see someone that's done have the dark loner eyes I begin to think there was no one left DS loss as witches did he put a curse on Angus blaster at your service what to be doing in the bloody hell hole like this we use a blacksmith to help fight govern well I don't know you from a hole in the hall but an enemy is a coven is a friend of mine plus it'll be easy to get out of here of an extra blade at my side you say the word and we'll be out of here see you later all right you just lead the way sweet you found him we should leave quickly the coven has this place surrounded what was that they're in here flush him out yes you try you'll taste my hammer which you need something the curse is lifted oh you're dead now so you can now save the mother I cram it your foul tongue neck your mother can run on the bowels of a sea snake if you're finished I think we should believe here you'd be correct here lead away I will escort it back to watchman rise I will meet you there presently sure welcome back it's already hard at work on the forts downstairs he asked that I convey his fangs for the rescue Kui you're welcome greetings thanks again for getting me out from under the covers boots we nearly got a proper force set up here blahdy blahdy blahdy blahdy blah oh my god it's another lie so he with you uh you needn't the fear for the lady wake rest I will protect it with my life our fortunes are turning up are having a blacksmith or the tower will ensure our inquisitors they equipped for battle [Music] okay yeah sure oh that's a two hand amazing huh okay what did you find at the Armory with a little bit of work this could become a usable weapon so the coffin did it completely clean out the armory it is good news for us even the most common villager andres VAR can hold their own in a fight with these arms for concern each person we rescue to another sort of align hello I don't know much about blessed machine but a pretty sure this won't be enough silver to outfit all of the inquisitors we will need to find another way to use this let us hope the bow lost that can come up with something creative have a good one a good one you two you make some food with the silver a much here but I got a notion how to maximize his potential let me work this for spell meanwhile I believe I spied an old hand cannon in the repair heap over there fetch it for me and we'll see what we can do that's the one just toss it up the table there I'll need to modify this hand cannon I'm thinking it would break the silver up at the shrapnel I have ourselves quite the dangerous blasts there we go orders left is to give the girl a name how about we call her which rent how about no hey there ah she's a beaut spec in the Navy we used to stuff our muskets with scraps when we ran out of bullets this will do damage it needs to be sure you quit rents a blunderbuss that does increase damage to the riches of the heart's pain coven a handful of sharp pieces of silver perfect for makeshift blunderbuss ammunition in line we only got a few shots were from Emma on hands but should be able to reload up with any silver strips you come upon and don't be trying to fire her too fast you'll damage your carriage if you're not careful good luck and put some witches in the ground for all Angus you got a buddy yep so yeah I guess the minor quest is not part of the main thing that's that's good you need something a blunderbuss I'd have to say it was a quite expecting debts nonetheless now do we have a weapon we have an advantage I think it's not we take the fight directly to the coven Marshall really for me that several of their matrons has been spotted throughout coeur d'alene let's show them what happens to an enemy of house waitress see you around okey-dokey [Music] oh it just places debuff on them okay I thought it was gonna be like an insta-kill but no this is the new Wow I get it my cursing jurors so you have to wonder have they been dealing with this coven for a long while or did is just suddenly pop up like I can understand that it popped up to give us something to do right but you will make a fitting tribute yeah no trust is the name of the race I see a quest lon what can I do hello anyone at home doesn't appear to be up maybe you can make sense of this I was just carving through a swath of the covers Leki's when I stumble across this field something years knock these guys completely out of commission I can't seem to find a source but maybe you better luck I'm all you're still hitting things and investigating them investigate what is disabling that covers millions in Ha klinke kapha how many times it aired at intro at least three artifacts per class twelve classes 36 at least robbers possibly a little bit more all right not even hunted I like two of them didn't hear Allah let's put it like that and each of them was freshly recorded some fresh how are you you don't look like you're in league with the government so what are you doing car lane ding I'm a level huh minute 14 now yes this is my farm and now I'm leaving if you ask me it is here it's the safest place in the reservoir so long as these onions keep growing not sure why and don't Riley care but for some reason the coven called come near my onion fields so as long as my crop doesn't give out I can hold up in here as long as it takes unfortunately those boars got the same idea and now they're eating up my harvest if they keep that up soon there will be enough to keep it to cover in a bay if you can do me a favor and fin them out I'd be happy to let you take some of those onions with you an offensive harvest so you're taking the fight to the coven with the way Chris go away you might just be able to take advance of their apparent onion aversion while you're out running in the fields keep an eye out for any onions bulging out of the ground those ones should be particularly aromatic it should cause some fits and it covers me as if you keep it on yeah so onion garlic yeah okay just try not to take too much I need enough why did they change its onion dough a good one like they already ripped the whole silver why go for onions and have I noticed any apparent changes well we've got to keep in mind that we're right now in the Alpha so we don't really have any voice acting yet but in the L I'd races I remember that we even had a voice actor reading out what was in the logs and now I don't know if we can attribute that to Christie golden or just yellow stuff and of course also part of the cinematic that we saw where you know they celebrate the victory and make plans to go to silithus yeah this game has layers get out of my swamp but you know shrek is love shrek is life did you find any good ones this smells enough to stop the coven in their tracks that bunch should serve you well here you go I got the onions bundled up nicely for you give my regards to miss Wade cress booyah her allies are welcome on my farm any time see you around this villager died clutching a brush with what looks like a family crest it looks like several villagers didn't survive the Cubs occupation of corlane it might be possible to identify the fall but a keepsakes they carried the survivors likely be grateful to learn her fate of the loved ones like the eighth personal keepsakes oh so why did they decide to put this quest here and not where you go in or did I just miss out on oh well we could Rob the dead anyways [Music] let's see here we're ending let us hope this sends a message to the coven as long as we have weapons to fight them we were persevere speaking of weapons I believe reflects me first an idea on how to take down a barrier you should have a word with him our device offers now level 3 the coven is vulnerable to onions I remember my nan used to tell stories about them warding off evil but I never fought sick literally this is quite the discovery completion would eventually lead to a new zone ability I don't know what to say that you would risk your life to bring these ants and he speaks greatly of your character mainlander I will make sure these keepsakes make it to the friends and families of the Fallen as well as news of their faiths on their behalf I thank you for your compassion safe travels you're welcome so some buffs are definitely going to be a thing you're actually going to unlock them both questing and there's steam coming out of the floor are you okay greetings I think I might have a solution to the pesky barrier keep you out of coral a proper I took the silver yet left here and docked it up one of those cannibals the wall surrounding corlane are festoon with defensive cannons get one pointed at the gates you could send this beauty right up to the barrier you'll need a hefty pinch of powder to get this free moving oh it's a bit of a heavy side you can likely find someone to camp outside khazi around the martial arts that you see him before he had to camp yeah we checked our call to his main city I think we checked out a lot greetings it has come to my attention that you intend to assault to camp outside of the walls that this is so I have a request though most of the guardsmen who fight against this return to recovered against the will captain gutt speed and his brigade of hobbit ears gave their souls willingly to the Harz bane they are traitors and in her front away crest guard you will find good speed in his men stationed at the camp I would consider it a personal favor if you cut them down to the level will do and level free for the necklace yeah it's still step based Rider the whole system is not implemented there so who would willingly give up their soul today oh crap Oh for those worrying by the way if you ever think that you know maybe Fix t-tap targeting system yeah don't worry about it it still it's garbage as it is right now don't worry about it anybody remember pop the Titans did not become like artifacts you mean archeology gross although I have done my fair share of archeology in Legion and still need to do my fair share of archeology got to finish them quest lines yellow chief woods ho you have any of the new mounts to test yet nope negative captain oh I see your quests Oh what can I do for you the focus of howwe crests are the finest known of culturas we must not let them fall to the covers magic I found where those evil witches have been painting our Falcons you see those charms it's worth the high purchase and Bruce nearby are using those to infect our flock with your evil magic as they hatch I think Winston can get up there to take out the charge but someone will need to direct him I'm not quite healed up enough to take on a whole camp affairs can't you help leaving the nest uh it looks like the governor's managed to and throw all of her Falcons I could see some untainted one's stealing cages in the training yards our focus our well trained eye should know to fly to one of our other yards if something happens to the handlers if you could just release them from the cages they should be able to make it to safety the falconers will have two safe travels okey-dokey let's Segoe Oh what am i doing what am I just tossing a bird away but lost them I could control him why wouldn't you let me control him this time around what I thought it was gonna be like I don't know a wind waker we hand out like fruits you could control the seagull yeah no this time you just toss them away makes sense thank you you're welcome isn't it nice you killed someone and you just say thank you except I still called over the cages though hmm I have Falcon keys it's just there's no Falcon in the cage that might be a problem the charms are broken that's a relief and we may just be able to save her flock after all later that is a good mindset to have in my opinion because win or lose like you could end up with millions of viewers or you could end up with one you're still doing what you like to do right and I think that's the best mindset you can have when it comes to making videos and if they come great if not severe so we took care of the traders now we need to get the cannon operational corrects the marshal sent me ahead to find a cannon for ya I think this one's free can I help you yeah you kind of helped making it free huh I don't think these guys will be needing this cannon any more blasting power used to operate culture and cannons quite a bit of powder you got there careful you don't take the whole wall down cannons ready boss care to do the honors I am see you later let's go now if you don't mind I got a few scores to settle good luck buddy awesome in-game events it's gonna be awesome new barriers down we Kris men are lies ahead we have made away to the inside good day to you that was an awesome event wasn't it yes I agree but Luster's plan worked he's certainly a resourceful blacksmith come inquisitor way crest Manor is just ahead it looks like the companies using corlane as a base of operations there's no way we're able to cut through these many of them without the rest of the inquisitors they must still be stuck behind a wall shaman they're pretty smaller footmen gates along the walls into corlane see if you could get them open so our allies can make the way through see you later well met it was bamboozlement a traitor's death captain Goodspeed was a strain the reputation of a crest guard I hoped his end was painful executioner but a period of this is where the coven is training a new acolytes our efforts may be for naught that they could see to expand their numbers I cannot leave Lucille side in this place but you were really showing yourself formidable combatants cut them down take a look at the city square Shama I'm just it's words a ritual being performed with some disciples in the distance I don't know what they're doing to that wicked construct but I don't like it we've seen the kind of damage those things can do without the aid of the covers magic and I'm love to see what those are capable of you know it must be done light bless you the executioner is getting ready to get take down a spell bounce all right I love it when it Lego procs man it's so much fun all right you are free go what can I do for you you can go the day - you are stay that is an option as well this discarded journal looks like I belong to one of the residents of upper car lane with innate details of early signs of the heart veins appear in Sakura Lane if you could find more writings like this you might be able to piece together the events that led to car lanes current states nice ok let's discover what happened to this area it's been a fortnight since anyone in corlane has seen or heard from Lord or lady Wei crests solicitors to turn back medicated guards with no word on their condition rooms are about that the Lord is suffering from a wasting sickness and that the lady is so grief-stricken she has locked herself in his chambers these are truly dark times for dress bar truly dark times indeed quite right I wanted to help [Music] we will convene with Miss way crests okay this is the furred ninth that our Magi has secret of the way that our Maggie has secret away when she fought her father and I were asleep I try to follow but alas to outside the core jar to wake rest manner the Dave he said that that girl has also gone missing some nights only to return as mysteriously as she left acting as if nothing is the matter her father swears he saw her enter the manor but that's preposterous nobody's been in or out of the manor in weeks Maggie [Music] all right at last there's light of hope for the reservoir lady wake rest emerge from the manor today to help as soon as the fears of the townspeople do to Lourdes wake rest absence she sure does that the Lord is in good health but it was rather peculiar duration that she ordered about the Gertz she had never wielded that kind of authority before I'm sure I'm just overthinking aunt after the trials at the past few weeks we should take whatever blesses we can get the plot thickens yeah it's supposed to be blood a curd Wayne keeps trying to get me to join her sister circle I don't like it every day that passes I see more and more girls about sound wearing the Wicker charm at this pace the whole town is going to join before I know it and I meant no one even seem to notice they're even more oblivious unusual it's almost as it's under some sort of spell so who the hell is that Maggie Doe there's been a fur disappearance this week the Garson sisters nothing to be worried about but I know better I spoke to mr. Knowlton just last night and he saw the body of John the stable hands who was the first to go missing the image was burned in his brain he sets profane markings covering the wall of his servants Shack and his body sprawled on his carts a gaping hole in his chest his heart used to be know that his gone now in the guards of silence I feel that corlane is no longer safe for me my family once were able we should relocate to Arum stands to whomever read this do not trust the sisterhood magic I don't know where that came from but the circle crew is secret in the dark place of gharlane now they've taken to the streets killing all who standing away in hunting the others with their wicker abominations nobody knows what the wants all they speak of is revenge for the master and glory to the traitorous leader the mother I don't think I will make it out of corlane alive if I can only hope my words reach someone who could take action do not allow these sisters into your town the corruption will devour it from the inside just like it has corlane what can I do for you execution heir the people of dress ver will sleep more soundly with less witches in the worlds I'm glad we're able to stop those things here but for the cover could unleash them on that as far as unsuspecting citizens for the Alliance what can I do for you thanks for the assist boss you're welcome eight have fun in there yeah give some [ __ ] for me too how long have you been making content on YouTube who I know I started the channel around 2007 so I guess that's when I started making the guild activity videos that then flowed into guides around the rock the Lich King period and I've been going more into the lore around after mr. Pandora beta it was if we've the Cataclysm where I saw people like Jesse Cox and total biscuits go ham uncovering the beta and I was like oh man I want to do it as well so a mist of pandaria rolled around and they offered the guarantee beta access with pre-order I was all over that of course nobody cared about my baby to coverage but I was all over doubt and that flowed into realized if people are interested in the lore and at that point I still did it like part time and I think it was around for us to drain over when I went full-time yeah to the other side all here are accounted for very well we've no time to waste who must write to way Chris men are the fall for laying this tale such a tragic fate to befall my home we will make this right shaman for the people of corlane and all of trust for now Sir Charles way Chris manners just up that hill and hopefully inside we'll find my mother and father if we also managed to find the mother that's leading this horrible coven then we will make her regret the day she ever set foot in the reservoir are you with me yeah I don't know how to say this but I got the feeling that your mother is the mother Lucille but sure I'll follow your travels inquisitors this is our chance to rescue Lord and Lady a crest that put an end to this is separable coven stick close and do not stop your advance until we've reached the manor gates for house way crests you streets at the wrong woman which stick with lucy linda marshall i use obs for swimming awesome ingame events right so we only saw it for seconds but I'm pretty sure - those were the models that we also gonna see in a dungeon let me see it quickly on stream again okay and the Marshall is turning against us and Lucile is kneeling down and crying yeah pretty sure her mother is the mother pretty sure I use Sony Vegas for editing but I've been told time and time again that's Adobe is better thing is when I started out and I was looking for tutorials on how to edit videos there were a lot more available on Sony Vegas then there was an Adobe but I'm going to assume that has changed by now no this is not right fight at Marshall because your dearest Lucy I have failed you I'm sorry Marshall no mutter what have you done called it hey well I'm sorry this is all bit too much thank you for protecting me okay there's a lot of process that Marshall gone my mother the leader of the coven is just too much but but you come too far to turn back now it's clear to my mother and father as a new timer gone it's time he cleansed the same from these lands take the inquisitors and find him awake rest manner and this once and for all see you around inquisitors the final battle is upon you may the winds be a true back i ma'am will put covent in the ground inquisitors army glory it's a house wake rests I'm afraid I will not be joining you inside mainlander corlane has been lost to me but the people of the reservoir still need a leader to stand behind I would return to armed stands me be there when the deed is done good boy and this will be the entrance into set dungeon unfortunately as far as I'm aware dungeon is not available for testing a new we have of course the dungeon journal which is where we kind of picked up that her mother and father were the behind the coven however there is to trust King that is currently be that has been data mined on mmo-champion and the way that I understand the story is once upon a time the Gilman's came here and they form like holter us and they made like the island this year and when they settled in this area they battled with the reservoir which is by the areas called the reservoir in the lead of the reservoir he was called to draw skiing and he summons like that is wire the cuff and gets the powers from right like all the animating of the Wickerman and stuff like that that source of power comes from the dressed King and that is what the tapping into right now I do kind of wonder why it's picking up again like from the ancient tales we we learned that the battle has been fought and they thought that he killed the meter but not really my question is who's responsible for bringing back the leader he said her mother is there another driving force behind this why is the coven active now and like besides we need a zone to play in and we need a story to guide us through it so to come counter this we discovered it there their weaknesses onions and silver and we also formed like the organization of the fire emblem or whatever they call themselves and that comes with new armor and together we ride through the land we fight against the cuff and time and time again from this story that I've seen so far I enjoyed the grave your bit the most I thought that that was really a creepy atmosphere and it's probably one of the most interesting storylines going on there like the spirits the past the little girl that was just creepy I can't wait the seeds are actually gonna add voice acts to that that was probably my favorite bit of this area in the snow one what stood out for me was we learned more about the history of this area but not so much you know the questline was not that interesting and then once we got into the forest area the repetition really set in I think we've played through the story line three times where we encounter the village we take care of the coven we killed a big bad behind the coven and we move on again that happened like three times so that definitely felt really repetitive we did see that there was you know the lady that we party with was put on trial for being a witch so they are familiar with witchcraft right like there are tales going around like if witch which cannot cry a witch if you tossed it in the water she will you know not die you could put them on fire and they will not die kind of like the the Salem witch hunts I suppose so witchcraft is familiar amongst the people who call to us right now is that similar to mages I don't think so there's definitely different power that's being used there right so they are familiar with witchcraft it has been a thing so why are these coven suddenly popping up and taking over right
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 176,544
Rating: 4.5090714 out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Drustvar, Battle for Azeroth, Alpha, Quests, Kul Tiras, Jaina, Proudmoore, Alliance, Curse, Drust, King, Waycrest, House
Id: Mzqi9d6EJVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 10sec (12430 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2018
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