Midnight Mass Episode 1 'Book I: Genesis' Premiere REACTION!!

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what's up everybody welcome back to the channel a little surprise kind of unannounced midnight mass here we go should have done this at midnight should have done it at midnight but we're we're old and we go to bed and stuff yeah 8 30 a.m but yeah midnight mass mike flanagan creator of hill house and blind manor very excited for those feels it's very fitting with all the scary movies and stuff that we've been reacting to might as well throw in a little mike flanagan why not bird ready excited yes all right let's go [Music] um [Music] dude she [Music] the kids or the drunk folks walk away with scratches uh what [Music] her head is gone do you want me to proceed or would your client prefer i set the matter for trial i i accept a sentence in your honor it is the sentence of this court that you be incarcerated for a period of four to ten years in the custody of the illinois department of corrections the restitution amount that is owed is 140 900 11 cents dude at least he accepted the sentence but [ __ ] why would you get [Music] since when do you get your own cell i couldn't tell you i've never done that before thank god i love this but it also makes me kind of seasick that's a really cool camera move oh [ __ ] oh that's terrifying damn girl god it looks so crazy with the lights and with the lights flashing wow all right well to start four years later you good good morning population 127 that's like an island your room is all ready so get to the dock by nine otherwise you'll miss the breeze and you'll have to wait for the bell there's only two fairies these days he knows the boat schedule annie you know he was just asking if he knew the boat schedule because he just can't wait to see you oh he's out right here at the marina okay ed riley wants to say hi your dad just stepped out and so he didn't hear me but he says hi don't do that [ __ ] to me don't do that it sounds like he's not doing well stop smoking those damn cigarettes yeah i mean i couldn't imagine that this has been easy for anyone yeah just like having your child be responsible for the death of another child oh god hey girl she's in all the flanagan movies or shows she's a great actress it's a very interesting town [Music] a well it's a tiny island what's up really surprised your dad let you out if i want to go out i go out these all have such luscious curl hair oh my god it's glorious he's he's cool what if he narks i wouldn't i don't know you come on bull he can't help who his dad is we had a deal he wasn't part of that deal [ __ ] my dad that's what you want to hear right fine [ __ ] them [ __ ] them all [ __ ] the sheriff how about now hey lisa up to no good i can tell a short trip courtesy of bowl for real you worried i'd nor i wish you could come with us i'm good i actually prefer not to smell like catch [Laughter] this music it's very ominous what i like the shot overhead i mean already the cinematography has been very creative what what the hell is in the [ __ ] trunk who was that i mean i saw them bringing it off the ship but or the boat do you remember how i was like yeah this island is dope no uh at night forget it nope no thank you very dark very very scary looking life jacket a life jacket no are you serious hey if we flip donut get your foot under the seat you're a drown this is like a thing we've been doing for generations man so you [ __ ] this up you tell your dad it's gonna be bad for you man of course i'm not gonna tell my dad i patched it so no more leaks i think what this just feels like a bad idea did you use your spray seal stuff like the guy with the screen door on the boat is this all to smoke some all this trouble just to smoke zone you guys see that hair on our monster pelican flew right over us it was huge saw the wingspan somebody's got to do something about these streets see all the little eyeballs my dad says they're all from the mainland i don't know when people brought cats up here but they definitely brought more than one can't believe there's enough for them to eat up here well we know what they're eating people actually lived up here they just bury their dead in their yards up until the 20s my dad's cheese now sometimes there's a storm what the [ __ ] are you those bodies just pop up right off the ground cat food you know those bodies are hundreds of and when it storms they wash up on the west bank by my house and i know because everything from the upwards washes up on the west bank yeah that whole little excursion was to go go smoke and drink hello kitties [ __ ] they're fighting [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] the [ __ ] the snapping of that twig wouldn't have been done by a cat super it's great fun fun fun fun [Music] oh let's get you fed you got to eat he's dead they're on the boat he just can't miss a shift that's rough monsignor pruitt was supposed to be on board did you see him maybe he's gonna catch the bell no he said the breeze we agreed before he left you didn't see him maybe i just lost him in the crowd there's a little bleed in there i'm not worried about it it's very small we'll keep an eye on it guess he's home morning sheriff morning eddie i'll be in a little later this morning i switched my shift oh take your time and bly manor sheriff huh welcome home honey welcome home he does not at all seem enthused to be home you want to talk population decline let's talk about the people we used to be hundreds now we're just dozens oh jesus this isn't a community anymore honey it's a ghost uh thanks mom if he where the services are calling in a major storm forecasting to have the worst of it landing tomorrow night we make the classrooms available here for shelters if we need we could always i'm sorry you're new so you wouldn't be expected to know this but st patrick's is always the shelter we set out costs as a matter of rule always have we have the new rec center it's not completely done but and it holds twice as many i mean i'm i'm not sure holding twice as many makes a material difference when you do the math beard in mind for yourself unless you plan on hopping a ferry to the mosque there's something off of this i don't know of course dude racist what prejudice all the things something just feels really off like why is she so snotty i wasn't planning on going to church oh hey it's daddy oh yeah of course you are didn't even look like you're not sure i'm not that's not me anymore monsignor pruitt said before he went on pilgrimage he said i'm a little old to be traveling and he's gonna be 80 now people have been seeing him wandering around at night like late at night like midnight at the marina the docks the general store did you see him so the priest is seen walking around at midnight just wandering you gotta sit here at this table after what you after what you've done and say oh church isn't for me and make jokes about altar boys and monsignor pruitt nope you are going to church tomorrow riley and every other sunday i would listen to that day i mean obviously there's a lot of stress on this family everything that's going on monsignor you are home welcome back waited for you this morning you weren't on the breeze we agreed no idea how it makes me she's sent back in that box oh my god who is the person whispering you won't believe that new sheriff who's trying to set the school as the new storm shelter what oh hell is going on this is kind of very interesting oh my god pretty kitty what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] hello what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] then bye kitty he's still seen oh [ __ ] it's the instant shot that adjusts jump scares all day geez what in the actual [Music] okay wow what's with the blood on the church is this whatever monsters getting the kitty cats you want to feel the kruits somebody already did who is this good morning i know i'm not who you expected to see this morning i'm father paul hill and i was sent by the diocese to fill in for monsignor pruitt for a few weeks he fell ill i'm afraid he's fine he's recovering in a hospital on the mainland he's better off off island the diocese has asked me to step in until he is up and about again but i assure you there is absolutely nothing to worry about instantly worry your pastor i can promise you that i noticed you sat back for communion my son riley he's not exactly in a state of grace right now turns out i'm not much used to people who are in a state of grace you know uh welcome to it crockpot prodigal son i think uh you're the prodigal one i'm just the black sheep can i walk you home yeah judgment this woman very judgy very opinionated look at us back where we started the one place we swore we'd never end up surprised to see you in church i would have never guessed it but it's been good for me i saw you sit back during communion it's funny most guys find jesus in prison threw away the bible the first night oh a lot of time to read in there and i read it all torah karan ta'amu da diching judaism buddhism islam jainism thing figured if i was looking for god i should look everywhere came out of that an atheist i'm supposed to be the godless heathen and you are the altar boy mom wouldn't and believe it i am but that's the story it is and it isn't little foot saved my life little foot yeah baby feet is there anything else you need this afternoon father no thank you miss kim it's just you're wearing a gold shawzable yes i am isn't that for feast days and special shouldn't it be green we're an ordinary time i'm afraid i wasn't able to locate the green chawsible figured this was better than my pajamas well in the future let me know if there's an issue that's what i'm here for i'm sure i'll find it i just need some time to open up all the cabinets of course this was excellent i can't help but like question this whole situation seriously like with the box coming off the boat and the knock on it yeah in prison it was easy had things to do you know count the days count down the sentence eat sleep read it's all pretty carefully spelled out for you regimented but here here i'm not like am i going to get a job go to school i have no money no prospects i just i just exist that's it i have absolutely no purpose at all [ __ ] just sitting in my parents house breathing and serving no purpose to anyone whatsoever i'm just living and that's the worst part because i shouldn't be alive erin walk home now eat dinner wait out this [ __ ] storm there you go ride out the storm tonight and then tomorrow we'll see what tomorrow's all about find another project i wonder what his state would be if she wasn't there it feels like a really good thing that she's there also to talk to him yeah his age they've got history they grew up together right wait is [Music] thanks you know we don't get storms where we live we get earthquakes and stuff is is that normal like if a giant storm is coming through or just be sitting in your living room like reading i don't know i think they're just used to it wouldn't we board up all the windows what the hell what in the [ __ ] i swear he's out there it's the hat coat i know the outfit and it's him he's on the mainland well he can [ __ ] it if he's 80 plus years old that [ __ ] can book it i don't think that's him people the the brother said that he'd been stories of him wandering around at midnight yeah he's not even supposed to be there right birds are circling like they're vultures like they're eating something [Music] what the hell what was that was the dead cats what in the hell what the [ __ ] [Music] wow i like how everything is written directed created by mike flanigan wow all right that was [ __ ] weird as hell but also awful don't drink and drive folks that's not okay it was very it was had a very creepy and eerie feel throughout the entire episode absolutely the music just the way people were talking just obviously the backstory just even the color of the episode everything is like gray yeah and there's so many obvious questions they did a really good job of making the first episode want you to keep watching because i watch there's a lot of very intriguing things like the whole cat like they're all washed like why are all these dead cats not washed up on the shore like they the kids were obviously talking about the the bones and the the cemetery stuff washing up on shore and stuff but now all the kitties from that particular island portion are now washed up on this like questions about what was happening with the cats you kept hearing like obviously the way the the like twigs were breaking something there's something bigger than a cat walking around out there because cats aren't snapping twigs like that when they walk no like gross leaves most the whole idea that monsignor was supposed to be on that boat back but this dude shows up with the giant trunk i couldn't where we heard like there was a knock there's a lot of very interesting just kind of question marks and just throw in i it's gonna take me a minute to remember names i'm not good at names the older son who riley riley was in the the hitting the car accident while he was drunk driving and stuff the fact that he's dealing with everything that he's dealing with seeing the girl that he killed four years later tara i mean i feel like that's not something that you ever get out of your mind there's just you're just constantly gonna be forever haunted by that even the way those shots are done is just really creative just the flashing lights of the police lights and just the way it's incorporated into her face when he's seeing her it's just and it's all it's very very hill house esque with the camera moves you know something's about to happen when the camera is moving a certain way i didn't notice anyone shots did you i did not this episode no but because those are cool as hell but it's just there's a really good foundation for a really intriguing story because things feel creepy things feel very very off with this entire like little town this island and i mean it had its moments of scariness just the idea that all of these cats are washed up on the shore and they're all eaten like the day after this new father shows up is just it feels very questionable like what is happening what is going on very intriguing gold outfit and he just like seems so calm about like all this dude if i was in a storm for the first time you best believe i had my brown pants on yeah that's why i was asking i'm like cuz again we don't deal with any kind of weather like that our natural disasters are earthquakes so it is weather i'm actually legitimately curious if there's a giant storm coming do you do people sit in their living rooms and just chill and just chill chilling just reading like i don't i didn't get the vibe that he was reading the bible i didn't get the vibe that he was necessarily praying but he looked like he was just kind of having a nice chill afternoon reading his bible while everything around him was going crazy because of the storm i i don't know that's a legitimate question because i've never experienced that kind of weather or or a storm like that but i guess if you're used to having storms you just kind of just whatever i mean just do what you got to do just ride it out but yeah like there's something definitely off about him and the woman the one that you don't like very much right off the bat she's she's very judgy she's got very she's very free to speak her mind she's got her she doesn't hold anything back everybody's business but like she even she's intro like everyone's got a little bit of an intriguing factor to them about why they are the way they are why they kind of acting the way that they are i don't know i thought that was a really good first episode because again i want to know about aaron's life why who how is she pregnant why why she's back on the island yeah with you know with a pregnancy no offense to anybody on the island that's not somewhere i would want to raise a child i feel like they would not really be able to do much yeah just i mean you see what the kids are doing they're getting drinks and drugs and riding a boat at night time to another island where there's a bunch of feral cats running around and smoking dangerous smoking and drinking around a fire i mean what else he even said it he's like there's nothing here like what am i going to do get a job like there's nothing there for them there's no prospects i'm just existing yeah every everyone is left and yeah it just seems like uh again very intriguing situation why are all those people still living there do they not have other options to go do things are they trying to keep it alive and revive the island i don't know there's a lot of question marks with a lot of these folks and it's very intriguing very curious and i can't wait to check out the next episode yep any other thoughts all right y'all leave your comments down below we'll see you guys later for the next one have a good one bye [Music] you
Channel: Nikki & Steven React
Views: 23,616
Rating: 4.9391537 out of 5
Keywords: nikki steven, nikki steven react, nikki and steven, nikki and steven react, midnight mass, midnight mass reaction, midnight mass episode 1, midnight mass episode 1 reaction, midnight mass book 1 genesis reaction, midnight mass book 1 genesis, Book I Genesis reaction, midnight mass book I genesis reaction, midnight mass book I genesis, netflix, netflix series, netflix reaction
Id: heuiBPsRBB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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