Basics of Go Bags / 3 Day Assault Packs

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[Music] if you've ever been on an airborne jumpin during that airborne jump you slap your buddies but a little too hard during the equipment check and he kind of liked it hit that subscribe button if you're civilian and you've ever touched your buddy's button he was okay with it and you're okay with it and that felt a little weird a little confusing hit that subscribe button as well like comment all that good stuff because it helps me out quite a bit honestly just subscribe but I've been really hesitant to make a video about go-bags slash 3-day assault packs and that type of thing because there's such a wide range of mission sets and bags and everything that can kind of change the entire way you set everything up but I figured just like our long-range recon pack that kind of survival pack that do at least a primer on it to kinda get the wheels turning in your heads to understand what I use and what some other professionals I've used that I've talked with and worked with so you can possibly start putting together your bag or maybe if you have a bag together kind of reconsider what you have in there there are a lot of really good bags out there and I don't have time to review every single one of them well I do but it's just going to take a while but I'm route to bat some really good packs for a go bag or something like that or a three-day assault pack is when you be of course mystery ranch Arc'teryx of the thurible card series we also have Osprey Kelty and then can I so there's a lot of different brands out there find one that works you don't go for that Amazon deal for a thirty buck pack that looks super cool but it's made in China because it's going to fall apart buy something good now I'm going to be using the kanay pack sorry can I pack gets me every time because I like the way that it falls in my play carrier so I've used their smaller version on a couple different exercises and it's worked really well so big fan can activate get really well over play carriers so do the mystery ranch as well so just find whatever works for you based on what you do okay understand a couple things my setup is going to be different from your setup because I'm I had this bag setup more for a kind of non-permissive environment in a country kind of doing contracting worker doing military work where I have to be concerned with some different threat threats verse what you might be concerned with working Afghanistan or working in the United States or working you know South America or doing whatever so understand every ways it's going to be a little bit different sorry excuse my voice I went on a really hard run this morning figure out what you need first off so it's going to be mission essential right so for my guys who are going on mission you need explosives hey you're going to have to have a pack or you're gonna have to find space to put those explosives first long-range patrols all kind of stuff all that surveillance equipment all that crap make sure you have room for it um if this is just your go-bag then you just need the necessary stuff to survive for about 72 hours is what I typically do so this particular pack is more setup as a go bag but the law crossover between the three day and the go bag so we're going to kind of smush them all together so start off with we have the kunai pack right here so let's talk about what I have on the very front of it what I can access most easily so I have a couple things that are very easily accessible that I'm going to be needing to use on a fairly regular basis so things like my navigation aids right so I have a sinto risk compass right here they work incredibly well they're very accurate surprisingly so in fact and then of course I have my trusty garmin foretrex 401 so big fan of the garment definitely takes some time to the research and see if it fits within your mission sets and your parameters another big thing is going to be water water is a big issue I kind of talked about already in a video and I know there's some crossover between my videos but it is what it is with water I just do a Sawyer and line filter that way I can fill up directly in the bag and then as I suck on that it's going to pull that water through that filter and make it pretty clean in fact for the most part the sort your filter works a little bit better about on the same level of iodine better in some respects as far as with what it's filtering out so pretty I still do carry iodine nonetheless but yeah I just do a Sawyer inland inline filter and you should be pretty much good to go for those 72 hours a filter is going to last that long coming down there's a small little kidney pad right here and on the kidney pad there is a zippered pouch and I can get into that so if I get into that standby well I can get into that if I get into that there's a couple things that I need to get to so one of the main things is going to be a signal mirror so signal mirror is going to be important because if I need to signal an aircraft or friendly or you know I'm in the United States and the rescue helicopters coming in I'm like oh my gosh come get me all that depth stuff with cific and there we go make sure you have something like the Sun like this on you there are larger ones but I prefer the nice little tiny ones they're easy to pack away and they typically last there's plastic and glass ones again the glass ones shine a little brighter but the plastic ones you know are harder to crack and then also but they do scratch easier so figure out what works for you also in here had my liver Minh if you don't have a Leatherman you're wrong every man should own a Leatherman or some equivalent of a Leatherman this is love them in wave one of my favorite ones not going to talk too much about it you need a Leatherman so get yourself one I'll link that below so we have kind of the things I have immediate access to just on the front now besides those media access things I have a couple of things placed strategically around the outside of that pack that can get too easily for the types of missions I'm doing so we'll go to the most obvious one first off right here in the back at this big old green bag so why do I have this well depending on the environment that you're working in you might be dealing with comfo up in attacks or BIOS template you might be dealing with some type of attack where you might need to have some type of gas mask so in here I have just a standard gas mask to see m40 there's better ones out there but a issued easy to get hands on now another thing that happened there that's really important that's not talked about a whole lot is a reactive skin decamp decontamination lotion now a lot of guys haven't seen this yet this is a fairly new product and this one is from emergent protective products USA so this is one of the prototypes I've sent it to kind of test it out and take a look at it and what's really cool about this is that if you get any type of chemical warfare agents on your skin most of them you don't have to inhale them that they hit your skin you're forgetting done for not done for but it's going to be that day so what this does is it's going to neutralize them extremely fast much more effectively than the current DEET animation decontamination kits that are on the market I think this one's like between three to ten to like fifty times more effective against like sarin and VX gas and B are all that stuff we're not gonna get into chemical warfare because I'm not Sebring a guy but nonetheless you should have something like this on you couple buddies that I have who are overseas doing contracting work in conflict areas they lease carry something like this on them because you never know it's going to go down so you have a gas mask you probably have some way that you can have any contaminate your skin that way you don't choke to death or a boil for your skin that way you don't die from chemical warfare agents so gas masks and I keep those together because I'll you can use them at the same time another thing I have are just in this little flap of the can I pack flex-cufs so you never know you know kind of what you're dealing with or who you're dealing with or what you're into if you have a girlfriend what you guys don't but um yeah flex-cufs always kind of a good item to have on you you can also use secure gear and that type of stuff via the carabiner kind of hook it on lots of different uses for flex-cufs have some on you if you're on like extremely extended ops like your mom you know goes to work and you're left alone all day in the basement you're definitely need some type of knife to be able to carve up food be able to do all the good things than that can do start fire all account stuff so I have a knife just here clipped on the side and the whole point is is if I lose my gear all that Epps up in whatever the hell happens then at least I have a knife right here that I'm able to unclip and then put on my belt line half now this particular one is the let's see here is the SE laser strike so big fan of this haven't put too many hours on this one I think it's gone on a couple trips but uh I have a big fan of the se knives so those are good alright in the pouches right here a lot of current stuff in my side side top just so let's kind of get into that so on my first side pouch right here we have some very important items and to get us out of here so some type of radio right doesn't have to be a radio my buddy who's overseas in conflict area carries a Sat phone maybe you have a burner phone something like that point it's had some type of communication device kind of supplementary to what you already have that we have redundancy in case your radio gets destroyed or your cellphone gets wrecked in a car wreck or whatever have some type of communication device on you so that's what that's representative of in here we have Kemp sticks this is more for me I have IR and visible so that way I can do all that good stuff with my Kemp sticks we have MS mm strobe so both IR and visible light should you need it depending on who you're dealing with who you're working with all that type of stuff moving back in here we have some more mission central items so we have magazines so I carry two on this side right here what's cool let's can attack if they have little retention bands right in here that hold those magazines in place again I'm not I'm kind of plug in the plot product because I like it I like a product I'm going to plug it guys but yeah I think they thought ahead with that they did some good stuff so good on them moving to the other side I've got another magazine and then once I unzip this I've got a couple of things in here so I don't talk about it too much but I have a I fact that is specific to me so I have this right here that way when I get this once I get a second I'm going to mount this on my belt or put this in a pocket this particular pouch and IFAC is from IT s so great guys over there I'm going to link their product big fan of them full disclosure this stuff was given to me by TF but that being said I don't do stuff on a product unless I like it and I trust it and I trust these guys they've been used in a lot of areas so good stuff anyhow little IFAC individual first aid kit as always a little bit of 550 cord I had these individually made into little strands via daisy-chained always have 550 on you you never know when you need to tie something up these ones are brightly colored because again I want to give you an example like a civilian type setup so if you want use black or green or whatever the health you want to move in order here two more mags so have a total five mags that I keep in my bag so that's that as far as what I'm keeping kind of on the outside of the pack is that once I've removed all the stuff I get to some pretty essential items that I keep kind of securely tucked away but if I should I need them I can get to them but it's not I don't need to get to them as quickly so first off chapstick it's always good to look cool when you get recovered have soft supple lips that way when you go home and meet BAE you ready to go lighter so with this particular lighter I have wrapped it in duct tape so have about I want to say about twelve feet of duct tape on this thing just wrapped around it will say use item right that way don't have a duct tape bowl to sit in there I can still undo that duct tape and use it for whatever you need to so anyhow nice a little hack right there learn that from some British guys when I was working with them cool dudes big fan of them they always slayed at the bars because of their stupid accents here's a really important one guys is a Garmin GPS so - GPS is why this one has every - up a graphic map of the world loaded onto it down to an extremely high detail incredibly valuable so if you can't have a map on you at least have a GPS that allows you to have topographic maps loaded onto it that way you can navigate get to where you need to so big fan of that unit right there also some more serious navigation equipment I have a lens attic compass this one is not phosphor so you don't charge with a light it's tritium that way it just always glows at night so this thing has been through a lot big fan of one sided compasses you should have one they're very good for navigation they do have a little bit of error things about plus or minus two to three degrees approximately but fairly accurate I trust very few compasses as much as I trust this one right here okay so that takes us through kind of the outside pouches guys let's go ahead and let's delve into this so first off one thing to note is I don't have to unzip the entire compartment I can simply unzip this back one and be able to still get into it without and zipping it and kind of laying everything on the floor just you know but the sake of time class can kind of see what's going on here kind of open this up so first off I'm a big fan of compartmentalization now I know it's a little messy but I have a I have a specific thing that I do here so first off the sides of the pack have velcro on them what that allows me to do is take pouches that can be velcroed to the sides and I can bell chrome in place that way they don't shift around so I do that with my really important items so my really important items are eye facts so what I can do with these eye facts is I can turn my way as necessary to give to people who need them a buddy of mine was very recently near a bee bed attack and he does essentially the same thing in fact I got the idea from the great guy and during that be bed attack he had to pass out a life ax and luckily he had to in the top of his pack that were not for him he was able to pass those out deliver a lot of critical care save a lot of lives so that's a cool little thing right there so I always carry some extra eye facts so had these two right here these particular ones came with a pack I had from a long time ago I can't member the brand but point is get something that has velcro in the back and you can throw it in a lot of good things out there okay important items are kind of getting into hygiene things I can live on that type of stuff baby wipes always have baby wipes you will hate your life if you don't also actually easy to get infections and cuts especially in dry weather when your skin cracks oh you need something like this and Plus you don't you want to make sure your butt holes clean so that's important okay moving forward hat always have a hat sunburns suck so you boo kneecap so good stuff just get yourself something good bootie cats work great Gilligan wore a boonie kappa knee is cool all right shoe mogs so this particular Smaug is just your run-of-the-mill I'll log on with Amazon I cut this one in half so it's not as thick and then what I do with this is you can do a whole lot of different things you can filter water with it you can dip it in water put on your head protect yourself in the Sun all that kind of stuff so shemagh have one great multi you side and make a tourniquet out of it do whatever you want emergency rations I have way too many but I'm a fatty at heart these are nice and compact if I have the opportunity like on a long-range patrol I'll have nicer food but for 72 hours I have twenty five to twenty four hundred calorie bricks right here that's more than enough for me and a buddy more than that for me and a lot of people you can you can go a whole lot of time without food but just a little bit foods always a little pick-me-up so food coming down into here I have a couple different bags so towards the top right here I have a bag from clinic es tactical great guys this one contains a boo-boo kit so except for my effect this one is made to kill any of those little cuts and scrapes and things like that and people often don't think about that kind of stuff like they're prepared for like you know sucking chest wound that type of stuff but you still die from infection also in here I have some batteries for my GPS headlamp all that kind of stuff now let's click the headlamp in here so cool alright moving further down hygiene kit right so get a lot of questions on how I build up my hygiene kit so this one is pretty basic I have toothpaste I have a toothbrush that is cut in half oh yeah I mean I know you can get travel ones but I just cut one half and then of course a little bit ibuprofen you never know when you're going to need it I know some of you freaking guys a little on this kind of stuff especially memories or airborne guys right some good old airborne you okay fresh socks fresh underwear have it right don't be gross all right finally poncho I can cover myself with this as a rain tarp I am NOT getting rained on or I can make a shelter out of it whole lot of things so always have a poncho on you extremely useful extremely handy that's also why I have 550 cord tie it up or do whatever good item have one alright finally sleeping bag this one is the one if you do a sock and all that kind of stuff I know you guys ask me about it a lot it's made by Kelty I will say it's their Delta I'm going to put a link in the description that way you guys can find the exact one the only thing that's different about this one from a lot of Kelty's other offerings is that it has velcro on the side so instead of zipping it up you can simply bust out of it so you're sleeping here's somebody coming bus out to come savage go to town and do whatever you do drink blood of your enemies Marine Corps what's up do that good stuff I depending on the environment that you're in you might need a heavier duty one this one's a summer weight so it's good to about thirty degrees and I can tell you thirty degrees a little cold so figure out what you need and go from there anyhow I have added a compression sack you should have it in compression sack that way doesn't take up this much room alright I think there's about one thing left in here and that is iodine well I dine you never know so now for 72 hours anyhow guys that is it as far as my go bag / three-day assault pack goes a lot of things can be modified just make sure that you have enough stuff in there to live off of compartmental lives have everything you need when it comes to med kits get a lot of questions about that not really comfortable kind of launching into what to put in a med kit by a med kit from a reputable company safe I guess tactical or from dark angel medical something like that I'll let the professionals handle and make sure you get training that way you know what you need to do with that kind of stuff because without training it's useless alright so with the packs nothing matters they don't look cool if you come home and you just craft yourself and you don't have wet wipes stuff and mom's really disappointed in you so make sure you do all that good stuff I did this because half my subscribers are living in the basement and again it's just to make sure that you survive that way can keep my subscriber base look cool guys nothing else matters
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 1,467,698
Rating: 4.8954544 out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, 3 day pack, go bag, how to pack go bag, what to put into go bag, how to pack 3 day assault pack, which 3 day assault pack is best, packing assault pack, packing assault bag, assault bag
Id: dfJGI06yRhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2017
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