Band of Brothers Episode 5 'Crossroads' REACTION!!

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what's up everybody welcome back to the channel band of brothers episode five and you know from the moment that we've started this reaction channel there's been a lot of coincidences and very interesting timing with certain things and like specifically like going back to like our game of thrones reactions like the time that we started that it just worked out really well for everything and the fact that we're now watching this show on memorial weekend it's just it we didn't plan that and it's just it it's so amazing that we get to watch this show as emotional and as in just insane as it is to experience this stuff the fact that we're doing it on the weekend where we honor those that we have lost in our military is just it's just wild to me and it just again every little every single episode i'm just gonna keep talking about it because i think it's important just i appreciate and respect and love everyone who's ever fought for this country because it's just they gave up their time their life their families they gave it up for the greater so many sacrifices and it's just and i i think the anniversary of d-day is coming up which is wild like again we didn't plan to watch this show around these moments and it's just the way it happened the way that it's landed it's just it always just it just wild to me that that we're doing this now and experiencing and learning and again it's something that we should never forget and if you don't know about it you should learn about it because it's important and yeah soldiers and military have done so much and sacrificed so much so we appreciate y'all love y'all very very much and yeah i'm always gonna be there and support our troops because they're amazing but this last episode it was it every episode's been heavy and powerful and impactful and you know again every episode has the trend is very clear now that every episode's kind of very directly focused on something yeah and this mission that they had and it was also very much focused on bull right the replacements bringing new guys in just kind of into the company that has been together for a long time and kind of trying to it's tough yeah i couldn't again just everything that we've witnessed it i just can't imagine but being dropped into a group that has been together for so long and then you trying to like do your part and when bull was lost and they didn't know where he was they didn't know if he was alive or dead but they never saw the body so they're like no body he's alive and the fact that they all stood up and were like let's go find him like that's amazing that kind of stuff like that's so cool and amazing and like you could kind of see it on the look on his face when he was obviously they didn't find him because he got picked up by someone else first but like he kind of leaned out he saw the guys he was like huh yeah like you guys didn't forget about me that's awesome it it was easy company's first mission failure which not not on the fault of theirs a lot like easy company is they're amazing and winners is amazing and it was just bad recon and just bad information and they just ran into an ambush essentially is what it felt like that was nuts it was just so intense and the fact that you tried to tell the tank driver hey over there they're gonna get ya no yeah and he's like we have to see it to shoot it and it's like well i saw it shoot it yeah you're gonna believe me next time aren't you yeah that was just that was just a wild episode and actually seeing and experiencing their first failure it's like even hearing winners talk about it he's like i hate to retreat i don't want to ever do that again it's just like that's powerful and you know again they continue to lose soldiers and a lot of soldiers have lost their lives in this war and it's it's wild just again this is so well done this show is so well done and just the way it's filmed it makes you just feel like you're there it has a very documentary feel and it's just the way the look the shaky cam just everything about it and the effects after all these years of like it still feels like it holds up just fine it does yes and it's just incredible and again the testimonies and the thoughts at the very favorite parts my favorite part the beginning of this episodes hearing from the actual soldiers who fought in this war and telling their story faces yeah i can't wait to find out who's who once this is over and they reveal that because i think that that's gonna be even more powerful seeing who and just hearing them talk about it it's just so wild but yeah it's memorial weekend again very grateful and thankful for all those who served and everyone who's lost someone in in the military yeah you know thinking about you so ready jump into this episode let's go if you're a leader you lead the way not just on the easy ones you take the tough ones too a good leader has to understand the people that are under him understand their their needs or their desires or how they think a little bit seemed like he always made the right decisions along the way he was a real soldier like some of some of the officers i don't think i would follow them in the water oh he was he was one of the best he went right in there and he didn't uh he never thought of not being first or sending somebody in his place i don't know how he survived wow they assume they're talking about winners wow that's that's even after all this time they still talk to talk about him like yeah he was first not even a second thought about not being first not sending somebody else in his place this feels like a documentary it's just so well shot cinematography is incredible oh [ __ ] [ __ ] will wake up everyone is back at regiment come on something's up strayer's orders okay go ahead i'll be right down okay it was that his own p is that his own p damn it oh that's my own piss for christ's sake it wasn't apple juice that's for sure why do guys do that pee in cups next to their i mean not that you've ever done that but i'm just saying did he have a choice i'm sure they'd go to the bathroom dolby has been tasked with coordinating some kind of rescue operation for the red devils who were trapped when on them fell pick a team from easy company and get them back across orion as fast as possible all right we call this thing operation pegasus bob your second battalion is on the spot get it done still wage your right citations on that five october operation i need your report the report yes sir light a fire under it gig sure damn reports right now it's all all right get him on the quiet oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] aly you're gonna be okay come on what happened okay where was it crossroads first squad on your feet oh my god all right let's get this done quickly we gotta move not too much hey ally oh oh this is what he's writing about oh [ __ ] where the hell are they shooting at what's down that road regimental headquarters but that's three miles away why are they giving away their position hold here wait for my signal oh my god this is nerve-racking that would be horrifying yeah this is nuts this is our fallback position here mortars deploy here first squad on me go he's always leading yes the [ __ ] are they shooting at if something is three miles away he said second on the right first on the right dude they're just gonna ambush these fools first on the left oh each guy has their guy that they need to shoot oh [ __ ] don't miss this is so insane oh [ __ ] oh my god they're behind a solid roadway embankment we're in a ditch they can have flankers along and i can catch us out here as soon as they figure that out so how many crowds are we talking about well there's a ferry crossing here so it could be all battalion as far as i know talbert you'll take 10 men along the dike peacock you'll take 10 men along the left flank i'll take 10 up the middle so follow me man go on the red smoke the quiet moments are like a lot a lot they're a lot no wait wait for the signal dude [Music] what oh [ __ ] are you for [ __ ] real dude no way dude no way oh my god this dude just stood up there in front of i don't even know how many 50 plus [Music] holy [ __ ] are you for real i i don't feel comfortable standing upstream i how do you okay and he's down he's down jake cover it's german artillery you're portal he's down come on help me dude winners the way he's like go on the red smoke this dude just takes off everyone's gotta wait and he stands up on a little hill overlooking all these enemy soldiers and just starts firing on them dude this is like the real captain america like wow jesus captain they're ss what does that mean joe jump knock it off damn what we're bleeding ah it's nothing captain i want you to take these prisoners back to battalion to see pete get yourself cleaned up sir as he calls him cap i want all prisoners back up italian cp alive sir you can't kill them 22 wounded huh you okay yeah one killed who dougman all right you're looking at two full companies at ss out there 50 dead probably another 100 wounded seven back in the regimental cage plus a whole string i'm up there that's not bad for dukeman okay how'd you feel about handling the battalion sir moving you up to executive officer second title australia is well he could use some help well i know i could handle them in the field sir you're a solid tactician and a good leader don't worry about administration who do you think would be taking over easy sir loose heidegger can command easy company lieutenant heiliger would be my choice sir pacquiao come on battalion cp yes sir that kind of sucks i think somebody wishes you were back in charge of easy company moose are you two just here to gloat moose is gonna lead his first mission as company commander operation pegasus everybody know their job we drove with the boats all day lieutenant wells is coming along and the canadian engineers know how many times you want to cross a river three trips speed is the key we'll be at the far side of the rhine at zero 100. keep moving and lead the way dick easy's in good hands yeah it's probably a really hard thing for him to yeah like pass off to someone else are we sure on the intelligence of this well i think it's pretty good it's easy walking into another company of germans no one can see why don't we ask moose when he gets back oh if uh did you run into any trouble you let me know yeah is that like uh i think the obvious answer is no but like would winners be able to be like i want to stay with easy i think it's disrespect when you deny someone a promotion or you don't take the promotion that they're offering that's i don't know if that's for real i just thought i feel like the obvious answer is no you don't turn down a promotion in the middle of a war but yeah you could definitely tell he doesn't didn't want to give up easy right well i mean he wants to make sure they're in good hands and safe and well that's the thing is also is like you don't want to tell somebody above you i think you're wrong yeah who's heiliger and the american hundred and first i've done the red devils a great service making it possible for us to return and fight the enemy on another day to easy company victory and karahi [Applause] well that feels good but you're the only combat commander they've ever known just hang tough train your new platoon leaders trust your non-cop halt let's move hold your fire what the [ __ ] stay awake on me stay awake on me moose here look at my several enchanted wells now oh [ __ ] you're getting muffin yeah i'm not trying oh i can't remember two freestyles maybe theresa maybe you're trying to kill him it was two you don't think it might be important to let me know how much medication the man has had her you know you are officers you are grown-ups you ought to know i understand why the doc was upset i understand i get it you need to know what he's had but man i said it last episode being a medic in a situation like this in war has to be so hard he still has only 65 strength and most of those are replacements including their new ci how's lieutenant doug doing three weeks in holland the guys are already calling him foxhole norman oh we're talking about a mid-march action at the earliest so well i just went awol from the hospital to get back here sir i hope that's not going to cause you a problem would you care if it did i don't bid sir you my friend are headed to paris that's a 48-hour pass it's been decided that you need a little dose of civilization it's probably good for him to get away for a minute is it [Music] [ __ ] hmm that's tough you know i'm sure these guys don't want to have to kill other people but it's like you or me and he can't even ride on a train without feeling those feelings something as simple as a bath being amazing hey buck how are you feeling your wounds hill all four of them he's not okay oh i'm not like none of them are okay the stuff that they're going through elements of the first and the sixth ss panzer division have broken through in the ardennes forest all officers report their respective hq's all passes are canceled you have men returning to action without proper cold weather clothing and not enough ammo i suggest you take your canvas with the entire base get what materials you have before you roll out have you done that already no sir what about ammo there is no more ammo distributed amongst men as best you can so at least everybody has something they're not equipped for winter they're not equipped for cold weather it's really they're starting to show a little bit more of like the mental aspect of what they're dealing with and that's that's tough because it's easy to think like oh they're just showing up shooting fighting leaving but it's like this is stuff that stays with these men forever and like the worst part is when they're like i couldn't imagine being in a moment where you're enjoying something hanging out with your guys watching a movie and then being like nope let's go straight into battle it's welcome to belgium this area is known as bastogne strategic crossroads town seven roads leading in seven roads leading out gengar barely made it first on your left flank third battalion we saw a scene last episode with with beer involved belgium's got the best beer are you going the wrong way get out what happened how you going it came out of nowhere he slaughtered us you've got to get out of here you just got here get your ammo come on take it you'll need it what the [ __ ] that's really bad well i heard you guys are coming in it was an ammo dump so what is him the voice i hear the voice what the [ __ ] what's your name lieutenant say george reyes have to armor panzer division's about to cut the road south he looks like a baby yeah babies the paratroopers lieutenant we're supposed to be surrounded good luck wow where paratroopers were supposed to be surrounded [Music] what a scary like mindset we get dropped into places enemy everywhere but people are leaving and like get out of here you're gonna be slaughtered we were slaughtered and that's horrifying and then like taking the ammo off the other guys because like you don't have any it's like they're just walking in to what could possibly be just this massive ambush oh my god [Music] wow yeah that was that was a powerful episode because kind of like i mentioned i feel like we're starting to see more of like what these guys are dealing with mentally obviously we had a battle it was smaller than some of the ones that we've seen in the previous episodes but getting getting winners behind the desk getting his promotion and i feel like that's a disservice to easy company to have him pulled away from easy company i mean especially when we've seen and already kind of heard in the short amount of time who kind of has taken over and one of the dudes was named like mr foxhole which tells me that he doesn't lead he stays behind and tells people to go and he stays in the foxhole to hide is kind of what that sounds like correct me if i'm wrong but the fact that you know even in the very open i again assume they didn't mention winner's name but the assumption is that's who they were talking about just being a leader out first doesn't question anything he just goes and does it and he's smart he's a good strong leader and even in this episode the dude's just running by himself through open field while his company's behind him waiting for a signal and then earlier in the episode he goes and check out what this giant machine gun is doing and he goes by himself and then sends him like he doesn't send other people to go do the hard stuff he goes and does it himself as their leader and it's just he's looking out for his whole company it's just it's one of those things where and it's kind of a really strong mindset it's like you want something done right you go do it yourself him as the leader probably feels the most comfortable being the one to go do that to relay the messages back and make sure that his guys are in the best possible place to survive and win the battles especially after you know their their loss in the last episode well i like that he asked do each one of your company know their job do they know what they're doing and i like how he went up to every single first on the right second on the right third on the right like everybody has a job he is highly detailed and i feel like that's such a like a such a no-brainer of a thing to ask another leader but the fact that he was just like oh um like he kind of had question marks when winners was talking to him he was like do you have ammo do you have winter clothes do you have food get it what are you doing it's almost one of those situations where winners one million percent from what we have seen to this point deserves all the promotions in the world but on the flip side it's like do you want anyone else leading easy company and it's like if i was an easy company i'd be like no i want him to be my leader i want him taking us into battle it's like these are horrifying and scary ass moments whatever you could do to make these folks feel more comfortable like one dude like didn't get back in time from a wedding like come on like and like there's winners back out behind the desk out leading and doing his thing by the way that guy that's not back from the wedding is gonna be in so much well he showed up at the end he showed up right at the end he's like i made it like dude but it's just this show highlights just how valuable and important someone like winners is because again there's chaos and plans don't always work and will they hardly ever work so you have to have somebody who's cool and calm in these moments to be able to give directions and orders in the heat of the moment and it's like they didn't know that a whole nother like platoon was up there and they went to go fight them and then just like a whole nother company shows up and you know they still got it done and yeah just the the moments with winners just on that train just experiencing that those moments of ptsd already and just experiencing things and seeing the faces and someone lighting up a i think the old man had a had like a pipe but like he was flashing back to his guys having cigarettes in the trenches and like that that aspect of it is just so heavy and the stuff that soldiers are dealing with mentally is just we take care of our soldiers folks we got to take care of them it's just so important but that wasn't one of those really heavy fighting everyone dying type of episode that oh it was a lot of mental yeah which is just as powerful because you're you're seeing what they're dealing with in the moment the dude got like two days off and all he could think about is what he's been through and like he can't even go and enjoy himself for a minute and i mean it looked like he had a nice bath which probably was the most amazing bath in the history of baths just being able to sit there and quiet by yourself maybe getting a chance to like close your eyes and relax for a minute just unbelievable being nice and warm and clean mm-hmm he was very dirty this episode too because of the battles and all the stuff they were going through but yeah just another really powerful episode i i don't know if the show is bounced around episode wise i don't know if this next episode is taking us into what they're walking into because that sounds horrifying the fact that this other crew of soldiers are walking through and they have that look on their face just like oh [ __ ] like yeah and the one dude just being like you don't want to go that way we just got destroyed and it's like well give us your ammo we're going that way that's scary and i don't know if the next episode is going to pick up and going to that point but if so that's that's going to be a horrifying scary episode but that was another very well done episode all these episodes are just so good just the way they again they make you feel like you're in the moment with these soldiers and it's such a good piece of learning material and i even saw a comment we do see comments when our mods allow us to but we still want to stay safe but i saw a comment where teachers there's a couple teachers in our community thank you also for your service teaching is hard who think that this should be like a a certain level of curriculum for the kids in like high school or like 12th grade that could handle a more mature yes yes which absolutely because again this is the kind of stuff that needs to be learned if it's not being learned which it is being learned it needs to be something that's never forgotten and yeah it's just this is just so well done just being able to learn and be remembered and all that stuff so yeah very powerful show like it is so powerful we're halfway through teach the kids like why you're able to go to school you're able to go to school because somebody fought for this country so that you have that freedom yeah and a lot of people have died fighting for this country which is what memorial weekend's all all about remembering those and honoring those that have fallen and we love them love all you everyone who's ever served appreciate y'all do you have any other thoughts on this episode all right y'all have a fun and safe memorial weekend you're responsible we love all y'all out there so yeah leave your comments we'll see you later [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Nikki & Steven React
Views: 60,367
Rating: 4.9707937 out of 5
Keywords: nikki steven, nikki steven react, nikki and steven, nikki and steven react, band of brothers, band of brothers reaction, band of brothers episode 5, band of brothers episode 5 reaction, band of brothers replacements, band of brothers crossroads reaction, band of brothers episode 5 crossroads reaction, band of brothers episode 5 crossroads, crossroads band of brothers, easy company, easy company band of brothers, world world 2, us army 101st airborne, World War II
Id: F2hhvuXAIOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 2sec (1862 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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