Band of Brothers Episode 3 'Carentan' REACTION!!

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what's up everybody welcome back to the channel band of brothers episode three this show through two episodes in terms of its production has been spectacular the storytelling has been amazing already just i could i could tell and i understand why it is so highly rated why people talk about it and been requesting the show for so long absolutely but visually it is it is very difficult to watch yes last episode we saw them in their entry and their jumps and just how a plan just immediately gets thrown out the door because things are playing out the way that obviously you couldn't have expected and predicted and it's just so crazy watching them try to land in their spots that they're supposed to be in with their squads together like it is just such a wild thing to watch and you just gotta go with it and then they just they figure it out it's just so horrifying just even trying to think about what what could you possibly be thinking as you're parachuting down while planes are exploding guns are firing just all this stuff is going on around you when again you know you're not fully according to plan and it's just once you land now you're by yourself in the dark in a place that you don't know anything about and you don't have a weapon hoping that you run into somebody that you know or recognize or is on your side it's just so wild and we saw one of the missions get played out and winners is just this dude already right off the like the moment we met this guy we we knew he like exuded like this good leadership skill and his ability to command and lead and get this mission accomplished with taking out all the cannons yeah always the dude landed and didn't have his his weapons on him and he was just like it's fine let's go look for landmarks and like he's naming me off landmarks he's like trees it's like the dude is even in a moment to where he could throw out like a joke like that and it's like all right that's the kind of guy that that i want leading my squadron and my crew and it's like yes just already from what we've seen he's doing an absolutely amazing job in this leadership role which wasn't necessary like it's not even his role right now they just can't find their main commander and it's his spot like he's the next one in line and i mean he deserves it he's earned it it's he's doing a really good job with it and it's just really really awesome to watch him in command getting this stuff done and it's just still really really horrifying just seeing it all play out because this isn't even the d-day this isn't even the day this isn't even like that was just one moment i think it was the day before and they had to like there's a lot of missions that they have to accomplish before leading up to this this main moment and it's just yeah there's a lot of emotion there's a lot of intensity i mean obviously the animals are always going to hit nikki really hard i don't talk about it i mean watching even watching like the moment where they were given the the soldiers on the other side like cigarettes and then executing them it's like they don't have room or the ability to house pows like you don't keep the enemy with you you got to eliminate and move on and it's just again it's just such a brutal side of war and everything that went down there and it's again it's so hard to watch but at the same time it's so good to remember and know exactly what played out i'm just gonna kind of keep hitting on that because i think it is important and i'm very grateful to be watching this show and to learn more about the situation and and the soldiers who fought and died and you know defended our country like it's amazing and it's service that i mean only thank you goes so far but it's like it's the most that i could say is like thank you and for everyone who does it because i love again i love our soldiers i love everyone who goes and does all that so dude you are the brave ones you give up your life for the greater good yeah so thank you and by the way on a side note happy anniversary 12 years 12 years y'all fierce love you love you too 16 together ready to sell married ready to celebrate with the band of brothers hopefully there's no crying let's go i never thought i'd get through d-day let alone the next phase or the next phase i thought i was gonna get killed instantly i thought one of two things quick death or uh come through probably without a scratch i think everybody had fear i think uh there's people that can handle fear my candle here i think i was probably one of them i think i was just as scared as anybody else except i could think it's a feeling you you would not let yourself down look at this he looks so good not let your comrades or your unit down we all had fear they all have that you know we all had training now look to know that they try to handle your fear and and work to accomplish what you're supposed to be doing wow these guys this is i i think that might be like the best part of the show honestly i love the interviews it just adds such a human real life element to what we're watching yeah is he okay why hey blithe blind oh my god poor kid is he in shock you alone you're the first familiar faces i've seen the draft is all over the cottontown peninsula we've been fighting with the 50 seconds since we hit the ground i've been uh trying to find easy join the club is he okay i mean i wouldn't be that's so tough he just feels really like lost how was your jump missed the dz yeah that goes without saying i lost anybody tommy bird just took one in the face how about wayne got pinks in the beat huh they're gonna be okay who who's in command then winners for now it's just so wild seeing some of like the different demeanors of everyone and how they're handling stuff and taking guarantee that sounds like fun the only place where armor from omaha and utah beach can link up and head in so we take care and tan they're stuck on the sand division remember boys give me three days and three nine eight subway fighting and you will be relieved live glad you could join us thank you sir another thing to remember boys why spread disease so keep yours closed oh my god it's so scary i mean it's not like oh i'm at home there's more of us than there is of them it's like take live go find that company yes sir come on blize what is it shut up oh my god shush flash thunder i can hear y'all all the way across the fail you have company that's right damn dude go back to lieutenant tell him we found f company i i i i feel like something bad is gonna happen right now [ __ ] dude he's dead private did you find [ __ ] company yes sir i thought he had me that's edelweiss that only grows uh in the alps above the tree line which means he climbed up there to get it supposed to be the mark of a true soldier gta plus six okay so six days after d-day oh man that looks terrifying if there could be any amount of people in windows that you can't see no no oh no oh no oh my god i just no ugh this is oh my god that dude just ran up to a guy with a machine gun we gotta take that warehouse damn oh [ __ ] you can't diddy you can't oh my god i don't know terminology either i don't know what that means they got us zeroed does that mean what is going on with this kid i mean they were talking about handling fear in the opening oh you're okay linda everything's right where it should be obviously [ __ ] [ __ ] i i like how are there still civilians in this area like this seeing that family was just that was crazy where else but where else are they gonna go it's in the middle of a war they literally can't go anywhere oh my god come here buddy you got to sit down come on come on easy oh my god oh jesus oh my god look how sweet they are with each other though they're just i mean like they calm each other down like winners it's safe to cross now you want to move the wound uh yes sir okay i'd probably ask too he just he got hit he got hit there she is and you're lucky it was a ricochet he just caught a piece except you can't see why it's lieutenant winners what happened the things they just kind of went black on me but you can't see i think sir i can't see the thing what will you just take it easy blythe i'm gonna get you out of here get you back to england i didn't want to let anyone down just take it easy okay son sure yeah what is it thank you sir uh i'm okay i'm okay i think i'm okay you can see i don't know what happened i i think i think i'm okay all right uh well stay here a little while longer and uh and make sure and you can report back to your platoon poor kid dude this is so wild he's already traumatized like spears comes across this group of crowd prisoners digging a hole under guard and all he breaks out a pack of smokes passes him out even gives him a light then all of a sudden he swings up his thompson and he hoses him what the [ __ ] there was more than eight guys more like 20. oh except one guy who we left alone well all i know from what i heard he took that last 105 on d-day practically by himself that i did see on his own yep i don't care if any of the other stuff's true i'm gonna have to take everybody's will for it i didn't see any of that so can the kids see or not i think he's okay now i mean blythe's getting a lot of focus in this episode yeah which is why is easy company the only company who's either at the front of an advance or like now exposed at the far edge of the line we're never in the middle see there you see that [ __ ] pay attention oh my god oh my god they're just stuck out there how are you doing blind i'm okay sir what happened to the aid station today dog really caught it hysterical blindness the game blithe oh we're just moving the ball forward one yard at a time not much of a limp i'll survive how is it hurts or as hell i'm not sure how i feel about that guy come on i'm sorry i didn't mean to he looked like a crowd oh my god oh my god this dude straight stabbed someone out of asleep dude some nervous privates in your company we do sure they just don't see how simple it is just do what you have to do like you did on day day sir sir when i landed on d-day i found myself in a ditch all by myself i fell asleep when i woke up i didn't really try to find my unit to fight i just kind of stayed put he's feeling guilty what's your name trooper blaster you know why you hid in that ditch blitz i was scared we're all scared you hid in that ditch because you think there's still hope the only hope you have is to accept the fact that you're already dead what the sooner you accept that the sooner you'll be able to function as a soldier supposed to function without mercy without compassion this guy's terrifying that's probably why he's such a good soldier just what kind of person is he though he's kind of terrifying it's 9 30 in the evening back home down oh my god this kid these actors are really good because i feel it i really i feel it is that a [ __ ] tank dude multiple tanks oh are you for [ __ ] real oh shut [ __ ] oh my god what the [ __ ] was that what happened to his hands oh my god holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] you're gonna get me killed lieutenant oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my god oh my god oh [ __ ] i like oh my god oh no sherman how the [ __ ] have you been oh my god check it out sherman this guy just standing up there man like going for it some of the camo just looks super similar to their own did he just run over his own dude i mean how can you see in that thing but also oh this is a lot this is the most like real feeling war content i've ever watched what is he walking over there to see if he got the kill please don't tell me this guy gets killed quite someone that he tried to kill what is he doing does he feel like a true soldier now wow plus 25 days 25. how long were they there live blade scout move out oh my god please kid please kid please kid i'm emotionally invested in life now covering fire god damn it oh my god no oh no please tell me this kid makes it got him it's a tough episode it is my honor to present you with the order of the purple heart i don't know how to take some of these scenes man i don't know like they've really [ __ ] with you one minute you're you know blythe is traumatized and then next they're like joy riding in a motorcycle with a side car a couple of announcements men first the training exercise scheduled for 2200 has been cancelled secondly all passes are hereby revoked heading back to france we will not be returning to england boys anyone who has not made out a will go to the supply office trucks apart from memory at 0-700 good morning miss lamp um sorry to bother you so early i expect you'll be wanting your laundry i heard the trucks rumbling by all night i guess the ants must be on the way off again yes ma'am looks like for good this time left-handed to me and one of yours isn't he i hope he hasn't forgotten his laundry everybody's been looking for him i'll take it but he somehow dropped off laundry couldn't be a dear help me with a few others could you sergeant evans were these all folks that have passed miller flies and they're all injured 65 dude this show is so brutal it's so good it's just it's a lot i mean the whole story was wrapped around life right and just the moment we met him he was just staring off in the sky just just i don't even know how to describe what he could could have possible like i want to say he was zoned out but it was way worse than just being zoned out like the guy was traumatized from the moment we met him and it felt like he had a little bit of a turnaround when he had the conversation and then he actually fired and winters was like you know cheering him on and i think he he he felt that deep in he was like okay i'm a good soldier yeah and then he got the kill and like pulled the like flower off the the soldier and just the the blindness that he dealt with just like hysterical blindness i could totally see that happening all right terrifying everything's terrifying you literally you could just be standing there and just that's it it's even hard to just kind of put what we just watched in like any of these episodes into words because it's this is real like this happened and it's there's nothing that i could ever say that could be even close to what these folks and and these soldiers experienced and just watching it like i said it during the episode this feels like the realest con combat like war content that i've ever watched well no i mean you said it before that it feels like a documentary the way it's filmed and the way it's shot and just the actors because it's it's got the real shaky cam which makes it feel like we're in the moment and just the visuals and like obviously there's a lot of recognizable faces in this show but they're not at a point in their age where they're super recognizable like it's not like seeing tong hanks running around like saving private ryan kind of stuff right where it's like you see him it's like oh i that's we're definitely watching a movie even though private saving private ryan is an amazing movie this just feels and and i think a lot of it has to do with the fact that we're getting those interviews at the beginning of every episode which really gives it that true human effect to where it's like hey yeah you guys are watching a show but this show is based off of real life events and these yeah these are the men who experienced it and survived it's just it's just again it's impossible to put into words watching these battles and these moments and just the development and like the way that each of these soldiers are handling themselves and like there are some who are laughing and joking and like carrying conversations and then you've got those that are just completely in like shock and awe of what they're experiencing and then you have others that are just calm and like confident and just like i forget what the dude's name was but he's like you got to accept that you're already dead then you'll become like the real soldier that you're supposed to be and it's how how do you come to that realization that obviously you're in a horrible situation war is hell and it's it's just crazy and it's really hard to watch again but it's also really good to be watching and relearning and experiencing and learning new stuff and like life is a real person who died in this war and just like building that connection with him early on immediately feeling sympathy for him the moment we met him and then watching him essentially like grow it almost felt like and then for him to be leading like a search to go check out that barn to get shot through the neck and then ultimately end up dying like that that was such a crazy ride and like a very emotional journey like that episode like the battle in itself and watching everyone just die and just the the war aspect of it is hard enough to watch but adding that human element and like within an hour be connected and feeling emotionally invested like tied to that character like not the charac he's not a character life is a real person and just like being tied to that person it feels like it's one of those things where the name blyth is never gonna like leave my brain now like i'm always gonna be thinking about that it's just hearing the names and connecting with some of these these soldiers it's just it's it's hitting really hard like it's it's very powerful and this show is so well done yeah i don't have a lot of words it's hard to explain just yeah i mean were the fact that they thought they were all done and they were all celebrating and joking and laughing and having a good time with each other and eating and they got the news they got to go back and that's that i i couldn't imagine being pulled out be like okay yeah it's like you know we got to pump the brakes on our side yeah nope it's just unimaginable and impossible to like actually put into words and explain what like it's impossible to unless you lived and experienced that like you can't say what that feels like i just couldn't imagine and just through three episodes of the show it's just so impactful it's amazingly well done it's visually amazing looking just some of those shots were just so beautiful and just being in the moment and then just like the the war and the fighting is just so intense it's just this is incredible the three episodes and i i totally understand why everyone has always kind of wanted us to watch this yeah and i'm glad that we're watching it so any other thoughts all right y'all leave your comments we'll see you next time bye so you
Channel: Nikki & Steven React
Views: 70,097
Rating: 4.9741354 out of 5
Keywords: nikki steven, nikki steven react, nikki and steven, nikki and steven react, band of brothers, band of brothers reaction, band of brothers episode 3, band of brothers episode 3 reaction, band of brothers Carentan, band of brothers Carentan reaction, band of brothers episode 3 Carentan reaction, band of brothers episode 3 Carentan, Carentan band of brothers, easy company, easy company band of brothers, world world 2, us army 101st airborne, World War II
Id: pc3koTNgouc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 43sec (2023 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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