3 Reasons I Ditched My BUG OUT BAG

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At the end of the day, do whatever makes you happy. Your gear should be tailored to your specific needs and terrain. I carry a refugee bag.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Arctic_Fro5t πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

"Where is better than where you're at?...You can bug out with a bag for a tiny, short while, but..."

Excellent, concise explanation. Best I've heard so far. I've always had issues with the traditional 3 day "bugout bag" as if a little school pack will cover a bunch of your needs.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

He's where I want to be, and actively working to be.

In the meantime I still keep my "camping" bag stocked and ready.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dontmindmeimsleeping πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Interesting video. Not really new information as some people (including myself) have been saying most of this on here for a long time. For those who don't want to watch a 20 minute video: He says that bugging out is not a reasonable plan A as your best chance of survival is to:
- organize with your local community and
- stay where you have the most resources.

However, he pretty much pointed out the flaw in his own reasoning at the beginning of the video.

Early on he points out likely bug out scenarios, mentioning natural disasters and localized collapse situations. He also mentions how vulnerable a vehicle is as the vehicle itself could break down or traffic gridlock could stop it. So he very much lays out the reason for having a bug-out bag. You may need a transportable, trimmed down subset of your equipment if neither bugging in nor vehicle transport are possible.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/P-K-One πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

He lives in the suburbs with a network of people to support him.

I’m alone in an urban downtown apartment. I’m keeping my bugout bag!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Banner248 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have found that the more I travel the less I feel I need to bring.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/preparanoid πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

No. Sorry, but I don't agree with this guy.

Here is the problem: his premise is wrong. The question is NOT whether you should or should not bug out. The question is: in those situations when you need to bug out, do you have a bug out bag?

In the particular situation that he is talking about, i.e., societal collapse, bugging out is a bad idea. Yeah, I agree. For exactly the same reasons that he has mentioned. Bugging out is incredibly expensive compared to staying put. But that is NOT the discussion.

There are many reasons why you may need to bug out. And this is what this subreddit is dedicated to. You may need to bug out because your house got flooded, or because you had a house fire, or because of a hurricane, or a tornado, or a chemical spill, or an industrial accident, or a dirty bomb, or a serious earthquake damage, or wild fire, etc. Thinking that the only reason that you are prepping for is TEO..KI is just too narrow-minded.

So, yeah, you should have a bug out bag ready to bug out if there is a hurricane bearing down at you.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bsteve856 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Now, I haven't watched the video yet, I will, but by many comments I read, it sounds like some people don't really think about what exactly their BOB is for, or rather what the plan is.

Lots of people just seem to think that a camping kit for the woods is what you need. I never see any kits that are designed for something else. What about urban environments? Where are you going? What's the plan? Will your items help you get there? Have you tried it by dry running the plan?

The plan. The rest is just... stuff.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xenonwater πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Mine are get home bags. They stay in my vehicles along with other goodies to ensure survival of n a variety of situations and weather conditions.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gloryholesissyslut πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
it's the most surefire way to win fights in the dark yes you surefire things so you see I said the surefire and the the Prada and the surefire with a look at all those surefire stuff so first off the surefire suppressor with a quick-detach surefire wor comp these things are amazing in the dark for both mitigating muzzle rise and for reducing muzzle flash and look already on surefire light this is their Pro Series Scout which can articulate like this have it loosened up so you can actually move it so you can be really close or get it up here close to my laser and look at the surefire switch its surefire party is happening on the in this rifle and surefire sponsored this video so thanks surefire check down below if you guys would like to see any of this goodies on your blasters and without further ado we'll roll a very cool video on the end of the world here we go alright hey welcome back folks we're having a conversation about the end of the world some people really dig that I don't know why we are in the midst of the corona crud which is circling the globe right now and so apocalyptic whatever stuff is on people's mind we want to know how to be prepared now I get this question all the time John what is your bug out back and I wanted to do a video on the three reasons I don't have a bug out bag anymore now I've got bags I've gotten everyday carry bags I've got get home bags just did a video on that I've got hunting camping hiking military istic kind of bags and so man I've got some really cool bags I've got some reviews on one of the bags that you just saw pop up coming up soon really really love that so I'm not against like a bug-out bag per se I used to have them I used to have it all kind of mapped out at first it and this is so embarrassing I had a bug-out bag for me but I've got a family I've got like wife and kids and then we've got extended family we've got really close friends that we love like brothers and sisters that we just couldn't leave to their fate so to speak we I'm a rescuer I'm a defender I'm a protector which means even if it kills me there are certain people in my sphere that I would be very willing to die in the pursuit of protecting and so some people it's kind of like oh the apocalypse is here every man for themselves and you're just gonna grab your pack say sayonara to all your loved ones and disappear into the deep woods to eat berries and rabbits and stuff and hey more power to you I'm just not built that way now I realize in the desire to make a video like this it's gonna be really fun first of all some of you guys are just gonna enjoy the mental thought experiment though I don't think any impending apocalypse is upon us and I'm really just thinking I'm a pretty normal of sky that just makes preparation there is a piece of my background that's really more majors on the security aspect and if if we're gonna ask the question what if a societal collapse happened we might as well give it the natural respect that it deserves now people resist this idea everyone thinks that they secure but I'd remind you a good lesson of history is no nation sits secure every ancient nation has fallen no matter how strong whether it's the grecian the Roman the Persian even the British Empire is just this tiny tiny little dot it's just basically kind of the British Isles right there and it's all receded where it was global domination so to speak now it's way way way tiny anyway no nation sits secure and we'd be naive to think that the United States will live forever it absolutely won't and here's the thing too is whenever a great nation Falls the inhabitants of that nation never ever really saw it coming or could imagine that it would come so our end will come - and that could be closer medium or really far away I don't know but I recognize no nations it's secure let's go ahead and be prepared now in the preparatory community people tend to major on a couple different factors and after they have compiled more resources than any of the Joneses around them a kind of chest puffs out and you get the feeling of like I've got this and now you're ready to judge me as well and you're wondering of like are my stockpiles bigger than John's and if they are then surely I'm the expert so I'm not wanting to get in that competition with you to see who is ready to outlast the apocalypse I'm really more of just asking a question so that we can be more prepared together so this is a community service it's not me the big man I'm ready and let me pull up a seat so I can teach you a lesson it's not like that at all it's like hey let's have a nice chat and I've got some areas of weakness that I need to grow into and I'm doing just that and I got it also some areas of strength and I wanted to exactly speak to that whereas some people really focus on food and resource stockpiling others on bushcraft or skills all of it's very good mine happens to be the security aspect cuz I realized that if some societal downfall came about ultimately the persons with the guns and the know-how can just take all the resources from whoever they want and that seems to be the case of history as well and so really the most important prep that you could possibly have is security and a lot goes into that if you are naively thinking that because you have a lot of guns and ammo stockpile that that somehow means security you're so gravely mistaken what you're doing is you're building up an arsenal that a group of people would better know how will eventually take from you many of you don't like that because you've shot at the range and you've got a lot of stuff and that'll be a very unpalatable thought but I'm not doing it as if to again have that contentious rivalry between you or I I'm just a former Army Ranger and we were the premier raid force for the United States military that's really what we did that was our deal as if we wanted to take some type of terrain or different buildings or part of a city or an airfield we could absolutely come take it from military defended resources that's what I used to do furthermore by living behind enemy lines so to speak Afghanistan and Iraq and living in those contexts for quite a while we'd be certain be surrounded presumably by lots of terrorists that wanted to kill us in every single moment and so what we do is we take over a structure we'd set up security and we'd run operations kind of out of that base camp where we're taking over you know compounds owned by warlords and we're defending those but I mean you set up fortifications you start that security but everyone around you wants to kill you and so in terms of apocalyptic defend your keep whether it's taking property or defend it that is an area that I am actually an expert in whereas I've got a lot to learn about renewable energy and bushcraft survivalist skills and my stockpiles whereas we could live quite a while lawn are where I want it to be so I've got a lot of growth there but from a security aspect is how I'll approach these type videos so I wanted to do some of that work of context so you knew where I was coming from and we can approach the question of bugging out and preparation apocalyptic preparation specifically with a little bit more of a sober mind right so now let's return to our question at hand the three top reasons why I no longer really have a bug-out back and again lots of bags lots of preparatory supplies and resources I'm just not actually staging it all and this is my bug out bag right the very first reason is this because I'm really hard-pressed to find any context where bugging out is the right solution there are contexts where you would absolutely want to bug out so for instance if there was a natural disaster like a hurricane careening toward your house that's a good time to bug out you got a bug out so that's a good good reason if negan and his militia of Outlaws has moved into your neighborhood and it is doomsday apocalypse whatever now it's a good time to bug out they're gonna take over your place and kill you presumably so let's make sure we bug out in a few key instances if you live in downtown New York City in a high-rise apartment building man that is a bad place to be and you should think about bugging out because any place would be better than that and that's really the idea is where is better than where you're at now folks I have noticed in the preparation world especially when they just started with the idea of of's if disaster comes I'll bug out I'll get out of Dodge as if the grass is always green or somewhere else when usually it's not in a societal downfall Society has fallen now there's some things like a microcosm whereas Hurricane Katrina that was a societal collapse locally and bugging out of that allowed you to flee disaster but if this is some type of pandemic if this is some type of true societal collapse an economic that led to a social collapse where rule of law broke down now there's really nowhere to run and if you left all your resources and maybe your family and your friends and your community and now you're also subject to all the things that can happen security wise on the open road that's disastrous you're leaving all the stuff you have and the security and network that you have to brave the open road you could I mean get multiple flat tires or you could break down or even when you pull off the road to sleep I mean you're you're they're mobile what would you rather try to raid a secured fortified and defended home or a lone truck in the woods or on the side of the highway it's kind of like no yeah duh one of these things is not like the other from a raid aspect man a solo vehicle no matter how well-prepared that vehicle is it's a far easier target than a structure with locking doors and some type of cover attached to it now some of you are driven to think about exceptions to that and let me go ahead and say right now there's absolutely exceptions but the generalization to what I'm saying is absolutely true you can disagree you'll just be wrong right the second reason I don't have a bug-out bag is really I recognized the most important preparation that I could possibly have short of guns and the know-how tactics skill of how to use all that and I'll just put it under that under the auspices of weapons and security the second most and and really right up there with it is community recognized that if some societal collapse befell you and really everything around you is falling like a house of cards you would not be able to defend your property for any real length of time without many people helping you pull security even a very very defensible property in most people whenever I go to their property I'm always in the back of my thinking how would I raid this how would I take this because that's just kind of how my mind works whatever by the way I like you if you're like if I'm a friend of yours though I'm a case your place I'm not going to actually take it from you I like you that's we're friends except one of you you know who you are I don't want to leave my family and my community all your friends and family like I've got like a warrior-poet HQ headquarters around here and we got a bunch of dudes and I've trained them how to all shoot and they're all kind of like-minded we got a whole big network of people and I know what their plan a is if the apocalypse happens their plan a is to find me and I'm flattered by it but what it means is we have kind of our own little network around here where we could really we could do a lot together if you want to survive some societal collapse with any amount of longevity you need people even a simple house your house if you really wanted to defend it you need 24/7 security that means guards on rotating shifts so if you just have your single-family residence you may need at least three to four people at key terrain pieces around not at the house but around the house locking down your perimeter and those people would have to sleep it sometimes if it's got three or four guards you may know on duty may actually have to have double or triple that who are rotating out and then you also have the hard work of survival which means to defend your one family house you may need at least 15 to 20 people and some people is just like you your wife and your kids I'm kind of like good luck with that it's so easy to take that from you it would shock you there's other factors as well just because you got your house you got all your preparations let's say you've got some community that could realistically do that there's some pieces of terrain and some houses that are just frankly indefensible I've got some people who have got fantastic preparations but they're their terrain it's just utterly indefensible I've had I was hired years back by a doctor who wanted me to come out audit their property and give him a risk analysis he was really into the preparation thing and he'd spent six-figure money prepare his property so I pulled up to his property I was with him at the time he'd picked me up from the airport but he was about to show me into his property and take me through all of his preparations but I had him drop me off kind of down the street and I said I'll see you in a little while and this was really bewildering to me I'm like don't tell me anything that you have don't tell me or show me anything just let me kind of get to know your property as a bad guy from the outside end and so what I did is I basically cased his property and did my little cleverly freak on and just kind of saw as an outsider how would I take what he had and I very quickly in the first few minutes identified the key to his property there was a piece of high ground that was really the crest of it was really close to his house - so it was kind of built down and then he owned all this other property here I'm like man whoever owns that little hill owns your whole property so if I take that hill there's no real scenario where you can keep your property and if I had your property anybody that takes that hill that one right there it is the key it is the military high ground it was just a beautiful set and I ended up showing him this and he was just very alarmed and then I'm like furthermore what does it look like it's just you and your wife here huh how do you actually defend in this place what does that look like day to day because you have so many avenues of ingress egress around your your house and you you have dangers and threats all over the place what does a guard schedule look like I get that you have bulletproof vests and you got guns and stuff but are you gonna pull security 24/7 can you do that oh and you know it's just it wasn't realistic he bought a lot of stuff he had a lot of stuff but he didn't have a community and he didn't understand military tactics of how to actually take and keep terrain so far the reason why I don't have a dedicated bug out bag anymore is almost all the context I can think of based on where I live and what I've got bugging in is far better and the second thing is community this is my network of people my family my close friends all those people would come in to a network if the worst case scenario ended up coming about and that would be my best chances of survival it's true if you got into the woods and you were alone you could survive kind of anonymously in the woods for for quite a while doing the whole traps and berries and fishing thing but ultimately you're gonna crow them across people and especially if something goes on longer and longer and longer you're just really really vulnerable and it's not good to be caught out in the open that's why people made castles that's why people have fortifications and structures they're easier to defend than just you sharpening sticks in the woods a third reason why I don't have a bug-out bag is really a bug-out bag based on the people I have around me and if you wanted to be able to defend something long-term really a bag is woefully inadequate for preparing for me and my family and whoever else with any type of longevity I need a bug-out truck and even my truck looking at him like men I can't fit all the stuff I need in there and I'd really need an enclosed trailer I'd want a a convoy of vehicles with all the resources to be able to actually pull that off the grass isn't always greener there's a few reasons why I would want to get out of Dodge like that but a bug-out bag I need at least a bug-out truck with an enclosed trailer behind it and I've just got too many resources that you may need you can bug out with a bag for a tiny short while and if you're alone you could live off the land kind of stuff but the fact of the matter is I'm calling horse crap on most of you who thinks that you could actually leave the people that you love when push came to shove and you realize they'll die if you don't take care of them that's kind of the warrior-poet thing is we live for higher purpose and we're ready to sacrifice in the defense of others and so there's some people if you were truly honest you couldn't leave him and I wouldn't right now if everyone's dead then I can go ahead and do the thing go John Bunyan live off the land with my special bug out bag and then that would work and I could throw something together really quick because I got a lot of survival gear and I've lived outside and slept on the ground for a long time now for all you guys who are just super Preppers and you know I'm a [ __ ] you can just sound off in the comments what I'm like fair enough I am on a journey and like I said before I haven't figured it all out but there's elements of this whole preparatory stuff that I've done before I've lived out in the desert for a long time doing vehicle patrols in Afghanistan where all we had was you know a few trucks with our rucksacks where we were living off that for as much as a month where we'd have to have occasional resupply so I remember running out of water and having to stick ourselves with IVs to stay alive I remember sweltering heat spending all day underneath the Humvee to just escape the 120 degree heat I remember running in place all night long when it was 20 degrees below zero and I thought it was gonna freeze to death and was too cold actually sleep so I jogged in place for hours at a time I have lived in similar things to societal collapse where everyone wants to kill you around you you have limited resources and it's just basically your know-how of terrain tactics limited resources and so and so I'm just trying to bare my soul a little bit and like in this problem there's areas which I have a lot to say and there's areas where I have a walk to just be quiet and learn and so you guys can sound off in the comments help me out as I'm on my journey I'll help you and let's approach this with humility if you're a preparatory boogaloo commander you can let me know in the comments that your plans are all awesome and I'm an idiot and I'm sure you're gonna tell me that anyway guys thanks so much for tuning in make sure you like comment share this video subscribe toggle the notifications bell to all thank you channel sponsor for sponsoring this video train hard train smart and I will see you next time I remembered all the things I said all the things I felt good about that
Channel: Warrior Poet Society
Views: 1,315,878
Rating: 4.8699479 out of 5
Keywords: Emergency Prepper, Prepper, survivalist, survival gear, mountain house, emergency food, emergency supply, disaster, 1 second after, SHTF, doomsday, green beret, bug out bag, sensible prepper, EMP, societal collapse, bushcraft, food shortage, Warrior Poet Society, WPS, War Poet, John Lovell, Army Ranger, Navy SEAL, hiking, property audit, prepping, apocalypse, society collapse, bugging out, bug out, bugout bag, bugout, 3-day pack, bug out pack, backpack, community, security, defend, convoy
Id: RVdMHDaiaFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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