Band of Brothers Episode 6 'Bastogne' REACTION!!

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what's up everybody welcome back to the channel band of brothers episode six and i promise we did not plan this at all the day you could the day this video is being published is the anniversary of d-day which is this it is just june 6 1944. it's just so insane and it it almost makes me grateful to be watching this show like we had memorial day now it's the anniversary we're going to be watching this on july 4th just getting the opportunity to learn specifically like obviously we know about d-day and the war and like the significance of all of that stuff but the idea that we're getting to actually learn about the individual men who sacrificed their time and many of them their lives many to i'm just grateful to be learning like it's it's one it's been a very impactful show it's just so well done and just the idea that we're watching this show on all these very significant dates it's just like it's wild to me and it just feels like it's just one of those things that is just so important and again i'm so thankful and i'm so grateful to be able to learn thankful yeah and grateful i mean yeah it's just one of those things where like getting the chance to learn and just experience this through this amazingly well done show is just it's like on a whole nother level and it's just it's just amazing but we're coming off an episode where it doesn't feel like we're really moving into a safe space which it feels like we're going into a really dangerous territory because winter has come it is cold it doesn't feel like our troops are ready for the cold they're not prepared for it they're low on ammo no clothing no food for winter no no extra ammo and it's like there's there's another group of soldiers walking in being like you guys don't want to go that way we just got absolutely destroyed here's our ammo good luck and it's like if this episode's picking up there i don't even like it it can't be a good thing that they're walking into with the way just the body language the demeanor what that one soldier said it just it feels like we're going into a really scary like this whole thing has been scary just trying to even experience and like the way it's filmed makes you feel so like immersed into the situation and the fact that we're potentially walking into something that soldiers are like nah you don't want to go that way that shit's scary yeah and you know it was a really heavy winners episode and he got promoted yeah i mean which like yay but also what about your company like he was very concerned about easy he wanted to make sure that they were in good hands like a good leader would want and i mean this dude has just been he's been obviously he got promoted like he probably been promoted many many times because he's a phenomenal leader he's an amazing soldier and he does everything that needs to be done in order for him and his his guys to succeed the best way they can possible yes under the circumstances so yeah here we go episode six it feels like we're about to engage in something very intense you ready for it yes let's go when we left for bastogne we were short of equipment we didn't have enough ammunition we didn't have enough warm clothes but we had confidence that our higher military authorities would get to us whatever we needed there was a bridge with the tree line we were dug in on that ridge chairman's knew right where we were and they really gave us a shellacking well i can buy stone we're down to one round for man there for a while what fog was in they couldn't drop we couldn't resupply us every time they tried to drop supplies into us they missed us and dropped them to the germans oh what took his arm off above the elbow never gonna taken him out he said get my wrist watch off my arm then a medic came along and i think he really saved my life because he stuck a cerret in my in a key position more uh morphine even today a real cold night we go to bed and my wife will tell you that first thing i'll say is i'm glad i'm not investing oh my god oh my god get my wristwatch off the rest of my arm oh my god oh is that frostbite oh my god his fingers freezing they're not prepared for that weather no i just i'm uh he's just wandering the woods by himself well that also looks terrifying because doesn't everything start to look exactly the same when it's all just covered in snow dude is he really shaving nice cold i don't think i really give a about shaving at this point probably makes you feel good how much are you here coming is he here snell smell doc bandage we've been taking ground in one position general losing it in another now it looks like a standoff we're digging in on the edge of the forest we're taking a lot of hits and we have no aid station run out of food we have no winter clothes and we have little or no ammo line spread so thin the enemy wanders into our cp to use our slit trenches sir we just can't cover the line i don't have enough people sir you're spread too damn thin hold the line colonel close the gaps this goddamn fog won't lift anytime soon so you can forget about air cover there's a lot of heading this way so just figure it out where the do you sleep like are you like literally in a pit isn't it cold as hell there too the ground is frozen try to bundle up i scrounged your bandage from your aid kit sir how are you fixed no plasma couple of bandages practically no morphine in fact to try to find my way up to third battalion looking for supplies but lost my weight if you can't get over to third hook up with doc ryan i'll fix you up with what he has to spare thanks kid eugene get everything you can we're gonna need it this sounds horrifying we're getting a medic episode here i need more thing this is all i got you got extra scissors uh-uh just the one hey hey yeah doc i got to talk to you how's that leg and the hell with the leg i'm pissing needles later oh god have a job doc i need scissors you got scissors shops scissors i'll have to check the psalm room like the upstairs in the study that skinny old drawer in the middle of the desk how'd your morphine guy what a horrifying job there's like exploding you gotta just run towards the person screaming medic you gotta surrender [Music] [Music] i don't need to go back to no aid stations got your eight kid rubble you don't need this not yet i do do the quiet moments are the scariest especially when out of nowhere starts exploding he fell in that dude's hole you've done a dyke can you spare something from your eight kids sir i'm real short i need some rats morphine yes sir what happens if i get hit i'll be there sweatshirt here right yes it is i don't plan on getting ahead i don't think anybody does babe i don't i don't just don't think that anybody does wrong hey hefron are you okay gene what is what to have fun huh know my name once you use it that's edward right ed what are you serious way to goddamn nuns call me edward hey listen i need to know whether you kept your morphine from holland no you asked me already remember no don't recall that's not good that's not good if you can't remember who you asked dude can you imagine how cold it is in the middle of the goddamn night you guys okay we got hot food can you smell it you missing something home you watch the goddamn line the clone where are your boots i can move better and bare feet uh i took them off driving my goddamn socks i think i'm blown to hell okay damn dude all right just like everybody else okay that's my stuff oh come on you got a drugstore in here but no i ain't with my stuff scissors thank you pecan my goddamn season i feel like something bad's gonna happen to this guy get up suretz ali leapguard you got any no guy using holland doc he ain't using this stuff are you doc personal like this dude's just going round around everyone trying to get supplies you're getting a jeep this is my leg easy easy oh can save it okay i don't i don't know i i i he took him all the hit watch the leg yeah watch the leg get him in oh my god is it bad no blow leg will no more nurse you got plasma wait please [Music] hey what's going on here why aren't these men evacuate can't evacuate we're cut off this is as far as it goes this is they're all stuck there uh we you got plasma no what's what's this from the bed what sheets yes they're cutting up bed sheets because they have no bananas my name is renee i'm gene eugene rose where are you from louisiana this is really hard to watch this is really really hard to watch eugene it's a combat patrol once you uh stay back and keep your ass out of trouble huh yes sir yeah this is terrifying go no kid get him down he's literally a [Music] baby oh my god oh my god what's happening sir come back we're making contact we gotta leave from there huh [Music] okay eccp lightning over oh oh my god come on martin fall back get him out of here i mean even if they did he would have to go back to that church where they were being helped and they can't go anywhere from there they're stuck there and they can't i promised him if he got hit i'd get his stuff and bring it to his mom you know i'll crouch so strip him it's okay it's not not okay should've got some would have gotten yourself and a bunch of other people killed trying to get to him that's the really sad and unfortunate part of this like there was literally nothing they could do to help him at that point i'm still trying to figure out why to pick me for a medic snap of a finger just like that you're a medic i've had enough plan doctor [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh they literally they're being chased sergeant i don't understand it was their own planes holy dude wow someone give us a hand here okay oh my god your hands you're a good nurse no i never want to treat another wounded man again i'd rather work in a butcher's shop but your touch calms people that's a gift from god god would never give such a painful thing it's like every like there's no moment it's so rough what a shot what the hey doc it's gonna get busy pal don't let him draw you out stay ready boys let's go come on let's go go oh my god look at my legs dude take it easy oh my god what are they possibly going to do against tanks it doesn't feel like they have anything to ah oh my god get the hell out of here look how what's wrong with him paralyzed can't feel the thing the father of the holy spirit general mcauliffe wishes us all a merry christmas what's merry about all this you ask just this we've stopped cold everything that's been thrown at us now two days ago the german commander demanded our honorable surrender save the usa encircled troops from total annihilation german commander received the following reply to the german commander nuts giving our country and our loved ones at home a worthy christmas present being privileged to take part in this gallant feed of arms we're truly making for ourselves merry christmas our christmas to you all and god bless you sounds like something bull would say like they're literally living in hell right now fire's not a good idea just a couple of minutes i swear i thought i could smell a fire you're out of your mind goddammit stay still harry oh my god is he tying off an artery with a stick oh i got muffin in my pocket give it to him [Music] okay eugene get yourself into town get a hot meal [Music] oh my god that's the town [Music] are you kidding me oh no they attacked their hospital how many people were down there you saw that place was packed oh no get your ass out here everything okay babe how'd you do that you'll do that i'll fix it up you gotta use everything call me babe wait just now babe i guess i did [Music] baby battle of the bulge [Music] those were some incredibly strong men they they never agreed that they needed needed to be rescued they didn't need to be rescued that was incredibly emotional that was an insane episode just i've been talking about the medics for like i don't know three episodes and we got to spend an entire hour following one around experiencing what he experiences and just it's got to be you don't even carry a weapon and all you got to do is follow the medic screams and hope you don't get shot as you're running across a battlefield to help your fellow soldiers that's got to be the scariest ever well the other uh dude was just like you're a medic yeah that that that job god blessed them because i mean there were there were so many moments where i was waiting for him to get shot is there like like he was being like looked over that is like in every war movie it's always just like like you just hear people scream like every time someone gets shot like medic medic medic medic like how am i supposed to help everyone is like what i would be thinking i would feel so helpless i think that's what he feels is helpless there's so much he can't it's like this guy needs boots yeah this guy's you know especially with his trench foot and it's like you know this guy he i still need scissors i have no bandages he had no one morphine left all he was trying to do like that whole half of that episode was try to get supply so he could help people and then it's like you go to that what was that a church yeah where they were set up their hospital like and then he goes back there ex like winners is like go back to town go get a hot meal and he shows up and it's freaking being attacked and everyone in the church is dead like that like just watching the way like the thing that's amazing about this show is that they could give us a full character arc in one episode it's like every episode that they've put focus on like one singular person we've gotten an entire character arc in one episode where we it's like immediate we we like drawn attached to these these characters who are they're they're real people but like on the show they're actors but it's like the way the story is told you're immediately drawn and just like invested in this person's life and just the whole time you only want the best for them you're hoping that they're going to be fine it's it's so well done because it's literally an immediate attraction essentially to where we're hooked we're invested and now it's like oh my god what is gonna happen to this guy what is gonna happen to him like i i was not expecting him to make it out of the uppers like i that's that was my worst fear about it was like oh my god he's gonna do all of this and then not make it hey that's just that role is just it's it's just absolutely like i don't even know what the right words are to even explain what i'm thinking and what i'm feeling and like because i obviously can never put myself in that situation no no way in hell i'm not even gonna try but the way this show portrays it they do an amazing job because it literally makes you feel like you are there yes your feels like you're running alongside this dude while he's trying to help and save his fellow soldiers yeah you want to duck with him like get down stop talking like you know they're gonna they're gonna hear us that was that was such a powerful episode and just getting just like getting up close and personal with some of these wounds that these soldiers are dealing with like that like i don't know how and i understand like we basically saw his deterioration like his mental deterioration through the episode where he seemed really focused he seemed like i don't know what the right word is but he seemed very focused on on what he needed to do he had he was running around trying to get supplies and he just slowly start started seeing him just kind of slow down and just seeing the toll that it's all taking out yeah and it's just like what what these soldiers are seeing on a minute by minute basis is just the most horrifying thing and it's why we need to take care of all of our soldiers and it's just it's just wild that i've been talking about like the medic for so many episodes and then we got a center focused medic episode and it's just what these guys go through is just so insane that was one of the more hard to watch emotional episodes that we've seen yet well during the episode i mean i couldn't finish my sentence but it was i can't watch this i can't watch this i feel like it's important to watch i need to watch it but i it's one of those like i can't sit here and continue to watch this go down all these people like these bodies these soldiers living in literal hell yeah they don't have proper winter clothes on they're sitting there sitting in foxholes freezing like trying to like even like as risky and dangerous as it is starting a fire because they don't have any warmth and then it ended up like obviously being a problem but like these guys are literally living through hell and trying taking boots off of a dead soldier to give to another soldier it's just it's so insane it is very very hard to watch but like you said it's important to watch it it's important to learn it's important to never forget it and i am very grateful that we finally after all this time decided to watch this show and it's just falling on the anniversary of d-day memorial day july 4th like all these really important dates in our history while we're watching band of brothers it's just it's just wow do you have any other thoughts no i sure don't all right y'all leave your comments down below we'll see you guys next time [Music] bye [Music] do
Channel: Nikki & Steven React
Views: 67,111
Rating: 4.9598174 out of 5
Keywords: nikki steven, nikki steven react, nikki and steven, nikki and steven react, band of brothers, band of brothers reaction, band of brothers episode 6, band of brothers episode 6 reaction, band of brothers Bastogne, band of brothers Bastogne reaction, band of brothers episode 6 Bastogne reaction, band of brothers episode 6 Bastogne, Bastogne band of brothers, easy company, easy company band of brothers, world world 2, us army 101st airborne, World War II
Id: W6ZU-98wUg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 49sec (1849 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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