Professional / Duty Plate Carrier Setup

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[Music] if you've ever LARP tin full kid at your house and someone caught you go into that subscribe button like comment to those good things that help me out quite a bit I do try to read all the comments in the comment section so get in there guys a big supporter of our channel right now has got in that warehouse get in there get magazines all that type of stuff they're pretty cool for getting us up finally if you're looking to get t-shirts we have a brand new t-shirt company teespring you can get some pretty sick limited edition prints and we'll be doing new ones about every week and then of course alums our defense group for those great t-shirts and of course belts get in there get that kind of stuff discount code grantham for them guys thank you for watching today we're gonna be talking about a pretty interesting subject and one that we've touched on before but that is going to be basic set up for professional and duties for play carriers now some things have changed my setup from teams and groups that I've worked with and just might I'm just living and playing in the play carrier so we're gonna talk a little bit about some of those things that I've learned in about kind of general setups and what you might want to do and we're gonna keep it pretty basic and the reason for that is if we're getting intermediate we're gonna kind of be getting into SOPs or a unit specific stuff or job specific stuff that I won't be able to answer for you guys so I wouldn't be able to really help you out so that's we're gonna keep it a little bit more general so as far as wearing a play carrier versus wearing a chest rig you know why would you wear one versus the other well first off a play carriers may do some bullets so if you're planning getting shot at it's probably a good idea to wear wear play carrier or if you in your job here might be getting shot at wear play carriers for practice as well otherwise the chest rig print works pretty well as far as carrying med kits and bullets and all that type of stuff but if you need that ability to carry trauma plates there's nothing better than a play carrier so play carrier kind of does three main things it's going to stop holes it's going to plug holes and it's going to make holes so stop bowls plates plug holes medical medical kit on it and then make holes whether it be bullets or whether it be a mission essential gear so we have those three main things that we're gonna be talking about today was setup now in my particular setup right now as you can see we have a crying J PC I've used this for quite a while this is just the 1.0 there are many different plate carriers out there and this video will be will work fine for any plate care that you could possibly want out there except for the five eleven plate carriers don't recommend them so the first thing I want to talk about with plate carrier use is going to be plates themselves so stopping holes so it's important to get a good plates there's a lot of confusion about plates about which ones you should get if I could give you guys an Amir recommendations especially for professional and duties I'd highly recommend multi curved and ceramic plates so both of those factors together so they should be ceramic and this should be multi curved there are a lot of different companies that make some stuff my main experience is with military-type plates which are sappy and isapi plates those require black backers because they are not standalone that means that with the plate you need some type of soft Kevlar packer behind it so if you are wearing sappy sappy you do need that backer now a couple other companies that make standalone plates that I've had some experience with that are pretty good you have a tee armor a defender armor and there's many others out there skitty tactical also sells some really good armor packages so again make sure that you are getting ceramic mold a curve highly recommended when it comes to side plates there's a lot of talk about whether or not you should have side plates you shouldn't have side plates you know people like I just kind of wasted space well on in most cases side plates the pouches are either built into the cummerbund or they mount to the inside of the cummerbund so on the cry APC here's a side plate pouch it's it's on the inside when there's no armor in it it just flattens out and it just kind of sits flat against your body so it's no skin off your teeth you always have the option so when it comes to side plates always have the option if you don't have a cummerbund that can fit them have set up a pouch that allows you to wear side plates and if you're in some type of situation where you need them then you're able to put those side plates in and be protected so that's what I think when it comes to that now as far as placement and where they should go in your body that is a really good question so when it comes to fitment of your plate carrier there's a lot of kind of misconceptions and it's kind of worn a little weird from what you typically think so a plate carrier should actually be worn the front plate the top of the front plate should be about sternal angle or so so for me my sternal angle is right at this huge scar I have right here so it's really easy for me to remember now if you don't know where it is just go ahead and find your sternum right there and then there's a little angle kind of right there in the middle to help you find it now for some reason you're not able to find it go and look at PD and there's a lot of resources to help you so the top little place should be right at that sternal angle right there now that's pretty high I know a lot of people like to wear their plate care is all the way down here that's bad you're getting a shot in the heart so make sure you have that high enough to protect your vital organs as you can see right here on our diagram now plates aren't going to cover everything because if they did they'd be too wide and be hard to shoulder guns all that type of stuff so there are some sacrifices made but they do protect the majority of your really important organs now on the back what you're gonna do is you're gonna find that vertebral prominence that's kind of it's around t 1 or so and you're gonna count about two vertebrae down it's about an inch and that should be about where the top of your back plate should be so we're gonna go ahead and find it right now so there's our vertebral prominence right there we're gonna count two vertebrae down it's about an inch that should be about where the top of my back plate should be so that is how that should fit right there so we've talked about fit me we've talked about different types of plates again the biggest thing is going to be ceramic and multi curve and that's we're gonna be going over for stopping holes so make sure if we're gonna play Carey you have plates and otherwise you might as well have a chess rig now we've talked about that let's talk a little bit about plugging holes medical kit medical kit is extremely important on a play carrier if your we're gonna play carrier means you might be getting shot and if you do get shot you need to make sure that you are in some way have something to save yourself so medical kit that I have on my play care is usually not for somebody else it's not for me to reach to it's typically for a medics to use on me so typically they carry two medical kits I have one on my belt one that's easy to access I can easily use on myself or use on somebody else if they don't have a med kit and then the one on my plate carrier is I don't touch it it's if I go down and that it can get to me that way he's not burning through his supplies now when it comes to a play carrier mounted med kit every medics a little bit different on specifically what they want so talk to your medic and figure out what they want but generally you should have a robust one I've talked I've kind of gone over a medical kit a little bit in the past and I have a whole video on it so watch that if you have questions about what to put in the med kit but the biggest thing I can tell you guys is to be organized so I have it compartmentalized and organized that way when he opens it up it's it's not like chest seals and you know hemostatic agents like flying out and like a decompression you don't like shoots out and stabs him in the hand and face and he dies point is is have it organized that way opens it up it doesn't dump out because if it all just dumps out into the ground its unorganized it's not tethered at all to you then it could be bad if you he has to drag you to safety after treating you a little bit and you leave all your medical supplies behind and maybe he's it's a bad day and he's burned through all of his medical supplies and then you know you just kind of bleed out and die because you didn't compartmentalize your med kit and have it tethered off to you so again make sure that you have your medical kit compartmentalize that it makes sense that has all the necessary equipment and of course make sure that it is attached to you that way when he opens it up it's not just falling down to the ground and you're gonna be losing everything besides medical kits and kind of what goes along with it it's going to be tourniquets so when it comes to tourniquets people ask the question how many should I carry and this is kind of getting a little bit outside of play carries this little lot of people carry tourniquets on play carriers and some people say you should have at least one tourniquet per extremity so that would be about four total you shouldn't tourniquet your neck it's called a blood choke so so most people they carry either two in the combat top and the shoulder pouches right there maybe one on the tip of cells and then maybe two on the shoulder straps just depends on what configuration you want me personally where I carry them as a carry two on the combat top and then I carry one at the bottom of my plate carrier with a titin tach innovation tourniquet holder and then on my med kit on my belt line just right above it I have a tourniquet holder right there so hold another tourniquet for a total of four now if I don't need for all the better that way I have extras to use on buddies in that type of thing so you can ever have too many tourniquets when it comes to tourniquets by good ones owned by knock-offs typically they use a soft tee wides cats are really good as well I'd use both of them they work great I haven't used the rats tourniquets before so I can't really comment on how well they work I'm sure somebody can hop in here some medic or something and more on that type of stuff but the biggest thing is buy them from a reputable manufacturer I typically would recommend any of the good brands you see out there so chromatic lure some length then will be able to hook you up so we've talked about stopping holes we've talked about plugging holes let's talk about the fun stuff let's talk about making holes right so we've went ahead we pulled the angle back a little bit and we're gonna talk a little bit about all the kid now that we have it on so specifically we're gonna be talking about making holes and then of course mission-essential kit which is going to be pretty much the entire setup that I have right here why have everything you know set up this particular way and why you might want to do that or not do that so not further ado let's get into so first off making holes really important to be able to return fire and to be effective so you need ammunition this particular play care right now is set up for use with five five six so specifically for an ar-15 and for that type of setup if you're running some type of heavier rig like a scar FAL whatever you need to use different magazine pouches and you're gonna have less space to hold all those magazines because they're gonna be a little bit larger that type of thing so these are all considerations for how you're gonna want to set up your particular rig now for the vast majority of people I'd pretty sure you're gonna be setting up for probably m4 or maybe ak74 type use or something along those lines so this is pretty applicable and even for my heavy guys running those heavier guns so when it comes down to a five five six loadout typical combat loadouts are around 210 rounds which is 7 magazines typically how people run that is 6 magazines on them and then one on the gun so how I have this particular set up for myself is I've got five in my rig three up front two in the side and then I've got one on my belt line and then finally one of the gun that equals seven rounds total they people sudden magazines total four to a total of 210 rounds now how I have this set up and kind of how I'm drawn magazines that kind of comes down to my own system that I've developed and that I use and that works for me everybody's gonna be a little bit different because here's the thing is you can get more mags on you I need to stack them out a little bit further but the more magazines that you put on your body out front the further you're gonna be off the deck when you're trying to take cover say it lay down in the prone position this can be disconcerting when you're getting shot at so it's for that reason that I try to keep the front in front of my plate carrier as slick as possible now I know that's not always possible I know for a lot of my army guys out there running the infantry in that type of thing you guys are carrying like fifty thousand magazines and I I wish I could say I understand your pain cuz they don't but you're gonna have to kind of work with that you're gonna have to get some magazines out front and that sucks but that's life right there before the other guys law enforcement something like that we can carry less magazines because you're not you know planning to get into a protracted gunfight or where some other factory kind of comes into play keep that play carry a little bit more slick upfront that way you can get down to the ground if you need to do it now compared to my older video which I did you'll notice I changed the magazine pouches on the cryo jpc that I'm wearing right here and the reason for that is I'm a big fan of re-indexing than magazines so what reindex in a magazine is is you've partially fired a magazine I you haven't gotten dry he's gun some thought to the ground that hostile over there and he's on the ground your buddy's covering you you have that lull in the gunfight so we're swap max so we have that partially expanded magazine are we just going to dump it or throw in a dump pouch or what are we gonna do with it you're gonna re-index it how that works is you're going to take your fresh bag you're going to grasp the old one release it pop in the new one with that old mag that's partial you're going to reinsert it so what's great about the Stech kiwis is that because they're held up they hold tension on the magazines with Kydex it's very easy to reinsert your magazines because it holds those magazine pouches open that's in contrast to like of ten ten speed magazine pouch from blue for skier or a lot of the others that are out there I mean they'll you can pretty much reindex with any magazine but it's very easy with the Stech kiwis and with other similar magazine type pouches so it's for that reason I'm a big fan of the s10 qyz now these are the tall's you can go with the mid I just prefer the tall I can still get a really good grasp on your magazine and draw it out and that type of stuff so that is what I'm using on the front of my play carrier now obviously the cry jpc does have built-in magazine pouches however it's hard to reinsert with them if you do any type of jumping or anything like that I'd recommend having some type of extra retention whether it be shock or something over them in any case with the jpc inserts you can put in like Kydex inserts they never really work that well so I've found that the s tacks worked really well for me now on my right side right here I have two extra magazines in blue force gear ten speed magazine pouches they're really cool they hold your magazines really secure and what's great about them is once you draw the magazine out they collapse right down so if I need to scale down I can do that they can also expand out if I need to put like a smoke in there or flashbang or some other mission-essential kid whether it be a strobe or whatever those can these can pretty much accommodate most items and then they kind of go back to original their original form so that works very well now if these magazines as these magazines get expended is they go away I use these magazines then to bump them over as these pouches become empty and kind of to refill them that way I'm kind of continually feeding the front of my plate carrée so these aren't meant for like emergency magazine changes or anything like that one final thing to think about when it comes to your magazine placement is going to be clearance because you're gonna have first-line gears well first line gear being your belt kit and those types of things so make sure that you don't have like big bulky pouches coming out or tons of magazines where you can't get to like your secondary so for example for me I carry my handgun on my right side so if I had so much crap right here to where it can reach down and draw that weapon effectively well it's not really good that's meant for emergency situations or you know really bad events that could possibly happen so again think about making sure that all your kit works together which is why it's really important to me that you guys practice some practice with like all your kid on a lot of people like make fun of people like I you're LARPing you're you know you're have your full kit on well how else are you gonna practice and understand how all that kit works together so make sure you run that all together so we've talked about magazines a little bit let's go ahead and let's move over to some of the more interesting pieces of kit that people are always asking me about and that's going to be this right here so what is this it's a great question this is from cog works it is a phone holder for a Android type phone like a galaxy s5 a galaxy seven so I don't have a phone mounted here to film my sick you know LARPing matches and my basement anything like that the reason that you have a phone on you is because the Android can run a TAC which stands for Android tactical Assault kit basically it's a map of sorts that allows you to update information on the fly with other users and it changes the battlefield so it's a really essential piece of kit I don't want to get too much into that software other than to say that it's incredibly important for variety of different situations so with these cog works phone holders out there you can easily pop this down you can access all your kit right there you can also add on nav boards so if you're jumping with this on you can pop up the nav board that way you have your compass and your garmin foretrex were 401 so that way you can run all that in conjunction with each other so this can also detach you can have in your pocket or hand it off to a buddy or something like that so it's really good piece of kit now there are a couple other phone holders out there my opinion the COG works is the best one that's on the market right now of course he is a good buddy of mine I've worked with him a lot but I'm from using different types of kit and his I'm a bigger fan of the cobb works case so that is why I had that right there and I know I've been getting a lot of questions about this particular piece of kit game changing is the word I'd use for it finally we're going to come over to my push-to-talk right here so you've got a radio uh-huh and if you just got that radio blaring you know stuff straight out that's gonna kind of suck so what we do is we route all that audio up to the push-to-talk that goes into your pel ters so we do you have your Pell ters on you can simply take your Pell throughs and put plug them into your push-to-talk that way when you are you know talking to your mom I told her to go pick you up from the aerosol game you can simply come in with your pusher sock right here rather than going on to the button on your radio that way all the audio everything is routed through your pel ters that way nobody else is hearing it and all that type of stuff so these work really well now there are multiple types of push-to-talk out there this one is a pretty simplistic type it's just a nexus type this one is routed for kind of an experimental radio so I don't have it routed into my 152 right here but the way I had it secured is they do come with little little mouthpieces that kind of grab on to your Molly and they work okay I always find that they come off at inopportune times so we actually use a Farrow concepts push-to-talk retainer it's just a simple piece of webbing with two pieces of shock cord that way wraps around it and it keeps it secured so that when you have a plugged in it can't go anywhere I found that that works pretty well some people duct-tape those on some people paracord theirs on but I found that the Farrow concepts PTT retainer works the best as it was made for this particular task so experiences may vary on that type of thing but that's what works best for me one other note for you guys too is with push stocks not everybody runs them up hi I've met a lot of guys who actually run their push-to-talk slower and they run the radios back again just multiple options from multiple different situations also with the antennas sometimes you might not be able to reroute them for various reasons but if you have a rerouting kit you can easily take this antenna and put it somewhere else with a reroute Achatz that's a basically a little wider you can run through your play care so a lot of guys end up running their antennas on their backs or something like that that way it's out of the way and it's not like sitting there but I kind of like it up here I like to pick my nose with it in that type of stuff so that's always an option if you got a big whip antenna you probably have to push that back so I have some type of retaining band that we can keep it out of the way if you've got to I'm your god of the battlefield and you're just crushed and stuff so I'm not gonna give you any advice when it comes to that so from your push-to-talk you're gonna be writing that down to your radio so everybody is going to be running a different radio in this case I am running a 152 you might be running an bitter and a motorola radio or full Taliban you're running like a bail thing or something but the point is is get a radio pouch that is correct now everybody is gonna be different as far as where they want to run their radio I prefer to run my radio up front it allows me to access my radio to change your batteries as I need to if you know anything about a 152 you know that they just burn through batteries and like a matter of a couple hours or if it's a newer battery they can last up to eight or something like that but um that's why I have it up there you can easily change frequencies messed with it if you need to do all that type of stuff that's why I have to like to run it up front some guys run it further back or on their back to where their buddies have to turn it on and stuff and that's definitely an option that comes down to SOPs and that comes down to how your unit is running coms so understand that everybody's gonna be a little bit different comes to that now in my particular case I'm running a cry 1:52 pouch for a 152 so again get a correct pouch for your correct radio and all that type stuff now that we've talked about that let's move over pass my radio at the left side right here so do you see on my left side I am running flashbang pouches these are from tear now everybody's gonna be writing different kit you know I'm not saying that everybody has to run flashbang puffs just I can't want to show you guys kind of a mishmash of different kit ideas and you know from a soldier to a breacher and all that type of stuff but based on your job you're gonna have different pieces of kit there in my case I want to show you guys wearing having flashbangs right there so I like the tear pouches quite a bit some people just end up attaching these in any which way but I find that these work incredibly well they're easy to reach to and get your flashbang out and that type of stuff so I have my flash bangs faster now I do have a little extra space on the back of the Molly right there so I could easily add another flashbang for like a buddy to reach to or I could push the flash bangs back and have like another magazine pouch there or what have you so there's a lot of options when it comes to that side of my kit right there so we're kind of moving all the way around now we've talked about that let's move all the way to the back here so on my back right here I have the Haley strategic flat pack now why do I run the flat pack well I'm a big fan of the flat pack because it's easily scalable it can be unzipped and it actually expands a little bit that allows you to pack more kid into it it can easily fit in a hydration source of some type in my case I'm running the source hydration it's a two-liter bottle it works really well there are other hydration sources that you can run one of those hydration sources that I run quite a bit is the ice plate from Cork so I just plates really interesting and it doesn't replace your plate it simply sits on the inside of your plate carrier up against your body you can touch it a zip ties or with a little velcro ties that they come with and then you have ice-cold water and there it cools you down or just warm water if it's cold any which way and then you just have that drinking tube brought it up and you can drink water and it's just another solution for a variety of situations there's also a Molly sleeve that way you can have it on the outside of your kit just pushes the outside of the kit just a little bit more but this is a really good solution I do all that you guys know full disclosure I had done a lot of development work with these guys so I jumped these plates when they're first being prototyping all that type of stuff and I'm the guy who runs it's a really good guy it's prototyped by a lot of really cool dudes and it is another tool in the toolbox but I really do love the ice plate great design so we've talked about hydration the question is going back to the strategic flat pack why would you run a pack on your plate care because if you need to run a backpack it could maybe get in the way and that's the reason I run the flat pack the flat pack can easily collapse all the way in that way if I'm running like a mystery ranch or Hill people give your backpack or something like that just collapses in and there's no so big deal at all now you do probably need a pack on you to some extent or another because you need to have hydration at the very least and if not that you need to have extra things like batteries for radios especially you need to have extra ammunition food chem-lights does anything you can think of that you might need extra sse kit it's a good idea to have some type of pack that you can at least use if not disk lapse it in so I prefer the Haley strategic flat pack but there are many options out there now if you look right to the left of my Haley of strategic flat pack you'll see a little tube there that's a breach pen so the question is what's the purpose of the breach bag is it like a light saber and I can like cut a hole in a you know in a door like an episode one I'm not quite I wish it was like that besides it's basically another option it's meant to cut chain-link and padlocks and that type of stuff and I know people will say well there are many better options for cutting padlocks and cutting chain a link in that type of stuff and yeah there are but those options also weigh quite a bit the breech pen weighs almost nothing and it's very small can easily attach the kit now I have it attached to my kit with the Farrow concepts push-to-talk retainer bands lots of uses for those I have a bunch of them just laying around everywhere because you can attach weird pieces of kit everywhere so the breech fan is cool you can carry one or two everybody can carry one that way everybody kind of becomes a force multiplier so the breech pen is a cool little piece of kit definitely check their stuff out on a big fan of it again just another tool for the toolbox alright moving all the way to those other side here I've got my individual first aid kit and again we've talked about that a little bit make sure that you have one that's good that's compartmentalize and that can be a loss and just dump everything on the ground so be smart with that type of stuff and finally on the bottom of my plate curry right here I have a tourniquet holder from Titan tech innovations again just another way to hold a tourniquet you can never have enough tourniquets that's just another way to hold them finally the tube from my hydration is just running through the wire management system on my cryo a PC you can run it through the actual filter strap some guys do that I prefer just run it through the wire management and you can easily fit in the wires from the pelt or when you're trying to run that through as well like that right there there you can drink water you need to drink water that's really important we've talked about this before don't make me go over it again so anyhow that is my play care set up everybody's setup is gonna be a little bit different guys and I'm not saying that this is the one way to do it because it's not at all the one way to do it there are multiple just thousands of ways to set up your kit so find a way that works for you that works for your job and all that type stuff and go from there again what really matters is looking cool and as we know nothing looks cooler than knowing what you're doing so make sure you have your plate care fitted properly that you will have the correct medical kit that way you don't die you don't want that to happen of course have your mission essential kit according to your job guys get training bare solutions cog worked a Lisa T jerk esoteric all great companies and as always guys take care and I've got nothing else for you get last thing for you guys a lot of people have been sending me in questions asking me hey should I join the army the Navy the Marine Corps the Air Force the space horse or or we should I wish I do Duran Tom what do I do I just call me Mike but um the answer to that is find a job in one of those branches that appeals to you and then go to that branch for that job for example if you want to be a Navy SEAL goodnight there's no Navy SEALs in anther branch if you want to be a JTAC right so some JTACs other branches but for the most part have the Air Force with combat controllers and tack peas four so you can do that if you want to be a infantryman go to the army again what branch you're gonna join it's gonna depend on your job now if you're just going in for like HVAC or motor pool that type of stuff I'm you have a lot of options there and I can't really help you but if it's specific to the branch and that's what you want to do well there you go your minds already been made up so hope that was a little bit helpful to you guys
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 2,060,714
Rating: 4.9399185 out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, plate carrier setup, plate carrier, how to setup plate carrier, best plate carrier, best plate carrier setup, special forces place carrier, armor, armor carrier, crye jpc, crye jpc setup, special forces plate carrier
Id: JwDqn0ftSv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 03 2018
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