Basics of Everyday Carry (EDC) + Watches

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if you've ever waited until the night before filled up or a camping trip to pack hit that subscribe button like comment all that stuff helps me out the comments section is kind of lit right now so keep doing your thing I enjoy seeing what you guys say as insane as it is sometimes I don't have a patreon if you want to support me by I belt trim Alonso defense group orders are just about filled out for everybody or the shirt the thought vaccine shirt discount code is grantham only works for the belt I'm pretty sure we also have freedom you nisshin's who's helped us out for quite a while again i've shot their ammunition this entire time but now they're supporting me give it a same you nishan and they give you guys a discount code which is grantham 5% off or 10 somewhere right around there I don't know people say it's freaking lit get in there get that discount and get some ammo and say thank you to freedom a lot of crazy people out there but at least in the United States we have the opportunity to carry a lot of things be prepared so today's video is gonna be on everyday carry a lot of people have been asking me about what I carry personally because they want to kind of know what they should carry you know realize that I'm not an expert on this you know the real experts are putting out these crazy classes you can pay tons of money for it but I'll tell you what I carry I kind of get to give you guys a primer for what I've seen that works for me and then you're gonna have to kind of tailor it to yourself realize that everybody's gonna be different everybody's job requires them to carry something slightly different or due to certain restrictions like military I feel you guys sometimes we're not able to carry firearms so let's kind of talk about this so start off with talking about off-base carry for me so when I'm not on post when I'm going on out into town having a good time getting lit what am i what am i carrying what am I wearing so first off I like to start with a good pant or something like that of course flannel all right every time but for the pants usually I prefer something not kind of generic or store-bought because a lot of times the loops on those belts aren't as reinforced and they don't hold up gun belts and guns and that type of thing as well so two pants that I typically use I use the 511 jeans I know but they work pretty good they have really wide belt loops and they work early and they look pretty good and then also my personal favorite which are the tactical distributors pants the Carlos Rey or their Neptune pants any of those are really good I prefer the Carlos Rey I think they look really sharp as you'll see right here as I put it up oh man it's a good it's a good pant right there but anyhow so start with a good pan first off that's a fashionable salish because again if you don't look cool yeah nothing else matters it's kind of like a kids show why can I say it you say it well we'll talk more about pants later but the point is that they have enough pockets they don't look like super tacked to do she if I'm more than that in town again you don't want to scream that you conceal carry if you are concealed carrying you want to look normal and be able to blend in and look cool and that type of thing and get the ladies for those of you who are single even though you probably won't so those pants Rock I'll talk about those in a second but now the question is is kind of the main piece which is firearm so what am i carrying what holster amazing will get amazing so without a doubt my favorite holster for the last about seven months or so has been the t-rex arm sidecar there's nothing for me that's been quite as comfortable or that has carried as well that has put the gun at a good angle ease of draw all that kind of stuff concealed carry is really well now in the case of mine it's cut a little bit lower even though I'm carrying a Glock 19 and that is because sometimes from time to time I will carry the roll and special upper on the Glock and then I need a little bit more space for that comp and that type of thing but most of the time I'm just carrying a simple Glock 19 not that simple I am using a barrel from tri arc systems why because I'm testing it out and also because it freaking rocks and it's awesome I've done a whole video on Glocks already but suffice to say I have my dad's I mean Hayley strategic sights on there it's the 13 sites and leet-speak and then I have a surefire x300 you regarding having a light on a concealed carry weapon I see a lot of people way smarter than me who have been in tons of gun fights and they say hey when it comes to a concealed carry weapon there's really no point to a weapon not a light because if you have to die idee a target with your light your drawing your gun in somebody that's kind of leave little kind of problem right there and that type thing and they say most time you're firing really close since not really that you know really don't need it and I understand those arguments and I see them I'm a little bit more of a kind of obsessive-compulsive I want to be prepared for any type of scenario type guy so I carry a light I understand the argument against it you you don't have to carry a light on your gun if something if anything at least carry a light but in any case I like having to let him a gun doesn't really add that much weight it's really not that hard to carry on the body so I keep it on my concealed carry weapon but I do understand the argument for not needing it so Glock 19 as well you can see that I carry a extra mag in addition to the mag that would happen the gun regarding carry ammunition hollow-points FM g is FM JS whatever Theory you subscribe to on what ammunition you think is best good and go with that I'm not going to talk too much about ammunition at this point but yes I do carry an extra magazine am I expecting to get in a huge gunfight no but part of EDC is being prepared so we're prepared for a lot of different scenarios not to say I probably ever need it I've never had to engage anybody with my concealed carry weapon or even draw my concealed carry weapon so take that for what it's worth all right so we had the gun out of the way another important thing that I like to have with my concealed carry or with my everyday carry is some type of Leatherman or a multi-tool so we have my that didn't work there we go we have my trusty Leatherman Wave I've talked about this in the past not gonna harp on it too much but suffice to say that you should have a Leatherman if some type has a whole lot of tools that are useful knives saws whatever you could possibly need so I almost always have this on me you'd be well-advised to have one for yourself again I prefer Leatherman this is love them and WAV there are multiple others out there and again I I'm kind of partial to this probably cuz I did so much training and use this thing and it really has proven itself very reliable for me so Leatherman now besides a Leatherman sometimes you might want to carry a knife and it additionally to that now for me if I'm on base I'm not able to carry my Glock 19 and a Leo like not a part of that holy osa thing so I typically carry an extra knife now how useful is it I don't know we're not gonna really get into the debate of using a knife on a active shoot or anything like that but the point is is it makes me feel better about myself so I carry a knife typically I carry some type of folder in this case I have the assistant folder from SOGs kiku or whatever it's called this is one that had been carrying throughout the last year or so not because I think it's like the best blade in the world in fact usually I don't like sog blades a whole lot but this one was kind of grown on me I like the the assist it was free and all that kind of stuff so this is what I use there are many great knives out there so besides the SOG we have the Hogue this is kind of a more of a workout workhorse type knife it's not spring stuff or anything like that you just flip it open yourself it's from Hogue it is the EXO - it's kind of a giant knife I do like it quite a bit and then if you're looking to go for something a little bit smaller to make your hands look bigger we also have something grind this is a spy SpiderMonkey really good steel on this knife probably one of the most expensive blades that I have on the table right here but really yeah really nice steel you'll be well served with it but fortunate company name so a little bit of our knives you always need a nice a nice is a great tool to have on you you never know when you need it I use them all the time for just various things cutting and how I do using the clear weapons and that type of thing so haven't I find you or at the very least have a Leatherman always have a Leatherman all right so we've talked about guns knives kind of stuff that's not really that's more for ourselves kind of offensive and tools in that type of stuff the other big thing I think with everyday carry is being prepared to help others or possibly help yourself so there have been certain certain events that have happened pretty recently that I've kind of pointed out the need that you should carry medical gear if you haven't been carrying medical gear I understand it's a lot of thing that's not a whole lot of people's mind but you you should really consider carrying some type of med kit or at the very least a tourniquet or something on you now remember all the stuff is useless unless you have training the skills back it up so make sure that you practice practice practice otherwise this sucks help you so one Mitch kid that I always carry and again shameless plug for one of my favorite companies which is I TS tactical solutions they itës tactical imminent threat solutions they make some great stuff in this case this is their EDC med kit pretty simple it's a it's quick clot and Gossow hemostatic agent so sling it helps stop bleeding you also have a soft t tourniquet which I'm a big fan of really they work incredibly well and then finally pair of nitrile gloves so all this together makes for a really nice little package has a little tear packet right there so you can easily open it up sterile all that good stuff I've carried this for a long time big fan of it I'd definitely recommend it also has a little combat casualty care under fire the note card on the back just little something you can read on when you're in the bathroom so great little package right there now if you're not going to carry this at the very least carry of tourniquet it incredibly flat almost I mean a little bit larger than the blade right here but really not that big easy to fit in the back pocket or something carry something the castles were really good tourniquets I know my medics are gonna hop in here like any minute just come bust in through the ceiling and the bike oh man I carry like 5 halo chest seals and XYZ and that's great and those medics are awesome but just for me everyday carry I'm trying to be kind of honest with myself and I'm not gonna carry that much so at the very least I carry this but if you're not gonna carry that at least have a tourniquet or something guys to control bleeding because that's gonna kill people pretty quick so besides that getting medical training alright now as far as some more obvious items and that I have on me are going to be things like keys I had a little key ring from XO tack because I like that company quite a bit I've talked about their fire stars a little bit of course I have a junky old Toyota 2000 Tundra great trucks that like 250,000 miles why change if it works right and it looks cool so got my key ring right there wallet I know someone's gonna hop in here with some crazy wall at some point but yes I know my wall is kind of old I've had it since I was like 15 but it's a simple leather wallet it doesn't break it's thick it's big and I understand that the same time it's proven to be reliable and that's what matters and I would carry way too much some of my wallet so we have wallets another thing is going to be of course watches so the question is why carry a watch when it has something like a phone or something like that because can't the phone give me time anyhow yes but if you're a socially savvy person pulling out your phone and checking time in front of somebody especially during a conversation can be rude it's a lot easier to surreptitiously check your watch plus watches watches F is a status symbol as well so having a nice watch or having a watch appropriate for the situation means a lot and if you're in more of a military type situation watch is extremely critical because you're likely not gonna have a phone on you to check time that type of stuff for light discipline reasons them all that grab not to get too much into it but anyhow I have three main watches that I kind of wear and I'm kind of a watch guy so bear with me so of course my main watch is my G Shock which I always wear I wear it backwards let's talk about that late we'll talk about that at some point but G Shock and the G Shock that I have is the DW 9:05 - what can I say about this it's shock resistant bomb-proof it's been covered in ocean water blood vomit other people's vomit dried vomit whatever you can think of crap trash just everything this thing just never dies it's powered by a quartz movement the batteries on these last extremely long the only problem I have had with the G shocks is that these little edges right here tend to peel off of the screws after wearing it for quite a while so I'm about four years in with this watch and starting to show its age a little bit but these watches really do last forever they're not that expensive I think you can find them on Amazon for like 45 or 50 bucks and this thing is awesome now I know that there are better tactical watches out there I was at a thing recently and I talked to some guys who had some really sick watches that had like anti-reflective coatings and stuff and I'm sure there are I'm sure those guys are gonna hop in with their favorite watches and something like that or a Suunto or something like that or sonto however the hell you say it but I prefer my G shocks alright shock-watches now G Shock watches aren't you can't really dive with them so if you're looking to do any type of diving duty one of my favorite watches I have right here probably one of the more handsome watches that I have is the marathon marathon TSR so this watch is awesome I love it it's a little bit heavy it's a little bit hefty but this thing again like the G Shock it's bomb-proof I've used it in military duty again covered in blood vomit all that kind of stuff and it works great it is rated to 300 meters so a thousand feet as far as its capability so it is a dive watch to some extent or another has tritium vials all along the time and on the hour and minute hands love this watch can't say enough about it I'm gonna do a couple little zoomin Chhath on this you can see that this thing is a little bit jacked up it's taking some beatings it's gotten some sides gouged out of it that's from when it came off of a Humvee going like 70 over 70 let's say like 50 over tarmac something like that I got a little jacked up when I hit the ground but it survived and it continues to tick right now I'm actually in the middle of getting the battery sent to me because the battery recently died but it did last me for like I sold three years before that so bad timing get it bad dad joke on that but I do love the marathon watch a couple of things note about it this band is not what usually comes with it I think it's a 22 or 20 millimeter NATO band I bought it because James Bond wears a band just like that and James Bond's he putted me a cool therefore we're rocking this so again this uses a quartz movement extremely accurate you can see my watch geekness coming out of just a little bit marathon can I recommend this watch enough there are a little bit more expensive there cost and I think around 3 or $400 or something around there so we have kind of two kind of more tactical watches I'm you can wear I mean both these out in the town but honestly sometimes it's nice to just look good you know I say just have a good looking watch that you can wear something a little bit more fancy now there's a lot of watches out there obviously if Rolex personally II for ball on a budget not gonna be dropping you know 8 9 grand on a nice Rolex Submariner or something like that citizen watches are also nice but one company that I've come to love has been been Sara so they have just kind of cool little collection of watches so they're kind of direct-to-consumer watches kind of smaller company but it makes it really handsome watches little zoom in on this there's a ton of different you know varieties and styles of black bands and all that type of stuff what I like about them is the use of quartz movement so it's incredibly accurate I haven't had this thing lose any seconds on me yet I've had it for about two months now so not too not terribly long another thing about it is you have scratch resistant lenses not gonna get scratched up and look terrible it's water resistant to rain I'm not gonna take this on any anything crazy I don't like that against this will look nice when I'm wearing something nice you did have a luminous hands and then finally the band is Italian leather then Sarah can't say enough about them really have been diggin the style on these so great watch they're finally the last thing that we'll talk about is a light you can use the light on your cell phone yes but battery side is using your cell phone all the time typically you're not using this all the time so definitely recommend getting some type of light the one that I use what is it Z 2 Z 2 X combat light so for this one you never know when you're gonna need to search or something you drop something on the ground the stuff will nights not enough or XYZ having a standalone light is a great idea so in this case surefire is kind of my go-to there's other ones you can use stream light my buddy he really likes his stream lights but I've just always been finished or fire so kind of go with what you decided works for you alright finally when it comes to the pants as you can see 5 11s they look good hold up well and all that type of stuff and the Carlos Rey pants from tactical distributors also looks good as far as my belt I'm using the belt that I helped design with alonso defense group I've already done a video on this I'm not going to talk too much to it other than we use scuba webbing super abrasion resistant super stiff holds up a gun easy also looks good with a suit or bond tactical gear so big fan of this all you see if you want to buy it discount code your anthem at Alonso defense group alright so that kind of finishes it up guys hope you learned a little bit something about everyday Kerry I'm sure you have a lot more to add there whole bunch of things that you can carry on you and any case find something that works for you feel free to comment what you use down the comments I know you guys have a lot to say about this what matters is that you look cool so find yourself a good watch find yourself a good gun good medkit good pants and all that comes together and makes you look super cool and all that kind of stuff take care guys make sure stay tuned for next Tuesday when we have our videos that release all the time so
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Keywords: garand thumb, everyday carry, what gun should i carry?, what should i carry everyday?, what knife should I carry?, best knife to carry?, best holster for conceal carry?, what should I carry everydya?, best edc items?, best edc?, edc setup, what should I edc?
Id: 3P5j0jfK1vE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2017
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