Band 9 IELTS Listening Tips

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hi there it's asiya so far i've taken the  ielts exam five times and i achieved band   nine in its listening on four occasions and it  was actually the last time when i got only 8.5   and i even know which word i misspelled anyways  the very first time i took my exam i could still   get by nine even though my english skills were  far from being perfect and i had never been to an   english-speaking country at that point and today  i would like to share with you my tips that will   help you perform better in your test and hopefully  achieve a higher score okay let's get started   right now let me quickly tell you about the ielts  listening exam format just to make sure we're all   on the same page ielts listening is the same  for academic and general training students   it lasts for 30 minutes there are 40 questions  split into 4 sections and questions generally   get harder as you progress if you answer 30  questions out of 40 correctly you get a 7   35 questions and you get an eight all 40  questions and you get the perfect band 9 score   if you take a paper based excel then at  the end of the test you need to transfer   your answers to the answer sheet and you get 10  minutes to do that if you take a computer-based   test you don't need to transfer your answers  and you get two minutes to quickly check them   now let's talk about the main  difficulty in the ielts listening test   the ielts listening test is intense you need to  listen to the recording while you're reading your   questions and writing down your answers and you  know i've been living in london for 10 years and   i'm hoping to become a british citizen by the end  of this year fingers crossed but i still can't   do it i can't listen and read at the same time  so what i do instead is i try to redirect time   from other activities and read questions which  are coming next if you take several practice tests   you know that the test begins with instructions  which are read pretty slowly and they are the   same every time so you spend this time on  reading questions from the first section   and then after you answer them those questions  are relatively simple then you get 30 seconds to   review your answers so i don't review them i spend  this time on reading questions from the second   section which are already longer and then i have  more time to memorize all the options and so on   and it will be easier for me to answer those  questions and if i missed something in the   first section i will come back to that question in  the time after the test so you can still do that   basically my strategy is to learn the exam format  and to use the instruction time and revision time   to read the questions which are coming next you  know in the ielts listening test things happen   quickly and let's discuss how you  can cope with the pace of this exam   well first of all you should know that they  discuss each option only once if you hear that   it's incorrect that's it you can cross it out they  will not come back to this option or if you hear   that a certain answer is correct you can mark it  as correct and move on to the next question they   will not say later oh no actually we said that is  correct but that is not correct they never do that   and to help yourself navigate through the test  you need to identify the keywords in questions   and in longer options the keywords are the words  which determine what this question is about   and they will discuss all the options if you have  for example multiple choice questions you have   three options or six options  they will talk about each of them   and these are the little details which  determine which answer is correct or   incorrect but the keywords help you understand  which option they are discussing so if you take   the paper-based exam you can simply underline all  the keywords if you take a computer-based test   there is a function to highlight them in yellow  but i find that it just takes too much time and   it's better to simply try to memorize the keywords  this will help you to avoid the next danger   missing several answers in a row it may happen if  you're listening to the recording and you miss the   correct answer but you don't realize that that's  happened so you keep on listening and then you   miss the next question and then you understand  that you're lost but you don't know what they're   talking about now and you miss several questions  in their own so that's a situation to avoid   and using keywords can help you do that but also  you should try to keep an eye on two questions   at the same time your question and the next  question you don't need to remember both questions   just the key word from the next question and if  you hear it it's time to move on after all if you   miss one answer it's not a big problem and if you  don't know what the answer is or you're not sure   just mark this question to review and  you will come back to it at the end of   the test if you take a paper-based exam you  can just draw an exclamation a question mark   next to this question and if you take a  computer-based test there will actually be a tick   to review and then you will see all the questions  you want to review in the two minutes after the   test now let's talk about difficult types of  questions and the first one is filling the gap   that's what you usually have at the very beginning  of your listening test and here is how it looks   you have gaps you need to fill in with words  here it's important to read the instructions write one word and or a number for each  answer this means that you can write one word   you can write a number you can write one word  and a number for example ten dollars but you   cannot write two words because that will make  your answer incorrect so let's have a look at   some and i will show you how you should try to  help yourself find the correct answers number one   photos must not be in a or an album so try to  anticipate what kind of word you're looking   for is it a noun or a verb in this case it's  clearly a noun because we have an article a   and it's a singular noun and then try  to figure out what kind of word would   fit there so photos must not be in an album  or so that's something similar to an album   so the answer is frame and it's not a  frame it's just frame one word next cost   the cost for 360 photos is pounds including one  disk so what are we looking for we're looking for   the price a number so the correct answer is 21 and  you have to write this number if you spell it out   21 these are two words and that will make  your answer incorrect now question number five and contrast can be improved if necessary  so again what are we looking for we're   looking for a noun because we see the article  there and it's something that can be improved   along with the contrast so the answer is color  and in ielts listening you can use the british   or the american spelling whichever you prefer  just remember that spelling counts if you spell   a word incorrectly it will not be counted  as a correct answer and sometimes if you're   hesitant and you're not sure how to spell a  word a good trick is to take a sheet of paper   and just write this word down in several different  ways look at it and see which one looks correct   sometimes we don't remember how to write it  but we can recognize it when we see it also   completed sentences must be grammatically correct  so when you have some time to review your answers   after your test read each sentence where you  feel they get and see if this sentence is correct   for example if you write in question one photos  must not be in a a frame that's incorrect   because the article is there twice the sentence  should be correct and yes never write articles   in your answers sometimes you need to write  down a name of a person or a straightening   and what you should know is that those  names have a spelling which is more complex   than it may seem let me give you a couple  of examples could you please take a sheet   of paper and a pen and try to write those down  so here is the first one you hear a dialogue and   someone says could you please give me your name  of course it's james rosie rosie is it r o s y   no it's a o set i e you see the surname is more  complex than it seemed and thus they gave you   an alternative and incorrect spelling and  then the correct one so be prepared for that   sometimes they give you the correct spelling  straight away like in the second example   could you please give me your address of  course it's 10 leicester square lester could   you spell it for me of course it's l e i c e  s t r again it's more complex than it seemed   sometimes you may need to write down a number a  telephone number a house number or a flat number   and i have a few examples for you to practice  ready could you give me your telephone number it's   0784 506 406 0. did you get it okay o is  what we call zero in a telephone number   o and if you have two of them you say double o  like double o seven james bond and if you have   three digits which are the same it's triple  triple seven or triple six and number two void   here are two more telephone numbers  let's practice already the first one is   oh five double o seven six okay did you get this one  correctly let's try once more   0 9 6 5 8 7 5 3 1 and here is the telephone number  if you have like nine nine you don't have to say   double nine they may say nine nine so be ready  for that too and for house and flat numbers   you may just get a number 13 or 85 but  you may also get a letter for example   25 a or 30 b i actually had that in one of  my previous tests so be prepared i think that   the two most complex types of questions in ielts  listening are multiple choice questions especially   when those options are long and label the map  questions and for them i have two separate videos   with strategies and practice tasks and i will link  them in the description and now let me give you a   few tips for the paper-based and computer-based  ielts listening if you take a paper-based exam   then in ielts listening you can work directly on  the question sheets which is very convenient you   can underline keywords and it takes virtually  no time you can cross out incorrect options   imagine you have four options you hear the two  of them are incorrect you eliminate them but   then you miss the correct answer you have just  two options left which means that you have a 50   chance to guess it correctly which is a good  thing but in ielts listening paper-based exam   you need to be careful about the exam format the  answer format for example if you have a question   like this and the correct answers are cleaning  and shopping and you write those words   on the answer sheet these are incorrect answers  because you need to use the letters b and d so   be careful about that it's not a problem in a  computer-based exam because you simply click   on the correct options but in the computer-based  test you have no time to use their highlight   to highlight keywords you simply memorize them  and there is no easy way to cross out incorrect   answers either they will give you a sheet of paper  with instructions and a pencil that you can use to   take notes but there is no time for that so i  think that you should just concentrate on the   screen with your mouse and just click on correct  answers and that's it in the computer-based test   all questions are split into four screens  10 questions per screen and when the test   opens you see probably the first eight  or nine questions and you need to scroll   down to reveal the tense question the very  first time i took a computer-based test i almost   missed it so be careful and scroll down and also  when the test moves on to the second section   you need to click to go there the screen will  not change automatically and you don't need to   wait for the instructions to go to the second  section as soon as the tense question is done   you can click and start reading those questions  straight away and you have a convenient function   to mark questions to review at the bottom of the  screen if you're wondering how it all looks how   the computer based platform looks and how to use  it i have a video demonstration and i will link   it in the description box below now let's discuss  how you should spend your revision time at the end   of the test in a paper-based test you have 10  minutes that's quite a lot of time so first of   all transfer all the answers you're certain about  to the answer sheet and here pay attention to the   answer format and don't write a word like cleaning  instead of a letter b as we discussed before   then try to figure out answers to questions you  missed sometimes if you read it again you can   just guess what the answer is if not just mark one  answer answer all the questions by the end because   you don't lose any points for incorrect answers  and you always have a chance to guess it correctly   and finally check your feeling the gap questions  check the spelling of your words and check that   the grammar of each completed sentence is correct  10 minutes should be enough to do it all in the   computer-based test you have just two minutes  but you don't need to transfer your answers   so spend this time on figuring out answers to  questions you missed or wanted to revise and check   filling the gap questions finally if we're  talking about how you should prepare for your   ielts listening test it really depends on how much  time you have before your test i have a detailed   video with instructions to prepare in one week one  month and three months and you can see it right on   the screen thank you so much for watching me today  good luck with your preparation and your exam bye
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya, ielts listening, ielts listening test, ielts listening 2021, ielts listening format, ielts listening tips and tricks, ielts listening strategy, how to prepare for ielts listening, ielts listening computer based, ielts listening how to score 9, ielts listening band 9, ielts band 9, ielts listening how to improve
Id: tOOaZ2pXElo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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