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hey did anyone want to start playing mahjong no we do we play minecraft that's made by Masha we are about to get all kinds of nerdy here today actually about three kinds here onboard AF we were doing something very special something I've been wanting to do for a very long time so special we brought in laser coin head buddy hey what's going on we are playing a game question mark it's called HeroClix now it is a collectible collectible card game it's like a collectable training it's it's a collectible mini mini mini at your game so you go you buy packs and you'll get figures and then you can put teams together but there's Marvel there's DC there's Ninja Turtles there's you can mix match the teams but because 10 years have got us to this point in time when we are getting the vengers infinity war got it it came out well I've had them pick their own teams of characters that are only seen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe they will be playing as heroes and they will be playing against me the dungeon master will be playing as a bunch of villains more like dumb Majin master now normally this game is played if you have your own team and you fight against everyone else I am gonna be changing that a little bit this will be more like Dungeons & Dragons where you will be controlling one character at a time from your team working together to fight my characters now things will happen as you're playing are you guys ready yeah Wesley if you'd like to introduce your team first starting off I've got Thor Winter Soldier of course that's my standard Captain America for sevens Quicksilver I've done guys Kevin Peters boom oh and then rock it brother koozies adorable all right ladies I'm actually afraid to ask this one but who did you choose well we got Iron Man cuz Iron Man's awesome a little Tony Stark in there and then we got spider-man and he carries his lamppost around with him and if he pissed him off he beats you with a lamppost it's awesome Oh special version just like my dad one of his abilities is post traumatic stress Deadpool I mean you're an MC you wait a second wait along it meant no no we're not waiting for anything you know question thanks I'm going to allow it because they were fighting on a Helicarrier at the end of Deadpool 100 action thus same universe with saves and universe nerd star-lord what make sense uh Mara who did you bring today where you don't have anybody I've got my team of villains which is a surprise to you I've got to hick wise dick could hurt you could hurt you he looks yes Scarlet Witch potentially the most powerful character the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe from beyond the grave yondu black panda everybody benefit come to push a little reverb he's so powerful he comes with his own d20 what have a deed I know what all of these do I do every I can change my powers at every turn it's a magical teacher guys the hook if you do decide to play this game at home with your friends control what they do don't control me Mari what is your team of Marvel heroes all right I've got the illustrious that dangerous got a medal in limousines happy Hogan you're the director of Iron Man happy irony doesn't get those meetings and without Pepper Potts either and you know who's real said without his GF sword I got Jane Foster and we got the super dangerous with this one gun Agent Coulson yeah but they're both anything you don't figure you know we had to put a little magic in in this world and so we we got Wang as well who's Wang no I'm not just range was he the librarian yes you got the library dr. strange yeah you know what me MC you wouldn't be anything without the humor uses [Music] yeah can I bang any of your characters conveying any of them to my character zero so the game just began protect Laurie great sorry I so there that also is a good guy there are a lot of rules and abilities to this game but we'll explain them as we go I have made cheat sheets for you guys so you can easily describe what your character can do and when you get them so which characters will you be choosing first I'm gonna go with the adorable rocket cuz no one wants to hurt this is adorable I'm sorry with Ironman is heaven flying you thank you please do that I'm gonna bring in yondu cuz he was the best part of guardians to you I'm gonna start with happy because you know since iron man's out here and as long as if happy is within eight squares can give them speed and range uh so since you guys have all chosen characters heroes from the MCU I found the villains from the MCU uh some you know the names of and sudden no one remembers a member first very different than his movie version we've got ah Baron Zemo different he's got a purple penis popping out of seamlessly no wear yellow jacket from ant-man your team looks like a pimp conventions from Iron Man one coats Iron Monger I thought it was big Megaman and who remembers the name to the bad guy from Thor to Malekith no one no no alright is it Malecha by Christopher Eccleston uh and Malekith from Thor 2 so weird normally to come here place you get a number of actions based on the number of points that you have but because this is our unique game I'm giving your team and my team four actions so everyone on your team can move per turn and I'll be moving four characters now currently I have four characters currently let's play why do you say that so sneakily I'm gonna let you guys go first I want to go I guess you're going where the people are what yeah I've got running shots so I can move half my distance and take a range shot and I can pull out of my chair I'll move right over here and I'm gonna pull some glass ironmonger in the face here we go every time we play this game lasercorn is infamous for just rolling Snake Eyes roll that's my clique so I'm just gonna right there happy right I have probability control what no you don't come on it was my first turn let me probability control my roaches are Jim he's already doing it I'm doing it I gotta love it I hate your guy this is going quite smooth come on this was warm-up first day I do [ __ ] it Wow well repulsor blasts actually did something is going great for you I like having lasercorn on our team don't worry guys I've got it under control I don't have probability control but I do have moves the ability of seven cool hat two three four five six Senate where's your car where I to the shop all right so happy Hogan has moved into the Plainfield stop probably a bad idea yeah I didn't realize man was our thing anyway you know I know you can you let it touch you got a probability control yondu is just gonna run up to the corner one two three four five six hey purple guy yellowjacket sees happy hogan is like I I don't care but he does have Running Shot with running shot I can move past my speed and you are three squares away from me with elevations oh you're free to get meanings so I'm running back in shooting my aunt gun at you Nance not the end that 16 do I exceed your defense uh no really yeah I have seventeen plus two you suck at this you're really bad at this game all right that's my first move um I like how all of your bad guys are just a bunch of dead ones already died so Malekith is gonna move up here with iron man one two three four sub doc all right I'm Adam a little pissed at you yeah go for it I'm going to attack a juror for 10-plus you like how I quoted the movie there I said take your shot like Iron Man says the kingpin kingpin okay take your shot when they fighting he's wearing that red suit what you want to be the war machine take your shop that's daredevil no I so I so I hit you for 2020 I'm 18 wow that's you really hit me for that much but I am invincible so reduced damage taken by - no I did III damage you oak said but I reduced it by two right yes so one so one day one day I'm great I can math all right that was my turn where are our rings we don't events you have one yeah that's cool they replace my wedding ring on that finger bond you know Baron Zemo he's feeling pretty confident over there I'm gonna give him a second counter and he's going to attack Rocket Raccoon don't do it you're gonna push and take in hit rocket let's try hey Iron Man can you come towards me I want to give some births I'm kind of busy can you come over here I'm gonna use leadership on Baron Zemo if I roll a 5 or 6 I can take a counter off of one of my characters that's a 3 no okay so I will be pushing Baron Zemo you love an attack on a rocket racoon how dare you shoot at this cute peddling critter well it's a trash bandit 8 yeah cool I attack for 19 okay so my defense is they're 17 and I hit you for 3 for 3 damage oh no how dare you can you take it to 3 yes because I pushed for this character I will take a clique of damage it is now your guys's turn so because I have dual repulsors and I could target two people I'm gonna I'm gonna pour in a repulsor at each one of these guys and I'm gonna fire at each of them what yeah look you could target two people alright repulse them Iron Man 10 really yeah rob ability controlled oh ok 10 plus is attack of 11 is 19 okay no that's not right 10 plus 11 Oh 21 you hit on both of them Iron Monger does have impervious so overall if it's a 5 or 6 then I negate the damage oh man so it didn't so I will take the damage but I'd like to so I take 3 my guys are currently still alive for now currently now I'm gonna go and I jump on top of you what no cool that's how you I'm an inch on you and your debit crossing it yes I'd like a fourteen okay all right so I decide to attack you so I have precision strike attack does at least one damage supersenses is reduced by one all right I have deflector so it's plus two against range attack so I'm currently 19 is what you need to be mmm I need a 9 or higher here's my D 20 what sure roll that there's no numbers on it I rolled up pink so you take three clicks of damage all right Happy's gonna move one two three four yeah come help me oh five seven I'm coming I'm coming to help you yeah don't don't you worry Rockets a little pissed about getting hurt so he's gonna take his laser gun and go say hello to my little friend and forgot that ladies are gonna make a weird noise so my defense currently 19 does rocket go to the bathroom like an animal or like a person I would imagine like a person that's a good question Rockets got a huge old got a rocket in his pocket pocket this is like third grade yeah I take two damage not a whole lot what happens is while this fight is happening a portal you see a portal open up right here I don't see it we see it in post oh that looks cool down uh and then threw it Comus beowulf I'm getting like triple-teamed over here guys that you are so Fenris wolf sees Iron Man and uses charge so I can move half his speed when he comes in once garbage rocket is feeling a little inadequate right so 18 does that hit your defenses it does unless high probability control re-rolling really whoa why'd you get that that's my boss 9 [Music] all right wait hold on so I blades claws fangs so I roll for my damage or for damage fine but I still have impervious prevent to damage but roll a d6 on a 5 or 6 prevent all damage ah can somebody please come help your old business partner sees that a giant wolf came out is like biting your arm is like alright looks down and sees happy Hogan running over ah you don't like that game so uh Oh God no come on God one two three range so I was a drop six plus nine so fifteen okay what really happy Hogan deflects huh so I missed Iron Man has destroyed your sensors you're trying to highball it alright shootin my aunt gun at you why oh you get your drink gonna be I fell off you die I'm gonna shoot my aunt gun and I take a clean oh no my turn is done it is now your guys's turned I rest I'm gonna move and hypersonic speed says the following here let me just read it to you I read I know what it could be wait move attack then finish your movement speed so I can move attack and then finish my movement I'm gonna go one two three and I'll shoot him Oh actually I have to I can target two people so I'll shoot Fenrir and wow this guy's already hurt oh you know I think in another portals gonna open up around you I'll shoot I'll shoot these two I rolled a seven seven plus 10 17 alright you do three damage to him you've killed and I'm gonna call me oh nothing happened outside of his own death so now you're shooting it Christopher Eccleston ok we needed 17 hits for so because you killed a Malekith you see on his body a red shimmering gem yes sir Church if you go oh hey so I got a seven movement one two three four five six seven happy Hogan gets the gym I got the Jazz it is an infinity stone correct so Mari you have found an infinity stone element again you felt happy Oguz holding on to the power stone this is starting to backfire a little bit this he explodes does not kill him since he's just a few mental case for it alright well so you moved yes you picked it up but you take a clique of damage which is straight kills a percent of my health what you feel has four clicks yeah I kind of want to see you happy eating right in front of our meal wall you guys are fighting you notice that the lies are some magical box shows up the sky turns a little red it's nervous and and then a giant blue portal opens up no over here get out of here oh no red versus blue this girl shows up and out in the distance whoa stop drop and roll I love how joven is basically wielding the tesseract yeah that's enough for this time for my turn we are going to push the nurse wolf charge one two three oh no I don't want to attack happy Hogan he does him to drop that stone and then have Iron Man pick it up but you could eat him in and swallow the Sun first in defeat all right so with mighty 11 attack I'm attacking Iron Man again okay alright so I hate you for 18 I only have 18 blades claws fangs weight probability can no you don't have that anymore oh yeah Chris takes damage that's a lot of damage that's a lot of but my defense right now is pink invincible reduced damage taken by two can reduce penetrating damage to three I am still alive yes that means happy lives another turn Zemo is going to fire at that raccoon again thirteen my defenses are 60 do nothing sir good day all right so are you doing red skull shows up get out of here and sees yondu over there one two three four Oh Oh what's your star cloud there what you're six farts ah what do you do so I hit you 419 attack link two clicks advantage no no just 19 attack alright i haha have a 1700 guess what I hit you for three damage wait wait Oh Mary Poppins I take minus 1 why because I have fuckness alright I'm a tough sob I have another day but you know I'm gonna I'm gonna stop there that is my turn yondu is gonna attack red face either 7 or higher come on baby Oh nyan and now you take 2 and with toughness I will take 1 ha ha eat a dick red face so it's gonna take another shot at the perfect pimp alright yeah you hit me yay do damage I with toughness I take one damage ah a poodle open Jeff oh he's a very time get out of my face red skull is not taking a move action this turn ok so his poison activates so part and you take one damage never trust a big button a smile yellowjacket is gonna try to make another shot at yondu yeah don't 413 anything 16 okay haha happy goes okay gonna do is combat he's got one gem and he's gonna use I'm sorry my innervate ecause this happy what innovator yes when happy Hogan is adjacent to a character named Iron Man you may replace him with freak happy turn into freak oh yeah happy turns into freak you could replace them with a burger um yeah so happy Hogan's gone okay and now I'm freeze if I wanted to call in another member of my team how would I do that as long as you are not adjacent to an enemy which you currently owe that shadow and enemies nearby I'm just gonna attack him I'm just gonna shoot repulsor blasts this wolf in the face okay kill me I did Oh Oh bread sixes Oh NAT twelve son net twelve yeah he's so dog dude portals open Peeta rushes through um yeah that kill the wolf no the wolf dead no well someone get this wolf off me it's a giant wolf starting over here with Red Skull his poison activates yondu takes a click of unpreventable damage what no I don't yes you do you rest uh and now red skull is going to punch blue skull fifteen three damage think you're your father no three damages a dad yeah I did damage Bronco this guy he's a father but he's just too daddy here's your little firework I got a floating sylvester stallone head right here now that you've lost one of your four characters you may bring one of your characters your choice to your original starting area so of course i have to replace red skulls nemesis with green skull okay he's got a green everything fine i'll go over here yes still gonna throw stuff at you Zemo purple paper still trying to hit Rocket Raccoon right 1717 my defense is 16 but I am deceptively adorable what I'm deceptively adorable and I can and I could roll if I roll a fire RSX you miss actually no I'm sorry what I can't be targeted by all right Fenris wolf attacking iron man blades cause flings blue fun fling fling fling flang issue four five damage no I just have regeneration Ring of Power one and that is my turn but now you're in trouble I smell chimichangas that fool don't call it a comeback you think your measly Deadpool can save you haha I actually know that figure is pretty Opie I got my job cut out guys you like this episode be sure to tune in for next week here we got part 2 coming your way and once more 40s in your life click that box there on the left of last week's episode [Music]
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 1,465,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avengers, avengers infinity war, avengers game, avengers infinity war game, avengers infinity war board game, avengers infinity war the game, infinity war the game, dungeons & dragons, superhero board game, superhero game, board af, smosh board af, smosh, smosh games, infinity war game, marvel game, marvel board game, d&d, marvel d&d, lasercorn smosh games, lasercorn, smosh games lasercorn, heroclix, heroclix game, hero clix
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 29 2018
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