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we'll come back to some more bored AF where we are wrapping up Lord on week here on Smosh games thanks to pop-tarts for going ahead and giving you guys more of what you want and you guys voted on some classic games and this we're playing Super fight is an actual classic game here on Smosh games because it is what led to us creating the show based on board and card games I was I was waiting for more hand movements for you and there you go now I feel more complete but yeah this is actually this is a game we played many years back and it is the reason why we went ahead and made a show based on board games and card games because we like him you guys like him and we wanted more of them so you're saying if they had never made the game superfight bows would have never been born that is 100% correct letter fly effect because there are so many expansions for superfight we picked up some new ones so you will see some new cards here we've got super fight the horror deck oh we've got on my personal favorite super fight the 90s born vein I added this one super fight sword and sorcery deck haha and then we have a super fight the dystopia deck so get your pip-boy and get out of your fallout shelter you agree max it's time gentleman wouldn't let me add the history deck otherwise this video would have been like no history we are doomed to repeat it there are a few different ways to play super fight we will be playing in your each one of our characters will be trying to fight the judge character we're going to screw each other over with other attributes we were playing with locations and effects so anything could happen and because we wanted this to be as classic as it possibly could be here on Smosh games we've ever brought back some good old-fashioned animations to describe how our fights are going so buckle up get ready because we playing sumo fight [Music] Davian yeah you'll be our first judge XO you will be playing the character in an attribute and we will be trying to make that character easier to fight but everyone got to put a character and attribute face down first but unfortunately for you guys it's gonna be a pretty rough day because not only do you have to fight one character you have to fight a dynamic duo some would say joven the one and only Pinky and the brain wow I'm doing the same thing to try to do every night try to take over the world but they are going to be doing that while riding limp biscuits that's right Fred Durst Fred Durst is it yes Durst has teamed up and joined the Pinky and the brain so as to pinky the brain in the biscuit but you're going to be in a wax museum all right Shane who are you throwing into the fight I am choosing the card pick any Billy Zane character I could go with what was it the phantom the Phantom but I think I'll go with the bad guy from Titanic great the iceberg Caledon Hockley alright so Caledon Hockley who is a survivor like yeah he will go ahead of children and women and elderly to survive he does not care he's very wealthy and he's only skill is baking bread which I believe would distract mice puts out crumb trails he can get leave them anywhere he can distract them endlessly crumb chills the thing that jets make while flying over the air that's not that's right the natural enemy of mice is Cujo yeah this specific Cujo their bites are infectious and turn their victims into a copy of the biter so if I am able to get brain the arguably slower of the two mice all of a sudden then I will have a smart brain chasing pinky with Cujo I got a Yakko who the chick from The Grudge oh well a horrifying garage loyal Squire we're about to find out who that is so you got a duo but I gotta serve it kill you is it a little boy I don't know we're about to find out draw characters a loyal sky are interesting I strike oh and just an ice dragon yeah and an ice dragon this is this is scary yeah this is really scary because I are anyone to kill you as soon as my dragon all right but the fight doesn't stop there oh no we are going to go ahead and screw people over to the left on this one so I'm gonna give bows an attribute you get me bows you'll hit up Shane but your character is not in the clear yet once we've got in our cards you will draw a random attribute card and that will be added to your character interesting so I'm going to give you force your opponent to swap one attribute with you all right so now Cujo can only bake bread I must let you know that doesn't specify that he makes bread well yeah that is a dog attempting to make bread yeah very poorly and probably getting burnt and and now Billy Zane is biting the crap out of people bows one might call you the big boss madre of dragons with your eyes dragon there but unfortunately you're dragging it's kind of a wimpy dragon only has a 1/4 Constitution meaning its tummy is worse than Damien's tummy that's poison Abul like it's just anything in there's probably making it go now Shane Billy Zane has hands instead of feet and he also has very tiny hands in fact you don't have big hands you have small hands and they and when you try to walk you can't keep your balance you just fall over there's all these little Billy's ease and they're just in effect they're like toddlers are just like some yes all right Damien so go ahead and time to mess up pinky and brain game Eve it's a positive or a negative boom they are armed with a sharpened metal boomerang Crotty that's dangerous my serrated edge you know what I've definitely got some ideas about who would be you know kicking my butt in this situation now I do a purple let's see this event face-off all players draw and play a new character from the deck as the face they use for their disguise all right so now our character will get a disguise okay Billy Zane's disguise is dogmeat that's amazing I see your disguise it's a dog my Cujo who is a dog is also disguised as a [ __ ] I don't know Oh master of stealth and baking bread and getting under doors all right it's your boy whatever that noise is and I'm dressed as whoa deceptive yeah and so is my dragon well my favorite things the Pope has ever said was very simple wax museum Sunset Boulevard you guys are chillin it's two mice two smart mice a sweet dog comes in limp Bizkit's like I love dog meat I play fallout that's all I do anymore because I don't make music I'm just sad he sneaks in all sudden dog face comes off it's Billy Zane but he's in he still got the body of a dog but the face of Billy Zane they're freaked out Fred Durst runs he runs hits his head against Cher's wax figure knocks himself out the freaking mice powernow squaring off Billy Zane is in full Titanic garb tuxedo everything has tiny little baby hands and he's like get over here and he starts skittering around like very awkwardly like flapping around and the mice try to make a death ray try to get it try to get it to him Billy Zane is gone he's disappeared where is he we don't know they look up in the rafters yes he has baby hands but the railings on the ceilings are so small his baby hands are perfect for climbing he's climbed up like a strange Billy Zane spider he falls lands directly on top of them smashes him done Billy Zane wins the Oscar that was intricate Kuja that likes to kiss he likes to keep it simple stupid so who drove just in the wax museum no something is awry cuz he smells in here with his dog like Oh ah oh trying to master his bread-like skills he senses something's in the air there's to my support and it's not vacant and so he puts on his cockroach to disguise which definitely throws off pinky because pinkie he's always trying to keep up with brain notices an overly large cockroach thinks he could be a friend walks up to it what does Cujo do eats the rat he's a mean dog he just bites his head off brains like me where where did that pinky go before brain knows what's going on Cujo takes a bite out of that giant head brain as you think about it he's gonna get a boomerang he's gonna try throwing it it's gonna fail poorly and that's what ruins their master world plan he's gonna throw it just comes back hits the statue knocks over lands on them dog eats them again every scenario that you can possibly think of with these combatants dog wins kayako may be a terrifying character from The Grudge but you guys gotta remember she's a woman first she's got feelings and I don't know if he knew this but she used to be in a relationship with pinky what yeah and they've been hidden they've been talking like back and forth and trying to work it out but you know what pinky's been with this other girl and like calculus piss hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and especially when she's got a nice dragon I'm coming to your house g-dragon has a tummy ache can't make it to the battle I don't need the dragon I'm a woman this is a bonus those are all very fair cases and originally I gotta be honest Bose was the big frontrunner the two things that went against her the fact that it's an ice dragon in a wax museum a regular dragon would have made us all drown in wax this one can't do that and second is bows just said she's coming to my house to kill me thank God were at this wax museum so it looks like a snake Cujo is way more terrifying but the very fact that Billy's name can multiply himself is just dangerous I forgot to mention he does bite fred durst and predators turns into another Billy that game is everything so Jove uns cards with bread dogs are much more scary now because if anything limp Biskit was a deterrent to piggy in the brain they have a very solid teamwork thing going and having a weird Angell limp Biskit just allows them to get off shove them away with the enemy so I gotta give it to Cujo bread come on I don't know I didn't understand your logic all I know is that somehow you had a Fred Durst's never mind me Shane you win are you anything even winning like joven you win I don't know ever goes to Joe but it's like I don't understand guys maybe look at that video get the replays alright yeah who we fighting against today good luck with this guys you guys are gonna have to try to take out Kevin McCallister who can take the form of anything water-based oh my god which makes him Kevin McCallister and a wet bandit all right let's see where Kevin McAllister is hiding with all his booby traps Thunderdome welcome to the Thunderdome did we leave something at the Thunderdome two men entered one can leave and I don't think it'll be Kevin McCallister when you have to go against ganda and he's a wizard man and his new spell he just learned is that he can control his opponents right hand hmm I'm got the Microsoft paperclip that stocks and kills you in your dreams it looks like you're trying to have a good dream this is a story all about how this hero kick your butt up and down town cuz we got the fish pensive glare and not only that he has got a bottle of Michael Jordan's secret stuff from space interesting it's time for you guys to pick attributes for your opponents to try to mess them up yeah to the right this time because we did left last night great oh sure you just roll the one on initiative so Gandalf is really really really really really really slow even paying attention the fire already started and he don't know what's going on all right okay no that's I think I work around that's fine all right so you got the Microsoft paperclip he's stock seeing your dreams but in order to stock you usually got to be pretty quiet and this paperclip can't stop clapping so in the distance you're gonna it looks like you're trying to write a letter yeah wake up you've been selected by the government for extermination you're always constantly looking over your shoulder if you have to wear one of those incognito caps and glasses and like a cap in America yep you you get a roll Oh wearing the flayed skin of their victims okay so Kevin McHale says Joe Pesci skin off that is awful what is battle starts what are we dealing with fighters are all driving war rigs sounds about right for Thunderdome that wow that just works now yes I roll the one that is a crit fail but but you have to add your initiative to your speed value and indium in the room to correct that nope okay yeah that might be all but he's not a fast horse and one of the fastest horses in the Middle earth not one with initiative I'm still moving pretty quickly plus I have a war vehicle in the Thunderdome and you're trying to drive very hard to drive when your right hand is doing this all right I need to make a left turn now oh no I've crashed into the gate and then I just kind of like shoot a white beam at you from my staff while I'm driving my car nice and slow paying attention to the road signs and everything and you can't really control your car because your right hand is constantly getting in the way like you can't you can't compete with that points oh don't fall asleep yes I don't know if that's in this Thunderdome everyone knows we casually take naps in the Thunderdome I'm gonna get you all right so you got a bunch coming your way here because you've got William Smith the Fresh Prince of Blair and he's got Michael Jordan's secret stuff if you've watched Jim you know how important that secret drink is that they give it's just water it's just them believing in themselves so with Will Smith believing in himself you're trouble because he is legend not only it is the government not a big deal because he's got Carlton to like talk his way out of it while he's you know dealing with it but all you've got is Kevin McAllister who in the 90s would probably look up to the Fresh Prince of bel-air so uh you know probably you don't even want to fight you would just be like let's kick it buddy let's hang out so you're insinuating it's Michael Jordan's secret stuff that helps him play basketball it's just water but his confidence yes but the last time the last time The Fresh Prince played basketball he got in a fight and it didn't go so well I'm having a feeling that's McAlister spinning him around you were talk about your horse that's awesome you're driving the war rig your horse is in the back not helping at all nice and Gandalf definitely doesn't want him hurt so he's trying to like drive carefully you can't take sharp turns this this is gonna go you know in a weird place I have a feeling because you'd think I would destroy the paper clip easily right the problem is Ken McCallister's laid so many booby traps out there's tons of things scattered everywhere it's gonna be hard to find that paper clip right hours go by Kevin McCallister certainly eyes but can you imagine it with its eyes closed just laying there little covered in dust just like like Kevin McHale takes a step like you see his footstep and right by his foot you just see these eyes open up and are just waiting as he passes by Kevin McCallister it's night time he's just like I haven't been able to find it he's drifting off he finally passes out he's a little boy he needs his sleep and as soon as he falls asleep he just he he wakes up in his dream world and all he hears is keep the change you filthy animal and he's done paper clip [Applause] today you are fighting against the big bad man himself we're talking about Duke Nukem that's a good one and he he thought himself sucked in you know into a dimension full of goblins and guess what of course he became the king because he isn't king of all and he's turned some of those goblins into goblin explosives goblin explosives yikes and today we are fighting at your mom's basement she just finished the renovation all right I've got mulder and scully and they're armed with a super soaker full of surge whoo well those are some dangerous things their bows but the most dangerous thing is the thing that you cannot see and that's where my friend Waldo comes in they're in a Barberton factory your first jeez not only that just because you think you're safe because you're nowhere near a candy cane can you can crawl out of a TV to an attacking opponent joven you're gonna feel real bad if you vote against this guy so I know you're probably a big fan because I am he's a master of escaping and he's a master of taking down any enemy he's escaped from New York she's escaping my life and now he's gonna escape from your mom's basement it's Snake Plissken and he's armed with Cupid's bow whoa we're talking about Snake Plissken the cupid interesting well now it's time to attack your opponent's character with some attributes this time we'll be going to the left so Shane let us know what is happening to BOCES mulder and scully over here armed with cross steaks and garlic they showed up for the wrong case we got a bear here Damian has literal jazz hands you might not I mean Bluetooth speakers good luck hiding now yeah so uh Snake Plissken armed but keep his boat pretty spooky but I hope that basement has literally no candles or light bulbs because he burns up in any amount of light have you been to JoVE ins mom's basement multiple times but always lit a very nice candle now for my extra attributes which hopefully is fantastic Duke Nukem armed with Goblin explosives and needs a constant blood transfusion to survive whoa that is why he survived surrounded himself with all these goblins thus becoming part goblin himself like you're a vampire oh but do you think anybody on dialysis is vampire armed with cross steaks and garlic mulder and scully they are Christian folks and we need garlic to season that steak so I'm just gonna go ahead wait what's that for steak and garlic what Christian folks did you just armed with a cross steaks and garlic no wait no that'd be amazing it's just like all right that is the biggest nullification you as the judge allowed you know what vampires really hate prime rib I like your thing but when we throw this event into place anyone over the age of 30 is hunted and killed I've been seeing the reboot of the x-files your characters look a little old a 97 episode we stole alien blood from a spaceship and we're gonna live forever we've been 27 for years your age is still constant 27 escaped so Waldo first of all ten years old doesn't even matter he can crawl out of an TV to attack opponents and if you've played any of the Duke Nukem games there are a lot of like busted TVs all around there especially CR TVs only thing you'll notice is that the static isn't black and white it's red and white that's how you'll know all of a sudden you're armed with goblin explosives that's a very specific type of explosive it's not well made if there's not a lot of technology involved in it it's goblins having fun at the expense of other goblins blowing up and it doesn't matter very dangerous so I think my jazz hands would be just enough to set off this nitroglycerin or that you've got going on over here and just make you US Marines okay okay go for it two goblins are at the top of the stairs story time they're guarding they're at their posts they're like yeah so you watch this this BIGBANG thing it's like yeah yeah it's not bad he's like I don't know if I'm a big fan and then all sudden he one of them gets gets hit with so he said wow there's like what's wrong nothing now I just thought it felts felt something told you how beautiful your eyes are they start to go in they start to kiss and in their passion one of them accidentally presses the button of the explosives on the other goblin they explode now the front the door to the basement wide open Snake Plissken walks in the other goblins like oh my god it's Snake Plissken they're like but he's like 60 years old anyone over the age of 30 has been hunted and killed and stuff at Snake Plissken 'he's like i've been here my whole life he's got a surfboard strapped to his back always at all times he starts shooting love arrows everywhere people are getting struck their phone in love with each other they don't know what to do because they want to fight they want to explode but they don't want to hurt the person that they love the most so he just starts going in breaking goblin necks finally gets duke nukem they both have their guns at ready but they're like you know what no we're gonna do this old-school style they drop their guns straight up kung fu fight first one to back up loses punch punch punch punch duke nukem Falls because his reboot was not as good I don't remember a time before that story you paint a beautiful picture you would have done infinitely better had you gone with what would have really happened in that situation after the first explosion it would triggered a chain reaction exploding the entire basement but the best situation here in fact is Snake Plissken after all more explosions he surfs out of there I am really excited about this card we are fighting one of my personal favorite folks in the whole world Morpheus hmm from gone with the wind and he's 10 stories tall that's valid where we fighting that the Planet of the Apes nice interesting reboot or classic reboot okay yeah presidential fighters go okay my fighter is going to be somebody that knows the Planet of the Apes spoiler gets earth very well Carmen Sandiego that's that's right and she is wearing a set of legendary armor full set means you get bonuses and perks y'all screwed because I've got a koala and he is suffering a crisis of faith he's got nothing to lose you ever seen you ever seen a koala bear who's just figuring out what he believes yeah you can really give me what that human stuff man I almost pick the car this and Morpheus hasn't eaten for two days because I'm like that's powerful very I have since burden the plant of the apes man is is in devastation no one really has a home anymore especially this murder hobo this hobo is armed with a mini nuke launcher joven that's a pretty spooky murder hobo but a little bit less spooky when you found out that moisture can ruin his day because he's made of hair no yeah that makes sense because you know there's there's probably no razors or electricity I can't really shave what he's made of hair yeah if you shaved he would just die he's like the Pokemon Tangela Oh Carmen Sandiego is armed with holy water which not only are we even Planet of the Apes and the matrix Oh God there is no God so it's useless leek do koalas have opposable thumbs yeah man three of them okay oh that case let's give you you're armed with an Elvish longbow now I can confirm just having an Elvish longbow does not give the same ability and talent with the longbow that the elves have you just have one of their long bows and with your tiny koala arms do much I can also command and summon demons Oh interesting that by God difficult I guess it's my turn to argue for my character no and the battle is about to get a little bit more difficult so hose let us know what our event is rise of the machines this is horrifying this is so we're being attacked by machines and humanoid apes and Morpheus is 10 stories tall what are we gonna do about this whole Legion of demons if only somebody had oh wait they do holy water Carmen Sandiego is armed with holy water I'm glad that ended up working out now what is she gonna do about the machines well holy water lemon water swamp water any kind of water is gonna gunk up a machine it's gonna zap it and make it all sticky and hard to move so that's two problem solved right there she's gonna have to deal with that whole like primate man thing like obviously that's a big deal for anybody thankfully she has that legendary set of armor so even though it's not necessarily a game changer and she doesn't automatically win she at least has some time like one monk he's not gonna bite through her arm or spear or real quick like she's got some time to settle down where is she here to save the day thank God it is the future mmm New York which is a wasteland let me sit down for this Statue of Liberty's in the sands Charlton Heston's running around fighting a bunch of apes ten story tall Morpheus is staring around he's summoning demons that are fighting all of these it's a crazy three-way war Morpheus is staring out at the mayhem and suddenly he hears something and on a tree branch he looks and directly next to him is this koala and he just slowly scoots up and he was just like he's just like you know I mean we grew up Catholic and you know III thought you know I identified myself as a Catholic but you know I got older and I went to college and I you know I heard different points of view and it's tough you know it's it's tough because it's sometimes it just feels like you know what if this is more he's still destroying things more efficient distract you just like what because Morpheus and everything is going after people or robots no one's think about koala bears they're high up in the trees just watching and this one koala just there and he's just like you know this maybe it's all just a simulation right I mean in the end we all really believe the same thing right we all just want to be happy we all just want to have a family and all just want to hang out anyways and he starts and more if he's like what are you doing he's got this elvish bow propped up between two branches just pulling about you just like hold on he's this little koala thumbs just please just hold on just it just shoots it straight through meets this skull and he's just like well think about that arrow would be the strongest arrow get panda bears it's oh yeah how do you get keep getting bows and arrows I keep getting hidden people you can elbow so if there's one thing people don't pay attention more to think koalas it's the homeless and so as a giant fight is just happening no one is paying attention to this this poor homeless guy made of hair at this point in time because of all the radiation but you can only assume made the Apes so intelligent made this human full of hair but there was journeys of wandering around unnoticed he found himself a mini nuke launcher see it's hard to miss Morpheus doesn't have to be around any battle just all of a sudden and they kind of just holds the gun up to his shoulder and waits and in the great distance he sees the top half of the ten stories of Morpheus and giant explosions around him devastation in that far-off area where this hairy homeless dude just sits there and just knows that the world is a little bit better but not necessarily for him and then I kick you with my feet and you just fly off into the distance no no I'm in the distance you're over there I'm in the distance you're in that distance and I've art the mini nukes a great distance but I kick you in the face and you fly across the city a 10-story legs like this guy summary the game is to know that your shotgun flies out of your hand I don't know I don't know joven her logic here is pretty sound yeah she does kick you right carnage as Morpheus so our deliberations over I believe so righty-tighty well boy that I love me some carmen sandiego however immediately when you put down the card about the full armor that threw me off because like I want to see her in her red outfit like don't you want to see her in a regular outfit but then like the one thing that gets me is like being humid you know because like what is going to stop this this is terrifying like one little koala that's like hey man let's just talk but I didn't like that you let it go to your head and you put that pebble through the middle my forehead now I'm pissed I painted a beautiful picture that rivals mr. storyteller over here with your two points you win today's board AF and again big shout out and thanks to Pop Tarts for making this classic episode happened we had a lot of fun today I hope you guys liked this episode if you want to see more classic games come back to life here on board a half let us know let us know what games we should play and who should be on the show and why my Harry the homeless guy should've won that last round bye guys thanks for watching and big thanks to Pop Tarts for sponsoring this video what's better than frosting more frosting and more on Smosh all this week and if you want to see last week's board AF click that box to the left or we've got a video that YouTube thinks you're gonna like right here on the right click it to watch it [Music]
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 1,001,813
Rating: 4.9382019 out of 5
Keywords: superfight, dystopia, dystopia deck, superfight dystopia, super fight, super fight dystopia, card game, tabletop games, superfight how to play, watch it played superfight, watch it played, apocalypse game, board game, board af, boardaf, smosh games board games, smosh games card games, tabletop watch it played, board games, card games, smosh games board af
Id: 4pgLllbiQGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 32sec (1892 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2018
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