Building a 72h Emergency Preparedness Kit - More Than Just a Bug Out Bag!

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guys when it comes to survival and being prepared you know a lot of people have bug out bags they'll have something that they can grab and take with them you know you may have some supplies around the house and you know typically there are supplies around the house for a lot of the stuff we're going to talk about but one of the things that's really important is to keep everything together I mean have a 72-hour kit this is more of an emergency kit it can be an shtf kit I mean it's just something where the essentials are together here's the one thing about panic and when something happens and it goes crazy your chances of survival decrease when you're panicking you're making rash decisions you can't find the essential items that you need and so this is just a great way to have it all together in one place now one of the things just like my bug out bag one of the problems over the years has been that I would rob from it I needed something I would pull it out especially as a reviewer a gear reviewer is I was pulling things out of here to use for different videos or I just needed different items in here and so that's one of the things that you've got to be careful with with your bug out bag number one don't take anything out of it if you can help it go ahead and buy something else to replace it and use it on the outside but there are times where a bug out bag is great but if you're having problems around the home or you're on the road and you need to go and you're in your vehicle this is a great way to have these items together and you can take them with you even FEMA suggests that you have some kind of 72-hour kit and have it together and have it portable so in case you do need to leave you've got everything together now before we get into all the contents one of the big things is knowledge having all the gears great but knowing how to use it one of the best resources though to be prepared is survival dispatch insider they bring together most of the names that are really world renowned in the survival prepping community and we upload one video they're exclusive to the insider every week and so check it out I have a link down below in the description guys I base all of my kids on the rule of three and that's three minutes without a or three hours in harsh conditions three days without water or three weeks without food medical and self-defense kind of flow in between that first thing we're gonna look at though is really your water water is really important you know if you're already at home you typically have shelter even though we're going to take a look at that as well you need at least a half a gallon of water of drinking water every day now most survival experts will say you need a gallon of water per person every day but half of that is for cleaning and things like that which you definitely need so here I'm just showing a representation of three gallons for the three days and this just kind of covers cleaning and your drinking water but also having filters and here we just have one of the Berkey sport filters or and there's a lot of different types out there catered on I mean you can go with a camping type filter whatever but one of the problems with having water available is is it drinkable you may have a stream a pond a lake you need to be able to get good clean water because if you drink that water and you get Cryptosporidium or you get some kind of bacteria you're gonna get really sick if it doesn't kill you and so just make sure you don't want to be sick in a survival situation now three hours with harsh conditions and that means you need to stay warm or you need to stay cool I mean if you get into extreme conditions you're gonna have a lot of problems and so one thing is is having some kind of shelter now if you're in a home or you're in your vehicle that's okay but you still need something to keep you warm especially if the power's out and one big thing that I like of course your space blankets and here's a tarp with a space blanket I mean having a sleeping bag is great as well even a tarp that you can wrap up in but one of the things about a tarp it's really important and I think it's something you need to have multiple tarps is let's say you have a huge hole in your ceiling let's say the roof has caved in partially and you need to use this and that's one of the things this kind of a constant theme through this is having some things to do repairs if you need to being able to improvise as we say we like to improvise to survive and one thing I like and I keep in all my bags heavy mill trash bags and these are contractor bags they're super thick and I mean these things are tough and there is a bazillion uses for these in fact there was a world-famous survivalist that they asked what was one thing that if he could only choose one thing what would it be and he said a trash bag heavy meal trash bag and so this is such a great keeps you warm it repels water you can do repairs and you know they come in the big box and you can use that for a multitude of things of course having a tent having wool blankets things like that this just kind of represents all those things that's going to keep you warm it's going to give you shelter and keep the elements off of you including wind guys having a good wool blanket super warm I mean this has been used for centuries wool and so this is something great it's a little heavier than your fleece but this is this will really do the job and you can get these like military surplus very reasonably also poncho liners these things are great it keeps water off and also it keeps you warm but guys honestly there's a ton of different options this is just to get you thinking now fire is vital for survival and it cooks your food it gives you warmth and there's just so many things about fire and so one of the things I do is keep a good fire kit with multiple ways to create fire whether it's you know your ferrous ium rod like this XO tack fire rod even this kind of fire rod matches here I have even a lighter bic lighters are great different I mean there's so many different type ways to create fire I like to keep Vaseline and cotton balls is a good fire tinder firestarter small little candle and just multiple again multiple ways because guys fire is really essential and it's really been with us since primeval man and here I have it in one of the seahorse containers and this thing is waterproof and it just it's just incredible hey guys this is not necessarily an order but your clothing is also very important having some good work boots or some good strong shoes that you can get around in that are going to be very rugged that's important and some good socks and I would highly recommend having extra pair of socks especially wool socks or socks that will wick off moisture having spats shirt you know those things that you need to change in you could end up into a shelter or something like that and that's one of the elements that this is included is if you need to go and you may spend a couple of days somewhere this is going to help you you also need some kind of shirt or a jacket to be able to keep you warm keep water off things like that and a rain jacket that will also keep water off now this does repel moisture and water but having a dedicated rain jacket and possibly even rain pants to pull over because if you get cold you could go into hypothermia having a watch cap is really excellent keeps that head covered but also just a standard bald cap would work but this will keep you warm at night especially now I do have a bandana here and the one thing about a bandana is is you can cover your face with smoke with dust winds coming up a lot of different things and plus you can use bandanas for a multitude of things we even did a video on a number of different uses and survival situations for bandanas and I keep these around all the time because they're just so useful you can even make a hobo sack out of this if you don't have a backpack and a good set of gloves gloves are very important especially if you're working of course it keeps your hands warm but typically in a survival situation you're going to be working hard and so these are just some warm gloves but having a good pair of work gloves would actually be better and then have these also just to keep your hands warm and one that flows in and out of the rule of threes is definitely medical and one of the things we always keep here this is one of the amp three this is a clinic in a roll and this thing and we're gonna break it open but this is just excellent you need a really serious medical kit because you're not necessarily going to have access to you know emergency services one thing we definitely take with us all the time even in all of our vehicles is a med kit and a trauma kit with with a cat tourniquet and you know compression galls and things like that to keep things going and this is something that is really handy easy to use and we just open it up now I think the tourniquets are actually pulled out of here right now but I have some Israeli bandages and we have a lot of other just typical medical things as well whether it's advil eyewash compression galls all that stuff and these are just excellent to keep with you no matter what if you shoot if you go to the range at all you definitely need a trauma kit painting now this just to give you an idea is just really full on and I mean it's very well organized I've got a video on this you can check it out I'll have it annotated above but you've got all kind a SAM splint you've got all kind of things all the way up till I care two dressings you know wound care tape tools I mean this thing has it all and you can actually post this thing up and hang it and that way you can get to everything and then there's even a small light and so there's a number of different kits out there but this to me is one of the best plus David at us n ER doc is a an emergency room doctor in Portland Oregon and he put this together so you know you got the items that you need this all leads us to personal hygiene and of course toilet paper is a must we have some baby wipes and these things are great small toothbrush and a small tube of toothpaste would be good some chapstick this is a little towel that actually expands when you put water to it and then I have some bug spray especially in the summertime this is vital I mean you can really get sick you can get a lot of different diseases from mosquitoes and so this is just a small sampling you know some of the things like shaving cream and razors you can include that if you're going to a shelter or something but if you're just out and about you know you want to stay with just what is basic and of course put this with your trauma kit or your boo-boo kit with all the different things from medical and you know you should be good to go there are a lot of things you can add to this but this is just a simple little small especially with the wipes that fits so many different roles and a bar soap would also be great except that you got to keep it in some kind of container but still that'd be a great addition guys we're allowing our cell phones for about everything but we can't be dependent on these because if the power goes out if the grid goes down you may not have cell service you do definitely want to have some kind of charger though in case you have a power outage and that way you can keep your phone's charged and other electronic devices but communication is key even if your phone doesn't work and here we have just a weather radio this has shortwave I mean it has a lot of different things there's a light attached I mean it's got a lot of stuff what's really cool about this one is that it does have a solar panel on the back it does run by batteries and you have a hand-cranked if all else fails so there's a lot of options to keep this thing running so I really like to have this you know the weather you also can get other channels to find out things that are going on especially on shortwave and then just some personal communication devices like these two-way radios now having a ham radio would be optimal but you need to get your ham license now in an emergency situation you don't have to have a license if you need it for an emergency and we do have ham radios but this these are just two way radios we have a charger and of course you need to make sure that this stuff is charged if there's some situations happening around you and that includes all of this but this is great to be able to communicate with other people in your party or if you can communicate with people around in a short area it doesn't replace the phone but it sure does keep you from being totally blind or should I say deaf guys then we have light and of course you know having a flashlight is critical in a grid down situation you need to be able to see this one is just a stream light it takes cr123 batteries which are very long-lasting you can store them for a long time and then we have one of the seeker - Oh lights and this is great because it's rechargeable but again if you don't have power and you don't have a battery bank you know you're gonna run into trouble and this is a double-a flashlight which you can't keep a lot of the double-a batteries having batteries on hand are important also a small lantern like this one and you know you'll be surprised at how much you could use this lantern because it just gives you light and it's ambient light and it is rechargeable but again guys after a while this goes down and you can get lanterns and different things like that just standard fuel lanterns but having also candles and candles you can get them cheap you can get a lot of them and here these are some that we've had in storage for a little while different styles there's a lot of different ones I would definitely look more towards something that's a little bit larger to be able to use but having your candles in one spot where you know where to get them when the power goes down you've got candles you've got flashlights you have lanterns and then you can kind of get by now you may have to shut off utilities and like for here we this is what we shut off our water with it's a large wrench and we keep a couple of these around having a crowbar it's really good and sturdy hammers things like that but one thing we do have or Silcock or cross tools and these are great to shut off different type fixtures and this is what a lot of people carry when they're out trying to turn off different things and this gives you a multi multitude of different choices and this is great especially for urban survival another thing is a good shovel a compact shovel this is just when I'm have around I do have a couple of US military shovels that I typically keep in my vehicle and that way I can keep them compact I can open them up and if I need to use a shovel or saw or things like that I have it available and of course speaking of tools having a really good fixed blade knife can go a long way not only in taking care of a lot of different things because a knife is your number one survival tool it's something you can use not only just for standard survival but also for self-defense especially like this glock knife i mean these things are excellent even has a sawtooth on the back and so this is something again have some sort of knife and of course obviously you'll have your EDC with you with a small pocket knife things like that but a good fixed blade knife is irreplaceable and guys having extension cords there are so many times where we're looking for extension cords in regular situations in a survival situation being able to get from some outlet that may work or even a generator or things like that this would be critical to have it can get you where you need to so having some extension cords plus you can use these extension cords as cordage if you need to and speaking of cordage always have some paracord and here this little spool tool these things are great to keep it organized but having a good bunch of paracord is great and then here I have some just wire and this is actually issued to the US military and it's just got different type of wire on here yellow and green and it's on this spool and you can a lot of times get this at surplus stores or gun shows and then duct-tape I mean everybody needs duct tape around and this is Gorilla Tape but any kind of duct tape you can do a lot of different repairs and you can do things with duct tape obviously we all know so these things are more toward repair and fixing things and even being able to put up a tarp if you need to for shelter and guys one thing that I saved for last is food because honestly you can live three weeks without food doesn't mean you can't you need food to keep up your energy it's really important but it's really one of those things that needs the priority of food needs to kind of come down a little bit on the list gotta have food to survive though three weeks without food and guys you really get sick way before then so here we have you know the basic MREs I mean people always keep MREs around a lot of times in survival situations I mean the US military's use these forever and they're just complete they've got a lot of stuff in here a lot of variety and so this is a meal ready to eat there is a small little pouch in there where you can heat the food up just by adding water and so these things are great to have one of the top things that I would recommend but also lifeboat food and this is great to have on hand because it lasts for five years you can pack it away it's vacuum sealed I believe this is thirty six hundred calories and so you have a lot of potential with this just these bars and honestly guys they taste great they taste like graham crackers almost I mean they're just really good and it really keeps you from getting thirsty which is also a big plus and then here's just another type this is 1,200 calories you can see it's a small package you can throw this in a pack easy enough and if you need to eat you've got food and of course then they have you know a little bit better stuff like the mountain house and then here's backpackers pantry and so this just gives you some different options to be able to hold on to now one thing about this is and especially with this kind of stuff with the dehydrated is that you do need to be able to fix it you need to cook it you're going to need a pot things like that so if you're on the road you need a pot if you're going to go it'd be great to have a small little saucepan and you're gonna need some way to heat it but that comes with your fire kit building a fire and if you need to you can bowl the water that way again guys improvise to survive and guys one thing that I always keep in my kits and this is to keep my survival sanity or play the cards I mean this is something that you can use and you can entertain each other and just get it out and play other little games especially if you have kids you want to really consider this as well but this just kind of helps morale because a lot of times you're just sitting around guys honestly there's no way to know everything you're gonna need and so down in the comments below if there's some things that I've missed or some items that you found useful in an emergency situation make sure you put it down in the comments below it really helps to get people together and it helps them to make sure they fill all those holes guys you know when it comes down to it and you need an essential item sure is great to know that you've got it in one location be strong be of good courage god bless america long live the Republic
Channel: Survival Dispatch
Views: 270,814
Rating: 4.9104757 out of 5
Keywords: bug out bag, emergency kit, emergency supply kit, 72 hour kit, 72 hour kit essentials, 72 hour kit backpack, 72 hour kit checklist, 72 hour kit diy, emergency kit for home, 72h survival, survival videos, 72 hour survival, 72 hour survival bag, 72 hour survival kit, 72 hour survival backpack, 72 hour survival food kit, 4patriots 72-hour survival food kit, 72 hour emergency survival kit, survival gear 2019, bug out bag essentials, budget bug out bag, bug out bag contents
Id: mrlkbgm4ESg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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