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Oh beat me in three okay hey well can you hear me yeah I can hear it wait okay oh my god someone I'm alone okay hold on I'm trying to take a crap and talk to someone about it I'm captain foxglove I'm just going to be sweating stuff in these goblets if you drink it you drink it like that's on you dog and like I'm going to see me it looks like I'll be killing the juggling jinx my brain for that [Music] what I'll do today okay all right guys let's rotate it Smitty you're on West Gregor you got the door [Music] so here's to friends I wish I was with the enemies I am with now hey ladies and gentlemen welcome to 4000 please raise your left because we're playing race yeah that's a pink salt guys anything was wrong with my line it was probably all that poison in the game of raise your goblet we all here are feasting and drinking together but secretly we hate each other we want to kill each other with knives and gems and antidotes and wine so that first introduce our characters flips who were you playing as today and what is his special ability I kid Cobra King Cole I get two turns doing the full speed because I was King and I do with I long doing the cool I really look forward to your a special appearance on Game of Thrones oh we got dragons we got good Brooke we're going to an area some you like you know you know he's the best friends in [Music] Westeros we know you oh my me well I picked this card I am captain sauce Club I picked this card to this guy looks like he didn't give us all about anything like that I'm very reflective I'm not very smelly is what look at me cuz dumping it out oh yeah your boy captain Fox closed ha ha ha ha ha at the beginning of each course you may remove the coaster of your goblet when you peak you rate may remove and we're at a closer to your goblet why can't stop these bad boys off like I'm not going to do that haha who are you hi Glenda dear we met up you say your guy's name is asked if hahaha I am glad to hear I see no missile asses who have been liabilities before drinking you may make two predictions about who will be poisoned if you're doing instead of a normal score your score one point if you survive in one point that each collection is amazing ahem look uh Aaron hair I can also click into any Goblin not just my own you're Meryl Streep is ha ha ha yarr Miami admiral stingray no give him a different what no I'm not roasting right this is my character now before drinking I may take a look at her and a run token for my goblet and pour it into any other cover I'm copy and I spill stuff you can like your lower arms yes when the croc comes in is going to be great well this party wouldn't be complete without a little bender Damon I'm the juggler mandragora no relation I can switch any two goblet I choose not just my own te and my words are your garden is here my god there the poison is start off well oh you're so [ __ ] annoying I was a very maharaja no I hate really battlefront alongside now I your jugular anyone sitting on Queen now we all know who we are we're now going to decide we're going to find out who we have to kill on your different colors the person you get is we have to kill the first around we will play with you cards face up and I've already started drinking and so we all know and we could all be wearing so starting off let's go ahead we're here it is not weary we cannot have this conversation ever I'll get too mad it looks like I'll be killing the juggling jinx hello am ia from that I'm supposed to kill ask me but I will kill I'm gonna kill whoever asked me to jostle I'm captain Fox Trot wait I'm captain fog Club I don't really have a thought I'm just gonna be putting it up in these goblets and you drink and you drink it like that's on your dog and like I'm gonna just be me and I would have to choose madam look I'm trying to kill my captain Oh is right I didn't say it as we often poison you earlier so I guess that make sense will you clap in my cabin oh I don't know but pirates aren't exactly the the best friends of the Scottish you Scott you're a contentious people just made an enemy for life all the Pirates loved with scopes like I love their waves last night ah what well I'm sorry to put a damper on this party but I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill the person that doesn't give a f--- at the glue the card fell but it's blue its folks I have here in my hand three wines to poisons in one adult so I'm gonna shake it up and I'm going to randomly put them in I'm not looking round and don't you open enough back window don't you lay down how'd it go you know stop this classic all the time look tinkle bag and it's a pleasure to have you it's always fair you get to action this time how would you like to take them you could look at your glass you can drop a token you can drop two tokens of you wish or you can move your laps of someone else's infuse to his bones now my cup is the black clear oh I can rotate it clockwise or counter clockwise or switch mine with some other one er looseness here's my special ability I'm gonna remove this bad boy I'm gonna keep right here and then 1 2 Oh Lords no it's oh I'm sorry I'm ass piss ah here our piece sorry sir grant Haley reminds you to respect it or you may not find yourself making it to the next course there it is there's my head just what I'll do today it reminds me of I tell you what my voice yeah there you make a lot of white jokes that was my turn I did to action oh well now it's time to switch things up a little bit yeah I'm not gonna use buddy I'm not gonna use my special ability when is your Harley Quinn give me your Holly Quinn's with savvy mr. J Pacific mr. King we go until someone runs out of all their wine token and for those of the toast and proposes a toast and then we get one last round after so we are continuing here with round one but went to America for B gotta get back major go to rotate the left I don't believe Texas with discover yet wow this is turn I'm gonna go ahead and pop this bad boy Roxy Joanne doesn't cook it on a ring ring I actually would like you which these two cups and I'm a look inside this bad boy I do not like what I see all the RS I don't think I so shush I'm getting there drink everyone okay our that'd be my turn well I think it's time to juggle things up a bit now because of his special character ability he was able to switch to goblets that were not here I'm sorry can we call it juggling I'd really be more comfortable or cornsnake yeah my name right oppa to the dungeon Oh with the rest of my wife okay don't be confusing me like this whoa okay yeah how we supposed to keep any so I like the capital bell rings okay calculating now I will look inside this table with perfection he's not even your target oh my god damn Attorney General shortly Oh have you nothing target 8 can we cut back to where both just said all the returns are very calculated calculating [Laughter] anyone else's wine coffee Mario go away from me ie quicken missing hair and then look at a yard okay my turn me not yeah maybe places I'm doing a switcheroo changing lifestyle as a juggler does but now I'm back to being and Javan a green a little too loose Juggalo yeah Juggalo yeah insane clown posse yes Pago Pago Pago Pago it's a drink and a yard that's the SOT all the nectar of Juggalos yeah so do this I shall also leave oh my background pocket not a questioning friend long oh look into this math here I don't believe even what I am is I know what it means every emotion you say no second action yeah I'm sorry do not use the word shuttle juggling is kind of my ah you could shuffled it's not a juggled anything if anything that says lazy susans oh yeah I'm gonna do so much juggling I'm going to juggle up this one did not geeky but I get big buns big time missile right now pretty so just can't just switch cups like a normal person I've got to juggle them for things aren't flying I don't get paid I'll put the poison in this one I think can we trust king home I'm put the poison in this one ah that better not but like why would he lie hey I have no reason to lie why did I hire King Cobra yeah have you ever seen the Cobra without poison its venom yes a dead one this Cobra Commander David okay there's one I never I love the tongue Oh she's proposing a toy talkers all right yes you do yeah I moving the cuffs this maze because motherhood I am this I don't know oh no this is the club Temari did not look happy about earlier I'm here what a game is no action what sound you do he'd be looking at a cup for one I am definitely nervous I'm not nervous why are you shaking both why sorting that's a nice man are you trying to kill me no okay it's my turn right and that's it we've got a dirt now a few of us have special abilities that happen before drinking I'll raise your hand if you have one of those I ain't be having Norman what is yours you can mine before drinking I may take a look and put take a look at a random token for my goblet and put us into any other government hmm go ahead who wants a wife let me drop I'm at first that's there was some point in hiding because it could have been a poison we here in the know yeah you know what we've been fighting for wait Wow hey the cap here's my grandma's I'm happy to see all of them here but I is the grinder this year we're making prediction of who may die tonight back to power and I predict in myself and Foxtrot so not to make it ghost father talk so here's to friends that I wish I was with the enemies I am with now oh oh yeah Helen I also have there's a live in there yes I kill you how's the points where I also know that start with blitz are you alive I am Alive that's one point for goat one who were you trying to kiss down I was killing the juggling gentlemen are you alive or dead tells no I'm double poison okay so you get one voice for being alive one point for being dead and another point for it doing both of them both Tommy Boy hey I'm not looking too good in fact I'm Dennis ha ha ha yeah I don't even know how you and I can why there's who are you trying to kill I was by the like I get my point differently I do get a point for not being bad names ah but I have a possibility of two points for my prediction I participated I might not die so I don't get that point by particularly to have to point about lady look Hagen is also dead I am I am not persuaded I had four wines an appointment no antidote here what are you trying to I was trying to kill what was her name I'm right poor girl but I'm doing Basin you don't play with me and that you want to lose your late-night yeah I get I get a big old beer and a new movement called rap how about you juggler oh my god he'll work for it in my blood then blood what I was trying to kill big pop boats I have killed big buckles and I'm just like it one beautiful American point and I get one for having the most wine in my system yeah look at this cup of though I look like somebody rich on they were trying to keep alive I'm excited to get right back to you because you were happy that it got to me so I can only dream about upon calculating for this knife around to I'm gonna pass out the target but we will not show each other we have to kill let's go ahead and show camera so you guys know but we won't know who we're attempting to kill the bad news here is trying to do you call yourself a brassiere the grand brassiere I am full of support that we cannot see [Music] there's only one person waiting at my poison Captain Cobra I couldn't see you at our dinner again I'm a confounded king come get it ready to hookah your bunk mom good boy I think he'll be trying to poison someone maybe before that we began joven was talking about how he's really good with sleight of hand I think your character just has like Powerpuff Girl hands and then like a Louisville seriously thank you for not I should put one here I have one here Gollum Texas the one we have cameras lying why are you only being honorific noodles oh wow Kevin Cox club how did you get that last name it is family given or is a dick knipfing my mother's last name was boxing my deputy buzz name or glove when they got married they divided hates one person's name so they just find it box love it's probably also comes from the plant foxglove which is poisonous no it is possible because my mama's first that's what I thought too with lady hemlock but her dad's last name with him and her mom's last name was not what Luqman but they change it to locket Ellis I didn't bless you jinx you owe me $1,000 I don't have it who says bless you on verbs me me when you're drinking poisonous wine give you some blessing you can just a beautiful emotion look into this girl's goblets over here yes my dear yeah every emotion I'm sure there's a lot of strategy to this game and I have a feeling that you Tony on the contrary I have been strategically modeling each and every one of my mood after the performance and goal which is to kill this guy didn't mean a lot of fun to the art of war I think everything has been a little bit too straightforward from kill him and until ham [ __ ] grumpy you look real pensive rorty's called me a specific okay let's go son very much like a what's that like oh this rich oh I did some melting would you like something to petite Louie Jenny your character I'm juggling are friends with no face I have to go y'all know what's gonna happen now we're gonna film this whole like forty minute video with all this great content and Shane's gonna come up in this thing for 45 seconds then all the comments be like hey hey okay about truce yay okay yay five pound cream boy okay all right um I would like to propose a toast oh yeah ie I'm even moving it this way so I'm back to read Oh [Music] rotate all right I get to make two predictions I perfect mari Lindy hemlock and testing happy golden I remember anyway my bro stingrays badly and was so cold over good luck will not make it through the night ladies and gentlemen I'd like to raise a toast to ruff tuff rain and confront Idaho today here yeah yeah girl my best friend hey oh dear God oh I want the scene if I don't I mean perfect nice for someone else did you survive oh I survived there's a point one all right now start your target who are you trying to I was going for the block well you're gonna get another one I am very dead that's another three points three sir I'm alive I got swine one antidote and then one poison Gucci uh-oh were you trying to kill oh uh it was you you good I'm good no no you get one point for here so yes I've died I will not get that point but I did predict that Mari and Wes would died not a lady have a question Admiral Shing ring captain Adam did you both die yeah well I'm very glad two points yeah knock again did not survive the round but she didn't have surimi wine gobble-gobble guys my turkey mic is wrong where you're from they have not tried to kill the head up in years indeed dead so he gets one point unfortunately like last round I drank a lot of poison so I have died and also my target lived who's your target this guy no I'm sure of the Mushroom Kingdom I guess we have all these like that penguins and that explains the way you're talking I'm talking tree you are greater time my favorite guys here so I got one antidote in one poison which as west point out tastes bad but I survived on top of that I was trying to do my dearest friend Mario taco Luigi so I get three points total for killing her and living and this time we shall keep target hidden and also take love your chalice oh oh no don't talk about being loving please loving you I pray doing do battle Club or reveal Shaquille O'Neal looks good boys kappa fox club keep out the dot shall make sure this done Lydia going in for the kill this person looks like a clown for some gentleman cool I'm gonna shoot me I'm not gonna look at this one no no thank you I will continue being the prick juggler and do things such as this we okay for something like this I'll police the whole thing like a sculpture stands close at night and not turn the lights on and sure looks kind of funny huh it's game time insta boy and I'm here to kill kill kill kill kill kill I'm gonna do this turn don't worry guys it's a bowling game boom uh he prescribes a ban you wrote with dope off but we don't even know it sexy that could be funny yeah henry hobson hey shush okay okay okay okay okay oh yeah it's just drooled so much on my daughter there's better than pudding in the cups I think we're probably closing in boy oh boy oh girl I've got all the time yeah you do I say our dear on the part I called Amy and sister a lot I'm like no sister they should change accent everything all right back on my head there we go you're like that cool it was very long then rotate rotate all right guys let's rotate it Smitty iran west um gregor you got the door I've got a great feeling about my cup for sure the great one [Music] please folks call em PC Ashley ha ha do you live here mr. Priven butthole we're all down to like one each right like one one one token each so it's getting getting pretty far down what did you think I'm the girl I want to be where the people are I wanna see wanna see them dancing I take a little bout a little pretty cold very nice lady hemlock you remembered your name I'm so confused let's do a mess and then let's rotate it shows one time start with copper while [Music] keeping track of like a hub 10 hours on five - yeah everyone I am starting to sober up so I propose a toast [Music] why I'm cheating because I don't trust you I've lost every round because I don't give a [ __ ] why would I be cheating like let's be logical rotate counterclockwise well that just grew up my game Kauai disappears Fred oh oh and potentially I predict that Admiral a cray and King little snake I never die it's only when I jump in before some of you were annoying one of you I'm trying to murder and other people have been great we haven't been drinking quite enough wine because you know poison in touch so let's drink oh you best know I'm bad what I got my cup ah quick to you alive a day oh I'm perfectly alive Laurent adults and three poisons much a hot L plus for wine but who is departed oh you were and you're a dead [ __ ] oh I'm a dead [ __ ] you know that means supers for you oh what it was when I master a lie I'm very very much alive don't wait like anyway no points for me as your ratio Oh dead try got three poisons and one in to do this round did not go well for the Grand Vizier I have two poisons and one antidote I am a little big and my target was Mari but I unfortunately activated my ability and chose less and flits and they are all alive I'm extra life cell points to zero point zero point negative infinity [ __ ] I literally said if that one [ __ ] killed me wait check my target hahaha right now so unfortunate that happened that random chat is unfortunate yeah it's so random in fact because there seems to be a dead target for me let me lie so I get three points big boy you bowl it's three points those were my personal and my target of course was the bit Bop boats and I have slain however this is a picture of a change of subject kilvo hide myself look at that point no I stay for like fate hahaha point all right think we know who once let's start over here in Damian how many total points you have up to three rounds I juggled myself six points wow thanks I ever enjoyed point per round and got three now that it's not sugarcoat that you sucked two rounds got lucky one man I have range one point per round points bet another Grand Vizier Astin with a whopping four point one point in one round oh you guys it's French it's I'll ski we've been saying it I'm sorry so joven do you want to go to the gym Oh next rip up Oh me whatever total points one point four dirty cheater and it looks like to fit for with me and I am under the triune of the Goldsmith nice place [Applause] praise the glass for our winner king cobra there's no man that has been raised your goblet this is border yeah but it's only comments what we should play next week we love all of you equally except for long if you love you a little bit more actually guys bye why does everybody try to kill me we may get this so madam Issa Friday's here to dunk oh oh well whatever hey click on the box to the left if you want to watch grease in the bucket and click on the box to the right if you want ox wing special just for you [Music]
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 1,078,111
Rating: 4.9326682 out of 5
Keywords: smosh games, smosh, board af, watch it played, board games, card games, board game, tabletop games, tabletop, raise your goblets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 51sec (2091 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2017
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