12 Awesome Baldur's Gate 3 Beginners Tips and Tactics - How to get the Best Start in Baldur's Gate 3

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vessel wobbles on the Lake's murky Waters borders Gate 3 is finally here and I Zoe delantilite have some Baldur's Gate three beginner's tips for you no Preamble no nothing too excited about borders Gate 3 finally being out so let's get into it the very first thing you want to do is to go into your settings and turn off something called karmic dice this is a feature that by and large makes things harder for you and easier for your enemies so it's definitely something you want off while you at least get used to Baldur's Gate 3. comic dice if enabled essentially allows your enemies to play with weighted dice they'll hit and crit you more often than they usually should and this higher chance to hit increases with your armor class keep calmik dice on and you'll find there's higher pressure on having the highest initiative roles so you can strike before your foes combat is over faster because things die faster healing is less crucial as it doesn't really do much and any haste spells or potions you have become essential to staying alive if you're looking for a challenge you can keep karmic dice on but for beginners I definitely recommend turning it off to start with let near be your end positioning is perhaps the most important thing to consider when combat starts in borders gate 3. positioning is the literal position you move your party into during combat and it can make a huge difference having The High Ground gives you advantage on roles meaning you get to roll twice and you take the higher score and means you can push people off Ledges if they're up there with you survey the landscape and take into account if there's grease to set on fire water to electrocute or freeze somewhere you can stealth closer to your enemies barrels that you can blow up all of these things will help you just as much as hitting with your attack if not more due to the area of effect some of these things create ideally you want to move your party into places where the enemy is either blocked or can't attack you and thus the computer will waste their turns moving enemies around on the other side of things you always want to be moving away from enemies that have yet to take their learn and focusing your fire on one enemy whose turn has already passed as a general rule killing one enemy is better than partially damaging three positioning has you thinking about where your party are when you get into brawls and if you think about fights far enough in advance you can start some fights on your own terms when you're talking to an NPC if you sense things getting a bit tense you can switch characters and go to take up positions nearby ready for a fight the character engaged in dialogue will remain so but by the time the talk is over and a fight has started you'll have gotten the upper hand you'll already have split your party to put ranged party members at a distance a rogue sneaking or have scoped out Elemental hazards that can help you and hinder your foes care for the weak to OK true potions can be thrown at characters and upon smashing will have the same effect as if they were drunk so you can throw a healing potion at a party member who's not looking too good and they'll be Dandy in no time this works for most potions but during combat the splash from a healing potion can heal more than one party member if they're close enough including enemies though so just bear that in mind foreign ERS Gate 3 is based on Dungeons and Dragons but there are some changes that larion have made and one of the biggest is that some characters can have multiple bonus actions in normal Dungeons and Dragons you only have one bonus action per turn but to get the right gear and class and you can have up to four as a rogue in Baldur's Gate 3 helmet of grit gives the wearer one extra bonus action and remember offhand attacks and other abilities are assigned to your bonus actions so you can actually end up having additional attacks at your disposal for example Rogues could potentially have four attacks in one round a standard action attack a standard bonus offhand attack and attack bonus action that they get from the thief subclass and finally an extra bonus action from the helmet of grit regardless of whether you have one bonus action or four always try to use them on your turn as you really want to make the most of the options you have in combat move is the main one [Music] me lders Gate 3 has an odd little section of the hot bar you may be puzzled about there are some symbols in their respective boxes namely a Green Dot orange triangle and then the other symbols depend on your class for magic users these are usually spell slots and then maybe points if you're a fighter I'm just going to call them points for simplicity's sake these icons are buttons and when clicked on they'll open a menu that shows you all the points you have left made up of actions bonus actions and spells at your disposal that you can still use on your turn these points you have left don't carry over into the next round of combat so it's best to use as many as you can on your turn now reactions aren't listed alongside these points but they're incredibly useful so I'm gonna try to do a video on them soon comboing spells in Baldur's Gate 3 is just as powerful a tactic as it was in Divinity original sin 2. you can create water and then electrocute it zapping all enemies taking a paddle or turn it into ice and have a chance for enemies to fall prone meaning they have to waste their movement action to get up grease plus fire equals fire puddle spells can be used for far more than just combat too so if you cast Webb at the bottom of a large drop you can jump and land on the web without taking any full damage it's very fun to see what combinations work so don't be afraid to play with your spells and the environment comboing goes a lot further than combining spells as you can also combine items you can right click on broken items in your inventory to bring up the combining menu which will show you which item you can combine them with so two broken pieces of the same type can be repaired into One Singular item this extends Beyond stuff in your inventory too you can combine item items in the wild with stuff in your inventory for fun and deadly results see a cauldron bubbling that people are drinking or eating from go up to it combine it with some poison and anyone who drinks from it will be having a bad time foreign of the only downsides to resting is that you lose supplies which you can replace without much trouble even though you may feel that you need to speed through a certain dicey situation I recommend resting whenever you can even after a fight and definitely after you've been through a couple especially a long rest as your Camp is one of the main places where companion stories can be progressed if you don't rest enough you can actually miss certain story events and when it comes to borders Gate 3 that is not something you want creaming in the Looking Glass Petty vanity of course I miss it borders Gate 3 does have Auto saves but I don't trust Auto saves as a rule so I'd still recommend saving often especially when exploring you never know what you might bump into thanks boss we'll be looking a lot worse if not broke from a friend combat is a huge part of borders Gate 3 and you have to know some important things if you're just starting out number one although positioning is important be careful of disengaging Slash running away from enemies you're fighting doing so will give them a free opportunity attack against you as you move out of melee range which can hurt second you can see the order in which everyone is going to take their turns and you should be using this to your advantage focus on neutralizing or getting advantage on enemies before their turn comes often disabling enemies is a more powerful technique than dealing plane damage third Focus your fire on a single enemy having three enemies at half Health means you still have three attacks coming at you but having only two enemies means only two attacks might sound obvious as hell but I am saying it anyway let's see what this does match your class and your race carefully Shield dwarves get plus two strength so they fit perfectly with being a barbarian or a fighter drows get plus two dexterity as well as plus one Charisma so they make great Rogues or Charisma based classes like warlock or Bard having fun is more important than optimizing your character however so go with whatever speaks to you deep within your heart and if you really want to have the best character possible you should definitely watch my beginner's guide to multi-classing and my Advanced multi-classing videos because there are some ridiculous builds in there [Music] I mentioned this briefly earlier but I'm gonna say it again when one of your characters is in dialogue with an NPC you can always switch to another person in your party and move around Unchained to the NPC in question you can use this to set up your party for a fight getting onto High Ground for example or if you're more someone who has a tenuous relationship with the law pickpocket the person deep in conversation hey I don't judge [Music] this gear drops real early on so heed my warning do not equip the gloves of the absolute unless you have Mark of the absolute brand trust me you will regret it there you go those are 12 Baldur's Gate 3 beginner's tips for you good folk do you have any other beginner's tips with Waters Gate 3 I'd love to hear any and all of them in the comments or you can tag me directly on Twitter at Zoe underscore Dells I'll be coming out with more videos on some Advanced tips for borders Gate 3 and some multi-classing guides so if they sound useful make sure to keep an eye on the channel if you've made it this far thanks so much for watching and make sure you subscribe to Eurogamer and like this video for more videos from yours truly as we have a new video out almost every single day now I'm gonna go and try and seduce the Starion again so I'll see you good folk next time caused a rock fall trapped tighter than ring on a fat finger you're me you pay up that's the trouble he's got the gold on him
Channel: Eurogamer
Views: 117,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: B0y9cnK5u8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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