Basic Assault Pack / Day Pack / 24h pack setup

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[Music] all right before we get started I want to take a quick moment to thank you for your support so far the thing that helps me out the most from you guys is getting likes comments and subscribes so if you're a big fan of what you've seen so far you like me making fun of you then go ahead and hit the subscribe button like it and put in some comment that suits your fancy obviously though it does help me quite a bit because it ensures that more people are going to be watching the videos which allows me to create better content for you guys so thank you for watching so far now that being said I want to take a moment to discuss assault packs slash daebak's so what's the point of an assault pack the point of our assault pack is to get us from point A to point B the mission is going to be lasting 24 hours whether at the end of that you have a resupply or at the end of that you go back to base between the base whatever is going to be kind of depending on how you're going to set up your day pack so whether you're accomplishing some objective immission an assault whether you're just patrolling around your land whether you're going out to catch pokemon and pokemon go where whatever your mission set might be the day pack / salt pack is a good kind of concept to roll around with so we're going to talk about two different ways we can set up a day pack we're going to go with a plate carrier worn and then also just a shoulder strap worn so starting off we're going to talk about a plate carrier worn day pack of some type so in the case of my crime precision jpc what I have done here is I have put on the cried general purpose pouch C 11 by six by four as you can see it right there and when it comes to having a tack on the back of your plate carrier what's going to make it work is that it's not too big for your play carrier doesn't overhang the top or at the bottom when it comes to the cry jpc which is a really small kind of cut play care you don't have a whole lot of room to play with now when I had my Mayflower APC it was much larger now I was able to put in Eagles the strees modular soul pack which is a little larger and allowed me to keep more things in it typically that these types of packs right here what I put in them is hydration right since I have a 2 liter or 3 liter bag to ensure that I have water there are pouches out there that are made specifically for hydration alone and they're typically going to have some permanent elastic in place ensure that's going to be squeezing that bag and that's cool that's good and that definitely works but I like my pouches unaware I might plant carry to be a little bit more versatile for that reason that I like to cry general purpose pouch because it has a little set up right here that allows me to tighten on the fly so if it's not tight enough for my water that I can tighten that down or if I want to put on put in some type of weather layer such as the gore-tex top gas mask and BG's with a couple other things I can tighten this as needed as necessary to ensure that it's going to make sure that the contents around in this general-purpose pouch aren't moving around when I'm moving which is going to be important so it's kind of my philosophy with that now here comes the problem with having a plate carrier mounted pack of any type is that I need to access something in this pack I'm going to have to remove my plate cater now there are certain designs out there that allow you to remove the pack or something like that so I'm going around in front of you so you can access to think these stuff but for most of them that's not the case so if I want to refill this I would have to take it off as it's setup right now I'd have to take it off and then resell them and put it back on my put my plate carrier back on now there are adapters for the source hydration bladders that allow you to refill them with water bottles feel a little adapter at the front where you suck on the water all that type of stuff I don't have it personally I've seen some guys use it and I know it does work well just be aware that that is an option out there for you so when it comes to our packs on the back of our play curves you can't carry as much stuff as I'd want for a 24 hour or salt pack so what's good about these is that they do compress down pretty well so I definitely keep it permanently attached to my plate carrier and then I'll just put a pack on over it so that's going to bring us to our shoulder worn packs which I think when it comes to an assault pack pack whatever you want to call it is a much better solution because you could take off that pack you can get to what you need to it you can kind of scale down as necessary so without further ado let's go ahead and talk about shoulder worn packs well the first packs we'll talk about is one from velocity systems it's their 24-hour pack it's quite small you can see here when I put it on this baby's first pack right here looks so cool so what's good about this is I'm a huge proponent of not having a lot of crap on you that you don't need cuz I think everybody tends to carry too much stuff so this is going to limit what you can carry pretty much down to a hydration batter splatter and a couple other mission essentials to ensure that you're keeping your weight down so depending on your mission profile a smaller pack like this might be a good idea lots of bungee lunges here to retain your items that type of stuff whatever you want to do so definitely good options they do have another version that can also be mounted to a plate carrier should you want to have a larger pack on your play carrier so options we have the classic which I've worn for a long long time which is the Camelback so there's a Camelback hog which is a giant one it's going to count back a lot called the Kaos I believe I'm I don't know I've had it for a long long time but these work well they allow you to carry a hydration bladder typically a Camelback type along with couple other admission lanius items as needed for your mission but again it's still a little bit small for what I'd want for a daypack slash assault pack but it is another option one that I've used quite a bit when I was in the Navy is the surplus or not surplus for me but the Marine Corps assault pack with their little day pack it's pretty good doesn't have a whole lot of pockets and a whole lot of things that go along with it but it works incredibly well well it's very stiff and it is the appropriate size to be able to carry the appropriate amount of gear to conduct some type of assault assaulting type of mission so we're getting closer there now the current pack that I have set up for my assault pack / 24-hour pack / whatever you want to call it use it's from kunai I'm a big fan of this company because I think they make a very good product the login pouches a lot of good accessories they're built very durable all that kind of crap now you have a couple of good manufacturers of small daypack such as hill people gear mystery ranch and of course XO pack so find one that's going to work for you in this case will be I'll be showing you how I have my act set up for 24 hour assault usage in that type of thing so I do kind of hate showing you one specific setup because again your assault tack is going to be set up based on what your mission set is and what you do and for my military guys my active duty guys my law enforcement guys you're going to have some very specific mission sets that are going to determine what you need to put into these packs with that being said I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to tell you what I typically put in my packs if you have an idea of what worked for me and what's worked for others because for the most part this tends to conform to what I've seen a lot of other people carry in their salt packs with some caveats of course so let's go ahead and let's start on the outside of my pack and then we'll work into the inside to talk about what I actually carry in there so first off a couple things that I think are necessary now with this pack I have it set up a little bit more for civilian type usage because a lot of people are messaging me saying hey I'm just a lowly civilian so I want to take a moment hey don't get down on yourself just because you're not military some people couldn't serve for whatever medical reason have a buddy who had type 1 diabetes he wasn't able to serve but you know it still does great stuff so don't get down on yourself just cuz you're not military I cater this channel to everybody so don't get down yourself it's really not a big deal I'm a big fan of all of my fans everybody who watches my airsofters my civilian guys my military guys my law-enforcement guys 505 low so don't get down on yourself just cuz you don't do what I do or do it you think is supposed to be a cool job because believe me my job's not nearly as cool as you think it is alright so first things first I have Ranger beads so what are Ranger beads Ranger beads are essentially some type of bead in this case it's just 550 cord made all-natural smackerel and it's placed on a length of rope that way you can count off your paces when you do an any type of land nav so it becomes really important when you start getting the paste counts that are getting up into seven eight hundred four thousand type of thing so what you do is for your pace comes essentially every time your left foot hits the ground so what I tend to do is every time I hit a hundred paces I take one of these little beads I slide them down to the end that way I can count them at the end and know how many meteors I've gone approximately and for me in pretty tough terrain I typically average around 60 to 70 paces per 100 meters so I kind of have this whole thing set up for you know how many be to the gate until I hit one kilometer and then it reset and all that type of stuff but anyhow Ranger beads are a good thing at the end of it as well I have some fire steel that I can start a fire should I need to so that's what we have right there all right on the other side right here I have my hydration tube so this is a source three liter bladder so that's quite a bit of water but you should stay hydrated when you're on any type of mission now in this case has a small pouch right here on the inside that allows me to keep my hydration pouches separate from all my other things so I like that quite a bit I think it's a good thought process also the compression on my back keeps that water pressure high so I'm not getting any problem sucking up water that have to think so that is the hydration pouch on the side here based on what I do road flare is always a good idea for signaling certain things so I always keep a road flare on me for my civilian guys out there look players also a good idea it's a great way to signal rescuers should you get lost or heard that type of thing not a baddie at 80 to have one can also start fires with them not type of thing lots of good uses when it comes to a road flare on the side to attach to a carabiner I have some electrical tape you can never go wrong so electrical tapes can be used to fix a lot of things now the reason I don't use duct tape is because essentially what it comes down to is I find that the electrical tape is easier to hook on to these small carabiner rings I don't want a huge roll of duct tape I know you can get the thinner ones I just send a default to electrical tape because it works for what I typically use it for but then what you do you might want some different tape so figure out what your needs are and get what you need I'm back the pack right here we actually have a little flap that allows me to put a helmet of some type into here so whether I need to belt element actual helmet that type of thing has a little helmet pouch I like and keep it in my pack and now I'm ahead all the time because doing any type of assaulting duties you might not be expecting contacts for quite a while so it might make sense for you to keep that helmet not on your head the entire time on the other side right here at least outside pouch right here I have four magazines so this was specifically made to be the perfect size to house for magazines and again depend on what you're doing that might be important to have extra ammunition on this case I like to keep my ammunition fully loaded on my pack that way I can get to it as needed and as necessary so before I empty this thing out I just want to go ahead and put it on for you guys like the where it is high on my shoulders as I can be as comfortable as I can you can also wear it over your body armor as well just be aware that when you have it over your body armor it's going to make it a little bit harder to shoulder your rifle so depending on what you're doing just be aware of that practice of that in case you get intended that some engagement with this will set up on so that being said let's go ahead and let's get into the pack so let's talk about what I carry inside my soul packs so first things first you'll find that if you've watched my survival pack setup video it's going to be somewhat similar so I'm sorry for those of you who've watched that video but there's a lot of principles that carry over so first things first 550 cord I have 15 lines here daisy chained up way they're nice and easy to get to and of course brightly colored that way my stuff looks super cool on timing up and no one's going to mistake it for their some stead of mine it's important for field use now if you know the items I'm getting to right now are at the top of my pack that means you're easiest to get to because I'm going to be using them the most so things like 550 cord medical kits that type of thing makes sense I have it at the top right just thing to think about as far as packing your White's really important gives you a filled bath over the day or horse dick crap you're really gonna hate yourself you have to cut you know swath of your $300 crab position pans to wipe yourself with so always have what wipes with you you have camouflage so you're always going to camouflage now depending on what you're doing your color is going to be a little bit different for example if you're in the Coast Guard I'm serious note I just want to say that I've worked with the Coast Guard and to them a bay and also the rescue guys up - Toria I love you guys I'm totally balls beeping you so don't be offended all right you have a camo so make sure you have it appropriate for your environment at the front of my pack right here a quick moment I have a I pack so this has general booboo stuff as well as tourniquet and sea hemostatic agents that type of thing I'll put a small list of what I had inside of it in the description of my channel but just be sure to make sure you have some type of individual first-aid kit with you to ensure that you can make your boo-boos better I always carry some type of chem 6 usually about five or six of them depend on the type of mission that I'm doing so chem 6 extra batteries I have I always have batteries for my extra gear such as GPS and headlamp make sure that you have them for both types so for example my GPS runs off the doublea's and my headlamp runs off of triple a's incredibly unfortunate make sure you have both types some small rifle cleaning kit I just have a bore snake along with the chamber brush and some CLP to ensure that can fix some of those small problems iodine I know a lot of you were saying hey items bad for you and you take a long-term sure everything is bad for you taken long-term however it's probably a lot better for you than then a lot of things that you guys already ingest such as dip and alcohols it's going to keep you safe from dying from very sensible waterborne illnesses so make sure you have iodine or filtration kit on you just be aware that if I do carry a filtration kit I always carry iodine because I've had a lot of filters break in the field and then that filter is no good and so in that case you need iodine so always carry iodine is backup even if you have a filter see here Oh mr. e write some good ones this is actually good one chili and macaroni Wow sort of looking out for me right now extra pair of socks so important ask your doc well we've changed socks finally because of the weather that I'm in right now I always carry around some type of gore-tex bolt tops and bottoms because there is literally nothing worse than getting wet and walking around wet for the entire day so we don't want that happening because we're going to be very very sad walking around wet so make sure we have ourselves have a shot line so anyhow guys that's a short list of what I have inside my pack it's not incredibly extensive what it's meant to cover or my basic needs that I might need within 24 hours as well as a couple contingency options should things go haywire if things go sideways hence extra mags road flares ken lights all that type of stuff again the time to mission set it's gonna be a little different typically am carrying NVGs with me a couple other things so depend on what you're doing your sets going to be a little bit different guys but I think a lot of stuff that I've shown you today is going to be a good base as far as we should start with when it comes to an assault pack slash or 24 hours slash your day pack whatever you want to call it so guys I hope this was some good information from for you and that you'll learn something make sure that you stay tuned we're more videos coming along with lots more products show you appreciate your support guys and no matter what what matters most is looking cool so make sure you look cool
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 526,390
Rating: 4.9649601 out of 5
Keywords: how to setup assault pack, how to setup, how to setup day pack, how to setup 24 hour pack, day pack setup, assault pack setup, 24 hour pack setup, best assault pack, best day pack, best pack to setup, how do I wear assault pack?, what to put in assault pack, what to put in day pack, what to put in 24 hour pack, mission pack setup, patrol pack setup
Id: UHru6rNixHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2017
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