"Gunfighter" belt setup / First line gear (2018 ver)

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[Music] if you've ever gone basic or booed whatever your branch is equivalent was and that moment that you stepped off the bus you had one of your clothing choices ridiculed gonna need that subscribe button let me know what it was for me it was a Henley t-shirt a very sweaty and muscular man came up to me and told me to button my top button immediately which I did and so I looked like an idiot for the rest of the day good times like comedy do all that kind of stuff the comment section is a living entity go down there to see some of the best and worst that the Internet has to offer when it comes to discount codes all that kind of crap guys if you're looking for plaid scroll down it's in the description for text if you're looking for a mo scroll down Frieda munitions discount code grant thumb get in there get out there all that stuff buy t-shirts for me they freaking rock and they let people know that you love guns be afraid of girls so today we're going to be talking about first line of gear again I made a video almost a year ago to the date and some things have changed you gain knowledge when you do things and so I wanted to update what I had said previously and kind of show what my current belt setup is now I just did a video with Lucas of t-rex arms maybe about three months ago showing much the same belt set up but I didn't go really in depth about why I made my choices what's really important to me is the thought process behind it thought because if you understand why in dudes do something it's gonna help you guys out to understand why you may or may not want to do that so a couple things to know here is that my setup is customized to me and based on what I do you're probably gonna want to set it up a little bit different but again these videos are more like a launching point to kind of figure out where you want to go modify it make it your own after this and kind of figure out what's gonna suit your needs best now getting into this there are two kind of basic types of belts that you're looking at when it comes to tactical belts so how you have your belts that are threaded directly through the loops and then you attach your hardware on there just thread it through or you have your butt so called battle belts where they either velcro on or they in some way and they go over and you attach your accessories on to the belt whether it be Molly or some other type of setup so in this case this belt set up right here is from t-rex arms excellent set up I'm not a huge fan of the kind of battle belt so go outside like I said the loops but I think that this is an excellent design I have use it to some extent or another so if this is something that you need because you need to be able to throw something on or can move it around or change it quickly then this is definitely a good option for you so get into your ex arms now the belt that I'm using is from Alonso defense defense group is the belt that I helped design we scooped a webbing and a couple of things various reasons we'll kind of talk about that getting into this but without further ado let's get into it so if you remember last time I did this video you just kind of awkwardly stared at my crotch you're like 17 minutes so we're gonna kind of do away with that I'm gonna talk to the camera I'm gonna hold up my pants all that kind of stuff and we're gonna cut the clips it's gonna be way better promise hopefully probably not don't want to get your expectations too high so on for my current set-up we have some cry combat pants these are the ACS or the gentoos whatever you want to call them and here's my set up right here so why did I choose these choose these things why do I have it set up the way I have set up let's get into it first off I'm using my belt from Alonso defense group now a couple things about this one reason scuba webbing super resistant to getting braided and getting broken that types of super strong it's incredibly stiff I can't bend it literally can can't bend it it's super strong and that's why we used it we will be making these in tan as well so anyhow if you're interested get in there get them what I what I'm really proud of is the buckle itself we made it from solid brass that way it's non-ferrous and it's not like magnetic that way when you're holding your compass down at your belt line it doesn't attract the needle mat type of stuff small little things but I feel like they help in the overall grand scheme of things in any case that is a belt I'm using now at the front here I need to be able to get to my gloves and I don't always want to have them on so I have some Outdoor Research iron set gloves love these gloves also use the pig gloves from skd both loves are excellent and they have different uses there's not one that's better than the other just different uses if you want to see more on that watch the glove video I have these attached to a carabiner I think that there are better methods I think the hook method is better so if you go to Lucas's belt that he has he is has the little hooks right there that way you can attach your gloves directly to there I think that's a much better setup than what I have and I'll likely be upgrading it but for now this is what I am running and it works to some extent or another moving across biggest change from my last video has been the magazine pouches so these are astac Kiwis so what they are is they're kind of the best of both world they are they run a Kydex retention on the inside so it holds them in and then they have cloth on the outside to ensure that when they're kind of knocking around on your belt that they're deadening the noise to some extent or another and it works pretty good now these are on belt loops if you don't have these on belt loops that can of course be molly'd on to a belt like I have for this one right here they come in different colors and all that kind of stuff they right here they made them for me in woodland so a quick note these ones are given to me these ones I bought so they have given me stuff but any case I like a stack I think they make really good stuff there are a couple different models you have short mid and tall so the question is when would you want a short verse a mid versa tall so on my personal belt that I run I have the mid and this is the short for comparison just so you can see so just a teeny bit shorter there now is there a real difference in the amount of retention and force that these put on magazine verse the short versus mid I haven't really seen one personally I don't think it's much to really be noticed but the real reason that I use the mid over the short for the most part especially for any type of then I wait would you consider serious use is because although they hold them hold with the same amount of retention the less kind of amount of the magazine that's covered kind of means that there's more of all this weight of all the rounds up here that are jiggling around and there's a greater chance that might lose it now I've never lost a magazine but I'm a little bit paranoid I don't think that you need go with the tall versions but I think that the Naida is a really good option now contrast that to somebody like Lucas from t-rex arms he typically runs the shorts and I haven't seen him lose one and he's also very fast at them because it allows him to grip more of that magazine down lower get a really good purchase on it and do those reloads faster no doubt Lucas is a lot faster I mean because of his gear because he practices but it's something to be said [Music] 2 3 9 now when it comes to my pistol magazine pouches they run most of your double-stacked pistol type magazines these are Glock magazines a couple things to note here is my magazine orientation so on my pistol mags I have them facing forward and that's due to where they're oriented so because they're so far forward I'm not going to be reaching back on the reaching forward to grab onto those and index with my index finger off the front so I'm grabbing these I'm coming straight down yanking those out in that type of thing now compare that to my air 15 mag which is oriented facing back bolts back and the reason for that is when I'm reaching down to that I'm reaching past about my 9 o'clock if my bellybutton was my you know 12 o'clock and going to 3 6 & 9 then this is about the 9 o'clock at that point my wrist is canting down that allows me to grip it and then get into the gun a bunch of clips in there showing you how I do that kind of thing so that is why I have the magazine's oriented the way that I do on this particular thing when it comes to the s tacks and they work at most five five six they do have a 7 6 - version and I'll be doing a video on that because I have an upcoming video on the FAL but these do work with most of the magaz I've used I find that they work with well Lancers and US GIS they do work with pmags as well little lip on the new gen 3 s kind of snags them at times something to be aware of going into it if you're a guy who or who is using the gen 3 P mags because it has that a little over insertion tab there but it comes to your magazines make sure that with your place if that you become used to it and they use it quite a bit because if you don't train with it then the placement doesn't really matter what that means is practicing when you're stationary when you're in cover when you're running when you're sprinting all that type of stuff if you're the type of dude where night is right then working that stuff under night vision as well make you become very proficient at using your first line gear because otherwise it's just it's not gonna work for you and it's not gonna do you any good at all so that is what we're looking at with our magazines now another thing to note is how I have pretty much everything in the front open and the reason for that is if I need to go prone I want to be able to go prone and get down low that's why I have the front open but again depending on what you do you might need to have things there I know some law enforcement officers need to have gear all the way up front for whatever reason or another so just understand that everybody setup is gonna be a little bit different moving back from the magazines is where we get a little bit more individual so for me I'm using the blue force gear marco with the blue force gear marco is is that it replaces having to have all those bundled up chem sticks on you because those do work but there are some I think better solutions out there nowadays now some people will disagree with me and I understand that based on what they do in kind of the way that they run their chem 6 but in a case blue force gear marco has all the minister kemp sticks inside a little magazine so the blue force gear marco works is if I need a chem stick I simply push it out and then I simply press up on it in order to break the chem stick shake and when it I don't have to shake it once it's the ground it's then going to illuminate and I'm going to have my little miniature Kemp stick now for people who don't need chem 6 and all that type thing having a dump pouch might work now I know in my previous video I said that I was against dump pouches and again that's due to kind of the nature of of what I do and what I've done in that type thing so for those guys there are some guys who are going to need a dump pouch so that can easily be added in there they're also dump pouches that extend down past the anything that you'd have here that way they sit a little bit lower it's always an option there are tons of options it comes to this type of thing but in a case I'm running the blue force gear mark go right here and if that's something you guys are interested in I'll have the link below as well I've been using this thing for about four months right now and it's been pretty cool now if you're a guy who has to use IR chem 6 you're kind of out of luck because they only have visible so again it's gonna depend on how you run your things in that all that type stuff but enhance any in any case it definitely saves you a lot of time in bundling and taping chem six in that type of stuff moving back from the blue force gear micro I have the blue force gear micro trauma now I know there's a lot of blue force gear products I'm not paid by them or anything like that it's just I happen to like them quite a bit now I've been using this med kit for about six months now I know some people have had some problems with them I just want to throw that out there I don't think it's perfect but I think it's pretty good how it works is you simply pull on one of the tabs to get it from either direction I don't have it completely on my back and the reason for that is I do do some vehicle work and because of that I would like to be able to sit down that's why I have it kind of can top to my left I can still reach it with my right hand not as easy that type of thing anyhow in here I have the med kit supplies that go with the blue force gear micro trauma now kit kind of expensive but it's a really well put together kit everything that you need in their chest seals decompression needles gauze all that type of stuff definitely works it's nothing an option for you guys one thing that I have done is there is a small piece of velcro in the center here that holds the kit in place I think that thing is a little bit unsubstantial so one thing that a couple my buddies have told me to do is sew in another piece of velcro which I had done and that keeps this from coming loose and on type of thing another thing that will keep it from coming loose is to make sure that this thing is super packed because a lot of people don't put enough gear in here and then it doesn't have enough tension on it and then it just ends up slipping out so there are definitely some problems at this type of thing if you're not into this type of deal you saw the hsgi blow it kit all that type of stuff tons of good med kits out there do your research and kind of find one that's going to work for you based on what you do anyhow on the back of my pans I have a mostly empty that way it can sit in seats and that type of thing again if you're the type of guy who is the student foot patrols all day you can probably take your med kit push your back and throw in a dump pouch in there or whatever you need you might add more mag mag pouches that type of thing again it's going to be individual coming from the back over to my right side I have my holster so everybody's gonna be a little bit different on their holster placement I found that slightly front of three o'clock which is pretty good for me and my drawers inconsistency and still being able to get down and go prone in that type of stuff so my particular setup uses a Safariland mid ride a little plate I have it on a QLS mount with a qls mountain lets me do is its Jason I'm buckle and that way I can swap out holsters as necessary for most people this isn't needed I'm swapping a holsters based on kind of what I'm doing whether I'm just training at the range or whatever so it's kind of handy in that situation now one other thing that I have going on here is I have the leg strap running directly between my mid ride plate and the QLS adapter right here so between the the screw points you have this little kind of corridor created here so when you're screwing it on just simply screw it around the leg strap this leg strap I got from t-rex arms obviously I'm a big fan of his gear and plus I work with them quite a bit so good dude in any case I do recommend having some type of a single leg strap on this and the reason for that is when you're pulling out never pull out what's gonna happen is the holsters on a mid ride have a tendency to ride up so what the strap does is it keeps it from pull from riding up and preventing you from pulling out so it's always a good thing to have in this case you do want to pull off okay well where was I gosh so this is the Safariland 6354 do I think it's probably one of the best combat holsters out there on the market currently uses an ALS system to lock on to the gun that means is when you holster it locks the gun in place and it's not gonna go anywhere to release it there's a little nub right here you simply thumb down that nub as you draw your weapon and it's going to release it what's really nice is you really have to activate anything just naturally as your thumb comes down into your gun it's just going to release it it's a very quick draw almost as fast as a level zero level one holster so I'm a huge fan of this one particularly now of course I don't have a optic on this handgun right here but it works without optics as well and if I'm using my optic equipped handgun it works fine this one is for a Glock 34 to ensure that my Glock 19 if I ever run a comp on it that it will fit in there now do I run comp so much anymore no not really more on that later one other thing that I've done to this besides idling the qls plate is adding a nub mod from OTS defense the nut mod simply extends how large the ALS releases and it makes a little bit more natural been a big fan of it than using it for about two months now so definitely give them a look-see if you're looking to kind of upgrade to ALS a little bit so that is the ALS now I'm not working you know retention if I don't need a retention for whatever reason then I move over to my t-rex arms ragnerok which i think is it probably one of the best level 0 retention holsters on the market right now obviously with all the stuff it's all given to me guys so if that's balm BRE you think I'm influenced I'm not but in the case excellent holster they make them for a bunch of different handguns it work really well and that is my holster setup alright gentlemen and that pretty much finishes up all that kind of encompasses my current first line slash gun belt setup now everyone's gonna set their belts up a little bit different but hopefully it's kind of helped you guys get kind of a idea of how you might want to set yours up now I'm always interested to hear what other guys are doing so go ahead and head in there and kind of show me what you got going no matter what guys what matters is looking cool and you're not gonna look cool if you're not doing training so make sure you get training and that way you look cool with your belt and attract all those girls or Bluff fellows or whatever you're into stay cool I really got nothing for you yes don't even don't even wait for me to have some wisdom or knowledge if you want to get faster at running it doesn't happen by simply running a lot of miles what really helps is increasing your vo2 max all that type of stuff so make sure you do a lot of sprints a lot of Hill runs all that type of stuff that will actually push your body and make you better because again top tiered runners don't do it by just running long distance so again shorter runs Sprint's high-intensity that is the stuff that works
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Views: 1,202,429
Rating: 4.9310741 out of 5
Keywords: garand thumb, how to setup tactical belt, how to setup gun belt, how do i setup riggers belt, how do I setup tactical belt, how do I setup military belt, how do I setup 1st line gear, how to setup holster, first line gear, how to setup first line gear, battle belt setup, how do i setup battle belt, how to setup battle belt, gunfighter belt setup, how to setup gunfighter belt, gunfighter belt, first line gear setup, 1st line gear setup, tactical belt setup
Id: mLUv92E3uLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2017
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