Band of Brothers Episode 2 'Day of Days' REACTION!!

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what's up everybody welcome back to the channel band of brothers episode two and episode one you can already tell right off the bat i mean they started the show with interviews from those men who actually were fighting in this war and it's just immediate gut punch and just emotion about what these young men were dealing with we're getting up close and personal with 101st easy company the airborne and the whole first episode was essentially getting to know them right seeing what their experience in terms of training we met sobel who was in charge who did a fantastic job getting them ready but obviously showed that he is not combat ready he's not a combat leader so they sent him off to go teach and not even teach other soldiers but i think he went off to teach civilians how to jump i think that's what i caught during during the edit is that it wasn't just damn it's not like he's going to the top gun to go teach i like i feel like that would have been such a good job for him because like he was a really excellent teacher i mean he was hardcore with those freaking runs uphill i mean with what they're about to get themselves into i think i saw a quote somewhere in the comments where it's like the more you sweat and training the less you bleed in combat and it's like that's interesting yeah the harder you push in that scenario it'll prepare you physically and probably even more mentally for when you actually have to go perform tasks under those unimaginable type of situations and not this one not this one you guys i i could barely get to a freaking spartan race and that is not even a comparison but like i thank god for this one helping me push my butt up over things it's just one of those things where like obviously this is a show but obviously this is real life as well this actually happened these men and young men went to war for this country and fought you know in the world war and it's just so insane and just there are certain moments that just really kind of sucked me in and i think you agree was one of the moments where and it's gonna take a minute to remember names but where he was like one by one going up to every one of them pulling them up making eye contact with them before they were getting on their plane before they were shipping off that that was that was good for me that's just one of those moments where it's like that really hits you hard and the way just even one episode in i could tell how well done this like this show is so highly acclaimed in terms of its rating and what people say about it like i could already tell in one episode just how well it's shot how well it's done the way just it pulls the emotion and brings you into the moment which is so horrifying because it almost to an extent i think i said this during the episode it almost feels like a documentary right where i mean we're even getting interviews from the soldiers at the beginning but just the way the show feels it just pulls you in and just makes you really feel this and i mean the first episode was all about training and preparing i can't even imagine what it's gonna feel like when we actually like even on the plane and just the the silent just chill of just you know what they're like you can't know what they're feeling like that's an impossible feeling to even imagine and they made it feel just so scary terrifying so yeah that's where the episode left off so i i would imagine we're uh we're getting into it in this epi second episode and like i'm really excited to watch this show because again it's always good to remember and it's always good to never forget those who have fought and died and and sacrificed so much for us like i love our soldiers i love all of you anyone who's ever done anything thank you for those that have served that have currently served and also for the families that have supported those soldiers yeah it's just it's just so insane and as excited i am to watch a really high quality level of tv i'm also horrified to continue to experience these things because again this this isn't fake like it's a show yes but this all played out and it's just this is like watching chernobyl know that stuff actually happened yeah and it's really good just to never forget so you ready to jump into episode two yes first off also yes thank you for your service but also happy mother's day yes happy mother's day thanks this is coming out on mother's day so thank you to all the mothers grandmothers uh siblings that are acting as mothers fathers that are have the mother hat on thank you thank you thank you so much for doing a good job don't raise a bunch of buttholes that we all have to deal with that's our job as parents to not raise a bunch of jerks that everybody else has to deal with on that note happy mother's day you ready let's go staying in the door i could see the lights on the drop zone and i had to assume that was our drop zone way in the ahead of us we had the red light and had everybody standing up ready to jump so when the plane started to get hit the pilot gives me the green light i'm out the door opening blast it broke this chin strap that we had on this helmet liner that's when i lost this famous leg bag that everybody talks about just flew right off my foot came from the sky we hit in any direction you went there would be enemy you knew it that was all part of what you accepted this is to talk about how do you prepare yourself mentally each man must do that himself to make that jump in the back of your mind you you you know you you wonder what's going to happen you've been trained and trained and trained what your job is going to be that's what you got to think about we lost a lot of people that night you tried to put it all on your mind watching grown men cry it just how do you like couldn't even imagine you don't prepare like prepare yourself mentally for that you have i think you have to just you have to get everything out of your head you why how i couldn't it's just unimaginable is just terrible the whole idea of like war just [Music] it's scary sending people into things is knowing they're going to die i mean this feels a lot like the open to uh overlord yeah because it's the same thing right they're being shipped out to yeah it's the same war the same day so then the the gentleman that they just interviewed is that that's him i'm not sure who's who in those opens because he said he i had my guys stand up and then when they gave me the green light i went for it oh my god no [Music] oh my god oh my god they couldn't even jump [Music] my god this is horrifying you're literally by yourself because you don't know who the [ __ ] made it follow me that's why he's in charge see how composed he is fully in like the most horrifying moment anyone could ever experience aren't you d company able sir guess that means one of us is in the wrong drop zone yeah or both of us do you have a weapon sir just my knife he dropped everything do you have any idea where we are sir like how could you possibly know where you are we'll get some landmarks to get our bearings keep your eyes peeled for buildings farmhouses bridges roads trees it's like we're like he's even making a joke like it's just one of those things where regardless of how much prep you do in terms of like this is where we're gonna fly this is where we're gonna land this is the target zones like there's no way that went according to plan like the idea that they're anywhere even close to their drop zone is like how do you even know and doing it at night who's that you're saying the winners is that you wow dude where the hell are we i saw a sign back that way said sam merrick lee's you don't want to give off any light it's true we're about seven kilometers away from our objective four hours away from when we need to have it secure we got a lot of walking damn dude this is [ __ ] terrifying are you for real oh [ __ ] wait for my command oh come on oh [ __ ] enough garnier everyone okay next time i say wait for my command you wait for my command sergeant yes [Music] you're right i know can you imagine how terrified they are that they have to just shoot everything they have to shoot everything they can't let anything go you have to literally shoot everything because otherwise you could potentially be murdered like i just it's oh jeez anybody needs supplies or ammo now it's time to get it mcdowell you okay yeah sergeant i would not be okay oh my god i couldn't tell what that was from this angle and now captain america fellows enjoying the war where are you from son eugene oregon you got to be kidding me i'm from astoria what gives what are you doing in that crowd uniform my family answered the call all true aryans should return to the fatherland join up to 41. you're [ __ ] me right why does something feel off when something's gonna happen did he just killed all those that was their last cigarette he just killed all those men what there are two guns that we know of firing on utah beach plan on a third and a fourth the germans are in the trenches with access to the entire battery we'll establish a base of fire and move under it hard and fast with two squads of three all right let's pack it up boys take two men and hit him from the left take randy envelop right give covering fire don't give away your position until you have to oh my god [Music] oh my god that this can't be good this cannot be good holy [ __ ] oh my god [Applause] [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] oh [Music] oh my god can we not drop this one this time oh grass knuckles oh [ __ ] must be doing something right look god i'm so confused firing on the third gun we're better below this thing before they figure out what the hell's happening oh my god dude bryce they must think he's a medic or something he's gonna need a goddamn medic oh you [ __ ] dog gotta have your priorities man i don't have any way to set it off sir [Music] dude he's doing a really good job he's amazing i mean i hope we get to like you know see some of the folks that have you know played these parts you know like what the real men were are if they have any interviews with them or you know more than you see in the beginning of the episode you know oh what the [ __ ] is he okay [Music] headquarters are you kidding me oh my god [Music] we killed maybe around 20 so yeah probably there's 40 left i think we need artillery or maybe mortars might do the job by nightfall 2nd battalion had secured sammari dumont and elements of the 4th division were beginning to move men and material in land most of the 101st airborne including easy company was still scattered all over normandy and the success of the invasion was far from certain we had an hour to rest and scrounge whatever food we could before we had to move south and secure the town of coolerville [Music] any word on lieutenant man yet sir no not yet don't that make you our commanding officer sir yeah it does sir don't drink you know that map you found that had every crowd gun in normandy on it i lost a man today a john hall new yorker got killed today at bray core he's a good man man not even old enough to buy a beer damn just a baby i sent that map up to division i think it's gonna do some good i can't even imagine country you know nothing about or know where anything is in that country and having to defend your own country while in that country oh [ __ ] that night i took time to thank god for seeing me through that day of days and prayed i would make it through d plus one and if somehow i managed to get home again i promised god and myself that i would find a quiet piece of land someplace and spend the rest of my life in peace i mean they're living in hell on earth right now and that was just the very beginning that was one task wow love these things at the end i mean with the interviews at the beginning and then like the information at the end just it's just so well done yeah and just it just hits so much harder because it it gives it that realism feel like these medals were awarded to these soldiers for that mission that they accomplished like and that it's used those tactics are used today yeah that was i mean that was just the beginning that was one mission and that was three guns that they had to go disable and they said how many more guns i don't know how many there's like a total of like 42 guns a lot but it was just non-stop action and just total anxiety just watching it like my heart rate never stopped it's just winners is such a good leader and he just he just did an amazing job like leading his troops getting the mission accomplished it is sad and unfortunate that one of his men did die it's just wild well i mean and you know including other companies in but like making everybody relaxed and yeah he's keeping his cool he he is very good in that role because he knows what needs to get done he knows the objectives but he also knows how to lead he knows how to get his his troops to do what they need to do and be folk except for a couple moments where they fired early or the one dude's trying to find one of those guns to bring home as a souvenir it's like outside of those two it feels like he's got everyone just focused and doing exactly what they need to do and it's just so crazy that all of those all those jumpers were just they're scattered all over normandy they're just all over the place how horrifying would that be landing somewhere and not being able to meet up with someone that you're familiar with right away you're like you're by yourself it's just the idea that like one of the dudes was like yeah i haven't accounted for 90 of my 90 of my men it's like oh what that's just the like simple little things like that being said is just so insane and just that the shot of them jumping and planes crashing before they could even jump and just there's no way you're hitting your mark because you were jumping earlier than you're probably planning to and you're just this company's now mixed with this company and scattered in this place with all these people like they even found an american fighting for the germans who was like i didn't know that was a thing i didn't either that that's new to me i guess if you're first generation and you're like son we're going home to go fight this war like holy [ __ ] like that that kind of thing never even crosses my mind no like that's just so bizarre like yeah that was just wild because he was like [ __ ] around he's like oh where are you from he's like oh i'm from where you're from actually and he's like wait what yeah the the two episodes in it is really well done yes i love just incorporating the real life at the beginning like basically like bookending it yeah with the real life and then the show in the middle which obviously is still real life because it played out this is all real but just hearing from the the real soldiers and then just seeing the notes about the specific mission that we just saw is so cool yeah so well you know i just you know for all the history buffs out there i apologize if i've said anything incorrect it's kind of the heat of the moment things just out so thank you though for the comment section always absolutely any other thoughts nope love you guys so yeah leave them comments we will catch y'all next time have a good one [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Nikki & Steven React
Views: 85,945
Rating: 4.9670062 out of 5
Keywords: nikki steven, nikki steven react, nikki and steven, nikki and steven react, band of brothers, band of brothers reaction, band of brothers episode 2, band of brothers episode 2 reaction, band of brothers day of days, band of brothers day of days reaction, band of brothers episode 2 day of days reaction, band of brothers episode 2 day of days, day of days band of brothers, easy company, easy company band of brothers, world world 2, us army 101st airborne, World War II
Id: 0TzE0r-Z4qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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