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[Music] okay let me let me let me explain to the viewers what's happening right now okay welcome to the vlog guys we are in the middle of a lost bet and this time it's not you you didn't lose the bet what happened what happened what's that no when Patriots will lose against the Tennessee Titans and what happened and patrons won so you get to keep your beard why did you get back your beard you know what I thought that confident you know what New Year and I said you know what I'm gonna do it but Julian what do you have to do I have to get a mohawk you have to shave your head shave like size in my head and get a mohawk completely my hair's really long I've been growing it out it's longer the bronze that's the agreement was I get to cut the hair but I wanted no one Barbara Barbara no - Barbara - who's cutting the hair whose company to cut the hair and you choose this mohawk don't have to be directly in the middle it could be off to the west side huh what about what about what about double Hawks like twin Hawks just shave the middle all tire tracks we can do it with the flamethrower cleaner are you got the Clippers let's just start this let's just start this out what you got oh that's gonna take a while that's gonna take a while okay so we're start with a haircut that's you lost the bed you guys just stop making bet I don't like that all right so we're starting today out here smile more everybody's working what are you doing are you ready to do this hair crafty you're doing it no you want you to do it I'm not being responsible I can cut hair you guys know I've done a lot of Mohawks that's right yeah you guys figured it out you're doing everything these all hats going out all hat orders whoo good sir a second stack thank you you guys are killing it we really have to I think you guys have actually requested a full blog in smile more for one day and I got to show you guys what it's like when when the trucks pull up to load up this is after a pickups already happened today this is this is what's growing now but you guys maybe you guys just grab a picture when they get here of that so 2,000 orders went out this morning yeah and that's another thousand and you remember when we would just take tubs to the mail ourselves yeah and we thought that was we thought that was the max and it's so crazy wowsie oh my gosh I just sort of like choking thank you guys so much for the support here at smile more it is unbelievable I'm joking dude are you ready for this haircut get it over with that's all right we just got here it looks great but supposed to be cut hair right now we got a new the new attack oh man that's a light bar dude that's gonna light up the whole sky so you got a rotator switch like beep-beep-beep you can make it go up and down that looks great it looks amazing it just needs wire right it looks some dude it makes that really that should have been on there from the beginning wait so there's no there's no beard involved straight out of all the way yeah dude all the way up that's not no I think we're just gonna do the hand finish that is ready sit down don't say a word but you want to show them what happened last time I got a feel like s it honest it yeah can I shave your eyebrows oh yeah anything nothing to shave easy easy are you trying to get all frisky we all write our names in it I just keep it like that where do you start and stop with the sideburns has this were country I can't believe if he won you had to shave again just leaving like that strips strips actually it's kind of cool I just keep oh yeah you look like a soccer players style passion amazing I think you got going on so you can write your name could be hot food hot babe yo what up is hot fade in the house about to drop some buck draw Sbarro's for good what you trying weird [Music] ah dude let me see let me see you look top dude I think you totally rock it are you happy with it you look bummed like I mean it's not yeah he's like I made you a new man but like we should just add a little touch to it what do you think we should do you know maybe supposed to color and make it a different color [Applause] basically exactly why I don't make bets around here you know like just torture and everyone who works here torture torture torture man pretty soon you know even your bets go bad he looks better than he did that's what you get after your haircut we just go driftin y'all hit Brian if Brian hi yeah do we need more speed we need more speed your bumpers draggin you actually had me going dude I was like maybe the bumper is gone but Julian got today it's Julian's day got a new haircut you got a new truck dude good man yeah so the trucks full but there's a spot in the back you will hop on yeah it's nice out today number two break got new truck in he's trying to hit me yeah that's one way to do it so I got pelted with no rocks yeah that's good no I think you hit oh good wasn't that bunny rabbit foot pedal all right jump time we're doing the jump double it I said 30 we'll do it real good all right guys so I've been thing in the comments it's snowy it's winter and you guys have not used the flamethrowers at all you haven't used those today as the Sun sets a little bit we're gonna set up a little scene we're basically gonna stack some pallets we're gonna put a GoPro in the pallets and then we're gonna bust the x3 oh I don't tell you everything I just don't want to tell you everything we're gonna do but we're gonna we're gonna rig everything up right now I'm gonna go check on everybody and then as the Sun sets we're gonna try to do this stuff with the x3 and the flame throw it sounds like a really good idea right now and you guys alright look at all this snow we should have by now done this we're gonna lose our snow we got like two more days left what's up just came to check on you we got some fresh pallets we're gonna put up we're gonna Center them up out here so we can do circles around them flash should be a pretty cool shot something like to do is just some cool video for you guys this will be one example that hopefully we'll be able to get some dhrona 360s in the x3 with a flamethrower hitting a bunch of pallets on the fire likes me that sound sounds cool maybe I'm flush thinks this is cool so we all have where's the flash what is it what is it get it get it get it yes perfect fill er up hasn't been used for a while it's all dusty and uh I don't know hopefully it's charged you actually have to charge this one and I never charged it since I got it so we're using whatever it has hopefully has juice last time we uses when Julian came to town that's true this really is Julian's day bump bump bump yo man what's up I'm looking for a ride I'll give you trust I'm doing a good dude all right I think you take me to location yeah probably could be let's roll okay so we are hopeful we're gonna head out trying to get this shot right now JC's got a drone in the air that's wrong [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's that I'll do I'll take mine just well done well done dog yeah thanks brother your own hands in the winter your own hands I got vlog Han right now I didn't have a glove on oh I hate snowy buns so that was two tanks in this you don't get a whole lot out of it but um it's we had a GoPro in here so hopefully that survived just fine that should be a whole shot hopefully country you got your dogs done yeah they opened a bunch of frozen you need to warm up the bunt stick the buns on the stick heat them up we're on survival mode right now straight winter filming cooking droning are you landing in the garage you know we're blessed with the beautiful sunset tonight on the snow is just it's just so nice you know what you keep saying it's cold I think it's beautiful man and we're gonna miss it when it's gone just sayin this thing in the snow is just another level of fun uh after this it's it's mud season so I'm sure it's gonna be fun in the mud Brian I can't wait to get this bar hooked up man it looks good don't it it's gonna be amazing it's gonna be so nice it really puts the final touch on this guy okay so you guys know dawn he was the older gentleman at the place when we had this raft and we were talking about what are we gonna call what are we gonna call this thing like what's the name for this cart and he he hit me today and said I got your name all right you guys tell me if you like it's actually like a lot he said it's the app mobile it's pretty cool I like it so good especially with the shenanigans it's getting into the app mobile so what you guys thinking to comes I love that name in fact I think that could be yeah thank you you want some ketchup like that you got to you got to yummy I'm autumn I ask you on a real now the name the app mobile that mobile love it it's like the Batmobile but Atwood at mobile cries you're Julian yelling the app mobile and look at this organization this you're killing it girls oh my god okay so we are out we're coming in warming up I'm going to I know I'm talking about right now and again we got to do our push-ups today you and me knock out 23 push-ups today I believe it's 23 yeah how's my little my little kitties my little girls my little ladies Oh daddy's good at that I can keep her awake one party she's blazed like why don't they make adult sized things like this like it's basically like a hammocks what we get and imagine like big vibrating rocking beds why not you having sleep problems you need a vibrating rocking bed oh you started it you started oh I just want blob well if you're filming for me I'll do it right now with flash you guys know how that goes you wanna do some push-ups ready doing do some legit so the good news is I caught Kane on a date he hasn't done this push-ups yes so he's gonna do him with us no you gotta go with me where's flash it's mine no it's fine you ready buddy guys 23 today you got to do them with us do what you can you can't be 23 do what you can look at this kid then wait you know push that's a that's a that's a cheetah look at look outside any flash all right hey you wanna go outside you come in weight more strength Belle Epoque be Sorey back in more yeah that's a lot better than bring that bring that arm in a little bit more okay all right guys do what you can here we go let's get motivated let's get stronger let's get better here we go catch up 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 - Cain I cannot believe you've done that money he's doing great yeah I don't think mommy could do that mini ah it was getting harder good job huggy hope you guys did what you can give you a little energy a little boost for the day just makes you feel a little better you know like you're really doing something all right now film you 23 girls 23 let's go let's go may 3 push up you doing the real ones are there what our inchworms yeah you crawl down oh that looks painful okay so you're slowly you're slowly crawling across the floor HELOCs hard game you're already out of breath Cain wants to try he crawl hey that's good he's like I just did a bunch if you're new here we add one push-up a day we started it just 10 and now we're at 23 today that we've just completed and then tomorrow's 24 25 and so on I saw a lot of you are like hey I'm not even push-ups but I'm doing squats and I'm adding one squad a day or I'm doing sit-ups or you guys are just adding one of something that you can do it could be a curl it could be one arm curl what am I looking at the cat came you left your dinner on your computer I wouldn't be able to look at myself either anyway sorry tux is gonna add one one more dinner tomorrow he's gotta eat two dinners tomorrow you lay against the wall and if you do that every day gravity will gradually pull your legs out so your abs splits you're gonna do the splits so whether it's an arm curl a leg push is that one a day something to motivate all of us do a little something extra that we wouldn't do we just normally wouldn't do it and doing the splits I mean you'd further than I can go this is me all the way all the way out all the way up dirty I am Hey dirt ball what do you see in this fine you can have her so we are gonna call it a day right there guys thanks for hanging out with us today thanks for being a part of what we do our family our goofiness our fun our everything we do you're here so thank you for that we love you we thank you for helping us keep the street going cheese other you're gonna jump got it on camera Veronica we love you guys you ready can't you might end it with me come here oh you gonna poke in you got your own original twist we will see you tomorrow you are beautiful you got one of a kind smile my little bug you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 1,969,395
Rating: 4.9488373 out of 5
Keywords: Roman Atwood, Roman, Atwood, roman atwood vlogs, family vlogs, roman vlogs, atwood vlogs, noah atwood, kane atwood, brittney, roman soldiers, kid-friendly, kid friendly, family-friendly, family friendly, family fun, Vlogs2017, vlog, vlogs, vlogger, vlogging, day, daily, Everyday, Smile more, Roman atwoods, House, Home, Kids, Noah, Kane, donkey, Empire, flash, Husky, Dog, Girlfriend, Britt
Id: Noj55_o0WOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2018
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