Band of Brothers Episode 9 'Why We Fight' REACTION!!

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what's up everybody welcome back to the channel band of brothers episode nine it's the penultimate episode we are coming down to the end of this absolutely epic and amazing series i i do love this show very much it has just been such a journey and such a great learning experience and you know i appreciate all y'all and literally learning experience because i have learned i have learned so much about everything that we've watched in this show and you guys help a lot too because at the end when lip was getting promoted like i personally didn't really understand how you go from enlisted soldier to officer like that is one of the things that i didn't understand i didn't realize that you get honorably discharged as a soldier and then you have to be re-enlisted as an officer yeah i had no idea that that yeah like you just hear discharge whether it's honorable dishonor like well regardless of what it is that always instantly in my brain's like oh you're done that's what i that's what i thought that's what i was like wait a minute you're going home i i didn't know that you could do that yeah or i really had no idea that you had to honorably discharge a soldier who's enlisted and then promote them and enlist them as an officer that's that's awesome and lip deserves it because this dude has been has been awesome when winners got promoted and essentially removed from the field he really did an amazing job stepping up and being that morale and being that leader that they needed because you know as we even saw in that last episode winners is an amazing leader and it's a lot to kind of try to fill those shoes but i feel like lip did a really great job and i feel like based off of what spears said a couple episodes ago being about like yeah you're the leader you're the guy who's been leading them it's just great to see that and speaking about how great of a leader winners is you saw it last episode like we kind of just mentioned how they were supposed to go on these patrols they went on one it ended up being so crazy and chaotic and you know they lost a man but it was still labeled as successful which in such a quick turnaround of a mission like that's not success like that's horrible and scary and the fact that they lost like even winners later was just like yeah successful and because it was labeled as a successful mission they wanted to do another one exactly the same where they had to actually go a little farther into town and winners is like yeah sure thing you guys are gonna sleep in all night we'll make sure to send a report that they didn't capture any german soldiers and they weren't able to get anything else and that that's just really goes to show how amazing of a leader winners is because he saw a look on his guys faces they didn't want to go do it again the end they keep talking about the end of the war it's getting closer it's getting closer why do we got to keep doing these patrols and it is just another one of those really powerful episodes and really goes to solidify how amazing winners is and you know after editing and reading some of your comments and this and that i do kind of think we did give webster a little bit of a hard time but within the context of this specific episode and the way it was produced and the way he kind of came in really hot and just coming in asking questions about where is this dude and where's this and what happened here and like you could just tell by the look on these dudes faces where it's like read the room a little bit yeah and maybe like when you realize things haven't gone so great don't keep asking about where somebody like that's the reason we reacted the way we did we ended up like once he got accepted back in and did all the missions and did all this stuff it was fine it's all fine now but yeah like that's how i gauge how i feel about somebody is how how does everybody else that's probably a bad way to like see people it was produced that way and it was shown to us that way when yes when i'm watching a show how the other actors or characters react to a certain person joining their crew or their team or whatever that's how i gauge how i feel about that we are carrying we obviously don't have like a full in-depth history lesson on webb as a as a soldier but just the way he came in the reaction that he got when he returned and they were giving him a hard time and all that stuff and you know i never want to talk down to any soldier ever but it's just you know talking about it within the context of the singular episode that's kind of just what we thought and even watching it back like you could tell like it was awkward and uncomfortable but again like we gave him a little bit of a hard time which you know it's just the way it goes with kind of how we're first time watching first time reacting and kind of just our initial thoughts and and look if the guys welcomed him back and we're like oh hey what up like it would have been completely different but the fact that they were down and they just they had lost a lot of folks and talking about guys would laugh their legs blown off and where is he and he's home and he died and this is like it's just brutal that he missed one of the most intense parts of this war and his guys were there and just showing up with a big smile on his face looking clean and all that stuff you know that's why we gave him a hard time but again we kind of that kind of went away at the end when they embraced him they brought him back and he he did his job so and he's 10 000 more brave than us yeah jerks over here for sure 100 putting his life on the line just like all the other soldiers i'm sitting on the couch watching the show appreciate everyone who has put their lives on the line and everyone who has lost their lives fighting for our country and our safety and our freedoms so yeah we love our soldiers it always feels a little bad criticizing any of them but again it's the way that it's produced and it's like the way we're we're being shown this so penultimate episode episode nine band of brothers you ready check it out yep let's go we was happy to see the war coming to an end and the germans didn't really have that much of a heart for it and they realized that the end was there this is the only good crowd as a dead one most of them were kids we all were kids they had a job to do the same way as me we went about and did the job that we had to do i think we thought that the germans were probably the evilest people in the world but as the war went along we found out also that it wasn't the germans per se a lot of those lotto soldiers i thought about this after that man and i might have been good friends we might and we might had a lot in common we might like fish you know he might like to hunt you never know of course they were doing what they were supposed to do and i was trying to do what i was supposed to do under different circumstances we might have been good friends it's like i think about that like all the time like soldiers somebody's being told what to do and they're just trying to do what they are being told to do yeah i mean there's bigger people at play sending down the folks that you know do the the dirty work basically and it's like you you they're just trying to do what they're told they're kids like they said they're all kids they're all a bunch of kids i'm sure it's the exact same thing on the other side yeah it's like they're being told that you know these people are all evil and you know yeah it's uh it's it's yeah it's definitely something that like i mean obviously it has especially this specific war has its evil element to it 100 but it's not like they even said it like the soldiers who fought in this war were like it's not everyone we could have been we could have been friends yeah but that's the thing it's not everyone there's a lot of bad don't get me wrong but you know you never know it's crazy [Music] just rubble um [Music] tell you one thing about the krauts sure clean up good yeah well he needs a little mozart that's beethoven oh what's that look on his face you're welcome sir he looks he looks pretty pissed off yeah making combat jumps with the seven teeth i'm in supply briefings all morning yeah lucky me well congratulations you're probably the only man in 101st and three combat stars over his jump wings not bad for someone who's never fired his weapon in combat huh really you've never nope not even with all the action we've seen not around wow how'd it go this morning it was great fantastic oh took a direct hit over the drop zone i got out two others got out the rest of the boys oh they blew up over germany somewhere boom oh yeah yeah i'm sorry about what well tough situation oh yeah the boys yeah it's terrible oh well it wasn't me you know the real tragedy is they also lost their co so guess who gets to write all the letters home oh got a visit from colonel sink this morning howie's the good colonel concerned still drinking nothing but the bat-69 huh well the finest for mrs nixon's baby boy sink is transferring you back down to battalion s3 what do you think i should write to these parents dick hear what i said nix you've been demoted yeah demoted gotcha cause i don't know how to tell them their kids never even made it out of the goddamn plane you tell them what you always tell them our sons died as heroes you really still believe that yeah this is rough oh no that's terrible hey o'brien relax would you i'm trying to read it's okay patrick o'keefe my friends call me petty hail brian shut up i told you it's okay you know why no one remembers your name that's cause no one wants to remember your name too many smiths d'amatos and o'keefe's and o'brien's who show up here replacing taco men that you dumb replacements got killed in the first place and they're all like you draw piss and vinegar where the crowd's at when do i get to jump into berlin two days later there they are with their blood and guts hanging out and they're screaming for a medic begging for their goddamn mother do you understand that this is the best part of wife scene germany is almost as good as being home so quit asking about when you're gonna see some action will you and stop with the love songs damn dude he's been through a lot i get it when you ship out few weeks ago yeah been two years since i seen home two years it's warm check out the embankment on the far side president's dead all right god damn it i'll tell you something go ahead and do me out of the next hand what about your money are we waiting on him again yep i'm very concerned i'm extremely yes what is gonna happen right now as he walks outside he's dealing with a lot himself he just watched you know an entire group of young men like not even make it out of a plane he said dude jesus christ the dog jess is divorcing me in a letter we can't hold off on this you guys she's taking the dog not even her dog it's my dog she's taking my dog i feel so bad for these guys did people back home just not take this serious or something nick's had his chance to go home too huh not that long ago didn't he pass that off to someone else yes they gave it to the guy that that everybody was like you need to go yeah i mean as hard as it has to be to have your significant other gone for years they're fighting a damn war right now we can't just like as if as if he's not like obviously his wife has no idea what he's actually dealing with but like that's so insane and then it puts him i mean not only was he already in a bad mindset but like now he's in the worst one i'm sure there's a ton of going on at home too but like can we just wait i couldn't imagine putting that in a letter while like you're off fighting a war here i'm going to divorce you you take your letter jennifer what you reading an article oh what's it about uh it's about why we're fighting the war why are we fighting the woods it seems that the germans are bad very bad you don't say hey frank this guy's reading an article over here and says the germans are bad you're now entering enemy territory keep on alert [Music] that's brutal cheers that's right you stupid fascist pigs dragging our ass halfway around the world interrupting our lives for what you ignorant servile skull what the are we doing here i'm we need some lift in here man it's a lot it's a lot they've been away from home for years it's a lot i don't i don't agree with pulling children out of their homes oh god hey george i kind of remind you about stone except of course there's no snow we got warm grub in our bellies and the trees aren't exploding from crowded artillery but yeah other than that it's a lot like bad stuff [Music] [Music] it's definitely not a good look yeah of course he had to see a dog this makes me so nervous what the wait what what the hell happened we found something oh i'm a patroller frank frank what is it i don't know sir the is that i only saw the glimpse of it what [Music] is this a concentration camp [Music] open it up [Music] [Music] uh [Music] dick [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] alive they didn't have enough ammo for all the prisoners so she killed as many as they could um ask him what kind of campuses he says it's a work camp for uh ronald runster i'm not sure what the word means sir i'm wanted disliked maybe criminals i don't think point of [Music] [Music] [Music] the women's camp is at the next railroad [Music] look at their arms like cattle oh my god oh my god [Music] hmm [Music] my god oh we need to stop giving these men food right now they're starving we give them too much to eat too quickly they'll eat themselves to death we need to keep them in the camp so we can find a place for them in town you want us to lock these people back up we got no chores next otherwise they might scatter we need to keep them centralized so we can supervise their food intake and medical treatment until we find some place better i mean right that's that can happen right though they'll end up hurting themselves if they eat too much too fast you don't want them wandering that's for sure they're just they're weak i didn't imagine to be the translator how do you say i know you're starving to literal death we can't have anymore [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] heard from division been finding camps like this all over the place seems the russians liberated one a lot worse ten times as big execution chambers ovens for cremating all the bodies locals claim that uh they never even knew the camp existed they say we're exaggerating well they're gonna have a hell of an education tomorrow general taylor declared martial law about an hour ago ordered every able-bodied german in town aged 14 to 80 to start burying the bodies that'll begin in the morning [Music] ugh [Music] that was the wife in the house who had the picture of a nazi hitler's dead holy shot himself in berlin i coward you little should have killed himself three years ago saved us a lot of trouble yeah he should have a piece of buddy did all those people a final solution five million and six million million million million five million six million the holocaust i i knew what this like war and everything was about right and i knew they were entering germany based off of what we were told in the last episode i didn't even think we were going to encounter concentration camps concentration camps death camps it that was i can't even put into work like it was one of the worst things i had ever seen ever and it was a very real part of this which it's just impossible to put into words what feelings i have after watching that episode besides just the greatest sadness of what happened to all those people because one man thought people didn't fit the right image or look which is just crazy to me because he wasn't he didn't he wasn't in the image that he wanted right he wanted blonde hair blue eyed but he was neither it's just i've i've seen schindler's list it's been a very very very long time since i've seen it i couldn't watch that i could not watch that i mean seeing that and just like the hope when they were like grabbing on the soldiers and hugging the soldiers and like one of them came up and kissed the sold like the idea that like oh my god we're saved and just seeing the bodies and just seeing how sick they all were it just their literal skin and bone that was just because they were different i mean you can't even put into words how wrong that is and like again it's one of those things where i it didn't cross my mind that we would enter that no i wasn't sure what we would see i i wasn't sure what they would show i mean i mean i'm grateful again right again it's an important no it's an important thing to experience and this show continues to be an amazing piece of education yeah and i mean because we learned about all this stuff in school but then you don't it never crosses your mind reading reading it as a child essentially and being taught as from a teacher that you don't want to listen to is so different than watching it in and this is a tv show but they do such an amazing job making everything feel real and experiencing this as an adult is so much more impactful than anything that could be told to me even in college as like come on we're not we're not in a proper mental or even maturity state learning this in high school or college to have it even resonate with the proper level of impact and now all these because this is they don't go over it enough well and it's reading it in a textbook and being told what happened is so much different than seeing it play out and again i've said it since the beginning since episode one of the show the way it's filmed the way it's directed the way like the acting is done it feels very much like a documentary style piece of content and that was such an impactful episode it hit so hard and it's just it's one of those things that is just so unimaginable and it's like even reading it in a in a in a textbook or any of that stuff seeing it play out like that is just you know it's stuff that we definitely should never ever ever forget and need to constantly be reminded and be nice to each other and accept people who are different than you and just people we're all people like stop treating each other badly yeah it's just so insane how you could look at someone who might be a little different than you and immediately have a feeling of negativity towards them just because of that it's just what gives you that right it's just what gives you that right to treat anybody as if you are better than them yeah we're not better than anybody it's tough it's so tough and yeah i mean there isn't a whole lot else to say just try to love everybody i mean experiencing that and seeing like i'm sweating like it's not because it's hot i'm like sweating just because of i when i get emotional that's what happens to me i cry you sweat and it's just yeah it's one of those things where it's hard to watch but at the same time there's a level of gratitude and being grateful that we're experiencing this through this show i'm very grateful so one more episode sorry oh i mean i'm so sorry i don't even know if i those type of words even like what is the right even word to say you know yeah all the people that went through that and still suffering from all that and everything it's just yeah just okay all right any other thoughts no all right y'all we'll see you later [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Nikki & Steven React
Views: 89,610
Rating: 4.9562516 out of 5
Keywords: nikki steven, nikki steven react, nikki and steven, nikki and steven react, band of brothers, band of brothers reaction, band of brothers episode 9, band of brothers episode 9 reaction, band of brothers why we fight, band of brothers why we fight reaction, band of brothers episode 9 why we fight reaction, band of brothers episode 9 why we fight, easy company, easy company band of brothers, world world 2, the holocaust band of brothers reaction, the holocaust band of brothers
Id: _Vc8_NH1xbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 49sec (2029 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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