Band of Brothers Episode 10 'Points' REACTION!!

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what's up everybody welcome back to the channel band of brothers the series finale and it's july 4th happy 4th of july to everyone in the states celebrating be safe out there please celebrate responsibly we are on the final episode of band of brothers and this has been an absolutely incredible series just the learning experience like there are names now that will never leave my brain there are visions from this show that i will never forget about and it's in there forever yeah and last episode was i mean as good as it is to watch it and to learn and to never forget to know about it yet it was such a hard thing to watch and incredibly having to edit the episode it was so hard to go through and because of the way i edit i go slow like re-watching that episode more than once was so hard but at the same time it's one of those things where it's necessary it is absolutely required that i personally like speaking for myself like see that and really truly like not it wasn't even like the biggest camp that that they stumbled upon they talked about the bigger one and there was just the women in kids camp and just so much other stuff and again it's just it's even hard like to even put into words because i didn't expect that even though like that's what the war is about yeah like that that's what was going on i just when they're going on a patrol i just didn't expect them to stumble upon a concentration camp and right because i mean they you know they hadn't discussed it i mean obviously they didn't know about it before but like you know it's it wasn't even like a hint or anything so i i really wasn't expecting that and one thing i do i mean as hard as it was to watch you know the men in the camp i appreciate that they didn't show children in that and the idea i mean i don't like i even right now like the thought of it i did i can't see that yeah i mean it the the wild thing with that specific episode is there was a very clear message being delivered in the first half of that episode incredible but the second half of the episode is just one of those things that like on first watch it made me forget about what i was even watching at the beginning of that episode and i'm sure it made the soldiers forget about their own problem i mean it was one of those things where the soldiers don't know even what they were doing there they didn't know what the war was about and a young soldier tom hardy tom hardy he looks like a baby if it wasn't for you guys i would have i could have watched that like episode a million times and i would have never noticed him he's like 20 years younger 20 years and 100 pounds earlier but like he's on the truck reading an article about why they're there and he's like yeah apparently the germans are bad they're really bad and you're seeing nix who essentially has hit rock bottom he got demoted his wife gave him a dear john letter divorced him while he was fighting and you just said you just see a just immediate shift of just like that doesn't matter man this yeah that's why we're here my problems are nothing compared to any of this and it almost put things into a most insane perspective for these folks and then just watching them like turn around and walk away in tears like i can't even imagine for the folks that were really there oh my god i can't even get through the beginning part of this damn video just discussing it because it is so incredibly hard to even fathom i think this is real i usually am pretty good with putting my words and thoughts together but this show has done a really good job of just kind of leaving me speechless and really not sure what to say yeah and again it's one of those things where love people love everyone who cares if if someone's a little different that's what makes it all awesome is that everybody's different as long as you're not hurting anyone you do you boo yeah you do you and it's just i i yeah i mean there really isn't anything else to say at this point and again just it's american holiday appreciate our country and again this show love our troops i'm always going to support our troops and everyone who has fought especially like that war our our grandpappas like the baddest ass generation in the world as a lot of folks like to say i mean my grandpa was pretty amazing so i'm not you know i'm have to ask my my parents about their parents i didn't know my dad's dad yeah but my my mom's dad he was in the air force he was pretty awesome and one thing that y'all have let us know is i think it's in this episode they're gonna reveal the names of the folks that we have seen in the intros which have been the most powerful and amazing aspect of the show just hearing the actual interviews from the men who fought in this war and this is gonna make me emotional i'm gonna i'm gonna get these ready yeah so i'm i'm excited for that i am i i'm i'm so grateful that you guys continued to push the show as a recommendation something for us to watch i'm grateful that we have watched it and yeah by the way the pacific is on our list it is added to the list of stuff that we're going to consider we're not going to be starting anything new right away it's going to be a little bit just because we got stuff planned but any other thoughts before we jump into the series finale of band of brothers no let's go it was more than three years since louis nixon and i decided to join the paratroops and more than a year since we'd first gone to war not knowing what would happen to us how long we'd be fighting where we'd end up i certainly didn't expect to find myself in a place like this wow come and join me for a morning swim yeah know me so well here that's from zolinski what is that ran into the regimental photographer said he had all these photographs of the 506. i traded him for a couple of lugers [Applause] oh what do you think you'll do after this i'll get some breakfast i don't think that's what even uh after after well it's funny you should mention it because i had a meeting with colonel sink yeah i discussed the possibility of uh staying in the army yeah it's a career you said i'd think about it what do you think about new jersey there's a company in uh nixon new jersey it's called nixon nitration works that sounds picturesque yeah well oddly enough i know the owners probably gonna expect me to make something on myself i thought maybe i'd drag you with me we'll see how you do in your interview but uh you know only your qualifications i think probably scrape something up commensurate with your current salary level will there be dps reports oh god i'll think about it only if there's a stapler that was nice i get the feeling that winter's made himself a career in the military you think he's too perfect he's so good at it i know but you kind of just want to go home don't you well it becomes your home this famous town high in the alps was the nazi party's symbolic home and all the heads of the third reich had houses there although hitler was dead he had apparently ordered the ss to make it their last stand from which to mount a guerrilla resistance against the allied advance the first step was blocking the roads whoa if you're looking for someone to find another way up that mountain easy company is ready and willing julie noted i already recommended you to colonel sink terrific let's go find out where hitler left oh [ __ ] guess i just had a conversation with general clerk he told me he was first into paris and by god he wanted to be first into berkeley's cotton i mean that's a lot of rock to move you fire up a second battalion and not flank that french son of a [ __ ] yes sir one easy company in the lead have to men assemble down on the autobahn yes sir he's like let me go i want to get him it's kind of eerie are these like the real places because i mean it looks like the architecture and stuff it looks really cool and the scenery this is a one town you can't deny being a true nazi well you have to be to live here we need to find some place we can put the colonel jesus about right there never mind what i said that's their headquarters gross the eagles nest was a surprise birthday present for hitler built with nazi party money a mountaintop stone retreat 8 000 feet up accessible by a gold-plated elevator what it was one of the crown jewels of his empire and the man was afraid of heights oh my god have a drink just as we can say we saw you do it listen up just came in effective immediately all troops stand fast on present positions german army surrendered i got a present for you come on ten thousand bottles of the world's finest liquor wine and champagne helped easy company mark the day the war in europe came to an end [ __ ] take what you want and have each company take a truckload wow happy ve day ve day victory in europe knicks is like in heaven happy ve day where's my whiskey instead of an aggressive combat unit we became an occupation force and no one wanted to leave birch's garden until they saw austria look how pretty [Music] do you think these places are like tarnished because of who was living there or do you think people have overtaken and made it better i would hope that put it to good use i mean because you it's you know the war is over we'll be comfortable here please accept this as my formal surrender major it's better than to lay it on the desk of a clerk you may keep your sidearm colonel i mean winter shows a lot of respect oh god damn it shifty you let him get away army ought to be glad to be rid of you i wish you know teams they want me to stay around a while how many points you need 15. jesus christ i thought i had it bad no purple hearts never was injured general taylor is aware that many veterans including normandy veterans still do not have the 85 points required to be discharged on this the anniversary of d-day he has authorized a lottery to send one man home in each company effective immediately for easy company the winner is there was only one name in there sergeant daryl c powers that's how it's done shifting congratulations the 101st airborne division will definitely be redeployed to the pacific we will begin training to go to war wow that's gotta be so difficult i don't mean to interrupt your shirt i just wanted to um say goodbye back home in virginia well i just don't rightly know how i'm going to explain all this i just like the way winters looks in them i seen a scene you're a hell of a fine soldier's 50. there's nothing more to explain thank you sir how do you explain that how do you see how do you explain the things that you've seen two days later shifty powers was on a truck headed for the rear in a boat home unfortunately the truck was hit head-on by a drunken corporal from another regiment what shifty had a broken pelvis a broken arm and a bad concussion he survived but had to spend the next few months in a series of hospitals oh my god i wish i could say that he was our only casualty in austria the how you'll never understand they make it all the way through war he didn't try to leave he didn't get injured at all he said not at all he didn't get a purple heart he didn't get injured on his way home gets hurt oh my god got some glory here applied for a transfer 13th airborne heading out for the pacific right away if i'm going i want to get it over with you in on this too i can't let him go by himself he doesn't know where it is what you're leaving the men they don't need me anymore how did you say that everybody needs you so he had an opportunity to be done with this he was like nope send me over now company lost 24 men kill there yes sir 17 of those were in my company commander's plane and went down on d-day so you were given command of the company on d-day that's right holland they uh bumped you to battalion xo yes sir bastards took your company away i fired my last shots there well the whole damn war yes sir can't imagine a tougher test for a leader i'm gonna sit through a seize like that under those conditions you got through it having to relive all this [ __ ] major i took this meeting out of respect for your achievements and for the hunting verse if they do go to the pacific eventually you should be running one of the battalions thank you sir frankly i think you men have earned the right to keep you around yes sir so i would stay in austria for the time being waiting for orders and trying to watch over soldiers who had no enemy to fight this personal thing joe no it's a goddamn order you think he's a soldier like you or me [ __ ] innocent german officer where the hell have you been for the past three years he's guilty deep god says so he probably is shoot him no oh damn 75 points how about you i mean you're a tokoa guy right 81. this is not good enough no no no no no no no he was dead when they brought him in what the enemy had surrendered but somehow men were still dying young men who wanted to be home with their families by now would serve with distinction since before normandy were stuck here because they didn't have the points what they did have plenty of were weapons alcohol and too much time [ __ ] dude wait here what happened next time you okay matt you need some help what the [ __ ] they wouldn't give me any gas bounce oh [ __ ] dude i tried to explain this [ __ ] limey wouldn't listen i think he was a major don't you give me a weapon i guess i'll just use his diva i don't think he's going to be needing it oh my god [ __ ] oh my god [Music] what the [ __ ] oh my god i mean they can't leave and there's like they were seeing plenty of weapons alcohol and time where are we going to the hospital get in if you're going to shoot me shoot me if you're not put the gun away what happened to him he's shot in the head come on if you want him to live you'll help me first by putting that away let's go let me drive him we'll get there faster oh my god i hope cigar they find that [ __ ] where is it how's grand where is he okay where is he miss him that's a replacement eye company where's the weapon what weapon when you talk to an officer you say sir [Music] have the mps take care of this piece of [ __ ] grant's dead no crowd surgeon says he's going to make it oh jesus unbelievable the army when they give a man a battlefield commission make him an officer because you don't let him stay with the same company they're afraid the men won't show them the proper degree of respect as they would another officer it's an idiotic theory especially in your case you've given me the choice as to where to reassign you and i thought battalion headquarters might be a good place i can think a few betters good good down at the airfield there is a german general who was a little po'd about having it surrendered a private babe hephron from south philly thinks it's beneath his stature i thought second lieutenant cartwood lipton from west virginia could soothe his ruffled feathers no problem sir with your permission i would like to address my men bravely that'll be fine general oh hey captain silva major winners captain sobel we salute the rank not the man [Laughter] man it's been a long war it's been a tough war more fun bravely proudly for your country you are a special group we found in one another a bond we've seen death and suffered together i'm proud to have served with each and every one of you the other fadina language i mean they were just serving their country what they thought i guess was the right thing to do new jersey huh yeah think about it i am [Laughter] oh but compton came back to see the company to let us know that he was all right he became a prosecutor in los angeles hey he convicted surhan sirahan in the murder of robert kennedy and was later appointed to the california court of appeals wow david webster became a writer for the saturday evening post in wall street journal later wrote a book about sharks in 1961 he went out on the ocean alone and was never seen again oh johnny martin would return to his job at the railroad and then start his own construction company he splits his time between arizona and a place in montana george luz became a handyman in providence rhode island as a testament to his character 1600 people attended his funeral in 1998 [Music] frankfurt connie returned to chicago worked a postal route as a mailman joe lieb got returned to san francisco drove his cab bull random was one of the best soldiers i ever had he went into the earth moving business in arkansas he's still there of course he did alton moore return to wyoming with a unique souvenir hitler's personal photo albums whoa he was killed in a car accident in 1958 how we lived our lives after the war was as varied as each man carved lipton became a glass-making executive in charge of factories all over the world he has a nice life in north carolina harry welsh he married kitty grogan became an administrator for the wilkes-barre pennsylvania school system i love him ronald spears stayed in the army served in korea in 1958 returned to germany as governor of spandau prison he retired a lieutenant colonel [Music] that makes sense for easy company it was d-day plus 4-3-4 this morning president truman received the unconditional surrender from the japanese war's over regardless of points medals or wounds each man in the 101st airborne would be going home each of us would be forever connected by our shared experience and each would have to rejoin the world as best he could what came back though came back to hanging out with his buddies louis nixon had some tough times after the war he was divorced a couple of times then in 1956 he married a woman named grace and everything came together for him he spent the rest of his life with her traveling the world my friend lou died in 1995. i took up his job offer and was a personnel manager at the nixon nitration works until i was called back in a service in 1950 to train officers and rangers i chose not to go to korea i'd had enough of war i stayed around hershey pennsylvania finally finding a little farm little peaceful corner of the world where i still live today there is not a day that goes by that i do not think of the men i served with never got to enjoy the world without war a very unusual feeling it is very unusual happening and it's a very unusual bonding we knew that we could depend on each other and so we were a close-knit group just brave so brave was unbelievable and uh i don't know anybody that i admire more than bill garnier and joe toy they were very very special i'm just one part of the big war that's all one little bite and i'm proud to be a part of it sometimes it makes me cry real men the real heroes are the fellas that are still buried over there and those that come home to be buried after the war was over and it came back out wow he lost a lot of that or at least i did i lost all that confidence he's hoping to stay alive that's something [Music] henry v was talking to his men he said from this day to the ending of the world we in it shall be remembered we lucky few we banned our brothers for he who today sheds his blood with me shall be my brother i cherish the memories of a question my grandson asked me the other day when he said grandpa were you a hero in the [ __ ] grandpa said no but i served in a company of earth wow that was so good i don't even have words i don't have them either that's so good you're right about winners at the end though this is the glasses and stuff and it's just like the perfect hair just the way he talks and the way that they had his character talk it's like it just sounds like him you know that was easily one of the best 10 episodes of anything i've ever seen in my life it's so good everything about it but it's so scary that it's real it's just i can't imagine um that life experience that you share with somebody oh from all over the place no there's nothing there's nothing that could compare to what those men went through together right there's not like nothing but from start to finish the way it was filmed the way these actors who are i would imagine for a lot of these guys that we know now had to have been their first jobs maybe as actors because of how young they all were maybe not the first but like really early on in their careers the acting and just the cinematography made it feel so real the emotion was just it's just on a whole nother level because it is real these stories are true these soldiers exist this war was a really really big thing in the world and it's just it was per like it felt perfect yeah in terms of the way they executed telling the story with the interviews at the beginning of the episodes and hearing from the men who fought this war and then just getting into the episode itself it's just it was an immediate just just realization and just kind of just understanding like hey we know you're watching a show right now but this is real and these are real men that we're following and yeah it was just i'm so happy and so grateful and also like heartbroken just because of the stuff that experienced during this war and everything that happened and it's just so many lives lost at such young ages and they just barely you know barely even adults and most of them had no idea what they were even fighting for on probably on on every side a lot of the soldiers probably didn't know what they were doing they i mean obviously there's there had to have been because there's so many soldiers they couldn't all know what like the german and hitler and all of his like crew were doing like they just for yeah for the german side where they were the were those german shoulders exp german soldiers explained to this is why we hate and this is why we're doing this for the good of germany it's like the like the american soldiers didn't know what was going on until almost the end like i don't want to just like broad like hatred of course for anybody who served because i don't know how much they know and were they forced to do this well we even met a soldier who was from the united states who went over there because his parents were from there did he know about the holocaust and all the stuff that was happening i couldn't imagine that he would i mean why would privates and i don't know how the german ranking works but like a private and a german like they wouldn't have that information or know exactly what no they're just being told that they have to fight like unless they're sent to a concentration camp to run it and like oversee it or whatever and those [ __ ] knew [ __ ] those guys i mean it's just it's just so insane and just yeah i don't know i'm just grateful to have watched it because it's one of those things that i everybody should know about this yeah and again i feel like this was a big part of history in school i mean it definitely would it not i mean like i would this would have been so important to watch again i think we talked about this an episode or two ago reading and learning about it in a book when you're a kid essentially is not gonna have the same impact that this had on us now watching this as adult with parents and like an understanding of what happens in the world like you don't have that maturity of your mind and understanding of like impact and empathy and all that stuff as a i don't know like sophomore in high school like and plus you're forced to read it and study it and learn it and if you don't like history you're not gonna it's not gonna like resonate and it's not gonna stay with you it's one of those things where for me i always struggled in school so like i couldn't tell you what i learned and what i didn't learn and how i learned it but like this now experiencing it like this it's just i i can tell you for a fact that this is way more impactful on me than it was learning it in high school or even in college as a 20 year old like i didn't have the proper mindset to know exactly what i was seeing it's just it's a whole different just level of maturity of and understanding and life experiences like it's just different yeah again that's why i'm so grateful that i watched it now under like because it's now one of those things it's like yeah you know about world war ii and you know about what happened and all this and all that but now watching this in these ten episodes i there's things that we saw and learned in this show that i'm never like it's it's gonna stick with me for a long time a very long time and again thank you to every soldier and that you go fight and for our freedoms and our safeties and your own life for the greater good of others yeah it's just it's amazing that you know so a lot so out of the easy company only spears stay stayed well i mean just from what we that we know well winners like he went back but he didn't go to war right he went to go train right i mean he's he's good he's so cool yeah yeah so um also uh one of our lovely subscribers john sent us the band of brothers book so thank you very much john um i'll post that on our instagram thank you it was incredible series yeah and like mentioned at the beginning in the intro the pacific is on the list hacksaw ridge is on the list of stuff that we want to watch and we'll get to it at some point um but nothing new coming anytime soon just to let you all know so that series was incredible i like i don't even have the right words to describe it was just incredible everything about it i love that they had the real real men and that was very emotional that was a lot very emotional so a lot any other thoughts all right shawl share your thoughts we'll see you later have a good one bye [Music] do you
Channel: Nikki & Steven React
Views: 66,775
Rating: 4.973906 out of 5
Keywords: nikki steven, nikki steven react, nikki and steven, nikki and steven react, band of brothers, band of brothers reaction, band of brothers episode 10, band of brothers episode 10 reaction, band of brothers points, band of brothers points reaction, band of brothers episode 10 points reaction, band of brothers episode 10 points, easy company, easy company band of brothers, world world 2, the holocaust band of brothers reaction, the holocaust band of brothers
Id: gT3Cd4U-ND0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 46sec (2146 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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