BG3 - Way of the Four Elements Monk Guide

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hello everybody this is Hiro and I'm here with a way of the four elements Monk guide this guide is going to have some two major pieces to it one just general conversation about way of the four elements Monk and two specifically my reasons for choosing this for the shove build that I've been doing where I basically just shove everything off of the ledge in all kinds of various ways so let's get into it and enjoy I'm going to begin by talking a little bit about class spec these kinds of things abilities and then really dovetail into conversation about um saves so what sort of stats are involved in actually performing our skills and what kinds of ability saves do enemy creatures perform to resist it as well as I'm going to talk about action versus bonus action how important that is to Monk here at the beginning I'm just going to respect my character so you can see what's going on here um we are gonna picmonk and I'll talk a little bit about what the purpose of Monk is in a Battlefield this is your class that doesn't really need anything except it's skin to do any damage and its attacks are going to scale off of dexterity if dexterity is higher and this is relevant for certain kinds of gameplay specifically it allows you essentially to avoid the strength stat if you don't want to do the sort of one-hit monk build which I'll talk about a little bit about but this you know gives you some flexibility on your abilities makes dexterity a very important stat for us also um are martial arts mean that we can eventually as we scale up our level do mostly unarmed attacks so we have a lot of honored attacks like Florida blows and later on a few offhand bonus actions that come about when you do a normal hit these are all relevant for the way that the monk works on the defensive side it's also gaining from the wisdom modifier so in both cases this is a class where you are taking two attributes and you are moving their traditional role out of that space into another one so you know Constitution having high Health being able to wear and wield heavy weaponry and armor are all out of scope or monk instead we want dexterity to scale our damage and we want wisdom to scale our Armor class that's the main feature of it so here if you're not doing a strength monk build which I'll again I'll mention later what you want is high decks and high wisdom they just mentioned intelligence Charisma less relevant right this is actually kind of important for shoving but I'll explain why I don't pump it for my specifically my shop build um you are going to have worse time in terms of rolls so you don't want your monk if you have a party be the guy that talks to People Too Much monks does have some useful um interactions as far as healing or Aid or sort of mental health anything that's related to those sorts of dialogues you will often get options that are for monk which is fine but if you're trying to do Arcana history religion checks just be aware that you're going to be fairly deficient if you're trying to persuade things not to find other ways than the additional Charisma rules you'll have lower roles in terms of skill proficiencies um I've chosen stealth and acrobatics acrobax is almost a useless stat I have to be clear but there are a few things that it's good for for my shove build specifically which is why I've chosen it over grabbing something like religion or Insight or history which are the other major options given that my background I've chosen Athletics and survival and my race gives me information so the other options are worse that's why we're picking acrobatics in my build but I would say that all that acrobatics is really saying is if your character is on a slippery surface How likely are they to be affected by it if your character gets shoved or gets grappled with in a melee how effective are they at resisting those things which actually happens to be kind of relevant for the show build since you're often waiting in turn trying to group mobs up to shove them all off the other than that stealth is quite important for the shove build as well since you want to position yourself well sometimes you have to go into the red areas where Mobs Can See You stealth check will be performed so that's why these are here for my build all right let's get out of here all I want to talk about for those parts now let's go to level up and I'll show you the different builds level two we're just getting standard monk things which introduce a really interesting gameplay piece that I want to talk about patient defense is really a lovely defensive piece if you need stay in melee for all monk specs awesome use of a bonus action step of the wind and disengage are are really relevant and I want to explain this in the context of action versus bonus action this is how the game is designed for all classes bonus actions are things like using potions using a kind of minor skill these These Little Things and monk is designed so that it offers across a couple of layers spells that duplicate the effect of either standard actions or standard bonus actions and what I mean by that is in this case Dash is a great example of a spell that actually exists as a normal action every class can use Dash enemy mobs use it all the time to close the distance so you're giving up your main attack so that you can pursue movement what monk is saying is hold on a second you have the flexibility to do that out of the bonus action slot if you want instead of the action slot so you can press this and essentially gain Dash you can move a long way across the battlefield and still use your main attack does that make sense disengage is the way that we manage being in melee melee is a difficult spot to be if you are surrounded by enemies because anytime you move opportunity attacks are given to the opponent so they you'll see a little red reticle on the ground an arrow telling you if you're going to move your character out of this range this mob will will have a strike against you this is bad news for a monk as you have or right your sort of paper if you get hit um even though we have good armor class with wisdom it's not we're not tanky in the way that uh Paladin would be or a warrior type class would be with huge Shields and and big Health pools instead we want to use our movement to get out of the way and disengage and other mechanics like it allow you to get out of that space without wearing that piece so this is all really useful core pieces for what the monk is doing in addition to that we're going to get a lot of movement speed just by wearing our normal kit which is no armor just cloth stuff on we go at level three we get our spec so the subclass is for monk are way of the shadow kind of your rogie subclass open hand kind of your Warrior or melee damage class and way of the four elements which is more your Caster or or magic class we have the shadow is really good for a couple of things certain kinds of utility like specifically silencing spellcasters so locking down any Mages or other spot casters and isolating targets with Shadow arts and darkness this is like you know rogue's bomb you put uh your bomb on the ground nothing can shoot into it so it gives you a lot of safety you can deal lock down that one Target and blow them up really cool stuff they have more stealth options too so you can index out of stealth if you want to grab this stuff because you can guarantee that you evade in the middle of combat any detection I haven't founded that in that useful half swapped into a bit and I haven't found I needed the extra stealth but this is also just a lovely way to play monk the more common one we have the Open Hand this is your damage profile monk so what you really want to be doing is smashing things and this scales really nicely with a couple of other effects so I didn't talk about race obviously I'm a half work Monk and I'll I'll mention why in a second but if you choose I think it's halfling or known one of those two you get an ability that makes it so that you're you're one die rolls are re-rolled and you have a lucky crit chance what that means is for any unarmed attack which is a a dice that has four sides so one D4 you are going to have a 25 chance um to automatically not use that one roll so if you roll four-sided dice there's 25 chance that it's a one you counter that by your race making it so that you re-roll that one now you're rolling essentially at 2d4 for your unarmed attacks which is amazing for monk you combine this with heavy strength in the tavern brawler which we'll come to in a minute you can do some really deadly melee damage so Flurry of Blows but you have the open monk um is really excellent we have the four elements is your Caster Monk and I want to talk about the utility that you get out of this essentially you get access to three spells from this spell list you can make a block of ice you can do like chromatic orb burning hands shocking grasp these sorts of things you can throw ice and you can do range fire damage but you also get fist of the or Thunders best of unbroken air Rush of Gale spirits and even water whip which are really interesting utility pieces and help me for the shove build to make it work this essentially says for me shove is now an AOE ability for two of these spells or a range stability for this spell yeah I'll show you the reticles when we go back to the game but this is sort of a large rectangle this one is a long line so you can aim at wherever what your needs are for the kind of mom that you're dealing with and we'll also talk about saving roles and how that's important for how these all play out but in any case you get these really strange spells and I'm going to talk about how I use them for show foreign we get access to some range defense so anything or slow fall excuse me range defenses later and we get access to new Feats so this is where I was talking about if you want to do the melee damage monk build Tavern brawler with a I think it's either a halfing or no I forget which one is gonna be the way you want to go and then pump strength strength is going to now modify your melee damage it just crushes really fun um and then you get obviously a bonus to your strength or constitute but what we're going to be doing is taking ability improvements for most monk builds and this just gives you bonus stats with monk which monk uses really well especially pumping your dexterity you get um wisdom as well for defense you can have really high armor classes and obviously strength if you need um better Athletics checks if you need to push things more these kinds of pieces I find um my strength I kind of get a bonus strength from an item I'm wearing so I don't really need this as much so I just pump dexterity be a little more sturdy strength is probably something I'm going to index into a little more as I get further into the campaign because I'll want to push things further so your opportunity to be close to a ledge um is harder in certain parts so you'll want to pump strength so that you can actually complete an Athletics check and launch things further but we'll get finally you get the core monk abilities stunning strike which is insane except for the fact that it's a constitution save so this is why people don't play monk by the way the main core piece of Monk is being able to lock down single targets with stuns and since we have through extra attack two opportunities in every given turn we can essentially permastun things for a long time incredibly incredibly strong except for the fact that the targets you usually want to stun are the boss targets like Marcus and he has an insane constitutional role other bosses where really that's the target you don't want to be moving or doing things is it double attacks with two-handed weapons crazy things so constitutional is a little awkward but um it's still there and for my show build I use this minimally because I'm mostly just throwing things off the edge but if you want to understand what really the power of monkey is it's this and if you get good roles on your Constitution defense then it's it's amazing how it transforms a Battlefield forcing another enemy to not have a turn is gigantic in followers game uh anyways we can also replace the spell but that brings us to the end or my characters and I'm only level five actually um you wave the four elements monk scales up the capacity and strength of those Mage spells so you get more access to um different versions of them but let me just show you what these are doing for me in actual gameplay you can see here the reticle I have some footage I'll put up to um in the background moving things around this is the most common one I use the way of the four Thunders because of the reticle means it gives me a good range on where mobs are and it's saving throw even though Constitution for me seems to have better payoffs this is also the one that generally speaking gets the most play because of the way AOE is structured in the game so Target's coming around you but I would say that I have used a number of times this one as well because look at the range on the straight line that you're able this is like Tetris basically right we have the rectangle and you've got the long line coming down there are moments where I want to be able to hit a number of targets online and this has been amazing for that it also clears gas so forget what is it in under dark there's like the the Grim there's a gas cloud that comes up a couple times you can just press the spell and clear the gas out of the way finally fist of The Unbroken air as a range stability you see the reticle here you can be pretty far away from targets and still produce the same shove mechanic so all three of these are doing that work and they produce a couple of other pieces prone is quite useful actually off balance is even better because you lower their capacity to deal with certain kinds of rolls so disadvantage to strength and dexterity checks is kind of good too but these are aside really the value of these in my opinion moving them around the battlefield you also have access to just your general shove which is going to do an Athletics check strength based and really works well when you're crouched so if you can approach a mob um let's see if we can do it here on Arabella just for the sake of fun you can see when I am crouched or in stealth my shove I'm gonna have a 96 chance and you can see my Athletics is saying it'll move for that far weather's only that far if I don't have it maybe it's it depends on how Arabella is I guess I'm just that good so 96 chances High because arable is just a neutral Target and I shouldn't be shipping but the point is that um depending on the target's weight you will need to use Athletics checks and being crouched really increases your capacity to do this from being stealth so invisibility counts as well now there are some targets of course that can't be shown because they're too large like ogres so we have to use these other there's no other way to do it for a monk other than to use pistol four Thunders or Rush of the Gale Spirits or fist of The Unbroken air just be aware that um you have these as real tools to deal with moments when a Target is too large I think I have an ogre example here I'm using it it the other thing I want to talk about is why monk is interesting to me from an action and bonus action standpoint as I mentioned before things like Dash are replicated in our bonus action slot with Dash over here step of the wing but it's also relevant that our key Spenders or our items are bonus actions as well and this game this gameplay is interesting because monks the weight of Monk's power actually is not necessarily in its main hand attack though if you go the strength build it's there as well but it's really loaded up into Flurry of Blows melee attacks this is where a lot of the damages or it's it's loaded up into your stunning strike or the Open Hand monk has another version of just your regular hit or your off-handed hit so if you do a melee attack you get the opportunity for a bonus melee attack that's the bonus action side of Monk is where a lot of the power is so you really want to think very clearly about what you're doing before you just use items so using a greater healing potion for example is a huge loss of your capacity to do damage or Your Capacity to move things around you also have sometimes Fist of the fourth unders is your action ability which means that you get a lot of extra utility out of bonus pieces like um using your step of the win to get Dash so you can still perform a movement ability and get away with the normal Dash feature do you see what I'm saying so knowing where your bonus action is the more valuable thing to be using and knowing where your action is the most valuable is really important and for shove for the shove build what I love is that you basically have access to both in a given turn you're going to be shoving things so that you can shove them again and I'll start to show some footage in the background so you can see what I'm talking about here let's pull up uh the combo where I I show you how to shove something pretty far I think this has been here long distance showing so you can see here we're just out exploring we've got our torch because I haven't got the blessing yet and we have some mobs that have chased us along you can see how far for example this is to a cliff you see the off to the right side we have a cliff I'm going to shove this creature up a little bit so that I can move it forward so my shove succeeds the Athletics check I move up here and then what I'm going to do is hit them again but this time I'm going to use my other ability so I've used both my bonus action and I'm going to use my action you can see the reticle here will show you when your skill is going to launch them off the edge it sort of Loops down over the edge fire that off bang off he goes displaced get the XP and you can run um that's a good example let me pull up the ogre I'll show you so when you're in the castle you can also um push things off the edge yeah I've brought this mob down with an attack I can't use my bonus action to shove so what I did was I used my bonus action on dash to get all the way down here the mob chases you down with their own Dash using up their basically their own capacity and then you can just turn and blast them off the edge yeah I actually gotta level up for that so you get good experience because you're just knocking things off the edge all the time another example the mobs that were in here before are um also in this video where is it I think it's oh yeah but these mobs here can also be dealt with in the same way if you talk to them or if you stealth near them want to walk aways common tactic for me is to pickpockets and I'll actually let me talk about it first before I get into this but the common tactic to use if you want to do the shove build is to start by going up to the Target And since you want to be crouched or stealth to give you the extra bonus to your Athletics check what you want to do is stealth first get yourself into position and then if it's something you can pickpocket because they move around a lot you press shift spacebar to get yourself into turn-based mode now you haven't taken any actions within your turn-based mode anything you do from now on is going to cost you you see the 3.1 meters I move that it's going to drain my movement if I press an ability like I potion at this time it's going to use up my bonus action it's really important that before you press shift space to go into this mode you already have your plan so I'm going to walk up here I can pickpocket and it's not again it's not reducing an effect in real time for the other mobs the environment still needs to wait or the mom needs to wait until you're done your turn so then you can shove the box boom and displaced it but it doesn't push it anywhere I can then shove blocks again my ability and it's still my turn all that can be done within that and then after the mob is gone you can just press shift space again and you're back to your normal gameplay that makes sense so you want to be crouched first because if you press Crouch while you're within base bar it will mess it up so let me show you if I'm in turn base and I press Crouch I've used up my bonus action so now I can't shove anything or I can't I've used it my action excuse me not my bonus action I've used it my app so now I can't do any of my my shoving skills I can just do a normal show instead get to where you need to go oh see the environment's turn I forgot to press spacebar so I'm running around I know oh here's a Target over here I go into my my cloak here's a Target in Sarah you can see where her reticles are maybe we're still not we're not into our shift space yet so we can move around freely maybe we'll see if we creep pasture we're passing stealth checks perhaps or you could jump if you want to get to the other side the jump takes you over the creature you can see you're going here jump again now you're on this side of them now you press your turn base mode so you're in the right space now to know what you want to do that's how I tend to approach it because that way you have all of your abilities both your action and bonus action available to you and you're not interrupted by the other mobs so I'll go back to the moonrise Tower and you can see how this works with pickpocketing specifically stealth's first get the red radicals because he might turn around I use my turn-based mode I think his pocket of them off the edge to come to the end here we go and Chase his mom around so if I go and hide here again I'm outside of turn based mode I'm just waiting you can see the reticle coming down I'm out of range you're waiting for him to come up and then as soon as he gets pretty close to the wall I activate turn based Mode come up to pickpocket I know he's not gonna move now if you fail the pickpocket um they will cancel turn-based mode and cost you so just be aware of that but that's essentially how that works works for necromites as well on the on the bridge I also shoved off Sue's Dara which maybe is going to be a problem later but I'm just having too much fun with this you can see this lady up here who helps you from coming up the steps you're not really supposed to be in this area but I managed to get up here and I just 88 that's because I'm stealth if I wasn't stealth it would be far less so using that tactic approaching or stealthing then entering turn-based mode is the way to go here's an example of surprise tactics so what I want to show you here is I use from invisibility or stealth my spell so I used um excuse me let's go back here so you can see I use the way of the four Thunders or Fist of the fourth unders and I'm in stealth or cloaked what is this going to do at the beginning of combat if there's no dialogue what ends up happening is your opponents are surprised even if I don't move them so in this case he got displaced but he didn't get shoved so he rolled and saved against the Fist of the fourth under shove I have initiative you surprised I get another whole turn what does that mean I can do it again the enemy's surprised Bang off he goes that's an interesting point for when you're fighting mobs that aren't gonna initiate dialogue so a lot of the fights actually do initiate dialogue and you either have to get through that and run away and come back and deal with the fight or you're just out fighting mobs somewhere in the in the world and you need to engage them and they're just enemies so this effect is really useful because you essentially get two turns if you end up surprising your opponents um I just want to make a note about water whip here so I tried to use water whip on this boss and remember water whip is a strength um save so it's chance here you can see is at 25 which is quite low um and that's fine there's going to be sometimes where that's not useful but what water whip is interesting is it will bring a Target to right nearby you if you're on a Ledge the target will fall down so it's another kind of shove or movement mechanic that you can use within the way of the four elements kit you just fire it off it would normally pull you in this case you can see I screwed up and didn't didn't achieve it but water whip is actually quite good I ended up shoving the warden I think uh here so the warden will walk around you can just shove her off the edge I'm gonna put you in combat one of the things that's really lovely about the shove gameplay is even if you're in combat and need to get away shoving as a bonus action it means that you can do normal actions to to move your yourself out of the way so you can do things like um you know invisibility you can get a long way away you can step with with all your abilities you can run monks got a lot of range right depending on the skill so my encouragement to you is even if you're in the densest craziest part of battle and you've got all kinds of mobs around you you can almost always shove one run away and get away because you have Superior movement so you can even hit These scrying Eyes did you know that you can shove crying eyes off the edge they're floating but didn't work that time I'm like well okay that didn't work I'm like it succeeded but it didn't move them well this is me testing by the way crying eyes can't be shoved off the edge hold on a second why don't I just try I know there he goes 140 XP is actually quite a lot of XP so if you're thinking um how do you ever get anything done in this game you're obviously lower level this is true but I've been just running right through the campaign shoving everything you don't really need levels to do it but you get a lot of XP if you want to spend the time instead of hacking and slashing just come up and just like elbow something off the edge 140 XP um there's other circumstances too I have put it in this video maybe I'll grab them in a second but while you're watching um this this is another fight the your year year fight so this is a fight where you're really just thinking as a monk about how to move around the battlefield because um what you really want to be doing is blowing these guys up unless you do the dialogue for him to to kill his companions um I suggest trying this out instead and the way that this is achieved actually has a lot more to do with the Monk's kit than it does anything else what I mean by that is if you look at how patients patient defense works if you look at how our passive Buffs work our ability to deflect arrows what this guy will do this giant Orson ogre dude he will fire a cluster of bombs at you that you can then pick up on your turn because you have a ton of initiative as a DEX monk player you get turn two so he fires these little cluster bombs at you and then he fires a bolt and sometimes he fires them at you and if there's a cluster bomb near you it'll blow them all up and kill you but you can deflect it due to your passives so you have in this case deflect missiles and I also think I had um other capacity to do that as well where is it my something else on that lets me deflect them it doesn't matter deflect missiles is enough and you can stop the damage and stop it from hitting the uh the bombs so you collect all those bombs and then as a monk you just run away you just run away with the bombs all the way down the corridor get as far away from this guy as you can and then you come back up you set the bombs and then move them around into the area until they're all around them you see these little yellow pieces all on the ground and then you stand at a distance as a monk and you lob them in one thing that's interesting notice how throw is granting me due to my character's level an extra attack throw counts so you can double throw and blow things up even more if you need to lots of interesting ways to do it but one of the beauties of Monk Is the stealth allows you to get close enough to move those bombs around and then the capacity to defend yourself to dodge tax means that that initial setting of bombs will be able to be collected by you before he blows you up actually I think you could probably collect the bombs run away shove the doggy off the end that's what I did I just ran away and the dog chased me and then I shoved it off into the abyss and then go back and reset combat and he'll do the same thing again at the beginning of combat he'll fire his cluster bombs at you try to shoot them or shoot you and go invisible and you can collect them and run away you could probably just Farm him for infinite bombs I'm guessing someone will do this and then take those bombs to like some crazy boss fight at the end place them lay them all on the ground which doesn't require any action points by the way you can just drop items in the middle of combat so if you you I'll show you here on the screen if you're in the middle of combat um and you go into turn base mode dropping an item does not produce any kind of action or bonus action you can drop anything you'd like you drop books you can drop bombs whatever doesn't matter once it's on the ground if you hold alt you'll see where you've put it all there's the plans for bowler's gate you can left click and move it you see the little green arrow that's allowing me to move this around the battlefield you can kind of swoop it pretty far from yourself if you hold I've moved it all the way over there and I haven't even moved my character so I've wasted no movement points no action points with the button with those proximity bombs they will explode whenever you hit them with fire or another explosion so you can stack them all up in one pile in your inventory like shovels are you can drop the skulls like this then you find them on the ground this is all you're not even moved anywhere you find them on the ground wherever they are you move them here's the skulls there you grab the skulls you can move them on this side of yourself and then move them again get them right to the edge of where you could reach before you have to move and then you can move them a long way see that so the range that I can get them I can get them what is that almost 47 meters away from me depending on how far you push them you can set all the bombs out before combat starts and then you can engage combat and gross another bomb in there or you can just stand back here before combat even begins and what monk lets you do with the high dexterity this would be true for rogue as well is get in close but also deflect any damage that's going to hit you in that first round you can do a patient defense and then before it begins well you can be sure that the first attacks that come into you aren't going to do anything that allows you to set up for that moment let me show you uh I think I produced a video that shows this more truly um the boxes that I put I believe um I believe I put together a compilation these boxes here so you can see I'm shoving the boxes the mimics in this one part I'm using all of the different skills to do it the mimics don't have a high strength so you can push them around with your strength roll version so there was the the one skill that I'm using our fist of The Unbroken air and up there and then we use Rush of the Gale winds to sort of to show you to show off this reticle specifically see how far away the second mimic is I want to slowly line it up so that I get it where it's not going to push one just onto the edge but both will potentially go off it only hits the one no problem we just run away and then eventually we can push it and my Athletics check wasn't even that high but um I think I didn't have my strength item on one other uh maybe I'll show you the other major battle that I did or I'll show you the last last two uh one is our fight with the lantern dude that you're supposed to actually kill but you don't need to kill um and the other is the fight with Marcus so let me just find that one first here we are we've got the battle against the moon Lantern holder here harness this is a patrol you can pick up some Druids to help you but if you're a solo monk that's like level four or something you can still accomplish this task um by clearing them out you don't actually even have to engage with these guys to continue on to moonrise Towers the thing about Monk Is you can just run all the way to moon race Towers right through the darkness not encountering anything just because of how much movement speed you have if you do it right so that's what I did I just said screw this guy um actually I'll be I'll be a little more transparent I didn't know that I would not be able to collect the lantern after this or how important it would be I just said I'm gonna punch him off the edge and one thing about this fight is he has Sanctuary so you can see Sanctuary is making it so that carness cannot be targeted by spells or abilities but we're doing AOE attack here um and he's too big to shove so our AOE attack is really what's valuable here just shoving them right down into that ledge and what I did afterwards is I just ran away the dogs will chase you but you can go invisible and get out of their way and then they'll despawn you can also just run away and then selectively shove targets off of The Edge if you need to as they come it's really not that difficult to organize yourself to do that in different pieces you just wait till they come along the bridge come by shove them off that kind of thing really funny gameplay the other piece I'll show you is um the Marcus fight so flaming fist Marcus is really difficult for shove builds and the reason why you'll see here I'm shoving him off the edge but if you do this the normal way by going up the stairs Arcus will be in the room and Isabel will be out here on the balcony which means that any any ability you use like the one I'm about to do the fifth of the fourth Enders this will knock her off the edge too and she takes a crapload of damage from stuff so you can't really rely on the fist of The Unbroken air because it's a strength Save which is again back to this conversation about what ability to use in which situation strength rolls versus your Athletics through a shove versus The Fist of the fourth unders which Constitution save in both cases actually he's got high Constitution high strength so it took some planning to do this properly but I wanted to have a legitimate run where I just relied on making sure I shove things and this is a great example of a battle where you have to use a lot of different tools and think think through the steps after he gets shoved on the edge he has to run all the way around into the beginning of the space and we can guard Isabel by basically running interference through our shove tactics so you'll see here we get these gargoyles that are coming in we make sure we line them all up into this region shove this one again we used our bonus action and now we get to use our shove as a normal action our fist will knock these guys into this bottom layer so that allows the other um characters like Jahira to come into play and what we're doing here is really valuable notice how I'm finding exactly where the reticle is going to be so that I don't hit Isabel you can see the three red mobs that are lined up I know one of them's going off for sure but I really just want to ensure that I'm not knocking Isabel down into that area so off we go we happen to hit 2 which is great that's enough for us to sort of get in position to fight her and then this final piece while they're dealing with everything downstairs I get in an attack I shove him out of the way and then what I'm going to do is want to step in between me and Isabel so that this target has to move past me then I get a attack off so that Isabella is safe so all these other mobs do quite a lot of damage um from up top here and eventually you get down here to where Marcus is and Marcus will come all the way up stairs to get to Isabel who will usually be up here in the rafters trying to fire at him as he comes through the front area so if you come down the stairs you can keep pushing him along and sort of displacing him or just making yourself a Target so that others can do damage and as a monk you just put on your defenses stand there and hit him and eventually uh he will die that kind of brings us to the end of where I'm at as a way of the four elements Monk and I know this has been somewhat of a longer video I'll talk a little bit about items and why I chose the orc before I close um and it's really relevant because a lot of the time when you're playing Solo in the game you cannot waste actions and bonus actions you have to be very clear with yourself in any kind of encounter where am I using my bonus action is it going to be shove this turn uh okay no is it going to be an item these are the sorts of things that are very relevant for us so because you don't have anyone else to rely on and the other thing that's really valuable for me as a orc you get the capacity to have one turn of recovery so if you get essentially it's a cheat death you get knocked out down in combat you get put back to one Health which is often really relevant for shoving because I don't really care about my absolute health or my Constitution I just care that I can get my shove mechanics off so if I get to another turn because some guy took a giant two-handed ax swing and cleave me and did 15 damage and knocked me out I get that one turn to get one Health back in recovery and I can shove them off the edge so that's why I've chosen orc I wouldn't recommend it what else seems a little bit better a bit more movement speed and also I wouldn't necessarily recommend you go for the what did I choose urchin or something that gives me um survival I think was what what I chose so there's just Reasons from a solo gameplay perspective that I chose things like survival and acrobatics to complement my character um but I don't I wouldn't suggest that for everybody as far as items go the the most valuable item probably to get early on is corellen's Grace this gives you a little bit of a step up and it's actually maybe even scales okay I'll have to check with the other people who did the other monk ability for the open hand maybe this is actually just a damaged amp because you get plus one bonus to unarmed attack rolls and damage which means you're gonna hit more often when you're on with your unarmed stuff and you also get bonus to saving roles which is really important for my build because again you'll often be in combat surrounded by four or five creatures before you get your combo off and you want to make sure you have good saving roles so that's useful I found there's a lot of good boots anything that gives you movement but Misty step is kind of busted for what I want to do you can get off into really weird parts of the game and Skip entire encounters Misty step has a really long range so this is important for me to have somewhere in my kit and I just happen to have it alongside my build I don't think nightwalkers is that important for monks specifically but this is why I have um the other major piece that you want to be getting for shoving things is the mighty cloth bull strength the ability bull rush is a shove it's not that relevant because it is again an entire action that we're using and action and bonus action are quite relevant Choice makers in this game but plus two to strength is really good for athletic checks it's really good for just stats in general it allows us to index into dexterity and wisdom and still shove fairly reasonably so that's why it's there you can get a cloak of protection from a class great Ace town for momentum I can't find something that's better than this again what momentum tells you is you get movement speed at the beginning and it removes anything like prone restrain and capacitated so that um you're the start of your fight is really in your control you can't be slowed down other mechanics won't mess you up if you get you walk into a space that has these things where you get hit first they have better initiative you're still gonna be good um I try to get utility pieces like invisibility so I have invisibility on both of my rings this allows me to get in and out and move around if I link lots of other good ring options too and this absolutes Talisman from that gnome I found is pretty good because it gives you saving throws against death and but again this is just me running around finding stuff I'm not specifically aiming at talismans I actually don't even know if there are better amulets there's probably a host of them that I haven't even run into I'm just running around shoving things off the edge guys I don't I don't care like you almost could do this naked um missile staring oh here's where the other missile snaring was so you have it naturally as monk this allows you to have another option for it there's other gloves that are better than this guys I just this is what I have going on so lots of cool options as far as items ones that are really useful are the potion of movement speed which is going to be good again if you don't know what the Alchemy is in this game you should go check out some of what Alchemy is doing for you um it basically gives you access to making your own potions potion of invisibility is also quite useful other items like bombs that I was showing you before also really useful so you can pick up a bunch of bombs to help modify your gameplay and anything that can help disrupt or move things around or that you can use as setup like a rogue style is really good other things like scrolls are extremely strong Cold's fine but things like um old person really good things like banishment also really nice to have for just specific kinds of encounters where no it's a Target that is I can't say versus you know um you can turn it on dead here or you this kind of thing having extra movement in your capacity is fine as well so that's just a range of items I'm more experimenting I think I'm not really giving you a guide on which items you you must get but if you wanna a solo experience that is really bizarre or unique um definitely check out monk for uh way of the four elements and try shoving things around before I close illithib powers are somewhat relevant you can get a little bit of damage through the displacement passive that's good horse tunnel is okay and Repulsor because it's the strength save is sometimes more relevant than the other ones again you have to think about what kind of mob you're facing so you have Gale of spirits and unbroken air which are also strength saves but you might find that in you have a better shot at doing the AOE side to push them around with this strength save um versus say the Constitution save of Fist of the thunder so just be aware that you might prefer Repulsor sometimes in in certain circumstances where you know the target has a rap load of constitution but not a lot of a lot of strength maybe they have you know I don't know maybe maybe sorry maybe the reticle is better so if you're doing strength stuff you can see this is the area that it's going to blow them off you want that kind of effect instead of this kind of effect instead of a singular Target being hit off these are all the the Utility side of your illicit powers you can charm things if you want that's probably fine but as far as doing your passive skills um nothing nothing except for displacement is really that useful these ones are just good in terms of gameplay in general so if you're doing the fist monk or you're blasting things definitely get favorable beginnings and luck of the far Realms because you'll just start completely slamming targets that's all for this I think that's all the stuff I want to cover guys I again think about monk as being this real interesting gameplay between action and bonus action some of these things priorities getting flipped as a solo player you have to really be careful about that but also think a lot about what your skills are interacting with is it their strength role is it their constitutional role are is their uh dexterity role what what's important here these these things are all very relevant for what you're doing hope you guys enjoyed that I'll try to keep putting footage of my show Shenanigans as I make my way through maybe I'll go back to act one later on and try to organize some giant pull in areas I haven't gone to if shoving up crapload of goblins off the edge and capture it for you if you like this content let me know in the comments and I will do my best to answer any questions that you have other than that guys thank you very much for watching and we will see you
Channel: Hero
Views: 19,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, Baldurs Gate, Monk, Shove, Wot4E, Way of the 4 Elements, Sub-class, Way of the Open Hand, Fist of Unbroken Air, Fist of Four Thunders, Rush of the Gale Spirits, Action, Bonus Action, Saves, STR, Strength, Dexterity, Athletics, Acrobatics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 5sec (2945 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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