Basics of "Tactical" Hydration (IcePlate, MSR, Camelbak, Source)

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so you'd ever fall asleep with your woobie go ahead and hit that subscribe button like common with whatever you'd like and that will kind of go from there really helps me out guys so thanks for likes and comments lots of questions regarding hydration tactical hydration all that type of stuff so I thought we'd go ahead and take a moment to talk about it now you know a Marines have a lot of questions because you're like hey I drink the blood of my enemies so do I really need to hydrate the answer to that is yes because blood doesn't have the appropriate amount of hydration for you so you're not gonna be able to wash down all those grains so make sure you stay tuned there are a whole lot of different ways to carry hydration in a so called tactical environment or however you'd like to put it or whatever you do I'm kind of three main methods I like to think of our pack carried play carry mounted or under play carry so I think under the play carrier is one of the most innovative that has come out now there are some drawbacks each of these methods and there's pros each of them so there's not going to be a best method it's simply going to be dependent on your mission set how often you're going to get water refilled filtration issues that type of stuff so there's a lot of things that come into play when it comes to water because nothing you don't look cool if you're dead and dehydration it's a death so hydration is cool no matter how good you look so I'm going to start off we're going to talk about one of the more interesting products now full disclosure all these products are giving to me I've used them for a long time so I have no bias towards any of them so first product we want to talk about which is really cool in my opinion is the core ice plate so a lot of confusion around this product about what it is what it does in kind of the whole point with this the first off mine's been spray-painted camouflage notice realize that these models a scratch pretty easily so that Camel paint is going to come off but at the same time core head now has cut and plates out there and even still the spray paint does last pretty good my particular model came with these little blue kind of bite valves but you can easily replace these with source source hydration tubes or whatever you'd like so that's really not so much an engine for me so how these work is they don't replace a plate so a lot of people think that you put these in place for your travel plate and they're like why why would I do that and yeah you wouldn't it doesn't make any sense what these do is they go behind your armor and they sit under it against your skin and then you put your plate carrier on over it and then you have hydration right up against your body so what's good about that well just like the name implies if you fill these about you know 3/4 of the way they have a little fill line there and then you freeze these overnight they do fit in the freezer there are flies perfectly for that then when you wear this on a really hot day it's going to melt throughout about three or four hours approximately and so they keep you super cool and okay being cool matters okay anyhow point beam is it's going to keep you nice and cool on a really hot day how big of a deal is that maybe not it's um but you know where I've been where I've done some stuff yeah definitely is going to matter having a cube yourself nice and cool so it's just kind of an added nicety to have so another cool thing about it is that it's slightly angled down that way you get all that water coming down to that drinking tube you don't have any water stagnated in there it opens to the top you can sell it from the top as you can see the opening is a little small so typically hadn't removed these guys had these on the plate care and then have my buddy kind of film so you got to really trust your buddy otherwise we're going to get water on you it's going to turn into a wet t-shirt fight and I know the Navy is all about that but you know depend on what you do it might not be your do you thing that you want to happen but nonetheless the core ice plate is kind of cool for that reason another thing is that it works in the office environment so when I was close to the North Pole not too long ago I took these and I filled them with really warm water and so when I put those on my innermost layers and so it was nice and warm look it's my body and that way I had warm water that I could drink but I do it the hydration tube as I cut that tucked into my clothing that way the water in there didn't freeze and I couldn't get water and works pretty good because it is a constant struggle to keep that water from freezing and those arctic temperatures so isolate works really well there now how these work is you can either take some zip ties put them up against your shoulder straps and plate carrier or you can use these supplied velcro tie and attach it in whichever way you see most fitting there's a ton of different ways I've experimented the ten different waves and they all work so core ice plate probably one of the cooler ones out there now realize each of these is an area approximately 1.5 liters so when I carry two these you get three litres of water that's usually enough to last me maybe 3/4 of the day almost the entire day depending on how hot it is and how much activity I'm doing so big fan of these right here and it's going to work now concerned for a lot of people is it's going to you know put your plate care slightly more off your body so that is definitely going to be an issue again you need to look at what you do and see if that's something that you're willing to accept a source risk and that type of thing not specifically risk just you don't have to practice with it to make sure that you that it works for you one of the cool thing about the ice plate is that when it's full of water seems show that in conjunction with a trauma plate that it seems to add a little bit of a ballistic stopping power to your body so your body it seems to help absorb impacts from rounds a little bit better now of course with all that large drunk not so much but kind of a cool little note there so of course been doing a lot of research on that I know the owner a great guy big supportive love military law enforcement these are used throughout in far-flung places and by some guys way more cool to me anyhow core ice plate big fan of it so that's it right there now what did I take so much time to talk about that and some because I was paid or anything like that but rather because because it's kind of a newer product and kind of a more interesting design a lot of people aren't familiar with it so I want to kind of get you guys up to speed on it so core ice plates great product moving from plate carrier under the plate carrier mounted we're going to go ahead and were going to talk about pack mounted for a second so why would you want to mount something on a pack burst directly on your plate carrier well it depends on the length of your mission for example if you're hiking the mountains of Afghanistan and here you need a lot of water and it's likely that you're going to have a whole lot of things in your pack and the small packs at that on plate carriers are probably not going to hold all that equip that you need to probably going to have it inside your pack already and if you have a small pack holding your hydration on your and sometimes it doesn't fit as well that pack can make things kind of slightly more uncomfortable so in many cases a lot of guys opt to run their hydration directly in their packs and put it through their the the chest strap sorry the shoulder strap that way they can drink off of it so one of my go-to for hydration in a pack is the MSR dromedary bag so what is cool about the MSR dromedary bag a whole lot of things how does the best thing about it is material it's kind of does heavy fabric the inside is traded treated with the antimicrobial lining seems to keep things from growing in there and then the less I do rinse find out bleach fairly often as I do use this thing a whole lot now these can be seated fitted with a whole lot of different accessories out there so I'm not going to get too much into it because a lot of people seem to focus on bite valves and those types of things on a lot of these hydration packs but in reality all that stuff can be swapped out to your liking but that being said what came with the MSR works pretty well except to the fact that the bite valve doesn't have a cap on that and that applies to the core and the camelbaks as well so make sure you get some type of bite that allows you to put a cap on there because otherwise you're going to get this thing dragged into the mud and dust on it or God knows what and then that's going to be a problem so we should get some stuff to cap for that anyhow I'm sorry bag and use this thing for about clothes so three and half years now great I've never had the same puncture it's extremely resistant to all types of forces I've definitely fallen on this thing a whole lot of times or drop my bag in such a way is to put a lot of force on this I've never had at rupture anything like that and the cats always held steady so there's something to be said about that so an extremely durable bag would definitely be the MSR and I could recommend it enough if you're looking for a pack mounted or a pack carry hydration bag so MSR near and dear to my heart we've been a lot of places together all right another pack mounted or Peck carried hydration bag is going to be the Camelback so Camelback kind of the OG here coming in they've been in the industry for a long time the problem I have with camel backs is that I mean I know there have been updates but a lot of times these caps have a lot of problems it is very wide it's easy to fill that type of thing but the cap always ends up being a problem and I've had these bags rupture on me quite a bit they just don't seem to be quite as strong as a lot of the other bags out there now that being said they do serve it will serve you quite well for a long period of time but I think that there are better bags out there that are slightly stronger than the camelbacks but that being said if you're issued these I wouldn't fret they do work quite well if you're to purchase one of these they still work well I just think that there are better ones out here but cal vac good stuff nonetheless despite my reservations so last and certainly not least is probably one of the best bags out there currently which are these source bags so source just have some really tough bags not as tough as a dromedary but the dromedary is heavy and the source bags are very light so they're still made of that kind of synthetic plastic type material but they're incredibly strong what I most like about them is I love the tubes that already come with them so I have to buy new tubes I know that's not so much an issue but can efforts implicitly sake just makes things a little bit easier logistically my side so these have a nice little cap that goes over them and in that way you can keep the bite valve covered that way you're not getting much crap in there and then get yourself sick from god-knows-what so dipping there a lot of people get a little messed up these valves right here so there you pull them out and then you can drink from them instead of biting on them I so-called bite valve so bad terminology of my part nonetheless some people don't like that so much but I don't make so much an issue and to have that cap and stuff I really think it's worth it so source bags are awesome when it comes to things I'm carrying in my pack I typically like to go for about it'd be a three to five liter so this is the 3 liter source bag and the dromedary is 5 liter and then Camelbak will look like a 1.5 so that wasn't a great example but you can go wrong source of the dromedary I would definitely recommend the source oh great little tube you notice too it has a little cover itself so what's the purpose well camouflage that's a camouflage a tube or also to keep the water in that tube from heating up under direct Sun so you imagine just walking around and having that tube exposed and that senses beating down on it's going to heat up that water that versatile drink is going to be nasty plastic water and nobody likes nasty plastic water unless you're psychopaths so kind of nice thing about it so source hydration bags great and good to go finally we've talked about under play carry mounted we've talked about pack having your hydration bag in your pack and finally we're gonna talk about plate carrier mounted hydration bags so why would you go for a plate carrier mounted bag a whole lot of different reasons maybe your super fast high speed dude and your missions in the last couple hours or maybe you're a cop and this is just a regular to throw on for active shooter event or civilian or who the hell knows what the point is is that the amount of water that unit carrying up on a plate care is usually going to be a little bit less and then what you're going to carry on a bag so because of that you're usually a little bit more limited you're going to be needing to get to resupply be able to fill it up a little bit more often that type of thing so take all those things into consideration nonetheless it is a good option depending on what you do so right here on my cry GPC I have a source 2 liter convict and the source so these that these like if so like I've talked about before the source hydration bags are great this one has a nice coyote tan camouflage cover that works very well it keeps it insulated from the Sun helps reflects all that sunlight off a big fan of it I use a two liter on this particular bag and I have it mounted inside a cried general purpose pouch so right here so there are a whole lot of pouches that you can get attach to the back your play carrier modular salt packs for minimaps try one you can get the SKT pigs a whole lot of ones I'm sure I haven't mentioned find one that's going to fit to your play carrier that way you don't have a whole lot of overhang anything like that so if you notice on mines have come to the bottom like plate carrier which is kind of a pain finding one that fit the crises because the cry APC is a very small play carrier so find something that works for you I'm fine I can be carrying a whole lot in this pack this has enough room for about my hydration plus maybe a light jacket maybe some animal maybe green hate or two but it's not the best setup for kind of a sustained firefighter or sustain operations and that type of thing but again all this stuff is situational independent so find what's going to work for you but in the case of this pack because I do have a mountain to play care it can be a pain if I put a pack on or anything over that it does compress down pretty well but it's not the most comfortable thing in the world and yet can I deal with thing get used to it sure but there are better options out there now one final note to make about hydration is that when it comes to your plate carrier mounted bags it's going to be a little more difficult to fill those up because you're not going to be able to just take off your plate or you shouldn't take off your plate carry because that's your protection and assuming you're wearing it you're probably somewhere that requires you to wear it so how do we fill these up well there's a really cool adapter from source that allows you to put on a adapter that allows you to fill up water bottle so you hold the bottle higher than your pack and it will eventually fill it up now one thing to note about that is if you're Pat you're a little hydration bag goes inside your pack and it's being compressed by a bunch of things that water's not going to really get in there that well and you're not going to be able to fill it up as well I found that those systems work quite well when it's mounted on your play carry or something like that because there's no pressure really on the bag just be aware of the limitations of that system so I hope this was somewhat helpful to you guys I know there's a whole lot of the options out there but like anything else guys what matters is staying cool so make sure you look cool and you don't die of dehydration and we'll definitely catch you later we got a bunch of great stuff from guy and a couple other great companies so lots more to come so we'll catch you soon
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 290,629
Rating: 4.9577479 out of 5
Keywords: hydration, tactical hydration, source, camelbak, msr, dromedary, iceplate, qore performance, qore performance ice plate, iceplate review, is the iceplate good, is the source 2l good?, which hydration bag?
Id: CZXCgbA12bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2017
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