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hi friends welcome back to my youtube channel my name is liv i'm also a variety streamer over on twitch if you guys would like to come hang out and join us for the live streams i will leave a link to my channel in the description below i just want to say a huge thank you to anyone who has come over and joined us on patreon i really appreciate you supporting the channel if you are interested in full length reaction there will also be a link in the description below but today guys i am kind of sad to say that we're back with episode 10 of band of brothers um i have enjoyed watching and sharing my reaction to this whole series with you guys on the channel and i am sad that this is the last episode today it's been so wonderful i've enjoyed it so much more than i ever thought that i would and i'm excited to see how they round off the show what happens with the characters and of course i'm really excited for the reals of who the veterans are who we've been watching this whole time and obviously who survives the war and makes it back home um but i'm really gonna miss watching this show and i'm gonna miss these characters it's been such a good story but guys thank you so much for joining me on this journey um thank you for liking and subscribing and supporting the channel and with all that being said guys let's get into it oh this is the last time i'm gonna hear the titles no well unless i watch it again obviously oh i hope we have a wholesome happy conclusion to this oh it's photos of those two he traded the the photos for lugers that shows where his priorities are then i love that breakfast yeah discuss the possibility of uh staying oh he wants to stay he doesn't want to go home he's so good at it though he should think about it but does that mean he won't get to go home and see his family or wife or will he have to live away from home oh they want to stay together after the war he's asking him to go be with him yeah it's so nice to hear them talk about life after the war or what they want or i hope it to be i hope these guys stay together because they've got such unique bond all these men that have gone through this oh this is gorgeous i wonder where they actually shot this maybe it is really not sure they shot this what a change of scenery to what we've been used to seeing calm and peaceful now you fire up second battalion and not flank that french son of a [ __ ] yes sir so it's just a race to get into to be the first into hitler's house then isn't it between the french and these guys so is this hitler's house where he resided oh it was is where did he i wonder where he um committed suicide did he give it suicide in his house where was he this looks a bit more like a hotel oh look he's running he's stealing when he's running a hotel for nazis maybe i'm taking hitler's silver oh my gosh these guys have a thing for silver don't they we saw spears taking silver in the other episode he must have gone for good money take the eagles nest what's the eagle's nest is the eagle's nest hitler's house so this is a hotel for nazis and i guess the eagles nest is his house oh okay accessible by a gold-plated elevator what was one of the crown jewels of his empire oh i never knew about this so the eagle's nest is not his house i wonder if this still exists today then what they did with it after the war i can't imagine what the soldiers would have felt entering a place like this knowing what sort of people would hang out there and who built this what must have been disgusting they're just hanging out with champs look how many bottles they've drank oh german are we surrendered that means the war is over if they've surrendered that means it's over right this is another one of hitler's hideouts then wow it's all yours it's all yours take what you want and have each company take a truckload oh this is so well deserved take away can you imagine after what you've been through going into you know where you know hitler's been just taking whatever you want this is gorgeous scenery i really want to know whether they actually went to austria to film it's such a change the music the scenery they're all smiling it's happy a really good change though it's so nice to see they see easy come out of this and what the end of the war was like for them i feel like i'm just gonna smile this whole episode it's just so relieving to see the end of it you may keep your side arm colonel he's allowing him to keep it is that sort of a sign of respect from winter's there because i mean both sides are probably just as relieved as the other that it's over even though the germans surrendered they must just be relieved it's over i want those veterans who are staying all new replacements ready to fight that means rifle ranges that means daily close order drills that means trooper views but above all it means physical training get your ncos on they're still training so he just mentioned the point system this episode is called points you have to get points to go home we've never heard about points before a point system so if you have enough you can leave deer is going to shoot back i thought the wall was over why would they why would some of them have to stay and train and fight still you serious how many points you need fifteen fifteen jesus fifteen but i had a bed what's the points thing so if you have a purple heart and you're injured you can go wonder why we've never heard of the point system before now effective immediately oh a lottery to send someone home a media company the winner is oh he's going home for easy there was only one wait there was only one name in it that's how it's done he's going i swear there's only one name one name in history grant we'll see to it you're a hell of a fine soldier's 50 there's nothing more to explain we've all seen so much thank you it must be daunting for them thinking about home and you know if their family whoever they're going home to has absolutely no idea what they've been through what they've seen what they've experienced oh look flashbacks this is the first episode wasn't it first or second i think oh they've come a long way since then haven't they hell of a long way it feels like ages ago oh yeah this is the first i remember this i remember this the first man he lost i fired my last shots there well the whole damn war yes sir that was the last shot he shot in the wall you got through that stone that i need to fire you up did he i didn't know that i had no idea he got through that without shooting his gun winters has done more than enough he deserves to go home i'm shocked he wants to go to the specific but he wants that transfer clearly badly frank i think you may have earned the right to keep you around well he doesn't want to transfer him he should stay with easy though that's where he belongs does major winters know about this is it in order doesn't matter here i feel like winters wouldn't what if this guy's just a soldier what if he's an officer with no ties to the ss he just wants to walk in there and kill him oh don't kill him joe but he's leaving he's just like i'm not up for this it's not how he wants to end the war they're gonna shoot him he's guilty oh he is guilty no oh he did shoot him i felt like he did this officer and accord these guys would they give them orders to do this i don't know how you got it wouldn't you like to know go ahead take off it's my turn okay see you back at the farm 81. he's got 81 points he's 85.81 what do you get points for i need to understand the point system after this episode [Applause] they did say that was gonna be their only casualty in austria be ashamed to come all this way and then you know have something happen to you like that when you've survived the war for however many years to go like that but somehow men were still dying what happened here did he hit somebody is he wait what what's going on with this guy he's drunk he has a gun he just shot them all god so they're all met suffering mentally but how many people did this guy kill i think he was a major don't you give me a weapon this guy is not okay all right on a second now right what the hell is going on he just shot him people just losing their lives like this it's just it's just dreadful to come all this way and to lose your life like that those pointless meaningless way how frustrating oh we're gonna go find a brain surgeon they're gonna try and save him you need to take a squad and one of these witnesses on a house to house search we shoot this bastard on site they're trying to find the guy that shot him and we're gonna go try and find this guy then well you can understand that these guys have been through so much some of them mentally would be absolutely losing it you know with free time alcohol and weapons stuff is bound to happen but it's just really frustrating that they let it happen all these guys with guns where is it how's graham where is it spears is absolutely fuming look how many men are in there on him whoa that guy has been messed up he's not living is he oh when you talk to an officer you say sir god spears is not in the mood that was he he was a replacement though and he shot a guy who'd been through the whole entire world grant's dead so you've decided to stay in the army oh space is staying as well stay with them oh is he gonna stay with easy then well i'm glad to hear it to make sure that i kill them to kill each other so some of us would stay by choice oh spiders are stuck here unless we can find excuses to send them away so do they not want them here because they're just sort of wait biting and wasting time here so weird they couldn't send them home until they had enough points if they're not doing much here why not send them home yeah yeah when we're not sunning ourselves by the lake so they're all getting sent off to do different jobs then they're not needed right now with easy i wonder how long actual time they're in austria for how long after the war and after the german surrounded how long were they stuck here because they didn't seem to be doing much with them oh my gosh soybean look he's back we haven't seen him captain silva he's not even looking at him captain silva is he still salty seriously you salute the rank not the man oof he got told sobel get over it it exists only in combat among brothers i've shared foxholes musician momentum held each other in dire moments i'm proud to have served with each and every one of you no deserve long and happy lives and peace they all deserve that long happy lives and peace how happening oh it's back at trading isn't it in the first episode yeah i love these two so much such a good brotherhood they have hey shoot me again oh look he's back i'm a prosecutor in los angeles he went out on the ocean alone and was never seen again oh no he was lost at sea was he well that's very sad as a testament to his character sixteen hundred people attended his funeral oh my god sixteen hundred people attend his funeral died in louisiana this is so nice to hear return to san francisco oh no winter's dead alton moore returned to wyoming with a unique souvenir hitler's personal photo albums oh he's got the photo outfit for accident oh 58. oh look here they come those two ronald spears stayed in the army served in korea in 1958 returned to germany as governor of spandau prison oh wow spears retired a lieutenant colonel what a man in spears is what man oh look at them so smart in their uniforms he's a company school circle oh that was such a nice moment with them all it was really nice oh can they go home are they going home oh they're going home oh what a moment for the moment we're connected by our shared experience one moment and each would have to rejoin the world as best he could which i can't imagine was easy for anybody at least they made it at least these guys made it oh this is a really happy moment happy sad moment that was a really nice way to do it and i do not think of the men i served with you never got to enjoy the world without war [Music] winters very unusual there he is feeling very very unusual happening and it's a very unusual bonding we knew that we could depend on each other [Music] they were very very special i'm just one part of the big war that's oh my god it's phil i'd rather be a part of it bill sometimes it makes me cry you can tell it's him we lucky for you we banned our brothers oh we found your brothers who today sheds his blood with me shall be my brother grandpa were you a hero in the [ __ ] yes he was yes he was grandpa said no they were here he was the biggest hero though they all were they all were oh my god that was a really emotional ending that was like really happy happy tears happy tears oh my gosh okay guys so we're done with episode 10 and that was just so wonderful the ending of like the last like 5-10 minutes was just oh my that hit me that was just so nicely done to see and hear their stories of like what happened after the war and to see the veterans oh it was amazing that some of them were still alive and with us and we got to hear from them was just so cool and then wintered at the end there when he said it just broke me were you a hero in the war and he said no even though we know he was by yourself with a company of them oh it was just one perfect way to end it what perfect way to end band of brothers that was just oh such a good way to round it off you know i mean it was cool to see the end of the war i didn't expect the end of the war to be like that for them in austria sort of just biding time waiting to have the points to go home that was interesting i really didn't think that would be how the war would end for them um something confusing i need to i want to understand the point system um because i don't know that that was super well explained but such a nice nice episode and i'm glad it ended really happy and we found out where and what the guys did and to see the veterans at the end there and who they were the whole time was just so cool really emotional but happy happy emotional happy tears i'm just sad it's over i've really enjoyed getting to know these men and their stories and oh it was just a wonderful way to just round it off um but guys thank you so much for joining me on this journey i've enjoyed sharing my reaction and sharing this with you guys so so much if you do want to come hang out on twitch or patreon there will be links in the description below but i will see you guys again very soon bye
Channel: LiivReacts
Views: 32,321
Rating: 4.9164867 out of 5
Id: z2LuLLXycQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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