Halloween is SCARY!!

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I'll do it I'll do it if you make me money whatever I said let's start this vlog get our big one he's like fine go start to fog I was like alright fine I will you are not gonna call in sick you're not : see this is only the third day yeah just that why you two broke cuz you called in sick just woke up and I got a sore throat I don't feel good so maybe I should just stay home I do feel great I feel really good yes it was rough I was sick yesterday was sick so are you gonna start the vlog I faked feeling good are you started it's okay really we have to go let's go maybe I'm ready but she was wrong yeah babe wait wait babe welcome to day three ones last time we had a day three blog one slot like honestly when was the last time we had a day three book oh yeah core is a sleeve every time every time we've been starting to watch or sleep want to take the shoes off in the house and she got on a veronica was that your disguise oh my gosh what we doing in here huh I like your hat is it Halloween up in the air what are you doing you're gonna make a pencil like with the wood and the ladder you just get one of our line or I'm confused Oh like this you're gonna make a new one alright the pencil Megan red white and blue let's go let's go you gonna make a flat look oh my gosh what is this oh alright I want to see that baby when it's done exactly sisterly love is violent what's going on up here what's going on up here it's destroyed you guys just playing with toys all day so yes I read it the basin area this whole area it's gonna be an actual like living room kids kids living room I got a new couch let's tell me today like like a cheaper couch and it folds out into like three beds Oh a bunch of tents up here that's where kids want to sleep tents that's it you ain't getting rid of my Legos all right some of those go back to my childhood you know we have an abundance we've had we've had me we've had two other boys and I don't know maybe coral play with Legos a lot of girls don't play with Legos sometimes they do some of these Legos are all yeah because you just hit pure steel they take this mom or tape out of the store you might think you might think this looks like a cross right oh that's nice no it's a sword and that's a gun welcome to having boys that's what it's all about why would you throw them away they're awesome that's pigs that's why we have all strapped up here cuz nothing gets removed it's just collapse and collects nerf bin I blame most of the nerf on you guys expecting we did fan mail you would send so many nerf guns that was like nerf girls Hot Wheels like we we have all it and then Brian's getting a TV mounts that TV can go up on the wall oh she's gonna hit it with your little one done that turn things in the frogs uh puncture it you guys are destructive I think the kids did less damage in you guys everything was doing just fine so the toy thief showed up oh dude okay all right pencil man kid said 30 times so I want to make a pencil I want to make a pencil what I love you too buddy I'll see you really soon okay all right get it done hope you guys are having an awesome day hope you're feeling I want to show you this look okay I showed this a long time ago but this okay these are our play buttons from back in the day no but this one okay this looks good right we're serious what no cuz hang on before you say anything I've seen other youtubers complain about this look at this play button let me get a focus on it doesn't want to wants to focus on what's behind this you see that you see that it's like that's not on the glass that's on the play button you see all that it's like it's like I don't know it's like color I think it's changing colors look at the difference it's done all right that's awesome dude I want you to make me one big humidifier was sitting right under that for a long wait you're saying no this is airtight maybe anyway just like deteriorating and it's got stuff all over it guess you're driving yeah so I need to vlog anyway vlogging Driving's on same and fun fact my glass is a shot already they've been shot I have to superglue them every few days I've already done it multiple times this doesn't Bend this is perfectly straight right here and I have to superglue tree superglue it so I keep aware my glasses and I've also covered him already in scratches and they're all damaged and beat us so far yeah Brittany just said who straps a bike on the back of a Cadillac and it just sounds like a rock song I strapped a bike rack on the back of a cattle like like a like a front and song you know like your front like one of them no got the bike rack on the Cadillac I don't know a little bit this weekend is this huge weekend it's Noah turns 14 which is disgusting actually his birthday is the day I upload this so tomorrow for us today for you it's Noah's 14th birthday dude it's unfair is unfair and Cain's from seven so it's a big weekend for us big weekend birthday birthday weekend maybe so we're going out to grab birthday supplies little decorations oh and I got this isn't for birthday but this is this is frost later this is I found this on sale dude gives member eltanner I used to use all the time you shoot it it blows off yeah video boy boy looking at you you want to fully look at you know if it's dangerous I'm driving on the way home it make me sick gonna get I don't even get carsick I was it on my phone chick drives like a maniac to write open life she didn't mean that ladies yeah I mean my glasses are broke good jump into some Harry Potter's listen it actually not bad Ronald Ronald is that you I can't see any better with help you put this long is it I think it suits you oh you should wear this while you drive there you see breaking the law in that math you know just pedal to the metal oh yeah my pork or this year poor course no Halloween yet just a lot of scary stuff up pops out of nowhere imagine these things just suspended from her ceiling birthdays we should do a Halloween birthday am I just out of the loop or don't not know who hello neighbor is that I don't know what that is hello Nate it's an actual do the kids have so much to choose from I feel like when I was like army man or a clown hey give me a horse dude what are you guys being for trick-or-treat this year what do you mean for Halloween and literally the options are crazy I can't believe there's not a whole fortnight wall like just for fortnight I don't even see fortnight GB I thought you've been in your costume all year what do you mean but I'm a sword inside of it I mean I think you're there I don't even know how to use it okay you'll learn never seen marbleized cane much rainbow well we got the little streamers I got to get rocket linens these are for me all right mission complete with some x-men birthday shopping around Halloween is tough I was like there's so many distractions I'd like to find things I got for me personally and they're like you know scary stuff but the birthday stuff is done it's not something can vlog the kids watch the vlogs King every morning when he wakes up he pulls up yesterday's vlog so for me you want to drive give me one more chance probably we probably should but not this time I'm actually taking it back actually I'm probably more guilty of leaving the car in the parking lot than actually putting it back oh look at her picking me up whoa she's gonna honk 100 Wow I don't even know you anymore I don't even know you anymore you didn't honk what we did a bad bad thing so we had to get some birthday stuff we could obviously vlog it because we would show the kids what we got bought we did a bad thing did your walked in like the snack shops now this next yeah you're going for one the snack shelves now are are like aisles right so shelf anymore aisles of snacks you can't you just can't decide oh wow yet a backup but so we weren't pretty hard you know what I picked out everything in there donuts just a little like the rap donut look at the cute little couple flashy the meet-and-greet this is great about dogs man oh man bone Appetit Bon Appetit that's a nice little treat it's beeping she do this dog look at this look at this oh well I don't know mm-hmm-hmm oh wow you gotta put it on a silver platter I guess you don't want it the dog Tony he won't eat dog food I button every brand wet soft doesn't matter people food he she was gonna come straight to dad does she just wake up she just once dad he set her down see what she does Cory Cory Cory all the whole time well I never saw it seen it Oh such a blankie can I see Oh coffee are you laughing just like my pants just fell straight down you go up yeah this is all the stuff there's a couch in there oh my god he builds everything at this house everything he just the last the last like two weeks has been nothing but building things in boxes so no wonder he left already he's like nah I'm starting this tomorrow no I'm up early baby right now no out of here this house is full of liars I'm gonna walk up it one for a long time look at this box all cars that's that's a serious we should do something fun with that these are all costumes three buckets of costumes spider-man spider-man oh she's laughter counting I remember we got that fan now remember it's supposed to be Kane Kane was so scared of it that we had to get we couldn't put it in his room remember Cora look at daddy the dark I know Oh give him a kiss Maui that's where all your stuff went here open the box open the box right here slide that open here slide it open she knows somebody already did it slide it open [Laughter] watch this one this is a cult I got a barrel in my mouth here stead of here let it go in circles again Oh Manny watch Cora look at this watching monkeys jump off a bed she's pretending to jump yeah you jump I'm about to give you some advice that you do not want to miss what are you right now No are you comfortable you're not comfortable you want to go get in bed okay perfect example comfort is the worst okay if you're trying to be productive you're trying to get anything done if you're trying to pursue your dreams don't get comfortable guys I'm a great example of that I have found myself there's that there's a there's a quote that I always thought was silly and it's called comfort is the enemy right how's it that's not true that's not it is if you're true I'm not saying like it's okay to be comfortable you know I watch a movie cuddle up right comfort in general if I need to film I don't need to be comfortable I don't need to be sitting in a super luxurious beanbag or a couch or laying in bed right comfort is the enemy don't be so comfortable right I need my leg I need my leg I always thought that quote was ridiculous I never understood it until recently I wasn't uploading at all and it comes down to comfort your to comfort and don't think of the word comfort as being on a couch for being on a beanbag I mean comfort and you don't have to film I don't have to pursue oh you got you both taking my legs Hey Oh No okay trapped it's a lot different than me come you know Cory you gotta help me oh hey you don't get them can I have a hug hug I don't know what you guys are doing she's like where you get up I can't but this can dude dude yeah because we've been sitting I'm in sit there organizing toys I was like I gotta get up I gotta move I can't sit here any longer mix line you want to make a slime how'd it I don't remember the exact you know how to make it we made it before you're just gonna get right into it huh what do you mean what did you do Lady Gaga go over here paint has been all about making slaw I don't want to make sure I want to make slime do it do it don't do it oh good ones good you got to do to do it you like literally the collection of stuff to put salt just like you can put this in yeah I love you my wig liaise in there you do you put that in your salon you got the glue you did the glue you did - so we got to double this recipe add 1/2 tablespoon or is that teaspoon teaspoon of baking soda so we needed to double that so if you take two halves what's two halves one half plus two 1/2 plus 1/2 equals what nailed it yeah don't pick blah okay yeah I never guessed this in a million years 1 tablespoon of contact lens solution like the things you put your eyes you know the contacts so we need one with double recipe one plus one is what don't worry about you are you sure mommy your belly where's your belly uh-uh where's your ear yeah where's your nose honk where's your hair yeah girl hey compared to the firt we were watching like what the blogs were she was born she had no hair Leroy when I see her I'm like okay she has a little Corgi mommy kiss good mommy kiss can daddy have a kiss oh what a little stinker what a little stink bug okay contact solution and who the instant just magic she turns right into it I mean kind of users just get in there with your hands just mash it what would be like when you were growing up right what was like your family activities watch TV no I mean like what you guys do is what do you guys do have done did are gonna do as a family what's some of the well you don't wanna blow another one up yeah snuck some in was this oh yeah dude I feel like a mad scientist right now cry me a river now did you know clean the counter Cora yeah good job oh no see it's so big guys be afraid of it did we make it right I feel like it's really really good he's got it he's got it he's got it he's got it you gotta work it you got it yes [Laughter] you're glue man did we did it right I don't know why you have molding around down imagine being made out of glue cane you have a plan they're on their own mission now she's like and then what also it's a glitter burrito letter bomb I thought was gonna be cooler than that yeah I thought I thought something like crazy it was cool but I thought I was like someone's gonna explode later in a dark Theater later later I remember Monopoly night in my house nah Polly was something we played a lot we were big movie watchers movie night happened a lot I remember putting VHS tape constantly after everyone those bad boys GI Joes were big played tons of GI Joes me and my brother of course oh my dad played with us a lot like he he went in Hot Wheels not so much GI Joes I wouldn't say but my dad was the dad that we'd go out in the backyard and dig with spoons with us and like he was the dad man like I try to be that I don't know what do you guys do family times the best so what do you do with it like what do you how do you use the time you have together I know now it's totally different maybe it's watching these videos maybe it's maybe it's making slime I'm sure movies is still popular for families movies are always a good time yeah so I don't know it this this is probably most of what I do is not the best ideas now I mean of course like you seen our open little thing today and a little mouse like yeah but I don't know if at that age do you you'd know how to be like is scared even an option like do you know like if something is scary do you know at that age to be scared of it yeah like you have to be taught or to be scared of right I don't know I got this at the store today find out I can probably like jump scare came but I just want to see how poor area [Music] she like waited see so you don't even know how to be scared at that age you didn't even know what fear is yet the only way I think she would have reacted right there is it you or us would have reacted right no it's not that means we're taught fear exhibit me if mommy reacts listen okay she's in daddy's on she knows there's nothing to worry about look at dad that is creepy Canyon [Applause] it's mommy got is that her binky - mommy's binky I'm trying to get it to where I can blow what's too fresh Cory you got a pretty mommy you got pretty mommy sleep mommy is that you or you don't put that mask back on give me that binky ready all right pinky pinky banky you guys want to say goodbye for today Cora you wanna say bye-bye to camera bye say bye bye say bye year say bye it's Lea guys thank you so much for joining us day three baby it feels so actually I don't think you have any idea how good it feels I see a lot of you thanking us for filming each day but I got admit it feels good meant personally it feels amazing to me that I'm doing it it really does so thank you for being here for those of you that have stuck around and and and been beside us this whole time thank you so much hope you're feeling great hope you have a wonderful day good morning good evening good night whatever time it is for you I hope it's perfect I love you you're beautiful you're one of a kind smile you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 1,645,790
Rating: 4.9604635 out of 5
Keywords: halloween, happy, Family, Family friendly, The Atwoods, Atwood, Roman, Brittney, Kids, Kane, Noah, Cora, Pets, Cats, Donkeys, Dog, House, Home, daily, day, everyday, Vlog, Vlogger, Vlogging, baby, best, mask, masks, inspire, motivate, motivational, inspirational
Id: Vt41p_bAk00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 9sec (1569 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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