The new leveling experience - Shadowlands Alpha

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[Music] hello everyone we share lands we're gonna get a brand new leveling squish and a brand new introduction experience for new players instead of going to go from 1 to level 120 you are going to go from level 1 to level 50 and then 50 of 60 that is going to be done within the shadow lands and alts will get the choice from Cromie to pick and choose whatever expansion they want level in me personally I'll probably hit the expansions with the most bonus owns but you are definitely going to have the freedom of choice brand new players they're gonna be introduced the world of warcraft in a very much improved starting area the idea behind it is that you join a rescue mission a crew has been lost on an island and you're going to be partying with different rates of your faction in an attempt to save them fight off different kind of enemies and then to top it all of a little introduction era dungeon to give you a few of the game to find out like what exactly is World of Warcraft abouts so far what I've seen is that it's really solid the way that they've made its this skills they added over time and each class is going to get a little unique quest line for a specific skill so far I've seen the warrior deal with his spirits that really wants to die that is your way to learn execute the mage they get a specific quest line to learn about shipping mobs the hunters they get a quest for how to tame pets so each class you're going to get your own little unique quest line unique abilities to unlock the islands it then offers a mix of mobs to fight off from murlocs to quill boar harpies ogres there's all kind of mobs to deal with and the cool parts is that you get a nice taste of questing it's going to be like from basic killing collect quests to vehicle quests there's a group quest which does actually require a party to complete side quests which offer little buffs to help you along your journey there's even rare spawns that show up on a mini-map they have treasures added to the mix which offer bonus experience an experience that goes from level 1 to 10 which makes sense as the Elat basis they really start at level 10 with the hero classes they're starting at level 8 assuming that they're going to gain those last two levels during the individual starting experience and then they joined the world at level 10 with a bit of alpha magic I was able to see what heirlooms add to the experience I ended up at level 11 as I got out of the starting zone again this is for brand new players so they wouldn't have access to the heirlooms so yeah the starting experience is pretty solids and I'll show you full playthrough in just moments I do a some feedback for dome near starts where new players are given this advice never turn your back on opponents stand your ground and fight until the end that advice is great rights but not every situation is going to require you to stand your ground and take the hits to the face I would suggest to add a situation in which encourage to run away learn what it's like to hide a mob around on Sarika finish it's there will be my advice because again if you're low health you're like oh I'm nearly done with clearing this mob you don't just want to stand still you want to start cutting around then the dungeon they also drop this line recruit you leave the attack I'll charge it after you this in my opinion is terrible advice for new players it's already bad enough to start tanking leveling dungeons as it is with the heirloom system you don't really need tanks anymore but it goes a bit further to just teach new players that they can charge in and the tank is going to follow them instead I would recommend to do the opposites teach these newbie players to wait for the tank to pool and then they can charge in you know it's I don't know if you've leveled a tank recently in the leveling dungeons but it's awful like hunter pets can tank almost better than leveling things can just teach newbie players to wait for the tank to show some respect to the healer and the tank and give them time to do it there's no need to make a whole brand new generation of the go go guys just let them wait and let the tank pull firsts so yeah those are two of the major hints of the NPC's that stood out for me but there is more information that you could give I actually had a rather nice discussion about this on Twitter and what is too much information for a new player too much hand-holding to get into the game what exactly do you want them to know as they leave the starting area and join the World of Warcraft's it's a fine line between giving advice and too much information I'm just going to throw out some scenarios that stood out for me who knows what the final product is going to look like right from the get-go there are certain settings that you'll want to adjust the game offers a lot more buttons and action bars than they originally gave you keep in mind that all of this in my fantasy this is going to be told to you by the narrator of Walker free excellent you seem eager to be on your way however you must first learn how to give orders to thrall he's going to tell you that there are settings you can adjust like adding more buttons for your abilities and while we're at it we might as well turn on auto lutz I still don't know why this isn't the default option but all the same Auto Lutz is so much nicer then the fine line that I mentioned I don't know if new players should be made aware of keybinds and how to do it's maybe even macros maybe just you know make them aware of it in the settings of your first bolt is currently a number one did you know it can change it to you know number two or number five or control two you can go to these settings and adjust it you can make macros in this menu it might be a bit too much for the starting player but still key binds and sooner you know the sooner players begin with it the sooner the better right now what would be nice is teaching people the very basics between single targets a wee defensive abilities movement abilities and major cooldowns I think in my opinion you know that's the basic kit that you want to party with and right now there does seem to be a toriel that lets you know about some of the abilities you picked up in the example of the mage there was the frost bolts which is single targets you can keep your enemy away until they're close enough and then they tell you to use the fire ability repeated three times you could to go why not let people know about blink or the Paladin pony or whatever speed ability you want to insert here the boss is then using ability that you should avoid I had a link about that speed increase tell new players how it's easier for them to afford disability if they use you know a certain spell that they got you're then fighting one big mob and a big pack of small mops that should be done with a we abilities why not add a little line to suggest using like arcane explosion look player we see that you're using your fuzz bolt on this single ogre but did you know that if you jump in there with your blink and use arcane explosion you could easily kill all these little wolfies why not right single target AoE I think this really basic abilities then you start losing health and the screen starts to flash Red's why not tell the player how they could recover their health like conjured food or self heals or potions it could also be stunt and again will let you know like how long you're going to be stunned for why not add a little line that tells players how to get out of this done or to avoid it entirely like every man for himself or blink or whatever ability you wanna insert here there are ways to avoid the stun from the boss as well as if you do get stuns there are abilities to get yourself out of it then they pit you against like a big Posse that has abilities of its own this is the perfect time to teach people about using cooldowns your fire this big mob rights why not place a hunter's mark on its you got hit by this easily avoidable frontal cone or swirly on the grounds this is how you're going to move out of the fire if we're going to treat this as tutorial ends why not make sure that they're up to speed and all the things that a dungeon or the world could throw at them I think that single targets AoE offensive abilities and defensive abilities speed increase perhaps I think that those are like the basic hits and might want to be added to this leveling experience but that's just me I'm sure that other people have like different opinions about this like how much do we want to hold hands in this in the beginnings of World of Warcraft like you know if impact a classic or whatever expansion you started in like exactly how much did the game tell you on how to play this game and we managed to get through the game and sure enough you might have ended up in a cave and you died and it's like okay how can I do better maybe it would be better to tell people or you know let people do their own thing figure out their own way in the game but at the same time knowing that they created this Islands knowing that they started with this tutorial area if we're going to do this anyways if there's going to be a tutorial why not make it the best as it can be either way once you finish the islands you're going to end up in your capital right now only the Alliance side is available for testing but I imagine that the hordes they're going to simply swap out the skins they're going to add different races through this experience and then you're going to see a similar questing area once in your city beat Orgrimmar or stone wins you're gonna get a small tour of what's going on select your talents that you want to use set your hearthstone to an inn and pick up your first mounts awesome stuff all together I love that you get amount at the starts get a sense as to how you can find your way into town it's really nicely set up then you're sent off to your current leader and you immediately jump into from being this random ass island adventurer to the fate of the Alliance that depends on you this is quite a daunting skip for brand new players and while I do understand that the new players they're going to level up from 10 to 50 in battle for Azeroth and then finish it off in the shadow lands it's still quite a bit of step up it's really daunting to all of a sudden here and win say you are the fated affection you are the one who's going to save this go follow Jane at the Colt Seavers and make sure that they draw an affection is really really daunting and it's it's a bit of a skip maybe instead you could add something like a little chapter in between something that shows you more of the capital explain for example what a bank is and what it does explain where you can find the auction house maybe the guild finder or the dungeon finder explain the portal room and different areas to get teleport to just show a little bit more of the city give a little bit more for reason as to why this new player is so SuperDuper special and then you know you can add the faded affection to the character instead of just immediately placing it upon them something to bridge the difference between random and adventurer and the savior of the Alliance in my opinion there very much needs so yeah that's my rambling feedback right now for the starting level experience I'll finish off the video with a full playthrough a little stream highlights hope you enjoy and for now thank you very much for watching everyone have a great weekend and until next time see ya apparently still a work in progress everybody I hope you got the memo god damn they were like please don't think this is the final products I know we know that we call it alpha but some people don't get the memo and they need to make sure that is not the final thing [Music] recruit step forward we're approaching the island I wanted to jump off the ship but I wouldn't let me mm-hmm yes hello captain warm up the funny I need everyone in top form if we're to complete this mission uh-huh show me what you can do I can hit the target dummy look I'm doing the thing am i doing it enough yep are we are we sailing past the broken Isles good next hmm that's odd we weren't expecting rain Oh crackin concerned about sudden turn in the weather I'm going to helm the investigation we've call for a sparring match private coal will run through the rest of the drills I need to discuss this storm with the helmsman I hope this rain isn't a bad omen I was counting on being a simple rescue mission let's move into sparring positions I'll let you have the first strike oh hell yeah never running from or turn your back on an opponent stand your ground and fight until the end what the is kind of that advice for new players remember to always face your enemy but what if you're dying though aren't you supposed to run away no maybe high yields well I'd say you're more than ready for whatever we find on that Islands you're exactly what I expected from water your recruits I think you make a fine part of the main expedition team your warmup is completes you and the other new recruits are a promising Bunch I'll tell you that much what does that sound something large is coming captain we can't weather this storm for long everyone below decks now guys we got to get below deck gets below deck crackin and then we run away this ship may not make it to the islands hold on to something sturdy and stick with your fellow recruits we'll get through this oh yeah we definitely got through this all right oh work work in progress everybody not finish yet so something crashes our ship out on the ocean a Dean fenk the lights are you injured oh that's me right this my randomly generated name I'm glad someone made it out in one piece judging by the nearby wreckages I think is safe to say that the missing expedition crashed here we call move until we got remaining survivors back on their feets our remaining supplies have been stolen by the Morlocks merlocks are dangerous in large numbers take back our supplies but avoid fighting too many of them at once okay I mean they're yellow Morlocks there is no way for me to hit more unless I fall to myself I suppose I oughta loot is not turned on I need up what kind of armor do I start with Oh none whatsoever all right that's kind of cute will be great to have like a character like murky standing here with his little horn hello little Murdock could I have your first-aid kit please look it up we're in older territory oh look I dinged again it's like it's calculated I can now slam my shields [Music] those crabs are cute which crabs those crabs and it kind of cute all right captain I've gotten to first aid kits can we go and save the people now [Music] these are to cover the first aid kits I'd it's excellent work we've got to get everybody else back on their feet before we search for my for the missing expedition [Music] look there's a panda hello panda don't worry we'll find the expedition and a worgen yeah I'm kind of curious what happens during the storm itself like what kind of cutscene happens and why is there a magical storm pulling us all in hmm there is a fire near the ship wreckage up ahead we should investigate it to see if there are more survivors you're the least experienced among survivors so you're coming with me you three scour the island for any sign of the expedition recruit you and I will scout ahead okey-dokey but uh not as an experience that you think I might be oh wait do I have that probably didn't come copy over there did yo what up it's me I might be on the deserted island right now but at least I'm driving your style the herons are cheats it's an abandoned camp hello may the light embrace you so hungry everyone else taken please get me food good health long life this is ilaria a shaman was part of the first expedition the poor dren eyes on death's door Sneed somebody eats it's like someone nearby out life for their meats bring whatever you find here to cook and recite as you would come he's my son but more than that he's a soldier of the Alliance we leave no one behind hmm and now as far as I know the heirlooms did not copy over unfortunately I mean I might be able to pick up some new ones at stolen but everybody been there yet well it definitely gives a good impression of what your overall experience is gonna be like I actually need to cook the food hang on eat first ilaria you need your strength oh no it's the quill borer greetings friend be kind to those less fortunate I did visit Icecrown yes you're welcome cooing Illyria mentioned a quill boar have taken a missing expedition which includes my son quirks Chris have been smart they'll kill you if you're not prepared all right I need to prove my views will bore are far deadlier than merlocks you need to be ready for the dangers ahead I'm going to commit Kerman suicide if you sing again it ain't easy being green [Music] charge at me again to close the distance it's still on cooldown stupid captain its don't you know anything [Music] we won last time charge euro cars our okay there we go you are ready you have proven to meet as you can click your charge three times you are ready you are ready for this fine work let's speak with ilaria to figure out what to do about the quill for each the quill bore kidnapped the rest of the expedition and took them to the north I heard the quail bore mentioned something about needing more sacrifices for some ritual 'if the path of them head north and rendezvous with the others ilaria recover your stamina before pushing forward I've never given up on any member of the Alliance I'm not about to start by failing my son interesting starting experience that's for sure beats the hell out of that stupid boat that put you on over here to quill bar conducting some sort of ritual don't waste my time Hale traveler I have some good news and some very very bad news muskan the report indicated the severed quill but are performing in a chaotic ritual one of the expedition members the quill work all the leader Co Lords slay him and save the member the quill birds are severed raised but this particular quiver seems to be dabbling in necromancy this must be stopped alright let's go keep your enemies sweet dreams bison if your guide on how to play fire mage oh look it's another player together we can face these quill board stand with me now there howdy Aaron him now I got the song stuck in my head wait is that a rare an ogre overseer hang on I'm coming I'm a common don't you dare kill it yeah other players in my MMO I know all right yo I'm gonna kill him grats damn that hunter puts out some damage though hey Gretz for me as well quirk of says yo boss the Boer people around good ah the plot thickens it is not just a queer war no no no no no there are Olga balance I did 30 level yes I think you were much super flame what do I think about wow for consoles would that be enjoyable playing well with a little controller howdy ace plays never seen the dungeon bosses yes what is your fury on the second boss suitable someday dungeon you're gonna have to help me out there and never tha beast so far I'm just very very happy we actually got invited to it Oh [Music] Dumanis storms I don't know how to manage storms ended up in the shadow lands I don't know what they're doing there I am well curious to find out though freaky funny that they're showing up again like last we saw of the man of storms was the dollar on prison I believe and she was not happy with new house oh yeah yeah sure but that was known already we're gonna deal with the guy that forged damnation gear and that's gonna be part of the legendary system your captain Garrick Henry's mother well comfort us now where's the rest of the expedition I'm not sure but I know how we could find out pleased to meet you thanks for saving my life they said this would be a run-of-the-mill boring expedition it definitely wasn't not have a great day now gray main will to victory good work I hope the quillber see necromancy will not afford them we are masters here oh you're looking for Garrett right he's a nice guy a bit glum but nice is lucky you rescued me inventor extraordinaire I got my scout Oh medic five thousand we'll set the goal it will fly up in the air and let you Scout the entire area yeah okay that's right give it a try um hello my name is Noble I've just has a camera then why does anyone need to be up there as a backup of course what did the machine were to break we wouldn't see anything I mean I doubt anything of this sort will happen dust don't jostle it around twice I see something it's a lot of undeath now work in progress we will take your soul and raise the dragon from the dead the full force of the Alliance will rain down upon you ha our dragon will crush them we have other rituals to oversee savor the final moments of your life they're bringing a dragon back from the deaths how are you able to stop the sacrifice but it would take an army to get through all the undead where's my camera so big by the way we don't have any other choice my son's life is on the line that's better the resizer can enlarge one of the nearby borer so it can trample all those monsters flaps can I help you let's get the word resizing something to destroy those on beds the resizer barely works on inanimate objects I've no idea what it's going to do to organic beings but if we do nothing then Henry is going to be killed by the young deaths desperate times call for massively experimental science take the resizer and let's make ourselves a giant boar hey there with like a for long description of it yeah I've got it like mechs I can load it a little bit as we're not from the recording right now oh this should be better is that thank you very much for openness which Bram a B be welcome what if I just walk in there look so will fine and dandy that you want to resize a bore but I got a better idea I say we just take these zombies head-on and it's gonna be fine in a now it's 20 minutes venture it's good okay and so ends the journey of a Dean Garak was never saved harpy roosts alright for those wondering by the way this is what the map looks like and don't know where wait I can make pins what's yo revolutionary next you're gonna add coordinates to the map crazy absolutely crazy hello wait what they actually gave me a rest sickness excuse you I thought we were immune to my sickness at low levels huh well that's that's interesting why did you think they wouldn't because if you're low level they give you like a two minute rest sickness I now [Music] yikes that won't do it all hmm is this one gonna be yet oh my god we did it's a giant bore I would wait for Shadowlands rats I never thought I'd be so relieved to see a giant scientifically enhanced bore let's go get my son back we don't know how long to resize is going to LA so let's get moving we're going to use the giant bore to mow down the army from that and get my son back those massive zombies are pulsing with dark energy if we destroy them I bet it will destroy any means around them hopefully Henry will know more about what these ogres are planning with these islands we'll deal with the army the rest of you push forward and set up camp once we clear the path okay let's go with one ability called trample monstrous cadaver slain trample it's the only way to take down the larger ones they make farting sounds why do they make farting sounds so I bought will the key to the poor hang on recruit oh no we've dealt with the undead oh now let's finish off that necromancer and save my son if you could hold aggro there will be grades [Music] thank you I hope you all got a little while it's gonna be a while oh I'm I'm just gonna be around the corner girl get him champ Oh No can she actually die it appears to be like she cannot that's beautiful okay so what is that shield block raises your shield blocking all melee attacks nice hello Henry Thank You stranger I thought I was going to be punished for my fury to save my friends I'm relieved that I was mistaken mother I'm sorry I tried to fight the ogres but they were too strong Henry always remember that you are more to your mistakes now private Garak I want a full reports Yes Mother captain Garak the ogres are using necromancy to raise a dragon from the dead they need sacrifices like us to fuel our magic they're about sort of ritual deaths [Music] it's already begun they're going to use the life force they gather to reanimate the dragon then we need to move quickly recruits private Garrick theorized never gives up hope even in the face of disaster we'll put a stop to these rituals before he always complete them unless I go yes ma'am hmm quartermaster Richter was able to scavenge supplies from the wreckage it's all on the islands why don't you visit her and see if she's anything that you need you'll need it for whatever the island is going to throw it is next yeah I would like an alliance Tabard please and some tough jerky why won't you let me buy an alliance Tabard oh hello I'm going to need this right oh I already have any items sold oh you actually needs to learn how to vendor works oh I see safe travels hmm all stocked up whoa that is great private coal and quartermaster if they're also found this bag in the nearby ruins they thought that you might make use good use of it's cost me everything I don't know if my eyelid is too active at this point actually you're a warrior right maybe you could deal with this weird situation I was County area with Lindy's device and I saw a ghost offering power to any true warriors I know you're still a flesh face warrior but why don't you try going over there it could use every advantage against these ogres I wonder what that Warriors ghost ones perhaps you can offer some sort of help oh look at all these questo Corona Chi crystal captain Garrick one was exploring the west to find any other members of the expedition Lori and I are gonna go on ahead to meet us to the western we'll have some more information all right let's go see what we could find thanks for saving me I'm going to do my best to solve the situation and we need to find the remaining survivors of my expedition before the ogre sacrifice and I'm for the dark rituals I know - the Lord is the dam of harpies my guess is the water to survive could be their keel and I will scout ahead we'll meet you at the north just outside the harpy den yeah okay then what I figure the name starting zone I think it's brilliant I really do miles better than what we saw on the ship we made like this trial character it is nice and compact I'm wondering how the next that the leveling is going to be actually like I'm really curious how the new compact leveling is going to play out we're gonna find out you just fought a bunch of necromancer oh you know it's probably your friendly ghosts is there no one who can grant me glory in death he'll zoom already undying you are no legendary hero but I see potential stand still and I shall make my most powerful technique known to you and I implore you to end my suffering [Music] hmm you can now understand how to wield my most powerful ability I beg of you use it to finish me gentle with our new friends sweep it under sandals would you also like to be executed thank you very much for subscribe and baby I beg of you use it to finish me off these ogres trap my spirit here long ago for daring to defy them only through her glory is therefore I finally be allowed to rest it is the only way that I will see my brothers and sisters in the afterlife you're eight alright mate you want me to execute you execute me senpai I mean I'm happy to uh I'm happy to provide I'm ready to fight I will give you a Warrior's death with execute yes let us fight as true warriors hang on I was trained in this yo yo what are you doing stop coming stop following me there we go [Applause] okay now watch this right it's gonna be great kiting oh hell yeah what are you gonna do huh what are you gonna do please do and the name in the name of the holy panda panda be praised I've actually added another bear to my collection use execute and end this deaf at last mmm yeah did you enjoy that baby you're welcome there's no tutorial on how to interrupt quite yet also I have no interrupting ability like a maze breaker would be weird yes hello hmm there's a lightspawn what's that's Mary our mage we have to rescue her it seems the harp is holding one of your people captive oh there's a light spawn here what's ah you're another league with the overs please you must aid me I've been bound by necromantic magics to this place I need to eight to be free take a piece of my life user dispel the necrotic energies keeping me bound in this place dispelled a foul magic defines me here [Music] this is the new leveling experience that he added four new characters do hang on I tried to put a stop to these rituals but the ogres ensnared me drained my power free me so I might recover and pass some of my power to you [Music] the spell is weakening the light returns to me you have my fangs I must leave this plane I wish you luck take my blessing accept my blessing and end the necromancy the plagues this Islands your movement speed is increased by the blessing of the light spawn cute it seems alright okay that's Mary our mage we have to resin take as long to find out what the harpies are up to we'll need your help to deal with this our expeditions mage marady Hans well is being held at harpies we gotta stop the ritual you lead the charge and I will back you up heartbeat Odom's scatter throughout the area there are possible foul metric harpies are known for using a magic to corrupt those around them even now I can hear foul whispers in the air we must destroy them hello the harpies are preparing for dreadful assault they plan to attack her allies back at our base harpy swoop in and snatch their victims before bringing them back to their nests and you know what they do then do you Kela cuz I know I know what they do with their victims were the pack internists would you like to know may your deeds live on ins would you like to know Parker let's deal with those harpies I just hope Mara T is okay oh no Mary is not okay take about harpies you are not having a good time I need slap slap licker and there is the mage of our expedition hello would you like to be rescued no you got to run the harpies are using me as bait to get to the rest of you I'll fight the harpies can you use your magic to break free here I'll cost a spell to get myself out of here keep the harpies off me you can do just a nibble you keep your beak to yourself young lady to the rest of us roll fly are we on excels reach and how do we get there do you mean the the first leveling area where we start off DK wolf you look much tastier than a Murloc yeah I imagine that after Sylvanas breaks open a helmet and literally rips open the sky that ball far reaches out and then we're gonna go to ice crown above ours like hey look we gotta go and then we go that would be my I'll heal you and then once we get into the shadow lands we gotta be drawn into the mob because we are SuperDuper special we are actually able to escape them all whereas other people are normally trapped there forever we fight together for the Alliance huge is heading this way huge oh well if this available to my level 5 views for a while videoclip sure eagle yes sorry I will be very much talking about spoilers mm-hmm for example did you know that madden is one of the most powerful characters in the Shadowlands right now and you can actually recruit him to just do the questing for you what level our level one people now [Music] what level is this a trick question okay done the rescue mission Haitian howdy creations and that should keep our camp safe for now we must hurry in stop whatever bigger plans these ogres have for us the follow medic in this area is the CIPA tating I think we're safe hi ah you're rescuing me from grim fates being a practicing Majoris figured one of my own magics would do me in another harpy cute be good we did it what a rush is this how it feels like to succeed an adventure I could get used to it let's get back to camp have a finish Bastian no no no no no the capsule will be thrilled let's get back to camp and the Liberty good news looks like we're the lucky ones who were finding a giant pit of spiders at a doorstep zing mmm good fortune I can send several faint life forces in this pits it seems there may be more members of the expedition within a fairy will end up to the fairway and up to you to go down into this pit and save the survivors of this expedition there should be six survivors in total no one seems particularly faint and far away with our luck our last survivors at the bottom of an ace I'm doing fantastic how you doing so it's up to me to go into the day a dangerous Pit yep this newbie is the one you send in first okay I don't know if I can use heirlooms they didn't copy over and I haven't been to stormed yet to buy new ones yay you're welcome well what level are the level ones now this question is going to haunt me when I go to sleep tonight the video should not behind be behind a paywall help illusion guide him to me who room the exiled I will harvest your lifeforce and then those who sealed me in here shall burn okay hmm hello is this like a new model or is this dude just wearing some kind of armor that looks badass that he he kind of looks like director OHS that's kind of cool are there any significant more characters and exhales reach that's the first starting area right there's your four showed up if I die so do you know oh oh that's what he did oh okay let's go yeah yeah all right I mean this is one hell of a starting experience in a proper up I have the weight little spiders directed by Michael bathe these poor creatures we cannot stop to help them aw poor little spiders you're alive yay we did it you did a good job saving those people and dealing with those spiders those spiders were victims too they just lost their home yeah well I guess you could see you that way you should have known better than to say that to a druids hey we saved merit II all thanks to this record work now get some rinks to me we'll find the others soon oh hell yeah who lurks in the pep rally a dream chasers remember of the scenario circle an order through it's dedicated to protecting the world thank you for rescuing her we're almost to the end of our deals on these islands I'm relieved that you rescued marady that's one less sacrifice we have to worry about and I'm glad the citta gelled henryka back to his old self we'll work with merridy to figure out a plan to stop this mess sounds like you have an adventure what do you think this ghost went off to after you fought its weight is that like an early hints as to that ghost went to the Shadowlands and that's what we're going to go as well subtle I like [Music] hmm he went to the MA let's be true we have only the captain of the expedition left to save Lindy's Scout emetic powder with in dark maul citadel melody has come up with an interesting plan to rescue the captain it is our only chance come we must go to the shadow of Dartmoor Citadel there we begin our plans recruits you are with us the rest of you stay here what we had for the Citadel mmm so far it seems to be like a little bit of a mix of the different zones there are certain parts that remind me of storm hime there's parts that remind me of Chandalar like the beach area and then now we're going into the more highmaul area so it's a little bit of a mix mash of different zones you've seen before it's pretty dull I'll give him that much it's definitely pretty oh there's a quest hello what do you want from me danger sign you see a crude sign made by the ogres it contains of warning Big Bear is bad the big bear guard big ogre treasure kill off the ritual get treasure make more power kill claw is a strong beast you'll need some friends to defeat its will I doe will I really let's find out huh I'm doing this without heirlooms on am i yep definitely am Oh run away run away run away and charge does he have an ogre Club stuck inside of him so what I'm wondering is if I kind is big do to like the expedition camp will they help me out and he disengaged okay so your first introduction to a group quest is an actual group quest interest alright I hope you're a good actor because you're going to on a very important stage we need to get into the side of dark maul Citadel rescue the captain of the expedition and stop the ogre necromancer behind all of this Merida is going to transform you into an ogre and you're going to take all of us prisoner this plan is inventive but it is the best way to get us behind enemy lines distinct emeriti when you're ready to undergo transformation she assures me it will be temporary how are you this will be fun I promise just a little bit forbidden void magic mixed together with Ruby the components and bam I think you make a fine o gir watch your back so this man right recruit just act like an ogre and get us inside the Citadel don't use big words in fact don't say anything at all just smile and wave I love it so auger playable race when blizzards can you take them to the group quest will they be able to do anything is a question let's find out [Music] all right let's go yeah they're definitely just standing there not really doing anything look game you lied to me I brought a whole team of people to help me out I brought them on a leash and in the end they let me do everything by myself although a good introduction airy situation for your future group content I suppose yeah I brought my friends in change doesn't everybody isn't that how you get anybody to do what you want your whatever overs more sacrifices go to cook impact wave at Gorgoroth so what you got keep moving let's see what we can learn about the ritual show me what you got hello hello what do we have here all the sacrifices we take them to the back we'll seal them with the ward stones like we did their leader it is time to complete the ritual atop the Citadel then all will bow before us what's the deal no female ogres I think they've never just made a model for it there's a design in a traveller series I know dams we danced the moment I transformed no how can we break these seals there is always a way Henry but do you know the way entity do you know the way there we go and can you cap we're close to stopping all of this we just need to push a little further captain Keller won't last much longer we need to recover the wart stones to break too which fool that is killing her we'll hold the line here you go out there and get those stones from the ogre lieutenants this is bad captain Kyra stuck the ogres are getting ready to attack our friends and the rituals almost complete I have to stay calm and Fink we can't give up now right and now it sounds risky but we need to take the fight to the ogres for behind enemy lines so we better get to jump on them and attract them from the others take down any August as you can okey-dokey it sounds like them over plan on attacking your friends back at the camp I spied a few catapults that they were preparing it seems like overkill lucky for you I packed something special courtesy of the little fella Lindy please the bombs at the catapults and a new leveling how's it looking like the starting experience is quite fun you walk walk of course he says walk why wouldn't he walk walk away I don't have Auto looting on of course it owns this stone glows with power and can break whatever seals on Captain for the ritual now hang on buddy there we go no tutorial to teach but I was able to interrupt yeah there's going to be a little mini dungeon to finish off those events [Music] Invader let me smash how do you join doctor and I'm going to imagine like this the first time that I check out this area but I'm going to imagine it's going to be the same for the hordes just--we've horde races rather than Alliance races of course I would be surprised if they made a completely unique experience for the Horde because why would they really be free little captain be free thank you for saving me but we still need to stop Gorgon off you're welcome you should give us enough time to stop whatever the ritual the ogres are planning hi great work I haven't told Lindy that his bombs worked perfectly good fortune so these were the stones used to buy mediocres clearly we're concerned about you touring their plans thank you for the aid but we have no time to lose the ogres won't stop trying to 35 to dragon a gorg Ross plan is to use a ritual to revive a powerful dragon left near healers within the Citadel here plotting and scheming you hold for today's efforts by saving myself and my crew we must storm into the Citadel and Slade is well over his fall necromancy is a blight upon the lights we need all the help we can get gore vidal's most elite over to weight within the Citadel use the group finder to enter the dungeon dark maul Citadel [Music] cool oh I guess that works [Music] it was a good idea though let's be fair let's move I'll draw the ogres attacks the rest of you focus on taking them down all it required was just one more person huh so aim with Henry and the captain and then Josephine also joined a party me yeah I believe her son is the healer Henry is the healer and then the captain is the tank and then it's it fills up the rest of the party with DPS but I'm pretty sure that they said you could go in there solo but maybe it's set up in such a way that's after the X amount of time you just go in solo we've almost cleared the room keep pushing this place is full of necrotic energy they must be close to reanimating the dragon no no not the dragon whatever will we do against the dragon I love how we look like this raggedy scrub next to this full-blown Alliance captain that is well played they might actually want to give her even more epic looking gear because that is a super duper motivating that's one of Gorgoroth top lieutenants can we really defeat him no we haven't come this far to quit now recruit you leave the attack I'll charge in after you oh hell yeah because cats focused on me Henry you he lets up so we're stood captain if you were going to thank anyways then why did you tell me to charge in first that's bad etiquette that you're teaching new players right there tank always goes first you're not supposed to charge in what item level is the dungeon a Shadowlands a good question did not check Oh me yeah alpha yeah I'll figure much four to five months he was a great teacher did you encounter any is trying to make this box we got forgot cornered honks trunk I also get fully decked out with bags beer blizzards the tank told me to charge in first if we're going to teach new players about a dungeon they should know that the tank always goes in firsts what kind of an example are we sitting here okay [Music] think of the children hello Dark Ritual and the four examples and fair although apparently late miele far has been harder than normal and heroic rating which is well funny no xoxo no no no no there's Gorgoroth and the dragon is trying to reanimate uni vermin you will not stop the ritual not after all we have done cool okay tank and pull will destroy you okay and Dragons and ogre dragoons thank you will 40 months mate yeah I remembered a Blizzcon presentation or maybe it was like in between blog or some fly that's where they were like yeah we want to give it a proper RPG feeling to it dragons and enemies and an island and exploration of whatnot for starting experience I think this is quite solid I think we stopped it mmm you think foolish ogre you have given me nowhere near enough powder oh that's a cool dragon doh [Music] winged buffets or as some like to call it winged buffet I should do a quiz again with my tea that was well good come on do the wing for pay again yeah and charging back in if this if this dies you just insta get a mound there will be Welker and the product breath actually hurts I like boy got a cloak out of that we've done it the ogres and the Dragons have been defeated and the storm has cleared Adeem speak to me when you're ready to leave the Citadel we need to find a way back to storm winds did you encounter any issues with this bus I mean know already so I clicked it away you should feel proud of yourself we all work together to thwart the plans of an insane necromancer while rescuing a mission in a missing expedition let's get out of this Citadel we need to figure out how we're going to get off these islands hmm look Alliance reinforcements Oh sick they're here we've been trying to go through the storm Terry Chea and the NPC should get it to teach you pain you should roll for it and you always roll one any MP 0 or you roll 99 and any MP zeros 100 ever be great it seems things are liquid fire me up for us I think it's time for us to go back to still means it's time for us to head back to snow mean now to the reinforce we have arrived in the storm is past you and the other recruits have been invaluable to this operation I'll be reporting your a directly to my higher-ups hop on a Griffon and make your way back we'll catch up with you excellent work recruit hop on a Griffon and fly home to storm wind I'll catch up to you later [Music] [Music] you will not be able to return exiles reach I already continue our adventure in the world of Azeroth yeah sure I'm kind of cool let me just keep one quest a group quest but that's that's fine [Music] [Music] and so our brave warrior Stars adventure in World of Warcraft's the wide world of Azeroth awaits will they be the hero that the Alliance deserves or the hero that they need we may never find out oh look the ogres are running away what where are you guys going so in short I figured that the ogres were the ones who drew was to design I Drive it like a magical storm so Mikey you fly two snowmen on a Griffin in the end but you need a boat get to the islands budget cuts perhaps honey I'm home who will be the hero that gets deleted I mean now we're dropping into the Cataclysm time periods in a way did I remember it is that first time characters need to go to battle for Ezreal right so does that mean I mean you're gonna fly to storm it anyways how long it took to do the new starting zone an hour but that's also like reading quest about now I think if you push it you can be done in like 20 or 30 minutes and that's for the first ten levels I'm still in a group of Josephine by the way it is good to be back you snow means there's some business that needs to be done to ensure you get a proper credit for your 8 back on the islands I do have an idea on what you can do in the meantime Jing hmm now that we're back in store means I need to deliver my mission report the King written in the mean some of us Lindy to accompany you around the city there's a lot the scene to do installment so feel free to take some time to explore I'll send for you wants to deliver my report to the king I kind of wonder now who you meet as a horde character like there you get picked up at a council feel free to explore the city with Lindy while I report the king Rin I'll send word once we have our next mission maybe that's the reason why we don't see the Horde sight yet they don't want to reveal like I know you can activate a specialization you know Illyria art rally and outside hmm get rush hey hey that quest guy just phased out did you just say that you could do the mother lode uh-huh I can do I mean I'm going to need a higher item level in just just a little bit but ones were there once we're there that's kind of cool though like there's no more level requirements for the dungeons just idle hey it's good to see you captain Garrick asked me to show you around the city someone has a lot to offer adventurers like us but it is far too big to explore on foot the captain has arranged for you to receive a mount oh sorry let me also equip the rest of the gear so you can get an impression of what it actually looks like oh my lord I am such a standard Alliance dude hmm yeah okay all we need to do is ask a guard for directions if you ever need help finding some for the city guards will show you where to go let's ask a nearby guard for directions to stop blasting all town hello with you I would like to find a stable master please the old town stable master someone is a big place so we should stick together uh-huh are you gonna come with hi how are you let's head through all towns to erase all town stables here we come it is a bit of a run so follow me speak with curly so you're the newcomer - I've been hearing so much about it's my name is curly it's a pleasure to meet you the captain said to be coming here to the stables to pick up your mounds I hope you didn't have any problems fine at a place now before you go riding off into the sunset are your shiny new mounds you need to learn how to ride it first we have a riding trainer right here at the stables woods have a good one you learn mounts at the starts oh you know what no more 40 levels of without amounts you're just gonna give it to me oh I love it now that you've got the basics down feel free to return any time you want to advance your writing skills or purchase additional mousey I love it so we need to be 17 for journeyman 25 for experts 27 for artisan and 34 master what's your specialty hey have you decided on a combat specialization yet since you're a warrior you really know about the different classes available to adventurers but did you know that there are also areas of specialization within each class choosing a specialization is an important decision your specialty determines you're compatible in a party as well as the kind of weapons and abilities that you will use let's go speak away a funder faced to learn more about specializations let's go speak with a class trainer to learn more about combat specializations this is actually very very nice slow down hmm so many options there are three specializations protection arms and fury our warriors are battle-hardened weapon Meister's who use mobility and overpowering attacks to devastate opponents in battle the fury warriors are furious berserkers who unleash a flurry of attacks to carve the enemies to pieces and then protect your warriors our stalwart protectors who use shields to put themselves between the enemy and their allies watch over you activate a combat specialization this is quite the hand-holding I don't like it I mean it's it's designed for first-time players rates it's not designed for people that are familiar with the game and anything to make it easier for players to get into the game I'm all for it right a pragmatic choice of specialization indeed stick-up excellent choice a specialization feel free to test our new abilities and the training dummies nearby a next time can I help you hmm I don't know about you but all this running around has gotten me first the why don't we head on over to the Pico whistles Heffron and rest our legs for some cool pines of Moon berry juice our dare speak with Megan Ian's keeper to make the pick and whistles ever in your new home that way if you ever find yourself stranded without a flight mouse nearby you can use your heart stone to return to the inn not only is it false that Anna Griffin but you see if you copper in the process let's head over to pick up whistles tavern the first rounds on me neat so does that mean I can use whatever mounds yeah I can yo what up I'm a pleb I will come to your tavern for a drink excuse me coming through I remember when you were all corrupted Stormwind I liked it Old Town may not be the most affluent part of the city but it has its charms just the keep an eye on your coin purse while we're here it also adds quite a bit of our P's - like the whole join the defection and this is your city you need something my home good day to you I missed the divorce ale we used to get it that in in Lordran remember that fight we started artist is like dialog that just shows up randomly as long as the picker whistles heaven is your home we'll keep the fire going for you or you're away have a good hello there Han hello - Elias finger much for the 25 so oh there we go apologies for the interruption but there is an urgent matter requires your attention we've been looking for you all over snow means the captain is delivered here a report of the rescue mission to the king it appears that sloman would require your service again the leaders of the alliance have got it together for a meeting it's the wind keep Wow like as a pleb you get to meet all the different leaders right away awesome it's been an honor serving with you may the lights bless you on your journey captain Garrick is waiting for you it's the wind keep she will be brief and she will brief you on the details once you arrive you don't know how to get the storm and keep yet you need to talk to the gnome of course I must go king rin is waiting for me it's been an honor adventuring with you let's do it again sometime well met greetings you should heads the storm and keep it out delay oh now I get a quest marker for dare I see I see do you think characters from ultimate adrenaline order will end up in shadow lands I think so time travel but it's a little bit up in the air the reason why I think so it's because we have a quest line during the definite order Hall came from Legion in which our followers should send out into the shadow lands where they have to pick up an essence from soul by in the and soul dynamix all by the vm he was an enemy that we fought during alternate renault times arguments can be made that it is our version of soul band in the army but at the same time when you get a letter explaining exactly why she turned traitor and joy into the burning legion yes there always been a flight monster here huh safe travels now she's new interesting is not a flight master I mean she didn't let me fly anywhere it's good to hear your mission was a success all right you're here at lost excellent King grin and the others have been waiting your arrival King Terenas called us together for an urgent war meeting it seems that there was some trouble with the Horde while we were away the King was impressed with the valor and bravery that she showed during our mission to xl's reach now that you've arrived the meeting will begin without delay and we get a neck for that the war against the Horde that weighs heavily in my mind what news do you bring spymaster nothing good I'm afraid to the Horde of recruited the Zandalari to her Lords it's this meeting then we must make allies of our own and where do you propose we find them I know I know is a cult IRA's are we gonna find them in cult Terrence [Laughter] [Music] every ghoul Dino ever died will be there like an army of Gulden's yep but that's the problem it comes to time travel an alternate reality Xena interestingly enough Gordon and an alternate Gould am both died on our answer all so even if they don't go over the idea of alternate realities end up in the same shadow lands that Gould and sure right she will not be going alone this random pleb hero will join her greetings friend you're gonna send out a rookie you are always welcome in Stormwind hands always worth fighting for has battle for answer I've really been degraded that a brand new rookie player can be like Alec don't worry about it I saved like five people from ogres right diplomatic mission for the Alliance and there's off easy easy be vigilant the captain has spoken highly of you I trust that you will bring jayna back safely [Laughter] this is where we part ways captain thank you for everything I know you have a bright future ahead of you stay safe out there and always remember your training Wow they're spitting on for vampires I love it I love it it's like the first random pleb just learned how to write a call their mouth you can't send them over to Catherine's [Music] [Laughter]
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 166,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Shadowlands, Alpha, Leveling, Squish, Intro, New, Alliance, Horde, Feedback, Heirloom, Expansions, Chromie
Id: Tno2-r1wyfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 46sec (4966 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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