Band of Brothers Episode 4 'Replacements' REACTION!!

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what's up everybody welcome back to the channel band of brothers episode four and this show is so good it is really it it's gonna like it's gonna be one of those things where i feel like everything we watch related to this kind of material is always gonna be hard yeah it's always gonna be so hard to watch and it's always gonna like i'm always gonna be shocked to see things play out just knowing and reading about it is one thing but seeing it play out is just such a whole different experience and it just hits so much harder and again i'm gonna keep hitting on this because i think it's important the level of appreciation for what our soldiers have done is just all the things that they've gone through just to protect the rest of us yeah it's so insane thank you and you know i've started to notice a little bit of a trend i don't know if you have but each episode is really singular on a specific story yes and not the war it's really focused in on very specific storylines because the timeline is jumping a lot and it's really kind of like last episode was all about blyth and thank you to everyone in the comments who let us know that the the information at the end of the episode was not true he did not die when he died he actually went on to serve a lot and was a highly decorated soldier amazing fantastic yeah like that really crushed me to find out like that was it he you know got up brave went out for the search and then yeah that was and then like never recovered from his injuries like oh [ __ ] yeah but he recovered from his injuries he went on to do other things like it's definitely something they should try to fix i mean the show's been out a long time they should be able to replace that information i mean coming from that world of broadcast like it's not that difficult but i feel like they've gone in and read yeah plenty of things have been i mean there's especially there's a starbucks cup and a certain episode of a certain show that we watched a while back then it seems like it'd be really important to get that information right because i mean you see the impact that the episode has on you because right like the moment you met him and he was just staring off into the sky whether he was either concussed or just in awe or just completely just like what the hell is going on and already suffering from issues from being in this war and then seeing him get that blindness and it's just you grow so connected to him and then you receive the yeah like this it's immediate and just like even hearing his voice like it's just one of those amazing things that like hearing him speak was just like oh he's got like this really sweet like twang and it's like he's he's a southern dude like you know how like there's something special about that about that accent and you know you immediately grow attached to this kid and then you find out something happens that ends up not being necessarily true and it's just knowing his story i think is really important and i said it at the end of the episode like blyth that's a name that's never going to leave my brain now just because that whole episode was so centered in on him and we got to really see his growth and development and to hear that he went on to be a really decorated soldier that probably be as even as emotional yes as like hearing because because of the way he started and then knowing that's where he ends up like that's amazing i mean you only want like good things for all these like folks it's like you don't want yeah for sure and and you know the the beginning interviews continue to be probably the most powerful part of this because those are the real soldiers and i do really really really really appreciate that they're not necessarily revealing who they are now just so that it kind of keeps you know the story like the reveal i feel like at the end which i think is what one of the comments said it's gonna be a really powerful thing to see who ended up and who got out of this and who survived and who's been telling the story because again this is everything connected to that generation are our grandpas and like amazing and it's just great great grandparents great grandparents yes depending on how old depending on old yeah yeah so it's just people refer to them as the greatest generation and speaking about my grandfather who i know best he is like the most badass dude in the world that i know and you know so yeah i i totally agree with that he's my my poppy is he was an amazing man so i mean my my grandfather was in the air force my dad was in the army like marines marines all this yeah it's good stuff yeah so this show respect yeah i'm so happy that we're watching this just for the the educational aspect and the never forgetting aspect because it's stuff that should never be forgotten and information that should be known and learned if you don't know about it so very grateful for this and i'm very grateful for everybody who has ever served i'm gonna always say it because i love our soldiers so much so you ready to jump in this episode let's go taco man that's the ones that was there to be very beginning they are very close they accept people coming in like myself as a replacement because you also have to prove yourself most of them we know we're qualified parachutes they had to be bottom were awfully green we hoped we could keep them alive and they could keep alive light up and didn't well all right they they eventually blend right in i think maybe they were trying to impress the older guys people like me or shifty i don't know why i got right there to where i didn't want to be friendly with replacements coming in because god i didn't like see him get killed i just just tore me up because we were in a lot of them they were wearing infantry badges they had a star on their jump wings they were like heroes to us it's how we looked at them and they were good we had good officers for the most part but we had excellent mcos but they looked after you replacements nice and easy we still got a ship [Music] sir dolphins what are you here what do you say actually it's baby private happiness is that right i don't care if it's [ __ ] eisenhower's who are you private miller james miller i'm in sergeant randall wait a minute he looks like a baby they all there are so many recognizable faces in this movie or in the show it's crazy they're all so young your new boys you pay attention to sergeant randleman as the smartest man in the company careful he could teleport and read your mind no where'd you get that it's a presidential distinguished unit citation for what the regiment did in normandy you weren't there he's upcoming it's a unit citation oh man shouldn't he be proud of his unit though of course [ __ ] cobb you didn't fight normandy neither i got hit with a plane before i got a chance to jump what a jerk we're all here man yeah that's not nice i hate to break the mood here boys but uh we're moving out again this is called operation market garden in terms of airborne divisions involved this one's even bigger than normandy we're dropping deep into occupied holland the allied objective is to take this road here between i know and arnhem so the two british army divisions can move up toward arnhem our job is going to be to liberate eindhoven stay there wait for the tanks if this works these tanks will be over the rhine and into germany that could end the war get us home by christmas it'll be a daytime jump intelligence doesn't expect much opposition they think the krauts in holland are mostly kids and old men and we should take them by surprise in any case say goodbye to england i don't think they're going to call this one off nothing goes according to plan in these scenarios how could it i mean it's so unexpected you never know what the other just are you doing huh watch and learn kids you want to live jump ready to fight [Applause] these kids make me nervous [Music] oh sobel's back [Music] that's gonna be terrifying awkward that's terrifying i don't want him uh-uh this is actual battle i don't want him around he's an excellent trainer not good at practical what's he doing there is he dropping off supplies what's he doing here he's the newly appointed regimental s4 supply officer yeah you got it okay malarkey sergeant malarkey you thought you'd get away with it what do you mean sir sergeant that motorcycle is united states army property that may not mean anything to you but it means something to me where'd you find it that's him all right so first ceo of what happened got promoted and it's like even those shoots like you can't control them you're just falling it's not like the ones with like right you know god that's gotta be so scary [Music] all right it seems like the jump went well [Music] right [Music] let's go it's got to be horrifying to be like the new guy in the crew under these circumstances yeah i mean like in the interviews in the front you're just like trying to fit in you're trying to impress the the other guys like this this is scary we'll be able to shoot a straight with that thing off okay what does that mean i'm assuming don't attack we're friendly [Applause] come on lady gosh no i don't like that [ __ ] at all we gotta get to these bridges it's gotta be hard to resist the party this guy's [ __ ] sitting down eating [Applause] sergeant albert let's move we got work to do [Applause] what is wait what is happening what are they doing what are they doing [Applause] [Music] what are they doing [Music] [Applause] were they hoping that like the soldiers would take them with what did they do they slept with the germans oh [ __ ] wow they were cooperating with the german soldiers they're basically killing any of the men who helped and shaming the women captain i'll be happy to show you the quickest route to the bridges i'd be happy to have your help okay scout's the edge of town in case we're here for the night i feel like that's just dangerous to have like that many people around while you're trying to conduct a mission i just but i can say english a little bit what were you doing down there airaid shelter the family has been in there ever since the first plane flew over are you here to stay mm-hmm as long as we have to yeah go venus is good everything makes me nervous yeah cigarette can you just give him chocolate never tasted chocolate okay stop very good isn't it it's like the families and the children and like living through that like it's so insane [Music] god damn dude [Music] the [ __ ] medic now too [Music] it's the way this is shot is just i mean the the the way that the frame rate was with him that god just everything about it makes it feel like we're like it's such a documentary style like it feels like we're there experiencing like it's just a way away which either means the drums have gone or he wants us to go i don't know ramirez this is all so intense yeah yeah you would have thought that that lieutenant would know better than to just go that far out in front of everybody you felt comfortable for some reason that's a freaking tank right there you guys oh no oh no it's not like they can talk to each other either [Music] destruction of property [Music] oh [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of here [Applause] oh [ __ ] they were ready for them [Music] if the guy would have just shot that building but he had orders can't see it can't shoot it [Applause] oh my god oh my god i didn't realize how close he was you can't just get up and start running oh my god oh my gosh oh my god oh my god oh my god fire nice shot oh my god oh [ __ ] oh my god let's go [Music] god being a medic that's gotta be so hard [Music] wow hurry up let's go how bad i don't know yet oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dude am i right yeah yeah you feel all right yeah quit looking at me like that oh [ __ ] we got four dead eleven injured move them out thank god for your helmets oh man [Music] where's the ball [Music] see you freaking hiding in there [Music] the [ __ ] is he gonna get out of there try to find a window to dart out of there at night when it's pitch black god that's gotta be horrifying right so [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] he dropped the rag [Music] oh oh my god for this young girl to be witnessing all this is a lot dude the plane flying overhead gave him the ability to do that yeah i'm using a bull yet there ain't no body then there ain't nobody [ __ ] dead go look for him stop by yourself you're not i'll go with you let me get some ammo i'll go me too all right i appreciate that i appreciate that very much they're not gonna leave them behind all right what the hell i ain't going back up there here's the one talking all that smack too right that's unfortunate yeah bombing eindhoven yeah i'll be waving so many orange flags at us tomorrow [Music] damn [Music] so [Music] [ __ ] made it through the night i always find it so heartbreaking that that's where the soldiers that don't get brought back stay when they die this is just that's like gut wrenching [Music] where the [ __ ] you been glad to see you boys what you thought we were giving up on you there hobbies no he did come that's gotta make you feel good right yeah they're brothers i mean truly it's good to see him there's just that there's that connection it doesn't matter where you're from it's all these scallywags okay you know military like brothers sisters friends buddies it's family i never did like this company now all right hop up let's move out the winners are so awesome i like that character quake says the germans are concentrating their armor up near bagel maybe heading into some more tanks well as long as there's only old men and kids i don't like retreating there's time for everything how are the other divisions faring up north i think we're gonna have to find another way into germany [Music] [Music] 560 wounded [Music] so they failed that mission yeah and it was the first time winners had to retreat he doesn't like that i mean yeah you can't like that that was another just amazingly so well done episode it's just everything about this show and the way that it feels and the way that it's shot and just the way these actors are portraying themselves in these situations it just feels so real they're doing such a fantastic job just really building the emotion of what this is all about and again said it earlier every time something like this plays out it's going to be a shocking moment yeah because it's one thing hearing about it reading about it knowing about it whatever seeing it play out is just a whole different thing i agree just watching someone go up and like to scout everything and then get shot like it's just seeing people get blown up just and then dragged back with them all the injured the medics even getting hurt it's like you're not supposed to shoot the medics they don't give a [ __ ] they don't care just the the episode was focused on the replacements yeah and just some of those folks just didn't make it that mindset has to you're already being put in just a horrible impossible situation to be inserted into a company that has been together for years did all their training together and then trying to like fit in like prove yourself and like do what is asked of you and like you've been with the crew for a while like it's just it's just so crazy and i just love when bull got left behind they stepped up and they're like yeah let's go let's go find him and they obviously didn't get there in time because he got a ride out but just the idea that you know i love the idea that they weren't gonna like no dead body he's not dead like we go we gotta go get him and i just that whole mindset is just it's just amazing and it's just so cool to see and just to feel it because you feel it this show does such an amazing job of making you feel it every emotion the horror of war and just the bond of the brotherhood that these guys have together because of what they're going through it's it's an amazing amazingly well done show or the even like the connection with the people that live in these countries that you have to go invade and giving a child chocolate i mean that moment was just so sweet it was like and it's something that like is very easily overlooked these are people's homes like this is where people live and the fact that just their civilians and people are running around trying to not die and there's a war fighting around them and there's children living like since the first plane flew over they were like they were living in this shelter like that's just that's just so insane and just again unimaginable to even experience what war would be like at home and just it's crazy so many people affected and it's just so wild again just seeing it play out and this show just does an amazing job like documenting it and sharing it and putting it on screen it's such a good show it is again i it's so sad i'm gonna keep saying it like the way that it's filmed makes it feel like it's a documentary like obviously there's some recognizable faces obviously we know a bull from the walking dead and there's a whole bunch of other faces like professor x was there and he didn't make it out of this episode but they're so young that it's almost not even noticeable in the moment watching this play out to where it feels like there's a camera guy in the war as it's playing out it just feels it just feels like it's just so real like it makes it feel so real so another amazing episode and yeah so many like you saw the graphic at the end so many so many lost it's just so crazy so many injured i mean hundreds of people died and thousands injured i just did anybody get out of there unscathed i mean mentally no yeah i mean physically a lot of people came back with probably issues and and just the mental of dealing with with war it's just yeah i mean it's it's just so insane watching this episode specifically play out where it's like they were on their way to where they were going and there was like party and celebration and then it was like shaming for the actions of what they were doing and then they got to a place that seemed like it was okay and then it all hell broke loose and they had to retreat and they were just waiting and there were just tanks just covered in hay just like camouflaged and then just seeing it all play out and them having to retreat and then basically they gotta find a whole different way different plan figure it out yeah do you have any other thoughts all right y'all leave your comments down below we'll see you later have a good one bye [Music] you
Channel: Nikki & Steven React
Views: 64,678
Rating: 4.980794 out of 5
Keywords: nikki steven, nikki steven react, nikki and steven, nikki and steven react, band of brothers, band of brothers reaction, band of brothers episode 4, band of brothers episode 4 reaction, band of brothers replacements, band of brothers replacements reaction, band of brothers episode 3 replacements reaction, band of brothers episode 4 replacements, replacements band of brothers, easy company, easy company band of brothers, world world 2, us army 101st airborne, World War II
Id: l1ZP9290WYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 51sec (1911 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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