Band of Brothers Episode 8 'The Last Patrol' REACTION!!

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what's up everybody welcome back to the channel band of brothers episode 8 the last patrol and we're coming off breaking point which that was a really really difficult episode to get through it had so many different levels of emotion to it where like watching just just watching these soldiers lose their buddies their brothers and just everything that they like go through it's just it makes me emotional just thinking about it every single time i love this show so much i it's very important i feel to watch so powerful um that's a lot and thank you guys for understanding what i was trying to say in the last episode i appreciate that very much yeah buck like just watching buck go through what he went like this dude he's like shoot this guy a bunch but the moment he sees his friends in that state that we saw them in he crumpled like he couldn't like that was his break like he he broke that was his moment and he just couldn't do it anymore and i probably would have broken way before he ever did in these situations and yeah it's just they have a lot of mental fortitude in order to just continue to stay and it's [ __ ] freezing yeah shitty conditions no food no clothes no blankets no shelter no ammo to defend yourself and you're just being zeroed in all day just getting blasted just constant barrage of [ __ ] that episode was just get up every single day you do your job yeah it's just it's just insane and just like as hard as it was to watch it it also had like emotional moments on like the good side yeah watching spears when they needed someone to step up when winners just yelled his name like spit because winners tried to go but he wasn't allowed he got pulled out was just call for speech spears just ran out they figured it out and then just like that moment alone was just like goose bump inducing but then he like ran across enemy lines and then came back and it was like dude you are absolutely a maniac and this dude is like just insane he's just crazy badass and then the conversation that he had with lipton at the end of the episode talking about like oh yeah you know the stories this and that i want them to he basically was like yeah i want them to believe that because then they'll know how badass i am like there's a level of respect there and that was one of the things that had been talked about in the episode dyke just being in charge just it just it wasn't getting it done and no one looked up to him everyone was always wondering where this dude was going on his walks and this and that and then when it became real war situations that's when spears came in and lip and and spears were having that conversation and ever since winners got promoted they were questioning like who was in charge and spears is like you've been in charge you're the guy you're the one that they're talking about so between the moment of spears doing what he did and then the conversation with lipton that was like really emotional in like the good kind of way right like you're there for them give them pep top set pep talks every single day you back them up you know their names you know their nicknames you know everything about each one of your dudes he's so good he's a great leader and you know easy's he's the leader of easy's ever since you know winners got promoted and it's just that that episode was literally all over the map in terms of emotions just because of just seeing the the pain but then seeing some of the triumph at the end and the good feelings and just you know that is like the bravery and the leadership and just some of the stuff that we're seeing here and it's just it's really powerful stuff like across the board and i'm again i'm just going to keep saying it because i'm really grateful to be watching this show i'm really grateful that people kept talking about it i'm grateful that people kept suggesting it and it's something that always kind of was just at the bottom of the list it was always just kind of lurking around and i'm like now's the time to watch bander brothers let's watch it and here we are we're coming up to like the end of the series and yeah we've only got this episode and two more to go so it's been a it's been an incredible experience and even just at its core of a show it is so well produced just the acting is unlike there are so many recognizable faces in this show it's amazing and i don't feel that at all i don't feel like oh there's magneto oh there's abraham from the walking dead like there are so many faces that we have seen and usually that kind of stuff like pulls you out of a moment but like they're acting and just the way everything is being delivered in this show the cinematography the effects just the way the camera is moving it's like all the shaky cam just really makes it feel like that we're there it's just such a spectacular show from top to bottom and again it's a really important learning experience what makes it even better of a show and important to be watching so super grateful yeah ready to check out this episode yep let's go we had lost some very good men toy and garnier had lost their legs there gordon was badly hit a number of other people were killed it was uh a difficult situation i don't know the exact amount of men that got killed in that six seven of them were real close friends of mine skip muck died and eugene rowe came to me ten minutes after he was killed and he wanted me to see if i wanted to go look at him and i said no i wouldn't be able to stand that so i i didn't go look at him you have a feeling you're going to live through the war you have a feeling it's starting to ease off you can't account for it's just a gut feeling but everybody had that feeling i believe i might be able to live through it so walk carefully take care of yourself i love hearing them talk i'm so sad like six or seven of them were called my close friends that's like i still think that the first one in that set of interviews is winners no winners with the glasses i think at the end 101st airborne had been made famous by what it did in the battle of the bulge newspapers call them the battered bastards of bastogne they've been through hell on earth and are now pulling into the comparative paradise of hagen out i had missed bastogne all i knew was what i had read and heard around the replacement depot that we have broken the back of the enemy and the war would soon be over when i was finally able to rejoin easy company they looked nothing like the heroes who had just helped win the war george luc come on i haven't been gone that long hey guys sergeant martin my name is david webster i just got back from the hospital it's the rest of the guys this is everybody this can't be everybody oh my god please don't say anything else where's he oh my god stop talking the second platoon lost more guys than we did they're really short-handed yeah right reports a second webster they'll find a place for you oh no webster god damn dude thought he was just trying to be light and kind of no why you're not even thinking at this point some lieutenant told me to report to second your name's jackson right that's right who's leading the platoon sergeant what no officers making malarkey lieutenant down the fast track now that's great yeah yeah jackson help me out with you it's like i don't think they want to see your clean shiny smiley face right now with everything that they just went through you come to the hospital yeah it's like that hospital we left island four months ago well i wasn't there the whole time there was rehabilitation then the replacement thing i'm sure you're trying to bust out and help with some bad stonework i don't know how i would have done that it's funny because popeye found a way so did ali right back in holland and garnier yeah where is garnier just stop asking where everyone is do you does he not think that this is a serious i don't like i couldn't possibly be in his mindset because i would not ask those questions just to look on those guys faces you could [ __ ] tell oh [ __ ] i'm out of there webster nervous in the service oh no come on why don't you go talk to captain spears nothing spears what happened to captain winters he's running the whole battalion now so easy company had a new co to go along with all the other new faces the guys i knew where they're gone are very different from what i remember yeah i was a veteran of d-day and market garden and had been with the company since its formation but now because i had missed bastogne i was treated as a replacement and felt like i was starting all over i mean that's that's tough sergeant lipton yeah hey look what i found feeling all right he's getting pneumonia sorry to hear that ah what are you sorry about he's alive he's got a couch goddamn blanket snug is a bug uh sergeant malarkey said to check with the co if i should be in second platoon we'll get you situated it's like he was with them missed a [ __ ] ton of time and some intense crazy battles a lot of people died were injured and he comes back thinking like he's just like hey guys what's up like no lieutenant jones looking for captain spears he's on his way sir why don't you uh stay out what platoon are you in colin hanks oh we're about to find that out tom hanks has been saving prayer ryan is fierce regiment wants patrol for prisoners since the river is the main line of resistance we're gonna have to cross it to get to them there's a three-story building on the enemy side we know it's occupied you can have 15 men think very hard about who you want to lead the patrol when tonight zero 100. yes sir want this one to be as foolproof and as safe as possible yeah don't take any chances on this one we're too far along for that real lieutenant jones sir ryder west pointer yes sir when'd you graduate june 6 sir june 6 of last year d-day yes sir all right don't get hurt fresh out of the academy huh sir i'm private webster from first platoon i just got back from the hospital and lieutenant foley told me to go to second but sergeant malarkey said fine second take uh lieutenant jones lieutenant of two [Applause] is that it i don't know i think so no no this feels like just total chaos with these two yeah i don't know if i'm comfortable with these two this is lieutenant jones just assigned the second platoon patrol's being planned for tonight zero 100 hours what do you know about this patrol thing uh nothing come on webster spell it captain spears is to pick 15 men just give us the names web oh your secret's safe web i don't trust you ephron [ __ ] mcclung and you that's some bad news there is a patrol set for tonight so far spears wants mcclellan no yeah we've just [ __ ] heard webster here told us in war soldiers sometimes die in the fever pitch of a firefighter by artillery when they're huddled in a foxhole bill keane a toccoa man was killed because he was carrying a sack of potatoes from one building into another in the wrong place at the wrong time he was dead before doc rowe even heard the call for a medic did you know him well no not really i feel like the choice of words and the moments that he's saying them are like the worst possible moments to be talking like just you're so better off just keeping quiet webb's off to a rough start yeah and i don't feel like west point kid is gonna get any respect from these soldiers i can't believe they're gonna make malachi leader chris you only lost his five best friends what the [ __ ] he gotta look for has it been a long time since your last shower professor yikes dude i guess i don't really need a shower i don't either sergeant malaki is really in no condition to be on this patrol and maybe if you offered you could go in this place no they want someone with experience the guys they picked up plenty of that that doesn't seem like a good idea lieutenant jones wanted to experience combat before the war was over don malarkey had been on the front lines every time easy company had seen action since d-day if it was possible for them to switch places for the patrol it would be a small moment of justice captain winners about the patrol i feel that i should go on the patrol sir deny permission to speak sir i don't know if this is a good idea kid it looks like sergeant malarkey could use a break sir i've discussed it with him and he said that he did not mind if i took his place on the patrol that was nice of him captain winners yes i'd really like to be on that patrol sir absolutely thank you captain he's got a point about sergeant malarkey yeah i'll play fine you can go secured four rubber boats get you across the river lieutenant jones here is the ranking officer and he'll be along as an observer sergeant martin here will lead the patrol in sergeant malarkey's place you have to move fast carefully put a perimeter around the house once that's in place get your rifle grenades in the first floor window because you're assault teaming quick okay that's good understood remember it's about prisoners don't pop the first thing that moves this i'm gonna go kidnap people this doesn't feel good it doesn't this feels really i've just uncomfortable with this whole setup right now yeah you've got a whole group of people who don't want to be there and you've got you've added two people to the mix that they don't want there right you set for tonight i'm ready those crowds are gonna catch some hell sorry here i'm not personally going in supposed to stay in the rear and give them cover best place to be i mean you could tell he's getting more comfortable he didn't dive onto the ground this time yeah but i swear to god he looks like he's 16 years old i mean he graduated college but yes he's young but he's extremely inexperienced compared to everyone else that he's with because all these guys with the exception of webb have spent the entire time in the most gruesome hell on earth battles 15 men crossing a river to capture prisoners from a german observation post getting back safely could be successfully accomplished in as little as 10 minutes the same mission could be met with disaster and result in nothing more than 15 americans killed or wounded in action [Music] i'm just like with this type of thing i'm just anticipating the worst i don't just [ __ ] rubber boats and it's [ __ ] cold keep it steady keep it steady oh my god oh no so they are now down how many is that i mean there was four about three four it's already way more noise secure the right perimeter in the crossroads uh um oh no take care of him oh my god he told him the [ __ ] weight he's weights i'm like so fidgety like this let's go oh my god dude jesus christ come on holy [ __ ] dude this is [ __ ] chaos oh my god is jones up in the water or in the boat oh my god this is so insane shut up i'm gonna get a medic how does he like i i know west point they're very highly educated how do they know like this is literally his first day what is how does he know what to do in this moment that is not the mission was it eugene yeah it's always eugene look at the flame jackson look at the frame okay he just has like such a calming voice he does he's super good at this all right let's get him out of here oh my god eugene jackson was 20 years old he lied about his age when he joined the army at 16. his family i'm sure got a telegram from the war department saying he died a hero on an important mission that would help win the war in fact eugene lost his life on a stretcher in a dank basement in hagenau crying out in agony while his friends looked on helplessly he was just one more casualty in a war that was supposed to be all but over i mean i definitely understand the feeling of wanting to just end those two i get just because of everything you guys have been through and those that you've lost and it was his own grenade he died of his wounds sir any others no sir well executed it's not your fault i heard you got two prisoners good work jackson's dead yeah well they want another patrol tonight what doing another one that was like that was quick but that was super intense you'll leave someone on the bank yeah it's a third prisoner that was too far gone to bring back maybe we should put him out of his misery i can't listen to it anymore my god what you looking at webster that's what i thought college boy are you drunk trooper yes sir i am drunk sir sick and tired of [ __ ] patrols taking orders come shut up take him aside johnny we need lipton yeah i am that's rough i feel like lipton always makes it positive so he knows we lost a man yeah he knows he also knows you picked up two prisoners who talked about what ob uh supply trouble hitler's favorite color i don't know none of it gets us across the river i don't know dick i don't know what to tell you he gave him a successful patrol now he wants to successful same rosters last night well mostly y'all did a damn fine job on a tough mission last night i wish you good luck tonight cause i'd be expecting more of the same but damn sure you remind them how proud i am of what they did yes sir i don't think they'd care that much about that right now it's a lot there's a lot they all like they feel like they're done and the fact that they just keep getting sent out for more is just demoralizing especially you got to send out the same crew yeah after they just locked another one men did an excellent job last night proud i just saw colonel sink he's proud too in fact he's so proud he wants you to do another patrol across the river tonight any moment now the outpost we hit last night will go up in flames martin yes sir means we'd have to venture father into town this time farther into town they barely even crossed the river before engaging here we recovered all the boats so we'll be setting off from the same place we did last night we're not changing the plan anytime it'll be zero 200 hours instead of zero one hundred god that sounds [ __ ] horrifying i want you all to get a full night's sleep tonight means in the morning you will report to me that you made it across the river oh what into german lines were unable to secure any alive prisoners jones don't [ __ ] it up understand sir wow dude he's awesome i don't think west point is gonna approve of this he's like i'm giddy for war i wanna go do it i don't know if he is now i think he is he looked disappointed in that decision he wants to get experience before this war is over i don't know if he got enough of it from that one patrol first sergeant lipton sir her honorable discharge is an enlisted man and battlefield commission there's a second lieutenant [Music] oh he gets to go home max harry regiment has seemed fit to promote your first lieutenant congratulations good luck second patrol never happened word was captain nixon wrote up a bogus report and regiment never got wise as we pulled out of hagen now many of us in easy company felt that a corner had been turned and we all might make it home alive colonel sinks have been unhappy with the appearance of your uniform he says it's not befitting to your rank all clears congratulations major wow wow major winners i [ __ ] love that he's really good at this job he's just like a really good person here he's been allowed back [Music] i wondered if people back home would ever know what it cost the soldiers to win this war in america things were already beginning to look like peace time how could anyone ever know of the price paid by soldiers in terror agony and bloodshed if they'd never been to places like normandy bastogne or hagen out wow wow that's a lot of places [Music] soon they'll be entering germany so scary you know how all those people know about the sacrifices and the everything the soldiers went through content like this it's just it's so like that episode started off feeling really uncomfortable webb coming back after all this time they gave him a sh like i feel like that's the normal thing it's like you've been gone for so long you're coming back you gotta kind of earn that respect back especially after like the [ __ ] that these guys have been through and the stuff that he missed it's like yeah you were there for normandy but normandy was a long time ago and we've been through literal hell since and a lot of people have died and they've lost their brothers and they've gone like guys had to leave and it's been crazy so it was basically like them initiating him back in it felt like well but they were kind of pissed off at him that you know some of the other guys that were in the hospital they broke out of the hospital to rejoin their brothers like what the [ __ ] is your excuse i forget what his name was but even from like the med bay with like the sling on his arm he's just ripping it off going to war and then getting his leg blown off it's that he doesn't he clearly didn't have that kind of attitude he was probably comfortable didn't want to leave and you know other guys want to get back to the line with their boys and fight and so i i mean i think they were razzing him just because of what he did and how long he was gone and the fact that he missed so much and yeah i mean they they had the successful patrol and it felt like they kind of welcomed him back there at the end you know um it i it's hard for me to watch um who they you know they portray he's like a kid he's like a kid he's you know jackson is i don't want to die i don't want to die i don't want to die that stuff like when you hear like regardless of what the movie or show or content the moment you start hearing a young soldier start crying out like i don't want to die like that is some of the hardest [ __ ] in just absolute terror yeah and you know they're in pain and there's literally nothing anyone can do yeah it felt like eugene was doing a good job and got him to calm down it's amazing i think he just got too panicked and well no he he he died of his own injuries he there was nothing he could do anyways yeah i mean they're trying to get him out of there but he like he it was too much he died yeah just it was too much not even just bringing webb back but then inserting what's his name jones from from west point and it's again one of those things where i don't really know much about it all i know is that like west point insanely hard to get into and they're highly educated and they are really really smart when they get out of west point when you graduate i just don't understand necessarily how prepared they are to just like send him to the front lines like that to lead combat with a crew of soldiers who have been doing it for so long i just i it's it's one of those tough situations where as a soldier do you just kind of just like accept it look the other way whatever he's calling the orders i'm just gonna go do what i do or do they look at him as like not part of the team because he literally didn't experience anything that they went through and it's just one of those really tough things that i feel like between webb and him getting inserted into the group and then doing that patrol it just felt like it i honestly went into like this up but like that that patrol thinking like everyone was just gonna get wiped out like it just felt like it was just in an uncomfortable there was a lot of just wild card like things at play with this with this patrol like no one wanted to go it seemed like really dangerous despite it being quick and easy on paper everything's easy on paper well but i mean it feels as though they accepted them by the time they were done yeah and it's one of those things like he immediately got promoted which is just wild that's weird to me yeah i mean you guys have been there for so long i don't know how do they promote him to get him out of there i don't know i like that's one thing i i'm not educated on the actual rankings like is it because he's an officer he gets those like promotions are there soldiers that aren't eligible for that kind of stuff like i don't know how that works if you're just like infiltry like do you never get the opportunity to get promoted or is there certain just members of the military who are on the line of promotions and then you just have your soldiers because i don't know like that's the stuff that i don't really know that much about but it felt like it was a really quick promotion for not really doing anything that felt like the super fast episode it did it went very quickly i mean that that mission was was very intense and fast and yeah it was it's just hard to watch it any kind of wild cards being thrown into the group just makes things hard and the fact that they even lost someone and everyone's like oh yeah great mission it was i'm proud of you like no that's like losing one of your own is bad like it's it's got to be so hard but one versus yeah the entire 15. yeah it's just so tough but yeah i mean again another ridiculously great well done episode it's just this show has you just on the edge of your seat just especially when you don't know all the details of all the stuff that went that went through with all the wars and everything like you know kind of like the overarching idea of what happened but like getting the details and like again like there's names and certain things that i'm never gonna forget now right thanks to this show so yeah so again i'm i'm very happy to be watching and learning so yep any other thoughts no all right y'all leave your comments down below we will catch you guys later have a good one [Music] bye [Music] do
Channel: Nikki & Steven React
Views: 54,453
Rating: 4.9586563 out of 5
Keywords: nikki steven, nikki steven react, nikki and steven, nikki and steven react, band of brothers, band of brothers reaction, band of brothers episode 8, band of brothers episode 8 reaction, band of brothers the last patrol, band of brothers the last patrol reaction, band of brothers episode 8 the last patrol reaction, band of brothers episode 8 the last patrol, easy company, easy company band of brothers, world world 2, us army 101st airborne, the last patrol band of brothers
Id: h6ke1Jc05hA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 42sec (1962 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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