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Oh what water elementary my dear Watson do you like you wanna see a magic show [Music] it was so boring I fell asleep in a ranger poori car door I don't like this star I don't like what is it song hello and welcome to board a app you screaming yelling I know you need to take us off yeah bored I am hey guys our plane uh it's called it's called hearing things by Hasbro what they give you is okay here's something I'm gonna be honestly I thought they give you a pair of sound-canceling headphones noise-cancelling headphones no these headphones it comes with you stick a few triple-a batteries in it and then you hear this sound okay it sounds like good sex we are gonna be teaming up into pairs here and I'm not talking about the fruits and wonderful in case we got three rounds of of different phrases if it read lips you gotta sign I'm not talking about the fruit the game comes with a bunch of cards and we can and we'll use those in the third and final round but the first round will be pokémon names easy mode this is not gonna be movie quote normal movie and then finally we have these weird phrases hard so because we don't want to be teamed up next to person were sitting to because it could be too easy cuz you might be able to hear through all the sex we are teaming across the table so we got teemo's we've got team bananas in pyjamas and then team we look alike and I'm because guess what we're a G we don't care about your ultimate moon and ultimate Sun well what about teddiursa the best one from gold oh he's cute starting with round one Bose has added an amendment to the rules amenda man dome gave dogs don't Luke Lear sped okay here we go nine tails tangela first of all it's tangela you can't do that garbage there nine tails yes you can't act the same approach Oh much oak miltank much my daddy Oh Mars tower what char it's our ties are yes right keep going keep going hey got you pick it you damn Jigglypuff Jigglypuff stuck on my choker then just become like Rain Man of Pokemon that was a hard one you just skip office welcome to Star Trek The Next Generation I'm levar burton you're Cyclops Teferi yeah baby Tingler it's like the alien from alien Texas cool mmm it's important Jigglypuff tragg Moffitt I like it fit up I think it's a setup Alakazam I don't know I like to help I remember when I was 10 years old and I and I I was playing Pokemon blue and I had my main team of Charmander forget you I don't know and Suzanne all right gentlemen you ready / - Lee first I know when is this app go I [Music] gotta catch the ball babe Orianna Bonita I need time onyx cycler yeah magic let's shower magic art kingler King Lear ok Tangela first of all its Tangela Vaporeon quite I can't hear him Bonita moly I hit my link hit - mou-chan mou-chan hey Mon Li hippo check Vulpix Vulpix I have a question why did you say I can't hear him because when you're all talking in my face I need to focus on these lips lips hi-8 wait joven I got eight big ole boy did we pass one did we skip one yes the one which one did we skip chorionic muscles worked to Mewtwo I love you too prime me priming yeah just get close primate out of your crop economy primate side dog sigh dengar three two one [Music] barely that wasn't a Pokemon hey guys hey peach peach pitchy [Music] Articuno what the fun on Pharaoh Alakazam yeah look at all wow really tizzy nope so because you guys hold in a bunch of good names there we don't have a lot of cards to choose from but because I already feel really confident about our relationship together and I mind-melding I'm gonna toss these cards decide I'm gonna bust I'm gonna bump us up to the the Johto league I have a randomizer right here and I'm just gonna keep it in the button and so in that you'll find some Pokemon from the Kanto because they showed up and gold and silver also but there'll also be some new Pokemon for the final round of Pokemon you sure enough magnet Magikarp mad Magnemite Maj iment magnet did a magic miss Spiro dicto slow detail Spiro details sealed did sealed good dog did too Oh ditto Totodile Totodile no ma ma chopped ma reap mareep yeah Gengar get our guy Roy dose guy rah dose Articuno gear a dose gear run dose skip okay that's the victory bell get your bells continue the circle with the headphones at the time with round two with movie quotes one skip one skip hasta la vista baby oh yeah oh look over there you'll float to look at the school you knew all just from Heuer ghouls he'll float her booze yes float yo float let's bleep you see more movies than then bow so maybe that have a slightly easier maybe hello wow you had me you have yeah hello they may take our lives this man Cox lives they may take our lives the making of lives oh hi murder oh hi boys oh all right bones barley barley Marc hellos you had me at hello and hello Clarice yeah yeah all right you ready to give it to me hard okay I have any equity there's no place like home there's no place like home just keep swimming uh John wick must die just keep swimming just keep swimming do you want to build a snowman snowman do you want to go so man I'll be back NBC I'll be back money show me the money there's no oh my god dude dude again my dear do you like [Music] [Music] [Laughter] say hello to my little friend yes she did say with an accent that's that what you mean that's what they pay me dead people yes dead men tell no tales I don't think they said that in the movie you're you're a wizard here yeah they do you're a wizard Wow I want to play a game what's my name I want to play Bob's Burgers I want to play a game do you want to play what I want to play I want to play a game yes you're killing me smalls kill me point allows no words were set out to the buzz except for an answer okay Wow good job O's yay who's got that mouth no we might not get through five clubs because you've seen two movies in your life they are the Emperor's New Groove and um Crocs adventures I do have a random quote generator great because you can find running anything generator apparently online but we may not get to that but I have my google pixel right here ready just in case not a sponsor to infinity and beyond huben freed I've been hot to infinity - we free to infinity and beyond a one-man Wolf one-man Wolf Pack wow that's a thing babe - assists rush my precious Oh houston we have a problem houston we have a problem Wow well you just keep thinking butch you just keep thinking well you just keep things [ __ ] not what we've got won't we that I'll you're my friend communicate what we have here what we have here is a failure to is a failure to launch but I do love when Sarah Jessica Parker tells Matthew McConaughey so now we're going to Round three and Bo's how many skips do we have zero zero skills halt now these ones are with the actual cards from the game so in practice we weren't able to get any of these so let's see maybe you guys should we double some points up so we double points for this each one's worth two points yes no shoes in the house no shoes now yeah sleepover party sleepover party no milk time milk downtown milk Millie melts Nellie Brown meltdown my house sleepover at my house sleepover party sleepover party milk Milltown milt meltdown sleepover party mouths what I don't like this song I don't like this guy song I don't like this car song I don't like this job so I don't like this short song I don't like this sort [Applause] car door I don't like this star great seats while they go why they just like or maybe they're making love with their words he wants your booty fellas I'm feeling sleepy uh it was so boring Oh linguist Joe kobori Phil is slipping I'm feeling so it was so boring well it was harmonii it was so boring I fell asleep in a ranger Poli it was so boring I fell asleep it was so boring this stupid needs a poopoo on a locker for broth that's ooh this soup is the broth this suit needs more bro you were so close hey yours like whisper it in my ear it was so boring never too late to start never too late to to start my list my list is way too long is wait my my list is way too long okay do you hear that Mel do you do you hear that that Bell oh I'm just saying words do you do you take coffee take coffee do you take milk do you take Mary in your car as your wofully that's what a wife who lives right it's lovely my wife who is lawful for cars karaoke is not my idea in carry in and carry not not my idea idea of Nam idea of fun karaoke Carrie can't karaoke Terry Oak is not it's not my idea my idea of fun Wow recognize you without your glasses I didn't know you were federal failing I did not recognize you with I don't recognize you without your hat I didn't recognize you without your comes down to you yes yeah yeah we're killin it was counting off rolls through these West's okay you got me jobless been doing real good you can't alone take seriously I know alright ready three two what go did you shower this week did you shower this way yes no this is a bad sign this is my tire this is a bad sign this is my liar this is this is my life this is my this is a bad this is mine this is a bad this is blind this is a bad sign fine this is a bad sign this is a bad sign this is my time this is a bad sign this is my find bad sign bad sign tyre guys this is a bad sign it's a bad sign oh it was we're reading from the difficult list this is how Joshua gets to Cochran and loses that's not your spaghetti that's linguini , you idiot now here's some Italian everybody needs to calm down have you been to the pound everybody have you been everybody everybody have you been bad everybody needs have you been eating everybody have you pay every every buddy have you every have you buddy have everybody everybody every pet everybody everybody know everybody needs have you been everybody needs everybody in needs everybody needs to calm down [Music] everybody needs to calm down everybody up everybody needs to call okay everybody needs to calm down I have here in my hands a card the quote they call it a Royale with cheese there is a scented marker it's not never mind just a sharpie smells like I got one minute window to end this video with the scores of this game bows and Wes bows and Wes got 25 points 29 five Mari Flitz mari mari plants got 12 points got 12 12 Elvis well boy Tommy didn't get more than that Joe get Damien Joe man and Dave know when two people okay got got 32 got three points my disabilities have turned into an advantage no matter what you live with you can win and this is I heard a thing guy things much watching now by Hoke you join it hope oh we hope you enjoyed this most recent board AF of hearing things do you want to see what we played last week it's awkward family photos click this video on the left otherwise we picked out something special just for you on the right
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 490,827
Rating: 4.9655147 out of 5
Keywords: smosh games, smosh, smosh games board af, board af, smosh games board games, smosh board games, reading lips game, hearing things, hearing things game, reading lips, movie quotes game, tabletop, smosh game tabletop, smosh tabletop, hearing things card game, board game, board games, card game, card games, famous movie quotes game, board af smosh, lip reading, lip reading challenge, whisper, whisper challenge, smosh games challenge, smosh challenge, challenge, smosh whisper
Id: ThyXsvQg4aI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2017
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